What is the historical Duma. Watch what is "Duma" in other dictionaries

  • 15.04.2021

Duma - 1) The poetic genre of Russian literature, which is reflected in the poet to philosophical, social and family-household topics. "Duma" k.f. received wide fame Ryleev, who made a kind of cycle of philosophical and patriotic poems and poems: "Dimitri Donskoy", "Death Ermak", "Bogdan Khmelnitsky", "Volynsky", "Derzhavin" and others. To philosophical-lyrical Koltsova and "Duma" ("Sad I look at our generation ...") M.Yu. Lermontov. One of the sections of the collection of poems A.A. Feta "Evening lights" named "Elegy and Duma". Cycle of poems "Duma" is C.K. Slochevsky. Widely fame in the first half of the 20th century used "Duma about Opens" E.G. Bagritsky.

2) Epic and lyri-epic song genre of Ukrainian folklore, resembling Russian epic. Ukrainian dooms were fulfilled by a recitative, usually accompanied by Bandura; They divide them into three cycles: to combat Turkish-Tatar raids in the XV-early XVII centuries, about the People's Liberation War of 1648-1654 and the reunification of Ukraine with Russia, for social and domestic topics.

K. F. Ryleev is considered the largest poet and head of de Cabriste Romanticism. At the beginning of December 14, 1825 and on the day of the speech, he played an active role, actually replaced by a dictator of Trubetsky, which changed the rebel at the last moment. Ryleev in a special guilt put an attempt to persuade "Kakhovsky early in the morning of December 14, ... Peel into the Winter Palace and, as it were, a self-standing terrorist act, kill Nicholas." Particular to those who attained the kingdom, he was convicted of death execution. His name was seized from literature.

In 1823--1825 Ryleev worked on the conclusion of the "Du-We" cycle, started earlier. These were the works of a special genre structure. Written on historical material, they were noticeable from the historical poems and ballad. Duma as a genre combines signs of ODY, Elegia, poems, Ballads and, maybe a historical story in verses. In the creative installation of a fish-Eva, an educational, instructive desire prevailed in the creation of the DUM.

Feeling that Russia is on the eve of the revolutionary explosion and decisive transition to the future, Ryleev appealed to POST. This is not departing from topical problems, and an attempt to solve them in a special way. Ryleev had a deeply thoughtful plan: to create a number of works about heroes, whose example would contribute to the upbringing of the quality utilities - patriotism, gravity responsibility, hatred for tyrants.

"Duma" - not a collection of scattered works, at least close on the topic: This is in the strict value of the word cycle - the navels (or super-gas) combining a number of works for the disclosure of the plan for the embodiment of the content that do not reveal and are not expressed in each A separate term, and fully appear only within the boundaries of the entire cycle. The picture of the action in cycles is created on the principle of mosaic. Separate pro-devices complement each other. The connection between them is not going through direct copyrights, but due to the neighborhood Print, adjustment, mutual parallels, alluzi; shaped re-clicks. These not stated in the word communication are meaningful. Following what the amount of the content of individual terms also arises, or by definition of Academician V.V. Vinogradov, "the increment of the poetic meaning. "

Apparently, the fish was aware of the innovative, unusual for the Russian reader the time of his cycle. Therefore, he found it necessary to "help" the reader, explaining in general introducing the essence of his plan, and then to each work gave an explanation in the form of a brief preface or notes. In general, the introduction is said about the task: "Remind the youth of the ancestors' exploits, to acquaint him with light epochs Folk History, Finger Love for Fatherland with the first impressions of memory - here is the right way to attach the people of strong attachment to the Motherland: Never there are no first impressions, there are no early concepts. They are stronger with years and creature brave for battle warriors, valiant husbands for the Council. "

As can be seen, this is the poetic interpretation of the political program "Union of Benency": long-term, for two decades, the education of the whole generation for the 5th anniversary of the revolution planned for the se-red. "Duma" in this sense is the Educational-Educational. Literature turns into an instrument, with the power of which should be achieved, in fact, extractive goals.

Created by a rim complex, a multi-layered structure with many internal connections was to correspond to the rich and public significance of the content of the Duma cycle. The objective content of the history of Russia is not only stated and mastered at different poetic levels, but has been repeatedly refracted from different angles. In principle, it was supposed to give you a poke, volume expression to individual episodes and the whole picture of the country's historical development.

In the spirit of the time of the Ryleev, to justify his innovator, decided to refer to authorities, for the long-standing roots of the phenomenon, for a long time of the genre: "Duma, ancient heritage from the southern brothers of ours, our Russian, native invention. Poles took it from us. "In fact, he, borrowing, entered the competition with an ingenious tradition, created the genre really new and laid the beginning of his tradition. As a result of creative quest and discoveries, the Duma died in the genre system of Russian poetry. To her appea Pushkin and Lermontov. She then took a special look at Nekrasov, Blok and Yesenin.

Especially promising was the union of the Dum in the cycle. And the image of reality.

