A mixture of dried fruits to increase immunity. Step-by-step recipe for children and adults

  • 19.10.2019

Exactly what is needed! Prepare and use this mixture - your immunity will become impenetrable!

In winter, our immunity really needs support. Fresh fruits and vegetables in winter are not available, and those that lie on the shelves often contain most of them not vitamins, but nitrates.

It can be limited to the use of multivitamin complexes purchased in a pharmacy. But they do not always differ in good efficiency.

Another option is to use dried fruits, nuts and honey for the preparation of a special vitamin mixture for immunity, which has a healing and lining effect.

Ingredients of the mixture and their useful properties

For the preparation of our vitamin mixture, the following ingredients will be needed:

  • dried apricots;
  • raisins;
  • walnuts;
  • lemon.

Each of the specified products is already separately a mass of useful properties.


This is a wonderful gift of nature, the benefits of which legends go. It contains almost all the necessary vitamins from A to PP, as well as trace elements such as copper, magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, sodium, sulfur, pectins, fructose, glucose, protein.

  • Regular use of honey allows to normalize metabolic processes in the body and put the operation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Honey has a tonic effect and gives strength.
  • This beekeeping product stimulates immunity and helps in combating viruses and microbes - what is needed in winter!
  • Honey helps to resist aging and body wear

It is better to use fresh honey, bought in autumn or in winter. It should be viscous, have a pleasant taste and aroma.

Dried apricots

This dried fruit is prepared from apricot and it is just pantry beneficial minerals, organic acids and vitamins. Especially the Kuraga is rich in potassium and magnesium, which are necessary for good heart work.

And this is the source of vitamin A, ascorbic acid, manganese, copper, phosphorus, calcium, iron.

  • All listed substances contribute to the elimination of toxins and radionuclides from the body.
  • The Kuraga has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, improves eyesight, helps for diseases of the thyroid gland, fills the lack of vitamins.
  • Drief use helps to level the hormonal background, reduce cholesterol in the blood and increases the body's resistance to the occurrence of cancer neoplasms.

Real, properly dried dried darling or dark orange color, slightly wrinkled and large.

Pay attention to this when choosing and better refuse to buy too soft dried dried dried colors with an oily tint. This means that dried fruit has been processed by harmful chemicals, which made it inedible as for insect pests and for a person - the benefit of its use will be not enough.


This is another dried fruit, known for all of us since childhood. Raisin is grapes dried in the sun or in the shade. In the dried fruits of grapes, the entire initial composition is preserved. It is almost the entire complex of vitamins and minerals.

Among the beneficial substances should be highlighted vitamins A, B, C, N, K, PR, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, selenium, etc.

A rich mineral-vitamin composition has a beneficial effect on different systems of the human body.

  • The use of raisins has a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system.
  • Improves digestion.
  • Raisins are useful for diseases of the respiratory system.
  • This is a natural antioxidant, which displays free radicals from the body, increases immunity.
  • Raisin has a slight sedative effect, which helps to remove nervousness and irritability.

It is better to choose a dark raisin, since the dark grape varieties contain more beneficial substances. To the touch, raisins should be elastic, but not too hard or sluggish.


Despite the high caloric content of walnut contains a large number of useful vitamins, minerals, useful amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

In walnuts there are iodine, iron, zinc, carotene, magnesium, cobalt, copper, tanning substances, essential oil, phytoncide yuglon, vitamins PP, C, B1, B2, E.

  • The use of walnuts improves brain activity and memory (no wonder the kernel of nuts in shape resembles the brain!)
  • Walnuts strengthen the immune system, which allows the body better to resist the most different infections.
  • It is recommended to use for the prevention of liver diseases, during atherosclerosis and anemia.

In combination with honey, the useful influence of nuts is multiplied by many times, and when dried fruit is added, a powerful secrets effect is achieved for the entire body.


  • The presence of vitamin A helps improve vision.
  • The vitamins of the group are reduced fatigue and depressive state, benging, normalize sleep.
  • The lemon zestus normalizes digestion and intestinal work.

Lemon is a useful fruit, which also is part of our vitamin mix.

How to cook a vitamin mixture

As we could have been convinced, each of the ingredients of the mixture is valuable in itself. Imagine what powerful wellness effect will they put on the body if you connect them?!

To prepare a miraculous vitamin mix, we will need:

  • glass of kuragi;
  • a glass of raisum;
  • a glass of walnut nuclei;
  • halfcan of honey;
  • 1 lemon.

