Presentation on the theme of the beauty of the ancient China. Presentation on the topic "Art of Ancient China"

  • 05.04.2021

Artistic culture of China

The overall characteristics of a significant impact on the culture of China had a picture of the world of Chinese. In their opinion, the sky represents the continuous space, and under it there is a square land, in the center of which is located China. Hence the name is insecure. A significant role is played by religion - Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.

The general characteristic of China is the most ancient civilization on Earth, its history originates in 4 millennia BC. The most important achievements of the Chinese civilization of the invention of paper, silk, carcass, powder, compass. Loved ornamental motifs - dragons, birds, flowers. Dragon - the embodiment of wisdom and kindness. The dragon with five claws is a symbol of the imperial power.

The Ming Dynasty The Ming Medieval Dynasty was considered one of the most powerful Chinese dynasties. Board time - 1368 - 1644.

Masterpieces of architecture The secret of Chinese architecture is in full harmony with nature. In general, the Chinese architecture is characterized by monumentality, calm and grandeur forms. One of the masterpieces of Chinese architecture is the Great Wall of China. Her construction began in 3rd. BC, and ended to the 15th century. Its length is about 5 thousand kilometers.

Great Chinese Wall IV Century BC

Monastery Yungan V - VI centuries. Buddhist Cave Monastery Yungan belongs to masterpieces of world architecture. In the rock of 60 meters, there are about 20 caves, which reach a height of 15 meters and deleted the rocks of 10 meters.

Sculpture in the Jungan Monastery Each of the caves of the temple Yungan is devoted to any deity, the statues of which are located right there. The statue of Buddha possesses a colossal size. It reaches 50 meters of height.

Chinese temples are one of the common buildings - Pagoda - the memorial tower, erected in honor of the acts of famous people. Pagoda is distinguished by the grand sizes and beauty of structures. A distinctive feature is slightly raised upward-pointed edges, which emphasizes the aspiration of the building up.

Pagoda - Memorial Tower of Danyan Sunyoes

Danyan Pagoda is one of the best architecture samples in China - the Pagoda of Danyan, the height of which is 64 meters.

The summer palace of the emperor in the Forbidden City of the main form of residential buildings is rectangular in terms of Pavilion.

Forbidden City The invasion of the Mongols at the 13th - 14th centuries caused a crushing blow to the culture of China. At this time, major cities were erected (Beijing, Nanjing). In 1421, Beijing became the capital, where a wonderful complex was cooked, called a forbidden city. Old Beijing was divided into an internal and outdoor city. The emperor with family and approximate lived in the domestic city.

Panorama of the Forbidden City

The church of the sky Beijing emblem China became the church of the sky, built in the outside city in 1420. In his forms, he embodied the ancient symbolic images and mythological ideas about the structure of the Universe. The complex is devoted to the ancient religious cults associated with obtaining a harvest in which the sky and the Earth were worshiped.

Chinese Palace Russia

The visual art of a characteristic feature of the Chinese sculpture was its closest connection with the Buddhist religion. Therefore, many of their Chinese sculptures are in the temples.

The statue of the Buddha Vairshman, 672. One of the perfect sculptures is the 25th meter statue of the Buddha Vairokhana, carved in the Cave Monastery of Lunmen. Buddha's face is greatly perfectly in contrast to the guards, whose individuals are disfigured. This giant statue is still perceived as a majestic symbol of Buddhist religion.

Painting Starting from the 8th century, China's painting is formed: careful, detailed, sketch, having an unfinished character. Landscape painting monochrome. Chinese artists searched for different ways of image of nature. In addition to the landscapes of "Mountain - Water", the landscape "Flowers - Birds" was common. Special honor turned out to be such plants like orchid, mehua, bamboo, chrysanthemum, accompanied by poetic calligraphic inscriptions. In the landscapes, many symbols: a pair of ducks - family happiness, pheasant - a good career, lotus - cleanliness, bamboo - wisdom.

