Kristina Asmus, Laysan Utyasheva and other wives of Comedy Club residents. Semyon Slepakov needed psychological help Semyon Slepakov biography personal life

  • 23.06.2019

The personality we will talk about today is a man with an amazing sense of humor, outstanding acting abilities, captain of the KVN team of the city of Pyatigorsk Semyon Slepakov. The family of the future comedian was the most ordinary, average unit of society. The boy did not show his talents in any way until he became a student at a linguistic university. The biography of Semyon Slepakov will be briefly summarized in this article. We find out what propelled his career.

Biography of Semyon Slepakov: with humor in life

Semyon's hometown is Pyatigorsk, where he was born on August 23, 1979. As a child, the boy did not stand out among other guys, he was overly shy and unconfident, none of those around him could have thought that he would one day become one of the most popular and famous personalities modern show business. Today Semyon Slepakov is not only an actor comedy genre, but also a producer and screenwriter, he also writes and performs his own humorous songs, which the people of our country love so much. Semyon showed his artistry at the university, where he entered after school. He became a member and since 2000 its captain. Already in 2004, the team won the championship title Major League KVN.

Biography of Semyon Slepakov: life after KVN

In 2006, Semyon left KVN and moved to Moscow. Semyon Slepakov, Alexander Darailen and Garik Martirosyan created a television program called “Our Russia”. The project is still one of the most popular on Russian television. At the same time, Semyon worked as part of the author’s group of the project “ New Year on First" and the no less popular "Spring with Ivan Urgant". Slepakov’s amazingness allowed him to prove himself as a talented screenwriter and producer. His participation as a producer in the series “Interns”, as well as “Univer” and the continuation “Univer. New dorm"guaranteed these projects success and audience recognition. 2010 was another new page in life talented comedian- he became a resident of the show " Comedy Club", where today he delights audiences with his bright performances with original songs about life. In 2010, Slepakov was part of the production team of the film “Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny”, from 2012 - the series “Sashatanya”.

Biography of Semyon Slepakov: music in the life of an actor

It should be noted that Slepakov, like many others talented people, is not limited to success in any one area; he also shows his talent in music. In 2005, he released his first album, and in 2012, the second collection of his songs was released. Interesting fact from the life of Slepakov is that he, in addition to all other merits, is also a candidate economic sciences— he defended his dissertation immediately after graduating from university in 2004. For four seasons now, Semyon Slepakov has been a member of the jury of the show “ Comedy Battle", which takes place on the TNT channel.

Semyon Slepakov: biography

The actor-comedian's wife is a certain Karina (the girl's profession is a lawyer), whom he married in 2012. As you know, the wedding took place in one of the cities of Italy.

Semyon Slepakov is one of the most successful professionals in the humor industry. Now, as a producer and screenwriter, he is releasing his next project, “House Arrest.” According to some reports, 38-year-old Semyon is the country's richest comedian - his income is estimated at $3.5 million. And Slepakov is certainly adored by millions, who quote his poems and watch videos of his performances on YouTube.

But the rich, as you know, cry too. Semyon unexpectedly admitted that he has problems with self-esteem and he turned to a professional psychologist for help.

“I talked to a psychologist here, he says that I have problems with self-esteem. And it seems to me that I rate myself quite highly. To which he asked: do you love yourself? And then I realized that no, I don’t love you. I’m very strict with myself, I rarely like what I do,” said Slepakov.

According to Slepakov, his wife Karina recommended him to go to a psychologist. “She was happy with everything, just at some point she got confused in my stories - and I tell her everything - and said that I need someone who understands all this better. I think she's just tired of listening to me. It’s impossible to tolerate having a fly constantly flying over your ear. There are people who take money for this, and they can’t brush you aside.”...

Slepakov married a lawyer named Karina in September 2012. Semyon does not particularly advertise his personal life. He rarely talks about his wife, but now there is a reason - after all, she worked with him on the new project “House Arrest.”

“I wanted her to understand where I go when I’m not home. It seems to me that she suspected me of something, that I was chilling out there somewhere, that I was leading a bohemian lifestyle. But when she came to us, she saw me running around with wide eyes. film set how I scream for 12 hours straight... My wife looked and said: now everything is clear to me. In general, it was in order to become more closer friend friend,” Slepakov shared.

