Andrey Cherny producer Yuliana Karaulova biography. Yulianna Karaulova: “There is not enough time for a wedding

  • 20.06.2019

Quite recently it gained incredible popularity Russian singer, whose name is now known to everyone - Yulianna Karaulova. For the first time she appeared in public as a participant television project called "Star Factory-5". In addition, the girl was a soloist modern group"5sta Family" What secrets does the past and present of this star keep?

Childhood and biography

On April 24, 1988, Yulianna was born in Moscow. She grew up in a fairly wealthy and intelligent diplomatic family. However, when she was four years old, her family moved to Sofia, Bulgaria. The thing is that her dad held an honorary position there. The girl received her education in this country at the Russian Embassy.

More from early years She began to get interested in vocals, so she often organized concerts at home for her parents and guests. The family immediately noticed their daughter's talent and made a decision regarding her vocal training and music lessons. In addition, Julianna visited figure skating and dancing.

She first performed at the age of six on the stage of her school, after which almost all school concerts took place with her direct participation. When the girl was ten years old, she participated in a special vocal competition in Bulgaria called “Dobrich”. There she receives a certificate from the famous Bulgarian singer Lilia Ivanova for her artistry and professionalism.

Having lived in Bulgaria for eight years, the young singer decides to return to her homeland in Moscow in order to continue to develop her vocal skills at a professional level. She studied at school number 1106 and at the same time studied music, while taking direct part in various competitive programs.

Creative path

2003 brings her second place in a direct competition called “Face of the Year.” She was fifteen years old then. After two years, a well-known magazine announced the recruitment of girls as soloists in the group “YES!” After the selection, the jury chose three girls, one of which was Karaulova. Four songs were recorded in their composition, after which it broke up.

Yulianna Karaulova with the soloists of the group "5sta Famili"

After that, all three soloists tried their hand during the casting of “Star Factory-5”, but luck smiled only on Juliana. As a result, she ends up in the group of producer Max Fadeev “Netsuke”, which consisted of three girls. But still, it did not become popular and after a certain time it simply broke up, despite the fact that one video was even shot.

Yulianna Karaulova in the video "Houston"

The girl decides to go to get higher education in the direction of journalism, however, he changes his mind and enters the Gnesinka Faculty of Vocal Pop and Jazz. In addition to her studies, she works at YES magazine and holds the position of editor. She completes her studies with honors, where she later received a second education as a producer.

Yulianna Karaulova and DJ Pavlov in the video "Broken Love"

Yuliana Karaulova and ST in the video "Sea"

In 2011, she took the place of lead singer in a group called “5sta Family”, while working as an editor. In 2012 they released the album “Why”, after which, within next year record the song “Together We”, which ultimately receives the Golden Gramophone award.

Personal life

The first is enough high-profile romance there was a relationship with Ruslan Masyukov, who, like her, took part in “Star Factory-5”. They lasted for two years. However, the couple broke up for the reason that the chosen one insisted on completing it musical career, but the girl was not ready for such a drastic step.

Andrey Cherny and Yulianna Karaulova

Today, Yulianna is dating Andrei Cherny, who is a sound producer. So far there is not even talk about starting a family, since now the main thing for the guys is their career.

Biographies famous musicians read

Yulianna Karaulova wanted to formalize her relationship with her lover, music producer Andrei Cherny, in the spring. Moreover, they even named a specific date – April 22. However, the lovers canceled the wedding. It turned out that Yulianna and Andrey simply did not have time to organize everything by this date.


"We really wanted to get married in April, but there were a lot of problems. organizational issues. They need to be resolved, and we are unlikely to have time before April. Therefore, we will most likely postpone our wedding to the summer,” Sobesednik quotes Karaulova.

In the meantime, the singer manages to combine preparation for the main event in her life and work. Recently, the artist performed on a sphere from which she almost fell. “My fatal mistake was that I rehearsed my number without heels. And since the structure was unstable, while I was singing, I was forced to catch my balance every second. I was afraid of staggering and falling. I grabbed the sphere with both hands. But I think this: if you want to live, You won’t get so excited!” – noted the popular singer.

