Presentation "Traditional Culture of the Kuban Cossacks." Presentation Folk traditions of the Kuban Cossacks Traditional way and the structure of the Cossacks Presentation

  • 05.04.2021

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Traditional appearance of the Cossacks.

By tradition, in Russia, the mustache was an integral part of the military form. The cap played an integral role in the appearance of the Cossack. . A knocked head, as well as a handkerchief with a woman, were a fatal insult, followed by a payback. Earrings (men) mean the role and place of the Cossack in the family. The Cossack was simply obliged to be charming, cheerful, friendly and witty.

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Meetings and wires of the Cossacks.

According to custom, all those who left the Cossacks gathered in the church to prayer. Leaving the war, they necessarily took a handful of land from the church or in a cemetery with the grave of the Father, the mother, or in the garden at home. They met the Cossacks not only relatives and relatives, but all residents of the village.

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Greetings and appeals.

The greeting sounded in three versions (the derivatives of "cool"): "I got well!" (afternoon, soon, evening), "Good night!" (Morning, before lunch), "Well live!" (Anytime). As a greeting of each other, Cossacks slightly raised the headdress and with the handshake cope with the state of family health, about the state of affairs. When meeting, after a long-term separation, as well as goodbye, the Cossacks hugged and applied cheeks. The kissing was welcomed by each other to the great feast of the Resurrection of Christ, for Easter, and the kissing was allowed only among men and separately among women.

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Attitude to the elder.

In the presence of the elder, it was not allowed to sit, smoke, talk (join without permission) and even more so - obscenely express. It was considered obscene to overtake the old man (senior in age), it was necessary to ask for permission to pass. At the entrance somewhere first skipped senior. It was considered the younger to join conversations in the presence of a senior. Old man (senior) younger must give way to the road. The younger must be patient and exposure, if any cases do not stop. The words of the elder were for the younger mandatory. With general (joint) events and decision making, the senior is requested. In conflict situations, disputes, discords, fights the word old man (senior) was decisive and immediately needed his execution. In general, the Cossacks and especially the Kubans respect for the elder was the internal need for Kuban, even in circulation, it is rarely heard - "grandfather", "old" and other, and gentlely pronounced "Batko", "Batki".

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Remembling ritual

For the Cossack, a decent death was considered on the field of Brani or in a family circle. Koroni Cossacks on the Orthodox ritual. The body of the dead was washed: Men - Men, Women - Women. On the dead man dressed only new clothes. The underwear seated hands. The coffin was carried on the hands. It was the duty of the Son, relatives to spend on the last path of the parent. Buried on the third day. And necessarily satisfied the commemoration: on the day of the funeral, on the 9th and 40th days and on the anniversary of death. When a man was died in the village, "called the soul". If a child was dying, the bell ringing was high, if the elderly man died, the ringing was low.

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Cossack traditions and customs had one foundation - the commandments of Christ

Do not kill, do not decorate not adultery Working on the conscience Do not envy your neighbor and for goodbye offenders to take care of their and parents who are expensive to make the virgin chastity and women's honor to help the poor, do not be offended or widd

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Greetings of the Cossacks each other, when meeting, raising a headdress and handshake. When the Cossack approached the group of other Cossacks, it was accepted to remove the cap, bow and cope with health: "Great, Cossacks!", "Cossacks!" Or "Healthy Bully, Cossacks!". What received the answer: "Thank God!". In the ranks, at sights, the Cossack parades were answered, according to military charter: "I wish the" Togetherness, Mr ...! ". During the execution of the anthem of the troops of the Don or Hymn of Russia, the Cossacks were obliged to shoot hats, which was required by the charter.

