Notifications. Strange death of the director of "Ural dumplings" Death of one of the Ural dumplings

  • 18.11.2021

Alexey Lyutikov, whose biography is presented in the article, was one of the brightest participants in the game in KVN. Having left the team "Service Entrance" in 1997, he disappeared from the screens. His fate was little known to the layman, until in August 2016 the media reported about his death in a hotel in Yekaterinburg.

Way to KVN

A native of the small town of Fatezh (Kursk region), Alexey Lyutikov was born on 2.06.1974. He was born with a cleft lip and was ridiculed and bullied by his peers. Even then, there were heart problems, for the boy could not help but worry about childish cruelty. Salvation was the school KVN, on the stage of which he caused deafening laughter in the audience. But it was a different laugh - a reaction to witty jokes without teasing his appearance. An exciting game became his destiny.

The young man underwent five most difficult facial surgeries, but the consequences of the congenital anomaly remained noticeable until the end of his days. Having worked out for himself the principle that you can only rely on yourself in life, Alexey Lyutikov, for whom KVN became a vocation, entered the pedagogical institute of the city of Kursk. Having received the profession of a social psychologist, in 1993, the young man became a member of the Kurian team “Service Entrance”.

Frontman of the KVN team

The young men did not go to their success for long. Already in 1997, they brilliantly reached the semifinals, beating the popular Uralskiye Pelmeni team in the 1/8 finals in a face-to-face meeting. Among them, the captain, Aleksey Lyutikov, stood out, making jokes with an absolutely serious expression on his face. He was followed with interest, he was quoted as saying:

  • "This is the country behind the Jews, and behind us is the stop."
  • "We work out sponsorship bread with our butt."
  • "KVN heals calluses!"

After the team did not pass the semi-final stage, the frontman left the team due to disagreements with the guys. They were considered the leaders of the 1998 season, but without their captain they took off at an early stage, unable to move further to the professional level.

Follow-up, personal life

Lyutikov managed to catch hold of in Moscow, but he never appeared on stage. He started a family early, so he needed to get on his feet. Since 2006, Alexey Lyutikov began to cooperate with the Comedy Club, heading the direction of regional development. His responsibilities included the creation of local branches of a stand-up club. Since 2013, he began cooperation with Novy Kanal, and in 2014 he was appointed executive producer of First Hand Media, led by Sergei Netievsky. He headed the humorous show "Ural dumplings" created in 2009.

By this time, Lyutikov already had two children: a son, born when Alexei was only 20, and a daughter, who was successfully engaged in rhythmic gymnastics. A little later, she will enter the youth team. Never missing her important starts, in August 2016, for some reason, Alexey Lyutikov broke this tradition.

"Ural dumplings" - the last project of the showman

"Ural dumplings" needed a professional who would know firsthand Moscow show business. In the summer of 2015, the team had a conflict with the head of Netievsky, whose firm owned the trademark of the creative team. Despite the fact that he brought the guys to STS and did a lot for the team, disagreements arose about the further development of the project. He took over the leadership and there was no one to do business in Moscow. This is how Alexey Lyutikov appeared in Uralskiye Dumplings.

He is blamed for stirring up the conflict and litigation, as a result of which Sergei Netievsky regained his position as head of the show. There was a process to return the trademark to the founders. Being engaged in financial affairs, Lyutikov presented the children with documents, from which it followed that the manager's income was significantly different from the artists' fees. Be that as it may, he himself went into work headlong, having concluded an unprecedented contract for the team - 12 performances in Sochi in the summer of 2016. On his return from the tour on 08/08/2016, he was supposed to fly to his family in Moscow, but for some reason returned from the airport to the Angelo hotel.

Causes of death

His corpse was discovered on August 10 by the hotel maid. He spent the whole week in his room alone, emptying the minibar, and then ordering brandy from the restaurant. Suffering from heart failure, the body could not cope with the abundance of alcohol. Presumably, the showman died from thromboembolism, having fallen on the table while losing consciousness. As a result, the face was injured by shards of glass from a glass, so the version of a violent death was initially put forward. The artist's family refused to initiate a criminal case, recognizing the fact of death from natural causes.

It remains a mystery why the showman did not fly to Moscow. These days, his daughter took part in demonstration performances, and for the first time his father was not in the hall. What did Alexey Lyutikov think about in the last hours? Uralskie Pelmeni in an official appeal acknowledged his contribution to the development of the creative team and expressed condolences to his family and loved ones. And in the press rumors spread about the possible debts of Lyutikov and the alleged termination of the contract with him.

