Dynamics and static in composition: definition, examples. Kinematics, dynamics and static in physics

  • 07.07.2021

This pair of harmonization means is used to express the degree of stability of the composite form. Such stability is estimated purely emotionally, by the impression that the form produces to the viewer. This impression can come from a static or dynamic object as a whole or its parts.

Static formsaccording to the impression it is estimated as extremely stable (square, rectangle, cube, pyramid). The composition composed of similar forms is monumental, static. The main types of static forms are presented in Figure 13.

1 Symmetric form 2 metric 3 with minor

displacement of elements

4 with a combination of equal 5 with minor 6 with lightweight riding

elements of the boss elements

7 horizontal membership 8 equal location 9 with large elements


10 with a large main 11 symmetric location 12 with a highlighted center element element

Figure 13 - Main types of static forms

The composition is considered static if it is built according to the laws of classical symmetry.

Dynamic shapestypical for the forms of many modern moving design objects, primarily different moving vehicles. Often these forms are actually moved in space. The dynamic composition is based on an asymmetric solution and some impassableness. The main types of dynamic forms are presented in Figure 14.

1 shape with displaced 2 rhythmic character 3 perpendicular

from the center of the axes of the location of the elements

4 parallel location 5 lightweight Niza 6 curved species


7 diagonal membership 8 free arrangement 9 elongated elements


10 inclined 11 asymmetric 12 included in open

location of elements location space

Figure 14 - Main types of dynamic forms

    Practical task

1 Create a static composition on a free topic using the schemes in Figure 13 (Appendix A, Figures 10-11).

2 Perform dynamic exercises on themes: wind, explosion, speed, tyrant, etc., using schemes in Figure 14 (Appendix A, Figures 12-13).


    search options for compositions are performed by 7-10 pcs.;

    display a fundamental difference in the organization of statics and speakers in the composition.

Composition material and sizes

Pencil, mascara, black felt-tip pen, helium handle. Sheet format - A3.


Many people have an alternation and repetition. Symmetry is a repetition. The repetition law in design is manifested when certain elements (lines, shape, texture, color) are used more than once. Repeat creates a sense of orderliness. A simple replay consists of one repeating element. Complex - in the compositions are repeated elements of two or more types (color, drawing, lines, etc.). According to the method of organizing elements in design, repeat can be of different directions: vertical, horizontal, diagonal, spiral, radial-beam, fan. In each case, a new nature of movement appears and, accordingly, a new sound, special expressiveness. Horizontal replay is stability and equilibrium; Vertical - slightness, height; Diagonal, spiral - active, rapid movement.

Repeat can be regular (the same repetition frequency) (Figure 15) and irregular (Figure 16), which is more interesting, because Allows the eyes to compare small changes.

Figure 15 - Regular Repeat Figure 16 - Unregular Repeat

    Practical task

1 Make a composition from one repeating element by selecting your character nature (horizontally, vertically, diagonally, spiral).

2 The same, but of two or more elements (Appendix A, Figure 14).


For each task, two sketch is performed.

Material and size composition:

Pencil, mascara, black felt-tip pen, helium handle. Sheet format - A4.

Fragmentary or continuous time perception.




SEI, ESE, EIE, IEI, or, Lee, Lie,

What is easier that harder

  • Statics are easier, more difficult to speakers: Fix attention on the moment of time, its features and location of objects. Briefly express the essence of the moment.
  • The speakers are easier, the states are more difficult:Physically feel changing the situation in real time. Making forecasts - how the situation is developing and where will lead. Describe the continuous course of events and your thoughts.

The meaning of the sign

Static and speakers perceive time differently. At the static, the perception of time is fragmentary, at the speakers - continuous.

The division of people in static and speakers is the most important thing that I missed Jung. Socyonikov, ranging from A. Augustinavichut, this gap partly was restored, but the underestimation of the sign as the most noticeable remained. It is easy to reveal in any fragment of oral and written speech of sufficient volume, regardless of the language and content of the above.

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Speech speakers smooth. The speech of the static consists of short fragments separated by noticeable barriers from each other. Sometimes these barriers correspond to punctuation signs, sometimes not.

Almost all problems of socionic diagnosis seemingly. They can be revealed by a simple skill of speech analysis. Task number 1 When determining the type: Is there a barrier in the speech, or they are not?

Simple exercise. By default, we consider all the speakers and smoothly, from one line to another, almost without going into meaning, not paying attention to the punctuation marks, we subdominate the speech fragment. If, after 2-3 paragraphs, everything is read smoothly and no noticeable obstacles have arisen, you are talking about the speaker. If they are - in front of you speech static.

