“Primordial Russia”: III Nature Festival in the Central House of Artists. “Primordial Russia”: III Nature Festival in the Central House of Artists Central House of Artists photo exhibition

  • 30.06.2019

From January 26 to March 11, 2018, the most bright event capital, dedicated to the nature of our country - the festival " Pristine Russia" The festival, which will be held in the capital for the fifth time, has become a real family tradition, it inspires creativity and travel around Russia, helps to think about how important it is to preserve nature in its original form.

In 2018, “Primordial Russia” will celebrate its anniversary - for the past five years its organizers have been striving to surprise, inspire and enlighten people. This vibrant exhibition project has also become an authoritative platform for the exchange of experience among experts in the fields of photography, nature conservation, and ecotourism. IN next year we want to make the festival format even wider and more open.

The goal is to reflect as fully as possible the creativity of Russian nature photographers and show all the diversity of the nature of our Motherland.

A large-scale exhibition presented by the best naturalist photographers of Russia will show visitors the protected nature of Russia with different angles. Landscapes of the most remote and beautiful corners of the country, unique scenes from the life of wild animals, dizzying panoramas taken from a bird's eye view and from space, secrets of the microworld that are revealed only to the most attentive.

The festival’s film program will become even more interesting and rich this year. The festival program will feature premieres and latest movies about nature and travel.

On weekends main stage festival visitors will also enjoy meetings with documentary filmmakers, master classes by famous domestic and foreign photographers photographing the nature of Russia, communication with famous travelers, meetings with directors of nature reserves and national parks, scientific lectures on the flora and fauna of Russia in an accessible form and presentations of the most significant domestic projects dedicated to nature conservation.

Children will also find a lot of interesting things to enjoy at the festival - a special program has been organized for them. Exciting quests, educational quizzes, competitions and master classes will not let young visitors to the exhibition get bored.

Ticket prices:

  • IN weekdays: Basic - 350 rubles. Preferential - 150 rubles.
  • On weekends: Basic - 400 rubles. Preferential - 200 rubles.
  • On Mondays admission is free for senior citizens.
  • Admission for children under 10 years old is free.

From January 22 to February 25, 2016, the III Festival “Primordial Russia” will be held in Moscow at the Central House of Artists. Central theme III The all-Russian festival this year will be the great Russian river Volga, presented 38 meters audio-visual installation of the same name “Volga”, prepared by the team of the Central House of Artists. Entry for participants is free.

The Volga installation will give every visitor the opportunity to experience the full breadth and significance of this main geographical symbol of Russia. Visitors to the Festival will feel like participants in a scientific and artistic expedition. With the help of photo and video materials, they will be able to see the changing landscape of the Volga region and study the architecture of its cities. In addition, guests of the Festival will get acquainted with cultural characteristics and the way of life of the peoples inhabiting these places, and even appreciate the taste of their traditional cuisine. The Volga project also involves meetings and conversations with experts and round tables on the problems of the cities of the Volga region.

The Volga exposition is part of a long-term project designed for three years (2015-2017). The organizers of the project set themselves the task of collecting a portrait of the Volga River from source to mouth, creating a unified cultural and historical landscape of the Volga region.

More than 350 photographs will present the nature of Russia in all its diversity and splendor: picturesque landscapes and unique, almost psychological portraits wild animals performed by the best photographers of Russia.

One of the most interesting exhibitions of the festival will be dedicated to the traveler Fyodor Konyukhov. The exhibition will feature personal items that accompanied the traveler on his expeditions. Visitors will learn about his upcoming flight around the world in a hot air balloon, follow his route and even examine the model hot air balloon, on which the traveler will fly.

In addition, at the festival you will be able to see graphic canvases created by Konyukhov, which are dedicated to the Russian North. Fedor himself will tell festival visitors about his around the world expeditions and answer questions.

Each weekend day at the festival will be dedicated to a specific topic: protection environment, science, animals, travel, ethnography, documentary, indigenous and small peoples Russia. Special days its partners will present at the festival - Russian geographical society, TV channel "Living Planet" and International festival children's and youth animated film "Golden Fish".

On weekends, on the main stage, visitors will also enjoy film screenings about nature, meetings with documentary directors, master classes by famous photographers photographing the nature of Russia, communication with the heads of nature reserves and national parks, famous travelers, scientific lectures in an accessible form and presentations of the most significant domestic projects dedicated to nature conservation.

Children will be able to see the best domestic cartoons, get creative in the master class area under the guidance of artists, writers, masters of decorative and applied arts, and see amazing science shows, listen to interactive popular science lectures, take part in quizzes and quests.

So, the next festival “Primordial Russia” has opened in Moscow. I will show you the main reasons why you should visit this annual photo exhibition this year in 2018.