Semyon Slepakov studied at the faculty French at Pyatigorsk University, at the same time, for a long time, he persistently stormed the major league of KVN. The victory of the Pyatigorsk Team, of which Semyon was the captain, in 2004 allowed him to start a career in show business. He became famous as the author of truly funny and sometimes hooligan poems and songs within Comedy project Club, in addition, Semyon is actively involved in producing. “Our Russia”, “Univer”, “Interns”, “SashaTanya”, “Concerned, or Love of Evil” - these are the projects and films in which Slepakov participated as a producer and screenwriter. “...Some people move by telling themselves how wonderful they are, others, on the contrary, by self-flagellation. I somehow have a cocktail of this. When something works out, I say: “Well done, Semyon,” Slepakov admitted to ok-magazine.

Semyon Sergeevich Slepakov- comedian, producer, screenwriter, and performer of his own songs. Semyon Slepakov is the former captain of the KVN team “Pyatigorsk Team”. After his career in KVN, Semyon worked on television, he was a producer and chief scriptwriter for the show “Our Russia” (TNT), a screenwriter for the show “Comedy Club” (TNT) and special projects on Channel One. Slepakov is also producing TV series, in particular, “Univera” and “Interns”.

Early years and education of Semyon Slepakov

Father - Sergei Semyonovich Slepakov- Doctor of Economics (1994), professor of the department of economics and management at the Institute of Service, Tourism and Design (branch of the North Caucasus Federal University in Pyatigorsk), in 1998-2013 - head of the department. Semyon Slepakov, in an interview with 2000, said that his father was from Kharkov.

Mother - Marina Borisovna Slepakova— Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Department of French Philology and intercultural communication Pyatigorsk State University.

Uncle - Alexander Semenovich Slepakov- writer, poet, bard. Another uncle - Vladimir Semyonovich Slepakov- businessman.

Grandmother - Esther Iosifovna. Great uncle - Yakov Aronovich Kostyukovsky- Soviet screenwriter and playwright. CousinAlexander Vladimirovich Slepakov(1993−2011) - played in KVN, died in an accident.

Higher education Semyon Slepakov received his degree from Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University. He studied at the Faculty of French and at the Faculty of State Municipal Administration. Slepakov's specialty is linguist and manager. In 2004, Semyon Slepakov defended his PhD thesis in economics.

Career of a showman Semyon Slepakov

Possessing a sharp and quick sense of humor, Semyon Slepakov led the KVN team while still at the institute. The performances of the Pyatigorsk team became popular, including thanks to Slepakov’s fresh, extraordinary jokes. The very style of the Pyatigorsk team, reminiscent of the British comic group Monty Python, had an impact big influence on KVN. The Pyatigorsk residents performed first in the robes of students during a labor lesson, then in special suits that also resembled these robes.

“We were so comfortable in these clothes because we could do all sorts of stupid things and they gave us some protection. We were not like ordinary Kaveen players who performed in some fashionable suits. One look at us was enough to understand: these guys are complete idiots. We felt so comfortable that we made these robes our uniform,” Slepakov recalled in an interview.

The Pyatigorsk national team began its career in the KVN leagues of Kharkov and Kyiv. Then she moved to the main Moscow league and immediately began to shine. In 2004, the “Pyatigorsk Team” with captain Semyon Slepakov became the champion of the Major League.

Since 2005, Semyon Slepakov began to live in Moscow. Slepakov made his career as a showman very successfully. In 2006, together with a resident of the Comedy Club and also an ex-KVN star Garik Martirosyan and producer TNT Alexander Dulerain Semyon implemented the project “Our Russia” (on the TNT channel). In the same 2006, Semyon Slepakov joined the author’s group of special projects on Channel One (“Spring with Ivan Urgant”, “New Year on Channel One”).

In 2008, Slepakov became one of the producers and screenwriter of the TV series “Univer” and the film “Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny."

Since 2010, Semyon Slepakov became a resident of the Comedy Club. Slepakov’s funny songs, performed with a guitar, quickly gained popularity on YouTube - these videos were and are gaining popularity big number views.

Semyon Slepakov is a permanent member of the jury in the TNT channel project “Comedy Battle”.