True fans of KVN are really sorry that the once talented captain Kuryan decided to leave the stage.

Members of the creative association "Uralskie dumplings" became famous back in the 90s, when they performed in KVN. Following the victory in the 2000 season finale, money came for fame: Yekaterinburg residents became the stars of the STS TV channel and began to travel with their shows throughout the country. In the wake of popularity, the team twice - in 2013 and 2015 - was included in the ranking of the richest showbiz artists, earning $ 2.8 million and $ 800 thousand, respectively.

The price of tickets for the concerts of "Ural dumplings" reached tens of thousands of rubles, and the new program was broadcast in prime time on the federal air about once every two months. The quarrel looked all the more unexpected from the outside.

How did it happen that former friends only talk to each other through their representatives in the courtrooms?

On October 21, 2015, information appeared that Sergei Netievsky had left the post of director of the show. At first, the former kaveenschiks did not speak out about the reasons for such a decision, which only contributed to the spread of rumors: "the guys expressed distrust to him", "financial conflict", "Netievsky has many projects on the side."

Later on the same day, the general director of Uralskiye Pelmeni Production (produces the show) Alexey Lyutikov expressed the team's official position. As usual: "The decision to change the director was a simple management move that will increase efficiency." The problem was Netievsky's residence in Moscow, at some point this caused discomfort among his colleagues.

- There were many rumors, including that the reason for the resignation was a financial conflict. What happened?

Sergei felt cramped in Yekaterinburg. He himself said more than once in an interview that he had become a Muscovite, that he was much more comfortable in the capital. In other words, Sergei has ceased to be a “dumpling in a pan” and has become a “fish in water”.

As for rumors about political or financial disputes, we do not even comment on this. We do not want to make excuses to anyone. We are honest with each other. We have no behind-the-scenes games, kitchen secrets. We find it funny to read about this in the media.

- Will Netievsky remain in the team?

No one is kicked out, no one is fired. Now Sergey will be working on his projects in Moscow, and we wish him success in this. If Sergei Netievsky wants to continue working as a team, then we will sit down with him and discuss everything.

Next year is the anniversary of KVN, followed by the anniversary of Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov. We will be happy to invite both Sergei Svetlakov and Sergei Netievsky.

- Have you and the other team members managed to maintain friendly relations with him?

Certainly. I think that this is such a feature of the Urals people - we are kind, reasonable people. Normal, friendly relations are important for us, because it is easier to live this way. The main value is decency and good attitude towards each other, which we will always keep in the team.

At the same time, Sergei Netievsky tried to launch an entertainment project "Show from Air". The co-author was Alexander Pushnoy, known for his scientific and entertainment program Galileo. It was planned that the program will go to STS.

In February 2016, the unofficial leader of the Uralskiye dumplings. “Netievsky went his own way ... I will not wash dirty linen in public. The situation here is too complicated. It has not yet been fully resolved, therefore ... ”- he said.

In the spring, two participants announced their interests outside the show: Vyacheslav Myasnikov collected his good songs into an album, and Yulia Mikhalkova wanted to go to the State Duma and. “I didn’t act naked. I had a photo session in an information magazine, ”- this is how the prima of“ Uralskiye dumplings ”reacted to the question about filming in Maxim.

As it turned out, many of the team's legal issues were tied to Netievsky. To move away from the past life, Sergey Isaev came up with a branding update. The winner of the competition for the best logo was promised money.

As it turned out, Sergei Netievsky himself was against changing the status quo and did not agree with his dismissal. The showman felt that he had been inappropriately notified. On June 1, the arbitration court began to investigate labor relations and the form of their termination.

A month later, the court sided with the ex-director. During that meeting, Olga Yuryeva, a lawyer for Uralskiye Dumplings, suggested that in fact, Netievsky did not need a chair: “This process is a way to block and slow down the process that is now underway in the Moscow Arbitration. The essence of the matter is that we are challenging the transfer of a trademark from one company, where Netievsky owned 10%, to another, where he owns 100%. "

At the same time, Uralskiye Pelmeni filed a lawsuit to invalidate the decision to alienate Netievsky's company of exclusive rights to a verbal trademark worth 400 million rubles.