Volcano Vilyuchinsky. South-Eastern coast of Kamchatka

Firstly, these are photographs of our country taken by cosmonaut Sergei Ryazansky during his flights to the ISS. He himself says that space is beauty in the absolute, the measure of which does not exist, it cannot be understood and embraced without seeing it. To get even a little closer to this absolute, we can look at these pictures

Sunset. View from space

I was amazed by the picture of Moscow - you can see not only the iconic Kremlin, Moscow State University, Luzhniki, etc., but also ordinary houses! For example, I found buildings where I lived or worked!

And in this photo is the Kerch Bridge. The installed railway arch weighing 6,000 tons is visible. Photo taken in August 2017:

The largest river delta in Europe is the Volga delta:

Here is one of the islands of the Kuril ridge. Two lakes are visible: a large one in the center of the island and a small one in the crater of the volcano, which is called the Eye:

This is what it looks like from space high point Europe – Elbrus:

Volcanoes of Kamchatka illuminated rising sun(hence the unusual red shades of usually snow-white landscapes)

Here are more stunning views of Kamchatka volcanoes from space:

Sredinny ridge

Eruption of the Klyuchevskaya Sopka volcano in the fall of 2013. In addition to Klyuchevsky, 6 more volcanoes are visible:

Also very interesting are the works of foreign photographers - winners of prestigious international competitions. For example, two lions attacked a giraffe, which is rare - lions are afraid of the fatal blows of the giraffe’s strong legs. But here the giant had problems with his hooves and the lions dared to attack

And here is the attack of a crocodile: he suddenly jumped out of the water at a watering hole during a period of drought. But the impala antelopes reacted even faster. The impala's jump height reaches three meters; in one jump they can cover nine meters

Dozens of sperm whales have gathered in the coastal zone. They spin and rub against each other to exfoliate dead skin - the picture clearly shows the patchiness due to the death of old skin:

The mother bear led two cubs along the shore, and one began to indulge and play with his mother (the picture was taken in Alaska):

And this photograph was taken by an Italian photographer in Russia, on the Kuril Lake. He notes the expressiveness of the bear’s gaze at him: she makes it clear that she sees a person and is worried about her offspring. And foolish cubs are only interested in tasty treats)

This rarest animal in human hands - the pangolin - is in danger of extinction. This particular individual was taken away from poachers and the teacher (pictured) made incredible efforts to not only save, but also gain the trust of the animal:

Termite mound in national park Brazil glows at night with the lights of click beetle larvae. A giant anteater visited the termite mound and, with the help of powerful claws and a long tongue, tries to feast on termites:

A fight for territory between two crocodiles, approximately equal in strength and size. In the fight they used powerful paws and tail, sharp claws and teeth, aiming for the throat and eyes:

And here, take a closer look: these are not shaggy trees, these are trees covered with monarch butterflies. Every autumn these butterflies fly almost 5,000 (five thousand!!!) kilometers for the winter. Danaids fill entire fir forests. By the way, in the photo there is only one butterfly with its wings spread)

This is what the gaping mouth of a whale shark looks like. Despite its formidable name, this largest fish in the world is absolutely safe, as it feeds on plankton and small crustaceans. Smaller snake-like fish are sticky fish. Due to the modified fin on its head, it attaches itself to larger fish, providing itself with food, movement and protection:

This black-and-white photograph of the paws of a mother bear and a bear cub owes its appearance to the photographer’s shame for polluting the habitat of these bears, which poses a direct threat to their existence. The animals approached a dirty puddle that leaked from the hold of a ship in the Arctic. The photographer wanted to highlight the contrast between the polluted surface and the surrounding untouched nature

Very interesting, in my opinion, is the exhibition about the Putorana plateau - difficult to access, but incredible a nice place our country. There is a very unusual topography and a huge number of picturesque waterfalls and lakes (even more so - the plateau area is equal to Great Britain or five Moscow regions!). Here is the confluence of two rivers, Yagtali and Dulismar, in June, the deepest time of the year:

One of the largest nature reserves in Russia has been created here, and the territory of the Putorana Plateau is recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

Waterfall on the Oran River in June

In May, the snow cover has not yet melted on the Putorana plateau. Here is Circus Falls in May. Check out the scale and power of the waterfall compared to a helicopter:

The same waterfall in June:

It is interesting to follow one waterfall throughout the year, because due to the climate they are very fickle. The exhibition shows the Kitabo-Oron waterfall in winter, when the wall of ice freezes up to 27 meters

Kitabo-Oron is not the largest waterfall on the Putorana plateau, but it is the most visited. This is what it looks like in May, when not all the ice has melted yet:

The fullest period is June. Water falls from a height of 27 meters with a deafening noise and does not reach the bottom, turning into water dust on the fly:

In September there is less water, it is divided into separate streams of different power:

In October it’s already minus 30 and the water, falling, turns into icicles of incredible shapes and sizes right before our eyes:

Waterfall on the Chopko River (Putorana Plateau):

The attention of all visitors, especially children, is attracted by the works of a young photographer from Voronezh, Vadim Trunov. He fed the birds and squirrels so that they would get used to the camera and have the opportunity to catch an interesting shot. The result was scenes that looked like they were animals, but very reminiscent of human ones. Under these photographs I will provide the author's signature

Whose cones are in the forest?


