All kinds of "punk". Punk subculture: getting to know an unusual movement

  • 29.04.2019
Behind last years The now familiar word “informals” flew into our speech and took root in it.
Informals– these are those who break out of the formalized structures of our lives. They do not fit into the usual rules of behavior. They strive to live in accordance with their own, and not other people’s interests imposed from outside.

A feature of informal associations is the voluntariness of joining them and a stable interest in a specific goal or idea. The second feature of these groups is rivalry, which is based on the need for self-affirmation.

There are some classifications youth organizations in the areas of their activities and worldview.
1. Musical informal youth organizations. (The main goal of such youth organizations is to listen, study and distribute their favorite music.)
2. Informal organizations in sports. (Leading representatives of this current- famous football fans, as well as rockers)
3. Philosophizing informal organizations. (Hippies stand out among them.)
4. Political informal organizations. (This group of informal youth organizations includes associations of people who have an active political position and speak at various rallies, participate and campaign)

TO last group, political informal organizations, include punks.

If we consider "Punk" in more in a broad sense then he treats music group informal organizations.
Music plays a very important role for punks, since they prefer passive protest and rarely undertake open rallies and campaigning that have a strong political overtone. Through music, punks express their worldview.

Punk, punks, punk rockers, punkers (from the English punk - scum) - a counterculture that emerged in the mid-1970s in the USA and Great Britain, characteristic feature which is a love of fast and energetic rock music (punk rock) and freedom, a protest against the establishment, conservatism, authoritarianism, nationalism and radical capitalism, as well as a commitment to the ideals of anti-racism and anti-fascism. Legendary American band The Ramones were the first punk rock band. The first British punk band were the Sex Pistols. After the emergence of these and other groups, punk spread throughout the world (since the 1980s in the USSR). In Russia prominent representatives punk are Siberian groups (the most famous is " civil defense", whose fans formed an independent sub-movement - the Letov punks, named after the founder of the group, Yegor Letov). Punk was a kind of response to the crisis of the hippie movement and its deviation into mysticism, to the rock music of the time, which moved away from the energy and rhythm of the traditional rock and roll, as well as difficult situation for young people in the labor market.

The processing of public opinion has gone in the direction that, they say, there is nothing good in any system until it is opposed by an anti-system. This threat is simply necessary to prove the viability of the system itself and its correct path of development. Punk is such an anti-system. And if the system was bad, punk would sweep it away. Since he failed, it means the system is excellent. Punk's legs were weakened by the fact that he was allowed and brought out of the underground. Punk was allowed on television and the stage of any hall. This is where it started new wave. Punk rock began to deform, change, and be divided into a variety of musical, political, and aesthetic directions. Dozens of new styles have appeared with their own concepts, new artistic thinking, vision of the world, other goals.

By age, punks are predominantly older teenagers. The boys act as leaders.

The desire of a punk to attract the attention of people around him in any way, as a rule, leads him to shocking, pretentious and extraordinary behavior.

Origins and influences.
"Punk originates from the mid-70s of the 20th century, when, under the influence of the Beatles and Rolling Stones many youth teams performing rock and roll began to appear" - the article says " Lost generation"on the Volkey magazine website.

A relatively raw and rough sound, based on just a few chords, a defiantly primitive sound, combined with a vulgar manner of behavior on stage, began to be cultivated by the American team The Stooges. Its leader, Iggy Pop, rejected musical sophistication and valued unbridled drive in rock and roll. The link between the punk movement and the previous generation of beatniks was the “godmother of the punk movement,” Patti Smith.

Some young punks like to shock the public with their anti-conservative appearance, however, it should be noted that for other punk rockers, appearance is a secondary detail. The ideologist of the punk look was the English designer Vivienne Westwood, who brought punk paraphernalia to the masses and the fashion industry.

Language, jargon.
Characteristic is the use of words from thieves' jargon ("maza", "havat", "labat") and the marginal use of "clever" words ("parallel" in the meaning of "all the same", "purely" in the meaning of "indifferent").