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Relationships in the Cossack environment

Without prayer, no matter did not begin and did not end. Submit a strangers to help raise, give way to seating. In the feast, the Cossack is always before eating himself, it was obliged to offer it to the nearby. Before you thoroughly thoroughly in the campaign, the Cossack was supposed to offer this to a partner. Refusal in the alphabet to be considered a great sin. The saying was reading: "It is better to give a whole life than to ask for a whole life." The greedy people were worthy of contempt, and they never appeal to them. If, at the time of the execution of a request, giving his greed, the Cossack refused the service. He believed that he should not take this person - it's not good. A big sin was considered a deception, and not only the case, but also in the word. A person who has not kept his promise or a given word, losing the trust of others. In the Cossack Old Believer Families there was a ban on tobacco. Restrictions also existed on drinking. Drinking could only wine

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Cossacks for service

After reaching the recruitment, the conscript, during the whole year, was held military training at the village. Military training was under the guidance of the Cossack Stunny Management, after which he was put on the oath. The oath procedure began in the church in worship. After that, the recruits were lined up on the square, opposite the altar, with the banner. The permission for the passage of the oath gave a priest after execution of prayer.

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Appeal to parents envisaged only "You" - "You, Mom", "You, Tattoo". On "You" appealed to all the elders. With the appearance of an old man, all those present got up, the Cossacks who were in shape, applied her hand to the head fault, and those that were without a form should have to get up, remove the headdress and bow. With a senior by age, it was not allowed to sit, smoke or talk (without it on that permission). In the presence of the older was not allowed obscenely swearing. It was impossible to stop the older. The youth should have shown their excerpt anyway. The words of the elder were mandatory for the younger Cossack.

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Christmas Maslenitsa Easter Ivan

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We are straight descendants of the cultural heritage of our ancestors. It depends on the preservation of this huge material. Therefore, we should not only carefully store these traditions, but to use them in our family traditions: singing grandfathers, dance folk dances, know your story, holidays and rites, be proud of our Cossack roots.

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Life, traditions and family rites of the Cossacks on Don

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Cossacks at the birth of a boy's grandfather and father shot from the guns, thereby giving knowing the stands that the warrior was born, the defender of the borders of the Fatherland. A newborn and relatives with a delicious treat came to visit the mother of the newborn. Such a holiday was called "Cuttings".

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Cossacks strictly observed old customs. On the seventh day of the baby baptized. Christian baptism meant the child's entrance to the world. Children with baptism received the name of that saint, who was celebrated for the saddemits before birth.

Before the performance of 1 year, the Russians are not accepted for children. On the anniversary of the birth of the godfather with relatives (but without a native mother) sat down the Casakonka on the twisted fur coat (the cat) and sorted him the hair strand of the cross-cross, then the boy was completely completely. At the age of 7, there was already a godfather Stregar of a teenager "in a bracket", after which the Casachechnok walked the first time with men in the bath. The third, last time, ritually rigged in 19 years, when enrolling in the Cossacks and bring to the oath to the loyalty service.

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An important thing in the life of Cossack was the rite of obtaining the first pants he received in 3 years. From this time it was started to teach horseback riding. From 5 years old, the boys worked in the field: chase the oxen on the smell, graze cattle. The favorite game of shepherd was Dziga, or Kubar.

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The birth of a girl was not celebrated as widely as the birth of a boy, with the news of her birth, shots did not rumble. But it was the joy of quiet, homemade, sheedyed by legends and prayers. The godfather, the nannies were "washed off from her concern's daughters" - the first time with the songs of soapy girl. Father ate "Father's porridge", burned, poured, filled, so that "the girl is less than Gorky in his life".

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The Cossack cannot consider himself to be a Cossack, if he does not know and does not comply with the traditions and customs of the Cossacks. The Cossack cannot consider himself to be a Cossack, if he does not know and does not comply with the traditions and customs of the Cossacks. Ruthless to enemies, the Cossacks in their environment were always complacent, generous and hospitable. At the heart of the nature of the Cossack was some kind of duality: then he was cheerful, joking, funny, then unusually sadness, silent, unavailable. On the one hand, this is explained by the fact that the Cossacks, looking constantly in the eyes of death, tried not to miss the joy dropped on their share. On the other hand, they are philosophers and poets in the soul - often reflected on the eternal, about the bustling of things and the inevitable outcome of this life. Therefore, the foundation in the formation of moral and moral mains of Cossack societies amounted to 10 Christ commandments. Ruthless to enemies, the Cossacks in their environment were always complacent, generous and hospitable. At the heart of the nature of the Cossack was some kind of duality: then he was cheerful, joking, funny, then unusually sadness, silent, unavailable. On the one hand, this is explained by the fact that the Cossacks, looking constantly in the eyes of death, tried not to miss the joy dropped on their share. On the other hand, they are philosophers and poets in the soul - often reflected on the eternal, about the bustling of things and the inevitable outcome of this life. Therefore, the foundation in the formation of moral and moral mains of Cossack societies amounted to 10 Christ commandments.

