How to behave correctly with a Caucasian man. How to behave when communicating with Caucasians (advice from an anti-fascist)

  • 30.06.2019
hrolv99 c From comrade. How to behave with Caucasians

Original taken from vessel_rus in How to behave with Caucasians

Below I will give my thoughts that relate to the issue of interaction between Russians and Caucasians. In principle, these principles can be applied to all chocks, but since I myself am from the Stavropol Territory, this applies primarily to Caucasians.
The principles are based on the advice of my father, mother and my life experience.

1) Don't buy from them. It is clear that in a modern economy this principle is difficult to implement, but this principle applies more to market tent trading, as well as to small shops. We must remember that traders have their own children, who for the most part are not intellectuals; by buying from them, you are financing their cattle, which will lift you up to Sazhalovo tomorrow.

2) Do not borrow or borrow. This is an axiom. This principle should be extended to everything: loans, services, etc. But since we are talking about Caucasians, the conversation goes like this.... If you take a bribe from them, you are a “slave to the lamp”, their mentality is such that after that they consider you a schmuck. Conversely, the shortest way to their wild hearts is to not take their money. Cops, teachers, doctors, etc. are all at risk. Don't be a schmuck.

3) If you have a girlfriend/wife, then you shouldn’t show her off to your Caucasian friends. This should be done at least simply because it should be unpleasant when a savage looks at your woman, but there is also a practical meaning - it will be safer.

4) Children with early years you need to educate “racially correctly” - this is the best insurance against interracial whoredom. Hostility should not be blind, but strictly justified, so that the child, with his childish head, understands where the friend is and where the enemy is. Avoiding emotions is very important.

5) Do not have Caucasian friends. You have to remember that messing around with them will not lead to any good. They will never bust their asses for you, especially if the choice is between you and a fellow countryman; learning something in their company is also incredible. Show-off, show-off, show-off - this is their world. It must be remembered that most of them are everyday nationalists who have absorbed hatred of Russians since childhood (without any skinheads, etc.).

6) Do not curry favor with them and do not ask for help. This rule will be made by itself if there are no “friends” among them.

7) Never be the first to bully them, do not enter into confrontation with them over trifles. But (!!!), if it smells like something is cooking for your ass, then you need to remember that there is 0 hope for your fellow countrymen, so take out a gun or a knife and hit the savage from the back, preferably in the neck, to knock him out right away. Don’t think about prison or a career at such moments. You can always get pissed off. But here everyone chooses the limit of “fried” himself, and since this is very difficult, it is better not to bully at all.

8) Do not date non-Russian girls, I know from friends who are married to Armenians, Greeks, Karachais, etc. Well, nah, these are strangers, do you really want to raise stupid children? Such marriages break up especially often, but the trace remains.

9) Be sure to identify among the girls you know (if there are any) inkwells, ruin their reputation in men's companies. A whore should know her place.

Any suggestions?

Everyone is accustomed to using this phrase for any reason when talking about the Caucasus. Yes, the Caucasus understands strength. And he respects her. If the government shows weakness, it is a bad government. If a society shows weakness, it is a weak society. If you can pay off justice, it is not justice. Those problems that we have always treated condescendingly are not problems for the Caucasus, but a manifestation of weakness. Defiant behavior in Moscow and other cities of Russia is a manifestation of the demand of the entire Caucasus of Russia - be strong.

Caucasian public opinion- This is a set of strict regulations. Here you cannot spit on other people and ignore their interests. But if these people are weak, then, in principle, it is possible. The weak are not worthy of having their own interests. If a Caucasian comes to Moscow, he first of all sees the absence of such regulations and the complete indifference of society to how a person behaves. Are elders treated with disdain? Drinking beer on the street while walking? Are the girls dancing in the temple? So everything is fine. You can behave as you please - no one cares. Not all Caucasians have the personal discipline to remain Caucasian in such a society. But something worse is that young Caucasians do not know the shores in their “free life.” Imagine a bird that was placed in a large glass room. It will break very quickly, flying at full speed into the glass. The same is true for a young Caucasian guy who does not feel under public supervision - he does not understand where in this strange new world there are the boundaries beyond which his behavior will no longer be within the normal range.