TV series occupy an important place in Slepakov’s biography. Since 2008, Semyon Slepakov has been one of the producers of the series “Univer”; he was also the screenwriter of its first hundred episodes. In 2010, Slepakov became the producer of the series “Interns” with Ivan Okhlobystin, which at one time was one of the most popular sitcoms in Russia.

Since 2011, Semyon Slepakov has been the producer of the series “Univer. New dorm." In 2012, Semyon Slepakov became one of the producers and screenwriter of the series “SashaTanya”, and also the producer of the sketch committee “KhB”. In 2015, Semyon Slepakov was one of the screenwriters and producers of the series “Concerned, or Love of Evil.”

Music by Semyon Slepakov

WITH early years Semyon Slepakov studied music, to which his father introduced him. Songs were constantly playing in their house Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, Elton John, Stevie Wonder, and Vladimir Vysotsky. Semyon himself played the guitar and composed songs. Then Semyon Slepakov created his own group. His idol was John Lennon, whom he looked up to and tried to imitate, however, Semyon admitted that he never learned English to a more or less tolerable level.

In the end, Slepakov, like his uncle Alexander, became a poet and writer of his own songs. And although some of his songs are sometimes guilty of obscenity, nevertheless, they are successful.

Semyon Slepakov released two solo music album, the last of which was released in 2012.

Slepakov constantly writes bright songs with which he performs successfully. Some of his creations are resonant. For example, the real hits were the song addressed to the shareholders of Gazprom, “Victory Day” about the mayor’s son who almost ran over a war veteran, “Cowards”, “Transformer Grandma”, “Sex with My Wife” and many others. Semyon Slepakov sings not only about the relationship between a man and a woman, but also about bad officials, about oil prices, in general, about everything.

Semyon Slepakov in Lately active on social networks, posting not only songs on the YouTube channel, but also sharing with readers interesting stories from life on Facebook and Instagram, where you can also hear Semyon’s new poems. Slepakov reacts to current events, including in politics. So he noted a small humorous story regarding the famous brawl between journalists Maxima Shevchenko And Nikolai Svanidze. Semyon Slepakov also responded to the scandal when a number of media outlets refused to work with the State Duma after the Duma Ethics Commission found no violations in the behavior of the head of the International Affairs Committee Leonid Slutsky. Showman Semyon Slepakov told his story about how he personally was “harassed” by this deputy, however, it was about how Leonid Slutsky offered him to be the host at his wife’s birthday party. According to Slutsky, the holiday is usually led by Ivan Urgant, but this time it needs to be replaced.

Songs by Semyon Slepakov about the Russian national team

Football was a long time ago important topic creativity of Semyon Slepakov, even after the defeat of the Russian national team from Slovenia, the bard composed the song “Little Member of the Russian National Team,” meaning, apparently, Andrey Arshavin.

After which the heroes of the song change sharply, “rushes Zhirkov like a peregrine falcon Smolov goes to ram, and Dziuba jumping like Tarzan." However, everything ends badly. Kadyrov did not help the football players either.

Which, by the way, approved of Slepakov’s song, which is not surprising, given the content: “I liked Semyon’s song, I sincerely laughed, but my word is harder than stone, not cheese. Don’t think that in Chechnya we have a lack of a sense of humor, because it does not depend on where you live. And Slepakov’s sense of humor is excellent, he’s ours, from the Caucasus.”

It is curious that in the song the Russian team even loses Saudi Arabia, but in fact the players were able to surprise both Slepakov and the whole of Russia. After the victories and exit from the group, Slepakov reacted new song th, which he recorded with the Leningrad group led by Sergei Shnurov. The song “Champions” was about the successes of the Russian national football team.

The new song by Slepakov and Shnurov contains a lot of profanity, and the authors apologize for not believing in the players and head coach Stanislav Cherchesov. But they warn that in the event of the first defeat, the people will again be disappointed in them. “Our rivals are afraid of us, they wet all their underpants, because at night they dream of Cherchesov’s mustache,” Semyon Slepakov was now singing.

Attention has been paid to social problems. “It doesn’t matter that we raised the retirement age, our champions lifted our spirits,” the song of Slepakov and Shnurov also sang, the news reported.

Well, then Slepakov apologized for his harshness to the players:

“You guys are really cool. I'm sorry if I offended any of you with my creativity. Everything came honestly, from the heart. From the feeling of hopelessness that filled everything before the start of the championship. Not so anymore. Thank you for that. It was powerful and enchanting."