In this recipe, the Kuragi, raisins and nuts should be an equal number, although in fact strict adherence to this ratio is not so important.

Dried fruits need to first prepare. Pour the drier and raisins with water and let stand at least 20 minutes to launder them from chemicals that dried fruits love to process to increase the storage period.

Lemon, too, as you follow, because we will use it together with the zest. Cut it on the slices and be sure to clean it from the bones.

Ready dried fruits, nuts and lemon twist in a meat grinder or grind with a blender.

Mix the resulting mixture and fill it with honey.

Vitamin mix is \u200b\u200bready!

The finished delicacy can be stored in a glass jar in the refrigerator for a very long time - and two, and three months. Although it is better not to prepare it for such a long time.

How to use a mixture

The resulting delicacy is very sweet, nutritious and use it with the mind.

The strengthening course is one month. Then you should take a break for two weeks and repeat the course again. It is necessary to use the mixture with tea on 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day.

The mixture due to the content of nuts and honey is very calorie, so do not get drunk.

And no matter how much a mixture of dried fruits, nuts, lemon and honey, not to all people can be used. Basically, contraindications are associated with the presence of allergies to the ingredients, primarily on honey and nuts.

For this reason, the mixture should not be given to children under 3 years old. From three-year-old age you can start giving children to half a teaspoon and gradually bring the dosage to 1 teaspoon twice a day.

Since the mixture is plastic, then for children you can make delicious and useful candy from it.

People who suffer from diabetes and obesity, it is impossible to use the mixture.

Also, do not eat it with the exacerbation of chronic diseases - the potential allergenicity of some ingredients with a strong weakening of immunity can provoke allergic reactions.

Taking a vitamin miracle mixture according to the scheme, you can restore health, make immunity strong, get rid of many diseases and forget about winter colds!

It's no secret that the main value in our life is health, and so that it is in excellent form, it is necessary to remember it not only when it fell ill, but try to strengthen it constantly.

This will help us with natural vitamin mixtures to increase immunity.

They are a kind of balanced mix of dried fruits and nuts, unique in their properties, as well as in them it is customary to add honey, lemon, and ginger.

The use of mixtures to increase immunity is particularly relevant during the spread of colds.

I will grind all the mixture on a meat grinder with a shallow grid, but you can also use a blender.

List of ingredients:

A mixture of nuts and dried fruits "Baikonur"

  • 200 gr. Walnuts
  • 100 gr. Almond
  • 100 gr. Cedar nuts
  • 100 gr. Kuragi.
  • 100 gr. prune
  • 100 gr. Izyuma
  • 2 lemons
  • 150 gr. Honey

A mixture of amosov dried fruits

  • 200 gr. Kuragi.
  • 200 gr. prune
  • 200 gr. fig
  • 200 gr. Izyuma
  • 200 gr. Walnuts
  • 200 gr. Honey
  • 2 lemons
  • 50 ml. Cognac (optional)

Ginger-lemon mixture

  • 150 gr. Ginger root
  • 200 gr. Honey
  • 2 lemons

Vitamin mixtures to strengthen immunity - step-by-step recipes:

To begin with, you will prepare a mixture of nuts and dried fruits, it is also called "Baikonur"

Lemons, I preliminarily leaning boiling water and dried with a napkin.

We cut them into large slices, remove the bones and cut the core.

For ease of grinding, every slicker will be cut in half.

We turn on the meat grinder and take turns to skip all the ingredients into a large bowl.

Kuragu, raisins and prunes. All dried fruits, I was pre-waved and hated a paper towel.

Almonds, cedar and walnuts, they must be dry, but not fried.

Then crushed lemon. We skip it together with the zest.

We add natural honey to the bowl and mix well well.

The mixture was very tasty and useful!

We shift the mass into the glass jar, close tightly with a lid and store in the refrigerator.

This nut mixture is rich not only by a protein, but also a whole complex of useful vitamins and trace elements, it greatly strengthens immunity and helps with the restoration of physical and mental human forces.

We prepare lemons just like in the first recipe, they are present in all three mixtures.

We send all dried fruits into the meat grinder: figs, prunes, kuragu and raisins.

As I said, they need to be rinsed in warm water and dry paper towel.

If you have prunes with a bone, pour it pre-for 5-10 minutes. Boiling water to make it easier to remove it.

Optionally, dates can be added to this mixture.

Following dried fruits, we skip the unjeited walnuts and lemon.

Add honey to the bowl and at the request of brandy.

We all mix well and shift the resulting mixture into a glass jar with a dense lid, store the mass in the refrigerator.