Do not kill, do not steal, do not worry, work on conscience, do not envy another and goodbye offenders, take care of their children and parents, valid by the girl's chastity and female honor, help the poor, do not hinder orphans and widovers, defend Fatherland from the enemies. But first of all, the Orthodox faith believes: go to church, observe posts, clean your soul - through repentance from sins, pray to the whole God to Jesus Christ and added: if something can be possible, then we can not - we are Cossacks. Do not kill, do not steal, do not worry, work on conscience, do not envy another and goodbye offenders, take care of their children and parents, valid by the girl's chastity and female honor, help the poor, do not hinder orphans and widovers, defend Fatherland from the enemies. But first of all, the Orthodox faith believes: go to church, observe posts, clean your soul - through repentance from sins, pray to the whole God to Jesus Christ and added: if something can be possible, then we can not - we are Cossacks.

Attitude towards the eldest in the presence of the older was not allowed to sit, smoke, talk (to enter without his permission) and even more so - obscenely express. In the presence of the elder, it was not allowed to sit, smoke, talk (join without permission) and even more so - obscenely express. It was considered obscene to overtake the old man (senior in age), it was necessary to ask for permission to pass. At the entrance somewhere first skipped senior. It was considered obscene to overtake the old man (senior in age), it was necessary to ask for permission to pass. At the entrance somewhere first skipped senior. It was considered the younger to join conversations in the presence of a senior. It was considered the younger to join conversations in the presence of a senior. Old man (senior) younger must give way to the road. Old man (senior) younger must give way to the road. The younger must be patient and exposure, if any cases do not stop. The younger must be patient and exposure, if any cases do not stop. The words of the elder were for the younger mandatory. The words of the elder were for the younger mandatory. With general (joint) events and adoption with general (joint) events and adoption

Cossacks and guests immeasurable respect for the guest were determined by the fact that the guest was considered the messenger of God. The most expensive and dellanted guest was considered unfamiliar from distant seats, in need of a shelter, rest and care. He deservedly subjected to the contempt by the one who had no respect for the guest. Regardless of the age of the guest, he was given the best place for the meal and on vacation. It was considered indecent for 3 days to ask the guest, where he was from and what is the purpose of his arrival. Even the old man was inferior, although the guest was younger. Immentuous respect for the guest was determined by the fact that the guest was considered the messenger of God. The most expensive and dellanted guest was considered unfamiliar from distant seats, in need of a shelter, rest and care. He deservedly subjected to the contempt by the one who had no respect for the guest. Regardless of the age of the guest, he was given the best place for the meal and on vacation. It was considered indecent for 3 days to ask the guest, where he was from and what is the purpose of his arrival. Even the old man was inferior, although the guest was younger.

The attitude towards a woman is a respectful attitude towards a woman - mother, his wife, the sister caused the concept of honor of the Cossacks, the honor of his daughter, sisters, his wife - on honor and behavior of a woman measured the dignity of a man. Whoever is a woman, it was necessary to treat it respectfully and defend it - for a woman is the future of your people. A characteristic example of protecting a woman is described in the story of the Cossack Writer Gary Nemchenko. A good attitude towards a woman - Mother, his wife, sister caused the concept of honor of the Cossacks, the honor of his daughter, sisters, wives - for honor and behavior of a woman measured the dignity of a man. Whoever is a woman, it was necessary to treat it respectfully and defend it - for a woman is the future of your people. A characteristic example of protecting a woman is described in the story of the Cossack Writer Gary Nemchenko.

