And Seagal’s personal life. Biography of Alla Seagalova

  • 25.05.2019

Being she received the Golden Mask Award. The activities of this woman are extensive and multifaceted. In 2007, she became a permanent member of the team that judged the participants in the Dancing with the Stars competition.

Life path

Alla Sigalova's biography begins with the fact that she was born on the 28th of February 1959 in Volgograd. She spent her childhood years in one of the houses in Leningrad. Alla Mikhailovna considers the cultural capital of Russia to be her homeland.

The shoots of love for art grew in her heart and manifested themselves from the very beginning. early childhood. Being a pupil and a descendant of the family tree, at the origins of which she stood, she received an excellent upbringing, which became the foundation for the development of a beautiful and sublime soul. The biography of Alla Sigalova indicates that good example Her mother, a professional ballet dancer, helped her in dancing. It’s nice to have such a close and experienced mentor. It was from her that Alla Sigalova took her example.

Nationality (she has Jewish roots) did with her the same thing as with most of her fellow tribesmen - she endowed her with a strong intellect and great talents. The girl followed her mother into the world of beauty.

Starting from the age of six, the future choreographer lived with only one mother. The father, a pianist by profession, left the family. Until this moment, being nearby, the man still managed to convey to the girl a love of music.

As a result, over the years, Alla Mikhailovna Sigalova will become an outstanding choreographer. The environment shapes consciousness. But where did the mere influence of the environment end and the conscious process of choosing an individual’s destiny begin? Very early, the girl began to dream about how she would get into the Vaganova School, and saw how she would study within its walls. She didn’t get into the school the first time, but she didn’t give up, and in the end she was accepted.

The path of creativity

Since her parents were quite famous in creative environment people, one could hope for their help and connections. Patronage was provided, as a result of which Alla entered the educational institution. In the future, she will prove that she is truly worthy of this chance.

1978 is the year the dancer graduated from the Ballet Academy. Vaganova Agrippina. Life continued to test and strengthen Alla: she was seriously injured during training. I had to leave professional ballet for the time being. For seven months she had to take care of herself and allow her body to recover from the shock. Paralysis partially paralyzed her limbs. The struggle, both mental and physical, took her a year.

This woman is not one of those who could throw up her hands and give up. She bravely overcame the challenges that confronted her. After leaving St. Petersburg, she discovered Moscow - a city of enormous opportunities.

Second education

She stood on the threshold of a new life. Wanting to expand her knowledge and improve, she became a student at the directing department, ending up at GITIS. Her studies continued until 1983.

Since her first education was not easy and taught her to deal with difficulties, Alla solves all the problems that arise before her at this time with brilliance. She already understands something in life and can pass on her knowledge to others.

Alla remains to work as a teacher at GITIS. The desire to return to ballet is growing in her soul, for which she takes dancing as an elective. Through her work, new performances appear, to which she applies her talented mind as a director and choreographer. 1987-1989 devoted to the art of dance at the Satyricon Theater.

Private bussiness

She devotes 1989-1999 to managing her personal studio. Now she is the boss of herself and her business. Here you could stretch your imagination and be innovative.

With her light hand“modern dances” appear in Russia, a previously unknown phenomenon. She is the one who brings Contemporary dance to her homeland. IN this current the dance is presented theatrically, and the idea of ​​a performance appears.

The existence of what she collected dance group it wasn't long. At that time, the country's economy was not experiencing the best better times, so there were practically no prospects for development. 1995 was overshadowed by a crisis for the group. They stoically held on until 1999, finding strength and time for periodic theatrical performances. The troupe devoted 1998 to performances in Japan, after which it disappeared completely.

The road to television

The woman gained valuable experience in leading her team, but realized that this was not her element, and it was better to look for another place in life. Then popular singers turned to her services in organizing performances on the stage. The next pages of her life bring her a post in which she heads the department of plastic education, which was part of the Moscow Art Theater.

The year 2007 brings her into the workforce working on television. The first show on TV was Dancing with the Stars. The camera loves Alla, because she is charming and professional. TV viewers recognize her, producers invite her to the judge’s bench in the project “Dancing on the Floor.”

A sophisticated atmosphere associated with the art of ballroom dresses reigns here. Now this delightful woman can be recognized in the most remote corner of Russia. Her voice is heard on a station dedicated to culture. There she hosts a radio show talking about dance art. Another pleasant bonus that 2008 brought was the Golden Mask award, which she received as the author of a bright choreographic work performed as part of a concert program, the plot of which was dedicated to the beautiful Carmen.

Personal life

Staggered personal life Alla Sigalova, when she lost her husband in May 2010. He was 53 years old. Alla Sigalova's husband was seriously ill, from which he later died.

He was the director of the drama theater named after Pushkin. The personal life of Alla Sigalova, which Roman Kozak shared with a woman, was happy for 16 long years. These were good years. Alla Sigalova keeps them in her heart to this day. Children - Anna (from her husband’s first marriage) and Mikhail ( joint child) - were brought up in an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding. The parents got along well and were spiritually close. Roman and Alla Sigalova had common interests.