Some punks prefer fun hairstyles with multi-colored spiky hair, often with shaved hair or mohawks. Punks significantly influenced hairdressing by introducing bold, bright hair colors and asymmetrical hairstyles. The fashion for Iroquois was introduced by the British The group Exploited.

chains and pins in clothes, spiked wristbands, badges and stripes with the names of groups or various kinds of sayings.

Comfortable city clothes:
A T-shirt (often black), a jacket (usually a leather jacket), jeans, sneakers, sneakers or heavy boots. Clothes are often deliberately torn and worn, sometimes accompanied by provocative proclamations.

Some punk girls (punkushi) use a provocatively sexual image (bright makeup, bouffant hair, short skirts, torn tights or stockings).

The Punk ideology is quite close to the hippie one in everything that concerns disdain material assets, however, if the hippie idea is expressed as “why have money, the world is already infinitely beautiful”, then for Punks it’s more likely “the world is still g...o and nothing will help it.” Unlike hippies, punks are quite aggressive in their political leanings and are considered anarchists (with light hand"Sex pistols", who wrote the cult punk pension "Anarchy in the UK").

Related subcultures.
Skinheads - youth subculture sixties, which received a “rebirth” during punk. Music of traditional skinheads - Ska, Oi!, Rocksteady and Reggae.

Mods- predecessors and contemporaries of punks. Influenced punk rock. Music mods - Ska, Soul.

Rude boys- Jamaican youth, predecessors and contemporaries of punks and traditional skinheads. They influenced the appearance and musical preferences of both. Rudboys music - Ska and Rocksteady.

Straight edges- a subculture generated by the early American punk/hardcore scene of the early 80s, the most characteristic feature of which is the rejection of drugs, alcohol and tobacco, as well as promiscuity.

Goths- a subculture close to punks that emerged in the early 1980s. Goths tend to have a pessimistic worldview and are not interested in socially critical topics. They favor minor-key gothic rock, the color black, and a dark (often vampiric) aesthetic.

Goths often wear mohawk hairstyles, but not colored ones like punks, but ones that look as if they were put on black shoe polish. Punk or punks (eng. "punk")

– a youth movement in culture that emerged in the late 60s and early 70s in Great Britain; style - punk is integrally associated with the name. The word "punk" in English language

before the advent of the punk movement itself, it was used as a curse word, meaning approximately the same as “scumbag.” In other cases it could be used as a common obscene expression.

In American slang, the word "punk" was used to refer to prison sixes or simply to people associated with criminal activity. Also, the word “punk” could mean “garbage”, “rottenness”, “dirt”.

Appearance and attributes of punks: The origins of punk as a style date back to the 60s, when youth bands performing rock and roll appeared in the era influenced by the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. Although hippies had a major influence on world culture

, in the 70s they were already a little tired of them. Young people wanted something new and sharp. Instead of the peaceful hippie slogan “Love and Peace,” the punks preferred the formula “Sex and Violence,” and the main words of the punk style were “anarchy,” “rebellion,” and “garbage.” Initially, the “punk” style arose as a movement in music thanks to the American group “Ramones”.

The “punk rock” genre implied not so much skill as a desire to play combined with a deliberately primitive sound, defiantly vulgar behavior on stage and diving into the crowd. The ideologist of the popularization of the punk style in fashion was Malcolm McLaren, a British musician and producer. The style began in 1975 in London, when McLaren, in connection with new provocative anarchist trends that came from America, he decided to change the fashionable direction of his, opened in 1971 together with Vivienne Westwood. So the boutique, which was quite popular, changed its name “Let it Rock” to the daring “Sex”. was aimed at marginalized youth. And here we cannot remain silent about Vivienne Westwood, who is considered the creator of the “punk” fashion trend.

Not all modern punks know that their favorite mohawks, ripped jeans and other style attributes were invented by Vivienne Westwood. Now she is one of the most famous designers in the world, but at the time this could not have been imagined. Married early only to escape from a poor and impoverished family, Vivienne Westwood abandoned art school. True, she still received Teacher Education and even managed to work as a teacher. However, a calm and measured life lasted only three years, until Westwood divorced her husband and met McLaren.

Together they began to actively engage in the affairs of the store.

Having not received any special education or experience in tailoring, she was the first to invent completely crazy clothes - torn and T-shirts with provocative inscriptions, which were composed by McLaren.

