Literature 16th century Presentation on history. Presentation on the history "Russian literature XV - XVI centuries

  • 05.04.2021

Folklore The main theme of oral folk creativity is the struggle for independence; There were epics about the heroes of the Russian Earth: they were reflected in both the early periods of the heroic struggle of the people and the late combat proceedings; In the XVI. The most common genre of folklore became historical songs that responded to the most important events left a deep mark in the folk consciousness; They were composed of people and lyrical, and wedding songs, witty proverbs and sayings, funny chastushki;

"The word about the death of the land of Russian" "Oh, lightly bright and beautifully decorated, the earth is Russian! Many beauties are glorified by: many are famous for the lakes, rivers and sources of locally, mountains, steep hills, high dumbers, clean fields, wonderful beasts, various birds, countless cities, villages, glorious, gardens of monastic, temples of God and Princes of Grozny, honest boyars, Many mokes. All you are filled, Russian Earth, Orthodox Vera Christian! " Heroic topic

"Zadonshchyna" "The Word about Great Prince Dmitry Ivanovich and about his brother Vladimir Andreevich. Scripture Sofonia Ryazanza "or" Zadonshchyna "was created at the end of the XIV century. It is written in a joyful, major style to the glorious city of Moscow and all the princes of Russian and said this word: "Dona has Tatars, the Mamai King at the river Swords, between Churov and Mikhailov, want the river to go and with the life of his part of us in glory." . And the prince of Great Dmitry Ivanovich said: "Brother, Prince Vladimir Andreevich, let's go there, we will glorify my life, surprise the earth, so that the old people told, and the young people remembered! We will test the bravets of their and the river Don blood to be filled with Russian land and for the Christian faith! " Heroic topic

"Tale of Mamaev's Boy" "And there were concern about the great forces, firmly fighting, firmly firmly destroying each other, not only from weapons, but from terrible cramps under the horse hooves, they were frightened, for it was impossible to make everyone on that field Kulikov ..." Heroic subject

"The Life of St. Alexander Nevsky" spoke about the prince's exploits in the fight against the Swedish and German conquerors, about his diplomatic activities and relations with the Horde, about his mysterious death on the way from Sarah. Russian people reading "Life ..", penetrated by the highest ideas of serving the birthplace of the biographical topic

The "Life of St. Sergius of Radonezh" from the pages of life arises the image of a highly moral, hardworking, deeply religious person, for whom the highest happiness to make good things and work in the name of the well-being of his native land. The image of a highly religious, hardworking, deeply religious person rises from pages of life, for which the highest happiness to make good things and work in the name of the well-being of his native land. Compiled by epiphany to wisdom (XIV C). Compiled by epiphany to wisdom (XIV C). Biographical theme

"Great Chetty Mini" "Readings Monthly" (XVI B) - Calendar collections of the saints, located by months in accordance with the days of their memory. The collection has absorbed all the books reading in Russia, became a kind of church-literary encyclopedia of the Russian medieval society. Teaching

"Domostroy" priest Sylvester (XVI B), the Hasic Championship of the Patriarchal Ordinas was a guide to the behavior of an Orthodox person in the family and society. One of the main ideas of "Domostroja" - submission in the state of the royal power, and in the family of its chapter. "Chad ... Love your father and my mother and listen to them, and obey them in God in everything. And the old age is honored. " "... do not paint ..., not to lie, did not slander, does not envy, not to offend, do not rivet, ... not to be brightened, ... do not remember evil, not to be angry for anyone, to great to be obedient and submissive, to the middle - lovingly, to the smaller and poor - hello and merciful "teaching

"The story of Peter and Fevronia" the work of the ancient Russian literature (XVI century), written by Yermolam-Erazm, tells about the love of the peasant and prince. Murom Prince Peter, healing Fevronia from severe illness, violates the promise to marry her. God again satisfies the disease on him. Just returning to Fevronia, the prince finally recovers. The boyars, dissatisfied with the fact that the princess was a doubtful girl, they demand from her from Murom. Prince leaves with her. In the end, the boyars and the inhabitants of Murom are asking Peter and Fevronia to return. Peter and Fevronia rule to death and die in one day, and their bodies are miraculously connected in one coffin. Teaching