In their behavior they parody the behavior of the local population. And like any parody, it is more prominent and grotesque than the fact being parodied itself. Why do they only pick out the worst? Because the bad is what catches your eye first. We always judge by external signs. Is this acceptable in this society? This means that similar things are permissible. And Caucasians who live in the Caucasus are not irritated by the behavior of their fellow countrymen in Moscow. They are annoyed that they are allowed to behave this way there. Do you feel the difference?

The Caucasus understands only force. But strength, in the Caucasian understanding, is not punching people in the face. A strong person does not need to show aggression - it is precisely a sign of weakness. Strong is tough, but not cruel, fair, but treats everyone equally. The strong do not need to demonstrate their strength. He's just strong. Well, a strong man cannot treat old people and women like that. He cannot behave like that on the street, as many of us allow themselves to do. And in Ingushetia I often hear “Russia must be strong.” Because weakness is more destructive than the plague. There is no point in appealing to the conscience of Caucasian youth. You need to appeal to your conscience. Because Russians, from the point of view of the peoples of the Caucasus, are a force. A defiant behavior Caucasian youth, perhaps out of disappointment. They see that we don't want to be strong. Being Russian is not noble title, inherited. If you are Russian, then be one always, and not just on the Internet. Our ancestors had the strength to unite peoples around them. Because they were strong. And we just look back at the greatness that was, and get drunk. And the cowardly rottenmouths are completely demanding that the Caucasus be separated: we don’t want to be strong - let’s get rid of those who bother us by pestering us with such demands.

When we each begin to see in another person not a liberal, nor a democrat, nor a communist, nor a policeman, nor a doctor, nor a patient, but our own people, then strength will return to us. the same one that Gogol wrote about: “Is there a force that can break Russian power?”.

Residents of the village of Remontny spoke about the reasons for the conflict with Caucasians: “There are more of them than Russians, really.”

The cause of the mass brawl in the village of Remontny in the Rostov region, which the local authorities barely managed to prevent the day before, is a long-standing interethnic conflict. This is what residents of the village say when they complain about their neighbors - people from the North Caucasus republics.

“Everything accumulated over more than one day. A few days ago, three of our guys were beaten, even before two were beaten, there was a case of rape of a girl. Today people took to the streets for an unauthorized rally. The head of the administration arrived. There was a fight. If the authorities had not intervened, there would have been a major clash,” local resident Vladimir told the Russian News Service. He also added that during yesterday’s spontaneous rally, people from the Caucasus gathered in another square of the village and danced Lezginka.

The reason for yesterday’s showdown, according to one of the versions expressed on local forums, was a “drunk” road accident - allegedly one of the visitors in a car demolished several tombstones on local cemetery. This information is indirectly confirmed by the Rostov News Agency: in Remontny, a car was detained in which there were three residents of Dagestan, all, including the driver, were drunk. According to some reports, traffic cops released all traffic violators.

At the same time, according to the district administration manager, the immediate cause of the showdown could have been the beating of a Remontny resident. The guy allegedly got a huge bruise for no reason when he was playing billiards. Yesterday, we recall, it was reported that the reason was a fight in one of the cafes.

“There are more of them than Russians, really”

The conflict between ethnic Russians and natives of the Caucasus has been going on for many years. Thus, the case of rape, which was reported on the radio by a local resident, occurred back in 2005. Then, as the Cossacks reported, the victim was the daughter of the yurt ataman, the Southern Region reported. The alleged Chechen rapist stated that his relationship with the girl was mutually desired and became a logical continuation of drinking alcoholic beverages.

At the Rostov forum, residents of Remontny also admit that they have had complaints against visitors from the southern borders of the country for a long time. “There were a lot of Chechens there 7-8 years ago, but now they’re probably the majority. I have a friend who comes from there; she left for Krasnodar about five years ago, partly because of them,” writes one of the users. “In Remontny there are many not only Armenians, Georgians, but also Dagestanis and Chechens. Many of them behave very arrogantly and without limits. The Russians could not stand it, about 100 people gathered and went to retail space“, another user explains yesterday’s events.

“Residents of the Caucasus behave impudently, provoking Russian guys in the evenings at discos. Do you think it’s just that at the entrances to villages they install orthodox crosses? This is a kind of hint for the residents of the Caucasus,” says another user. They agree with him: “They come straight to the villages and practically buy out the streets for living, they behave like owners, which makes the local people nervous.”

