Increased motor activity in a child and an adult. Hyperactive child

  • 13.10.2019

Or just active. Only a specialist on certain symptoms will be able to determine the state of your baby. Some say that hyperactivity is a disease, others believe that the child's character is so much. Where is the truth yet? What is hyperactivity? What is your baby? What is the activity of crumbs to do in this case? You will learn about this and many other things now.

What is children's hyperactivity?

Children cannot be similar to each other: one active, other calm - all of them are individual. Many mothers argue: they say if they have a baby too mobile, it means that he is hyperactive. However, this is not quite true. Hyperactivity is overexcited that is accompanied by too much activity.

This state is characteristic of it always, even at night. You can't sit in one place, walk slowly - too. Everything is done very quickly and not always thoughtfully. At the same time you never know what to expect from a hyperactive person next minute. All solutions he takes spontaneously. It is believed that such a child is not paying enough attention. Therefore, he invents new pranks. Hyperactivity is it brightly begins to be expressed at the age of two, and to school age, the momentum is gained, and then the baby becomes uncontrollable: it ceases to fully observe the discipline, manifests his aggression, grows adults. There are no authoritative for such children. About 150 years ago, doctors tried to understand and solve the problem of hyperactivity. To date, some issues are disclosed, but not all. There were many books and tips on this.

What is the difference between children's activity and hyperactivity?

Active children are very nimble, these are fidgets who constantly want to know everything. They know the world due to their exhaustion. But at the same time they listen to adults, they can be inserted for some time an interesting occupation. For example, laying, applique or folding puzzles. It all depends on the interests of the child. Excessive emotions they have rarely manifest. If active children bothers nothing, they are not hungry and not sick, then only their laughter is heard. Mobility is often manifested only at home - visiting or on a walk, the baby behaves differently, more modest and quieter. The active child does not conflict with children, but if he is offended, letting it, without thinking. He himself does not provoke scandals. Physical activity is accompanied by cheerfulness, enthusiasm, energetic, obedience. During the day, the child gets tired, so sleeping at night very well.

Hyperactive children may also be injured, but not more than 10 minutes. Their calm state does not happen. The kid demonstrates his behavior absolutely everywhere, does not know what shyness is. Says quickly, jumping with theme on the topic. Specifies a lot of questions. Without waiting for an answer, asks on. In speech it is noticeable that he does not agree with the endings, so quickly wants to say something. Sleeps in constant anxiety, spinning, falls out of bed, emotions and behavior of uncontrollable and uncontrollable are possible. Physical activity develops quickly into aggressiveness. In the company, hyperactive children are quite often conflicted with everyone.

Hyperactivity in children: symptoms

Your child can not sit calmly in one place? Do not immediately run in the doctors and think that he has children's hyperactivity. First, pay attention to the features of the activity of your baby:

  • anxiety and impulsiveness;
  • inattention;
  • aggression, nervousness and endless hysteries;
  • problems in communicating with peers and adults;
  • immunity to learning;
  • clumsiness, inability to bring to the end;
  • indiscipline.

All of the above features and characterize hyperactivity. The symptoms that you discovered should be alert. Perhaps it is worth applying any measures to improve the behavior of your Chad. After all, aggression is manifesting too often and pronounced.

Any parents will be tired of fighting with such behavior. These kids quickly lose contact with friends, in the end, no one wants to be friends with them, and even adults try to avoid communicating with such personalities. If they got a task, you will never be able to fulfill it completely, since too overwrites are not excited, are inattentive and can forget about him of serious work. Pay attention to the hyperactivity in children. Symptoms they may differ. After all, as already mentioned, every child is individual.

Nutrition of hyperactive children

Everyone knows that the nutrition of each child should be full and balanced, and most importantly - useful. If ordinary kids parents allow you to eat a chocolate or candy, then from the diet of hyperactive such a product should be excluded. At the end of winter - early spring it is necessary to give a complex of vitamins to improve memory and brain activity. As soon as they begin to appear on the gardens and on the trees, the first vegetables and fruits, be sure to turn them on in the daily menu. And in general, they must be attended on your desk.

Fish once a week, and better two should be present in the diet of your baby. The same applies to all products where there is magnesium, iron, calcium, etc. But the cakes, cakes, sausages, purchased dumplings a child should not even see. They are harmful not only to health as a whole, but also for the behavior of the child. This is proven by doctors for a long time. In addition, it is necessary to remember that children with hyperactivity it is necessary to give food solely in time. Many people do not believe that the behavior of the baby depends on the power mode, but the science is proved that this is so.

Why appeared hyperactivity

Where did this behavior come from? Maybe she was inherited? So consider many parents. However, the reasons for hyperactivity should be found in the other. Remember how your pregnancy flows. Perhaps Mom has a lot nervous, sick or took drugs, which later affected the baby. It even happens that the woman led too much an active lifestyle, thanks to which Kroch still began to get used to it in the womb. Heavy childbirth can also provoke a kid hyperactivity. In addition, it is quite often a reason for the lack of attention from others. Perhaps relatives of the child do not communicate with him or play. Then the kids are trying to attract the attention of adults with their terrible behavior.