“I’m not a terrorist, don’t arrest me”, “Be reasonable - demand the impossible!”, “Empty generation” or the fascist slogan “We are not afraid of ruins!”

- such inscriptions decorated T-shirts torn on all sides. Vivienne was the first to make herself a crew cut out of bleached hair - a signature hairstyle in the style of punks around the world.

She was also the first to mock the T-shirt, tearing off the sleeves, ripping out the shoulder seams and tying the flaps in a knot at the back. Her most scandalous work is a T-shirt with a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II of England with a safety pin in her lip, which had the effect of a bomb exploding. Each model Westwood created called for shaking a morally established society. For this purpose, their joint store with McLaren had everything - with swastikas on the sleeves, T-shirts and T-shirts with obscene inscriptions, torn tights, leather jackets all with rivets and spikes, brutal belts and, of course, in incredible quantities, safety pins that held together the flaps of torn clothes. clothes. It’s not hard to imagine how wildly popular the Sex boutique was in London. It was a real punk Mecca, which happily opened its doors to everyone.

For all its vulgarity and marginality, punk style captured the minds so much that even Italian version The publication "" in 1976 devoted several pages to punk anti-fashion. In 1977, Zandra Rhodes (dubbed the "Princess of Punk") presented her collection called "Conceptual Chic", which featured ornate satin with rips and safety pins. The fashion for punk style has led to many presenters deciding to use it from a commercial point of view. They began to release special collections that were different high quality(unlike the homemade products of the punks themselves) and sold like hot cakes, bringing high profits.

After the Sex Pistols broke up, Vivienne Westwood left McLaren and continued to work independently. She became interested in creating collections in historical style

, but, of course, not without punk aesthetics. In the early 1980s, her models were not covered in paint, their hair was covered in dirt and burlap hats.

Nowadays, punk style in clothes is rare. Quite often you can hear that Italian and French masters create collections influenced by the “punk” style, but this is rather post-punk, where only a few elements of the punk style remain.

The history and essence of the “Punk” subculture There are a number of youth public organizations positive direction. All of them have great educational opportunities, but in Lately

the number of informal youth associations of various orientations (political, economic, ideological, cultural) has sharply increased.

In recent years, the now familiar word “informals” has flown into our speech and taken root in it.

Informals are those who break out of the formalized structures of our lives. They do not fit into the usual rules of behavior. They strive to live in accordance with their own, and not other people’s interests imposed from outside.

A feature of informal associations is the voluntariness of joining them and a stable interest in a specific goal or idea. The second feature of these groups is rivalry, which is based on the need for self-affirmation. A young man strives to do something better than others, to get ahead of even the people closest to him in something. This leads to the fact that within youth groups they are heterogeneous and consist of large number

They are very different - after all, the interests and needs for the sake of satisfying which teenagers are drawn to each other are diverse, forming groups, trends, directions. Each such group has its own goals and objectives, sometimes even programs, unique “rules of membership” and moral codes.

There are some classifications of youth organizations according to their areas of activity and worldview.

1. Musical informal youth organizations. (The main goal of such youth organizations is to listen, study and distribute their favorite music.)

2. Informal organizations in sports. (The leading representatives of this movement are famous football fans, as well as rockers)

3. Philosophizing informal organizations. (Hippies stand out among them.)

4. Political informal organizations. (This group of informal youth organizations includes associations of people who have an active political position and speak at various rallies, participate and campaign)

The last group, political informal organizations, includes punks.

Music plays a very important role for punks, since they prefer passive protest and rarely undertake open rallies and campaigning that have a strong political overtone. Through music, punks express their worldview.

