Foot treatment by folk remedies. How to treat legs with recipes of traditional medicine

  • 27.09.2018

Diseases of the lower limbs are disturbing almost all people. Especially, in the elderly, people complain of pain, difficulties in walking, convulsions, fatigue or weakness in the legs.

Very often all these symptoms are a prerequisite or a consequence of any diseases from the vessels, joints, peripheral nerves.

As a rule, the first plan performs pain syndrome and decline motor activity. However, people do not always immediately resort to the help of specialists, and try to solve the existing problem on their own.

So, what and how to treat legs at home?

1) If you have swollen legs, painful sensations in the joints:

In such cases, honey compresses are very effective, which not only remove pain in the lower limbs, but also actually help with pains associated with the osteochondrosis of the spine. The patient of the body is lubricated with honey, impose a dense bandage, which is not removed during the day.

After the specified time expires, the old bandage is removed, wash off the remains of honey and impose a new one. This procedure is repeated six days. As a result, legs are becoming more stable and "obedient."

2): Recipes of traditional medicine that help get rid of fatigue in the legs or from strong fatigue.

Such problems are easily resolved using simple but well-known methods. alternative medicine. First of all, these are contrasting foot baths with the addition of sea salt, vegetable decoctions or herbal infusions (chamomile, linden flowers, nuts leaves). No less important gymnastics and massage. It is recommended to apply nutrient natural cream creams.

3) How to treat legs: recipes that eliminate the unpleasant smell of legs.

If a person collided with high feet sweating, then he should regularly make therapeutic tea baths (2 black tea bags boil in one water liter for 20 minutes), bathtubs with brine (2 liters of water \u003d 1 cup of English salt). The duration of one procedure is 30 minutes. Also, actively use powder from oak bark, which fall asleep in socks overnight.

4) How to treat legs: recipes from seizures.

Reduce the likelihood of such an unpleasant phenomenon will help compresses with sachets of herbal tea (a variety of herbs). Orally should use tea from dried celery seeds, pharmacy chamomile. Very useful massage with almond or olive oil.

All the above recipes are characterized by good efficiency and very profitable accessibility. Therefore, if you probably are confident that keeping the situation under control, you can safely use these natural and safe phytopreparations.

Watch the video: how to care for the skin of the legs

If you have noticed after a busy working day that in the evening you will swell or sore legs, it means it is time to take care of them a little about them. Foot sick can for various reasons. If the pain or other negative symptoms appear very much, then it will be better for a long time without thinking, immediately consult a doctor. However, it happens that the legs are only slightly spoiled - in this case, it is worth trying to solve the problem with the help of folk remedies.

Pain in the legs can be caused by problems with vessels, inflammatory or dystrophic changes in the joints, as well as metabolic disorders. Talk about how you can cure legs folk remedies In each of these cases.

How to cure varicking on the legs

One of the best domestic remedies from the foot varicose is a tincture of horse chestnut. No wonder, many pharmacy drugs used to treat this disease are manufactured based on it. Such a healing tincture can be easily prepared by itself. To do this, it is necessary to collect ripe chestnuts in the fall, grind them with a large steel knife and filled with a briset weighing a three-liter jar to half. Then you need to pour the prepared raw materials with alcohol or vodka to the edge and hard to close the jar. Put it for a month in a dark place, not forgetting from time to time to mix contents. After that, the tincture should be cast and lubricate sick places in the morning and in the evening. After some time, you will notice that the bloody veins smooth, pale and went under the skin, and the legs stopped sick in the evenings.

How to cure foot joints during arthritis and arthrosis

With arthritis, the compresses that are easy to prepare at home are well helped, as they include components that exist in almost every home: this is a common school chalk and simple kefir. To prepare such a healing compress, it is necessary to thoroughly pull out a good piece of chalk, pour it into a cup and add kefir there, constantly stirring the whole mass. When the mixture acquires a consistency of thick casher, it must be applied to the sick foot joint, cover from above the food film, to tie the clean cloth on top and leave all night. Soon the pain in the inflammation subsides.

With arthrosis, it is worth trying to attach a well-washed and sophisticated leaf of the burdock. It should be tightly pressing to the joint, cover with a film, and on top of it to impose a warming bandage.

How to cure bones on the legs

People's healers argue that the most effective tool From the bones on the legs is bile poultry. It is necessary to buy fresh chicken or duck groats, finding a small gallbladder near the liver, gently separate it and a bird bile grease the sore place. After one or two sessions, the pain will pass, and if you continue treatment, you will soon notice that the bone begins to decrease in size.

People often complain about general weakness and pain in the legs. We will tell you what diseases of the feet, and what should be the treatment of feet people.

Treatment of foot

With pain in the legs, you can make honey compresses. For this, the legs are smearing honey, make a dense bandage, we carry a day, then take off the dressing, the rest of honey wash the hot water And again smear honey. After 6 days, the legs become obedient and cease to hurt.