In the thinking, Ryleev sought to highlight the history of Russia from another position, rather than Karamzin. In fact, he has a lot of borrowing, Ryleev rethought taken in the light of the Decembrist views. The re-volurating poet Romantic joined the ideological dispute with the court historist for the very important issue of the role of autocracy in the union and strengthening of Russia. And this antikaramzinskaya installation is clearly traced in the image of events and the heroes of the past. So, if Karamzin argued that the autocracy was saved by Russia from foreign invaders, if he believed that the Great Power and Modern Culture was created by autocracy, then the Ryleev had other views on this. And they are not disclosed in direct ratings (although there are such available), but in shaped rolls. For example, Ermak is depicted: the conqueror of Siberia, the destroyer of the predatory kingdom at the borders of Russia, the hero, who spread and strengthening the limits of the Fatherland. All this is committed by Ermak without the support of the central authority, at the time of misfortunes, comprehended Russia with a malfunted Ivan Grozny. On the one hand, a genuine heroic act, to settle the sovereigns of the trees of them. And on the other, the scorched Moscow during the raid of the Crimean Khan, the corpses of the dead, choking, flooded by Muscovites - de Syatki thousands of the dead. Crushed armies on the Western, North-Western borders of Russia. Furious evils of surfyed moons on the throne.

In the same way, fishing and other cases come in other cases. The officially glorified officials found to face the saints of Oblands in Ryelyev appear as tyranny, as fratricides, rapists, depravants on the throne, hypocrites and intrigues. The church was noticed by Vladimir Kiev Saints - for the adoption of Christianity. And Ryleev seems to be unknown this fact and its meaning in the history of Russia. But he remembers the polygamy of Vladimir, reminds of his vitality and cruelty. At the time of the story actions, he is ready to kill Rogned, the mother of his son, in his eyes! Tortured in Horde, Mikhail Tver Church, too, holy, but tortured him to bring together Moscow Prince! About it, rings carefully reminds in a brief preface. And in the Duma "Boris Godunov" the king on the throne is directly called the kidnapper of the authorities who broke the legitimate dynasty, killi, a man with a restless conscience. Not a thiranoborets, but a new tyrant, Ivan Grozny's launcher! So comes out of the meaning of the Duma.

Pushkin had objections about the "Dumus" of Ryleev. In May 1825, he expressed his opinion in a letter to Rye: "What to tell you about the minds? In all there are verses of living ... But in general, all of them weak invention and the presentation. All of them on one around the cut: composed of general ...Description of the site, speech of the hero and - moraling. National, Russian there is nothing in them except for the names (I exclude Ivan Susanin, the first duma, by which I am to suspect the true talent in you) ".

The objections of Pushkin were a two-way. On the one hand, he believed that no - even the highest! - The goal is not justified-of anti-historicalism. So, he persistently demanded from Rylegel from Du-we "Oleg Probe" to remove the ill-fated "shield with the coat of arms of Russia", allegedly nailed to the gates of Tsargrad. What the coat of arms of Russia could have been talking at the beginning of the X century.?! Then there was a Kievan Russia, and the coat of arms (if only under the coat was meant a double-headed eagle) appeared almost six centuries later, with Ivan III, in Moscow, which had not yet existed during the raids of the Eastern Slavs to Con Stannopol. On this magnificent past, the poet-romantic has projects recent events 1812: Exile Napoleo-on, the campaign of the Russian armies to the west, the capture of Paris ... But the poet-realist categorically rejected similar allions: the story should depict so that She really was. He did not consider that such "little things" can not pay attention to such "little things". Moreover, he resolutely spread with Ryleev about his famous assertion: "I am not a poet, but a citizen." Pushkin considered unacceptable low-led poetry on a service level, did not accept the objections of Ryleev that "the forms of poetry give too much important."

In response to this, Pushkin decisively stated: "If someone writes poetry, then first of all should be a poet, if you want to simply vote, then write write."

Ryleev died for a long time until the full heyday of his talent, without completing a dispute with Pushkin, without having almost most of his ideas. With all that its contribution to the development of Russian poetry is truly unique.



