Construction business: where to start, how to succeed, how much you need to invest. How to open a construction company

  • 11.10.2019

Construction business for small and medium-sized businesses is a profitable type of activity. The money invested can be quickly recouped, and the initial investment amounts are not too high. But to open a construction company, you need to think through all the stages of the project in advance. Where to start a construction business? What features should be taken into account? How much money do you need to start? Read about this in the article.

Choice of specialization

Competition in the construction market has always been high. Before opening your own company, it is important to decide on the direction of your business. Experts identify several areas in demand in construction:

  • Private (individual);
  • Road;
  • Industrial;
  • Major repairs, interior decoration of premises for various purposes.

A large construction company will require serious financial investments. As a rule, a budding entrepreneur does not have that kind of money.

If you don't have enough money, it is worth starting a construction business with small repairs and decoration of premises, gradually expanding the scope of activities. That is, it is reasonable to choose the fourth direction. The average payback of a construction company allows you to expect that investments will pay off in about a year and a half.

After choosing the area of ​​construction, it is necessary to think over the potential range of services provided. In the case of organizing a small construction company for the repair of premises, an approximate list of services looks like this:

  • Finishing work;
  • Installation and installation of ceiling structures;
  • Installation of plumbing, doors, ventilation, air conditioners;
  • Electric installation work;
  • Dismantling;
  • Painting, wallpapering, priming, wall filling;
  • Welding, front works.
  • Furniture assembly.

Important! The best option is to carry out repair work on a turnkey basis.

How to start a construction company from scratch step by step

Having decided which area of ​​construction the company will deal with, the entrepreneur draws up a detailed business plan.

The next steps for starting a construction company from scratch are as follows:

  • Company registration;
  • Search for premises;
  • Staff formation;
  • Obtaining licenses (if required);
  • Equipment purchase;
  • Advertising campaign.
Some activities will require joining a self-regulatory organization (SRO). For instance:
  • construction of buildings with a height of more than 3 floors;
  • construction of facilities located more than 15 meters underground;
  • works on the installation of reinforced concrete and metal structures;
  • arrangement of industrial facilities and gas (oil) industry;
  • overhaul of railways;
  • construction of metro, highways, mines;
  • construction of bridges.

Important! Since 2017, legislative amendments (Federal Law No. 372) have come into force, requiring SRO admission for construction companies that conclude contracts worth more than three million rubles. This rule also applies to firms that work with tenders in the field of government orders.

SRO activities, in turn, are regulated by such legislative acts as:

  • Federal Law No. 190 (Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation);
  • Federal Law No. 315 (On Self-Regulatory Organizations);
  • ФЗ №384 (Technical regulations for the safety of buildings and structures);
  • ФЗ №384 (On technical regulation)

Organizational and legal foundations of the construction business

In the construction industry, LLC or individual entrepreneur is most often registered. For a start-up company, an individual entrepreneur is suitable.

You can register an individual entrepreneur or LLC on your own or use the services of an outsourcing company. For example, the specialists of which will do this work for free.

It is beneficial to open an LLC for those who plan to move from a small and medium-sized construction business to a large one. For this type of activity, additional permits will be required. They can only be obtained if there is a legal entity.

In the process of registering a company with the tax office, the following OKVED codes are indicated:

The taxation system of a company largely depends on the type of services provided. According to OKUN (All-Russian Classifier of Services to the Population), the repair of premises is a household service.

Therefore, a businessman can use taxation systems such as "simplified" (USN) or "imputed" (UTII). The first system is suitable for companies that make repairs in commercial premises and conclude an agreement with a legal entity. The second is for those who work with individuals.

In addition to the main package of documents, you will need contract forms, a seal, a price list for services and a bank account.

