Spiritualistic seance. Sin or...? A woman's world

  • 25.09.2019

Who among us in childhood did not experiment with summoning spirits? famous people or fortune-telling for the betrothed mummer by candlelight. Communication with spirits is something that always arouses interest, especially among young people. There is probably not a single person in the world who, at least once in his life, has not tried to somehow contact his ancestors or one of his deceased loved ones. Some people succeeded, others didn't. Is there a 100% way to summon a spirit? Anyone can summon spirits. But it’s worth thinking about whether you need it or not? Because any call to spirits is accompanied by certain consequences. And only you will have to answer for these consequences. Most sorcerers agree that calling spirits is not a toy. Never resort to spiritualism without a clear or important purpose, otherwise you may accidentally bring yourself into a series of troubles associated with the appearance of an unwanted companion in your life. If you are still determined to summon the spirit and you have the means, it is enough good reason, it is important to have a simple Ouija board.

The simplest Ouija board It’s done like this: take a large sheet of paper and write the alphabet on top in two rows. The third row is the numbers from zero to nine. Below, draw two circles with the inscriptions: “Yes” and “No”. Between them is drawn big circle, where the inverted saucer is placed. The session begins with it and ends with it. A simple board is ready.

How to summon a spirit? To call a spirit you need to say: “I call you...” and name the spirit you want to see. Next you need to ask whether the spirit appeared or not? If your plate begins to move to the side with the answer “Yes,” then the spirit has appeared. If there is no answer, it means that he either did not come, or try again to call him again, or call another spirit. Next, you need to clarify whether the spirit came of its own free will or was forced. If he answers that he came of his own free will, then you can calmly continue to ask your questions and receive answers to them. Try to think through and prepare your questions in advance so as not to bother your interlocutor, but remember this is not a servant or a subject of entertainment. Perfume is former people and everyone has their own name, surname and former relatives, remaining in the material world. Therefore, treat the spirit with appropriate respect. If you are a beginner, then do not try to summon any unfamiliar spirits, but start with something simple, for example, summon the spirit of a brownie. He knows all your problems and desires. If everything went smoothly for you, then you can try something serious. For example, summon the spirit of your deceased relatives or friends, only if you had a relationship with them a good relationship. But you shouldn’t summon the spirits of your enemies; in any case, they will find a way to annoy you or take revenge. You can ask the spirit about anything. You can ask him about the structure of our world, discover secrets traditional medicine, find out the details of the biography of the spirit itself, ask for help from a lost person, or solve a crime. Spirits are a source of enormous knowledge and information, and they are quite willing to engage in dialogue with people, but they really do not like to help people when their material gain is pursued.

In addition to human spirits, there are other types of spirits, for example, nature perfume . In order to learn to communicate with them, you need to travel as often as possible: further into the forest, to a river or lake. Find a deserted place so that no one and nothing distracts you from your goal. Avoid well-trodden paths in the forest, as mushroom pickers or outdoor enthusiasts may be found there. To ensure that no one disturbs your concentration, you need to go far enough. Getting to know nature spirits can be divided into three stages. At the first stage just walk through the forest, listen to the birds singing, pay attention to the trees and try to feel comfortable. At the second stage you should choose a place for . Look around - it's best somewhere near the roots of a tree. At the third stage Having found your specific place, try to open up completely, enter into the space with the creatures that inhabit it and turn to the spirits, and they will definitely answer you. Correct communication with spirits opens up enormous opportunities for all of us in understanding ourselves and the universe itself.

Awaken your own spirit and you will be able to gain knowledge about everything that exists. Study yourself and the world, cooperate with the spirits, but be wise in your actions. Good luck!

A spiritualistic seance is a special action that allows you to get in touch with the other world. How to do it correctly?

What is a seance?

A seance¹ is the practice of invoking spirits, used by people with little esoteric training or professional mediums. The simplicity of the ritual and the effectiveness of the result brought spiritualistic seances great popularity among young people interested in the unknown.

But a spiritualistic session is not as simple as “knowledgeable” people might say.

A seance is usually conducted by several people, one of whom is the leader. For the desired result, this must be a person with mediumistic abilities and experience in conducting spiritualistic séances.