Hyperactivity provoking factors

Parents are happy if their baby is cheerful, cheerful and active. However, when the baby wakes up aggression and incomprehensible behavior, adults do not understand what provoked this situation. First of all, pay attention to your own attitude towards your baby. Perhaps you are not good enough and affectionate. Such behavior is possible if the child is often eating food in which pesticides are located. It is very harmful effect on the kid. The carbonated water also enters the list of prohibited products.

So try to avoid eating harmful food. Relationship in the family, in mindfulness to the child - all this affects the state of the nervous system of the baby, remember this.

What do the doctor's say

Opinions of specialists were divided. Some are confident that hyperactivity in children of preschool age is a normal phenomenon, others say is a serious illness. The pediatrician sends a patient to a neuropathologist and psychiatrist. European scientists believe that such a disease, like hyperactivity, does not happen. Just a child is very smart and restless, and over time he will definitely grow out. Hyperactivity is a myth, not a disease. It was invented in the early 80s to justify the increased activity of the carappow. In addition, it turns around, the age of children is also important. The study showed that schoolchildren to the second or third class behavior changes. They become calmer and balanced. If the child is too nervous and inattentive, perhaps he has a psyche violated. However, according to European doctors, it is not worth a pack of children with psychotropic and other medicines. The consequences may be undesirable. In the future, the child can no longer feel normally without medicines. This is even more affected by his psyche. It is better to achieve normal behavior of fidgets in gentle words and conversations. Always need to remember: all the achievements or problems of the child are the wines of the adult and environment.

Games with hyperactive children

Any child needs to be able to lure. Games for preschool children are largely active. So kids will spend their energy with benefit. To develop attention and obedience, you can play the game: "Make it all the opposite." An adult lowered his right hand - the baby raised his left. Adult closed one eye, and the baby is another, etc. Play with the child to the game "Edible - Inedible". Only the theme needs to be changed very often so that the baby is not tedied. For example, voiced the names of the furniture - the child catches the ball, utter a different word that does not relate to the themes - beats. Working with children with high activity is carried out regularly. So they will feel that they are given sufficient attention, and they will behave energetically, but without unnecessary, no one needed emotions. From time to time play with babies into noisy and emotional games.

Thanks to them, the kids develop dexterity, thinking, moving children love the game "Molchanka - Crochet". Adult prepares 3 circles in advance, the colors of which correspond to the traffic light. Show the baby red, at this time, let him run, shouts, knocks, etc. (2 minutes). Show the yellow circle - the child should talk and do everything very quiet. Green color means that you need to silence and do nothing at all for 2 minutes. With each "session" time increases. The next movable, but a inappropriate game hobble for some time children. This "the sea is worried about" - fun, known for a long time. She forms obedience and fantasy from restless. For any age, you can find interesting games. Parents and educators interested in lowering the hyperactivity of the child must learn to make noise with him, shout, run and jump. Now you will see how the kid will change.

With hyperactivity, work with children is carried out regularly. They should feel constant attention from others. Organize the baby a clear routine of the day. Try to eat and lay down to sleep at the same time. Be sure to listen to the mind of the child, do not ignore it, even if it seems to you that he speaks absurd things. If you think that the baby is wrong, prove your point of view, just not hard. The child will believe reliable facts, find and give examples. Try to formulate your request clearly, without a scream, in a friendly tone. When the child began to be capricious or to test, try not punishing or beat it, but to distract the game.

Even a banal kiss will calm the swelling baby. If no requests and persuasions act, leave it one - you will see when he understands that there is no one to roll hysteria, he will calm down. The child often say the word "impossible" is undesirable. It is necessary to formulate a ban in such a way that it looks like a request. If you prohibit him to drink the subject in the outlet, try to explain why it is dangerous. An incomprehensible punishment for the child provokes terrible hysteria and scandal. You do not need to order, it is better to just calmly ask. If the child does not want to apologize, it is not necessary to force it, as the nerves of each family member will be spoiled.

As mentioned above, games for children of preschool age should be a mandatory occupation, and they should play both with other guys and with adults. Hyperactive children should not be given a few tasks at the same time: after the first such a child is fulfilled, it will still forget what to do next. It is better to ask for one or another task in stages. Do not let the calm baby - it negatively affects its general condition. It is better to provide regular full-fledged nutrition instead of drugs, and do not forget about vitamins - there should be a lot of them. The hardness in the upbringing should be present, but only without negative emotions. Keep away the kid ability to bring things to the end, without stopping at half the way. Each child has signs of hyperactivity individual. Affectionate and good attitude will change his behavior.


In the case of hyperactive children, remember that you need to apply the specific methods of upbringing and games, if you want to achieve the desired result. Parents and teachers should work together with such babies. The educator of a kindergarten or psychologist must explain to parents that in the family there can be only a quiet and peaceful atmosphere, so as not to provoke the hysteries of the crumbs. From the birth itself, you need to gently demand accuracy and obedience. He must be able to respect others, communicate with them in the pressed tone: do not be sad and not to handle. Hyperactive kids are not very different from active sumps. A little bit of perpetuity - and with them you can communicate quite normally. Just every little man wants constant attention. The faster the teachers and parents begin to work on the hyperactivity of the child, the more effective there will be a result.