The children were loved, but they were not the only thing on the couple’s mind. The husband invited his beloved to play a role in his play, recreated based on the story “Dzhan”, written by Andrei Platonov. Thanks to her man, Alla became acquainted with dramatic art. Hand in hand, the lovers entered the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio to work and create.

When Roman passed away, loving wife brought his course to the final point. Together with the graduates, they performed the graduation production “Giselle, or The Deceived Brides.”

Alla's heir also followed the path of creativity. Her element is interior design. The choreographer already has a grandson, Fedor.

Forever young and beautiful

To say that this woman is beautiful is to say nothing. Alla Sigalova looks amazing. Her height and weight correspond to all world standards of beauty. She is slim and graceful. Her height is 167 centimeters, body weight is 50-55 kg. It is immediately obvious that active life hosted by Alla Sigalova. Her height and weight, despite the passage of time, remained in remarkable proportions. And all this combined with refined facial features and beautiful hair.

Looking at her, you involuntarily ask the question: “How old is Alla Sigalova, this unfading star illuminating the world of beauty?” We can determine this using simple calculations. Alla Sigalova has been decorating this world for 57 years. The height and weight of few ladies of her age remain so impressive.

How does she do this?

The most important quality The choreographer considers the love of life. So how old Alla Sigalova is, as we see, is completely unimportant. What matters is what she is like in her soul. And this woman is simply amazing. Alla Sigalova is ready to prescribe a simple secret of beauty and health to everyone. Her height and weight are in ideal condition not so much thanks to a newfangled diet, but to carefully calculating the calories in the dishes she eats.

We can say without a doubt that not every woman manages to look so good even at thirty years old. There is something to strive for. The most important thing to learn is that problems come and go, you just have to survive them, although sometimes this is not an easy task. But life must go on, and for the sake of beauty tomorrow To see its blinding sun, you need to survive today's storm. This fragile and outwardly graceful woman, by some miracle, thanks to her inner core, which was not broken by any trouble, succeeded.

The secret of the charm of a talented woman

What makes people beautiful is not that they spend their days and nights at the fitness club. Of course, all this in itself is not bad, but it is worth nothing without a twinkle in the eyes, without light in the soul and faith in the best in the heart. So simple and long lasting. You should forget about self-pity, don’t get depressed, you just need to enjoy life. If you want to enjoy every day, no one can stop you from doing so. All this is for our heroine.

As we understood from her biography, the choreographer went through a lot, and her path to success was not easy and difficult. But she can be an excellent example of courage and the will to win. She always lived every day as if it were her last, giving her best and not being afraid of anything.

Birthday February 28, 1959

Soviet and Russian choreographer, actress, professor at the Moscow Art Theater School


In 1978 she graduated from the Academy of Russian Ballet. Agrippina Vaganova (class of N. M. Dudinskaya), in 1983 - directing department GITIS (teachers A.V. Efros, I.M. Tumanov).

From 1984 to 2004 - teacher at the Russian Academy theatrical arts(GITIS), in 1987-1989 - choreographer at the Russian Theater state theater"Satyricon" named after. A. Raikin, in 1989-1999 - artistic director Theater "Independent Troupe of Alla Sigalova". Since 2004, he has been the head of the Department of Plastic Education at the Moscow Art Theater School.

Choreographer of many television shows, and variety programs Laima Vaikule (since 1995) and Angelika Varum.

Since 2007, he has been an indispensable member of the jury of the dance competition-TV show “Dancing with the Stars” on the TV channel “Russia 1”.


Mother of two children (daughter - Anna, born in 1982, and son, Mikhail, born in 1994). Widow of director Roman Kozak.