Punk, punks, punk rockers, punkers (from the English punk - scum) - a counterculture that emerged in the mid-1970s in the USA and Great Britain, a characteristic feature of which is the love of fast and energetic rock music (punk). rock) and freedom, protest against the establishment, conservatism, authoritarianism, nationalism and radical capitalism, as well as commitment to the ideals of anti-racism and anti-fascism. The legendary American band Ramones was the first musical group to play punk rock. The first British punk band were the Sex Pistols. After the emergence of these and other groups, punk spread throughout the world (since the 1980s in the USSR). Punk was a kind of response to the crisis of the hippie movement and its bias towards mysticism, to rock music of the time, which moved away from the energy and rhythm of traditional rock and roll, as well as to the difficult situation for young people in the labor market. The processing of public opinion has gone in the direction that, they say, there is nothing good in any system until it is opposed by an anti-system. This threat is simply necessary to prove the viability of the system itself and its correct path of development. Punk is such an anti-system. And if the system was bad, punk would sweep it away. Since he failed, it means the system is excellent. Punk's legs were weakened by the fact that he was allowed and brought out of the underground. Punk was allowed on television and the stage of any hall. This is where a new wave began. Punk rock began to deform, change, and be divided into a variety of musical, political, and aesthetic directions. Dozens of new styles have appeared with their own concepts, new artistic thinking, vision of the world, and other goals.

By age, punks are predominantly older teenagers. The boys act as leaders.

The desire of a punk to attract the attention of people around him in any way, as a rule, leads him to shocking, pretentious and scandalous behavior.

1. Origins and influences.

“Punk originates from the mid-70s of the 20th century, when, under the influence of the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, many youth bands began to appear playing rock and roll,” says the article “Lost Generation” on the Volkey magazine website.

A relatively raw and rough sound, based on just a few chords, a defiantly primitive sound, combined with a vulgar manner of behavior on stage, began to be cultivated by the American team The Stooges. Its leader, Iggy Pop, rejected musical sophistication and valued unbridled drive in rock and roll.

The link between the punk movement and the previous generation of beatniks was the “godmother of the punk movement,” Patti Smith.

2. Appearance.

Some young punks like to shock the public with their anti-conservative appearance, however, it should be noted that for other punk rockers, appearance is a secondary detail. The ideologist of the punk look was the English designer Vivienne Westwood, who brought punk paraphernalia to the masses and the fashion industry.

Some punks prefer fun hairstyles with multi-colored spiky hair, often with shaved hair or mohawks. Punks significantly influenced hairdressing by introducing bold, bright hair colors and asymmetrical hairstyles. Introduced the fashion for Iroquois British band The Exploited.

Accessories: chains and pins in clothes, studded wristbands, badges and stripes with the names of groups or various kinds of sayings.

Comfortable city clothes: T-shirt (often black), jacket (usually a leather jacket), jeans, sneakers, sneakers or heavy boots. Clothes are often deliberately torn and worn, sometimes accompanied by provocative proclamations.

Some punk girls (punkushi) use a provocatively sexual image (bright makeup, bouffant hair, short skirts, torn tights or stockings).

4. Related subcultures.

Skinheads are a youth subculture of the sixties that received a “rebirth” during the punk era. Music of traditional skinheads - Ska, Oi!, Rocksteady and Reggae.

Mods are the predecessors and contemporaries of punks. Influenced punk rock. Mod music - Ska, Soul.

Rude boys are Jamaican youth, predecessors and contemporaries of punks and traditional skinheads. They influenced the appearance and musical preferences of both. Rudboys music - Ska and Rocksteady.

Straight edges are a subculture generated by the early American punk/hardcore scene of the early 80s, the most characteristic feature of which is the rejection of drugs, alcohol and tobacco, as well as promiscuity.

Goths are a subculture close to punks that emerged in the early 1980s. Goths tend to have a pessimistic worldview and are not interested in socially critical topics. They favor minor-key gothic rock, the color black, and a dark (often vampiric) aesthetic. Goths often wear mohawk hairstyles, but not colored ones like punks, but looking as if they were put on black shoe polish.

Conclusions for chapter 1.

Subcultures, as subcultures that have their own, somewhat specific, values, beliefs, and norms are widespread in our country. Punk is one such subculture.

Representatives of this subculture love shocking people, shocking others, and openly showing their bright individuality.

Punk appeared in the 70s of the 20th century and has been actively modified up to the present time. But those “first impressions” that Punk made on society became a stereotype of society’s perception of this subculture.

Punks are classified as political informal organizations.

If we consider “Punk” in a broader sense, it also refers to a musical group of informal organizations.