In 1914, in the morning on the village of Otradnaya, the Cossack with the Red Flag, notifying the war. By evening, the Khopersky regiment was already moving in a hiking column to the place of collection. Together with the regiment, naturally, we robbed - old men and women. One of the women managed a horse hardened in a bar, and drove one side of the wheels on the landlord. One of the officers, known for the entire regiment on the name of Erdeli, drove up to the woman and whipped her for it. Cossack left the column and quit it. In 1914, in the morning on the village of Otradnaya, the Cossack with the Red Flag, notifying the war. By evening, the Khopersky regiment was already moving in a hiking column to the place of collection. Together with the regiment, naturally, we robbed - old men and women. One of the women managed a horse hardened in a bar, and drove one side of the wheels on the landlord. One of the officers, known for the entire regiment on the name of Erdeli, drove up to the woman and whipped her for it. Cossack left the column and quit it.

The Cossack in everyday life is another characteristic detail of the Cossack Life: the Cossack's clothes perceived as the second skin of the body, contained it clean and tidy and never allowed himself to wear someone else's clothing. Another characteristic detail of the Cossack Life: Cossack's clothes perceived as the second body of the body, contained it clean and tidy and never allowed himself to wear someone else's clothing. They loved the Cossacks feast, chat, loved and drink, but do not get drunk, and sing songs, have fun, pay. At the table, the Cossacks did not bloom the horinet, and they were brought on a separation (tray) and, if someone had already intercepted the "Lishka", then it was simply applied, otherwise he was sent to sleep. They loved the Cossacks feast, chat, loved and drink, but do not get drunk, and sing songs, have fun, pay. At the table, the Cossacks did not bloom the horinet, and they were brought on a separation (tray) and, if someone had already intercepted the "Lishka", then it was simply applied, otherwise he was sent to sleep. It was not accepted to incolment: you want -s. You do not want - do not drink, but a glass is obliged to raise and hurt, the saying said to "serve you can not catch it." A drinking song reminded: "Pey, but the mind is not propagating." It was not accepted to incolment: you want -s. You do not want - do not drink, but a glass is obliged to raise and hurt, the saying said to "serve you can not catch it." A drinking song reminded: "Pey, but the mind is not propagating."

The funeral in the Cossack family deceased in the girl's girlish year, the girlfriend was carried on the cemetery of only girls, and not women and the more not a man. So given a tribute to chastity and impossibility. The dead man carried in a cemetery on a stretcher, the coffin was covered with a dark bedspread, and the girls were white. The graves fell deep. On the side of the grave dug out (equipped) Niche. There and installed the coffin two, or even three Cossacks. The girl who died in the girl's deceased year was carried on the cemetery only girls, not women and the more not a man. So given a tribute to chastity and impossibility. The dead man carried in a cemetery on a stretcher, the coffin was covered with a dark bedspread, and the girls were white. The graves fell deep. On the side of the grave dug out (equipped) Niche. There and installed the coffin two, or even three Cossacks.

The horse at the Cossack was not accepted by the Yaitsky Cossacks to have a combat (conductive) horse-making. It was not accepted by Yaitsky Cossacks to have a combat (cargo) horse-making. Before leaving the Cossack to the war, when the horse is already under the hiking blit, the wife first bowed to the feet of the horse to save the rider, and then to his parents, in order to continually read prayers for the salvation of the warrior. Also repeated after the return of the Cossack from the war (battle) on its farm. Before leaving the Cossack to the war, when the horse is already under the hiking blit, the wife first bowed to the feet of the horse to save the rider, and then to his parents, in order to continually read prayers for the salvation of the warrior. Also repeated after the return of the Cossack from the war (battle) on its farm. With the Wires of the Cossack on the last path behind the coffin, his battle horse under black chin and rearned to the saddle with his weapon, and already closely walked. With the Wires of the Cossack on the last path behind the coffin, his battle horse under black chin and rearned to the saddle with his weapon, and already closely walked.

Dagger from the Cossack from the linear (Caucasian) Cossacks and Kuban was considered a shame, in the past, of course, to buy a dagger. Dagger, according to custom, or is inherited, or as a gift, or, oddly enough, steals or mined in battle. There was a saying that the daggers buy only Armenians (who bought them for resale). Linear (Caucasian) Cossacks and Kubans were considered a shame, in the past, of course, to buy a dagger. Dagger, according to custom, or is inherited, or as a gift, or, oddly enough, steals or mined in battle. There was a saying that the daggers buy only Armenians (who bought them for resale).