  • 1984 - “The Diary of an Ordinary Girl”, based on the “Diary” of Nina Kosterina Theater named after. Mayakovsky.
  • 1985 - “Cathedral Notre Dame of Paris", after V. Hugo Theater of Musical Comedy, Kyiv.
  • 1986 - “The Bedbug”, based on V. Mayakovsky / Theater named after. Mayakovsky.
  • 1987 - “Overstocked barrels” based on V. Aksyonov / theater directed by O. Tabakov.
  • 1989 - “Hercules and the Augean stables”, after F. Dürrenmatt
  • 1989 - “Hide and Seek with Loneliness”, to the music of O. Messiaen, G. Mahler, J. Gershwin
  • 1990 - “Othello”, to the music of G. Verdi / “Independent Troupe of Alla Sigalova”
  • 1991 - “The Queen of Spades”, to the music of A. Schnittke (dir. Yu. Borisov) / “Independent Troupe of Alla Sigalova”
  • 1991 - “Salome”, after O. Wilde, to the music of K. Szymanowski and E. Chausson / “Independent Troupe of Alla Sigalova”
  • 1992 - “Pugachev”, after S. Yesenin, to the music of F. Handel and A. Schnittke / “Independent Troupe of Alla Sigalova”
  • 1993 - “The Sculptor of Masks”, after F. Crommelynck, to the music of K. Orff (dir. I. Popovski) / “Independent Troupe of Alla Sigalova”
  • 1994 - “Tango”, after S. Mrozhek
  • 1994 - “Piggy Bank”, based on E. Labiche
  • 1995 - “The Nutcracker”, to the music of P. Tchaikovsky
  • 1996 - “Duets”
  • 1997 - “Yellow Tango”, to the music of A. Piazzolla
  • 1998 - “Visions of Ivan the Terrible”, to the music of S. Slonimsky
  • 1999 - “La Traviata”, to the music of D. Verdi theater New theater.
  • 2000 - “Bolero”, to the music of M. Ravel Litovsky national theater opera and ballet.
  • 2000 - “Sketches for Sunset”, to music by L. Desyatnikov, A. Piazzolla, E. Satie (music director A. Goribol)
  • 2001 - “The Seven Deadly Sins”, according to K. Weill and B. Brecht Lithuanian Opera and Ballet Theater.
  • 2008, August 16 - “Amadeus”: theatrical-musical-plastic project, based on the small tragedy “Mozart and Salieri” by A. S. Pushkin and the works of V. A. Mozart and A. Salieri (E. Stychkin, - Mozart; D .Spivakovsky, - Salieri) / Yaroslavl, festival "Transfiguration", City Exhibition Center"Old city"
  • 2008 - "The Office" - a play based on the play by Ingrid Lausund, Pushkin Theater, Moscow.
  • year 2009 - " Poor Lisa" - choreographic short story to the music of chamber opera by L. Desyatnikov, at the Theater of Nations.
  • 2010 - “The Young Ladies from Vilko” - a play based on the prose of J. Ivashkevich, theater in Modena (Italy), together with director. A. Hermanis.
  • 2010 - “Giselle, or deceived brides” - choreographic performance to the music of A. Adam, Moscow Art Theater School.
  • 2011 - “Casting/Casting” - a performance based on the libretto by J. Kirkwood “A Chorus Line” - Mossovet Theater.
  • 2012 - “Final Cut” - plastic performance based on the Pink Floyd album “The Final Cut”. The graduation performance of the Moscow Art Theater School, the entire course of Raikin is occupied.


  • 1978 - My love, my sadness - Shirin (voiced by E. Koreneva)
  • 1979 - Shattered Sky
  • 1990 - The Hoaxer
  • 1999 - The sky in diamonds - Nina

Soviet and Russian choreographer, actress, professor at the Moscow Art Theater School, Honored Artist of Russia, laureate of the " Golden mask" Since 2007 Alla Sigalova- permanent member of the jury of the television competition " Dancing with the Stars ».

Alla Sigalova's childhood

Although Alla Sigalova Born in Volgograd, where her Leningrad parents came after graduating from college, she grew up in Leningrad, where she spent her childhood, and considers this city her hometown. From infancy, Alla was involved in art in all its manifestations, since she was brought up in an intelligent family of descendants of the Russian artist Somov. Her mother, Tamara Alexandrovna, was a dancer. It was she who opened the world to Alla classical ballet. His father, who left the family when Alla was only six years old, was a pianist and also had a huge influence on the development of the future choreographer.

Alla's passion for classical ballet awoke quite early. Even as a little girl, she dreamed of the Vaganova School, but she failed to get there the first time. This became the first obstacle on a rather difficult creative path Alla Sigalova.

The creative path of Alla Sigalova

I had to connect my parents’ connections, and Alla was accepted thanks to her patronage. Academy of Russian Ballet named after. Agrippina Vaganova(Class N.M. Dudinskaya) Alla Sigalova graduated in 1978. Unfortunately, that same year she had to leave professional ballet due to the injury. For seven months Alla literally did not get out of bed and was partially paralyzed. Whole year went to overcome physical and mental trauma, however Alla Sigalova I found the strength to move on. Moving from St. Petersburg to Moscow, cutting off painful old ties, opened up new opportunities and prospects. Alla enters the directing department of GITIS (teachers A.V. Efros, THEM. Tumanov) and studies again - until 1983.

Having gone through the tough school of the Vaganova School, Alla Sigalova not only brilliantly graduates from GITIS, but also becomes its teacher. In addition, Alla does not give up her dream of ballet, she dances herself, stages her own performances as a choreographer and director. So, from 1987 to 1989 she was a choreographer at the theater Satyricon", and from 1989 to 1999 - the head of his own creative studio, " Independent troupe of Alla Sigalova" Here she acts as an innovator, and her group is the first in Russia to begin practicing so-called “modern dance”.

Contemporary dance is a new direction in modern choreography. Its basis is a theatrical form of presenting a dance performance, performance.