Regardless of what dried fruits you will use - it is always a useful concentrate of valuable vitamins and microelements contained in fresh fruits.

And now you will prepare a mixture for immunity with lemon and ginger

To begin with, clean the ginger.

For ease of purification, we cut the ginger to several pieces.

You can clean it in different ways: a conventional knife to scrape the skin or thinly cut as when cleaning the potatoes, and the ginger skin is perfectly removed by the usual teaspoon.

Try to remove the skin with a thin layer, because Most of the beneficial substances are contained under it.

For ease of grinding, cut the ginger into small pieces and prepare lemon.

Grinding on the meat grinder, ginger and lemon.

We add honey to the bowl (better linden), we all mix well and shift to the jar.

Store the mixture in the refrigerator.

We use a teaspoon in the morning and in the evening, drinking water.

And also the ginger mixture can be added to tea, compote or porridge, all at your discretion.

So, friends, I showed you 3 excellent recipes to strengthen immunity.

All of them are just a storehouse of vitamins and trace elements.

These mixtures are absolutely natural, tasty and unusually useful, but I want to recall once again that it is advisable to consult your doctor before using them, and if there are signs of an allergic reaction - to stop the reception.

And so that your body told you "Thank you", try to lead a healthy lifestyle!

Correctly eat, walk in the fresh air, pour, move more and smile more often.

I wish you all good health!

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Vitamin mixtures to strengthen immunity - video recipe:

Vitamin mixtures to strengthen immunity - Photo:

Each conquering hostess in the autumn-winter period is puzzled by the issue of improving the immunity of their loved ones. An excellent solution to this problem is a vitamin mixture of dried fruits with the addition of lemon and honey, the taste of which to many families from childhood. It should be noted that the dried fruits contain a lot more important substances than in fresh. Fruits that have undergone natural drying under the sun are a storehouse of trace elements and vitamins. They normalize digestion, pressure, are important for the work of the heart, nervous system and muscles. In addition to useful properties, the composition has a pleasant taste, which is important, because children will gladly take this "medicine". Preparation of a mixture of vitaminized dried fruits will require some time and costs. On our site in the category you will find other recipes of dishes that will certainly delight your kids.

Ingredients for a vitamin mix of dried fruit with nuts:

  • Raisin - 200 grams;
  • Kuraga - 200 grams;
  • Prunes without bones - 200 gr;
  • Walnut kernels - 200 grams;
  • Lemon (small) - 1 pc.;
  • Natural honey - 200 ml.

Useful vitamin mix of dried fruit, how to cook:

1. Raisins and dried, remove the contamination, remnants of tails, twigs, rinse under the jet of flow water. Pour dried fruits with hot water, we leave for 15-20 minutes so that they sprinkle. It is not necessary to fill the fruit boiling water, while part of the vitamins will destroy.

2. The same procedure is carried out with prunes.
Tip: Since it is not rare to improve the appearance and extension of the storage period, unscrupulous manufacturers tinted dried fruits, they are dipped with sulfur gas, impregnate with chemicals that are toxic, choose non-shiny fruits in food, and matte, dull, natural size and color. Do not buy on a beautiful color. Dried fruits must be absolutely dry, excessive humidity can cause mold. You can cook from dried fruits not only a vitamin mixture, but tasty and useful, the recipe of which is on the site my cookbook.

3. While dried fruits are sprinkled, grind walnuts in a blender.
Reference: The core of this type of nuts is in its nutritional ten times the glass of milk and thirty fresh apple. No wonder the shape of the nucleus is compared with the brain, because it is this nut that positively affects the brain activity and the nervous system. Therefore, its use is primarily recommended for children, women during pregnancy and people of old age.

4. Effective vitamin mixture of dried fruits will be incomplete without lemon. This fruit must be rinsed with a brush under running water with vinegar. Then we run it with boiling water to remove the pebble of the peel and finally washed off the wax flare, which recently covers citrus. If it fails to completely remove it, you can cut the upper thin layer of the peel. But the white layer is albedo - do not delete. It is in it that contains the most greater amount of vitamin C and bioflavanoids, which help his assimilation. Cut off lemon slices to facilitate the removal of the bone. This is the most useful part of the lemon, which can cause allergies.
Tip: When choosing lemons, many of us allow mistakes. It should be known that young fruits from the northern regions are more useful, for example, from Abkhazia. You can define a young fruit on a green tail and greenish-dull peel. It has been proven that at zero temperature, such a lemon will not lose any vitamin for six months. Avoid citrus fruits with black dots.