And a native of these regions recalls that 20 years ago there were not even hints of interethnic conflicts. “This didn’t happen in 93-96. Everyone lived relatively amicably. In any case, people of other faiths were respected. Everything changed, she said, in the late 1990s. “They do their clapping dances until 4 am. Noise throughout the whole village. Moreover, those who just arrived during these years (after 98) began to behave impudently. And there are actually more of them than Russians. Those who grew up in these parts are normal, good people. I'm talking about the Chechens. I didn’t see Georgians or Armenians there at all. And other nationalities from the Caucasus are not like that.”

Local residents could not identify the “most evil” nationality

As many discussion participants agree, similar situation is taking shape not only in Remontny, but throughout the east of the Rostov region. Moreover, according to local residents, natives of Chechnya behave most aggressively; they are “cruel and evil.”

At the same time, some do not agree: “Conflicts are provoked by young people who come to visit from Dagestan, in particular, Dargins,” a local resident told the Rostov News Agency. “We have constant clashes with the natives of Dagestan, who raise sheep in the steppe,” a villager admitted to Moskovsky Komsomolets.

In connection with the increasing frequency of interethnic clashes in the south of Russia, the recent initiative of Kuban Governor Alexander Tkachev is somehow remembered in a completely different way, notes the online publication “Federal Investigation Agency”.

Let us recall that at the end of July in the neighboring Stavropol region there was a mass brawl involving immigrants from the North Caucasus republics and Cossacks. Soon the governor Krasnodar region made the following statement: “Today I thought and reflected that we will still have time: between the Caucasus and Kuban there is a filter - Stavropol. But now I see that he is gone - you and I are next.” Developing his idea, Tkachev stated that conflicts on ethnic grounds could soon begin in the region under his control. And, according to the head of Kuban, they could be prevented by Cossack patrols, which could deal with issues of migration policy. In particular, check the documents of visitors.

After these words, calls were made again after the flood to dismiss Tkachev, and in addition, to check for extremism and incitement of ethnic hatred. The official, however, rejected accusations of nationalism: “My deputy is an Adyghe, my adviser is a Crimean Tatar.” And he issued a decision to create, from September 1, professional Cossack squads consisting of one thousand people to assist the police. Recently, the Cossacks expressed a wish to introduce this practice in other regions of the country, in particular in Moscow.

Let us note that a number of residents of the Rostov region participating in online discussions of events in Remontny rightly note that the emphasis should be on national issue not entirely true: “What’s really frightening about all this is the incitement of ethnic hatred. This is a disaster for multinational and multicultural Russia... Why in Remontnoye did young people fight, locals fight with visitors, and the emphasis is on nationality?”

Features of Caucasian men.

They are so beautiful, especially when they are young. It’s not for nothing that even sex therapists write that Caucasian men are the most courageous and sexy, because higher level testosterone in the blood.

And how handsome Armenians, Georgians, Chechens, Ossetians are. Not a single European can compare with them beautiful eyes. Of course, Caucasians also have ugly men, but many of them look like real males. They are only aggressive if you make them very angry. And they’re even embarrassed beautiful girl, and how beautifully they look after!!!

Currently, the situation when a girl dates a man of Caucasian nationality is far from uncommon. However, what do we know about mountain peoples, their traditions and worldview? Unfortunately, not every woman can immediately determine even the nationality of a man, let alone specific knowledge on the topic. Then, when getting married and having children, many girls face serious problems and true face the one they considered their loved one, without paying due attention to differences in mentality. So who is he, a Caucasian man?

In the Caucasus, boys and girls receive a completely different upbringing than the average European. They are instilled with certain concepts, they are committed to their national traditions. Undoubtedly, there are many advantages to this, however, provided that both the man and the woman follow the customs and principles. Patriarchy and obedience to elders are, of course, wonderful, but how suitable is this for our women, who are accustomed to valuing their independence and freedom, who have high degree emancipation? This is where the main point of debate arises: we grew up in different environments, which means we have different values.

Among Caucasian men there are Europeanized representatives who live according to modern moral laws. However, we should not forget that they also flow hot blood mountain peoples. Therefore, when entering into a relationship with such a man, you need to be aware of all the possible consequences.