Music plays an important role for punks, since they prefer passive protest and rarely undertake open rallies and campaigning that have a strong political overtone. Through music, punks express their worldview.

Most often, teenagers who have any problems in the family, in a group of peers, etc. join informal associations of this type.

In a group of teenagers united by the “Punk” subculture, they are attracted by the opportunity to communicate based on interests, the lack of condemnation of any actions, the opportunity to express their individuality, etc.

Each person is individual, which is primarily manifested in his worldview. In all this world, only a few people have an idea of ​​life similar to yours. By receiving information from various sources (school, parents, the Internet, etc.), we create our own own opinion about certain things, and usually it differs from what those in power want to drive into our consciousness. And when a group of people appears who hold identical views on life, then there is every reason to talk about the emergence of a subculture. A striking example modernity may be a punk subculture.

The process of its formation was completed by the late sixties and early seventies of the twentieth century. Moreover, it covered several countries at once: along with America, representatives of this subculture were found in England, Australia, and Canada.

The term “punk” itself implied several interpretations. It was used to refer to women of “easy” virtue, low-ranking prisoners, and also as a curse word. With the onset of 1975-1976. stood out in the USA musical groups who adhered to a special way of life and chose their own path creative activity. They became punks, whom many considered scum. This movement set as its main goal the elimination of any stereotypes and frameworks, for which they used aggression as a tool. The punk subculture has the following as its main slogan: “I hate.” They demonstrated their hatred towards everyone around them. Not only did they not stand aside here strangers, but even relatives. They even came up with special name- “flowers in the trash.” They perceived white as black, rejected the pure and chose the dirty, and honored death more than life.

The entire life of punks was based on two key principles:

  1. "There is no future";
  2. "Live fast die young".

How to become a punk?

Those who want to join the punk movement are advised to first become familiar with its history. Wikipedia is ready to answer many questions related to such a phenomenon as the punk subculture. Keep in mind that trying on a mohawk and wearing ripped jeans won't make you a punk if you don't have an idea of ​​what role these attributes play in their movement.

Punks are very different from other youth subcultures. They categorically adhere to the norms of behavior accepted in society, they try to adhere to a different way of life, which is expressed in their shocking appearance, which is designed to surprise others. The appearance of punks indicates that they want to stand out from the “gray crowd.” The punk outfit combines clothes from “second hand”, which are deliberately torn in different places, discarded military uniform, which are complemented by black leather and various cheap trinkets.

You can usually identify a punk by his hairstyle. Most of Representatives of this movement wear a “Mohawk”. In appearance, it involves the presence of shaved temples and a vertical comb, which is varnished and decorated in a variety of shades. Along with this, punks often wear Mohican hairstyles, trash cans, and caps. To create a hairstyle that will identify you as a punk, you often need to demonstrate maximum imagination and recklessness. In this case, you simply cannot go unnoticed. As for makeup, it has a lot in common with theatrical makeup: faces are painted in White color, lips - black, shadows are certainly applied, nails are covered with black varnish, piercings are attached all over the body.

Varieties of punks

If we consider the punk movement as a subculture, then it can be classified into the following types:

  • “glamorous” - punks who take care of themselves and don’t have bad habits;
  • “ordinary” - they are distinguished by the use of exclusively punk clothing, but in their own ordinary life they look like normal people;
  • “low-down” - such punks constantly walk around dirty, they stink of cigarette smoke, alcohol, in relation to others they show all their ignorance and asociality;
  • “cyberpunks” - on the formation of these personalities big influence provided modern technologies, as well as films of the science fiction genre, where the futuristic style strongly predominates in clothing and image;
  • “free” - what sets them apart from the rest is that they have an excellent understanding of the ideology and worldview of the punk movement. They give preference to the clothes that they like, act based on their desires, their lives are built on their own laws, while they do not interfere with the lives of other subcultures.

What do punks do?

Among the activities that punks like, music should be highlighted. They can write various compositions and perform them themselves. You can often see special festivals and concerts being held where representatives of this movement can perform.

The main thing that sets punks apart from the rest of society is that they deny and do not recognize power in any form. In this regard, the punk subculture will not disappear as long as there are powers in the world who establish their own laws and morals.