Duma - Ukrainian historical songs of a special form (free on rhythm and devoid of stubbic membership), created in the Cossack environment of the XVI-XVII centuries and recorded in the XIX century. from professional singers (cobray); As the relic of the past has been preserved in the Ussr to this day. The name "Duma" is similar to the Great Russian "epics" - later origin, although with another meaning it is found from Polish writers in the application to Ukrainian song creativity in the XVI century. (Sarnitsky in his chronicles under 1506 says for example. About "Elegations that are called thinks", but it means probably funeral songs-intensiveness). In the oldest records, D. are called simply "stories"; in Kobzarhoff - Kozatskiy, Lyzars, well-known songs; For the first time in 1827, Maksimovich called (probably under the Polish influence) of the "heroic chants about the episons (i.e. about events)", relating to the advantage of the times of Hetmanity to Scoropads (1709). Most D. in their genre - Laro-epic songs (i.e., songs based on the epic motive, but in lyrical emotional lighting: the type presented in Lit-Republic's old Spanish "Romance" or Serbian songs about the battle on Cosse field and under.). However, from other lyrol-epic and in particular historical songs, D. quite clearly differ in the method of transmission and shape. Songs come across, D. are performed by a melody cleattive; The form of a song is more or less stable - D. (likely) improvised, even with the re-execution of the same D. Details of the text may be modified; Verse D. - Free, and the verses following each other are usually uneven; Songs are divided into equal in the number of poems stored, in D. there is no such division, and it is possible to notice only membership on non-etching periods or tirands, closing a certain image or completed thought.
When and under what circumstances arose in the Ukrainian Lithuanian form D. - Currently it is still difficult to say with complete certainty. There were attempts to connect it with the poetic forms of feudal Ukraine - Rus XII century, for example. With the "word about the regiment of Igor", where there are similar from D. motives and techniques. In the publication of Ukrainian historical songs, Antonovich and Dragomanov (1874-1875) "The Word" named "D. XII century "; However, the "word" is the product of sole creativity, the work of the book, while D. reached us through the centuries-old oral transfer, and the moment of individual authorship does not spend sharply. Direct connection with the Great Russian epic d. No, although there are minorities of similarities in the subject of D. and epics; However, the memory of the "Kiev heroes" by the time of the emergence of D. in Ukraine almost disappeared. An assumption was expressed (Dashkevich, soups) on the emergence of D. under the South Slavic influence, the latter, however, failed to prove. The proximity of the melodium cleattee D. was noted to the cleattives of church worship (research F. Wheels) and at the same time D.'s relationship, especially from the musical side, with funeral bastings ("voice") - the lowest stage of that "CVCTATIVE STYLE", to-ry so Lovely developed in D. Communication D. with these monuments of oral creativity is undoubted, but in the style of D. there are features that are missing in them. The most common theory of origin D. remains the theory (Lytsky), considering D. as a kind of synthesis of creativity of the "national" and book-intelligent and visiting D. "People's Song", decorated with the influence of school Sillabic Vizhi XVI-XVII centuries. The language of the Duma is replete with archaisms, satelms; Separate motifs and stylistic formulas D. find a parallel in scholastic sermons, in the parallel (laudatory) versh, in an old school drama, etc. The book element could be made in the historic song by stray skolias in the XVII century, who played the role of mediators between School culture and folk masses (cf. Such a phenomenon in feudal and trade and capitalist Western Europe). Participants in Cossack Hiking, Stray Scholars, "Mandry Dyaki" were close to the "poor brethren", the disabled people of the Kozatskaya Wars, K-paradise herself to the Hospital-Laddle (in the pliers "for people of the Ryzensky, from the enemies in different battles of crumpled"), and - In turn, it was a keeper of historical memories and traditions of the Catheress. In schools and "pliers" of the ancient Ukraine, a semi-humid, semi-junction medium, which united the mental interests of the clergy, kozak and the "compulcious" people (tons. E. Urban Meshmaism and Sellian): From this environment, the creators of D. Over time, they developed into a special type of military cobbery or bandurists, which were accompanied by a cattle in his campaigns, and at the end of the hiking, the glory was broadcast about them all over Ukraine , serving not only aesthetic requests with a wide and diverse audience, but also the tasks of socio-political agitation and propaganda. Thus, the era of the final addition of the Duma is the era, when an organized cozyness that has grown in large public strength becomes the leader of the urban meshness and the villagers in their fight against the Polish large-owner pool and seeks to create its own Kozatskaya Power. D. was the Kozatqsky estate poetry, chanting the glorious acts of the Kozatskaya senios, the promoting idea of \u200b\u200bthe military partnership, approving the leading political role of the Catheress in Ukraine.
Social bundle divided in the middle of the XVII century. (Especially abruptly after the Kozatskaya revolution 1648-1654) The Cossack in three groups (Kozatskaya Stashina, stretching for land tenure, Schechekov Kozakov, whose occupation was hiking, trade, crafts, and Kozatskaya "Dribnoti", rebelled against any privileges and searched socially economic equation), in D. almost no reflection, - some echoes can only be seen in D. About Ganza Andyber. " But this social stratification is precisely and suspended the further development of D. in the XVIII-XIX centuries. D. No longer composed, preserving in the corporations of blind singers, Cobzares and Bandurists, mainly in the territory of the left bank of Ukraine. These singers are called cockets - from the word "Cobz" - a musical string tool with a small body and a long neck, borrowed visible from the Tatars; Bandurists - from the word "Bandura" - a similar type tool, but with a short neck and with yellow copper strings, a number from 12 to 28 (currently the names of Bandura and Cobz are attached