Important! To organize a construction company from scratch that provides interior decoration services, a license is not required

Selection of premises and purchase of equipment

Most of the work is carried out directly on site, so the location of the company is not as important as in other activities. For a mid-level construction company, it is enough to rent a small office in any area of ​​the city. There you can negotiate with clients, sign contracts for the provision of services. Documentation is kept in the same room. Small construction crews can do without an office altogether. but for a reputable firm in the construction business, an office is a must. Otherwise, you will simply not be taken seriously.

The number and type of equipment for the construction crew depends on the type of work performed.

Below is a list of the basic tools that you will definitely need to decorate the room.

  • paint rollers, brushes, stamps;
  • containers for building mixtures;
  • punchers;
  • screwdrivers;
  • spatulas;
  • stationery knives;
  • roulette;
  • plumb lines;
  • milling cutter;
  • Bulgarian;
  • electric jigsaw, plane.

Each team must be provided with a complete set of equipment for the repair of premises of any complexity. In addition to the tools, uniforms, office furniture, a computer, a printer and other office equipment for the office are purchased.

Staff for the construction brigade

The construction business is fraught with serious production risks, so you will have to pay attention and time to carefully select personnel.

At first, it is better to form two teams that will work at different sites. It is recommended to include in the brigade people of those professions that are indicated in the third edition of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook of Work and Occupations of Workers (ETKS, section "Construction, installation and repair and construction works").

The optimal composition of the brigade:

  • Brigadier;
  • Painter-plasterer;
  • installer;
  • Tiler;
  • Veneer;
  • Electrician;
  • Locksmith.

The salary of employees of a construction company is piecework, that is, it is calculated based on the total amount of the paid order. If an entrepreneur acts as a team leader, he receives from 50 to 60%, the rest - from 25 to 45%. In another situation, the salary is distributed as follows: the owner of the company - 60%, the foreman - 20%, the rest of the employees - 20%.

Important! The services of an accountant, designer, lawyer and order manager can be outsourced. For accounting, it is better to hire a specialized company with a good reputation, for example. The prices of such a company will be democratic, and the quality of services will be high.

Construction business advertising

An advertising campaign to promote the services of a small construction team has its own specifics. The most effective way for a small company is to post ads and word of mouth. Service advertisements are printed on bright paper and distributed mainly in areas with new buildings.

Advertising on the Internet and in newspapers is a good option to attract the attention of potential customers. It is better to entrust the creation of the company's website to professionals. The key principle of advertising a construction team on the Internet is to regularly update data on the types of services, discounts, and the cost of work.

How much does it cost to open a construction company

It is difficult to estimate the initial cost of the project. It depends on many factors, such as the number of employees, the price of the purchased equipment, and the chosen organizational and legal form of the construction company. On average, it will take 350 to 600 thousand rubles to create a small business in the construction industry.

Approximate calculation of starting points:

* Unforeseen expenses - a reserve of funds required for the purchase of additional materials during the repair.

Important! The construction business is associated with constant financial investments. It is worth remembering this when organizing a construction company.

Potential risks

At the preparatory stage of creating a construction business, it is worth calculating possible risks and developing measures to prevent them. External risks are associated with a decrease in the income of the population, an increase in competition, an unfair attitude of the customer to its obligations. The likelihood of such risks, according to experts, changes annually.

Internal risks include:

  • lack of staff;
  • low qualifications of workers;
  • equipment breakdown;
  • execution of work under the contract is not on time.

Avoiding such situations will allow regular monitoring of the company's functioning, the ability to attract additional funds and a correct analysis of the construction industry market.

Three months of accounting, personnel records and legal support for FREE. Hurry up, the offer is limited.

The main advantage of the construction business is the presence of a constantly growing demand. Every day, several potential clients are looking for contractors who can carry out renovations, build a cozy home, or install a fence around an existing structure. Of course, there are many representatives of the stronger sex who will take up the work themselves, but not every man is capable of installing a double-glazed window, replacing a pipe or building a cabinet.

About where to start a construction business and what pitfalls a businessman can lie in wait for in this field, and further conversation will go. The main rule that every entrepreneur must remember is that you cannot refuse any client who is ready to pay money.

