Decor items New Year "365 predictions for the new year" Glass jars Paper Beads Sequins rhinestones Soutache braid cord. Predictions for the New Year 2017

  • 19.06.2019

We have all heard about predictions. It is known that people who are in one way or another connected with various forces, which are still incomprehensible and unknown to man, are engaged in such a business. Predictions were in demand always and everywhere, in any country and in various eras. Of course, in modern world predictions play a huge role, since there are few people who do not want to look into the future. Even the most ardent skeptics sometimes secretly want to know what awaits them in life next. However, predictions now acquire not only a strict character, but also their playful form appears. And therefore, more and more often you can find comic predictions.

Comic predictions - what is it

How do funny predictions differ from their more strict form? Initially, it is important to note that such predictions can be voiced for different purposes. Many people get bored of reading boring and strict predictions for the day, month, year. I would like to defuse the situation, read something funny, but instructive. And therefore, ordinary predictions sometimes turn into a comic form. It can be just humor, caricature, and sometimes there is real black humor. Reading cool predictions, you can laugh a lot, and take note of a few warnings that will help you avoid various problems in the near future. In addition, when reading comic predictions, the harsh reality is more easily perceived, and it becomes easier to look at life. Whether to believe such predictions, of course, is the business of every person. But it will not be out of place to arm yourself with warnings.

Where are funny predictions used?

However, comic predictions do not always have a strong background. They can also be used simply to cheer up. A person who takes them into his arsenal is capable of as soon as possible become the soul of the company and be known as an enviable joker. You can use them in the office at work, at a party with friends, in general, anywhere, as long as they are appropriate. Naturally, such a prediction is not required to be taken on faith, it is intended only for entertainment. However, it is not uncommon for even funny predictions invented for laughter to come true. So even with them it is worth being careful. Also cool and funny predictions often used at holidays and celebrations. These can be birthdays, anniversaries, corporate and home events.

At what events are comic predictions more often used?

Weddings were the first events that gave birth to hilarious but instructive predictions. It is rare to see a wedding in which the guests don’t dress up as gypsies on the second day. And what a gypsy woman without predictions? In order to raise the festive spirit of those present and simply cheer the passers-by, the gypsy in a comic form pronounces predictions to the groom and the bride, and then to all those present. After that, funny predictions began to be used on other holidays. The hero of the day is always wanted years life, health, happiness. Everyone knows this and is familiar. But here joking prediction, uttered at the height of the holiday, in which humor is mixed with wishes of happiness and longevity, it can light it up with renewed vigor, make guests laugh and please the hero of the day. Often, funny predictions are used at children's parties. Of course, their shape should correspond to children's themes.

Cool prediction form

Comic predictions are used in different form... If they are pronounced during a feast, wedding, then it is more interesting to use the poetic form. Thus, at the same time, prediction can be an excellent toast. Also, a funny prediction often becomes part of the game, entertainment. There are many drinking games in which you can, in a comic form, unravel who the person was in past life, of course, with the same humorous result. If funny predictions are made at children's parties, then this usually creates a feeling of mystery. You can even hold a costume masquerade with a similar purpose. Children who are interested in the riddle are always happy to accept jokes.

In general, comic predictions can be used anytime, anywhere. The main thing is that it is appropriate, otherwise the joke simply will not work.

Comic predictions in verses in one line

1. The day is bright and bright, like a lovely gift.
2. A trip to the sea awaits you soon.
3. Let the tears of joy shed, soon the old friend will return!
4. Down with anger and revenge, you will receive good news.
5. Wait for the sunset, wait for the sunrise, wait for a sweet greeting.
6. Every day and every hour someone thinks of you.
7. Look ahead more cheerful, wealth awaits you there.
8. Wait a little, the road is waiting for you.
9. Gingerbread and sweets, there will be a lot of joy.
10. Celebration and fun await you at the end of the week.
11. Suddenly you will have a new friend.
12. Wait, do not cry, luck will come to you.
13. Sun again and happiness again - you will meet new love.
14. Expect success at work by next Saturday.
15. You will always have delicious food in your house.
16. Try to relax in the Bahamas six times a year and then you will certainly, certainly, probably get lucky.
17. If you lie naked on the ice for a long time in winter, no harmful microbe will crawl to you.
18. In the coming year, someone will be lucky again, maybe you or a neighbor - you must always be ready.
19. Changes await you at the beginning of January, prepare for them gradually - do not waste time in vain.
20. Try to run cautiously on the ice at night, and then it is quite possible that you will meet the New Year.