Intelligent men always take care of themselves, are well-groomed and neat. Decent men will not offend or humiliate a woman, regardless of nationality. They will look after you beautifully, give beautiful gifts and respect the mother of their children. But at the same time, they do not deviate from their values ​​and principles of a woman’s subordination to the will of a man; this is also worth remembering. Distinctions should be made by nationality, because every culture and religion has its own nuances. Nationalities that profess Islam are different from those that serve Christianity. Everyone also behaves differently in relationships with women. Yes, a woman is property for any Caucasian. None of them will tolerate insults, betrayal or harsh disobedience. But not everyone raises their hand, takes away their children and forces Slavic women to live according to Eastern customs.

Why are our women so greedy for Caucasian men? There are several reasons for this.

Dating with foreigners in Ukraine with the help of the Regina marriage agency.

Ability to care.

Romance, which may or may not be what girls like, is present in abundance in such guys. They are simply trained to look after. Be able to please, surprise, seduce beautifully. Even with an obvious disadvantage, when these guys whistle after a walking girl, harass in public, harass and generally impose themselves - what infuriates and annoys many people actually appeals to and hurts girls. Because no matter how mad the girl is, she feels pleasure that she was noticed, that she was pestered.


A hot Caucasian guy or a sultry Turkish, Arab man is already a cliché. Everyone knows this.

Healthy lifestyle.

Many Caucasian men, also many Muslims, do not smoke, do not drink, and take care of their body, health, appearance, this is customary in their society, in their culture, and many people know it. You almost never meet a drunk or bad-smelling Caucasian, and here the girl’s subconscious puts a plus sign, because when choosing a man, girls like to try everything on 20 years in advance, when such a husband most likely will not become an alcoholic and everything will be fine with his health and children.

Who will protect, and where necessary, discipline a strong and independent girl? Who can make her feel weak? Only with someone who shows strength, not physical, who can speak strictly and who dominates the family. Here the stereotype comes into play that in Muslim families all responsibility rests with the man. This was and this remains to this day, in contrast to the democratic families of the West.

I don't want to work, I want to stay at home.

Again, if a woman is married to a Caucasian man and works, then she obviously won’t overwork herself, much less carry everything on herself. A Caucasian man will always feed his family. This is the law. A woman always remains a woman.

I want emotions!

It is no secret that, apart from women, only representatives of southern latitudes can express emotions actively and vividly. Again, if a girl likes it when they can answer her and show emotions and show who is in charge in the house, the choice will subconsciously fall on an Eastern man.


Paradoxical as it may seem, speaking of fidelity, it is worth noting that Caucasians for the most part are faithful to their wives. Although in the Koran it is allowed to have several wives and many Russians believe that all Muslims have several wives, but not mistresses! It is important. Because your subconscious knows that Muslims do not cheat on their wives.


Many of our girls are attracted by the color of their eyes, skin, hair southern peoples. Being themselves with a light skin tone, many girls often strive to darken the color with a tan or solarium. But the matte skin color that mestizo children get is also a big plus in the direction of the southern man.

A challenge to society.

This point also works for fewer women, but it works. When parents raise a girl in strict rules, she just wants to break something.

And finally, I will say that the trend of popularity of Muslims and guys of Caucasian nationality will most likely not only continue, but also increase in the future. Because in the West there are fewer men with the spread of homosexuality, which is beginning to appear here too. But this certainly does not threaten men from the Caucasus or Muslims.

Greetings, dear blog readers. Today you will find a simply killer article that may cause a storm of indignation among Caucasian girls. And not only among girls, but among all residents of the Caucasus. But, I’m not used to being silent, so I decided to consider practically taboo topic in the Caucasus - the problem of maintaining chastity by Caucasian girls before marriage.

Note that I wrote preservation, not loss. And this is very important! Since you can lose your chastity at any moment, but maintaining it turns out to be a matter of last years very difficult. In fact, today this problem is so acute that some guys in the Caucasus are even afraid to get married. Who wants to have people pointing fingers at you after the wedding?

In general, why did I decide to write this article? Everything is very simple. Just a year ago, a friend of mine approached me with a question that simply shocked me. This guy fell in love with a girl and wanted to marry her. The girl also seemed to love him. But there was one problem. The guy found out that the girl was not chaste. The good news is that she told him about it herself. Which, by the way, is a very rare occurrence in the Caucasus republics. So, this poor guy loved her so much that he was ready to spit on the “problem” that suddenly arose and get married. But his conscience did not give him peace. What will others say, what will friends and relatives think? It was with these questions that he turned to me. I remember we talked with him for almost an hour and came to a conclusion that suited all parties. And, as it turned out later, we accepted correct solution. Which one exactly? I'll tell you more about this below.