SI (1020 - 1090) Early spring, a scroll on silk, 1072 g one of the penetrated artists of a lyrical landscape. Landscapes in the monochrome. They are built on a combination of clear lines and broken spots.

Ma Yuan. Ducks, rock and mehua. 18 century. In the medieval painting of China, the landscape genre is also common, over which Ma Yuan worked (1190 - 1224)

Liang Kai Poet Li Bo, 18th century. Portrait genre is one of the oldest in Chinese painting. He is known from 5 century. BC. Portraits of prominent public and political figures are most popular. The purpose of the Chinese portrait is not in the transmission of external data, but the spiritual emotional side of the person.

At the end of the 18th - early 19th century, medieval Chinese painting came into decay. Although the best traditions continued to develop the best traditions in the work of some masters, but the desire for perseverance, excessive overload of the ornament became characteristic features of creativity.

Questions and tasks 1. Name the consistency of the board of the Ancient Chinese dynasties. 2. Description of the Ancient Chinese Wall. What was its role? 3. What is the terracotta army? What complex was this sculptural structure? 4. Name the characteristic features of the medieval China.

Chinese Painting China -
an important part
Chinese culture I.
invaluable treasure
chinese nation she
has a long history and
Nice traditions B.
World Region
Painting is also called
Traditional Chinese
painting. Traditional
Chinese art
goes back to the neolithic period
About eight thousand years
Back. Found by
Excavations Color ceramics
With drawn
animals, fish,
Deer, and frogs
Shows that in the period
Neolithic Chinese already
Began to use brushes
for drawing.

During the time of the dynasty Qin and
Han develops
Fresco painting. Her
used in burials, and
Also in temples and palaces. FROM
Development of Buddhism in the period from 3
6 century the temple is developing
Painting, for example,
Images of Buddha in Mountain
Ancient Chinese
painting was very different from
European painting. In Europe
Widely used
opportunities of color, shadows, and in
China paints created
Amazing picture playing
lines. The main thing is that distinguishes
Chinese painting OT
European is a desire
give the "Spirit of the Picture", or like
They say the Chinese "with
Forms to express mood. "

Ancient Chinese
painting, as in other matters
Modern, knew two
Basic Style: "Gong B"
(diligent brush) and "se and"
(An expression of the idea).
Principles of Chinese
Painting are B.
love by nature as
Perfect creation.

Genres of Chinese painting are quite diverse: - Animal genres, - household genres, - the front portrait, a miniature on fans and others

- Chinese landscape painting.
In China did not exist
Still life in the usual
For us, the sense
Still Items S.
point of view of chinese
dead without speaking
Movement of life I.

Chinese painting to certain sustainable images: one of the most favorite objects of aesthetic embodiment in painting I

Chinese art
Significant to certain
Sustainable images:
One of the most
favorite objects
incarnation in painting
is bamboo
On chinese
paintings bamboo is
not just a plant, and
Human symbol

Chinese painting and calligraphy

In China, use
one tool I.
for painting and for
Calligraphy - brushes
- related these two types
Calligraa Fia (from Greek words
άάλλος kallos "Beauty" + γραφή
Graphẽ "write") - View
visual arts,
Aesthetic design
handwritten font.

The total number of Chinese hieroglyphs reaches 80,000. But in all types of texts, no more than 10 thousand hieroglyphs are used. Chinese

hieroglyphs are difficult for
Writing: Each of them
consists of several
Damn (from 1 to 52).
Calligraphy Like
painting and process
Creating hieroglyph
Brush and Skill Akin
Process creation

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The history of China is considered one of the oldest in the world, it includes five thousand years of historical and cultural development. During this time, the Chinese fought a lot and captured the lands, the nomads or troops of the neighboring powers were constantly carried out on the country. However, despite all this, China's traditions continued to be formed and developed. It is in China who else in ancient times there was writing, the Chinese first began to apply for writing paper, Chinese masters did a good weapon, and the art of combat was an example for soldiers of other countries.