The Cossack and the Cossacks of the Cossacks in their hostel were tied to each other as the brothers, thefts were bent among themselves, but the robbery on the side and, especially at the enemy, they had a thing ordinary. Panties did not tolerate and generally considered the first virtues of chastity and courage. The Cossacks in the hostel were tied to each other as the brothers, thefts were bent among themselves, but the robbery on the side and, especially by the enemy, they had a thing of ordinary. Panties did not tolerate and generally considered the first virtues of chastity and courage.

The word Cossack Cossacks from nature was the people of religious without a chandeliness and hypocrisy, the oaths observed the holy and this word believed, honored the holidays of the Lord and strictly observed posts. The people are straightforward and knightly proud, unnecessary words did not love and deal in a circle (Rada) decided soon and fairly. In relation to his preinstant Cossack brothers, their assessment was strict and faithful, punishment for crimes - treason, cowardice, murder and theft were cruel: "In Kul, yes to the water." Cossacks from nature were the people of religious without a chandeliness and hypocrisy, the oaths observed the holy and this word believed, honored the holidays of the Lord and strictly observed posts. The people are straightforward and knightly proud, unnecessary words did not love and deal in a circle (Rada) decided soon and fairly. In relation to his preinstant Cossack brothers, their assessment was strict and faithful, punishment for crimes - treason, cowardice, murder and theft were cruel: "In Kul, yes to the water."

The military judge usually performed the role of the investigator, the executors of sentences were always convicted, obliged to execute each other alternately. For theft, they were usually attracted to a shameful pillar, where the criminal was scored with kiam (sticks) their own comrades. For insulting the bosses and the ingun of the debt, the comrade was attached to the guns with chains and only recently in the sash for it was referenced to Siberia. For great steam or as if today, the embezzlement was told in particularly large sizes, the guilty was waiting for Schibenitsa-gallows. From the chibenitsa, it was possible to get rid of only if some woman or girl express a desire to marry a convict. The military judge usually performed the role of the investigator, the executors of sentences were always convicted, obliged to execute each other alternately. For theft, they were usually attracted to a shameful pillar, where the criminal was scored with kiam (sticks) their own comrades. For insulting the bosses and the ingun of the debt, the comrade was attached to the guns with chains and only recently in the sash for it was referenced to Siberia. For great steam or as if today, the embezzlement was told in particularly large sizes, the guilty was waiting for Schibenitsa-gallows. From the chibenitsa, it was possible to get rid of only if some woman or girl express a desire to marry a convict.

The one who does not respect the customs of his people who do not respect the customs of their people do not keep them in their heart, will disgrace them in his heart, one disgraces not only his people, but above all not only their people, but above all Does not respect himself, his own, does not respect himself, his own, their ancient ancestors. His ancient ancestors.

Folk Cossack Holidays

Fine art lesson in grade 4

Performed: Teacher from MBOU "Alekseevo-Tuzlovskaya Sosh" Ducacheva Galina Ivanovna

purpose : Acquaintance with life, life, customs and traditions of the Don Cossacks. Tasks : Develop creative imagination, graphic skills and skills to work in groups, improve the skills of the people of people, carry out interregular connections (from, history, music, literature), to educate interest in the traditions of the Don Cossacks.

Life and life of the Don Cossacks

We live with you in the rich glorious traditions and people of the region. And today we will get acquainted with one page of his history - the life and life of the Don Cossacks. We will learn about the emergence of the Don Cossacks, about the nears and customs of these heroic people.

Our roots go deep into the past. Cossacks came to Don a long time ago. Amazing edges, untouched, deserted, dense forests and wide steppes. Not a single person will meet, but beasts and birds - a great set.

What do you know proverbs and sayings, related to Cossack delete?