Let us remember that at the end of 2016 Yulianna Karaulova received a marriage proposal from music producer Andrei Cherny during the filming of a New Year's program at the VDNH skating rink. According to the singer, she did not expect that at a working moment Andrei would invite her to become her wife.

According to Andrei Cherny, he was very worried that Yulianna would refuse him. “She’s a creative person, and when she’s working, it’s better not to touch her, but here I am with a ring, in front of the cameras... I was ready for anything,” noted the producer.

AND Andrey Cherny They have been dating for more than five years, but only last year the sound producer proposed to the singer. The wedding was supposed to take place last spring in Georgia. But suddenly, 29-year-old Yulianna Karaulova announced that the celebration was cancelled. Both colleagues and fans decided that the couple had broken up. The singer denied the rumors, saying that the reason is different: she dreams of a luxurious wedding, which will be organized on this moment impossible due to busy work schedule. The 34-year-old groom and his famous bride decided to refuse the services of a wedding agency, but were unable to prepare everything on their own, so they postponed the celebration indefinitely. According to Julianna, they will return to this topic again when they have more free time.

“If we’re going to have a wedding, then a good, fairy-tale one. After all, I want to believe that she will be the only one in life. And so we began to meet with different agencies, negotiate with hotels... But the more we immersed ourselves in all this, the more we became convinced that organizing a wedding was great job. I’m not the kind of person to leave everything to an agency; I need to control it myself. Very respected, public people were supposed to come to us, and we could not lose face in front of them. But there was still no confidence that all our guests would be greeted with dignity, taken to their destination, accommodated and fed. In general, it became clear that the idea with the mountains of Georgia was a serious hassle. Besides, then I had just started collaborating with Yana Rudkovskaya, we needed to finish the album, shoot videos and so on. I understood that if I started to be closely involved in organizing our celebration now, I would simply get out of the creative process and out of my tour schedule. It will not be possible to do everything well at the same time. In general, we decided to postpone the wedding for now. When we’re a little freer, we’ll be able to prepare her properly,” the singer said.

Yulianna Karaulova and Andrey Cherny

Yulianna also admitted that she had been waiting for a marriage proposal for more than five years and even began to worry and complain to her friends. And when the sound producer finally asked the cherished question in front of twelve cameras and a hundred people, she called him a fool. Later, the singer admitted that she answered that way because she was very nervous, and now she is glad that Andrei was not offended then.

“It all worked out because my friend organized this shoot. And about a month in advance, she asked me to post an announcement on my blog: if someone wants to surprise someone - to congratulate someone in an unusual way, to apologize for something or to ask them to get married - there is an opportunity to do so on New Year's show. And then, on the eve of filming, she told me that there was a guy who wants to propose to the girl. I believed that my role was to congratulate them. And then Andrei comes up to me... Then, when I found out all the circumstances, my heart completely thawed. It turns out that the day before he went to my parents and asked for their consent... That is, he took the proposal very seriously. Moreover, my dad said with humor: “Well, if we answer “no” now, what then?” Naturally, it was a joke. I also have two very close friends, Andrei consulted with both of them on which ring was best to buy so that I would like it,” the singer said in an interview with “7 Days” magazine.

Andrey Cherny proposes to Yulianna Karaulova

Let us remember that Andrei Cherny and Yulianna Karaulova first met when the singer was only 17 years old. For the next seven years, they were connected only by friendship, which gradually grew into a relationship. On December 23, 2016, Andrei Cherny proposed to Yulianna Karaulova right during the recording of the New Year's lights at VDNKh for the TVC channel. The wedding was supposed to take place on April 22. Now the singer is actively pursuing her career, touring Russia and serving on the jury for two seasons of the television project “

Yulianna Karaulova and Andrey Cherny have known each other for more than 10 years. They first met on the Star Factory 5 project, where the guy worked as an assistant producer. The guys were friends for 7 years, and later realized that there was sympathy between them, which gradually grew into love. Andrey even managed to propose to Yulianna, and she accepted him with confidence. All fans were waiting for a beautiful wedding, but the celebration was postponed once again. What is the reason, we will find out in the article.