Cheerful predictions

1. When giving your beloved a bouquet of daisies, count all the petals. Must be: loves!
2. When expecting a bad event, do not twist the button: it will come off.
3. You are lucky! Therefore, be humble and don’t grab more lucky tickets.
4. Crossing the road, look around - there is a chance to meet your destiny.
5. Go to the boss with your left foot - and you will be promoted.
6. Always smile! And no one will call you a gloomy person. Be silent! And no one would call a bore.
7. Your life is an endless road, so choose a reliable means of transportation on it - a car.
8. Today is the best day for you! As the others!
9. Buy a book you don't like at all and you will find answers to all your questions.
10. A pleasant surprise awaits you during the first week after the New Year.
11. Leaving the entrance of your house, turn your head to the right. The brand of the car standing there - will soon appear with you.
12. If neighbors knock on the battery today, then a merry and unforgettable New Year awaits you.
13. In the New Year, you will win a million dollars, but then you will give it all to charity.
14. In the New Year, you can get rid of your bad habit, but you will gain a couple more new ones.
15. In the New Year, they will give you the most coveted gift - goldfish... True, it will be stuffed with rice and herbs.
16. In the New Year, you will learn and discover a lot of new and useful things, and now please open a bottle of champagne.
17. In the New Year, you will have the pleasure of spending a lot of money, as well as have the pleasure of earning it.
18. In the New Year, you will get yourself a new pet, and you will give the old one to a nursing home.
19. If you put on clothes inside out on June 1, then many people of the opposite sex will pay attention to you. Maybe you will meet love!
20. If you come across a foreign body in the bread, know - it's for luck!

Astrological comic predictions

1. The stars are supportive of you. However, do not fish them in a bowl of salad, otherwise powerful influence Mars can promote prophetic dreams under the table.
2. Venus in the second house portends a hearty supper with excesses and moderate physical activity on the dance floor.
3. For your zodiac sign, ritual dances on the table are contraindicated, otherwise an impartial meeting in the state house is possible.
4. People of your sign are smiling, cheerful, talkative, funny ... hey, sweetie, are you too heavy on champagne?
5. Abuse of shouts "Happy newcomer!" fraught with sore throat; "Happy New Year!" should be pronounced with one lips, rolling your eyes meditatively.
6. The stars are not located the best way: The knee, wrist, elbow and hip joints are most prone to rhythmic twitching.
7. Your patron planet Mercury portends you unexpected turn events after your toast to love.
9. WITH today you are under the auspices of the planet Venus, which will bring you new and unexpected love.
10. That night, the stars are located in the sky so that everything that you have dreamed of receiving for so long shines on you.

New Year wishes

1. Good luck, happiness, peace to you! You will have your own apartment!
2. I wish to keep the style! You will have a car!
3. Luck will not leave you! There will be a new cottage for you!
4. Your toast to health! You will have career growth!
5. I wish you luck! An addition is waiting for you in the family!
6. Surrounded you so that you feel comfortable! And incomes will increase!
7. May success accompany! You are the best learner!
8. There are many different impressions! On wonderful travels!
9. Let not worry! New job awaits you!
10. I wish you not to be bored in vain, There will be new friends!

Would you like to know what awaits you in the new year? Maybe you will meet your first love, maybe you will give birth to a baby, maybe you will go on a journey, can you find your dream job? Or maybe your most cherished dream may come true at last? To find out if it will be the way you want, just take a look at our new year predictions in verses for each zodiac sign - for children and adults. And you will immediately understand what to expect from the New Year.

Predictions for children according to the signs of the zodiac


On this bright New Year
A happy turn awaits you
If you are the best
Know that success will come to you!

There will be a year rich in roads,
But there will be no trouble with them,
Because your success
Will bring your first snow!

For schoolchildren Aries New Year
It will be full of cheerful worries
Learning will be so easy
Lighter than a white feather!


The year is rich in joy for you,
Friends and enemies
Purposeful sweetness
He will sooner bring!

* * *

The year will bring you joy
A lot of joyful chores
Money, sweets, flowers,
And candy until spring!

On a summer day, a wish will come true
Unexpectedly, beautifully and easily
If there is one more wish,
Make a guess, drink milk!