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Dragon - Cultural Symbol of the Chinese People

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The ancient Chinese called their country "the Criminal Empire" or "Middle Kingdom", as they believed that it was in the midst of the four seas: the eastern, southern, sandy and rocky.

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State Shang (Neolithic) 1500 BC. Empire Dynasty Qin 221-207 BC Han Dynasty 207 BC - 2 AD. Dynasty TAN 618 - 907. Dynasty Sun 960 - 1279. Dynasty Yuan (Mongolian) 1279 - 1368. Ming dynasty (Chinese) 1368 - 1644. Qing dynasty (Manchurskaya) 1644 - 1912

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China culture
The basis - the harmony of the two polar began Yang and Yin
River Juanhe

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Space Giant Pan-Gu

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the most typical design of the house is a frame-pillars for construction - wood effect of a holistic composition, T, E. Ensemble from a variety of houses Ancient Chinese architecture is characterized by the use of paints (roofs - yellow, eaves-Sin-green, walls, pillars and yards - red) .

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The only building that has always stood separately on the outskirts of the village is a Watchtower Pagoda Tower: protection against an external enemy Protection against evil spirits in the form of a pagoda built temples

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Pagoda necessarily have an odd number of tiers (3, 5, 9, 11) of the pagoda have a variety of shape: (square, six-, eight-, twelve-centers, round).

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Dawnata, or big pagoda of wild geese (Sian, 7-8 century). Its dimensions: 25m. Based on and 60m. In height; consists of 7 tiers

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The ancient China and unique monuments of architecture and art are glorified. Fancy structures, interesting roofs of houses, rich palaces of emperors and exquisitely decorated temples.

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Ancient cable bridges

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Beijing temples were located large complexes.
Tienan's Temple Ensemble ("The Church of the Sky") was associated with the oldest religious rites of the Chinese, who worshiped the sky and land as crop donors.

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Temple of the sky in Beijing (XV-XVI centuries)
The embodiment of harmony between heaven and earth

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The temple was conceived as a place of sacrifices of the sky

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Way of the Universe - Dao
Dao - initially all things, universal Lono, from where the Universe comes from and everything that is
Eternal and endless Dao gives the impetus to Yang and the harmony of the sky and the earth

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Hall of abstinence
palace for a three-day post in spring, summer and winter before carrying out religious rites

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"Altar of the sky"
Sacrifice annually (Winter Solvent Day) Sacred Numbers 3 and 9

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"The temple of a rich crop"
The base is a marble terrace consisting of three tiers. Eight wide stairs lead to the temple. In the temple there were prayers about rain nice and good crop. There is neither altar nor statues

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The round terraces of the altar and the blue roofs of the temples symbolized the sky, square in terms of the territory of the ensemble - the Earth.

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12 twined watches
28 important stars

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Gardens around the temple
The incarnation of the forces of the sky - Yang - bulk slides, gazebos, smokers, the trees of the power of the earth - Yin - water

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Stones stars
Symbolize the constellation of a large bear and a polar star

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Each Chinese city was surrounded by a wall ("wall" and "city" were designated in one word "Cheng").

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Fortification facilities
The great Wall of China
The largest architectural monument. It takes place along North China for 8851.8 km (with accounting of branches), and in the area of \u200b\u200bBadalin, it takes place in close proximity to Beijing.

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When laying stone blocks of the wall, adhesive rice porridge was used with an admixture of extinguished lime. Annually a popular athletics marathon "Great Wall" is carried out, in which part of the distance athletes run along the row of the wall. Contrary to the existing opinion, the Great Chinese wall cannot be seen with the naked eye from the orbital station, although it can be seen on satellite images.

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The Great Wall of China (length of more than 3000 km). The wall has a width from 5 to 8 meters, and height from 5 to 10 meters. The wall first was collected from the rammed forest and the canthaw, then she was told by bricks.