There's something there!

I stand high, I look far away

Under the giant umbrella

Forest photographer

And the next photo is by another photographer, by the way, a schoolgirl from the Tyumen region. Author's caption under the photo: “Just a chipmunk eating a raspberry. No politics. Just a chipmunk":

As always, there are a lot of cute pictures at the exhibition. I'll show just a few. Here is a funny fuss of Kalmyk gophers

Here is a charming sable (Yakutia)

The hazel dormouse continues to hibernate, even when the melted snow ceases to cover it. It is during this period that more than half of these animals die:

The harbor seal, the most common seal species, rests on rocks on the west coast of Sweden. Look what an acrobat is like, how he pulls his legs and tail!

At the exhibition I was surprised to learn that the limbs of pinnipeds have claws! Look at the flipper-paw of this brooding elephant seal (and he himself is simply Rodin’s “The Thinker”)

It turns out that a polar bear must get rid of moisture in its fur after being in water. To do this, it rolls on the ground, squeezing out water with its mass.

Polar bear cubs seem to greet the photographer

Summer and early autumn are the most hard time for polar bears, because the ice is disappearing and the bears cannot hunt seals. But in September 2017, polar bears on Wrangel Island were very lucky: the sea washed up the carcass of a bowhead whale. Great amount food attracted about two hundred bears

Females and cubs also gathered for the feast. Here are two she-bears sorting things out in a queue))

At this exhibition, perhaps more than ever, the expression of the animal’s eyes attracts attention. I’ve already mentioned the look of the bear, but here’s what else I remember. The wary and at the same time confidently calm look of the Iberian lynx - one of the rarest cats

And this shot is shocking with the concentration of suffering and horror. A six-month-old tiger cub fell into a trap so badly that his paw had to be amputated. In the future, the animal can only live in captivity, but now it is incredibly painful and scared

But what really struck me was the look of this deer - truly human, on an equal footing. I can directly see a person’s face behind this image. The photo, by the way, was taken in Moscow, in the Losiny Ostrov park

The most beautiful views of various corners of our country fill the concept of “the endless expanses of Russia” with real, downright visible content, and the heart with pride. Here is the “Velvet Ural” (Orenburg region)

Inaccessible and picturesque Kuril Islands:

Attraction of Iturup Island ( Southern Kuriles) - white weathered rocks and shore:

Storms and rivers erode soft rocks formed as a result of a volcanic eruption. The following unique reliefs are formed (Iturup Island):

Here is Dagestan, Khunzakh plateau

This is also Dagestan, the valley of the Artsalinekh River:

The words “pole of cold” always gave me the idea of ​​some kind of lifeless rocky desert where nothing could grow. It turns out that at -60° huge and beautiful trees. Here is Oymyakon - the pole of cold, -64C°

And this is Ingushetia, Erzi Nature Reserve:

The so-called Bolshiye Prityos are sheer cliffs up to 200 meters high on the banks of the Ai River in the Chelyabinsk region:

Yakutia, Verkhoyansk Pass:

And here is the island of Adelaide, named so by the polar explorer F. Nansen in honor of his mother. The island belongs to the Franz Josef Land archipelago, which belongs to Russia and is one of the northernmost territories of Russia and the world (and the most inaccessible):

A raised bog in Karelia from a bird's eye view (to be honest, the colors seemed incredible to me, but I don’t understand anything about swamps):

From the latest arrivals - the peak of South Demerdzhi in Crimea in the fall

Cave monastery Shuldan, founded in the 8th century AD, also Crimea:

And of course, my promised land, my love and dream - Kamchatka

Eruption of the Plosky Tolbachik volcano

3 state reserve, 19 state reserves, 169 unique natural sites, 5 natural parks - this is what Kamchatka is a treasury national treasure Russia. Six specially protected natural areas included by UNESCO in the “List of World Cultural and natural heritage" under common name"Volcanoes of Kamchatka"

Eruption of the Klyuchevskaya Sopka volcano, the highest active volcano in Eurasia

The caldera (i.e. the failure after the collapse of the crater) of the Uzon volcano was formed about 40 thousand years ago:

Have you ever wondered: what is in the crater of a volcano? At the exhibition you can look into the crater of the Mutnovsky volcano. This active volcano in the southern part of the peninsula at an altitude of 2323 m above sea level. Its activity is expressed by emissions of volcanic gases