According to Slepakov, Russian team did not lose, but politely conceded the right to compete for the semi-finals to the guests of the championship.

Semyon Slepakov: “For me, you did not lose, but gracefully stepped aside, like polite hosts who give their best to their guests. You have a reason to be proud of yourself, just as we are proud of you.”

Views of Semyon Slepakov

Semyon Slepakov, in his interviews, speaks quite restrainedly on topics that split society and its audience, while, as in the lyrics of his songs, in the end Semyon can be attributed to representatives of a wide variety of views, including political ones.

Semyon Slepakov about the opposition in Russia:

“Our opposition cannot formulate clear ideas, and therefore it all looks like ridiculous attempts, or like some kind of “bullshit order,” and everyone already understands this. I don't mind going out, I just don't know where to go. I have no complaints about a specific person, not about anyone. I'm so confused. Is there some place where people gather who are perplexed? And what should be written on their posters: “What to do?”, “What to do?”, “What will happen?”

Semyon Slepakov about the conflict with Ukraine:

“I am following the situation in Ukraine and feel bitterness, pain, deep regret and frustration. Now it somehow happened that society is divided into two camps, and all the time we think either white or black and put labels on everything. Then you can go deeper into the question, judge who is right and who is wrong, and point fingers at each other (which, in fact, is what happens). And, let’s say, it will even be possible to somehow get to the root of the problems. And, let’s say, then it will become clear who, why and why. But all of us, people living in these countries, have always been accustomed to being with each other... Just being with each other, being family, and I have always felt this since childhood, I remembered it, I still really feel it now. And I’m offended that we got caught up in all these events. Those people who are making decisions now - I am sure that they understand all this perfectly well. And I really hope that they will somehow make sure that we can again welcome each other everywhere with open arms.”

Semyon Slepakov about Russian women:

“We have more women than men, and they fight for the men. An incredible number of absolutely fantastic women - smart, beautiful... You won’t see such beauty anywhere - I’m now talking about Ukraine, and about Belarus, about all of us, I don’t share it. And these poor unfortunate women fight for men, and they very often do not at all meet the - even very average - demands that women make when fighting for them. And this can be observed very often around. Therefore, of course, women are patient.”

Personal life of Semyon Slepakov

In 2012, Semyon Slepakov got married in Italy. The ceremony took place in the circle of family and close friends of the couple. Information about Semyon’s chosen one, a girl named Karina, appears in the media only in the context of a mention of his famous spouse, because the comedian has repeatedly said that he does not want his life partner to be involved in the world of show business, as stated in Slepakov’s biography on Viva website.

Karina Slepakova lawyer by training. The girl is very responsible, with clear and stable views on family life. Possessing absolute indifference to fame, Karina always refuses interviews. But Semyon sometimes lifts the veil family life. And Slepakov’s friends sometimes express approving opinions about happy family. Fans know that Karina has no plans to compete with her husband. She feels comfortable in the role of a wife and gladly supports all of Semyon’s endeavors.

Among Slepakov's hobbies is collecting electric guitars.

Semyon Slepakov said in an interview that he doesn’t really like reading classics humorous literature, and he lacks drama in them. "I like Michael Bulgakov, Sergey Dovlatov, but in general my favorite “non-humorous” authors are Gabriel Garcia Marquez and poet Joseph Brodsky“, Semyon Slepakov said about his literary passions.

Semyon Slepakov is one of the most famous KVN players of all time. He worked on several youth series, writing scripts for them. The artist was involved in writing the script for concerts taking place in New Year's Eve on the first television channel.

From youth a big place in life young man music takes over. He writes on topical topics. Recently, Slepakov again delighted his large army of fans by writing songs on the topic of anti-Russian sanctions and the Salisbury investigation.

About the personal life of a comedian long time no information could be found. He got married in 2012, but so far there are no children in the family.

Height, weight, age. How old is Semyon Slepakov

Since the beginning of the 2000s of the last century, the famous team “Pyatigorsk Team” has appeared. Its captain immediately attracted the attention of numerous fans of the KVN game. He was not distinguished by his attractive appearance, but the number of admirers of the guy’s talent grew at a fast pace. Soon fans knew the young comedian’s height, weight, and age. How old is Semyon Slepakov - interest Ask. The artist looks his age. He celebrated his next birthday with a concert at the Comedy Club.