Currently, more and more parents are looking for an answer to the question of what to do if the doctors diagnosed "Hyperactive child." Unfortunately, excessive activity prevents the crumb to lead a normal lifestyle, so there is a need to give practical advice for adults who face such pathology in children.
Scientists separated hyperactivity from other pathologies and gave the deficitation syndrome and hyperactivity syndrome (ADHD). However, such a deviation in the psyche has not yet been fully investigated.

To distinguish a hyperactive child from a simple fidget, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • The active baby has great cognitive interest and enjoys his vesiableness to obtain new knowledge. Unlike a hyperactively aggressive child, neglecting someone else's opinion, he listens to the comments of adults, with joy enters the game.
  • Strong emotions of fidgets are rarely manifold, in unfamiliar conditions behave calmer.
  • The lack of a tendency to provocate active kids helps them build conflict-free relationships with other guys, which is not excellent than hyperactive children.
  • Children without deviations in the psyche have a strong dream, they are energetic, but obedient.

There is such a disorder at the age of two years. However, there are some signs of a hyperactive child that can be noticed a year. Often adults do not pay attention to it until the karapuz grows. Then it is starting to expect greater independence. However, to show her baby is not able due to violations of mental development.

Boys suffer more often suffer deficit syndrome. Their quantity reaches 22%, and the number of girls with ADHD is only 10%.

Why is the child hyperactive?

There are many reasons for such a disorder. The most common ones are:

  • Infectious diseases transferred by children at an early age.
  • Stresses, severe physical labor moms during the tooling of the fetus.
  • Acceptance of the mother of drugs, alcohol.
  • Head injuries arising during childbirth.
  • Heavy or premature childbirth.
  • Meful or incorrect krochi nutrition.
  • The disease can be transmitted at the genetic level.
  • Conflicts inside the family.
  • Authoritarian style of upbringing.

What child can be called hyperactive?

Doctors' specialists include a child to the category "Hyperactive", if he has the following signs:

  • Interest in business lasts no more than 10 minutes. With any distracting factor, it switches its attention.
  • Karapuz constantly agrees, inattentive. During classes or lessons, it cannot stop in place, constantly moving, twitching.
  • The behavior is not aggravated by shyness. Ensure incorrect even in unfamiliar places.
  • Specifies many questions, but in response does not need them. Sometimes gives an answer without hearing the entire offer. During games, it requires universal concentration on his person.
  • Speech is accelerated, swallows the end of words. It often jumps from one action to another, without finishing the started.
  • Restless sleep is one of the signs of a hyperactive child. Nightmalls occur, urine incontinence.
  • Permanent conflicts with peers do not give any friends. It can not safely play, interferes with the game of other guys. During the lessons shouting off, prevents his behavior.
  • Hyperactive children often do not absorb the school course program.
  • Deviations in the work of the brain during information processing. Performing tasks often experiences difficulties.
  • It seems that the child does not hear what adults tell him.
  • Scattered, loses personal items, school supplies, toys.
  • The clumsiness in the movements of a hyperactive child often causes injuries and damage.
  • It has problems with small motility: it is difficult to make buttons, cords tying, calligraphy.
  • Does not respond to adult comments, prohibitions, punishment.
  • Susceptible to frequent headaches, there are nervous ticks.

Remember that only a doctor can diagnose ADHD. And only if the doctor discovered at least 8 symptoms of a hyperactive child. The diagnosis is made on the basis of the results of MRI brain, EEG, blood tests. With sufficiently developed mental abilities, such children have problems with speech, shallow motility, low cognitive interest. Medical learning abilities, weak motivation for training activities does not allow our inattentive hyperactive children to get a high level of education.

If you have given such a diagnosis, you should not be afraid and lower your hands. No need to hope that the problem is solved by itself. Hyperactive child really needs help parents and recommendations of specialists.

What to do the parents of a hyperactive child?

To solve the problem of parents of hyperactive children, the following tips must be taken into account:

  • Take care of the day mode. Do not forget about the daily rituals: system reading a fairy tale at night or morning charging will exact excessive overexcitation of crumbs. Try not to change the regime moments. It will save from evening hysterics, make his sleep calmer.
  • Weather in the house. Friendly and confinitive relationships in the family will reduce destructive activity. Avoid noisy holidays, unexpected guests.
  • Sections. Sports sessions will send the energy of the ledge into a positive direction. Control systematics of visiting classes, for a hyperactive child it is important. Avoid sports competitiveness. It is better to choose aerobics, skiing, swimming. Beneficially affects the development of the thinking of Karapuz Chess Classes. During chess games, he has both hemispheres at the same time, which positively affects the development of mental abilities.
  • Energy release. If the behavior of children does not interfere with others, you do not need to restrain them. Let your emotions splash. After such a "self-cleaning", the child will become calmer.
  • Punishment. When there is a need for educational influences, try not to choose such punishments at which Karapuzu will have to sit in place for a long time. For him, this is an exceptional task.
  • Golden mean. No need to crush overdue. Heavy demands, stiffness in the education of a hyperactive child will only harm. But it is necessary to fear excessive concerns about such baby. Children feel the weakness of adults, they quickly learn to manipulate. Then the upbringing of too active guys becomes uncontrollable.
  • Food. Food for such babies should be useful. Exclude sweets, products with artificial additives, sausages, semi-finished products. It is possible to improve the work of the brain by the receptions of the vitamins complex in the off-season. The daily menu must contain vegetables, fruits. Be sure to introduce products containing calcium, iron, magnesium into the diet.
  • Excessive impressions. Places of excess accumulation of people excite a hyperactive baby. Avoid sharing supermarkets, public transport.
  • A television. Limit the TV shows of aggressive content. However, a pair of good cartoons will help a day. For watching the TV fidget trains perseverance.
  • Promotion. Do not spare words of praise for too active children. It is important for them to realize that they are on the way to victory over negativism.