Meet Andrey

Yulianna Karaulova and Andrey Cherny, whose photo is presented below, first met 13 years ago. It happened on popular show"Star Factory".

At that time, Julianna was only 17 years old. The manufacturer came to the studio to try to record a song for the reporting concert. It was there that Andrei worked.

The guy remembers that the track was being recorded, when suddenly there was silence in the room. The problem was not with the technology; it turned out that Julianna was so touched by the song that she burst into tears.

Andrei was so captivated by the vulnerability of the young singer that he decided to support her in every possible way. After this, a strong friendship began between the young people, which lasted for 7 years.

But later Andrei realized that he had always loved Karaulova. He began to show signs of attention to her: he gave her flowers, wrote poetry, and invited her on dates. But Julianna was afraid of losing a true friend, so she treated the guy’s feelings coldly. But in the end she gave up, realizing that she herself had fallen in love with him.

Romantic declaration of love

Andrei Cherny courted Yulianna for a long time, proving his love. The guy understood that there was no point in delaying it any further, it was time to propose.

Bright and strong Karaulova, in fact, at heart she is vulnerable and tender. That is why Andrei decided to make an unusual marriage proposal to Julianna.

This event took place in December, at the VDNH skating rink. It was there that Julianna performed for the New Year's light, and the program was recorded.

Led the process close girlfriend singer, who explained to Karaulova that some guy after her performance wanted to ask his girlfriend to marry. Julianna had to play along and congratulate the newlyweds.

Suspecting nothing, she finished singing her hit “Out of Orbit” and prepared to watch the romantic proposal. Imagine her surprise when Andrei Cherny appeared at the skating rink with a huge bouquet of flowers and a beautiful ring.

According to Yulianna, in the first minutes she experienced embarrassment and fear, because there were a lot of spectators at VDNH. But she soon collected her thoughts and said the long-awaited: “Yes.”

After Karaulova found out that the guy took this step responsibly. The day before, he visited Julianna’s parents and took their blessing and approval for the marriage. A best friends the singers helped the guy choose the ring that the young beauty dreamed of.

After this event, everyone began to wait for the grand wedding of Yulianna Karaulova and Andrei Cherny. But as it turns out, life doesn’t always turn out the way we want.

Dream wedding

The wedding of Yulianna Karaulova and Andrei Cherny was planned for April 22, 2017. The girl admitted more than once in interviews that she wanted to make this day bright and unforgettable.

Julianna's friends came to her aid. They advised to organize Georgia. After all, there is wonderful nature there, beautiful landscapes, hospitable people.

Karaulova picked up this idea and decided to bring it to life. But, as it turned out, there was not enough time. Julianna herself has repeatedly stated that the stage and career always come first for her.

Postponement of the wedding date

The wedding preparations were entrusted to a well-known event agency. But Karaulova wanted the celebration to go according to her scenario.

Alas, there was not enough strength for everything. At that time, the singer began collaborating with Yana Rudkovskaya and simply could not let the producer down. Besides, creative process was in full swing: filming a video, recording an album, busy tour schedule.

All these events forced Yulianna Karaulova and Andrei Cherny to postpone their wedding to the summer. The singer immediately wrote in her in social networks, which fans shouldn’t worry about. According to her, as soon as she has a little more free time, she and Andrey will definitely not only register their relationship in the registry office, but also get married.

Did Karaulova and Cherny break up?

Whether fans will be able to see Yulianna Karaulova with her husband Andrei Cherny remains a mystery. After all, in the summer of 2017 the wedding did not take place either.

Rumors spread on social networks that the lovers had broken up. This was evidenced by the change in Karaulova’s repertoire. Until recently, all her love songs were funny. But the latest tracks give reason to think that the singer is not doing well in her personal life.

So her songs “I Don’t Believe” and “Just Like That” talk about loneliness and misunderstanding with a loved one.

Have Yulianna Karaulova and Andrei Cherny really broken up? The singer recently denied these rumors. According to her, now she is giving all her strength solo career. The couple made the decision to postpone the wedding carefully.

We hope that everything will work out for the lovers, and in the following articles we will definitely tell you about the fabulous and incredibly beautiful celebration of Yulianna Karaulova and Andrei Cherny.