Funny poems and songs for you
Suddenly all dreams come true
You choose poems and texts,
And you will learn the prediction in one!

Gemini autumn day
Will bring the news
And advice: drive rather laziness,
To live more interesting!

For you luck lurked
Among the pictures of February
You will soon be very surprised
How new friends will appear!


New Year will bring you
Interesting twist
V personal life and in fate,
Always be on top!

Surprise, find
Promises New Year
Walk proudly
And you will be lucky again!

New Year will give Cancers
Joy, celebration and surprise
True, go along the gullies
We'll have to get your prize!

a lion

This year you will be visited
Distant friends, funny
They will give in the snow
We welcome you, dear ones!

On this bright New Year
A bright round dance will come
Have a nice day and a summer day
All bad things will go far into the shadows!

A small holiday promises you
An unexpected gift
But be patient
To claim your prize!


New Year's fairy tale last
Imperceptibly whole year,
And good luck for 30 years
Will definitely bring!

This year among the gifts
It will definitely be hot
After all, reading congratulations,
Do not fit your finger into the jam!


Promises you fun
And friends year round dance,
Necklace made of coins
And the snow cycle!

Comic prediction
In a year will give a promise
And make all dreams come true
Anything you ask!

If you want to be happy
All beautiful New Year,
Put on everything that is beautiful
And rather in a round dance!


Happy New Year
Will invite you into the whirlpool
Adventures and guests
Well, happy friends!

Predictions for children
Friends will be invited in your year,
Where are the enemies, and where are the friends
Your life will tell you everything!

On this bright New Year
The cat will cross the road
But do not be afraid - he is with him,
Happiness will bring home!


This year will be rich
For candy, marmalade,
Sweet gingerbread, sweets,
There will be many and no troubles!

Magic happens in a year
And there will be a triumph
The year will be rich in affection,
Life will be easy, like in a fairy tale!

Good luck will come on a summer day
You catch her in the country
Among daisies and flowers
Butterflies and mosquitoes!


In the spring it will come to you
Guest that was on the New Year,
He will give good advice,
Which will give you good luck for 100 years!

This evening wishes
In a year they will fulfill all desires
Make up your mind to the stars,
What do you want in poetry or prose!

Capricorn will be happy
If on this New Year,
He's a coin with chocolate
In a glass with lemons will bring!


Smile Aquarius
Luck is waiting at the door
The year is rich in gifts
Will be for chocolate too!

Fortune-telling will tell you
Where luck awaits will show
If only on New Years,
You will be the first to taste the cake!

So that the paper predicts
I guess good luck for you,
Write desire on it
And a wish for the Snow Maiden!


Your wishes will come true
Even this New Year.
If you write wishes
Friends and will not break their black cat!

The year promises you a lot
Amazing roads
Happiness is on the doorstep again
Orange pie!

The year will be rich for you
For candy, chocolate,
Sweets, cakes, salads,
And strawberry marmalade!

Adult comic predictions for the New Year 2019 in verses by the signs of the zodiac


Aries on corporate night
Gives a lot of perspectives
The lonely will find
In March, all your destiny,
And the married man will give a year
Many joyful minutes
Will treat you with wonderful tea
When the guests are all gone!


For Taurus, short skirts will be in vogue,
And they will tell you where to find a chance in your love,
Fortune boldly awaits you, happiness is beyond the threshold,
And this year will generously present money!


The year will be rich in Christmas trees,
But not only on pins and needles,
But also for outdoor recreation,
Even in bad weather
There will be many bright days
Many happy guests
Well, in the life of prospects,
And at the end of the corporate party!


Cancers will not be laughing:
To achieve success sooner,
We'll have to hurry up again
Well, maybe to learn some more,
Will lead you in a row
For candy, chocolate,
For love joys
And bright successes!

a lion

Good luck will smile on Leo
Somewhere from mid-February,
When the sun wakes up
And things will get better
There will be a lot of money
If you don’t refuse
At night you work hard
But you won't get in touch with Yaga!


Recommends to Virgos
Become rather brave in love,
Shyness will get in your way
Reach out to hearts
Cupid's arrow will hurt,
But the year will give glamor
Will give good luck and success
You will become more beautiful than everyone!


For Libra, the year will bring
A lot of joyful chores
Joy in personal life:
Soon you will certainly be lucky
Who will get married at home
Happiness, joy and comfort,
Maybe a continuation of the family
Stars will be sent to you from the sky!