The study of socionics is worth starting with learning the difference between static and speakers. The Company refuses to study the phenomena that lie on the surface. Even experienced socionics either underestimate him with the rest of Nevungovsky signs, or make blatant mistakes - from simple inattention.

What is the nature of this difference? According to the hypothesis adopted in modern socionics, this is due to the peculiarities of the human appearance. In the static, the average phases of labor (2 and 3) were postponed in consciousness, the fetus felt felt on them. At the speakers in the mind, the extreme phases of childbirth (1 and 4) were postponed, they disappear on them. As a result, the time for the stars for all life is fragmented, in the speakers - continuous.

Do not assume that statics do not perceive the changes and see a set of static pictures. In the consciousness of the statics time is divided into short videos in a few seconds. In writing speech, many fragments are pronounced in static phrases without verbs: "Field is smooth, the ball is round." But there are also fragments of the speech of static, in which the verbs are quite a few, but there is no smooth flow of one to another. Changes are often changing, one, subject to one sentence, in the next - another.

Some people speak faster, others are slower, but even if the static says quickly, there are pauses. The best example is the video movements of Alexander Nevzorova (ILE). It is often typical of the speakers, but this is a consequence of a rapid tempo of speech. Compare Sergey Dorenko's video blog (LSE) - this is a speaker that says Power and leisurely, stretching words. In long radio esters, Dorenko speaks in a natural rhythm - and here the smoothness of speech is obvious.

Statics cannot monitor the object without periodic switches in their consciousness. If you are static, watch yourself and catch it. The speakers are capable of continuously observe objects and phenomena, to describe it apart as much as it happens to them.

Sometimes it is trying to determine the speech and the dynamics of the speech around the speech to determine visually, in terms of human movements. This is the way to errors - it is necessary to observe the speech, and not for the body.

Application in diagnostics

Determination of statics or dynamics - the most important part of any claims claiming, technological standard. Either this feature is reliably defined, or should not be diagnosed.

Standards based on model A, which most socionics adheres to, ignore this difference. At the same time, 8 aspects included in the model A contain this feature - if you have found a dynamics, your further choice is between white intuition and white sensoric and black logic and black ethics. The rest is excluded and meets only at the static. This method is much more reliable than trying to identify logic or ethics, intuition or sensoric.

Examples of static speech

Time is a deadline. | You can distribute time, it is yes. | Accelerate it probably to do something interesting. | Squeeze i understand how to slow down probably | Do something uninteresting. - SEE

Time is that no one is subject to anyone! | It is rapidly flies forward as a beam in outer space. | Directly the time to manage it difficult, you need to create around yourself such an environment to slow down the course of time, | Ie can affect indirectly. - EII

I fall in love, as well as rapidly and with the same result, with which lost control tank enters the concrete wall. | Screens, dust, moans. | Screams "How could you?!" From under the wreckage. | All are born within a radius of ten meters from the epicenter. | And I, unharmed, I sit in the tank tower and passionately indulge in self-esteem. - SEE

Examples of speech speakers

Give the definition of the concept of "time" (as you understand this). Is it possible to manage time - compress, speed up?

Time for me is inextricably linked with movement, therefore it is sometimes perceived by differently, or stretches or accelerates -

Time distance is divided for speed. Time You can feel, and therefore accelerate or slow down your actions in the interval - or

Listeners were a lot man 15. At the beginning Meetings in a circle passed by Masha's doll and came up with her abilities and life path, during which she developed them and implemented. Tale It turned out sad, because Most of those present were women, and the girl Masha was educated, successful, secured, independent and scary lonely. Concentrating on the development of their abilities, she somehow unnoticed to the background of children, her husband, lover (about parents There at all, there was no speech) ... - EIE

What should not be taken for statics

Availability in the text of the points and other punctuation marks. Some speakers put them, because they should be put in terms of language, while the text seems to be swallowed without looking at them.

Slow, intermittent speech tempo. If the speaker speaks slowly, the observer is more difficult to catch the smoothness of the narration, but if you decipher the above and read in the form of text, it will be clearly detected.

Speech fragments in which little semantic verbs. Typically, statics use fewer semantic verbs than speakers, but the latter does not always need to use them all the time. In this case, smooth, dynamic manner is saved.

What should not be taken for the dynamics

Description of the process unfolding in time. Both states and speakers have to be described by their available means; At the same time, the static describes the same event through a set of short fragments; Speaker - by solid narration.

Long complex offers. Static declats (LSI, SLEE, EII, IEE) tend to use those, but within these offers you can see barriers and boundaries between fragments.