5. Alternately skip dried fruits, lemon through the meat grinder. Add crushed nuts. Mix and connect with honey.

Useful and unusually tasty vitamin mix of dried fruit is ready.

Use it 3 times a day before eating 1-2 teaspoon. Do not reserve the vitamin immune mixture of nuts, lemon and dried fruit of the future, it is better to prepare fresh.

Good day, dear guests of this website!And since you turned out to be here, it means you seriously worries the theme of protection of immunity. Yes, it is at this time of year that it is relevant than ever.

With the arrival of spring, in the offseason "crawl" the violation of various sores will exacerbate, the fatal diseases and the body requires help.

And this occurs against the background of weakened immunity associated with vitaminosis, lack of hardening, not long staying in the fresh air and the absence of the amount of fresh greenery necessary for the body.

And here - it can come as an assistant a wonderful mixture of nuts and dried fruits with honey for immunity.How the strengthening mixture works, let's analyze all the components of its usefulness.

I must say that the medicine in the form of a mixture of dried fruits in a compound with honey is a real vitamin "bomb", which will help to cope with the onslaught of viruses and microbes. In addition, this medicine will be able to raise the level of hemoglobin, put pressure to normal, clean the vessels and most reliably take care of the heart.

The secret code for the use of the "magic" mixture in its microelement and vitamin one, which is perfectly preserved in the products even while dried. This advantage gives us the opportunity to store the mixture for a long time, use it at any time of the year and thereby ensure its energy reserve of vitamins and other beneficial substances.

Vitamin mix will be able to serve not only as a reinforcing immunity tool. Since fruits have a well-known share of sugar, for people with an active lifestyle and paying attention to weight and shape, it may well replace sweets. A considerable pleasure brings those who use it. This useful delicacy contains a large amount of fiber, which means the intestine will be in order.

Today there is no problem in the selection of a variety of dry mixture. The counters of markets and shops are trying dry fruits for every taste. But we will talk about the traditional composition as working as much as possible to raise. immune properties of the body.

  • Kuraga, Dry Apricot, this is a mandatory component of any vitamin set. It has a lot of iron, phosphorus, potassium, glucose and vitamin groups. In addition to the usefulness of immunity, it is capable of a positive way to influence the state of the vessels, including the brain, and this means the memory improves and the brain activity is activated. Kuraga promotes bowel cleansing, prevents anemia, strengthens skin, hair and nails. Vitamins B and C replenish us with energy and efficiency.
  • Inzhar, a real source of calcium, potassium, which does not give to develop the disorders of the nervous system. Cholesterol level will decrease if the figs regularly use. It miraculously relieve cough and stands as a faithful guard to protect the immune system.
  • Raisins or grapes in a dried form. This means is not overestimated, since it is rich in proteins and fats, if the internal potential of energy ends and a person has a loss of forces from physical exertion. Bones, vessels will be stronger, and the nervous system is calm.
  • Print, excellent laxative and protection against microbial medium, various kinds of intestinal sticks and salmonella. It is able to reduce blood pressure and its mineral composition to strengthen the immune system.
  • Pinics, replenish the drying energy source of forces, increase mental functions, and its tryptophan (amino acid), serves as a stimulator for the production of hormone hormone- Serotonin.

The mixture mixture and is very deficient, quite allowed to any wallet, it will bring a lot of benefit during periods of acute shortage of fresh fruit, able to replace drugs and bring taste.

As with any medicinal product, there are and contraindications.

To whom and when it is better not to drink dried fruits

  • People suffering from obesity is better to refrain from this set. Calorie it is high enough, and this will negatively affect the body. It is quite possible to give the following numbers: per 100 grams of the above dried fruit ranges from 215 to 292 kcal.
  • In diabetes mellitus, a mixture of dried fruits with honey can provoke a sharp rise of sugar in the blood in humans, because there are many glucose in the ingredients.
  • If on the face of the intestinal ulcer or exacerbation of the duodenum, refrain from any fruit, such food is too tough for digestion.
  • With an individual allergic reaction to products.

Dried fruits belong to severe food, so the use of them should not exceed the norms. The best is a mixture of certain recipes and proportions.

The recipe for the preparation of healing components is not one, they are still quite diverse. Each of them can have different proportions. You can reduce or add different types of dried fruits to your discretion.

It depends on what you want to make an emphasis, which disease should be opposed primarily. But, absolutely all recipes are one general advantage– they reliably protect the body from infectious viruses and microbes into it and raise its immune properties.