Scorpio will receive joy
Unless he is stupid:
Even if life and sweetness,
Don't go astray
Boldly achieve your goal
If you want a year
Gave money, walk, fall in love,
And then you will be lucky in everything!


For Sagittarius, everything will be simple:
The main thing is to go forward
And then very serious
There will be this New Year
He will always give joy
New life turn
And let him give gold
The beauty of you a ginger cat!


Capricorn: will perform again
Year of desire, will give success,
The main thing is that with an extra word,
You did not frighten off the success,
Boldly make your way to the goal,
Have fun from the heart
Sing songs and fall in love
The year will make all your dreams come true!


Aquarius has a cold year
Promises vanity
Even if the schedule is tight
It makes you longing again
Wait for the turn again
In personal life and love,
And good luck at the gate
Will arrive as soon as possible!


A year rich in luck
The stars promise you
If only you jam
Take it to your friends at night
Feel free to share your luck
And everything will return again
Don't be alarmed - small change
Love will not come to you!

Other predictions:

Caution: this year
Black cat for the turn
Will bring you good luck
And the whirlpool of friends
There will be happiness and love
Will come back again and again
Money is sharp like a river
All will fill the shores.

* * *
This New Year's Eve
Let me have a prophetic dream
He will light candles on the tree
Decorate the windows with silver
Promises good luck to the year
Changeability in fate
If only you give up
You can't take it for yourself in a taxi!

Is coming New Year... Many already now know who will come to visit them on a holiday, who will have fun with them. But knowing this is one thing, but surprising the guests and making the holiday fun and memorable is another. Therefore, the new comic predictions for the new year 2017, which are written in verse, will humorously present the whole truth about 2017 to each of your guests. The predictions are written in such a way that the guests will not be offended. On the contrary, they laughed heartily. Watch the poems, choose the best and rejoice together.

It's easy to play comic predictions. For example, you can dress up as an astrologer and walk among the guests, inviting them to take out any item from the fairy bag. And when the guest takes out the item, the astrologer will immediately read the verse and the wish for the item. There is no need to reinvent the wheel. For example, a guest took out a souvenir wad of money - predictions about an increase in salary, about a bonus, and so on are suitable here. If you got the keys, then this is to new car or apartment. But a suitcase is a move or a trip. Etc.

See all the comic predictions and let your guests rejoice like children.

Comic predictions for children are as popular as adults. They will cheer up the kids and help adults have a great children's party... Just print them on paper, cut them so that one prediction will fit on each piece of paper. Put them in a hat or beautiful vase, and let everyone choose their own destiny for the upcoming 2020. Another interesting way- put pieces of paper in. It is not only fun, but also delicious.

Select predictions in verses:

Predictions for Preschool Children

Predictions for children preschool age well suited for both large and small companies. Of course, such kids cannot cope without the support of adults who can organize their holiday fun.

If you will listen to mom and dad,
Then you will eat sweets!
And not obedient for a whole year,
The ban on sweets is just waiting!

Those who like to sleep a lot
A year without surprises awaits again!
You will sleep through all the surprises
But don't blame us!

Friend, if you want to grow up
And save your health
Drink more milk
And don't shed tears over him!

To you in next year
Be constantly in sight!
You will perform a lot
Per Kindergarten will you stand!

Today is a happy and cheerful day
Why did you hang your nose?
We promise you all year
Live only with the phrase "Lucky"!

The one who is mom and dad
Doesn't listen obstinately
Will sit at home for a year
And just look out the window!

If you won't eat porridge
You won't grow up buddy
All year you will be weak
Like a pea pod!

If you sleep badly
It will be hard to get up
You will be nervous, you will be angry
And you won't grow up big!

Fun awaits you all year
Laughter, McDonald's, carousel!
Adventure friends
I guarantee you!

A lot of sweets prophesies
Prediction day and night!
The main thing is to make sure that the year
Your stomach didn't hurt!

Very soon you have
More friends will appear!
Don't hurt their baby
Invite to your place!

The more often you smile
The more you get
You have everything for a whole year
We speak ahead!

At sleep-hour you need to sleep,
After making it to bed.
You don't like to do this,
Know you will stand in the corner!

There will be a feast for you friend
Well get ready your mouth
Lots of delicious ice cream
Sweets, cakes, cake!