Are Caucasian girls trendsetters in matters of maintaining chastity before marriage?

So, in order to understand where the roots come from this issue, we need to look at history. Since ancient times, for almost all peoples (including, by the way, the Russian people too), one of the most important factors when choosing a life partner was the presence of a hymen. This factor is considered almost the most important. And this can also be explained. What is the most important thing in the Caucasus? This is the preservation of the honor and dignity of the family. And no one wanted, and even now is not eager, to sully their family with an “unclean marriage.” That is, it can be argued that maintaining virginity before marriage is the most important tradition Caucasian peoples. And this tradition was, for the most part, religiously observed. Caucasian girls. Although, among the Russian people, epics can already be written about the tradition of preserving virginity before marriage. But, by the way, there are pleasant exceptions here too.

Now let's figure out why this tradition was so revered and, I really hope, continues to be revered? The most main reason– this is fear! After all, if a girl had sexual intercourse before marriage, and this became public knowledge, then this fact immediately put a black mark on this girl’s family. Moreover, if they found out about this after the wedding, then very often enmity formed between families. It was believed that the girl was “slipped.” And there were frequent cases when it came to bloodshed. By the way, it was not easy to take into account the girl herself in these circumstances. All her close relatives abandoned her, and sometimes they kicked her out of the community. And this was considered the most terrible punishment. No one even thought about marrying her.

Years passed, morals changed, and with them the values ​​of the people changed. I take everything that will be written below as an example. But I am sure that the situation in other republics is not much better. Is it possible that the situation in Chechnya may be a little better, although this is also not a fact. Yes, I want to say that even today great amount modest and “pure” girls. In fact, they are the majority. The problem for those guys who complain that today it is almost impossible to find a decent and chaste girl is just one fact. We attract the people we think about most often. This is the so-called “law of attraction”. Therefore, I appeal to such guys: look for the problem in yourself, and not in the girls around you.

Although, no one is immune from the fact that fate can present such a passion that, having learned about her sexual experience, one can immediately cover himself with a sheet and crawl to the cemetery. Come on, I'm kidding. But, damn it, you’d have to be deaf and blind not to understand that the girl has already “been with someone...”. There are very simple ways definitions of a girl’s chastity, which I will also discuss below.

First we need to figure out what caused such a widespread loss of virginity Caucasian girls before the wedding. It seems that no one has canceled the tradition, and the punishment for such an act has not decreased. But, deny the fact that today this problem exists - it's just ridiculous. Moreover, I want to say that it is progressing more and more. And this is simply terrifying. You know, I would never have written unfoundedly about this gap if I had not encountered it myself. But first, let's talk about the reasons that led to a situation where the value of virginity is falling before our eyes. I thought about this for a long time. And this is what I got.

Reasons that cause girls in the Caucasus to lose their chastity before marriage

So, my daughter comes to the city, she gets used to it for a year or two, and then suddenly she realizes that life is going on nearby. You can live much better. To do this, you just need to find yourself a beautiful and strong young man, and with money too. And such a young man, oddly enough, is always found. So they “play tricks” on the waves of happiness. It's fine if it happens in the Caucasus. And, if a girl went to study outside the Caucasus, then everything is an “axe to the head.” Of course, this does not apply to everyone. But I and many of my friends have encountered this.

Almost the same can be said about the guys who go to the city to get the coveted “crust”. I say again that in Dagestan, most often people receive “filkina diplomas” rather than diplomas about higher education. The guy who got free agency is starting to gain experience. Yes, through trial and error. Stop! Did I use the word "mistakes"? So behind these mistakes are hidden those girls who lose their chastity. Is it worth looking for the culprits in this situation? After all, we are used to always answering the question “who is to blame?”, although no one almost ever gives an answer to the question “what to do?” (although I’m sure that in the comments to this article we will get an answer to this question). In fact, you can blame the parents of these young boys and girls, you can blame society, which only incites them to inappropriate actions. You can even blame Barack Obama, but the problem will not be solved. Great, we figured out the first reason, let's move on.