The famous KVN player laughs at his age. He says he is a man in the prime of his life. In this regard, the guy agrees with famous hero books by Astrid Lindgren - Carlson. Semyon Slepakov has repeatedly stated that what is in the soul is important. You can feel like a tired old man even in your youth, but other people old age feel spring in their souls.

Semyon Slepakov, whose photos in his youth and now are no different, is tall. He is one of the highest comedians on national stage. With a height of 197 cm, the man weighs 90 kg.

From childhood, sport occupied a large place in the artist’s life. He rode a bicycle and mastered roller skating. The only thing the comedian doesn’t like is running. According to him, this is physical exercise exhausts him.

Biography and personal life of Semyon Slepakov

Biography and personal life Semyon Slepakov with youth was associated with humor. It is thanks to this quality popular artist won the hearts of a large audience. He has a positive attitude charming smile And good attitude to every person. Every year the number of admirers of this comedian’s talent only increases significantly.

Our hero was born in the city of Pyatigorsk. He still loves to come here and wander through its wide and beautiful streets. Father - Slepakov Sergey Semyonovich and mother - Slepakova Marina Borisovna were engaged in scientific activity, working in various Pyatigorsk higher educational institutions.

From a young age, the boy had a good sense of humor. He was always the life of the party. From the age of 6, Senya, as his parents called him, began going to music school. He was good musical ear, what his teachers talked about. Slepakov himself loved music. But playing the piano for many hours, when he needed to hone his skills, weighed on the guy. He liked playing the guitar much more. He taught himself the chords and spent several hours every day honing his skills.

WITH adolescence the future comedian became a real Beatlemaniac. He listened with great attention to the songs of the Beatles, then tried to repeat the melodies on the guitar, while he sang in the purest English language, although I didn’t know him. IN student years Slepakov learned English from a self-instruction manual.

The boy studied well at school. He was one of best students class. Semyon loved reading. He especially liked romantic works. Slepakov fell in love with the poems of Vladimir Semyonovich Vysotsky, Sergei Yesenin, and Alexander Blok. On school events the guy read the works of these authors, invariably receiving applause. Teachers advised the young man to go to the theater institute in the capital, but the career of an artist in those days did not attract our hero at all.

From a young age, Semyon learned to speak French. According to teachers, he spoke in such a way that it was difficult to distinguish between the speech of a native French speaker and the youngest person. On the advice of his parents, the future famous comedian becomes a student at the state university in his native Pyatigorsk, where he hones his mastery of the French language.

During his student years, the young man began to play the KVN game. Since the beginning of the 2000s, he has been playing in the highest KVnov league. His team was called the “Pyatigorsk Team”. The audience fell in love with Semyon, as well as other members of the team. Numerous humor lovers began to actively follow his work. The team captain performed songs with a guitar, which immediately went viral and were sung by the audience. In 2004, Semyon Slepakov led his team to victory. She became a champion. Then we managed to win summer cup and one of the Voting Kivin prizes in 2005. From the same year, the artist settled in the Russian capital.

Despite his excellent sense of humor, the KVnov star managed to become a candidate of economic sciences in 2003.

At the beginning of 2006, Semyon wrote the script for the famous humorous film “Our Russia”. Its co-authors were: Comedy Club resident Garik Martirosyan and producer of the TNT television channel Alexander Dulerain. They were based on a popular one in Great Britain television program, which is called "Little Britain".

At the same time, the star of the “Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful” Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov is working on various television projects, which aired on Channel One Russian Federation. Among the most popular programs that were released with the participation of Slepakov can be called “Spring with Ivan Urgant”, and he also repeatedly wrote scripts festive concert on New Year's Eve on the country's main channel.

Since the beginning of 2008, the comedian has worked on the youth films “Univer” and “Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny." In 2010, the artist began producing the television series “Interns.” At the same time, he began to constantly perform in a television project that aired on the TNT channel, Comedy Club. A man constantly judges the participants in Comedy Battle, which also airs on TNT. He is honest, not corruptible, truthful.

The famous KVnov participant worked on various projects. With his participation, youth films “Univer. New hostel", "SashaTanya" and many others. The comedian is currently working on a new project. The details of this work have not yet been disclosed. The film is scheduled for release in early 2020. Slepakov only said that the film would be a revelation for young people and older people. He advises you to definitely watch it.