Treatment and correction of a hyperactive child

There are several practical advice on the treatment of a hyperactive child:

  • Massotherapy. The appointed massage will help remove the muscular tension, calm the crumb, relaxes it.
  • Physiotherapy. Improves the supply of brain cortex with blood electrophoresis with drugs.
  • Consultation psychologist. Adjust behavior and learn how to restrain the impulsive gusts will help play therapy. Classes with a psychologist or psychotherapist develop the toddler's speech, improves the small motility of the hands of a hyperactive child. With systematic exercises, attention is improving.
  • Medical gymnastics, swimming pool. With their help, the nervous system is strengthened, and excessive energy leaves.
  • Technique Alekseeva, autogenic workouts, model Schulza. These exercise complexes will be useful for muscle relaxation, they will help him calmly sleep. At first, such a therapeutic work with a hyperactive child is carried out only under the supervision of a specialist.

Parents of hyperactive child psychologists give the following tips:

  • Believe the manifestations of the hyperactivity of the child are not as disadvantages, but as the peculiarities of its character.
  • Be prepared that your requests such a baby will hear from the first time, be patient and repeat them several times.
  • Do not shout on fidgets. Your excitement will badly affect the Karapuz, he will lose control over his emotions. It is better to press the baby to yourself, in gentle by him, then ask a quiet voice that it happened. Repeating phrases are soothered, relaxes firmly.
  • Music helps to adjust the crumb into a calm positive way. More often, turn on classic musical works or write it to the music school.
  • Try not to give livers at once a lot of toys. Let the baby learns to concentrate its attention on a single subject.
  • The hyperactive child should have its own cozy corner in which he curbs negative emotions and will come to himself. This room is suitable for this with the walls of neutral. It should be your favorite things, toys that help him remove excess nervousness.
  • Carefully follow the behavior of Chad. At the first signs of increasing aggression, switch its attention to other activities. Hysterical attacks easier to stop at the initial stage.

How to reassure a hyperactive child?

The treatment of a hyperactive child can be carried out in household conditions with:

  • Medications. To such a way to resort to the last place. The doctor may prescribe sedatives based on plant components. Nootropic drugs affect the exchange processes in the cerebral cortex, improve the memory, the attention of crumbs. You should not wait for quick results from calming for hyperactive children, medications will start acting only in a few months.
  • Relaxing baths. Before bedtime, you can use sedative baths every day. The temperature of the water must be no higher than 38. Add the hop in the water from the hops, the needles.
  • Folk remedies. To remove the voltage, decoctions of soothing herbs are used. They are accepted by half a cup of twice a day. You can prepare a mixture to strengthen the nervous system from cranberries with aloe, twisted by the meat grinder, with the addition of honey. Such a delicious nutritional mixture is given a half-day course three times a day.

Dr. Komarovsky about hyperactive child

The famous Ukrainian pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky believes that:

  • Hyperactive can be considered the child who has problems during communication with friends at school or in kindergarten. If the team does not accept Karapuz, and the school program is not absorbed, then we can talk about the disease.
  • So that the hyperactive karapuz listened to your words is necessary to start attracting his attention to him. When the baby is busy, he is unlikely to respond to the request of the parents.
  • No need to change your decision. If you prohibit something, then this ban should act constantly, and not from the case of the case.
  • Safety in the family with fumes should stand in the first place. It is necessary to organize a living space for hyperactive children so that he cannot be injured during the game. Require collens and accuracy not only from the baby, but also from yourself.
  • You do not need to ask the ledge to perform complex tasks. Try to divide such work on simple stages, so you will achieve the best results. Use the action plan in pictures.
  • You need to praise at any convenient case. Even if the small artist did not fully paint the picture, praise it for accuracy and effort.
  • It is necessary to take care of your own holiday. With any opportunity, parents must relax. You can use the help of relatives and ask them to walk a little with the baby. When raising hyperactive children, calm and equilibrium of his parents are very important.

Your special kid should not be doubt that his parents love him very much. The correct behavior of parents in the upbringing of a hyperactive child will solve this problem. Take advantage of Karapuzu, follow the councils of specialists.

Children's hyperactivity: diagnosis or individual feature of a child?

Hyperactivity is called the excessive activity of the child, its nonsense, inconsistency, inattention, constant nervous excitation. Hyperactivity is a sign of the impassiveness of the nervous system of the child. In medicine of ADHD (deciphered as the deficit and hyperactivity deficit syndrome), it is determined as a violation of the development of neurological and behavioral nature, in which the hyperactivity of children is pronounced quite brightly, and it often conjugates such a phenomenon as a deficit of attention. ADHD develops in young children. It is accompanied by an excessive impulsive syndrome and activity, poor concentration of attention, inability to control their emotions and actions. As a rule, the diagnosis of hyperactivity can only be confirmed by a medical worker: teachers and psychologists to confirm or refute this diagnosis are not eligible.