August 10 in the room of the Angelo hotel. The team went underground for a month and did not speak to reporters.

In October, the 17th Arbitration Court of Appeal upheld the decision of the lower instance, confirming that the director of the creative association is Sergei Netievsky.

By December, the opposing sides seem to be. In theory, such an outcome suited everyone. Netievsky, though de jure, was reinstated in his post, but he had no real influence on the team, and the participants of the "Ural dumplings" did not need a formal, but a leading superstructure.

In the last week of 2016, the comedians at their meeting elected a new director:.

In May 2017, Uralskiye Pelmeni lost the trademark appeal. Lawyer Yevgeny Dedkov said that the right to the brand was already on the balance sheet of the plaintiff, his client Sergei Netievsky issued a sign for the group when he was in the status of director of "pelmeni". And for some reason, comedians still continue to sue.

By the summer, a new litigation began between Netievsky and Uralskiye dumplings. Lyutikov's successor as CEO, Evgeny Orlov, said that from the sale of the show on STS and touring activities. To do this, he organized the Idea Fix Media company, which, in fact, became the owner of all the Pelmeni programs.

“In general, there have always been hints that something is unclean. He considers his actions to be legitimate. Nine people are wrong and he is right! He said, “This is business. In Moscow, all producers do this. " That is, for some reason he imagines himself to be our producer. Although everyone in our team has an equal contribution to the common cause, and incomes should also be equal, ”Dmitry Sokolov said at the time.

Sergei Netievsky, commenting on the accusations, expressed regret that his former comrades fell under the bad influence. “A television product is created not only by actors and authors, it is created and promoted by the work of a well-coordinated production company team led by producers. I did a great job as a producer and really made a popular TV show out of the Uralskiye Pelmeni KVN team! Launching a TV project is a different, compared to actors and authors, a higher level of responsibility, risk and, accordingly, it is a different payment, ”the producer explained his point of view.

On July 17, the court again sided with Netievsky - at that time the claims of Uralskiye Dumplings were that the ex-director sold the rights to the anniversary concert “We are 16 years old. Because gladiolus! ”Without warning the team about it. Sergei took the money from the deal, according to the "Uralskiye dumplings", for himself.

A new round of litigation started in the fall. Firstly, in the Moscow Arbitration Court, a trial was held against Dmitry Sokolov, Sergey Kalugin, Vyacheslav Myasnikov. Sergei Netievsky's company - Fest Hand Media LLC- asks to cancel under contracts with its subsidiary. The court dismissed the claim.

Secondly, other claims from Fest Hand Media LLC to Uralskiye Pelmeny Production, where the plaintiff claims that Evgeny Orlov, as CEO of Idea Fix Media, caused damage to the company. He allegedly sold 73 archival concerts to Uralskiye Pelmeni Production for 861 thousand rubles, after which Uralskiye Pelmeni Production transferred the recordings to STS for 231.3 million rubles. The first instance rejected the claim, after which Fest Hand Media filed an appeal.

And the other day the Sverdlovsk Arbitration Court started considering the next application of the "Ural dumplings". The lawyers want, which he allegedly appropriated for himself while he served as director of the UP. Netievsky spent these funds through his own individual entrepreneur, although there was no need for this, the representative of Pelmeny said, the plaintiff believes.

On February 28, the director of one of the legal entities - LLC Creative Association Uralskiye Pelmeni- became Natalia Tkacheva, replacing Andrei Rozhkov. She was previously responsible for media communications.

To be continued.

On the eve of the general director of the show "Ural dumplings" Alexei Lyutikov was found dead in a hotel room in Yekaterinburg. The news shocked the entire project team. The man lived in the hotel since the second of August. The maid found Lyutikov's body. For a long time, none of the "Ural dumplings" commented on this tragic news, and the publications only quoted the hotel worker who found the corpse. The investigation is currently conducting a check on the fact of death.

Forensic experts managed to find out the cause of Lyutikov's death. According to some information, the man died due to dilated cardiomyopathy, the version of violent death is excluded. For a long time he suffered from myocardial disease, which caused distension of the heart cavities. Also, Alexei developed heart failure and heart rhythm disturbances, which caused thromboembolism, which resulted in the death of the former KVN participant.

Representatives of the Sverdlovsk police found a huge number of empty alcohol bottles next to Lyutikov's body. The general director of Uralskiye dumplings did not leave the room for more than a week, and there was a Do Not Disturb sign on the door.