Kamchatka has 30 active and about 150 extinct volcanoes, more than 400 glaciers, 160 thermal springs and the famous Valley of Geysers. Here is the Vitrazh geyser complex in the Valley of Geysers, consisting of several geysers and a pulsating spring:

Unique animal world peninsula and the “genius of the place” here is the brown bear. Nowhere in the world is it possible to see such an incredible number of bears at such a close distance as on the rivers and lakes of Kamchatka during spawning. Here the bear caught a sockeye salmon and her already grown cubs quickly joined her:

Here is a unique shot of a mother bear feeding small cubs:

Three shaggy little stompers follow their mother ford across the river:

Why not an acrobat (this is also a fisherman!):

And finally. According to the beliefs of the ancient Mongols, only happy man might see a snow leopard. With sincere wishes of boundless happiness, I give you this image of a snow leopard and to consolidate and multiply the result, I invite you to visit the photo exhibition “Primordial Russia”!)

How to get to the exhibition “Primordial Russia”

The photo exhibition “Primordial Russia” takes place in the Central House of Artists, Krymsky Val, building 10. The closest metro stations are Oktyabrskaya radial and ring, but you can also walk from the Park Kultury radial and ring metro station, although you will have to walk across the bridge, which is not always pleasant in winter.

This is a paid parking area, but free parking on Sundays can help. True, parking spaces on Krymsky Val and Maronovsky Lane are quickly running out. Parking behind the barrier, near the bridge opposite the Central House of Artists, is always paid and there are easier spaces here.

The exhibition runs from January 26 and has been extended until March 11, 2018, opening hours are from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., on Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. Ticket price on weekdays: basic - 350 rubles, for pensioners and students - 150 rubles. Price on weekends: basic - 400 rubles, for pensioners and students - 200 rubles. For children under 10 years old, admission is free. Announced for pensioners free visit exhibitions on Mondays. There are even more benefits; you need to find out more about them on the website or at the box office.

I personally recommend taking advantage of the exhibition’s virtual journey through the protected areas of Russia. At the beginning of the exhibition, you will be offered headphones and glasses in a fenced area. virtual reality and you will be able to fly over the most beautiful places in the country. It is better to go there as early as possible: as the flow of visitors increases, a queue will form at this site. The demonstration is carried out in sessions, the video is played immediately for everyone at the same time. All this is free.

Throughout the whole month, visitors will be able to enjoy the works of the best photographers and documentarians. There is only one topic - Russian nature. Meetings with authors, discussions, and round tables are planned.

Looking at such dissimilar pictures, you are once again convinced of how big and different our country is.

You've never seen her like this before. The most hidden corners of the largest and beautiful country in the world. Here are the milk rivers of Yakutia, the hot sands of Kalmykia, impenetrable Karelian swamps and the harsh beaches of the Barents Sea. At the all-Russian festival “Primordial Russia” photographs of 150 authors are presented, almost half a thousand photographs in total. Some of them were taken literally from the bottom of the sea.

Perhaps only here you can simultaneously see how the sun rises in the mountains of Dagestan, illuminates the canyons of the rocky coast of the Kola Peninsula with its rays, and even how the dawn begins, if you see it from space - cosmonaut Sergei Ryazansky also sent his works to the exhibition.

The festival was opened by the special presidential representative on environmental issues, ecology and transport Sergei Ivanov.

“Having traveled all over Russia, including visiting its hard-to-reach areas, nature photographers present to us here, in the center of Moscow, their truly unique works. Sometimes you have to wait weeks for a successful shot. I myself know such photographers and always bow deeply to them for their patience, for their ability to wait for this second and take a shot that will be remembered for a lifetime,” said Sergei Ivanov.

Not only Russian landscapes surprise with their beauty, but also the inhabitants of our large country. Here are gophers playing in Kalmykia, completely oblivious to a camera hidden in the bushes and controlled remotely. But the bear’s morning, like many people’s, began with a sweet yawn. It's already lunchtime - a jay in the Moscow region found an acorn, and a mother bear and her cubs in Kamchatka are eating caught sockeye salmon.

In order to capture many of the heroes of this exhibition, photographers prepared for the shooting together with scientists for years.

“This photo was taken at night. This is a particularly time-consuming task for photographers, because you need to set the light correctly, properly prepare film set, find contact with her, do not harm her,” said Dmitry Moseikin, deputy director of the “Primordial Russia” festival.

The festival is not only a large-scale photo exhibition, but also a whole series of film shows, dedicated to Russia, master classes about our nature. And one day, February 3, will be entirely dedicated to volunteering. Everyone will find out where and how they can help preserve the pristine beauty of our country.