Fast speech tempo.If the static says quickly, the observer is more difficult to break his speech into semantic fragments, but if they decipher it and read in the form of text, the gaps between them will be detected.

Based on book

R. K. Kovalenko, N. A. Zvonareva

The "Static / Dynamics" feature determines the establishment of a person's psyche for the perception of states and changes.

In the model A manifested by the location of the software.

Static calls, in which static types of information (chi, emergency, bl, BE) are located in the mental (conscious) ring. Static information is called information in a cross-cut case, i.e. Information is not continued.
Statists independently focus their attention on information on logical or ethical relationships between objects, as well as on the form and semantic filling of objects.
Dynamic aspects (CHL, CE, BS, BS) call information in a longitudinal segment of the timeline, i.e. Information about changes, processes occurring in the world. Statics without external focus of attention (so far from the side someone will not pay their attention) do not realize changes in mood, technologies, sensations and development information.
The speakers, on the contrary, call the types of which in the mental ring are the types of information that describe the information about the changes. As a result, the speakers themselves commemorate the processes and changes passing in the world, but it is difficult for them without external influence to focus their attention on static characteristics: patterns, relationships, shape, possibilities.

The most common stereotype relative to this feature is the assertion that the dynamics are more mobile, and the statics are less. This statement is controversial, since in no way justified theoretically, and also not confirmed by the results of experimental studies. These manifestations are likely to be described by the location of the aspect of physics on the resultial or processing functions.

Criterion Static Dynamics
Orientation of thinking Status thinking is focused on the form, the internal content of the object, needs and needs (desires). Thinking the static is inherent to the mental suspension of the universal movement. Thinking the dynamics is focused on taking place with the object and in the object and on its situation in space and time. Thinking the dynamics, on the contrary, is turned on only after the static object can imagine moving.
Peace For statists, the world is represented by objects or established relationships. For speakers, the world is represented by processes and changes.
Story Looks like a situation analysis, reflection of feelings or description of participating people and objects. Many verbs in the past and the future of time, a lot of words associated with time.
Speech Static - represents an analysis of the situation: comparisons, descriptions of form, options, possibilities, ratios. Dynamic - changes and processes: actions, emotions, progress, pace, speed, acceleration, sensation.
Verbs In one sentence, the verbs only in one time. In one sentence, the verbs in different times are easy.
Speech features The verb constructions are built on a conjunction modal verb + infinitive. A large number of accompanying revolutions.
Words of a bundle "If ..., then ...", "respectively ...", "Next ...". "When ..., then ...", "then ...", "soon ...", "Let's go ...".
Example "I especially liked literature and biology at school." "When I was 7 years old, I went to school."
Example "At the end of the corridor is a sofa, and the chair from him" "Passing along the corridor, you will see a sofa, and turning - on the left of the chair"

List of sources used:

  1. Augustinavichutu A. Socionics. - M.: Black Squirrel, 2008. - 568 p.
  2. Belletskaya I.E, Belletsky S.A. Secondary secrets. How to tip on the signs of Reinin. - M.: Black Squirrel, 2014. - 296 p.
  3. The results of a scientific experiment on the study of filling signs of Reynin in the Nii of Socionics under the leadership of G.R. Reinin. // Reports of the Xth Scientific Conference on Socionics "Famous and New on Signs of Reinin - Part1" 03 - 04.01.09 Moscow
  4. Prokofiev T.N.Socionics. Signs of Reinin. Educational and practical manual. M., 2005.
  5. Golobov N.S. Analysis of the manifestations of the small group "Forms of thinking" on the example of the generation of ideas by brainstorming // Socionics, mentology and psychology of the individual. 2017. No. 6. P. 18-31 -. -

One of the fundamental sections of physics is a mechanic - discipline that studies the laws according to which there is a movement of bodies, as well as a change in motion parameters as a result of the influence of bodies on each other.

The main directions of mechanics is the study of dynamics, kinematics and statics. Detailed study of these sciences experts dedicate all their lives, as their provisions underlie the most important general-engineered disciplines - the theory of mechanisms, the conversion, machine parts, etc.

What is theoretical mechanic studying?

The movement and interaction of physical bodies are subject to strict laws for which our universe exists. The description and substantiation of these laws is devoted to the mechanics - section of physics, allowing to calculate and predict the movement of physical bodies, based on their basic parameters and the forces acting on these bodies. The mechanics discusses ideal objects:

  • the material point is an object, the main characteristic of which is the mass, but the dimensions are not taken into account;
  • absolutely solid body - a certain amount filled with a substance, the form of which does not change in no impacts, and between any two points within this volume, the same distance is always preserved;
  • a solid deformable medium is a state of matter in a finite volume or in an unlimited space, in which the distances between arbitrarily taken points may vary as a result of external influences.