Publicistics The most important questions of the life of society become the subject of a wide discussion of the most important questions of the life of society become the subject of a broad discussion justified the most important ideas of the official doctrine of the autocracy, the most important ideas of the official doctrine of the autocratic August "Tale of Vladimir Princes", created at the beginning of the XIV century, brought the pedigree of the Russian tsarist dynasty from the Roman emperor of Augustus the theory of "Moscow-Third Rome" (older Philofey, XV century) - the true keeper of Christianity, which will exist forever. The theory of "Moscow- Third Rome" (older Philofey, the XV century) is the true keeper of Christianity Moscow, which will exist forever. In the works of Ivan Perestelov, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to create a strong autocracy government based on the nobility is developing. In the works of Ivan Perestelov, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to create a strong autocracy government based on the nobility is developing. Wonderful publicists of the XVI century are A.M. Kurbsky and Ivan IV Groznye wonderful publicists of the XVI century are A.M. Kurbsky and Ivan IV Grozny Publicistics

"Walking for the three seas" Notes of the Tver merchant Athanasius Nikitina contain a description of Persia, India, China, Ceylon. "And Rus (God will save! God, save her! Lord, keep her! There is no country in this world like her, although the Emirs of Russian Earth are unfair. Yes, the Russian land will be arranged and it will be justice! God, God, God, God!) "Care

Chronicles End of the XIII century. - The revival of local chronicle end of the XIII century. - The revival of the local chronicles of the XV - XV centuries. - communional chroniclel: XIV - XV centuries. - Russian chronographic chronography (1512) - a collection of entertaining and moral essays on the Russian and world history "Russian Chronograph" (1512) - a collection of entertaining and moral essays on the Russian and world history "Facial Arch" (Nikonovsky Chronicle) - created In the 70s. XVI century, contains 16 thousand colored miniatures - a peculiar historical encyclopedia of the XVI century. "Facial Arch" (Nikonovsky Chronicle) - created in the 70s. XVI century, contains 16 thousand colored miniatures - a peculiar historical encyclopedia of the XVI century. Lettering

Writing has become more handwritten books, although "Book Script" remained difficult labor was more handwritten books, although "Book Script" remained difficult to work widespread writing led to the parchment of parchment, the main material was the paper widespread writing led to parchment of parchment, the main material was the main material The paper was made attempting to start a paper case and an attempt was made to start a paper case and in Russia, the Scriptures were carried out in ink, as well as dissolved gold and silver to decorate texts. Scripture was carried out in ink, as well as dissolved gold and silver for decorating texts began to dominate The rapid spread of Tynopisi spread the spread of Tyunopisi to the middle of the XVI century, the manufacture of handwritten books was not satisfied with the growing needs in books, which was the main reason for the need for typography in Russia for the middle of the XVI century. Manufacture of handwritten books is not The increasing needs in the books have shifted, which was the main reason for the need to typography in Russia

The first typography in Moscow was opened in 1553 the first printer was Ivan Fedorov and (his assistant Peter Mstislavts) The first dated printed book - "Apostle" - was published on March 1, 1564 in the XVI century in Russia, a total of 20 books were published in Russia , all church-religious content

Literature of the XIV-XVI centuries. Reflected the events and ideology of the time of the association of the principalities, the formation of the centralized state reflected the events and the ideology of the time of the association of the principalities, the formation of a centralized state increases the official nature of the literature, its distinctive feature becomes pomp and solemnity increases the official nature of the literature, its distinctive feature is becoming a literary style. the author of the author's literary style is noticeable. Rising personality start, appeal to the display of human internal life. Rising personality began, appealing to the display of the internal life of a person in historical works. Extremely penetrates the fiction, who subsides to the narrative. Scene entertainment

The school's school promoted the spread of literacy of the printing promoted the dissemination of literacy of 1574. The first "letter" was printed in Lviv in Lviv, which became the first "letter" in Lviv in Lviv, which became the first secular textbook often with teaching benefits were liturgical books often with teaching benefits The liturgical books were trained with reading, grammar with the rules of decolation and hiding taught reading, grammar with the rules of declosion and arrangements. Training in Russia was conducted by the lettering method: Naraspov Repeating read-reading training in Russia was conducted by the lettering method: I repeat the read read

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"Literature in the 14th and 6th centuries" - Enlightenment. Literature. Typography. Education, oral folk creativity, literature in the XIV-XVI centuries. Folklore. "The story of the ruin of Ryazan Batym." Features of the development of Russian culture in the XIV-XVI centuries. Historical songs. Summarizing. Development of the literature of the XVI century. Lettering.