We tell you now
Completely unadorned
All desires will come true
And all dreams will come true!

You have a surprise friend
Waiting for you fun prize!
You just need to deserve
And be good all year!

If you won't be lazy
You will begin to work carefully
Suddenly you discover the planet
You will arrange a holiday for the whole world!

If you work
If you're all worried
You will become a friend of the president
Get a round of applause!

We cook for you
Sunny day in the middle of winter
Will you walk all day
And "fooling around"!

Will bring you good luck
A new record in sports!
You will be a super hero
Fans will walk in formation!

You will fall asleep one evening
As usual - we tell you.
And you wake up and understand
Three foreign languages!

If you want to get some candy
Say hello to your parents
In the form of cleaning floors
And sweeping corners!

You will have a holiday in the garden
Many different gifts,
They will give you at that hour
All you want is with us!

If you will help mom
Wash the dishes, clean everything up,
Your wish will come true
For exemplary obedience!

Gifts are waiting for you
From parents loving,
But they must be earned
Or ask right!

Your wishes will come true!
But keep them completely secret,
Then they will be fulfilled!

For your merits, for yours,
A declaration of love is waiting!
You will be happy today
After all, dreams will come true!

You will become famous
Everyone will give flowers
You will write a little book,
For girls and boys!

If you brush your teeth at night,
Then the whole stomach will be clean
Well, if it's the other way around
The stomach hurts badly!

Comic predictions for schoolchildren

Short predictions for kids are fun entertainment that suits anyone festive event... Schoolchildren not only believe in miracles, but also expect them. And what if not predictions will help strengthen this faith for them? In addition, comic predictions for children will perfectly cheer up the whole company.

Soon, soon into you
Confessions will fly in love.
Maybe from a nearby desk,
The stars speak like cards!

You will have happiness
There will be new friends
Adventure awaits
Predictions don't lie!

Everything will be fine at school
At home, too, everything is decent,
The main thing is, do not forget
Help Mom and Dad!

Adventure awaits you
On vacation next
You will receive recognition by loving
From a real prince (princess)!

If you don't learn a lesson
You will get a deuce right away
In all my subjects,
And according to the stars!

If you go to bed early
You are in your favorite bed
Stars in a dream for you
Growth will be added by loving!

Literally very soon
Will kiss you soon
But not on the lips, but on the cheeks
But still loving!

Congratulations you are with us
You will be just a class to study!
Mom and Dad will be happy
And they will give you a reward!

The stars say hello
And they will send you sweets!
Eat one at a time
Otherwise your ears will curl up!

Guess rather desire,
The stars favor you
The wait will be short.
They tell you honestly!

Soon you will have a holiday
They will give you different gifts!
Many guests will arrive
There will be many friends!

Rather open your heart
You are a door for love!
Someone is partial to you,
And to your beautiful eyes!

You will soon receive a letter
Love will be it!
And who, history will be silent,
Secretly it will keep it!

Wait love confession
In drawing lesson!
Will draw your portrait
And he will send a big hello!

The news is waiting for you
Good news!
The house will be full of guests
The main thing is to clean up later!

Who will help mom
To receive gifts for him,
There will be no help if
Even at school you will be judged!

You must be able to dream
You are too serious with us,
Then you will fly
Straight to the beautiful stars!

You will be very lucky in life
After all, there are many gifts awaiting!
But they have to be earned
Go to the store with mom!

A gorgeous vacation awaits you
You go to the sea with your dad, with your mom!
You will swim, sunbathe
And play with the guys!

They are waiting for you to renew
From my mother loving!
Don't forget to thank her
Tell your mommy!

There is a transfer in the classroom
And a new neighbor is waiting
Your friendship will be smooth
Peaceful, glorious and without troubles!

Happiness will come to your house
As a big gift
And don't forget to mom later
Thank you to say your hot!

When you grow up boyfriend
Then you will find a treasure with money
You will become a millionaire
And buy all your dreams!

To be you with a figure
And you actively go to dances,
After all, the transitional age is ahead!

To have skills in the future
Do your training today!
If you suffer for a long time
At least something will work out!

In the summer you wind to the sea
There you will find fun!
There will be new friends
Laughter, acquaintances with you!

Do not be sad, dreams will come true
After all, you are with good luck!
But just don't forget to mom
You help, at least somehow!

Soon you will receive
Secret declaration of love
Do not torment anyone, anywhere,
They do not know anything!