to the same tool) and leather - from "Lyra "- String-keyboard tool (in the repertoire of Lirenikov D. however, they are less common). Among the coffraiths of the XIX century. There were outstanding artists as eg. Andriy Jester, Ostap Veshesy, Ivan Kryukovsky, a cold junction, etc.; We have enthusiastic reviews about them, but a detailed study of the life of professional singers began already in the era of the decline of their case. Experiments of this study (for example, the work of Academician M. N. Speransky about Kobzare Parkhomenska opened the picture of the lives of singing partnerships compiled by Kobezaryami. Each partnership has placed a certain territory, it tried to do not allow persons who do not belong to its composition; The partnership had their own center - a common church of the locality; Unisected Charter provides for the work of electoral board and general meetings, as well as a common cashier consisting of membership fees. The partnership gave the right to whistling and controlled the success of a special exam; The reception of a new member was due to the cash of professional knowledge, the ability to play on Bandure or Lira, knowledge of a certain number of songs and a conditional professional language (Lebiysk Mova). The most admission to membership was furnished by a special ritual, resembling a partly a ritual for receiving ancient handicraft workshops.
The repertoire of professional singers, performers of the Duma, covers in total three or four dozen plots (the exact figure is difficult to specify, since the genre of the Duma from other historical songs is a relatively new business in science: in one of the new, popular collections drawn up by a prominent specialist of the issue, Ak. F. Collase (1920) placed 49 DUM), of which each is represented by a considerable number of options. By their topics, D. is usually divided into two large groups. In the first, older in time, the struggle of the goal with the Turks and Tatars is depicted, in which the kozaki is presented in the active role of fighters, then in passive - sufferers in Turkish captivity. Recent topics prevail why and the whole group is sometimes the name of the nonwalnitsky D. This also includes some D. didactically, a domestic nature. Depicting the serious suffering of prisoners addressed to slavery, sometimes from the epic song in a lyrical cry, D. This is the most exalted by the socio-ethical value of the goal, the height of its feats and related suffering. It is to these discovers that the newest theory of the origin of D. AK is most attached. F. Wheels, arguing that D. they took away from the poetry of funeral bastings and, in particular, that D., describing the death of the Kozak, could be a kind of misfortune in the battle of missile fabrics. The same D. could serve and the goals of the population campaigning for the repurchase of Ukrainian captives from the Turkish capture. The basics of the Kozatskaya ethics in these D. were built on the close relationship of each member of the combat partnership with the whole team, in respect of the family spike, on a kind of "faith of Christian", again, understood first of all as a means to distinguish "their" from "Aliens", A deep attachment to the Motherland, K-Paradise from the captivity, is presented in particularly delicate paints ("Yasnі Zori, Tikhi Rodi, the edge of amazing, the world of the damnings"). The most popular from this group D. about Marus Boguslavka, about Samuel cat, about the shoot of three brothers from Azov, about Olegia Popovech, about a booth on the Black Sea.
D. about Marus Boguslavka opened a dismantling dungeon, where already thirty years are languishing 700 slaves who do not see God's light or the righteous sun. Marusya comes to them, Popovna from the city of Boguslav, also once taken captivated, but adult "for the luxury of Turkish, for the unfortunate delicacy," and reminds the slaves who have forgotten the days that today "Saturday's great Saturday", and tomorrow is a holy holiday, " Gellane "(Easter). The Kozaki curse Marus that the reminder of the holiday, she increased their suffering: but Marusya, the wife of Turkish Pasha, brought secretly taken the keys to the dungeon and frees his unintermalls. She herself no longer returning "Z Viri Bursmansko" home, and let her relatives are not collecting and not sending a ransom. In the image of Marusi Boguslavki, as historians indicate, is embodied typical for the XVI-XVII centuries. The phenomenon: known a number of prisoners of Ukrainians who have become the wives of Turkish sultans (one of the most famous, so-called Roksolana, the wife of Suleiman I) and acquired power and influence. The Duma about Marus is painted in a dense lyrical flavor. D. about Samuel Cat (Samіylok Kіshka), on the contrary, is distinguished by a developed epics-dramatic plot. Samіylok Kіshka - the face really existed: this is a worship atama of the late XVI early XVII centuries. It is known that at the beginning of the XVII century. He was in Turkish captivity, but nothing is unknown about his flight from captivity. Researchers managed to find the Italian story of 1642 on how a noble officer-Rusin, according to Simonovich's name, with the help of Renegades-monoplemennikov, mastered the Turkish gallery and freed over two hundred of slave "from Polish Rus." This event apparently formed the basis of the Duma. The main action takes place on a large Turkish gallery (its description is given) floating from the track in Kozlov (EUPATORIYA). Here among the three hundred and fifty slaves, the Alkan Pasha, the head of the gallery, languages \u200b\u200bSamіylok Kіshka - Getman Zaporizhia, Marco Rudniy - Judge Vіiskoviy and Musіj Grach - VIYSKOV, and the supervision of them was instructed by the former Pereyaslav Century, Lyakhu Bukoudlaka, to -Why, without preparing the torment of captivity at one time, he was having fun and became free. In a number of episodes with a dramatically increasing action, D. tells about how the keys from the chains in the absence of Alkana Pasha, who pouring in Kozlov, in the absence of Alkan Pasha, who dresses in Kozlov, Selfielo freed his comrades, together with them interrupted the Turks, leaving Alive only Bukoudlak, like, overcoming danger, Galen comes to Schish, where the cheerful divide of the production begins: one part sacrifice on the monasteries and churches, they leave another, they donate. D. Ends the sloyment of the hero. It has a lot of action, a number of details characteristic of the era (the prophetic sleep of alkane Pasha, crying abandoned by Sanzhankіvna) and the absence of individual traits in the outcome of the actors. D. On the shoot of the three brothers from Azov wearing a lyric diamatic character: two brothers run away on the horses, the third - a little - the horse was lacking, he runs over the horse hiking, he sees his kozatsky feet of the roots and stones, pouals his blood tracks, wait prayes, Give the horses to relax, take it to Christian cities. Middle brother, softer, is ready to give up, but the horror of the persecution takes the top: the brothers leave the youngest in the field, and he dies from hunger and fatigue in a deserted steppe, on the Savur-grave (Kurgan), the crows are spinning over the swarm, , waiting for its prey. End of D. Nonodynakov in various versions: in some - the brothers are dying, overtaken by the Turks; In others, the brothers return home, and parents curse the heartless older brother.