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On the surface of the wall, the teeth and the road, according to which the soldiers could move. On the entire perimeter, the turrets are affixed, every 100 - 150 meters, for the light alert about the approach of the enemy.

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Planning urban ensembles.
Beijing was conceived as a powerful fortress. Massive brick walls with a turret gate surrounded the capital from all sides. In Beijing, the correct location of the streets. In the form of a grid.

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"Forbidden City" (now transformed into a museum), acquired by the walls and surrounded by a moat with water, was a kind of city in the city, in the depths of which the rest of the imperial wives, entertainment structures, theater scene and much more were hidden.

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Park art gardening
The appointment of the Chinese garden was to cause the audience a philosophical mood, gardens symbolized paradise on Earth.
Parks are replete with small lakes, with characteristic high bridges, pavilions with tiled roofs, kiosks, arches.

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The whole territory is divided into three parts - middle, oriental and western. The center of the garden usually serves a water or an artificial hill.
There are pavilions related to open galleries around it, stone compositions in the form of a slide, walls or individual peculiar sculptures, bridges, arbors, water ducts.

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Beihai Park is an ancient Park Beijing, located in the north-west of the "Forbidden City". Park area is more than 700,000 sq.m., most of which is a water space. Central Park - Tsunhuadao Island, on which white pagoda is tested.

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Garden-Park Architecture
Bayjai Park

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Baodutziao "Precious Belt Bridge") - ancient arched bridge, peroxide through the Great Chinese Channel near the city of Suzhou in Jiangsu province.
A distinctive feature of the bridge - three raised central spills, through which boats sailed with a cargo. The bridge has a length of 317 meters with a width of 4.1 m and consists of 53 arched flaps.

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Jade Belt Bridge, or Camel Petrobe Bridge, Beijing

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Palace architecture
Beijing, Forbidden City

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Beijing, the wall of the Forbidden City
Palace architecture

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Memorial structures
Pileau or Piifan-carved ornamented triumphal gates from stone or tree, which were erected in China in honor of the rulers, heroes, outstanding events. They are blocked by one or more roofs depending on the number of spans.
Pileau in Pinyao

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Gate in the South-Town Village Sydi

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Gate leading to the funeral complex.
The ties of the emperors of the Ming dynasty - the complex of the Mausoleums of the Thirteen Emperors of the Chinese Ming Dynasty (XV-XVII century)

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Chinese art developed in a wide variety of directions. Only in this country could find masters, perfectly manufacturing the finest silk, or potters, famous for the production of decorative porcelain. Chinese painters could paint not only the walls of temples and palaces, but also small ceramic and tissue products.
Chinese woman has cut off a paper picture for five years

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One of the highest achievements of the Ancient Chinese art is painting, especially painting on the scroll. The Chinese picture-scroll is a completely new kind of art, created specifically for contemplation, freed from subordinate decorative functions. The main genres of painting on the scroll were the historical and household portrait, a portrait associated with a clock cult, landscape, the genre of "birds and flowers".

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In the Chinese painting, every item is deeply symbolic, every tree, flower, an animal or a bird is a sign of a poetic image: Pine is a symbol of longevity, bamboo - durability and happiness, stork - loneliness and holiness, etc. The form of Chinese landscapes - an elongated scroll - helped sense the immensity of space, show not some part of nature, but the integrity of the whole of the universe.
Ma Lin. Listening to the wind in pines

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The traditional genre of Chinese painting is "Gokhua". Pictures are written in black or gray ink with a tassel on paper or silk. In some cases, the master using just a few smears of black carcass of various thicknesses creates common outlines of the landscape and human figures, without writing the details. This direction is referred to as this. Another direction called "GUNBI" requires careful reproduction of the smallest details: hairstyles of people depicted, birds, etc.