Proverbs and sayings Cossacks

  • "Either the chest in the crosses, or the head in the bushes" (decided to act).
  • "The Cossack will soon die than from his native land" (for his native land beats to the end).
  • "Who a bullet is afraid, he is not good in the Cossacks" (in danger, the Cossack can not be broken).
  • "Don Cossack honor does not throw, even though the head will go back" (honor is more expensive to life).
  • "Get - or at home not to be."
  • "In the stirrup leg - break down with your head" (you can not return from the service).
  • "Gaitan on the neck, yes hat on the side - not soon to be mortal deadlines" (faith and power - that's what the Cossack gives hope).

All power on Don belonged to the Cossack circle (military, bedroom, farms), on which issues of war and peace, life and death, weddings and divorces were solved. Here's how it comes in the Cossack song:

Cossacks were gathered - Friends, people who were going, they gathered, brothers, in a single circle, they thought all the united spirit.

What ruled the circle was holy - it was the law.

The Cossack has always served for faith, king and fatherland, and the Cossack raised children and created a family comfort. "The Cossack is fighting on a foreign trade, and the wife of the house is grieving" (Military burrs fall on the family). Such was the life and customs of the Don Cossacks.

And what were the Cossacks revered holidays and how did they spend them?

Cossack Orthodox holidays

Holidays passed something like this: Military construction (for polustens and hundreds); Removal from the temple of the banner, icons, hundredth flags; Ataman with a belawn and a cauldron headed the holiday; Liturgy - church service; Racing for the speed and overcoming the bar obstacles on the horses; Djigitovka; Demonstration of possession of weapons - checker, dagger, peak; Public feast in groups and families, massive walking.

In almost every house hung Cossack songs. For the throne holidays on the old custom, a total lunch was arranged in the bed hoses after prayer. Everything was brought to him that there is any delicious.


Saty tradition - Universal Sanya Skating. Children went down from a slide on icecalls - shopping baskets, watering water in the cold.


Baptism According to the tradition, it was marked by the procession on the river, where it was done under the frodular "Jordan" (decoration).


Maslenitsa - Week preceding the great post and dividing in the calendar winter and spring. According to Orthodox Easter, the celebration of Carnival began 56 days before Easter and accounted for the time of the Syropus week. Being ancient holiday, Maslenitsa united pagan and Christian beliefs. For a whole week, folk songs were sang, the Cossacks went to visit the pancakes. The demonstration races and shooting were organized. Everything was embraced on Maslenitsa. Everyone felt like a member of the Unified Cossack family.


More numerous and long-lasting entertainment were arranged on Easter - The brightest holiday of the spring cycle. Easter celebrations started from Palm Sunday. This day was dedicated to children. In the villages, cities, the approximations were organized fairs with various ideas (scholars of bears, crumbs, baths).


Marked in the Cossacks and Trinity . Noting this holiday, as the Orthodox, was honored by blossoming vegetation to ensure its growth and fruiting. For this, it is imperative on Saturday under the trinity mowed herb (mostly a chamber) and spread it in Kuren.


How the general competition has noted a day Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary . On this day, racing, competitions were organized, and necessarily organized a memorial dinner with drinking and chanting in memory of all the dead Cossacks.

Independent work of students

The task . Create a Panno Cossack People's Holiday.