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Chronicle in the Russian literature of the XVI century.

In Russian literature, the 16th century, the luminoscription continued to remain the most common genome. The literature of the 16th century in Russia developed as the whole country, moved forward. Therefore, some changes occurred in this literary genre.

The chronicles began to see their task not only to record the facts of occurring events, but also justify the events, to give the characteristics of historical personalities. In Russian literature, the 16th century appeared a wonderful work "The Steppe Book" in it contained portraits - descriptions of great princes and Metropolitans from Vladimir to Ivan IV, the book argued the inviolability of the Union of the Church and the state.

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Russian literature of the 16th century was marked and so hard as the "chronicler of the beginning of the kingdom", the book narrated about the first years of the reign of Ivan Grozny, talked about the need for a strong royal power. A peculiar historical encyclopedia in the Russian literature of the 16th century was the Nikolaev chronicle. This is a unique book, one of the lists of this book contained about 16 thousand magnificent miniatures, and received the name of the facial arch. Publicistic and historical writings were greatly distributed in Russian literature. "Chronograph", "Tale of the Babylonian Kingdom", "Tale of the Beginning of Moscow", in these books, high-grade power was exhausted and the role of Russia in world history was argued.

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    Today, interest in Russian, especially for the ancient Russian literature, the reader has sharply decreased with the advent of new video technologies. But the modern person needs to know the history and culture of his people. We can learn these knowledge from the original sources: chronicle, chronographs, lives, historical leaders.

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    If I attract the attention, the interest of children and adult readers to the works of Old Russian literature, then every citizen will imbued with pride for its people: his glorious root and labor exploits, a huge creative search for monks and chronicles, historians, cartographers and the spiritual culture of past generations.

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    Get acquainted with the main genres of the ancient Russian literature. Give a brief analysis of the "Tale of Bygone Years" and "Word about Igor's regiment." Determine the role of the author in the works of Old Russian literature. Get acquainted with the emergence of Christianity in Russia. Call reader interest in the works of Old Russian literature.

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    For more than a thousand years ago, Russia inhabited the people who call themselves the Slavs. He was divided into the tribes: Polyana, Drevlyan, Curvichi, Northerners ... Only one of the tribes was called simply Slavs. Settling with individual clauses that constantly quarreled among themselves, they could not give a strong enemy enemy and often paid tribute.

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    Then Ilmenie Slavs, Crivichi and the two Finnish tribes, all and chud, gathered in the evening and began to argue, as if to have peace and order. They decided to put the prince, who would have owned and judged by law.

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    And so that the prince did not rose to her family more than others, the evening laid: call the prince of someone else's, from Varyagov, equipping for this ambassador.

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    There was a small tribe of Russia between the Varyags, the ambassadors turned to him: "Our Great and is abundant, but there is no order in it, come to the princes and possess us." Three brothers Rurik, Sineus and Trour, came with their births and in 867. The Earth is Russian from them.

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    RUSSIAN RUSSIAN IN SLAVAL EARTH. In 879, Rurik died, leaving the young Son Igor; The princes became his relative Oleg. Collected the army, Oleg descended on the Dnieper, saw a big and beautiful city, found out that the Askold and Deer are pronounced in it, people from the squad Rurikova. It was indignant.

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    He stated them: "You are not a prince and not a princely kind, but I'm princely and here is the son of Rüric." He showed on Igor. Askold and Dira were killed, and Oleg remained in Kiev and called him the "Mother of the Russian cities".