Unfortunately, the team is quickly exhausting itself, and the difficult economic conditions in the country do not allow us to look for new prospects for development. In 1995, the troupe was going through a crisis, and although its work continued until 1999, these were episodic performances and performances. In 1998, after last performance in Japan, the troupe ceases to exist both de jure and de facto.

Having tried myself as an independent leader creative association, Alla decides not to return to this role anymore. At this time she is working on the choreography of pop performances such as popular singers, How Laima Vaikule And Angelica Varum. In 2004 Alla Sigalova becomes the head of the department of plastic education at the Moscow Art Theater School.

On the Rossiya TV channel, in ice show « Dancing with the Stars », Alla Sigalova came in 2007. Professional the highest level and a charming woman, she confidently wins the sympathy of television viewers.

In 2008 Alla Sigalova receives a bonus "Golden Mask""behind better job choreographer" in the play “Carmen. Sketches".

In 2016, in this project Alla performed together with dancer Eric Mirzoyan. The second television project in which Sigalova also acts as a judge - “ Dancing on the floor", dedicated to ballroom dancing. Her fame goes beyond the theatrical environment, and Alla is invited to radio “Culture” as the author and host of a program about the dance “Contradance”.

On March 19, 2017, the “Everybody Dance” project started on the Russia 1 channel, the jury included Alla Sigalova, Egor Druzhinin And Vladimir Derevyanko .

Personal life of Alla Sigalova

May 28, 2010 family Alla Sigalova suffered a great loss. At the age of 53 as a result serious illness her husband, director of the Moscow Pushkin Drama Theater, died Roman Kozak. They lived together with Alla for 16 years, raising two children: Anna, Alla’s daughter from her first marriage, and Mikhail, their child together. Director Roman Kozak and choreographer Alla Sigalova united not only family bonds, but also collaboration. Yes, in the play Roman Kazak based on the story by Andrei Platonov “ Jan» Alla Sigalova For the first time I tried myself as a dramatic actress. Together they worked at the Moscow Art Theater School, and after the death of her husband Alla Sigalova took his course, completing it with a graduate graduation performance “ Giselle, or The Deceived Brides».

Daughter Alla Sigalova Anna is engaged in interior design and is raising her son Fyodor. Alla's son Mikhail is a journalist.

Filmography of Alla Sigalova

1999 – The sky in diamonds, Nina
1990 – Hoaxer
1979 – Shattered Sky
1978 - My love, my sadness, Shirin (voiced by E. Koreneva)

Theatrical works of Alla Sigalova

2010 – “The Young Ladies from Vilko” – a play based on the prose of J. Ivashkevich, theater in Modena (Italy), together with director. A. Hermanis
2010 – “Giselle, or Deceived Brides” – choreographic performance based on music. A. Adana, Moscow Art Theater School
2009 – “Poor Liza” – choreographic short story to the music of the chamber opera by L. Desyatnikov, at the Theater of Nations
2008, August 16 - “Amadeus” - a theatrical, musical and plastic project based on the small tragedy “Mozart and Salieri” by A.S. Pushkin and the works of V.A. Mozart and A. Salieri (E. Stychkin - Mozart; D. Spivakovsky - Salieri), Yaroslavl, Transfiguration festival, City Exhibition Center "Old Town"
2007 – “Stravinsky. Games" – Moscow Art Theater School, course by K. Raikin
2006 – “Concerto grosso”, to the music of F. Handel (benefit performance by I. Zelensky), Mariinskii Opera House
2006 – “Madame Bovary”, after G. Flaubert, Moscow Theatre of Drama them. A.S. Pushkin
2006 – “Carmen. Etudes" after P. Merime, to music. Bizet-Shchedrin, Moscow Art Theater named after. A.P. Chekhov
2005 – “Russian Seasons”, to the music of L. Desyatnikov (dir. T. Currentzis), Novosibirsk academic theater opera and ballet
2004 – “Dzhan”, based on A. Platonov (dir. R. Kozak), Moscow Drama Theater. A.S. Pushkin
2003 – “The Fairy’s Kiss”, to the music of I. Stravinsky (dir. T. Currentzis), Novosibirsk Academic Opera and Ballet Theater
2003 - “Nights of Cabiria”, after F. Fellini, to the music of R. Pauls, Moscow Drama Theater. A.S. Pushkin
2002 – “Red and Black Dances”, to the music of L. Desyatnikov, M. Ravel, A. Piazzolla and A. Terteryan, Hangar Theater
2001 – “The Seven Deadly Sins”, after K. Weill and B. Brecht, Lithuanian Opera and Ballet Theater.
2001 - “Dreams of Love”, to music. European tango
2000 – “Bolero”, to the music of M. Ravel, Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theater
2000 – “Sketches for Sunset”, to music by L. Desyatnikov, A. Piazzolla, E. Satie (music director A. Goribol)
1999 – “La Traviata”, to the music of D. Verdi, Novaya Theater.
1998 – “Visions of Ivan the Terrible”, to the music of S. Slonimsky
1997 – “Yellow Tango”, to the music of A. Piazzolla
1996 – “Cynics” by A. Mariengof / “Independent Troupe of Alla Sigalova”
1996 – “Duets”
1995 – “The Nutcracker”, to the music of P. Tchaikovsky
1994 – “Banana”, based on the play “Widows” by S. Mrozhek (dir. R. Kozak) / “Independent Troupe of A. Sigalova”
1994 – “Yvonne, Princess of Burgundy”, based on V. Gombrowicz / State Theater of Lower Saxony, Hannover (Germany)
1994 – “Tango”, after S. Mrozhek
1994 – “Piggy Bank”, after E. Labiche
1993 – “The Sculptor of Masks”, after F. Crommelynck, to the music of K. Orff (dir. I. Popovski) / “Independent Troupe of Alla Sigalova”
1993) – “La Divina”, in memory of M. Callas / “Independent Troupe of Alla Sigalova”
1993 – “Passion for Bumbarash” by Y. Kim after A. Gaidar, music. V. Dashkevich (dir. V. Mashkov) / Moscow Theater Studio directed by Oleg Tabakov
1992 - “Pugachev”, after S. Yesenin, to the music of F. Handel and A. Schnittke / “Independent Troupe of Alla Sigalova”
1991 – “The Queen of Spades”, to the music of A. Schnittke (dir. Yu. Borisov), “Independent Troupe of Alla Sigalova”
1991 – “Salome”, based on O. Wilde, to the music of K. Szymanowski and E. Chausson, “Independent Troupe of Alla Sigalova”
1990 – “Othello”, to the music of G. Verdi, “Independent Troupe of Alla Sigalova”
1989 – “Hercules and the Augean stables”, after F. Dürrenmatt
1989 – “Hide and Seek with Loneliness”, to the music of O. Messiaen, G. Mahler, J. Gershwin, “Alla Sigalova’s Independent Troupe”
1988 – “The Maids”, based on J. Genet (dir. R. Viktyuk), Satyricon Theater
1987 – “Overstocked Barrels” after V. Aksyonov, Theater directed by O. Tabakov
1986 - “The Bedbug”, based on V. Mayakovsky, Theater named after. Mayakovsky
1985 – “Notre Dame Cathedral”, after V. Hugo, Musical Comedy Theater, Kyiv
1984 - “Diary of an Ordinary Girl”, based on “Diary” by Nina Kosterina, Theater named after. Mayakovsky