Remember that good will return
Long happiness will turn out
Do a lot of it to everyone
In return without asking for anything!

Comic predictions for teens

Teenagers love noisy parties and various games. He will offer them comic predictions and you will not hear them during the whole holiday.

Wait from your friends
Thank you awesome news!

There will be many kisses
There will be a long road!

To look great
You have to behave yourself!

Love will burst into your days
And they will become cool!

No need to be nervous in the morning
Happy time will come!

Make a wish for the night
Dreams will come true!

Don't expect love, love
Your happiness lies ahead!

Don't run after anyone
You run into a bunch of problems!

Eschew bad company
These are bad undertakings!

You shouldn't be rude to your parents
After all, with them is still a long time to live!

Beware of gossip
Feel free to gossip yourself!

Kisses are waiting for you soon
Not one, but the sea at once!

They will kindle fires in the heart.
A declaration of love to you.

The wrong one loves you
Only with him happiness awaits you.

Close your eyes, listen to yourself and randomly point your finger at the table. See what awaits you in 2018:

1. Before you is a direct road to the cherished goal. Everything that you have in mind will turn out.

2. Necessary people or a happy and fortunate coincidence will help you achieve what you want.

3. Obstacles that arise one after another can prevent the implementation of your plans.

4. Realization of goals depends on your efforts. If you have the patience to follow what you have outlined, success is possible.

5. Take up the accumulation of knowledge, in this moment you need it the most.

6. Step by step you are approaching your target. "The quieter you go - the further you will be" - in this case for you.

7. Temporary difficulties and trials. Maintain your dignity and do not lose sight of the goal.

8. Circumstances will turn out well, add wit or strength to remove opposition to your plans.

9. Have patience and do whatever you want. In this case, hasty action is inappropriate.
10. You can only count on the fruits of your efforts. Help from the outside can be a "disservice".

11. You will benefit. This will be a surprise, as it may not happen at the time you expect.

12. Be careful, you can overestimate your strengths and capabilities by mistake.

13. Fatigue and nervous overload are possible. The fulfillment of desires is postponed.

14. Be calm - everything will come at the right time. In the meantime, do your household, everyday activities.

15. Taking on the implementation of plans is still useless. Forced loneliness, misunderstanding of loved ones, lack of like-minded people.

16. You are free to do whatever comes to mind. The right time for spontaneous action.

17. Get lost in thought and think again - is this what you really want?

18. Risk of being left in a dead end. Calmly wait out the moment, and there will be a fair wind.

19. The success of your ascent to a new level of life depends on you. Life gives you a chance - the main thing is not to miss it.

20. Harmony in relationships with people and the world. Send good to the world and you will receive good in return.

21. Life will cross out your plans and provide you with completely different interests and opportunities.

22. Step over selfishness and do not withdraw into yourself. Cooperation - above all, be more diplomatic and tolerant.

23. Everything will be fulfilled the way you want. It will benefit both you and those around you.

24. Ideas that existed only in your imagination will get a real chance to be realized.

25. There may be a disagreement between your plans and their implementation. Re-think your intentions and chart better ways to accomplish them.

26. Your life will focus on the interests of your family for a while. Take care of your household chores and do not consider this time wasted. Family recognition of your authority is also important.

27. Build experience and knowledge to move forward. The best time to do self-improvement.

28. A "fresh" optimistic outlook will help eliminate some miscalculations.

29. For successful action, you need to establish constant contacts with other people. If old connections don't work, make new ones. Learn to create strong business and friendly relationships.

30. A tactful approach to people will provide you with maximum success, which can only be consolidated.

31. Now is the right moment for the implementation of the most difficult tasks.

32. You will have to urgently look for a way out of the crisis and rebuild your life. Over time, the worries will be left behind.

33. With the brake on the given time is distrust of yourself and others. Stagnation period.

34. Your dreams are far from complete. Deterioration of the situation. You need to spend more effort than you expected.

35. There are a lot of contradictions. If you are too zealous to achieve what you want, miss the achieved earlier.

36. Your successful promotion and success can cause envy. This will not go further than gossip.

37. Take control of all your expenses, otherwise you will regret wasted money.

38. Add initiative, enterprise, independence to desire - and you will definitely succeed.

39. Get the news you need.

40. Your plans will be fulfilled in direct proportion to the time and effort spent.