Our hero is interested in collecting. He is the owner of 11 electric guitars, which differ in design, appearance and color. Semyon can play any such instrument. But the artist does not trust the guitar to others, because he is afraid of breaking it.

The artist’s songs are topical in nature. In 2016, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev gave a speech to pensioners, advising them to hang in there. Slepakov performed a song full of humor on this topic. Then a composition was performed on the topic of the day, caused by another statement by Medvedev. He humorously played on the phrase: “There is no money, but you hold on.”

Recently, on the Internet, one could see the artist’s new original compositions on the topic of the Saltsbury poisoning and anti-Russian sanctions. The songs are of constant interest.

Since 2016, Semyon has been refereeing teams in the KVN game. He is uncompromising and honest.

For a long time no one knew about Slepakov’s personal life. He carefully protected this side of his life. But in 2012, the star of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club proudly announced his marriage. His wife was a girl named Karina.

Family and children of Semyon Slepakov

The family and children of Semyon Slepakov are topics that the comedian himself carefully avoids in his numerous interviews. The man got married in 2012. The wedding ceremony took place on the Mediterranean Sea, in one of the Italian cities. The ceremony was attended by the closest friends of the bride and groom. So far there are no children in the comedian’s family, but he himself hopes that this will happen in the near future.

In 2015, our today's hero became a godfather. He baptized the son of one of his many friends. Semyon often comes to visit him and brings gifts.

There is little information about the man's parents. Semyon tries to hide all information about them in order to ensure their peace. Parents live in Slepakov’s hometown of Pyatigorsk.

Dad received an economic education. In 1994 he defended his doctoral dissertation. Sergey Semyonovich works at Pyatigorsk Federal University. For several years the man headed the department of economic sciences.

Mom studies philology. She works in Pyatigorsk state university. The woman studies French philology and intercultural communication.

The man also calls his many friends his family. He is especially friendly with Mikhail Galustyan, Garik Martirosyan and Sergei Svetlakov.

Semyon Slepakov's wife - Karina Slepakova

Recently, on the Culture channel, Semyon Slepakov revealed some details of his life. He said that meeting with future wife was random. The girl tripped and fell. Our hero came up and helped her up. It turned out that she had never watched KVN games with his participation, so she did not recognize him at all. Semyon liked it. He began to communicate with Karina. After some time, the artist told everything about himself and confessed his love. It turned out that the feelings were mutual.

In 2012, a beautiful and touching wedding ceremony took place in one of the most beautiful Italian places. Then the lovers enjoyed each other’s company for several weeks, swam in the Mediterranean Sea and basked in the rays of the gentle sun.

Semyon Slepakov's wife, Karina Slepakova, works in one of the legal companies capital Cities.

Lovers often come together to KVN games. The girl tries to avoid the attention of others, and she often succeeds.

Wikipedia Semyon Slepakov

The artist does not have an Instagram page. He says he does this on purpose. In this social network many domestic and world stage shows have been registered, and consider themselves an outstanding person The KVNSchik refuses. He says that, like many residents of the Russian Federation, he is still just striving for this.

Wikipedia Semyon Slepakov allows you to learn in more detail about the life of a man, starting from adolescence. This was done by the artist himself. He tries not to disclose any information about his childhood years. But it talks in detail about the projects that Russians were able to see. On the page you can find out what Semyon Slepakov is interested in besides playing KVN and music. On Wikipedia you can also find out a little about the artist’s parents and wife.

The famous producer, author and performer of songs in the comedy genre Semyon Slepakov remained an eligible bachelor until the age of 33. He did not spoil the audience with his affairs or novels, giving rise to gossip. The image of a courageous performer with a great sense of humor was loved by all viewers. Representatives of the younger generation stole his songs for quotes. Semyon's wife, Karina Slepakova, in everything and always supports a successful husband.

Biography and path to success

Music- this is the main one creative profession Seeds. I can’t believe that the artist discovered his talent only in high school. Before this, he had not felt a strong craving for creativity.

The comedian's biography deserves attention. He's like everyone else prominent figures, has its own success story. Public recognition was preceded by a long work and desire for fame.

