How to get light turquoise color. Turquoise color: how to get it, what are its features

  • 03.04.2019

Turquoise, which includes all shades of the natural turquoise stone, is a mixture of green and blue flowers. The shade of turquoise depends on the ratio of these colors: from sky blue (Curacao color) to a clear green shade of sea wave (aquamarine). This color is considered the coldest in the spectrum of colors, therefore it has a calming effect on a person. This result used when decorating interiors in which you need to create a peaceful, relaxing atmosphere. The incredibly beautiful color of precious turquoise also looks great in clothes, flawlessly harmonizing with natural skin tones.

You will need

  • – blue paint;
  • green paint;
  • – palette;
  • - brush or palette knife.


1. To purchase turquoise color, take blue and green paints. These must be pure shades of both colors, as close as possible to the examples on the standard color wheel. Unlike shades blue color, turquoise shades are not primitively lighter than blue - they are directly related to the color green.

2. Take a certain amount of blue paint on your palette and start adding green paint to it little by little. Depending on what kind of shade - bluish or greenish - you intend to achieve, continue mixing these two colors until the desired result is achieved.

3. The range of shades of turquoise is quite huge: it can be soft, muted, pastel, or shiny, rich colors. The brightness of the color is achieved by using pure, undiluted paints that make up the color. To get pastel turquoise shades, add a little white to the color obtained on the palette. By varying their number, you can get colors varying degrees brightness. You can also dim the bright shine of turquoise by adding a small amount of gray paint. The color will acquire an equally decent sound.

4. If you work with water-soluble paints such as watercolors or gouache, then you can also achieve a variety of shades by using turquoise diluted with water. By applying paint on white paper in a loose, transparent layer, you can get clearer shades of turquoise.

5. In the nature around us - the very talented Artist– we can learn how to combine different colors in a coordinated way. Turquoise color includes all shades of water. And the natural companion of water in nature is sand. Consequently, turquoise tones look more harmonious than any other with the diverse shades of sand and earth - brick, clear coral, golden ocher, grayish sand, coffee and many others.

Experts do not recommend using turquoise color in the interior of a children's room. With its calming and relaxing effect, it can slow down the child’s tendency to become.

    If you don’t have turquoise in your palette, it’s not difficult to get it. To do this you need to mix white, blue and green paint. But keep in mind that you need to constantly experiment to get desired color.

    The turquoise color is very beautiful, it is obtained by combining three colors, blue, plus white and plus green. Although you can probably get by with two colors, for example, if you use blue and light green.

    To get turquoise color you need to take white paint and mix it with blue. If you add green, you get a sea wave. For some reason, many people confuse this color with turquoise. Turquoise is obtained by mixing titanium dioxide and phthalocyanine blue pigments. If you take titanium dioxide, blue phthalocyanine and add green phthalocyanine, you get a sea wave.

    Turquoise color consists of green-blue shades. And in order to get this color by mixing paints, you first need to combine blue and White color oh, it will turn out blue. and then slowly add green paint to this mixture, but the main thing here is not to overdo it.

    If the color turns out to be too dense, you can dilute it a little with some water; this method is perfect for watercolors.

    Typically, turquoise color is obtained from three colors: green, blue and white. If you are painting with watercolors, try mixing the paints with a brush on a blank piece of paper. If you are preparing paint for painting a house or fence, add one paint to another and mix until the color is uniform.

    Turquoise is not a primary color, so it is usually made by mixing green and blue paint. In order to adjust the intensity of the turquoise color, the paint can be diluted with water or white paint can be added. Or use light green paint.

  • Turquoise

    Turquoise is something between blue and white. Although turquoise comes in different shades. Sometimes there is still a greenish tint in it, but in the photograph that I took the green is not felt, although it is present in the brightness components. Therefore, try mixing white and blue colors in different proportions, plus you can add a little more green.

    I decided to check what brightnesses a given color consists of, taking a color sample from three places of different illumination, and this is what I got:

  • You need to experiment with paints to get the right color, so you can try to go the simplest way and try mixing blue paint and green paint to achieve the desired color.

    But the best option This means adding blue-green paint a little at a time to the yellow-green paint, correcting with white paint.

    Turquoise, named after the stone, is a shade of blue that can be seen in some bodies of water. Shades of turquoise are also visible naturally during the northern and southern auroras. Since turquoise is not a primary color, artists mix blue and green to create this striking shade.

    To obtain turquoise, which in nature has a stone called turquoise, we will need several different colors: green and blue.

    Turquoise comes in several shades: light green (aquamarine) and sky blue.