Market monitoring

So, the idea came to my mind to try myself in such an area as the construction business. Where to begin? Many will say that with the appeal to the tax office. Not! With serious preparatory work associated with a detailed study of the market.

Currently, many companies are open, ready to build both an apartment building and a private cottage.

Every novice entrepreneur should understand that organizations that have worked in the market for more than one year can act as competitors. This means that they have the trust of customers and partner suppliers. Therefore, the only correct decision is to stand out “from the crowd”. Leadership should be expressed either in the volume of attracted capital, or in a fundamentally new approach to construction.

Activity registration

Where to start a construction business? A thorough market analysis must be followed by official registration. The most suitable form is a limited liability company.

After that, you can start choosing a suitable company name, finding the optimal location for the office, creating authorized capital and selecting founders. More details about each item.

How to start a construction business from scratch: a plan

  1. With a unique and easily recognizable name.
  2. From the location of the company's office in a place accessible to customers.
  3. From the authorized capital invested by the founders or from the start-up capital, without which the company will not be able to start its stable operation.
  4. From the collection of the package of documents necessary for the registration of the company - the passport of each founder, information about the location, the main type of activity, as well as the size of the authorized capital and the method of its formation.

All these actions can be performed independently or you can seek help from the appropriate specialists.

Professionalism and organizational skills. What's more important?

How to start a construction business from scratch and achieve success? Experience is invaluable in this matter. However, some problems disappear by themselves. Although, according to statistics, there are many people who began to realize themselves in this area from scratch and still climbed very high up the business ladder.

Organizational skills, the ability to create a professional team, find a common language with any partner or client are the main components of success.

In addition, it is necessary to determine how the work will be carried out - independently or with the involvement of additional companies. So, the opinions of experts agree that it is better to go through the beginning of the path of construction activity together with good partners and solid sponsors who are able to support any, even a global project or provide all possible assistance in the absence of at least some significant order.


How to start a business from scratch in the construction industry? We need to find conscientious skilled workers. This profession is recognized as the most needed in the world.

A large enterprise that has a personnel reserve can apply any measures to an unscrupulous employee, up to and including dismissal, without fear of anything. But a small company that is left without a specialist may lose an order due to a delay in deadlines.

Therefore, if a capable team was not assembled at the beginning of the activity, then it is not worth starting work.

By the way, it is necessary to recruit the core of the team only from qualified workers, and then recruit newcomers as the company expands.

Within the framework of a modern market economy, everything must be done quickly and efficiently. That is, the specialist hired yesterday must immediately begin to implement the plan.

The tightening of requirements for personnel is observed due to the fact that construction is not only a responsible, but also a long process. After all, the appearance of cracks or biting midges, not to mention collapses, is not an ordinary breakdown of household appliances.


How to start a repair and construction business correctly? Any competitive environment presupposes professional interaction - linking to the master plan, project approval, connection of communications, etc. In view of this, it is necessary to notify colleagues in advance about the planned actions, about the niche found for themselves, about the sequence of work.

A sudden jump out can turn into big problems, for example, a complete misunderstanding with the state structure, because the building must be carried out in strict accordance with the law.

Financial part

How to start a construction business from scratch? It is necessary to talk with investors and discuss with them the initial "injections".

The amount of investment costs is approximately 12,000,000 rubles. and includes the purchase and lease of several units of special equipment, the development of design documentation, as well as the conduct of geological and geodetic surveys. About 1,000,000 rubles will have to be spent on tools and overalls. Renting an office will cost about 150,000 rubles per year. In addition, you need to think about travel and hospitality costs - 200,000 rubles / year, as well as membership fees, advertising events and website promotion - 100,000 rubles / year. Total initial expenses will amount to 13,450,000 rubles.