Hyperactivity and its causes

ADHD holds not yet born children. However, this syndrome does not progress this syndrome, and others are expressed especially bright. Why? This happens for such reasons:

  1. Hereditary predisposition.
  2. The consequence of severe pregnancy and labor (strong toxicosis, the threat of interrupting pregnancy, hypoxia of the fetus, presence, pathology of the childbirth themselves, getting injuries during childbirth).
  3. Infections and toxication (for example, heavy metals) child at an early age, improper nutrition.
  4. An unfavorable furnishings in the family: stresses due to frequent scandals and conflicts, strict and improper education, alcoholism and drug addiction, adverse living conditions.
  5. Neurological pathology in the child.

In essence, one of the above reasons cannot provoke the development of ADHD. As a rule, hyperactivity is a consequence of the complex impact of various provoking factors.

What features can you recognize a hyperactive child?

There are signs for which it is easy to determine, a child is hyperactive or not. Among these signs:

  • excessive activity and nonsense: a child with ADHD is in constant movement, it is spinning, something is pulling in his hands, knocking his fingers, keeps his legs, etc.;
  • increased distractions: a hyperactive child from the main activity distracts everything, for example, ranging from a flying fly in the room, and ending with interesting, in his opinion, a drawing in the book;
  • impulsiveness;
  • forgetfulness;
  • lack of control over their own actions;
  • capacity, Capriciousness and Anxiety;
  • scattered;
  • negativism towards others and aggressiveness;
  • violation of the concentration of attention;
  • increased excitability;
  • bad sleep;
  • elevated muscular tone.

Finding the child under 7 years of age would at least 6 signs from the list of listed, an adult may assume that the kid is hyperactive. However, it can only be assumption: the diagnosis has the right to put only the medic.

Varieties of pathology and its possible consequences

Hyperactivity on dominant features shall be divided into such types:

  1. The deficit syndrome in which there is no hyperactivity. More often observed in girls. With a shortage of attention, the babes are closed in their own world, become too dreamy, have a stormy fantasy.
  2. Hyperactivity syndrome without attention deficit. Such pathology is rare phenomenon. As a rule, due to disorders in the work of the central nervous system and the individual features of the baby.
  3. Actually, ADHD is the most common form of pathology, in which the child is diagnosed and violation of attention and hyperactivity.

It is naive to believe that the ADHD treat is not needed. This pathology does not pass by itself, on the contrary, its consequences can be exacerbated over time. So, the consequences of ADHD can be:

  • bad performance in school;
  • low self-esteem;
  • difficulties in building relationships with others;
  • beatings and fights;
  • mockery of peers;
  • alcoholism and drug addiction;
  • attempts by suicide.

What is surprising, hyperactive children are very capable, they have an excellent level of development. However, due to the lack of concentration of attention, it is difficult to refer to study.

How to diagnose hyperactivity in a child?

Diagnostics should include such specialists like a neurologist, psychiatrist and a psychologist. The diagnosis after the first survey is not placed - the kid is observed for six months using:

  • conversation methods;
  • neuropsychological testing;
  • observation of behavior;
  • diagnostic questionnaires.

If necessary, to clarify the diagnosis, the child is sent to the survey to the speech therapist, an endocrinologist, an ophthalmologist, a otolaryngologist and an epileptologist, since neurological or somatic disorder can be hidden under hyperactivity syndrome. To confirm the diagnosis, MRI of the brain, general and biochemical blood tests, ECCG and EEG should be carried out. Based on the results of these studies and is diagnosed.

Features of the treatment of ADHD in children

  1. Metabolic, it is also medicated. Preparations in each case are selected individually, according to the symptoms of pathology.
  2. Neuropsychological: lies in psychomotor correction of ontogenetic blocks of the cerebral organization of the child's activities.
  3. Syndromal: lies in the use of special games that have favorably affect the development of individual elements of the syndrome. For junior preschoolers, educational games are often the most effective in combating ADHD.
  4. Behanthened: a complex of various types of psychotherapy, which allows you to form the desired behavioral models.
  5. Personal: The use of various techniques of individual and group psychotherapy, which help to resolve external and internal psychogenic conflicts, have a beneficial effect on personal growth and relationships with others.

Treatment of ADHD is worth a very responsible. Initially, preference should be given to non-male methods of therapy. But if they turned out to be ineffective, provided that all the recommendations of the specialist were unquestioned, it is not necessary to refuse from medication treatment.

Games for hyperactive children

The psychology of hyperactive children is significantly different from the psychology of other kids: they need to pay more attention, as they are easily distracted and missed important moments during class. Therefore, individual games for hyperactive children are an excellent opportunity to develop those skills that are difficult to them. Start better with games aimed at developing one function. For example, it can be an exercise only on the development of attention or exclusively to raise the perpetuity. When a child is well aimed at one function, you can include tasks for the development of two functions at once - the one that is already familiar and the one you need to raise up. When a child learn to control his actions, you can start involving it in collective games.