D. On Olekscia Popovice researchers were considered as an illustration of a widespread in ancient's custom, to bring victims by the sea during a dangerous for navigaters of storms and to the belief that the presence of a sinner on the ship causes a storm. This belief, which was reflected in a number of religious legends, lies between others and at the heart of one episode of the episodes about the groove-rich Novgorod "guest"; With another epic hero, Alesh Popovich, at the hero of the Ukrainian D. overall only one name. On the Black Sea of \u200b\u200bKozak, the terrible storm was covered (the landscape of the swirl of the element is given, among the pool, the white stone rises, and the Falcon is complaints about "to the sea", looking at the sea); The foreman tells all the kozacs to repent to find out, the storm rose for whose sins; Everyone is silent, only one Oleksіy Popovich, Pryatinets; Before leaving, he did not ask for a blessing from his parents, did not respect the eldest brother and the older sister, passing by the forty churches did not shoot his caps, did not make the glory sign, did not recall the father's prayer, he felt three hundred children's children and so on. The end of the confession, the storm subsides, Oleksіi Popovich goes to the deck, takes the "holy writing" and tells the Kozaki about the meaning of the father's prayer, K-paradium brings great help "in the Petstvi, I in the Embrella." The latest research, separating D. about Olekkey Popovech from similar on the topic of D. On the Burea on the Black Sea, indicate that while D. about the bore expresses the traditional genital worldview, D. About Olekscia reflects the views of professional seafarers: Sins of Olekscia - violation of the rules, From which happiness depends on the road.
The second large group D. is devoted to the epoch of Bogdan Khmelnitsky and the nearest time to it - that is, the era of the Union of Catheress with the city boss and the "compulorated" people to combat the Polish pool. Most of the DUM of this group wears peasant character: only D. about Khmelnitsky and Church interests are located in the field of pure-kozatskiy and church interests (about how Khmelnitsky, driving a drum, he kidnapped by his diploma of King Vladislava, in 1646, who returned to the Kozacs, publishing privileges), About the campaign in Moldova and the death of Khmelnitsky. These Duma with great plausibility convey the mood of the goals in the era of the highest lift of his forces: a researcher (I. Franco), comparing them with the testimony of the world's modern them, it comes to the conclusion that they are compiled on the basis of Kozatskiy chroniclers. It is curious that such a major historical fact, as an agreement of Khmelnitsky with Moscow, did not find reflection in any D. (as in general in one song). But the song paid a lot of attention to the struggle arising on the national-linear and religious soil: in bright colors, the robbing of the Polish gentry and tenant's jews is, as well as the fault of the Kozaks with them. Duma about the korsun battle for example. talks about how Pototsky's "Crown Hetman" delivered by Kozaki in the Nillery of Crimean Tatars, as the flight of Jews-tenant is saved, as Pan Yana knit like a ram, and Pan Yakuba is hanging on an oak, etc. (cf. also Other D. on the oppression of tenants and about the Kozatski uprising of 1648). In general, the epoch of the Kozatsky revolution was, apparently, the era of a large lift of song creativity. However, it is quantified quantitatively, a qualitatively new song Epos was no longer rising to the aesthetic level of senior slave dum, although in D. Junior Group we will find new features, the features of humor, turning into irony, then bitter, then evil. The disintegration of Kozotsky Unity and with him and the decline of the Kozatski authority in the masses. In the place of the heroic images, wielded romantic old, the Duma about the Kozatskoe live for eg. Draws the image of a nastyagi (loser), conducted peaceful time in Korchme: its hut straw is not covered, there is no firewood in the yard, the woven falls apart; Kozatskaya wife walks the whole winter barefoot, wears water in the pot and will hit him the only one in the house with a wooden spoon. D. Ganza Andyber gives an even more expressive picture, not so long ago open ak. Wozniak in the ancient recording of the end of the XVII century, and in oral transmission is known for a long time. In D. protrudes the cozak-netag in the winddow with the wind, in boots, and heels, and fingers, in the scan of the simplest cloth peeking out. He comes in Korchm, where "Dui-Cryblyniki" - Voitenko, Zolotarenko and Dovgopolnko, representatives of the new-trading aristocracy in Ukraine are sitting; He is trying to drive out in the neck, to do it with a stubborn, not so easy, and Dovgopolnko, softening, throws a money to him: let the Kozak drink beer on her. Mistress makes the girl Nastya to bring a mug of the very bad beer; According to whether or deliberately, the girl pours opposite the best and carries, dismissed, - "Svei Nіs Getting Trestle, as if those beer smeared." Drinking, Kozak Khmeleet and begins to buoy. He already shouting into "oaks" (also called "lyuhami"): "Gay V, Lyakhov, Vozki Sinov. ІK threshold. Meni, Kozaku-Nymody, on the Pokhutі Miscea, burn. - Come on Tіsno. Shob Boulo Meni, Kozaku-Nonizau, de on Pokutі іz nails S_sti. " Duchi feared: however, when the net, pulling out a valuable dagger, throws his hostess in a mortgage for the bucket of honey, they express doubt whether the poor thing would be able to redeem him back. Then the Kozak removes the belt and