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    Oleg Rules 33 years old. After him, the son of Rurik, Igor. Once he went to the Drevalnskaya Earth, took the tribute to him seemed little. He returned back, but the Drevlyan came out of his city and killed him. The young widow of Olga remained, she revenged for her husband and conceived a big deal: I went to Tsargrad, I met a Christian religion and took her religion. In Holy Baptism, it was called Elena.

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    Vladimir, grandson Olga began to fluctuate in the pagan faith. He reflected for a long time over various religions and stopped on Christianity. But he wanted to remain the same free Russian prince. Oleg promised to adopt Christianity, provided that the emperors would give their sister Anna for him.

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    The emperors responded that they would give sister for him if he had baptized, and for the Gentle of Christian to go. Vladimir immediately baptized, was named Vasily in the Holy Baptism and after baptism he went with Anna to the crown.

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    Returning to Kiev, Vladimir ordered to chop and burn all idols. And in the morning the next day the Grand Duke was released on the Dnieper with Tsaritsynsky and Korsun priests to baptize Kiev.

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    To the ancestors, our book art came in the second century with Christianity and therefore our first literate people were priests and monks.

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    Nestor-chronicle. Called the first chronicler Nestor. He was the ink of the Kiev Pechora Monastery, was born in 1056, seventeen years settled in the monastery and lived to 114 years ... On the reign of the first princes of Russians, only the fact that Nestor was recorded. In his legends, fiction is placed, but we have no more reliable information.

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    The greatest monument of Kievan Rus, the basis of the chronicle of the XI century is the "Tale of Bygone Years". It was drawn up in the X-XI century Nestor. The author was aimed at not just talking about the resettlement of the Slavic peoples of antiquity, about the businesses and customs, but to emphasize the unity of peoples, their culture, language and writing by Brothers Kirill and Methodius created in the 9th century.

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    The main genres of the Old Russian literature literature in Russia was born after the adoption of Christianity, so the oral folk creativity of the ancient Russians almost did not receive a response in the ancient Russian literature. The exception is the chronicle. The main genres of the Old Russian literature: live, chronographs, chronicles and cartography. Slavic writing was created in the middle of the 9th century specifically for the needs of Christian worship services. Therefore, they did not appear in Russia in the first centuries after the baptism of "uncomplete" worldly essays.

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    Style in ancient Russian literature. In the ancient Russian literature, the style depended not on the genre of the work, but from the subject of the narrative. In the descriptions used "stencils" and biblical quotes. In the ancient Russian literature, Kanon robbed Rules and Images: Saint was called "Earth Angel" and "Heavenly Man", the enemy reached the Russian army like the forest, the princes were fair.

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    The role of the author in the ancient Russian literature Ancient Russian authors did not try to be original, and the scribes were not careful with other people's texts. As a rule, the authors mentioned their names, only when it was necessary to give narration reliability, documentality. The concept of authorship appeared in the XVII century.

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    In antiquity, they opened the truth that books, like people, have their own destiny. The Bible was really prepared by the Great Fate. She became a kind of code that opened access to the values \u200b\u200bof European culture, as well as provided a great influence on the development of medieval literature. The Bible is the sacred history of a person, the history of the relationship of a person with God, the story is deployed into the future.

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    Life is an artistic work in the current sense of the word. It always tells about the events that its compilers and readers consider true, and not fictional. Viors belonged to the works of church literature. Chronicle or historical story about military campaigns of Russian princes, battle with innovations or a story about civil strife - secular texts.

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    Historical writings telling about world history events by year and reigns were called in Russia Chronograph. In their meaning, this word is very close to the word "chronicle" (from the Greek "Chrono" - time and "graph" - I write). Any chronograph is primarily a version of the story, permeated by Christian worldview. Medieval Russia has become part of the Christian world and thereby turned into a "historical country".

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    The golden word of Russian literature is called "The Word about the regiment of Igor, created in 1187, folk images in the work are closely connected with his folk ideals. Art and ideological side in the "Word" are inseparable from each other. For example, a comparison of the battle with the harvest, in the Battle of Igor and Polovtsy, "Charna Land Pok's kostiydi bone was posted, and Blood Poland." The word calls for the fight against Polovtsy, first of all in the name of peaceful labor.

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