Neither Zason, "Trees and Mount Valley"
Zhao Manfu. Autumn paints in the mountains

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Portraits of emperors
Emperor Thai Tzu (Taizu) (Ming Dynasty)
Lee Hong-Jiao
Emperor Kublai Khan

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name unknown
Liang Shu-Nyan
Qin Lin-Yun
name unknown

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Butterfly and pink color
Li Zhong-Wei
Bird among Lotus

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Art image of nature
In China, the cult of nature exists from time immemorial to the present day. The painting of the Chinese artist is not just a landscape, but a kind of model of the Universe, where the sky and the earth are linked to the mountains. Landscape painting appeared in China for a thousand years earlier than in Europe.
Ma Yuan. Singing on the road

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Ancient Chinese painting was very different from European painting. In Europe, the possibilities of color, shadows were widely used, and in China, painters created amazing pictures of the game of lines. The main thing that distinguishes Chinese painting from European is the desire to transfer the "art perfume", or, as the Chinese say "using the form to express the mood."

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Theater skill is considered a separate type of Chinese art. The Chinese in their theatrical productions skillfully combined the music and movement of the body, oriental martial arts and religion.
Shadow Theater as part of Chinese dramatic

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Writing in traditional Chinese culture is considered as a special area of \u200b\u200bethics and aesthetics.

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Chinese calligraphy is considered the "ancestral" of the Japanese, the first mentions of it are dating in the middle of the middle of the middle of the first 11th millennium BC. Calligraphy has been erected in China in the rank of national art.

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Dish with dragon
Bowl of type GE

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Chinese vases

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Temple Vase
Vase with peonies
Melon Vase

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Glazed vessel. The period of three dynasties
Chinese tricolor glazed horse. Tang Dynasty.

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Buddha Vairochana in the cave temples Lunmen
Large statue of Buddha Vairokhana in Longmen cave temples stands out not only by its size. It is appreciated and as one of the high samples of the art of the Tang Dynasty period. Buddha Vaiochana sends in the open grotto Fenxian. Perhaps the dimensions are designed to emphasize the greatness of Vailarians: the height of the statue is 17.4 meters, only the Buddha head is 4 meters, and the elongated ears are 1.9 meters.
But the main thing in the statue is not a height. Buddha is considered the biggest, and the most beautiful statue of local cave temples, a pearl of Longman.

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Terracotta sculpture from the Emperor's Mogilnik Qin Shihuana
Museum of terracotta figures.

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The terracotta army was accidentally discovered in 1976 by the peasants processing the Earth. The place where underground crypts with terrorist pieces of warriors were found, which, according to the then Chinese rulers, were to serve the Emperor of Cinaihuan (259-210 BC) in the afterlime world, is 4 km away. East of Siane and 1.5 km away. From the grave Kurgan Qinashovana. Archaeologists who arrived that the hard-length of the statue was "guarded by the tomb of Emperor Qin Shihuandi, who died in 210 to our era and the famous fact that he united Chinese states into a single subwayed empire and ordered to build the Great Wall of China. He also entered the story and as one of the most cruel lord of the world. The entire complex consists of 4 zones: two huge fields for clay soldiers of warriors in full size, command item and one empty mine. Exhibited to review 7000 sculptures of warriors and horses built into combat order. The burial is called the "eighth miracle of the world" and it really produces a grand impression. The complex also has two chariots made from a variety of metal parts and also considered a unique find confirming the level of development of ancient China. In total, there were three underground scleplies with a total area of \u200b\u200bmore than 20 thousand square meters. meters. The crypt number 1 has a length from east to west 230 meters, from north to south 62 meters, an area of \u200b\u200b14260 square meters. meters. The sclepe contains 6 thousand terracotta, painted in different colors, figures of warriors and battle horses, the dimensions of which are close to the natural sizes of human figures and horses. Clearly seen the construction of troops: Three anti-garde lines, followed by 38 columns. East of the crypt No. 1 is a crying number 2, which has a curved form. The set of figures here is even more diverse than in crypt number 1. The crypt number 3 has an area of \u200b\u200b500 with more than a sq. Mermers and conceived as the location of the headquarters of the underground rati. In fact, terracotta figures of warriors and their construction in the miniature copied the authentic army of the time of Qinalovan, which makes these finds very important for studying the military history of China. No wonder they were called the "eighth miracle of the world."