  • Optimal number for a session: 4-6 people, the medium uses the energy of attention of all people to manifest the result.
  • The sacrament is held from 12 at night to 4 in the morning. If the summoned spirit has any memorable days, then it is better to conduct a spiritualistic session on this day.

For example, if a spirit is summoned historical character, then it will be the day of his birth or death.

The full moon will also be an advantage; it activates spirits and enhances a person’s mediumistic superpowers.

  • You need a semi-dark room, candles and incense.
  • The tradition is to leave the door and window ajar so that the spirit can enter the room.
  • It is desirable to have items associated with the summoned spirit. It could be a photograph of a deceased person; if a non-human spirit is invoked², then its images, pictures, names will do.


You cannot use pentacles and spell seals! A seance is an invitation to the spirit, not a coercion.

How is a seance performed?

1. Participants in a spiritualistic seance are seated around the table, a spiritualistic circle is placed in the middle, candles are placed, and an arrow is drawn on the saucer. Next, it is slightly warmed up on a candle flame and placed in the center of the spiritualist circle.

2. Participants in the session place their fingertips on the saucer, touching lightly. In this case, the fingers of one participant should touch the fingers of another, preferably closing a circle (if possible)

3. People in chorus begin to pronounce a simple formula of invocation: “Spirit (name), come!”

The call is repeated a sufficient number of times: you need to be prepared in advance for the fact that it may take more than one hour to call the spirit, and the capricious spirit may not come at all!

4. The appearance of a spirit can be determined by the behavior of the saucer. Without effort on the part of those gathered, it will begin to turn and can rise above the table.

Participants will not be able to imitate turning the saucer: fraud is very noticeable. In addition, the appearance of a spirit is usually accompanied by quite specific sensations that are difficult to confuse with something else.

5. Now you need to ask questions. They are asked by one person, first the presenter.

To begin with, the questions should be monosyllabic, implying “yes” or “no” answers.

We must remember that spirits can be very capricious, they can get angry, swear and tell lies. When a session is conducted by amateurs, it is difficult to count on truthfulness.

In order to check how truthful the spirit is, you need to ask several questions, the answer to which is definitely known to someone present.

Under no circumstances should you ask questions related to death, the afterlife and details of the life of the spirit on the other side of our reality!

6. When the session comes to an end, you need to politely thank the spirit, turn the saucer over and knock it on the table three times, saying that you are releasing the spirit of such and such.

It is strictly prohibited:

  • engage in spiritualistic seances for more than one hour a day;
  • call more than three spirits in one session;
  • Before the session, drink alcohol and eat a lot, especially fatty and spicy foods.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ A seance is a mystical ritual, usually held in a special room, the participants of which seek to see or receive some message from the soul of a deceased person (

Are you interested in spiritualism? Do you want to contact a deceased relative? Do you want to communicate with the spirit haunting your home, or are you just curious about the other world?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then I will try to give you step by step instructions conducting an independent session to communicate with the world of spirits, and I will also share some tips and tell you the pros and cons of mediation with the other world.

Before we begin, let's cover a few points.

Firstly, what is your purpose for conducting a seance? This will determine how you conduct the entire session.

If you want to contact a deceased relative, then you already know who you will call from the other world.

On the other hand, if you want to communicate with the spirit haunting your home, then you do not know who you are calling from the other world to you. You don't know whether this spirit is good or bad. Therefore, be extremely careful, or even better, contact a professional for a spiritualism session!

Remember to never ask a spirit from the other world stupid questions such as which team will win Soccer game, what number to bet on, and so on, since this only irritates the spirit. Understand that the spirit must cross worlds to come to your call, and sometimes this can be very painful!

To conduct any communication session with the other world, there must be at least three people. Of these, only one will serve as a medium, leading the task of summoning and communicating with the spirit, while the others will only follow his lead. Only a professional esotericist can independently summon a spirit from the other world, since he knows how to then guide the spirit back to the Gate.

Remember that a spirit from the other world very rarely answers your questions in human language.