pouring out gold chervonans from it on the entire table. The attitude towards him immediately changes: the hostess begins to care for him, silent the duffs; At the call of the Kozak come his comrades and put on him precious clothes. Duchi in embarrassment understood that under the guise of a grinding nastigi among them there is Faceko Gandzha Andiber - Hetman Zaporizhia. They begin to arrange him to treat His gorilla and honey, and Ganzha takes a treat, but does not drink, but pours everything on his clothes: "Hey, Shati Mii, Shati (rich clothes) Piete-walk: Do not make me (read), more than you cheat "I'm not MAK Yak, I don't have a matter of honor, I don't know." He makes his kozacs to award two "Dukіv-Srіblanikiv" by Rogging and gently only the Dovgolanka, who did not regret it for him. Is Ganja a real historical face, whether D. Hetman's candidates are depicted in the face of Hetman Belav after the death of Khmelnitsky, Ivan Bryukhovetsky (the assumption of M. Pereshevsky) is not so important: it is essential that the basis of D. lies a certain social idea, And the most transformation of the nastyagi navigas in the hetman is only the naive reception for the exaltation of the social value of the Kozatskih bottoms, K-Rya D. is inspired. She, if not historically, then psychologically closes the cycle of Kozatsky eposa d.: New songs are already being made among other historical conditions, in a different social environment and do not accept the forms of D. on the destruction of hetmanins in 1764, oral creativity did not respond ("Oh Mount-Bіda - Not hetmanschy, undocusted the enemy of the panache "); On the contrary, the destruction of the Zaporizhia SECHE in 1775 "Mother's enemies", Catherine II, caused an explosion of indignation and regret in the songs, but these songs are already outside the poetry D. These are "Songs about public affairs" (as they called them in the collection of 1881 Dragomanov). The life of D. ended together with the gradual transition of the Kozatski of the Elder to the position of the "Malorossiysian nobles". However, having ceased to exist as a fact of living oral creativity, D. continued to live already in other public layers - as the subject of ethnographic and aesthetic interest.
History of gathering and studying D. It does not only matter how a page from the history of Ukrainian science: D. became the subject of "folk pride", one of the cornerstone, on which the Ukrainian small nobility, and then the middle and small bourgeoisie of Ukraine of the XIX-XX centuries . Dreamed to establish the building of the National Culture. This is a public, scientific and artistic "experience" and the awareness of the epic D. in a new time can be divided into three epochs. The first - covers the initial decades of the XIX century. and in the field of publishing texts are represented by the collections of M. Cerevyev "The experience of collecting old Maloruskiy songs" (St. Petersburg Folk Duma and Songs, 1836) and "Zaporizhia Starny" Szreznevsky (1833-1838). Under the influence of the pan-European romantic interest in the nationality and peopedide old days, and in particular, under the influence of the "Ancient Russian poems" of Kirsi Danilov, the first publication of the epic texts of 1818), gathered from the noble environment, dream of opening a new oriada or the second word about Igor's regiment. Singers D. are submitted to them in the form of Scandinavian scalds or minstrels. The results of collecting them are somewhat disappointed: "These are ugly ruins, testifying to the beauty of the destroyed building," says Certerev in the preface to his collection; From here - the desire to correct, add confused pages from the Great Book of Kobzarne Epos and dictated by patriotic considerations Falsification by D. especially tried in this respect "Zaporizhia Starina" Szreznevsky. There were cases when older lovers from the nobles taught Kobzara D. own essay, trying to direct the work of professional singers on a certain bed. The results of these effort were small. On the scientific study of D. during this period, it is not necessary to speak: it is limited to the remarks of Maksimovich in the publications of texts, and in the field of analysis, there is no further aesthetic estimates of such for example. The kind: "The voices of the ancient D. Malorossey penetrate the soul in some kind of languid impression: they combine longing in their homeland and the indomitable revenge of Slavyanina, when his misfortune moved to the measure of human patience. These six-star and even eight-colored songs come from a wide breast of Rusin so flexibly, so melodically, as if the most tender romances of Zhukovsky or Pushkin ", etc. d. (Lukashevich).
The second period begins with the 40s, as the trends of bourgeois romanticism enter Ukraine caused by the cash of suitable socio-economic conditions: the increased crisis of the landowner-serfdom, the growth of capitalism, etc. with this period coincides with the growth of aesthetic interest in D . whose effect sharply rushes into the eyes in the artistic works of writers of 40-50. It is enough to indicate the widespread use of D. in Tarasu Bouvube Gogol, in the historical novel of the comb "Tchaikovsky" (Hero of the Roman - Pryatinsky Popovich Olekiji, and in the text inserted in Russian translation above the retold D.), in the romantic poems T. Shevchenka, in Poems P. Kulysh: The latter even makes an attempt to give a summary of D. into a connected whole (a similar example of the Finnish "Kalelav" Lenrota) - in the poem "Ukrain. Od Catherine Prince to Batka Khmelnitsky "(1842), an attemption however unsuccessful. Another characteristic of time, standing in connection with the general growth of individualism and interest in the human person - is the awakening of interest in the personalities of professional singers-cockets, enthusiastic attention to them: their names (Andriy Jester, Ostap Veresa and others appear in Lit-Re .), Biographical and other information is given about them. The main figures in the field of collecting and edition D. at that time were Metlinsky ("People's South-Russian Songs", 1854) and Kulish ("Notes on South Rus", 1856-1857). A large wealth of new options was found; Rules are designed to collect them; It should be the beginning of a scientific relationship to d.; Made (in the works of Buslaev, 1850, and Kostomarov "On the historical meaning of Russian folk poetry", 1843) the first steps to study D. as a historical monument. Back in the 80s. Belated Estete Hetmanophil V. Gorlenko in his