To calculate income and payback period, you need to arm yourself with the average profitability of a small construction company. In a megalopolis, this figure may be equal to 100%, but only a beginner is unlikely to be able to take root here. The subsidized hinterland is capable of providing no more than 25-30%. Orders are also present here, but they require a large number of trips. The average profitability in Russia is about 60%, which results in a payback period of 20 months. However, it must be borne in mind that winter time is mostly related to downtime.

Permits documentation

Where to start a construction business? With the decision to join the builders. An entrepreneur who avoids this moment will have to pay a fine of at least 5,000 rubles. Each company that joined the SRO pays contributions, the amount of which is set by the local authorities in the region (but they are unlikely to be small). So, it only requires 400,000 rubles. in year. Not all construction organizations are able to cope with such costs, therefore they often prefer semi-legal work.

SRO membership is not required for the following organizations:

Where to start a construction business? With the sequential execution of the following actions:

  1. Collection of papers, allowing you to engage in construction.
  2. Registration of a license for the design of various kinds of structures.
  3. Obtaining permits for conducting surveys of an engineering nature.

You will also need to visit Rospotrebnadzor and the emergency department.

What does a construction company do?

You can open a highly specialized or large-scale small construction business. Where to begin? Determine the range of services in demand among the population. For example, a construction firm can:

  • to erect various buildings and structures, both partially and on a turnkey basis;
  • to engage in repair and installation work;
  • lease machinery, equipment and construction tools;
  • develop projects;
  • materials.

The breadth of the field of activity directly affects the number of investors required to start.

Required personnel

A construction company cannot do without:

  • architect or designer;
  • accountant;
  • personnel officer;
  • supplier;
  • foreman.

Your own lawyer will not be superfluous either.

Each team should include qualified carpenters and electricians. The issuance of a state license largely depends on the availability of higher education from the bulk of the company's employees.

If we are talking about a small company, then it is much more advisable to use the services of a hired accountant. The advantage lies in the absence of a monthly salary, since payment is made upon completion of the work.

Where can I find orders?

You can receive an order through one of the following methods:

  • Winning the tender. Before submitting an application, you must carefully read the terms and conditions.
  • Conclusion of an agreement with a construction company. For example, some can build walls, while others do the decoration.
  • Become a subcontractor of a large organization - the executor of a large-scale project.

The most reliable way to become popular in the construction industry is to take a responsible approach to fulfilling any order. The positive reputation in the market has not hurt anyone yet.

Whatever surprises await us in the political and economic life of the country, three things that people were in demand were, are, and will always remain unchanged: food, clothing, and housing. And lately, no matter what anyone says there, the incomes of the population are growing, the population itself is growing (what a demographic crisis there is!).

The “appetites” of people who need to invest money somewhere (real estate is a great topic!), And who want to live in accordance with their ideas of a good life - that is, in cozy, comfortable, well-renovated houses and apartments are also growing. On this wave, the construction business is just a "golden niche" in which the "busy" sign never hangs. Buying a ready-made business costs a lot of money, so the question of how to start a construction business from scratch worries many entrepreneurs who have decided to turn their eyes to the construction industry.

Need a business plan

What can you do - without a clear understanding, fixed on paper, what, how, when, and why you need to do, you simply cannot do. Setting a goal, the timing of its implementation - all this consciously and subconsciously will move you step by step along the intended path. In addition, a business plan is needed if you decide to apply for a loan from the bank. After all, the construction business is not cheap. After drawing up a business plan, if you are confident in your abilities and are determined to make your plans a reality, it is time to register your business activity. I wrote about how to do this in my previous publications - and.

Purchase of tools, machinery, and equipment

You can do nothing with your bare hands, armed with enthusiasm alone - you need a tool and a technique. Choose everything you need depending on what kind of construction business you will be engaged in. By the way, this is the very first thing you should do, even before drawing up a business plan. For those who are starting from scratch, it is relevant to consider the following options in demand:

  • Decoration and renovation of apartments and houses.
  • Construction of country houses.
  • Turnkey construction of houses, such as container houses.
  • Construction of baths, gazebos.