"()), Russian Federation Government Prize 2013 in the field of culture for creating television program « Bolshoi Ballet» , Moscow Government Prize 2018 for the creation of the play “Katerina Ilvovna” at the Moscow Theater under the direction of O. Tabakov.

Alla Sigalova
Birth name Alla Moiseevna Sigalova
Date of Birth 28th of February(1959-02-28 ) (60 years)
Place of Birth
  • Stalingrad, USSR
IMDb ID 0797410
Alla Sigalova at Wikimedia Commons


From 1983 to 2004 - teacher at Russian Academy theatrical art (GITIS).

1986-1989 - choreographer at the Russian State Theater "Satyricon" named after. A. Raikina.

1989-1999 - artistic director of the "Independent Troupe of Alla Sigalova" theater.

Since 2013, he has also headed the department “ Modern choreography and stage dance" at GITIS.

Dancing with the Stars" on the TV channel "Russia 1".

2011-2014 - presenter of the television project of the Culture channel - "Big Opera".

2012 - presenter of a television program on the Kultura TV channel - "Bolshoi Ballet"

2013 - presenter of the television project of the TV channel "Culture" - "Big Jazz".

2015 - chief choreographer of the project “Dancing with the Stars” on the TV channel “Russia-1”.

2017 - participation in judging of the new dance show"Everybody dance! "on the TV channel "Russia-1".




Work of stage director and choreographer (opera, ballet)