Reason 2– the influence of the “zombie box” on people’s consciousness. Oh, you still don’t know what it is? “Zomboyashchik” is a TV. Pay attention to the line the media have been following in recent years. They shout to us from everywhere about the availability of sex, violence and all the other “embellishments” of life. Half-naked girls flashing on the screens of our “favorite” TV today will not leave anyone indifferent. I watch less and less TV, which is what I wish for you. True, I just can’t give up broadcasting football, it’s my passion. I remember that I used to love watching NTV, but today it feels like there is practically nothing on this channel except crime. It’s time to change the name of the channel to “Crime”. Let's move on, there's little point in watching First and Russia. If you want to know that everything is fine with us, turn on these channels. But I’m just generally silent about the rest of the “consumer goods.” I don’t understand how you can show “Dom-2” on television! I still don’t understand how you can watch this monster! And now a question for you, dear readers: do you think this has affected the fact that Caucasian youth have smelled the availability of everything and everyone? Of course, this had a tremendous impact. Imagine, a 14-year-old girl is watching TV, and there they can easily show some spicy scene at any time of the day. But my parents are not around, they are at work. They work to give their child an education. Hmm, this has already happened somewhere. So, it turns out to be a vicious circle. By the way, watch a cool video about how TV affects us. I already showed you this video in the article:

How to be and what to do? Of course, it’s not so easy to completely give up TV, and it’s not necessary. Let's think together how we can solve this problem? Friends, write your opinions on this matter in the comments, it will be interesting to find a solution to this issue together. Well, while you are writing, we move on to the third and most important reason.

Of course, progress cannot be stopped. But for some reason this progress cuts to the quick. For some reason, girls (most often) lose their heads and rush into the arms of those whom they did not know yesterday. Moreover, it cannot be said that girls of such and such a nation do this less. I emphasize once again that my goal is not to denigrate our Caucasian girls, many of whom will be faithful wives and loving mothers. But the trend is that losing virginity before marriage is no longer considered something terrible. One girl even told me that “they say, she made a mistake in a guy once, this won’t happen again.” For me, this is a real brain explosion (aaaaaaaaa.... boom)! Well, how come, I can’t even believe what it says girl from the Caucasus. It's scary, it's unfortunate.

Now I'll tell you a secret. Just recently I was shown a video with obscene footage. Well, everything would be fine. You should have seen me when I recognized my classmate in this video. It was a real hit! She was such a quiet person at school, but here she’s doing something like this. Yes, the phone has made our lives a lot easier, but it has also made significant changes. And, to be honest, I don’t know yet how to deal with this. Maybe it's okay. Maybe this is how things should flow. I'm just exaggerating now.

Maybe that's how it is. But one thing infuriates me - why is everyone trying to seem so touchy? Why have virginity restoration clinics opened in Dagestan in recent years like mushrooms after rain? And this operation (this operation is called hymenoplasty), according to my information, costs about $1,000. Why are girls so afraid that their parents and brothers, God forbid, will find out about their actions? So let's announce to the entire Caucasus that we are abandoning the tradition of maintaining chastity before marriage.

I think now you understand what the main point of this article is. I don't care about those who lose their chastity before marriage. This is their own business. It’s just so disgusting when these same girls with innocent eyes put on a wedding dress and, flapping their eyelashes, take the guy’s hand so tenderly that he is ready to give the whole world to her for this. Russian girls don’t have to run to different clinics in order to become “clean” for the wedding. Premarital relationships are a normal occurrence for them. And no one is surprised by this. And with us things are about the same, but everyone pretends to be an angel. This is infuriating!!!

What is the fault of the guys that Caucasian girls are losing their “purity”?

And on the other hand. Guys are also to blame for this behavior of girls in the Caucasus. For whom do girls dress, dress up? Who do they want to please? You do not know? Look in the mirror, guys. We ourselves spoiled our girls. I'm glad that not everyone has done it yet. I remember I was once on a train from Moscow to Makhachkala. A girl sits next to her, so calm and silent. I'm used to people talking to each other on the road. I also tried to start a conversation with this girl. But, she has zero attention. By that time, I had already lived outside the Caucasus for 4 years and did not understand why the girl was silent. At first I thought she was deaf. But I see no, he’s talking on the phone. I very delicately asked her to answer why she did not respond to my questions. Fortunately, the girl turned out to be cultured and explained everything to me. Here are her words: “You guys in Dagestan think like this: if Caucasian girl answers, it means she’s with..., but if she’s silent, then she’s a fool. I’d rather be a fool than...” Well, you understand everything. I was amazed at her answer. And then I realized that we ourselves had brought our girls to this. By the way, I’m already preparing an article about the behavior of Caucasian guys and their role in the lives of girls. Believe me, this article will be awesome too. , in order to receive all blog articles to your email.