For this reason, you must provide him with suitable means of communication, such as:

  • Ouija board. It is a flat board with the alphabet, numbers, and the words “hello”, “goodbye”, “yes” and “no” drawn on it. A movable indicator in the form of a small saucer without drawings, with an arrow drawn on one side so that the arrow points to letters and words on the board. The summoned otherworldly spirit uses telekinesis to turn the arrow and answer your questions.
  • Pendulum. A simple pendulum can also be used for fortune telling. The medium holds the pendulum in his hand and asks questions to the spirit. If the pendulum swings sideways, the spirit says "no", while moving back and forth on the pendulum indicates "yes", and swinging around and around means that the spirit is undecided on the answer, and then you need to formulate your question differently.

Once you have everything ready, gather the participants in a small, empty room where you will not be disturbed. Choose a round or oval table for everyone to sit around during the ritual. Place candles, light them, and turn off any other lighting. Place fragrant flowers and a piece of bread on the table to attract the spirit. Make sure your Ouija Board is on the table.

All participants in the seance must sit at the table, hold each other’s hands, creating a closed circle, and close their eyes.

A good place to start is with a prayer that helps cleanse environment and radiates positivity. Now everyone should concentrate on the spirit you want to evoke and then slowly ask the spirit to join you, very calmly and welcomingly.

Wait a moment and ask the spirit to give a sign of its presence. Don't ask for a specific sign!

When you are sure that the spirit is present, begin to communicate.

Start slow with simple questions, "yes" or "no", and gradually move on to more complex questions.

Always be calm and respectful of the otherworldly spirit. However, be careful, at the very first sign of any rudeness on the part of the spirit, politely ask him to leave, if he does not listen, forcefully end the seance by blowing out the candles and turning on the lights. After this, thank the spirit for its help and end the session immediately.

Although the session can be very interesting and will help you find answers to your questions, remember that self-session Spiritualism can be dangerous, so be careful!

Here are a few caveats:

  • Do not do anything that may show disrespect to the spirit or anger it;
  • Do not force anyone to enter into a seance against their will, and feeble-minded people and children should be kept away from seances;
  • For beginners, it is better to hire a professional! An otherworldly spirit that appears is not always good. Professional mediums and esotericists know how to deal with such situations.

Sometimes otherworldly beings may try to harm you with misinformation, such as telling you that you will soon die, forcing you out of fear to fulfill the wishes of the spirit itself.

Be extremely attentive, vigilant and careful!

I hope my article was useful to you. Wish you all the best!

Most religions agree that there is an afterlife. In this regard, a logical question arises - is it possible to come into contact with those who have already died? Tried to call spirits different peoples peace. This article contains practical recommendations for beginner mediums.

What to Expect from Summoning Spirits

What happens to a person who decides to hold a seance at home? If everything goes well, you will be able to get answers to your questions.

Of course, you should not think that you will be able to communicate with Pushkin, Diogenes, Machiavelli or other great people. The spirit is not obliged to come to your call; it has free will. But you can try to make contact with those who sympathize with you - with deceased friends or relatives.

Sometimes it is not possible to establish a connection with the other world. In this case, you simply won't succeed. If the souls of the dead are in no hurry to respond to your call, then you can try to reschedule the session to the next day.

In the worst case, the spirit will come, but will not be able to return back at the end of the session. Accordingly, he will remain in the house, which does not bode well for the household. They will be haunted by minor troubles, illnesses, and various kinds of troubles. Effects characteristic of this may appear - the disappearance of things, spontaneous combustion of curtains, etc.

Precautionary measures

It is advisable not to summon dead enemies, even if you want to ask them for forgiveness. A soul that is negatively disposed towards a medium can drain its vitality.

You cannot conduct a session while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs! Otherwise, you will completely lose control of the situation. If an aggressive astral entity appears instead of a relative or friend, the medium may become seriously ill.

Address the summoned spirit with respect, as if you were speaking to a living person. Do not try to put pressure on your “guest” or order him. It is not recommended to repeat the same question several times.

How to conduct a séance

If the spirit summoning is scheduled for dark time days, it is recommended to conduct it by candlelight. In principle, bright electric light does not prevent communication with the other world, but it does prevent the medium from concentrating. You will need some equipment:

  • Stable table
  • Ouija board
  • Saucer or needle on thread
  • Photo of the person you want to contact (this is not a requirement)

If you don’t have a Ouija board at hand, you can make one yourself. Draw a circle on clean slate Whatman paper Along the circle, draw numbers from 0 to 9 and letters of the alphabet (in no particular order). Outside the circle, write the phrases “yes”, “no”, “I don’t know”. An arrow should be drawn on the saucer to be used as a pointer.