The future famous comedian was born in a family of scientists. Semyon's parents are professors. His destiny initially seemed far from creativity, but he still studied music. First musical instrument became a piano, but the child could not love this instrument enough to connect his future with it.

The next step in creativity was the acquaintance with the electric guitar, which aroused more interest in the guy than the piano. Semyon found support from his family in everything. It was his father who played him the first Beatles records, instilling in the boy a wonderful musical taste.

From a young age Semyon got carried away by the game of KVN teams. IN school years gathered his team, and then humor and music became his constant companions.

Semyon's success story is an example of how passion and talent can become a matter of life and bear fruit. It was the artist’s passion that led him to success today and provided his main income.

With a group of friends, Semyon decides to move to Moscow. The team worked hard to stay afloat. After a while, Semyon became part of the Comedy Club team as the author and performer of his own numbers, and also wrote lyrics for the entire team. He is a sought-after and successful television producer, his name is on everyone’s lips. He released two song albums

Famous namesake - Polina Slepakova, and biography popular singer has nothing to do with Semyon. Nothing unites them, despite the desire of fans to attribute kinship to them.

Many viewers are also sure that Elena Borscheva, a participant in the Comedy Woman project, is Slepakov’s sister. But that's not true. The artists are united by their KVN background and love of humor.

Personal life of the artist

The comedian's family life has been a mystery to his fans for many years. He did not go to social events, as his colleagues did, taking a beauty for company. The journalists did not take a single provocative photo.

Fans of the artist crave details of his personal life, and now the veil has finally lifted.

Since his youth, Semyon liked miniature girls. And if usually a guy’s sense of humor certainly leads to success among the fair sex, then not this time. According to the artist, his specific humor, intended mainly for male ears, usually scared off girls. At the same time, jokes and jokes were directed at the objects of courtship themselves, which nullified the results.

WITH future wife journalists caught Slepakov at the birthday party of his colleague, Mikhail Galustyan. At the same time, the artist made no attempts to hide his personal life from cameras. However, the surprise of journalists and spectators knew no bounds when they learned that the girl in front of them was not in the status of a friend, but already in the status of a wife.

The wedding took place back in 2012, the artist’s wife was Karina Slepakova. The girl's biography is little known. The celebration was celebrated in Italy, avoiding the attention of the press. The artist's wife is far from social life and television. Information about her is very difficult to find. We can only say with certainty that she works in the legal field and does not intend to connect her life with public activities. Semyon supports his wife and in every possible way protects her from the intrusive attention of fans who like to spy on other people's lives.

Viewers will not come across the girl’s profile on a social network; she does not make posts on VKontakte and does not post numerous photos on Instagram. Finding her photo is problematic. Journalists took photographs of them and their husband during the family’s infrequent outings to the cinema or restaurant. When the family appears in public, the artist does not allow the paparazzi to bother Karina. He accompanies her every minute, protecting her calm and good mood.

In his interviews, Semyon speaks positively and humorously about marriage. “Urgently get married!” - the comedian’s phrase, which became a catchphrase for those around him. The artist enjoys family comfort and quiet happiness, which is what he wishes for everyone.

The artist speaks of his wife as a person with a great sense of humor, capable of making even the artist himself laugh at himself. Slepakov enjoys his wife’s good-natured jokes about everyday issues.

The couple dissolves in the family. The married comedian even became a little less attention devote to your creative activity. According to the couple’s acquaintances and friends, they still treat each other as reverently as many years ago, hold each other’s hands and look forward to meeting each other after a working day at home. In one of the few interviews, Karina claims that her husband treats her like a queen and spoils her.

What is known about the comedian's wife

Karina Slepakova does not strive for public life, preferring to remain in the shadow of a popular spouse. Only two things are known about her hobbies and leisure time:

  1. Cooking gourmet food. We can speak about Karina’s interest in cooking based on her visit to Andrei Garcia’s master class.
  2. An interest in electric guitars, which they share with their spouse.

The wife of Semyon Slepakov does not appear in gossip columns and does not attract attention.

Constant public appearances, comedy broadcasts, and new comedy projects maintain the viewer’s constant interest in Semyon Slepakov. The biography and personal life of the artist is of increasing interest to the public.

Now Semyon is 38 years old. He is a wonderful artist, charismatic, charming and interesting. In his field, he has achieved significant heights and is always surrounded by attention, like any successful person.

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