    Turquoise is the color of peace of mind.

    duplicate blue, plus white and plus green

    Usually the color turquoise is not in the palette and can be obtained by mixing paints of other colors.

    The diagram below shows how many percentages of a given color of paint you need to get a turquoise color. And it can be either bright or muted.

    The turquoise color contains a mixture of blue and green colors and everything depends only on their proportion.

    In order to get a pure turquoise color, you must take a certain amount of blue paint onto the palette, and after that green paint begins to be introduced into it.

    It all depends on what color you want to get, focus on the percentage of colors to get the desired result.

Turquoise color can be easily obtained by mixing paints. By definition, turquoise is a shade of blue and green, a sea green color, close to cyan. There are a number of ways to achieve turquoise, they will depend on the result the artist wants.

Turquoise color in nature, its meaning

Turquoise is one of the most beautiful shades; it is widespread in the world around us. This tone can be seen on the sea near resort shores; the water in the area of ​​sea lagoons, various oases and water quarries is colored turquoise. Different shades of turquoise are seen in the sky in the early hours of the morning. This color is not present in the main palette; it must be obtained by combining paints.

Psychologists call turquoise cold and mysterious, although people associate it with intimate conversations with friends. In the countries of the East, the color symbolizes faith, healing, compassion, and in Europe it was previously considered a talisman that bestows good luck.

Alternative medicine uses turquoise in color therapy: this shade is good for the eyes, can strengthen the immune system, and reduces the risk of overload, depression and stress. It is believed that this tone is very harmonious, designed to add calmness and balance to a person, and helps control emotions.

Getting a turquoise shade

Making turquoise with your own hands is not difficult. To do this, you can use gouache, watercolor, acrylic paints, you just need to mix them in certain proportions. Since turquoise is a mixture of green with a drop of blue, these two basic tones will be required to prepare the paint.

There are no clear instructions on the number of colors. Search is creative process, where paint standards are selected individually. To work you need:

  • white palette or plate;
  • tassels;
  • a glass of water;
  • paper.

You should take a sufficient amount of greenery for work, which does not have foreign impurities, and then add blue drop by drop. follows after the introduction of each new portion of the material. In any case, the amount of blue paint should be less than green. If a color seems right, you should try it out. To do this, make a smear on the paper - a uniform turquoise tone should remain on it.

Exist various shades turquoise - sea wave, azure, blue-green, as well as curacao, aquamarine, the color of thrush eggs and others, which are exotic to the ears of beginners. It is worth considering the process of making the most popular turquoise halftones in more detail.

Light turquoise

To create a lighter tone, you will need blue paint rather than blue. It is made using the simplest method - adding a little white to the desired degree of lightening. Then they begin to gradually introduce a blue tone into the green until a delicate turquoise tint begins to “emerge.” Also, professionals often add a drop of yellow paint to the mixture - it adds brightness and lightness to the greenery, making it light green, so the finished turquoise will be airy and very beautiful. If the finished tone does not seem delicate enough, it can be diluted with any amount of white paint until a pastel shade is obtained.

When light turquoise still needs to be “cooled,” you can add a little gray paint to the finished color scheme. That is, they mix green, blue, white and gray tones. The result is an unusual muted color, perfect for painting pictures of the sky.

Dark turquoise

Making dark tones of turquoise yourself is also easy. To do this, you should purchase cyan paint, which already has a green tint with a hint of blue (sold in an artist store). You need to put a little of this paint on the palette, then add the usual green color in small portions. The dark turquoise color is achieved by adding a small amount of greens, and thorough mixing is very important. Some specialists add a little brown to darken the tone even more; this color will be a little warmer than ordinary turquoise.


Sea color is obtained in a similar way. It will require two standard colors - blue and green - in approximately equal proportions. They are mixed until smooth, then a tiny amount of white paint is added for some lightening. Depending on the amount of white, the sea green color will change from rich to paler. Professionals call marine color a mixture of blue phthalocyanine and titanium dioxide, but for the average person, ordinary (classic) gouache from a store is quite suitable.

Color ratio table for obtaining turquoise

You cannot see turquoise in the spectrum of primary colors; there are only basic tones. But by mechanically mixing paints, you can make almost any desired color. Here is a table with data that will help you navigate the variety of shades of turquoise:

Even a schoolchild can make the shade in question. Experiments will help you create an original color - all you need is paints, brushes, a palette and a little imagination!

It is located between green and blue.