Operation of work on panel

1. Class divided into 2 groups.

2. In each group, choose a group of "Main Artists".

3. Think over the topic and composition of the Cossack holiday.

4. A group of "Main Artists" on the sheet to portray and paint the elements of the landscape (construction, trees).

5. Another group draw the figures of people in the Cossack costumes and cut them.

6. Under the leadership of the "main artists", the cut out figures of the Cossacks and the Cossacks paste on the panel.

About the burial of the deceased. By the death of the Cossack, his body is washed and dressed on him clean, if possible, new clothes. The Cossack rite includes: Pants, the bottom shirt from the "Caucasian" canvas, in the absence of - knitted, bosst, the Circassian, on the legs - stockings - the plated types of feeders or light slippers, are not for the wishes of natives and shoes. At the forehead of the deceased, a whisk was hit by the image of Christ, the Mother of God and John the Forerunners and with the inscription "Holy God ..." as a sign that the deceased, as a Christian, led on earth, the struggle for the truth of God and died in the hope of God's mercy and the petition of God Mother and John the forerunner get a crown in heaven. A cross or any icon is assumed to his hands, in the famine of the dead in Christ, the Mother of God and the saints of God. The body of the deceased was supposed to be in the coffin, which became in the middle of the room in front of home icons (in the front corner) and half covered with the sacred cover as a sign that the deceased was under the cover of the Orthodox Church. The face of the deceased in the coffin should have been drawn to the exit. Around the coffin lit candles as a sign that the deceased moved to the region of light - in the best afterlife. Then, at the coffin, the psalmier began with the addition of prayers to calm the dead and served memorial services (brief services consisting of prayers for the forgiveness of sins and calm in the kingdom of the deceased). With the service of the Panirhides, the relatives and acquaintances of the deceased stand with candles as a sign that they believe in a bright future life, at the end of the Panhid (when reading the prayer of the Lord), these candles were agitated as a sign that our earthly life, burning as a candle, should Furious, most often not doing the end to the end of us.

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"Love Kuban, study her past, make the future!" -

A.N.kchev. Governor of the Krasnodar Region

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Map of Cossack

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Rusa - "Casta" managers and warriors. This is the Cossacks, so the entire elite of Rusov is the Cossacks. Moreover, this concept is more than ten thousand years! And the military craft they considered the main thing. Arabs describe them as harsh, violent and skillful fighters. Being extremely militant, Rusa courted their children to the sword literally from the first days of life. In the cradle, the Father barefached by the Father put the sword and said: "I will not leave you a legacy of any property, and there is nothing but you will have anything that you will acquire this sword" (Ibn Ruste). Al-Marvazi wrote about the Rus: "Their bravery and courage are well known so that one of them is equal to many of the other peoples."

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Pancirdnik (Knight) Picture of Jusef Brandt from the "Cossacks and Sack Life" series

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Shooting from Lucarina Jusef Brandt

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By Standards Fights with Swedes

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Attack of the Virgin

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On Turkish Front

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Turkish banners captured in Erzemum on the Caucasian Front

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Flag flag on horse

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The Cossack and the campaign is not in the burden and bumping not Maya, but joy

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In February 1792 in St. Petersburg, deputation from Cossacks led by Anton's military judge was departed with a request for a decision to move to the land of Kuban. On June 30, 1792, Ekaterina II signed a diploma for the award of the Chernomorsk Cossack army "In the eternal possession" right bank. Kuban. The duties of the army was charged "Victims and Guardies of the Border Guard".

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We thank the Empress, pray to God, Shah, I showed us on Taman the road.

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Monument to the first Zaporozhets, landed by Taman under the command of the Colonel Sava White on August 25, 1792. Constructed in 1911 grateful to their descendants, the Kuban Cossacks of the Taman Stannel Society (Taman) Monument to the Kuban Cossacks, established in the spring of 2005 before the building of the edge administration (Krasnodar, st. Red)

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(Military Cathedral in the name of the Resurrection of the Lord). Consecrated in 1802 was disassembled in 1876-1879. Due to windiness. From the engraving of the first half of the XIX century. Kuban historian I.D. Popko (1858): "The huts stand in such provisions, as if they were engaged to" freely guys ": they are both face and back, and sideways to the street. Most of them are hiding deep into the yard, as you can guess, the consciousness of our ugly and poor outside. Cleanliness is observed in the huts and courtyards; The streets are thrown into the street, where he lies until the puddles lie. "

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The army of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, which operated on the border territory behind the Dnieper thresholds, can be really called a special purpose squad, and the Zaporizhia warrior is a modern term "Spetsnazovets". Life under the conditions of the Wild Steppe and Plave Debreys of the Great Meadow (so earlier called floats in the lower drain of the Dnieper) developed special skills in the Cossacks and techniques for conducting intelligence operations, offensive and defensive fights, made these hardened trackers, whose survival experience in extreme natural conditions (mining and cooking, protection against bad weather, wild animals) is very valuable for us today

Slide 21.


Slide 22.

Slide 23.

Kuban Cossacks are so explained by the Chub on the left side of the cap: right an angel is worth - there is an order, and the hell is twisted - here is the Cossack and comes out!

Slide 24.

Father in the family of Kuban Cossacks

Slide 25.