  1. The game "Where what was." Purpose: Development of attention concentration. The course of the game: the child needs several toys, ask the baby to look at them for a while and remember them, after which the child should turn away. An adult cleans one of the toys and asks the child to turn back. The task of the baby is to say which toy has disappeared and where she stood. Gradually, the number of toys can be increased.
  2. The game "Multicacies". Purpose: Development of discipline. Games: The fingers of the child lie on the edge of the table. According to the team of adult "Multicacies" (fingers of the child) should move in the specified direction, by changing it in time by the adult signal. It is important that all 5 fingers each of the hands take part in the game.
  3. The game "Conversation with hands." Purpose: learn to control your actions. Suitable for especially aggressive children, those who often break toys. Games: Offer the child on a sheet of paper with a pencil to circle the silhouette of his handles, cut them out and revive, drawing them eyes, spouts and mouth with colored woven. Then get a conversation with the conversational handles: ask who they are and what their name is what they love to do, and that they do not like what they are - obedient or not. If the child does not want to turn on in the conversation, say the dialogue yourself. The main thing - emphasize that the knobs are good that they know how much (you can list what it is), but sometimes there are naughty. Finishing the game, conclude a contract with the handles and their owner, in which the handles promise that during the day they will only make good things - to clean, repair, greet, play, will not hurt anyone and will not break anything. For hyperactive children, the Treaty time is better to take shorter, gradually increasing it if the baby agrees to such conditions. Each time with the palms you need to enter into a new contract.
  4. Game "Pass the ball." Purpose: Remove excessive motor activity. Games: Standing in a circle or sitting on chairs, children should pass each other as quickly as possible, so as not to drop it. Consignment can be found in a circle of several goals.
  5. The game "Changes". Purpose: Development of communicative skills. Chairs need to put in a circle. Then the participants of the game are chosen by the leading, which is removed from the circle line. Thus, in a circle there remains chairs for one less than participants. The leading says: "The places are changing those who have ... (dark hair, white tights, there are dolls, etc.). After that, children with a named sign should be swapped in some places, and at this time should take someone's chairs. The one who did not have time to take his place becomes leading.

What methods to use in work with a hyperactive child?

Through the use of these techniques, the hyperactive child becomes calmer, balanced, attentive. In working with children with SDVGSPECIALISTS, it is recommended to apply:

  • medical nutrition;
  • therapeutic physical culture and respiratory gymnastics;
  • autogenic training;
  • gaming therapy;
  • family psychotherapy;
  • dance, musical and dramaturgical therapy;
  • art therapy and isotherapy;
  • photo-, biblio and taletherapy.
  1. Praise the child for all his achievements, be attentive to him.
  2. Come up with an emboss daily order, which he must perform himself.
  3. Strictly follow the prescriptions of specialists (for example, massage, gymnastics or drugs, which were appointed for the treatment of ADHD).
  4. Tell your teacher about the problem of the child, ask to your baby relate more carefully.
  5. Always stay calm, do not raise your voice to the child, do not scold him. Be comprehensive with the opinion of the second parent.
  6. Do not overestimate, but do not underestimate the requirements.
  7. Acquish the baby to rolling games and sports.
  8. Determine the clear boundaries of the permitted and unauthorized. All your requirements must be performed by all members of the family.
  9. Pay a child maximum attention.
  10. During walks with a child, avoid too crowded places - this can cause the overexcitation of the kid.
  11. Follow the rigoric routine of the day with the whole family. Stay sleep and wake the baby strictly at one time.
  12. Do not let long watch TV. Do not remove the overexcitation of its nervous system.
  13. Let the child understand how he is the roads for you. Examine and kiss the baby.
  14. Let the child make a choice.
  15. Noticing the ability of a child to any activity, contribute to their development.

Hyperactive children need special upbringing. And if the parent does everything correctly, there will be no trace for adolescence from this syndrome, and the child will grow smart, successful, intellectually developed and happy man. Of course, adults will need a lot of effort and patience. But the happy future of your own child is worth these efforts.

Hyperactivity is too busy behavior of people, in which the increased excitability of man is clearly visible. Usually such behavior happens due to the inability to control emotions. Therefore, hyperactivity syndrome is observed mainly in children and adolescents. If adults behave in a similar way, you can talk about the presence of some mental disorder.

With respect to hyperactivity syndrome in children and adolescents, experts adhere to another opinion. They believe that excessive activity and high excitability in this case are mainly explained by the deficit of attention. Under the deficit of attention in this case, the absence of ability to concentrate on a specific subject, sound or form of activity is implied.

In addition, the causes of such behavior of the child may be generic injuries, any infections, insufficient or improper nutrition, poisoning poisoning of chemical origin.

Hyperactivity syndrome in boys is found much more often than girls. Usually he makes itself felt already in two or three years. To date, increased excitability is celebrated by almost 10% of students in primary classes. It often accompanies sleep disorders, speech defects, development pathology, diarrhea, enuresis.


Despite the fact that the symptoms of hyperactivity in children appear at a very early age, they come to the specialist most often to 8-10 years. This is explained by the fact that initially surrounding consider the child with restless or simply do not attach a special meaning of its uncontrollable mobility. She begins to demand increased attention when it becomes an obstacle to school and prevents adaptation in society.