It comes in many variations. It includes both soft and bright, intense colors. If you can’t find ready-made paint, you’ll have to mix green and blue yourself. As a result, we will get the desired shade. If you try to briefly answer the question of what colors to mix to get a turquoise color, it should be noted that you will use cyan blue and a smaller amount of green. We will discuss it in more detail in this material.

Selection of colors

So, we need How to get it in practice, we will now describe in detail. First you need to decide on the required shade. The word “turquoise” most often refers to a mixture of green and blue with a predominance of the first. However, we can achieve different shades.

It's easy to add a drop of light gray or white paint. As a result, we will get a more delicate shade. You can also mix rich blues, greens and yellows. The result is a bright turquoise. All you have to do is choose between a bright or soft shade.

The basis

So, we previously managed to obtain the turquoise color. Let's look at how to get it in other ways below. We have already found out that we will need blue and green paint. Their base can be any water, oil, acrylic.

However, it should be remembered that paints of the same type mix better. It is best to purchase everything you need in one of the specialized stores for artists. In this case, you should study the entire range presented. You may be able to find the desired shade ready-made.


We already know how to get a turquoise color when mixing paints: we need yellow, green and However, it is better to take them a small drop at a time in order to achieve extreme accuracy when creating the required paint. If you are a beginner artist, it is better to give preference to watercolors. This type of paint is easy to handle. Plus, they mix well. Watercolors are usually sold in small tubes. To obtain pale shades, yellow paint is suitable.

Water and space

If you're wondering how to mix turquoise to make it more muted, mix green and blue with white. Let's assume that the painting will feature a tropical beach, then we will use warm cream as the basis for transferring the image of sea water onto paper.

A purer white is suitable for creating a picture of a distant, cold turquoise planet. Let's use shades of blue, which is close to the green spectrum. You can try ultramarine, azure, cobalt, cyan or any other similar option. The main thing is that it is closer to green than to purple.

Any pigment contains a small amount of other colors. Thus, paint of any shade will mix well with another color. In practice this is very convenient.

Saturated color

So, to solve the question of how to get a turquoise color when mixing paints, blue and blue are used. However, you can achieve an even better result. For this we will use blue paint containing green pigments. It is impossible to find a “pure” base.

In particular, this applies to the color blue. In theory, it should produce a good green with yellow, and an excellent purple with red. In practice, these lines become blurred. The fact is that blue always approaches red or green due to the imperfect chemical purity of each pigment.

To obtain an extremely rich color, we take the necessary ingredients. It's about about the already familiar blue and green shades.

  1. Apply a small amount of cyan paint to the edge of the palette. In this case it should be blue-green.
  2. Let's move on to the next step. Place some green paint nearby. If you don't have it, you can get this color yourself. To do this, mix equal amounts of yellow and blue. Instead of a palette, any clean, dry surface will do. However, the item that is used In a similar way, it will no longer be possible to use it for anything else.
  3. Mix blue and green in a 2:1 ratio. There should be more of the first pigment. You can also experiment with proportions, but it is better to use the given ratio as a guide. A slightly larger amount of green paint will give a rich aqua shade. If you reduce the green content, you get a subtle turquoise. It will get closer to blue.

So we figured out what elements the turquoise color consists of. How to get it is described in detail above.

Turquoise, also known as aquamarine, falls between blue and green on the color spectrum. It appears in many shades, ranging from soft, pastel colors and ending with bright, intense colors. If you can't find ready-made paint suitable color, you will have to mix blue paint with green yourself to get the desired shade. To get a basic turquoise: mix cyan blue with a little less green.


How to choose paints

    Determine what shade of turquoise you need. The word "turquoise" usually refers to a bright mixture of blue and green with a predominance of blue. However, you can create different shades Turquoise: Add a drop of white or light gray paint to the mix for a subtle shade of turquoise, or mix rich shades of blue, green and yellow for a vibrant turquoise. Determine whether you want a bright or soft shade.

    Buy blue and green paints. The paint base can be any - acrylic, oil, water-based - but paints of the same type mix better. You can buy paint online or at an art supply store. Take the time to explore the entire range: perhaps you will find exactly the shade you need. If you're starting with turquoise, you can mix small drops of blue, green and yellow to help you choose the shade more accurately.

    • If you are a beginner artist, try starting with acrylic paints. They are easy to handle and mix well. You can always buy them in small, inexpensive tubes.
    • If you buy paints at an art supply store, ask the salesperson which paints mix well to produce a good turquoise color. Knowledgeable staff will be able to suggest the appropriate shades of blue and green that are best suited to achieve the shade you want.
  1. If you want pale shades, buy white and/or yellow paint. If you want a paler, more muted shade of turquoise, try mixing blues and greens with white or yellow. The shade of white or yellow is a matter of preference, so choose a color that suits your taste and style of composition. For example, if you are painting a tropical beach, you might choose a warm cream as the base for the seawater image. A purer “artificial” white is suitable for depicting a cold, distant turquoise planet.