articles and collective work is a continuer of trends and sentiment of this period in relation to D. Romantic passion for Epos D., penetrating the Ukrainian historical drama and tragedy (almost before the pre-Fiber era), created and trebley again in This period. However, the publication and research D., which remains so far scientific importance, appeared yet only in the third period, from the 60-70s. XIX century, when the social group, creating a Ukrainian culture, was made a radical small-bourgeois (dispenser) intelligentsia. The people's bias forced her to see in D. Products of common creativity, living so far in the Selian mass, to-Roy, from their point of view, should belong to the future. From here, the desire is already not "noting", and not only to preserve, but to support and revive the original folk creativity. The event of the Epoch was the publication of the "historical songs of the Malorussian People" V. Antonovich and M. Dragomanov (K., 1874-1875, 2 TT.) - The publication that was the goal to demonstrate the history of the Ukrainian people, as she told them in poetic form, to prove What the memories of all the stages of his historical life have been preserved in the Ukrainian people, starting with Kievan Rus (and that hence the Russians of Russian grandeur who argued later by the addition of Ukrainian nation). Despite its tendentiousness, the publication was a major contribution to science: for the first time they were separated from the genuine texts of fakes, each D. is presented by the cash of all the options, for the first time to the texts D. Dan wide historical and comparative literary comment, valuable for studying . And the historic song is still. In the field of study, D., the same labor that made the era were (resuructed above basically) "Thoughts about the People's Malorussian D." P. Zhtetsky (K., 1893). Start XX century. It was marked by a new lift of interest in professional carriers by D. - Bandurists, Cozar and Lirees - in connection with the XII Archaeological Congress in Kharkov (1902). The congress, who organized a musical "view" of Cobzares, who passed the public with an extraordinary success, inspired the idea of \u200b\u200bthe device of Kobzar concerts in different cities of Ukraine: a well-known Ukrainian writer and an expert on folk music G. M. Hotkevich took energetically, but the administration, Zorko and Wantily Watching all sorts of manifestations of "Ukrainophilism", already in the 80s. The pursuing speeches of Cobrands in the bazaars and fairs with D. - suspended this wave of passionate on folk art. Almost illegally in 1908, for funds donated ch. arr. By the well-known poetess of Lesya Ukrainka, Galician scientist, Dr. F. Kolesa (now Academician Ouan), made an expedition to the phonographic record of D. in Ukraine, the result of the formal will adopt D. and the study of the genesis D., already mentioned above . In parallel with this relatively new interest in D. music, there was a study of the life of professional singers, which led to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe territorial schools of singers and the territorial repertoire, as well as the study of private issues in the works of Dashkevich, Sumytsov, I. Frank, V. N. Peretz, and others . The crown of all these works is the monumental publication of the Corps D., the first Tom, edited by the Ukrainian Academy of Science, and with the extensive introductory entrance article K. Grushevskaya came out in 1927. Aesthetic interest in D. Not stalled in the environment of Ukrainian poets after October: they have repeatedly used the form of D. as a shell for a new subject: Valeryan Polishchuk, for example, we find "D. About the Barmikhu "(for no way), Pavle Tychina -" D. About three winds "(on the topic of the" national "revolution 1917) and a number of things in the collection" Viser Z Ukrainian ", where many techniques are repeated for registration of the new and alien D. content. "D. We will find about the contemporary Russian poet of Bagritsky about the contemporary Russian poet. Obviously the artistic influence of D. still lasts: D. continues to feed and Ukrainian music (here it would be possible to call a number of names, from the famous Ukrainian composer Lysenka to writing in 1929 to the plot of D. about Samuel Cat - B. Yanovsky) and Ukrainian historical drama - at least from the former "romantic" relationship to D. soon there will be no trace. Bibliography:
I-II. a) Texts: Ukrainian People's Duma, T. I Corps, Texts No. 1-13 and Introductory Article K. Grushevskaya (Historical Section of the Academy of Sciences, Historical Song Commission), Holding. view. Ukrainian, 1927; Of the former editions, it is important: Antonovich V. and Dragomanov M., historical songs of the Malorussian people, 2 TT., Kiev, 1874-1875. Popular collections suitable for initial acquaintance: Revuvsky D., Ukіnsky Dumi Tu Pisnі Іstorichnі, KIIV, 1919; The wheels F., Ukrainian Peopoli Duma, Lviv, 1920. in Russian. Yaz. Koztenitskaya S., Old Ukraine, Sat. D., Songs, Legends, P., 1916. b) General Reviews and Research: Lytsky P., Thoughts about the People's Malorussian Things, Kiev, 1893; Tkachenko-Petrenko, Duma in publications and research, journals. "Ukraina", 1907, № 7-8; Arabakhin K., historical songs and the Duma of the Malorussian people (in the history of Russian literature, ed. Sytin and T-Va "World", t. I, edited by E. Anichkova, M., 1908, p. 301-334, well written Popular essay); Erofeev І., Ukrainskі Dumi і іhi edpіі, "Notes of Ukrainian Science Comrade in Kiizhі", 1909, №№ 6-7; The wheels F., Melodіі Ukrainsky people's Duma, "Mateuri to Ukrainskyi etnologii, t. XIII-XIV, Lviv, 1910-1913; His, genesis of Ukrainian people doum, Lviv, 1921. c) about individual thinks: Andrievsky M., Kozatskaya Duma about the three Azov brothers in retelling with an explanation and analysis, Odessa, 1884; N. Sumsetts, Duma about Alexey Popovech, "Kievan Starina", 1894, No. 1; Naumenko V., The origin of the Malorussian Duma about Samuel Cat, "Kievan Starina", 1883, No. 4; Tomashivskiy S., Marusya Boguslavka in Ukrainian L_teuri, "L_teuro-Science Visnik", Lviv, 1901, KN. 3-4; Franco І., Studyi over Ukrainian People's Pises, "Notes of the Scientific Comrade Iman Shevchenka at Lvov", TT. 75-112 and separately: Lviv, 1913. About Kobzarya - In addition to old works - Work M. N. Speransky, South-Russian Song and modern carriers, "Sat. Historical and philological O-Wa under the Nezhinsky Institute, " And Doroshkevich O., PІDRUCHNIK ISTORIІІІІSKOVKO LITERATURI, ed. 2nd, § 81.