  • 1989 - “Hide and Seek with Loneliness”, choreographic performance to the music of 20th century composers, “independent troupe of Alla Sigalova”
  • 1990 - " Othello", choreographic performance to the music of G. Verdi, "independent troupe of Alla Sigalova"
  • 1991 - " Queen of Spades", choreographic performance to music by A. Schnittke (dir. Yu. Borisov), "independent troupe of Alla Sigalova"
  • 1991 - " Salome", choreographic performance after O. Wilde, to the music of K. Szymanowski and E. Chausson, "independent troupe of Alla Sigalova"
  • 1992 - " Pugachev", choreographic performance after S. Yesenin, to the music of F. Handel and A. Schnittke, "independent troupe of Alla Sigalova"
  • 1993 - "La Divina",choreographic performance in memory of M. Callas, “independent troupe of Alla Sigalova.” Moscow.
  • 1995 - "Nutcracker", ballet to music by P. Tchaikovsky, municipal theater modern ballet Yekaterinburg city.
  • 1996 - “Cynics”, choreographic performance according to A. Mariengof, “Independent Troupe of Alla Sigalova.”
  • 1996 - “Duets” ballet to the music of A. Terteryan, E. Satie. Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theater. Vilnius, Lithuania.
  • 1997 - "Yellow Tango", ballet to music by A. Piazzolla, Latvian national opera, Riga, Latvia, 1999 - "La Traviata", to music by D. Verdi, theater " New Opera", Moscow. smack!
  • 1998 - " Visions of Ivan the Terrible", to the music of S. Slonimsky, Samara Opera and Ballet Theater.
  • 1999 - "La Traviata", opera to music by D. Verdi, New Opera Theater, Moscow.
  • 2000 - "Bolero", ballet to music by M. Ravel, Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theater. Lithuania.
  • 2000 - "Sketches for Sunset", choreographic performance to music by L. Desyatnikov, A. Piazzolla, E. Satie.
  • 2001 - " Seven deadly sins", opera-ballet after K. Weil and B. Brecht, Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theater, Vilnius, Lithuania.
  • 2001 - " Dreams of love", choreographic performance based on music. European tango, variety theater. Moscow.
  • 2002 - " Red and black dancing", choreographic performance to the music of L. Desyatnikov, A. Piazzolla, M. Ravel and A. Terteryan, theatrical enterprise "Hangar".
  • 2003 - “Wedding” and “ Fairy's Kiss» ballet to music by I. Stravinsky (dir. T. Currentzis
  • 2005 - "Russian Seasons", ballet to music by L. Desyatnikov (dir. T. Currentzis), Novosibirsk Academic Opera and Ballet Theater.
  • 2005 - “Falstaff”, choreography in the opera by D. Verdi, director K. Serebrennikov, Mariinsky Theater, St. Petersburg.
  • 2006 - "Concerto Grosso", ballet to the music of F. Handel ( benefit I. Zelensky), Mariinskii Opera House.
  • 2006 - “Carmen. Sketches" according to P. Merime, choreographic performance based on music. Bizet-Shchedrin / Moscow Art Theater named after. A.P. Chekhov - Grand Prix international festival student works of VGIK named after. Gerasimova. « Golden Mask» - 2008 - "For the fruitful synthesis of choreography and drama", Grand Prix of the international festival of student performances “Your Chance” - 2008.
  • 2007 - “Stravinsky. Games." choreographic performance to the music of I. Stravinsky, Moscow Art Theater School, premiere took place at the Mikhail Baryshnikov Center, New York. In 2008 for the performance “Stravinsky. Games" (diploma performance of the Moscow Art Theater School, course by Konstantin Raikin) received the Grand Prix of the fourth international festival of student performances “Your Chance”. And the Grand Prix of the 28th VGIK International Festival in the theater competition section.
  • 2008, August 16 - "Amadeus": theatrical-musical-plastic project based on the small tragedy “Mozart and Salieri” by A. S. Pushkin and the works of V. A. Mozart and A. Salieri. Yaroslavl, Transfiguration festival.
  • 2009 - "Poor Lisa"- choreographic short story to the music of chamber opera by L. Desyatnikov, at the State Theater of Nations.
  • 2010 - "Giselle, or the Deceived Brides"- choreographic performance to music by A. Adam, Moscow Art Theater School, new scene Moscow Art Theater, Moscow.
  • 2012 - "Final editing"- choreographic performance based on the Pink Floyd album " The Final Cut", graduation performance of the Moscow Art Theater School
  • 2011 - "Othello"- choreographic performance to the music of J. S. Bach, J. Xenakis, A. Terteryan based on the tragedy William Shakespeare, Latvian National Opera, Riga, Latvia.
  • 2013 - film-play "Final editing"- based on a choreographic performance to the music of the Pink Floyd album "" The Final Cut", TV channel "Culture".
  • 2014 - “Jenufa” - opera by L. Janacek, choreographer, La Monnet Theater (Royal Opera), Brussels, joint work with director Alvis Hermanis, Belgium.
  • 2014 - “Khanuma” - jazz comedy based on the play by A. Tsigareli, music by G. Kancheli, director and choreographer, Riga Russian Theater. Mikhail Chekhov, Latvia.
  • 2014 - "Final editing"- plastic performance based on the Pink Floyd album “ The Final Cut", graduation performance at Harvard University, Boston. USA.
  • 2014 - “The Nutcracker Opera”, an opera to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky’s ballet “The Nutcracker”. Author of the idea (together with P. Kaplevich), stage director, choreographer, New Opera Theater, Moscow, Russia.
  • 2015 - “Jenufa” - opera by L. Janacek, choreographer, Bologna Municipal Opera, Italy.
  • 2015 - “Five Stories about Love”, based on the prose of I. Bunin, music by S. Rachmaninov, choreographic performance at the Moscow Art Theater School, new stage of the Moscow Art Theater, Moscow.
  • 2015 - “Ballad”, one act ballet to music by B. Yusupov and S. Rachmaninov, choreographer, premiere at the Kremlin Gala, Moscow.
  • 2015 - “The Damnation of Faust”, opera by G. Berlioz, choreographer, Opéra National de Paris, Opéra Bastille stage, France.
  • 2016 - “The Two Foscari”, opera by D. Verdi, choreographer, La Scala, Milan, Italy.
  • 2016 - “Jenufa” opera by L. Janaczyk, choreographer, Opera and Ballet Theater, Poznan, Poland.
  • 2016 - “Journey to TWIN PEAKS”, fantasy based on the themes of David Lynch’s series “Twin Peaks”, music by Angelo Badalamenti, stage director and choreographer, Moscow Art Theater School-Studio, Moscow.
  • 2016 - “The Love of Danae” opera by R. Strauss, choreographer, Salzburg International music Festival - Salzburger Festspiele, Salzburg, Austria.
  • 2016 - “Love”, performance based on V. Tokareva’s play “Well, let it be”, stage director and choreographer, Riga Russian Theater. Mikhail Chekhov, Latvia.
  • 2016 - “Madama Butterfly”, opera by D. Puccini, choreographer, La Scala, Milan, Italy.
  • 2017 - “Carmen”, choreographic sketches to music by J. Bizet, choreographer, graduation performance at Harvard University, Boston, USA.
  • 2017 - “Katerina Ilvovna”, choreographic drama in two parts based on the essay “Lady Macbeth” by N. S. Leskov Mtsensk district", production director, Moscow Theater under O. Tabakov, stage on Sukharevskaya.
  • 2018 - “I’m Not Afraid to Say”, choreographic graduation performance, at modern music. Stage director and choreographer, Moscow Art Theater School, Moscow.
  • 2018 -- "My wonderful lady", musical performance based on the play “Pygmalion” by George Bernard Shaw, author - Alan Jay Lerner, music by Frederick Lowe, stage director and choreographer, Riga Russian Theater. Mikhail Chekhov, Latvia.
  • 2018 -- "XX Century.Ball", author of the libretto (co-authored with K.L. Ernst), stage director, choreographer and sound designer. Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov. Moscow.