    Use shades of blue that are close to the green spectrum. Try cyan, cobalt, azure, ultramarine - any shade of blue that is closer to green than violet. Any pigment contains small amounts of other colors, which means that any shade of paint will mix well with any other specific color. Turquoise is a mixture of blue and green, so try to use blue paint that already contains green pigments. You should learn to determine paint color shifts by eye: blue-green shades are closer to green, and purple-blues are closer to red.

    How to get rich turquoise

    Prepare green and blue paints. Apply a small amount of blue-green (cyan) paint to the edge of the palette, and a little green next to it. If desired, squeeze both colors into one cell.

    • If you don't have green paint, you'll need to make some. Mix equal amounts of blue and yellow to make green.
    • If you don't have a special paint palette, you can use any clean, dry surface to mix colors. Try mixing paints on a plate, a piece of paper, a piece of cardboard, or a ceramic tile. Do not use items needed for other purposes.
  2. Mix blue and green in a 2:1 ratio. Turquoise contains more blue pigment than green, so add two parts blue and one part green to the mixture. Don't be afraid to experiment with proportions, but use a 2:1 ratio as a guide.

    • A little more green paint - say 2 parts blue to 1.5 parts green - will give a rich aqua color. A smaller proportion of green than the standard will give a thinner turquoise, closer to blue.
    • Add a little yellow for a brighter shade. Try mixing yellow and blue in a ratio of 1:5 or 1:6. Or add yellow to a mixture of blue and green.
    • If the shade is too bright, add a drop of white. White will soften the shade of turquoise and make it less saturated.
  3. Mix the colors. To begin, apply a stroke of green paint to your palette, and then add two strokes of blue. Mix the paints until the color is even. As you mix, the green will dissolve into the blue, leaving you with a distinct turquoise color.

    • Use as much paint as you need for the composition, or even a little more. If you mix paints repeatedly during the painting process, there is a high probability of disturbing the proportions and getting an uneven shade of turquoise.
  4. Adjust the mixture until you are satisfied with the result. Once you've finished mixing the colors on your palette, see if you like the resulting shade. Apply a little paint to the canvas - usually the paint changes slightly after being applied to the surface. If you are not happy with the result, continue adding blue, green, yellow or white paint in small increments until you achieve the desired turquoise shade.

    Draw. When you're done mixing the paints, you're ready to use them. Make sure you like the shade of turquoise you get. You can paint with the same brush that you used to mix the paints, but for accurate color reproduction, it is better to clean the brush before painting. If you need to replenish your supply of turquoise paint, try to keep exactly the same proportions that you used the first time.

    • If you have to re-mix paints while painting and you can't get the same shade, try mixing a completely new, larger batch and covering the first touches of turquoise with the new shade to keep the color even throughout the painting.
  5. How to get pale turquoise

    1. Use white as the main color. If you want a subtle shade of turquoise, start with white or a very light blue. White paint will form the base of the color, so use as much as you need for the entire composition, or even a little more. Try using a very light shade of gray if you want a darker shade of turquoise.

    2. Mix the colors. Take blue, green and white in proportions 2:1:4. This ratio is not the only correct one, so you will have to independently choose the ideal proportions for your composition. To start, add a few small drops of blue and green to the white paint and mix them until you get a uniform shade. If you want a brighter or paler shade of turquoise, add blue or white paint accordingly. If you wish to use this shade in the future, be sure to write down the exact proportions of the paints.

      • Remember - before you start painting, you can adjust the shade of turquoise. Before applying paint to the canvas, make sure you are happy with the resulting shade.
      • Turquoise is considered a calm color. Use it in paintings to create a calming effect.
      • The intensity of the color can be varied by changing the proportions of the paints. Start with a basic ratio of 2:1 (two parts blue to one part green) and experiment.


      • Some pigments are stronger than others. If you don't get the shade you want the first time, add more green or yellow to the blue, or add more blue to the mix until you get the desired result. If the green or yellow pigment is very strong, try making a new batch by mixing the original blue with a small amount of the previous mixture in a clean cell.
      • Many types of paint stain clothes and work surfaces. Wear things you don't mind getting dirty. Cover work surfaces with newspapers or films.