The main symptoms of hyperactivity in children are:

  • Inability for a long time to focus on something;
  • Disadvantage, the inability to concentrate on one subject;
  • Difficulties with a concentration on some one lesson;
  • Reluctance to solve require mental voltage problem;
  • Scattered;
  • Constant forgetfulness;
  • Regular distraction for outsiders;
  • Continuous piselnia on the chair;
  • Frequent jumping from place;
  • Impulsive cramped hands and uncontrolled movements with legs during excitement;
  • The inability of something calmly wait and listen to something to the end;
  • Permanent desire to break from place.

If such actions in the behavior of the child take place, there is a serious reason to suspect the presence of hyperactivity syndrome. This may have negative consequences, expressed in poor social adaptation and violation of the normal learning process, excessive irritability and hot-temperedness. Such children cannot focus, feel angry when you have to wait for something and do not realize at the time of the commission of some action of his consequences.

Especially risky manifestations of hyperactivity syndrome are in conflict adolescence. Boys and girls with such syndrome have a strong desire for leadership and often commit causing, bordering with antisocial, actions. They start smoking early, drink alcoholic beverages or narcotic substances.

Children with hyperactivity symptoms require a specific approach in raising and in supervision. Their behavior is due not to negative features of nature, but a violation of the reticular formation. This is one of the features of the brain that is responsible for processing information and for the degree of concentration of attention. A failure in its work leads to excessive brain fatigue and an increase in emotional anxiety, against the background of which the uncontrolled desire for permanent movement appears.

Treatment and correction

Hyperactivity in children is not amenable to ordinary strict control, since the child in this case is not able to respond to comments and adequately perceive the threat of punishment for their actions. The first priority of the correction is to teach the management of themselves. It lies in the direction of energy in a safeway. It can be sports or energetic fascinating games that are combined with careful observance of the day mode and with compulsory walks in the fresh air.

The process of treating hyperactivity does not allow intellectual overwork and long-term presence of a person among a large mass of people. The child should be protected from stress and emotional shake. To such children, too high demands cannot be made. But it is also unacceptable with them too soft. The child's nutrition should be correct, with sufficient content of trace elements and vitamins.

Therapeutic treatment of hyperactivity lies in the use of nootropic drugs in a complex with manual methods. Amphetamines that can be taken once a day are used as psychostimulants. If psychostimulants do not give tangible results, prescribe neuroleptics and antidepressants. However, the use of such means requires constant monitoring of the child, as it creates the risk of cardiovascular deviations.

Tranquilizers, sleeping pills and H1 blockers are also used. They are used in cases where other drugs are ineffective and only after a painstaking analysis of the reasons for the unsuccessfulness of the previous method of treatment. Additionally, clonidine and a number of anticonvulsant medicines are prescribed to suppress or correction of hyperactivity - carbamazepine, valproic acid, etc.

Hyperactivity is such a form of disorder, which often manifests itself in children of preschool groups, as well as in children of early school age, although the "transition" to further age groups is not excluded in the absence of appropriate measures to its address. Hyperactivity, the symptoms of which are to be excessive energetic and mobility of the child, is not a pathological condition and often caused by violation of attention.

general description

Hyperactivity lies, in addition to the listed symptoms in the form of excessive energeticness and increased activity, in the inability to concentrate on a particular subject, impulsiveness and non-existence of the child, in the absence of control over their own actions.

The behavioral features of children with hyperactivity are minimized in 70% of cases to the emergence of concern, similar indicators fall on the relevance of neurological habits, approximately 50% of cases there are problems with appetite and in 46% - problems with sleep. In addition, it is possible to designate awkwardness, the appearance of annoying movements in a child, twitching.

In general, the terms of consideration of hyperactivity is made to designate a deficit of attention, which determines such an abbreviation for this state, as ADHD, that is, it corresponds to the syndrome of the attention and hyperactivity deficit syndrome. It should be immediately noted that attention deficit in this case does not indicate that the child pays little time and attention, but that it cannot focus his attention on anything.

Hyperactivity determines the need for an application for more efforts aimed at teaching letters, reading skills, etc. Communication with the peers in virtually obligatory in the hyperactivity of children accompany the problems of communicative scale, conflicts. The educators and teachers relate to such children as personalities are not too "convenient", which is caused by those problems that arise with them in the course of the educational process inherent in the background of the hyperactivity of the characteristics of their behavior.

Based on these studies, it is known that hyperactivity is relevant on average for 2-20% of children, while the hyperoactive syndrome in boys is diagnosed up to five times more often than, respectively, girls.

Due to the fact that the brain of children with hyperactivity processes the incoming information poorly, a similar reaction from its part also falls on the impact of external and internal stimuli. The inattentive child as a result of this "unmanage", because neither persuasion or punishment or requests do not act with him. Regardless of conditions, the child will act impulsively, without a corresponding situation of this or that situation. To understand its own behavior in relation to a hyperactive child, it is necessary to find out what the causes of hyperactivity are concluded.

To top ital, we add that hyperactivity and ADHD in particular in 30-80% of cases accompany both adult life of patients. Moreover, it is precisely against the background of this disorder that did not identify in childhood, there are subsequently problems associated with the inability of preserving attention, with the organization of interpersonal relations and the overall surrounding space, as well as problems related to the development of new information and materials.