Recruitment of working personnel

Naturally, the personnel must be qualified, experienced, passed "fire and water", who ate more than a dozen "dogs" in construction. Decide on the specialties of your workers yourself, again based on what kind of construction you will be engaged in. As the practice of small construction organizations shows, the permanent "backbone" of the construction team should be at least five people - masters in various fields. Additional people can be brought in as needed.

Search for orders

According to statistics, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the first clients of start-up entrepreneurs are their acquaintances, friends, and relatives. Therefore, when searching for orders, immediately turn your attention in this direction. Of course, advertising in the local media should be mandatory.

Create your own website on the Internet, where you can post photos of samples of your work. Think over a flexible system of discounts. Try to take part in construction tenders. Focus on your region, you need to expand gradually, only when you feel that you are already confidently standing at the current stage of development. Most importantly, do not be afraid to start a construction business from scratch. This was done by every second today's owner of a large construction company. If they succeed, you will succeed!

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Every year hundreds of people across the country apply wallpaper, build houses, lay floors and change plumbing. They are not able to perform most of these works on their own, as a result of which they invite masters. If you look at the scale, the idea of ​​investing your money in the construction business seems very attractive. The construction business is very profitable, but a rather difficult enterprise to implement, requiring maximum professionalism and dedication, because clients trust only the best. How to start a construction business, how to act to achieve its maximum efficiency - read below.

Business characteristics

Before starting a construction business from scratch, it is necessary to clearly outline the scope of its responsibilities, goals and means.

In the first place for such companies, it is usually the profit that is sufficient to cover and cover the costs. In addition, the firm provides the government with a service, providing the population with jobs, training, and sometimes even accommodation. This leads to a decrease in the unemployment rate and an increase in the number of highly qualified specialists in the construction business.

A high percentage of the company's payback is ensured through a wide range of services. Before starting a construction business, outline the circle of your opportunities.

It can be:

  • Interior and exterior design services;
  • Decoration or cosmetic repair services;
  • Floor laying;
  • Wallpaper gluing and preparatory work;
  • Development of architectural projects and drawings;
  • Plumbing installation;
  • Electrician work and other services.

In addition to direct repair work, you can conduct free consultations, cost estimates, draw up individual schedules that are convenient for the client.

The work usually takes several stages:

  • Negotiations with a potential employer;
  • Departure to the site for inspection and measurements of the apartment;
  • Budgeting;
  • Signing contracts;
  • Purchase of materials;
  • Directly repair.

Legal registration

When a rough outline of the goals and characteristics of the company is made, it's time to move on to calculating funds. How to open a construction business from scratch without calculating financial investments and not distributing them according to points? No way.

If opening a construction company is a done deal, go ahead and register.

Register your company as LLC.

What should be done?

  • Come up with a name for the company;
  • Find a room (the office of the company will be located at this address);
  • Availability of authorized capital;
  • The presence of founders;
  • Permission to carry out certain types of construction activities (design of houses, construction, engineering work).
  • A number of documents will also be required, for example, copies of passports, the address of the legal entity, information on the authorized capital and functions of the company. To avoid paperwork, you can hire lawyers who will complete all the paperwork and charge up to $ 100 for it. You can also purchase a ready-made company with a package of documents.
  • In addition, you need to join a self-regulatory organization, since without membership in this body, any type of construction work other than cosmetic repairs is prohibited at the legislative level.

Start-up capital

Search for premises

Most often, construction firms work "on the road", that is, employees do not sit in the office, but come directly to the place of work. The only space you need is an office. There will be meetings with clients, calculation of employees. Accounting, documentation, electronic databases, drawings, estimates will also be stored there. Renting an office will cost an entrepreneur 5-10 thousand dollars.