In the 1915 shot (on September 19), the Cossacks of Staromyštovskaya Stanites (left in order): Crazy Nazarie Zakharovich Orda, Cossacks - Matvey Romanovich Kovalenko and Grigory Gordeevich Chapelun. They served in the 1st Mirroom War in a special 17 Cossack

Slide 26.

Kuban family

Slide 27.

Kuban family

Slide 28.

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Cossacks for service

Slide 30.

Talk from the well

Slide 31.

Cossack Wedding

Slide 32.

Cossack Wedding

  • Slide 33.


    Slide 34.

    If the Cossack was born in the family, then the main load lay on the shaft - he did from the Cossack of the Warrior. The main task of the shaft mother in this case was to form in the Cossack attitude towards the Girl-Cossack, like a wife, mother and hostess.

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    The modern socio-historical situation has made possible rebirth and popularization in the country of originally established sports and means of preparation of the Cossacks. Therefore, the creation of a modern system of physical cultural and sports work with the Cossack population is provided to the responsible task. Djigitovka acts here as the necessary link of a holistic system of physical education of the Kuban Cossacks.

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    The first schools in the villages of the Kuban Cossack troops appeared in the first third of the 19th century. Prior to this, the literacy centers were church parishes, where the training was conducted by local priests. The following items were in school programs: the law of God, purity, grammar, arithmetic and Russian history. Schools opened in many styles, but in the number of students they were small, they were not trained all basking children.

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    In front of the storm in the Russian troops of Paris in March 1814, the entire French capital was saved by the orders of the emperor with the militant luffing pictures with the image of the Cossacks. On caricature clubs, they were shown not simply laying between dirty puddles or settled at home, but also had a demonic appearance. From the Lubkov to Parisians looked ugly chumased creatures with necklaces from human ears and heads - which devils. Whether it is necessary to be surprised that the crowds of curious citizens were encountered to Paris. To their extreme amazement, instead of monsters, they saw attractive static riders with impeccable straightening. According to the testimony of the famous writer Viktor Hugo, the Cossacks were smirks and polite, did not dare to touch in Paris before. The ridiculous "opening" of Napoleon was exposed to public. However, after defeating the Napoleonic troops in Russia in the arguments of the emperor about the Cossacks began to dominate the notes of irritation and malice on their offenders. There were some derogatory comparisons designed to show this discontent. "Give me a regiment of some Cossacks, and I will go with them all of Europe." Napoleon Bonaparte.

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    Equestrian Cossack on Paris Streach Color G.-E Obia 1814 Cossacks on Marketwarel G.-E Oppi 1814 "Give me a regiment of some Cossacks, and I will go with them all of Europe." Napoleon Bonaparte.

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    Cossacks at the statue of Apollo in MuseumAkvalevalem G.-E Oppi 1814 Bunchuanekartina Jusef Brandt

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    Cossacks in Belgium

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    Cossacks in the drive

    Slide 42.

    Photos from the cycle "On the fronts of the Great War" the Cossacks in the Palace Square

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    12 Summer Cossack 2 Kuban regiment of the Kuban Cossack troops S. I. Kravchenko for saving the machine gun in March 1915 was awarded the Georgievsky Cross of the IV degree. Drawing of artist K. Mesiek, 1916.

    Slide 44.

    Commander of the 1st Kuban Plastunsky Battalion Colonel Konstantin Alexandrovich Zheglinsky. It took 1852. April 3Is of the nobility of the Symbirian province. Education: General - Moscow Military Progmentation, graduated from the course. The Tiflis Infantry Junction School, graduated from the course on the 2nd category. Tile: Lower rank from 1869 June 21Horighted with 27th 1874G.So seniority on February 15, 1874. 6mm 1882g.Desomulum with 6mm 1890G.Fesomul from the 3rd yoy of 1893. Digital Starin from the 26Phevral 1901g.The Color from the 11th year 1905 In battles, the wounded and contused was not. Injuries and damage did not receive. Awards: 1877 - the Order of St. Jung 4th degree with a medal "For courage", St. Stanislav 3rd degree with swords and a bow. 1905 - Chin Colonel.