Music of an ancient china music
was accepted
Lui Lui
(literally "Stroy",
"Measure"), based on
which lay
Twelve sounds.
Everyone had
Magical meaning:
Sound sounds
embodied light
active forces of the sky
Even - Dark,
Passive power

Approximately in the VII century. BC e. from this
Sounded was allocated five
the most important sounds that received
The first - "Palace",
The second is "conversation",
Third - "Rog",
fourth - "Collection",
Fifth - "Wings".
These five sounds were identified with
five first elements (fire, water,
Earth, air, tree) and five
main colors (white, black,
Red, blue, yellow). They had I.
Social meaning ("Ruler",
"Officials", "People", "Acts",

Musical instruments of ancient China

In antiquity, stand out
Separate classes
Musical instruments:
ringing (bells and
stone plates),
Strings, brass and shock
Eight species
"Sound sources" stone, metal, silk,
bamboo, tree, leather,
Clay and pumpkin.

One of the most
Ancient tools
China - stone
Plates (Lithophones),
which are called "Qing".
Mu-Yu (translated
"Wooden fish")
- Exotic
percussion instrument
In the form of fish.

Chinese art

Ancient Chinese
painting, as in other matters
Modern, knew two
Basic Style: "Gong B"
(diligent brush) and "se and"
(An expression of the idea).
Principles of Chinese
Painting are B.
love by nature as
Perfect creation.

Genres of Chinese painting
Pretty diverse:
- Animal genres,
- household genres,
- Parade portrait,
- miniature on fizz and others
- Chinese landscape painting.
In China, there was no still life in
We are familiar to us,
Fixed items in terms of
the Chinese are dead without dynamics
Movement of life and time.

Chinese art
Significant to certain
Sustainable images: one
From the most favorite
Aesthetic objects
incarnation in painting
is a bamboo.
In chinese paintings
bamboo is not just
Plant, and symbol

Chinese painting and calligraphy

In China, use
one tool I.
for painting and for
Calligraphy - brushes
- related these two types
Calligraphy (from Greek words
άάλλος kallos "Beauty" + γραφή
Graphẽ "write") - View
visual arts,
Aesthetic design
handwritten font.

Total amount
Chinese hieroglyphs
reaches 80,000. But
Really in all kinds
texts are used non.
More than 10 thousand hieroglyphs.
Chinese characters
difficult to write:
Each of them consists of them.
Multiple features (from 1 to 52).
Calligraphy Like
painting and process
Creating hieroglyph
Brush and Skill Akin
Process creation

Traditions of Chinese tea drinking

In ancient China tea
The ceremony began with
that a person had to
Internally psychologically
Prepare: free
from all unpleasant
annoying, painful
and secondary.
Sometime tea like already
said above, drank only in
imperial palaces and in
houses of aristocrats, then
He fell in love and poor people.

A little later specifically for
holding tea ceremonies
began to build tea
Pavilions: Unusually
Beautiful, Light, Full Lights
and air sissy
External puff I.
Beauty emphasized
Easy internal
Decorations - in pavilions
Stood small
Sofa, chairs,
Tables, separate
There were tea

In the evenings, the colorful
Paper lanterns, invited musicians
- Everything should have been configured on an enthusiastic
Perception of the surrounding world.

Chinese tea making

First of all followed
choose the right tea
corresponding to the wishes I.
mood. It could be
black, green, red or
very rare and dear
"Imperial" yellow tea
Second, no less important, -
Water used
For making tea. She is
must be fresh taken
From the spring, stream or river.