Now place the saucer in the center of the circle and touch it with the fingertips of your left hand. If several people are engaged in calling spirits, then each of those present must touch the saucer.

Ask a question

Imagine the person whose spirit you want to contact. Say “Spirit (name) appear!” three times. You will know that the interlocutor has responded to the call by the following signs:

  • Slight chills
  • Air movement indoors
  • Feeling of an invisible presence
  • Voluntary phenomena, for example, rhythmic tapping

You can ask questions, and if the interlocutor wishes to answer, the saucer will begin to move around the board. Watch which letters the arrow on it points to. Instead of a saucer, you can use a needle suspended on a thread. It should be held above the board and observed in which direction the needle deviates.

When all questions have been exhausted, say goodbye to your “guest” and say three times “Spirit, (name), we are letting you go, go away!” Now you know how to conduct a seance at home. It is recommended to use this technique no more than once a month and only if the medium is completely healthy physically and emotionally.

Can be defined as a process in which a person calls upon spirits to ask them a question of interest. Since ancient times, people have been interested in it, attracting them with its secrets and riddles. Many people are still fascinated by mysticism with all its components.

Many people want to conduct a seance at home. But summoning spirits is not so easy. It’s worth thoroughly preparing for this so that everything goes smoothly. To begin with, the one who decides on this session needs to recruit four or five more people who agree to keep him company. Only an experienced medium is capable of conducting a seance alone. The consequences, in this case, will not be as negative as if a beginner took on this matter alone. So, next you need to choose a leader - someone who is at least a little familiar with spiritualism. The time must be chosen strictly between 00:00 and 4:00. To enhance the activity of spirits, you can wait for the full moon.

Of course, you can’t do without equipment. Here you will need a saucer and a board on which you need to write numbers up to ten, letters and the answers “yes” and “no”. To make the atmosphere more mysterious, you can fill the room in which the seance is taking place with incense, candles, and light a fireplace. You must remember to take off your jewelry and warn others about it.

A lot depends on whose spirit is to be summoned. For example, if this is a deceased relative, it is worth placing his personal belongings in the room. And if this is one of the famous people, say, a writer, you need to put one of his books or a portrait on the table.

So, the most important thing begins. Participants in the session need to sit around the table. The presenter should place the saucer on the Ouija board and begin to summon the spirit. The phrase “Spirit... come” is suitable for this. Moreover, it must be repeated many times, until the moment when the summoned spirit appears. How can you understand that he has already arrived? It's simple: you need to carefully observe the saucer and the situation. The spirit has already appeared if the saucer moves, if the candle has gone out, if a light breeze has passed... Participants may experience a slight trembling caused by the unusualness of their position.

It is necessary to take into account that perhaps the spirit is not inclined to answer prepared questions. He may get angry and want to leave. Sometimes spirits deliberately lie. To ensure the veracity of the answer, you must first ask the question to which the answer is well known. If the test shows that the spirit is lying, it is better to simply thank him and say goodbye, otherwise he will become aggressive.

There is a topic that is better not to touch upon - the Spirit will slowly move the saucer from one letter to another, and the folded words will be its answer. At general issues The saucer should move towards the “yes” and “no” inscriptions.

Now we need to say goodbye to the spirit. First you need to thank him for the conversation, and then turn the saucer over and knock it on the board three times. This concludes the seance. Do not forget that this process should not last more than an hour. The time of the spirit should not be abused. Many people may feel exhausted after the session. But after some time the strength will be restored.

Recently, scientist Yu. A. Fomin expressed his point of view, the essence of which was that in Lately many seances began to be worn mass character, which is not the most in the best possible way affects both the individual himself and society as a whole. Negative influence manifests itself in the deterioration of the human condition - both mental and physical. History knows many cases in which a spiritualistic seance ended in major failure. Therefore, you should not abuse such activities. Otherwise, serious problems may arise.