Choreographer's work in dramatic performances

  • 1984 - " Diary of an Ordinary Girl", based on "The Diary" of Nina Kosterina, Theater named after. Mayakovsky.
  • 1985 - " Notre Dame Cathedral", after V. Hugo, musical comedy theater, Kyiv.
  • 1986 - " Bug", according to V. Mayakovsky, theater named after. Mayakovsky.
  • 1988 - " Maids", after J. Genet (dir. R. Viktyuk), theater "Satyricon", Moscow.
  • 1989 - " Overstocked barrels» by V. Aksyonov, theater-studio of O. Tabakov.
  • 1989 - " Hercules and Augean stables", after F. Dürrenmatt, Satyricon Theater, Moscow.
  • 1989 - " Playing hide and seek with loneliness", to the music of O. Messiaen, G. Mahler, J. Gershwin, "independent troupe of Alla Sigalova", Moscow.
  • 1993 - "Mask Sculptor", after F. Crommelynck, to music by K. Orff (dir. I. Popovski), "independent troupe of Alla Sigalova", Moscow.
  • 1993 - " Passion for Bumbarash" Yu. Kim after A. Gaidar, music. V. Dashkevich (dir. V. Mashkov), theater-studio O. Tabakov, Moscow.
  • 1994 - " Banana", based on the play by S. Mrozhek (dir. R. Kozak), Mossovet Theater, Moscow.
  • 1994 - " Yvonne, Princess of Burgundy", after W. Gombrowicz, State Theater of Lower Saxony, Hannover, Germany.
  • 1994 - "Tango", after S. Mrozhek, Municipal Theater of Nuremberg, Germany.
  • 1994 - "Money box", vaudeville after E. Labiche, municipal theater of Liege, Belgium.
  • 2004 - "Jan", according to A. Platonov (dir. R. Kozak), Moscow Drama Theater named after. A. S. Pushkin.
  • 2008 - "Office"- performance based on the play by Ingrid Lausund, Moscow Drama Theater. A. S. Pushkin, Moscow.
  • 2010 - "The Young Ladies from Vilko"- performance based on the prose of J. Ivashkevich, theater in Modena (Italy), together with director. A. Hermanis.
  • 2010 - "After the Curtain"- based on the plays by Anton Chekhov and Brian Friel, dir. E. Kamenkovich, Moscow Theater “Pyotr Fomenko Workshop”.
  • 2011 - "Casting/Casting"- performance based on the libretto by J. Kirkwood A Chorus Line, Mossovet Theater, choreographer and performer leading role, Moscow.
  • 2017 - “The Bespradannitsa”, A. N. Ostrovsky, Burgtheater, director Alvis Hermanis, Vienna, Austria.

Working on television

  • Choreographer and director of variety programs by Laima Vaikule (since 1995) and Angelika Varum, as well as many television show programs on Channel One: “Old songs about the main thing-2”, “Old songs about the main thing-3”, New Year's show on NTV, presenter of New Year's and other television show projects on the Kultura TV channel.