Third - dishes for
Cooking and use
Tea drink. In ancient times
Emperors used
Cooking from gold and silver.
Later, the Chinese refused
Metal dishes I.
switched to porcelain and
Gaivani - special
type cups type
200-250 ml with a lid,
The diameter of which is less
The diameter of the upper edge

Artistic culture of China absorbed
Basic spiritual values \u200b\u200bthat
developed in the teachings of Taoism and
Confucianism .. The idea of \u200b\u200bharmonious
Connections of man and nature permeates
Chinese art, ranging from calligraphy
to painting. Even writing B.
Traditional Chinese culture
considered as a special area of \u200b\u200bethics and
Aesthetics. All genres of ancient Chinese
Arts carried deep moral
the meaning and idea of \u200b\u200bhuman improvement,
Customized on a special perception:
admiration for nature, her beauty and work

参观 中国 画 展览 Chinese Language Teacher MBOU SOSH№9 Sevostyantenko A.G. To write traditional Chinese paintings using the so-called "Four Treasures" of the artist: Chinese brush, paint, stew for rubbing carcass and mineral paints, paper. Up to the invention, the paper was painted on silk, but even after the appearance of paper, silk often continued to serve as a cloth for the artist, up to the present day. An instrument of painter was a brush made of animal wool. The main visual element was a line that is applied to a hand with a brush. The lines are the most frequently found in the picture the pictorial element, especially in the pictures of the early period. Chinese artists were distinguished by the virtuoso mastery of the possession of the brush. The lines appearing from their brush differed in thickness, thickness of the carcass, they could hit the power, and could look like a barely noticeable hair. With the help of lines and their diversity, the artist created full lives, highly artistic images that embodied the entire variety of the objective world. 墨画墨画 In China, the tiles of the primitive carcass are always used, with a black lacquer glitter. Rastrating tiles with water to thick or liquid consistency, get mascara and, with the help of a skillful brush of the artist, acquires a variety of shades. Its blurring is transmitted by the finest haze of fog, then the salary paws of the pines, who hung over the dizzying abyss, China's painter never wrote directly from nature, they played landscapes in memory. They continuously trained their visual memory, gazing in nature, studying her. The punch of their brush is always accurate, because on porous fine paper or silk no amendments are no longer possible. 墨画墨画 是 用 墨画 的. Zhao Bo-Su. Return from hunting. Leaf from the album. Painting on silk12 in. 墨画墨画 只 有 两 种 颜色: 白色 和 黑色. Naughty rustic schoolchildren. Painting on silk. 12 V. Ai di A man leading a buffalo on a snowy plain. Painting on silk. 12 V. 画 面面 的 山, 水, 树, 草, 花, 动物 等等 都 是 黑色 的. Bamboo in Chinese paintings is a symbol of non-potability and resistance, high moral qualities. The bamboo represents the summer and symbolizes the strength and flexibility it is so durable and flexible, which is neat, but does not break under the strong head pressure. Chinese artist Xu Xinti is known for drawings of cats. The presented works are made in the technique of Gokhua, the traditional Chinese painting, in which the mascara and water colors are used on the row or paper. "As if nature collected the art of its own, so that the north and south are divided into dusk and dawns." Whether bo The new technique "Lifting carcasses" (揭墨), when the mascara applied to paper with a special exposure spreads in the desired direction, forming soft overflows. This achieves an effect that cannot be obtained when using a brush. Such a picture cannot be copied or faked, because the unique picture is formed. This technique in 1997 is recognized as invention and patented. 水 彩画彩画 跟 跟 墨画 墨画 一样. Chinese painting is based on a thin ratio of gentle mineral paints, harmonizing each other. The foreground was usually separated from the rear group of rocks or trees with which all parts of the landscape corrected. 彩画彩画 是 用 各种各样 的 颜色画 的. The compositional structure of the picture and the peculiarities of the prospects were designed for the fact that the person feel not the center of the universe, but a small part of it. 这 张 画 面面 的 葡萄 都 是 的 的 的 一样. The compositional structure of the picture and the peculiarities of the prospects were designed for the man to feel not the center of the universe, but with a small part of it, 你 觉得 水 墨画 比 彩 画 看看? Thanks for your attention! 再见!