A little tip: don't start a construction business in a capital or big city. The competition in this business is very high and even a well-structured and very responsible company will find it difficult to squeeze into this market.

Purchase or rental of equipment

The purchase of equipment may seem to you the most expensive item in a business plan. How to start a construction business if you do not have cranes, excavators and other necessary and useful things? It is quite possible, because they are not always required. In order not to buy too much, use leasing (simply renting equipment). Instead of purchasing a crane, you can rent it for a specific type of work and then return it when it is no longer needed. And in the same way, you can rent out your equipment if you purchased it and it is idle.


By the time the company starts working, almost everything is ready. But before you open a construction business, you need to recruit a team. The selection of labor resources requires a responsible approach: there is always a chance to run into irresponsible people. It is best to take one representative of all types of work performed by the company and entrust these people with the collection of work teams.

You will need the following employees:

  1. Director;
  2. Designer;
  3. Driver;
  4. Security guard;
  5. Specialized workers in construction and repair;
  6. Architect and designer;
  7. Programmer;
  8. Accountant;
  9. Lawyers and economists.

Salaries for employees are negotiable. On average, they are around $ 400 and up.

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The promotion of a company can be not only a booklet or a billboard. You promote yourself and achieve fame, including through tenders, interaction with the state and other companies. Building strong partnerships will go a long way towards building your status and fame. Well, the standard advertising measures - videos on TV and on the Internet, a website, brochures, promotions. The main thing is to use every opportunity.

In general, the construction business is highly competitive, complex to organize, and costly. It is advisable to start if you have already worked in any other types of business. The best advice on how to develop a construction business would be to organize its work in several directions at once.

Construction is one of the most promising and highly profitable types of business. Construction services are in demand in any crisis, at any time and anywhere in our country. We will tell you how to open a construction company from scratch, how to choose the right type of activity and how to organize everything correctly.


Getting into the construction business is not easy, but still, even for beginners, there are many ways to do it with minimal investment. The main thing is to create a quality business plan. Also, you should immediately think over a real development strategy, taking into account the fact that you will probably have to get loans.

The construction business is quite profitable and promising

The competition in this market is quite tough. Every year, dozens of construction companies are opened, which are fighting for their place in the sun, knocking down prices and providing a wide range of services. But upon closer examination, it turns out that there are very few really high-quality construction companies - many are in pursuit of profits, saving on materials, personnel, projects and other things, which instantly leads to a deterioration in the quality of work.

In order to start, you need to provide your clients with the maximum possible number of services, ideally, do everything on a turnkey basis. They don't have to look for third-party contractors or hire teams - you provide everything. A quality company offers the following services:

  1. Delivery of all building materials and unloading on site.
  2. Services for creating a project, design project, development of a unique design.
  3. High-quality and professional specialists capable of performing any construction services.
  4. The ability to help the customer with the paperwork and permits.

Usually construction companies have their own work profile:

  1. Private construction.
  2. Industrial engineering.
  3. Road construction.

Note: the easiest way to start is with private construction. You will gain the necessary experience, develop the necessary connections, gain a reputation and start-up capital to move to the next level.

How to start

Let's take a look at where to start a construction business and what prospects you will have. If you do not have serious money for the purchase of construction equipment, etc., then it is most logical to start with the creation of a qualified repair and construction team. Start making repairs, laying out fences, building sheds and baths. You will earn a name and capital for yourself.

The construction business requires a good investment, but pays off quickly

Be sure to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, conclude formal agreements with clients, pay taxes - this is the only way to avoid serious problems, permanent fines and "scams" from unscrupulous clients. Of course, everything must be done efficiently, so be sure to find yourself a qualified team that will be tuned in to the result. Create your own portal on the Internet, register on various construction sites and offer your services. Positive feedback from users will be an excellent impetus for you - high-quality teams are worth their weight in gold, and their work is scheduled for six months in advance. You will be able to quickly develop, capturing more and more new niches, engaging in more responsible and serious projects.