In addition, drugs were found in Lyutikov's room to reduce blood pressure. The investigation is checking all drugs found in the hotel room.

As it became known, it was alcohol that caused an exacerbation of heart problems. In the last minutes of his life, according to, the man was next to the table, on which there was a glass glass. Due to cardiomyopathy, he lost consciousness and fell on the table, injuring himself on the glass. It was these wounds that initially suggested that the man died as a result of a violent death.

In the official group of the show "Ural dumplings" in the social network today there was a post in which the team honored the memory of Alexei. Fans of the creativity of the KVN team leave condolences to the relatives of the deceased Lyutikov.

“We regret to inform you that the General Director of the company producing the Uralskiye Pelmeni show, Alexey Lyutikov, has passed away. Alexey went through a difficult but interesting life path. He was both a successful captain of the KVN team, and a top manager of large production facilities, and a talented leader in the television industry. Alexey did a lot for the Uralskiye Pelmeni project. He put all his skill and accumulated experience into the show, brought it to a new level, and, thanks to his efforts, the project had the opportunity to develop freely and independently, got a second wind, a second life ... ", - said in the message.

Recently, Alexei had problems with the previous director of Uralskiye dumplings. According to Lyutikov, Sergei Netievsky earned much more than the artists. Alexey himself was responsible for the activities of the team in Moscow. Netievsky reportedly sued and won the case. According to some reports, the ex-captain of KVN was even persecuted for debts.

Lyutikov is survived by a wife and two children. According to the wife of a former KVN participant, he really suffered from heart problems. The Uralskiye Dumplings team also notes that the busy schedule of life undermined the director's health and became the reason for his sudden death.

Published on 8/11/16 09:07 AM

Former captain of KVN "Service Entrance" Alexey Lyutikov was wounded before his death, and medical supplies were found in his rooms, according to the media.

The death of the director of "Ural dumplings" Alexei Lyutikov on August 10, 2016: the death of the former KVN player was hidden until the last moment

Director of Uralskiye Dumplings Aleksey Lyutikov was found dead in the midst of a corporate conflict in the team. URA.Ru journalists were the first to go to the scene of the incident, to the Angelo hotel, and collected all the available information.

Information about the death of the director of "Ural dumplings" Alexei Lyutikov came as an insider from readers. The body of a 42-year-old man was found without signs of violent death in a room at the Angelo Hotel. In spite of intkbbee the statements of the security officials, the staff of the hotel complex categorically denied the fact of the death of the guest and did it very professionally.

Most of the interviewed hotel guests did not see the police, much less how the body was taken out. According to informed sources in the ambulance service, Lyutikov was last seen alive at the hotel on the night of August 10, about 2.20 minutes.

The man caught the eye of the attendants, and his corpse was found by the maid the next day. According to one of the versions, Buttercups on this day, at about noon, could be evicted from Angelo, where he had lived since August 2.

The creative team did not know about the stay in Yekaterinburg of the director of "Uralskiye dumplings", a Muscovite. Moreover, no one knew about his stay at the hotel.

The ambulance doctors, who arrived as quickly as possible, had only to record "biological death for an unknown reason" - this is the official wording in the document. They also confirm the information from the investigating authorities (the investigation of the death is being conducted by the investigative department of the Sverdlovsk Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the Oktyabrsky District) that the room was filled with bottles of expensive alcohol.

The autopsy, which will take place on Thursday, August 11, will show what caused the death of Alexei Lyutikov. This will at least exclude the version of clonidine poisoning, which has been practiced by prostitutes at all times. The hotel security service categorically denies even the likelihood of such an emergency. Forensic experts must determine the level of alcohol in the body, as well as whether pure ethanol could lead to death.

Versions of the death of the director of "Ural dumplings" Lyutikov

It is known that the members of the Creative Association Uralskiye Pelmeni LLC (and this is almost the entire famous team of the Sverdlovsk KVN) are in a corporate dispute with their longtime director Sergei Netievsky. About a year ago, he was fired from his post due to financial disagreements between the team members: it is believed that Netievsky was hiding the amount of the show's profits from the actors. This information is said to have been disclosed and made public by Mr. Lyutikov, who was Netievsky's assistant.

Litigation between the former comrades continues: the first court was won by Netievsky, but a couple of days before Lyutikov's death, his side filed a claim with the appellate instance.