Hyperactivity: Causes

Hypereactivity syndrome can be provoked by complications associated with the development of a child, in particular those of them, which were relevant during the pregnancy period, in the process of generic activity or within the period of infancy. We highlight the main causes of hyperency below:

  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • toxic impact due to poisoning during pregnancy, provoked by certain products, smoking, alcohol received by medical preparations;
  • transferring injuries during pregnancy, bruises;
  • transfer during pregnancy infectious diseases;
  • the presence of a factor of the threat of miscarriage, relevant, as is clear during the pregnancy period;
  • complications of generic activities provoked hemorrhages, asphyxia;
  • features of labor, excluding the natural course of their course (cesarean section, stimulation of generic activity, childbirth or, on the contrary, a protracted course of generic activity);
  • features of the environmental situation in the region of residence;
  • transferring certain diseases.

Hyperactivity: symptoms

As a rule, the first symptoms of hyperactivity make themselves to know at the age of 2-3 years, while the parents are not in rush to the doctor with concomitant disorders. Because of this, any measures in this area are accepted only to achieve a critical point that falls in many cases by the time of admission to school.

The main basic signs corresponding to hyperactivity, one can designate the triad of manifestations, and this is an increased motor disbursement, impulsiveness and a shortage of active form of attention.

The active form of attention is, for example, in the impossibility of holding attention to a specific process or phenomenon within a certain specified time interval. The concentration is achieved by determining the specific motivation to this. The motivational mechanism is formed with sufficient personal maturity.

As for the following option, and this is an increased motor disbursement, it acts as a manifestation of such a state as fatter. In children, fatigue is often comparable with overexcusion and with the absence of ability to control behavior, which, as clear, distinguishes him from fatigue in its usual understanding.

As for such a manifestation, as impulsiveness, it lies in unpreparedness to the braking of emerging motivations and desires. Because of this, hyperactive patients often make certain acts thoughtlessly, only under the influence of a momentum factor, with a concrete moment, which necessitates the emergence of a particular encouragement or desire. To obey the rules for impulsiveness, children are not capable.

A rather characteristic feature of children with hyperactivity is such a moment as cyclicality, it is that the productivity of their brain is about 15 minutes of time, after which there is a 5-minute "break", which allows to prepare for the next cycle of activity. As a result of such a switch, it can be noted that the child as if "falls out" in the framework of the same time "drops out" from the process in which it has been involved at the time of "reboot" (communication, concrete actions). To ensure the possibility of staying in a specific reality, the child may be due to the fulfillment of any third-party actions, that is, it can start turning his head, turn it out - due to such motor activity, the constancy of the brain is maintained.

Being alone, a hyperactive child cannot focus, he also becomes sluggish, the actions that he is capable of, mostly monotonous and easy to perform. Here the child needs external activation. Staying in the family or in conditions of small teams determines the fully adequate behavior of a hyperactive child, but it is worth it to be in a bigger group, in a public place, etc. - There is an excessive excitement, the full activity becomes impossible.

Among the additional manifestations of symptoms, it is also possible to designate the relevance of awkward movements, which are caused by the weakness of motor coordination. In general, children may have a good common intelligence, although its development is determined by certain difficulties on the soil of existing hyperactivity.

Diagnosis and treatment

The diagnosis of hyperreactivity is made on the basis of the general collection of information of the subjective scale, as well as on the basis of a psychological and hardware examination. Reception of the doctor will include questions concerning the features of the course of pregnancy and delivery, as well as transferred and relevant diseases of the child. Diagnosis also includes a number of tests, on the basis of which the parameters that determine the degree of attentiveness are estimated. As for the hardware examination, it includes the procedure of the electroencephalogram, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). Based on the comprehensive picture of the results obtained, specific individual principles of treatment are determined.

Treatment of hyperactive children is comprehensive in the nature of the implementation of measures, it is based on methods of drug therapy, on psychological and pedagogical impact and methods of impact due to certain elements of psychotherapy. Preparations that can be appointed in treatment do not contribute to the treatment of hyperactivity as such, but due to their reception, the symptoms (impulsivity, etc.) can be achieved, as well as improve the ability to learn and work. Also, with the help of medicines, it is possible to achieve improvement in coordination of movements, which is required in particular for writing, sports activities, etc.

Parents in dealing with the child should exclude denials in sentences. Conflict situations require the highest possible peace of mind on their part. Any tasks are important to designate through clear formulations of actions, long wording, on the contrary, are excluded, proposals must be short. The instructions given to the child should be built in the appropriate logical sequence, it is impossible to give several instructions at once. Additionally, it is important to give to understand the child, regardless of the situation and where it is located, parents will always be his support, helping to cope with emerging difficulties.

When symptoms indicating hyperactivity, it is necessary to refer to a neurologist.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Mental disorders, characterized mainly by a decrease in mood, motor intensity and failures of thinking, are a serious and dangerous disease that is called depression. Many people believe that depression is not a disease and also does not carry much danger, what they are deeply mistaken. Depression is a rather dangerous type of disease, causing the passivity and depression of a person.