Traditional and popular recipe for dried fruits and honey

Here you need to tell about the beneficial properties of the honey, as a natural product of beekeeping containing the unique composition of trace elements. It has antimicrobial functions, strengthens the heart, vessels, contributes to the correct metabolism and protects the digestive tract, improving its work.

As part of a mixture of dried fruits, honey plays the role of a binder, combining the mass, squeezing with its taste, the acid of some fruits and makes a mixture of balanced and pleasant.

How to cook useful mix for immunity:

  • 200 gr. Kuragi,
  • 200 gr. prunes
  • 150 gr. fig
  • 250 gr. Honey.
  1. Wash dried fruits with rather warm water to clean them from the covering fatty. Consider on a napkin or paper towel.
  2. Next, we crush all dried fruits by grinding them in a meat grinder, coffee grid or cut with small pieces.
  3. We mix the finished fruit mass with honey and we remove into the refrigerator in the glass container.

How to take this healing mixture? Every day, in the morning, eat on a teaspoon, without drinking water.

Dried fruits, nuts and honey, cooking recipe

In order to increase the healing effect of the mixture, you can add a variety of nuts to it, which differ from each other not only the taste, but also a set of useful components.

Nuts can be added a variety of: walnut, cedar, almond, peanuts and hazelnuts. All of them most favorable affect the work of the internal and external systems of the body.

  • Walnuts prevent the destruction of bone tissue, and the omega fatty acids are removed from the body of excess cholesterol. They perfectly affect the increase of male strength, and also increase the work of the brain.
  • Cedar gives forces and performance, have a strong effect of anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating nature. This kind of nuts is especially recommended to children and women during pregnancy and feeding the baby.
  • Almond nuts are important for those who suffer from heartburn, gases and other gastrointestinal illness.– intestinal tract. But, it should be remembered, there are a lot of blue acid in them, so the abuse of them is dangerous for life.
  • Hazelnuk against obesity, premature composition of the body and oncology is considered the most useful, among nuts. For immunity, in its composition in large quantities there is vitamin C.
  • Peanuts, this is a good antidepressant, capable of normalizing sleep, regenerate cells and output cholesterol in large quantities.

How to cook nuts– honey mixture with dried fruits for maintaining immunity:

  • 300 gr. prunes
  • 200 gr. dates,
  • 200 gr. raisin
  • 300 gr. Kuragi,
  • 350 gr. nuts,
  • 350 gr. Honey.

Nuts and dried fruits are cleaned and crushed in a coffee grinder, honey is added. Such a mixture of S. nuts are capable of much, and with the initial task of protection of immunity will cope perfectly. For children, this delicious medicine will be beloved and in demand.

I think that take it, you will not need to persuade anyone, rather, it will have to hide this delicacy. Excessive use is undesirable, it may affect negatively on the children's body. It is worth stopping separately on the question of the correct use of this fund.

You can change a few taste, giving a mixture even more interesting and rich taste notes if you roasted nuts. But it is worth warning, this procedure will slightly reduce the beneficial properties of nuts. And if you have gathered to prepare a mixture of the world, then you should not do this, since the benefits from nuts will be more if they remain in raw form.

  • For a healthy person, there will be a tablespoon of a mixture in half an hour to break in the quality of prevention.
  • With chronic fatigue and deterioration of the state, with a feeling of cold, three spoons per day before meals.
  • For a children's body, a slightly teaspoon, with exacerbations you can increase to three times a day.
  • During pregnancy during breastfeeding, take the mixture carefully, in order not to cause allergies, as honey and nuts can provoke it.

In case the rash appeared, then what– that of the components is not accepted by the body. Save the reception immediately and check each of the products on an allergic reaction separately. Adjustment of the recipe is important, should not be abandoned from all means due to the irrigation of one of the components.

How to store useful mixes so that they do not spoil ahead of time

The best thing is to store them in a glass container on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Storage time can last up to several months, but should not be too abused by it.

It is better to prepare a fresh portion of a natural tasty medicine, and to experience the delight from the aroma and a pleasant taste of a mixture of products donated to us by nature itself. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Try to buy high-quality ingredients to prepare this unique tool. Look carefully so that there is no damage or mold, it can spoil the mixture and make it unsuitable for use.

During the period of spring and autumn vitamin starvation, you will be able to do well without medicines and food additives, making a bet on the naturalness of dry fruit, honey and nuts. These natural natural gifts that have enlightened its entirety will help you strengthen and make a strong immunity, which means to avoid diseases.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!