The publication notes that the director of the "Ural dumplings" Alexey Lyutikov was wounded before his death. On condition of anonymity, the experts told the details and circumstances of the showman's death. A suspicious chest wound was found in the region of the heart. Death occurred in the morning, around 10 am on August 10.

However, later in the UK they denied this information.

“We do not confirm the information about the injury. There are no signs of a criminal death. An autopsy will be performed today, ”said Alexander Shulga, senior assistant to the head of the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the Sverdlovsk Region, in response to a request from RIA Novosti.

“Emergency call at about 15:00. The ambulance arrived promptly - within a few minutes. We found the corpse of a man lying at the door of the room on his stomach in only his underpants, his head on the threshold to the bathroom. The room was a big mess, the bottles were everywhere - somewhere whole, somewhere broken. There were traces of vomiting in places. On examination, a chain, a cross and some kind of pendant were found on the neck - all items made of yellow metal, ”the interlocutor quotes According to him, the man had a ring on his finger, which meant that no one had robbed him.

By all indications, in particular by the way the corpse was lying, death could have occurred from thromboembolism or as a result of a massive heart attack.

Medicines found in the room of the director of "Uralskiye dumplings"

Drugs for lowering blood pressure were found in the room of the Yekaterinburg hotel, where the body of the director of the "Ural dumplings" Alexei Lyutikov was found, Valery Gorelykh, head of the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Sverdlovsk Region, told RIA Novosti.

"The information that some narcotic pills were found in the room does not correspond to reality. Drugs were found there to reduce blood pressure. They, along with the rest of the material evidence, were added to the materials of the check. - said Gorelykh.

The death of Alexei Lyutikov is a shock for the "Ural dumplings" and their fans

One of the founders of the Uralskiye Pelmeni team, Sergei Netievsky, told a TASS correspondent by phone that he was shocked by the death of the team's general director.

"It's just a shock for me. I can't even say anything about this. I still can't believe that all this happened, is it really so. I can't comment on anything, because I am in Moscow and do not know everything," - said Netievsky.

Other members of the show are not yet available for comment.

The head of the press service of the Sverdlovsk police, Valery Gorelykh, noted that Lyutikov's death came as a shock to all fans of Uralskiye Dumplings. “I myself am a fan of this team. I would like to personally express my condolences to the relatives of Alexei Lyutikov. This is an irreparable loss for the team,” Gorelykh said.

As previously reported, the body of the director of the show "Uralskie dumplings" without external signs of violence was found in the Angelo hotel, which is located near the airport in Yekaterinburg. In addition to the version about excessive consumption of alcohol, another probable cause of death of Alexei Lyutikov could be heart problems.

According to preliminary data, Buttercup has been living at the Angelo Hotel since August 2, 2016. His body was discovered by a maid on the afternoon of August 10. Doctors who promptly went to the scene recorded "biological death for an unknown reason," reports URA.Ru with reference to its sources.


Lyutikov's colleagues from the "Ural dumplings" did not know about his stay in the city. “He was in Yekaterinburg, but left a long time ago,” a source surrounded by the team told the publication in bewilderment.

It also turned out that on July 20, 2016, the cavalry team returned from a tour in Sochi. After that, Lyutikov announced that he was flying to Moscow, the Komsomolskaya Pravda website reports, citing an informed source.

The head of the press service of the Sverdlovsk police, Valery Gorelykh, told the publication that on the day the body was found, a sign was hung at the entrance to Lyutikov's room asking not to disturb. Many alcohol bottles were found next to the corpse.

This information was confirmed by the staff of the Angelo hotel. One of them, on condition of anonymity, told the regional portal E1.RU details about Lyutikov's stay in Yekaterinburg.

"He drove in on August 2, paid until today. On the first day he looked normal, did not stand out. By the weekend, he began to call the reception every day with a request to refill the mini-bar - they brought him alcohol," the source said. He added that Angelo's staff, under threat of dismissal, were banned from communicating with the media about the death of the Kaveener.

In addition, Valery Gorelov told TASS that drugs were found in the room to reduce blood pressure. They were withdrawn as material evidence. According to the head of the press service, law enforcement agencies have no reason to believe that there were drugs at the scene.

Let us remind you that on August 10 at the Yekaterinburg hotel Angelo the director of "Ural dumplings" Alexey Lyutikov. The regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs confirmed the information about his death. No traces of violent death were found in the body.