In total, the fatigue of the legs 10 times alternately omit the legs in the pelvis with hot water at a temperature of 40 degrees and omit in the pelvis with cool water with water temperature up to 20 degrees. Last lowering will be cold. Either add 1 tbsp in water. Salt salt and 50 g of lime color. Bath made of female leaves will help with varicose veins.

Entrance feet

Before treating swelling, start with a diet. Limit salt. Proteins should come with low-fat young meat, bird, fish, which is better to eat in boiled form, with low-fat lactic acid products. Know that in bread, canned food, cheese, sausages, sausage, ham a large number of Salt. With legs, watermelon and melon diet helps unloading Days On vegetables, cucumbers, diet on Antonovsky apples.

Take 400 g of white radish, a fill in a liter of water, put 1 tsp. Salt salt. Shipping 10 minutes. Enjoy and drink, as ordinary water.

During swelling of the legs, the decoction of the flax seed helps. To do this, take 1 liter of water and add 4 billion. Flax seeds. Boiling 10 minutes, insist 1 hour, drink ½ cup of hot beam 8 times a day, result we expect after 3 weeks. Before treating edema of the legs, you need to consult with your doctor, it will establish the causes of edema.

Treatment of diseases of the legs

The legs need to be treated and as soon as the first symptoms of the diseases of the joints appeared, it should be referred to folk medicine.

Take 50 g of horse chestnut flowers, hollow 1/2 l vodka, insist 2 weeks, shake every day. Then pollend and we use three times a day of 40 droplets for 4 weeks.

Take the midday bulbs, 1 tsp. Bee wax, 1.5 tbsp. vegetable oil. Grind the crushed bow to the transparent color in the pan, add bee wax and fry until the onion gets a light brown color. The mixture is ledging through gauze and store in the refrigerator in glass bank. We rub in sore joints for 5 minutes.

Take 1 kg of a waggered horseradish, 4 liters of water, cook 5 minutes, cool and add ½ kg of honey. We use 6 months to 200 g per day. Infusion store in the refrigerator.

Treatment of sweating legs

With strong sweating, every evening my legs cold water. In the hot time, watch your feet, we make the baths cold and hot with the decoction of oak bark, oat straw, leaves walnut, medicinal letter. Every day we change socks. The oak borer is crushed into the flour, fall asleep in the sock, the bark has an astringent effect and eliminates increased sweating. After the bath with three pima legs, since the dead cells are a wonderful medium for breeding bacteria.

Against the sweating of the feet we make a bath with the addition of manganese, while water should be pink colour. The duration of the bath is 10 minutes.

Treatment by folk remedies

Cleaning vessels of the legs of red viburnum

Will 1 tbsp. Dry flowes viburnum glass boiling water. You insist for 40 minutes, then pollendy and take to meals three times a day, 1 tbsp.

Malina treatment

Will 10 g crushed dry leaf cup hot water, Boiling 15 minutes, pollend, bring to the source volume. We accept before eating ½ cup three times a day.

To treat vessels, you need to consult a doctor, it will prescribe medications for vessels, incl. Improving metabolic processes, normalizing blood coagulation system.

Treatment varicose expansion vein

The symptoms of varicose veins include the standing venous drawing, pain, fatigue, gravity in the legs, swelling. It affects the vascular system of lower extremities.

In the dairy serum, smash a soft cloth and applied to problem places. I wrap a special paper, and then bandage. Procedure we do overnight.

Take 1 tbsp. Hypericum mixed with 10 tbsp. vegetable oil and cook 2 hours on slow fire. Issimated with infusion stir, do not leave unattended. Filter obtained by infusion and lubricate distressed places.

Satram on grater 5 raw potatoes, impose on problem areas. Potato juice make compresses.

2 tbsp. Dry steep nettle with 2 glasses of boiling water, insist 40 minutes. We take an hour before meals, 4 times a day, drink 1/3 cup.

We look at problem areas on the legs with fresh leaves of lilac, change every hour.

Nail fungus on legs

Many people do not know what the nail fungus is, and learning, do not give proper meaning. If you are tormented by fungal diseases on the nails of the legs, you can offer folk remedies, how to cure them.

Natrem garlic, mix with butter and this mixture with lining affected places.

Soluble 1 tsp. Sea salt in 1 liter of water. In such a solution, "process" daily feet nails.

Every day we carry out the procedure - twice a day for sore nails we apply 1 drop of iodine. A week later, you feel pain and burning around the nails. This suggests that this tool will help. If the pain intensifies, then the iodine drops are applied less often.

Cotton swab with a 20% alcohol tincture propolis. Then we put it to problem nails. Procedure make every day.

Take tea mushroom. From him to make off a small piece. Carefully dismiss it, we will take a mushroom film. The resulting Cashitz rubbed three times a day into patients of skin. Every time we use a new mushroom piece.

Take fresh rowan leaves with scatter, we applied to a sick nail. We carry out this procedure every day.

Only the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment and will advise that the people's recipe will suit you.