III. Brodsky N. L. and Sidorov N. P., Russian oral literature, historical and literary seminaries, L., 1924 (text and bibliographer. Instructions).

Literary encyclopedia. - at 11 tons; M.: Publishing House of the Communist Academy, Soviet Encyclopedia, Fiction. Edited by V. M. Friece, A. V. Lunacharsky. 1929-1939 .


1) Folk Ukrainian historical songs performed under the accompaniment of Bandura.
2) Genre Rus. Poets of the 19th century, reflections on philosophical and social topics. The works of this genre are few. "Duma" K. F. Ryleev (1821-23) A. A. Named Bestuzhev-Marlinsky "Historical hymns", with the goal of "excitement of valoring fellow citizens of the ancestors." "Duma" (1838) M. Yu. Lermontov Contains a merciless analysis of a modern generation poet. "Elegy and Duma" - so called one of the sections of the collection of poems A. A. Feta "Evening lights" (1883).

Literature and language. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Edited by prof. Gorkina A.P. 2006 .

Duma - Malorossiysk folk historical songs (see this word). In the time of its appearance, the Duma is part of the XVI century, the era of the same heyday - the XVII century. Currently, they are distributed by singers-professionals, mainly by the blinders, often combined into special workshop organizations (see spiritual poems). The singing of the Dum is accompanied by the accompaniment of folk string instruments "Bandura" and "Kobza", why and the performers of the Dum are often called "bandurists" and "Kobzaryami". The content of the DUM is a description of historical events and household details, mainly from the era of the struggle of the Ukrainian Cossacks with Turkey and Poland. Many plots pay attention to the suffering of Cossack prisoners in Turkey, descriptions of flight from there (see, for example, songs about Samoil Cat, about shooting three brothers from Azov, about Russian captive Marus Boguslavka). A number of doom chanting Bogdan Khmelnitsky. In other thought, it comes on the social struggle within the Cossacks (for example, the Duma about the poor Cossack Ganget Andube, the dispenser "DUK", that is, the rich Cossacks, and who became a koshest ataman). Later Malorussian Duma turn into cossack, robbery, so on. gaidamatsky songs, by mood, resembling similar robber songs of the Velikors (see the word "historical songs"), with a particularly strongly detected protest against social increments. According to the Frome of its Little Russian Duma, there are a compound of traditional techniques of people's oral poetry and literary literary (mainly school) creativity. Duma consist of various in the magnitude of the syllables, verses ending with rhymes; The poetic language of them represents a curious mixing of books, often church expressions with elements of national poetic speech.

BIBLIOGRAPHY. The texts of the Malorussian Dum are printed in the collection B. B. Antonovich and M. I. Dragomanov. "The historical songs of the Malorussian people." Kiev, 1874-5 g. Study of the Dum from the scene and formal produced P. I. Lytetsky Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

  • The Duma is the genre of Russian literature, a poem containing a poet thinking on a patriotic, public, historical, philosophical or moral topic. In Russian literature, this genre is presented in the work of K.F. Ryleyev ("Dmitry Donskaya", "Bogdan Khmelnitsky", "Volynsky", "Derzhavin"), av. Koltsova ("Duma"), M.Yu. Lermontov ("Duma"), in Soviet - in the works of E. Bagritsky ("Duma about Opens"), the term "Duma" was also used to designate the works of Ukrainian folklore, executed by cobbs and resembling Russian epics and historical songs.


    • what is the Duma in Literature Definition
    • what is the Duma in Literature
    • the poem of Ryleeva called the Duma give the definition of the genre

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    The forms of the heroic epic, which was previously executed by the wanderers: learn, bandulystami, cockets in the left bank and central Ukraine.

    What is the structure of the Duma?

    The Duma in the literature is a little more in terms of historical ballads, but it is closely connected with the heroic epic. In the structure of this type of product, three structural elements can be distinguished: Popping-pin, the main part and the end. The poetic form of the Duma is astrophic, that is, without dividing the plots, phrases that begin with the exclamations "oh" and end in the "gay gay".

    Duma as a genre of a literary work acts as the highest stage of a recaptive, which was previously developed in exemptions. Poetic images and motifs of the Dum are also partially borrowed from the extent. The Duma most often had characteristic improvisation, that is, the singers had the stories that they came to the people with the help of the Duma, but never had a bought text. Kobzari are blind elders who know how to play Musicianly on Kobz, they went from the village to Selu, sang the Duma to Selyanam and for it were in gratitude the roof for the night and some food. Cobzares, like Lirnikov, and Bandurists, loved and waited, just to listen to new stories about the Cossacks.

    Who sang the Duma?

    The Duma in the literature is the type of folk creativity, in which there is no absolute accuracy. Singers, namely Kobzari, Lirniki and Bandurists, admirated from their teacher the motives and options for singing and the game melodies. In order to fulfill this type of creativity, it was necessary to have a special talent - both music and to the Word. The singe technique of performers should also be at the level. It is for this reason that the real Duma could only be preserved among professional performers.

    The verbal component dominates in the minds, while the melody goes as an addition. Text and rhymes are most often rhetorical, beautifully decorated, saturated with epithets, tautologies, single words. For example, such expressions were often used as: "Christian Earth", "Current Zori", "Bruty Celebration", "Busurman Cursed", "Bread-Salt", "Yanychar Turks". Quite often in thought there were rhetorical questions, anphors, reversals, appeals, inversions and other speech jewelry. The Duma in the literature is a really the most rich kind of art, which has not yet managed to overshadow.

    Topics DUM.

    Duma became famous for the fact that they are epic and solemn. The main topics of the Dum went around that era during which they appeared: Cossacks. The singers told about the battles of the Cossacks with the enemies, about the exploits of the hetmans and the commander. Most of all this type of creativity has evolved during the fight against the Poles, Turks and Tatars. In scientific terminology, such a term as the "Duma" appeared thanks to M. Maksimovich, who followed by P. Lukashevich, P. Kulishov and several other writers, published the first Duma. The most informed scientific publication of the DUM is still the publication of Ukrainian People's Duma under the leadership of Ekaterina Grushevskaya, but for this the writer was repressed, and her book was withdrawn from all libraries.