From 2007 to 2011 - member of the jury of the dance competition-TV show “Dancing with the Stars” on the TV channel “Russia 1”.

2011 - presenter of the television project of the “Culture” channel - “All Russia”.

Alla Sigalova - talented Russian choreographer, actress, teacher at the Moscow Art Theater, born in Volgograd on February 28, 1959.


Alla Sigalova spent her childhood in Leningrad, in a very creative atmosphere. Her parents had a direct connection to art - her mother was a ballerina, her father - professional pianist. And although her father disappeared from the girl’s life quite early - as soon as she turned six years old - the years spent with him instilled in her a love of classical music.

The girl often visited the backstage of the theater and adored the world of classical ballet. Her main dream was to enter the Vaganova School and become a ballerina. But this dream was not allowed to come true. The first obstacle was failure in the entrance exams.

But Alla did not give up, she began to spend even more time at the barre and in 1969 she finally entered the school, and then the Leningrad Ballet Academy, which she brilliantly graduated in 1978. It would seem that the stars were aligned correctly. The talented girl was destined brilliant career. But an accidental injury dashed all hopes at once. The world of ballet slammed its doors on her forever.


A year passed in terrible depression. It seemed that life was over and its meaning was lost forever. everything she aspired to was now out of reach. Alla, in an attempt to escape from herself and hide from everyone, moves to Moscow, where she gradually comes to her senses. Creativity reawakens in her the desire to live and create.

And in 1979, Alla successfully passed the entrance exams at GITIS and entered the directing course with the brilliant teacher A.V. Efros. Alla plunges headlong into the new world of acting. Already in her first year, Alla begins acting in films.

The debut film “My Love, My Sorrow, Shirin” did not bring her enormous popularity, but showed the correctness of the chosen new path. However, Alla did not find her calling in cinema.

After graduating from GITIS, she receives an offer to remain there as a teacher, which she happily accepts. and she worked in this position for three years. At this time, Alla slowly begins to dance again. The directing education she received helps her not only to dance herself, but also to stage original choreography.

New way

It was in this that Alla found herself again - director and choreographer of modern ballet productions. In those days it was a completely new direction in dance art.
In 1987, Alla finally decides to devote herself modern dance, leaves work at GITIS and begins work as a choreographer at the Satyricon Theater.

But Sigalova’s theater quickly became crowded and in 1989 she created her first creative team"Independent troupe of Alla Sigalova."

After a rapid rise, Alla’s team suffered a deep crisis in 1995, which was associated with the difficult economic situation in the country. And promoting foreign tours required a lot of money. The group existed for another 4 years, periodically performing at Russian foreign venues.

In 1999, having returned from the last foreign tour in Japan, the group ceased to exist.


But by this time, Alla had already fully established herself as an actress and a talented director and became a famous and recognized choreographer. By this time, she was already successfully working as a show director for such talented artists as Laima Vaikule and Anzhelika Varum. And in 2004 he returned to his native Moscow Art Theater again as head of the department of plastic education.

In 2007, Alla tried herself for the first time as a judge. dance project“Dancing with the Stars”, and in 2008 – “Dancing on the Floor”. IN highest degree the intelligent and charming actress very quickly wins the love of the audience and becomes a real television star. Soon, Alla begins hosting her own program about dance on the Contradance radio. Since 2010, he has been hosting his own television program “Eye to Eye”

In 2011-2014, Alla was a presenter on the Culture channel. In 2011, the actress hosted the “All Russia” program, and in 2011-2014 – the television project “Big Opera”, in 2012 – “Bolshoi Ballet”, in 2013 – “Big Jazz”.

In 2015, she was invited to work on the Russia-1 channel in the project “Dancing with the Stars.” There she was the main choreographer.

In 2017, also on the Russia-1 TV channel, Alla was a judge on the dance TV show “Everybody Dance!”

In the summer of 2018, Alla announced on her Instagram that she was starting to learn how to ride a bicycle. And in general, the actress tries to keep up with life. In 2017, she stated that she was writing autobiographical book“Alla Sigalova. Memory of the heart."

Personal life of Alla Sigalova

Despite the intense creative life Alla always found time for her family and friends. Beautiful and talented, she was always surrounded by men, with whom she was sometimes attracted. But family was the main thing in life for her, and in Alla’s heart there was only one man - her husband, director Roman Kozak.

With Roman Kazak

Alla obeyed him, trusted him, spent the happy 16 years of her life with him and raised two children. Unfortunately, in 2010 the actress suffered a bereavement - after a long illness, her husband passed away.

Alla Sigalova's children did not follow in her footsteps. The daughter became an interior designer, and the son became a good journalist.

Currently, Alla has again found the strength to return to work and creativity, to live for her children and grandchildren. She continues to teach at the Moscow Art Theater and delight audiences with new interesting productions. To date, the actress has more than 40 beautifully played roles. theatrical roles, successful foreign tours and wonderful variety productions.