After all, remember a girl is a future mother, a homemaker. And we, men, are hunters in life. I have a feeling that modern hunters have lost their sense of smell due to the fact that prey has become more accessible. It turns out to be a vicious circle. There are still very important point, which those girls who enter into premarital relationships forget about. After all, losing virginity is, first of all, a psychological moment, and only then a physical one. Involuntarily, whether she wants it or not, in the future, with a close relationship with her husband, such a girl will compare her husband with the one she had before him. And, God forbid, if the husband turns out worse in bed. Write - it's gone! There is a very high probability that such a girl will cheat again. And you don’t even have to argue with that. And, if a Caucasian girl (yes, any girl in general) cheats for the second time, then there will definitely be a third, fourth, and so on. After all, it’s not for nothing that they say: “A person who has done something once may not repeat it again. If he does this a second time, there will definitely be a third.”

Wow, what an article today. Well, I warned you that today you will find some killer material. By the way, I suggest you read another article on this topic. So, now my advice to guys who don’t want to fall for the bait of girls who have “baggage” behind them.

The first and most important advice – when meeting a girl, nevertheless, sometimes you need to use your head, which can think and, I hope, think. Immediately pay attention to the girl’s behavior. Be at least a little psychologist. Believe me, a girl who has something to hide will immediately give herself away. I am sure that in the Caucasus there are few girls who can professionally “dynamic” guys. If you have known a girl for several weeks, that is, easy way figure her out - ask her for her phone number (not the number, but the phone itself), just like that - look (for example, listen to music). If she gives you the phone without hesitation, then this good sign. I emphasize that this is only a sign for now. If she starts inventing all sorts of reasons not to give her the phone number, this is not good. So she's hiding something. By the way, it’s possible that she just doesn’t like it when people touch her phone.

Attention! Girls are not allowed to read the next section!!!

Now I will express my opinions, which you can argue with: a girl should not kiss a guy before matchmaking, at a minimum (no matter what strong love was not), in no case should a girl invite a guy to her home when her parents are not at home. You laugh, but I was invited. Moreover, all this happened in . Yes, and I give you the last piece of advice with all my heart - if you understand or find out that a girl already has premarital affairs, then be sure to play along with her. You won't believe it, but it's so interesting to make yourself look stupid. They will tell you that “her mother is sick, the situation in the family is difficult, she should get married sooner.” Yes, another joke (oh, I gave away all the girls’ secrets, I hope they don’t read this). Such girls really like to say the following: “You know, honey, yesterday I went to a fortune teller. So she told me that my husband would be...”, and then they begin to describe your appearance. I remember one person told me: “The fortune teller said that my husband will be a military man, and we will not live in the Caucasus.” Ahh, such a blast! Guys, these girls need to be “pressured.” Just not physically, but mentally. I did just that at the time!!! And I had a lot of fun doing it!

Well, it remains to tell you the story of my friend, with whom I started this article. You've probably already forgotten. So, he asked me for advice on whether to marry her or not. You know, at first I wanted to tell him to give up this idea. But then I decided to think a little. The girl herself admitted that she had connections before him. Believe me, for a Caucasian girl this is a very strong act. I remember then I advised him to “forget” what others would say and think and get married. Today they live in happy marriage, they had a wonderful boy. She became a real keeper of the hearth, and I am glad in my soul that I gave him the right advice then.

Therefore, I appeal to those Caucasian girls who knew a man’s bed before marriage: it is better to confess in time and tell your future husband. After all, everything secret becomes clear. I am sure that you yourself know many examples when wives were kicked out of the house the next day after the wedding. Instead of disgracing yourself, it is better to remain with your feminine dignity and remember that premarital sex is not a death sentence! The verdict is self-deception!

Well, that's all for today. In conclusion, I want to show you a video in which a girl sings in Ukrainian program X-factor. Honestly, I listened to this angelic voice 40 times:

I really hope that I didn’t offend anyone in this article. Caucasian girl . It just really hurt. On the contrary, I will be very pleased to read your opinion on this topic.

Dear friends, at your request, I wrote an article. I would like to remind you that on this moment More than 250 comments were left on that article.