The mechanics consider the laws of movement when over time either the position of one body relative to the other, or the relative position of the parts of the same body changes. Time, mass and distance for mechanics are basic values.


The mechanics section that studies the laws of movement, its geometric properties, the laws of speeds and accelerations, is called kinematics. The name of the discipline is formed from the Greek word «κινειν» Meaning movement. Kinematics studies pure movement from the point of view of space and time, without taking into account the masses of physical bodies and the forces acting on them.

Movement in kinematics is described exclusively by mathematical means, for which algebraic and geometric methods, matanaliz, etc. are used. At the same time, in classical kinematics, the reasons for which the mechanical movement of bodies occurs, and the characteristics inherent in the movement are considered absolute, i.e. They do not affect the selection of the reference system. In addition to classical, there is relativistic mechanics, which considers the overall concept of space-time with invariant intervals.


Another section of mechanics, which considers the reasons that generate the mechanical movement of bodies is called dynamics. This name is formed from the Greek word. «δύναμις» Meaning power. The main concepts of the speakers are the mass of the body, the strength that affects it, energy, impulse and momentum of the impulse. The main objectives are the determination of the force acting on the physical body, by the nature of its movement, and determining the nature of the movement, based on the specified effects of impact.

A significant contribution to the development of the dynamics was made by the British scientist Isaac Newton, which formulated the three of his famous laws, which describe the interactions of forces, and in fact became the twin-palist of classical dynamics. This discipline studies the patterns of movement at speeds, limited by interval from a fraction of one millimeter per second to tens of kilometers per second. However, when considering the movement of ultra-low objects (elementary particles) and ultra-high velocities approaching the speed of light, the laws of classical speakers cease to act.


The laws of residence of bodies and systems in equilibrium when applied to them of various forces and moments, the static is studying - another direction of mechanics. The name of the discipline comes from the Greek word «στατός» Meaning immobility. For statics, six axis are formulated, describing the conditions for finding the body or system of physical bodies in a state of equilibrium, as well as two consequences of these axioms.

The main object in the statics is the body or material point in equilibrium, i.e. Mustically either moves in the inertial coordinate system uniformly and in a straight line. Limiting body factors located in equilibrium are the external forces that affect it, as well as other bodies called connections.

Visual art is built on the concept of "composition". It ensures the meaning and integrity of the work. Solving the artistic task, the Creator selects expressive funds, thinks out the form of an embodiment of the idea and builds the composition. For the idea of \u200b\u200bthe plan, the artist needs a variety of means, one of which are dynamics and static in the composition. Tell about the specifics of the static and dynamic composition.

Concept of composition

B is the leading characteristic of the artistic form. It provides unity and interconnection of all elements and parts of the work. The concept of "composition" researchers invest values \u200b\u200bsuch as a skillful combination of expressive means, the embodiment of the author's plan in the material, and the development of the topic in space and time. It is with her help that the author presents the main and secondary, draws up the semantic and the pictorial centers. It is present in any form of art, but the dynamics and statics in the composition are most noticeable and meaningful in the composition - this is a kind of tool that orders all expressive tools, and allowing the artist to achieve the highest expressiveness of the form. The composition combines the form and content, they combine the aesthetic idea and artistic design of the author.

Principles of composition

Despite the fact that the main unifying beginning of the composition is the unique idea of \u200b\u200bthe artist, there are uniform patterns of constructing a composite form. The basic principles or laws of the composition have developed in artistic practice, they were not artificially invented, but were born during the centuries-old creative process of many artists. Integrity is the first and most important law of the composition. According to him, the work should have a carefully verified form in which nothing can not be reduced or add, without violating the plan.

Primates ideas over the form - another law of the composition. All means are always subject to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe artist, the idea is first born, and only then the material embodiment in color, texture, sound, etc. Any composition is based on contrasts, and this is another law. The opposite of flowers, sizes, textures makes it possible to draw the attention of the viewer to certain elements of the form, allocate the composite center and give the idea of \u200b\u200bparticular expressiveness. Another immutable law of creating a composition is novelty. Each artwork is a unique copyright look at the phenomenon or the situation. It was in finding a new perspective and new means of incarnation of the idea, perhaps eternal and habitual, and the main value of creation lies.

Funds of composition

Each has accumulated its own range of expressive compositions. In the visual arts to those include lines, strokes, color, light, proportion and gold section, shape. But there are more general agents characteristic of many artistic forms. These include rhythm, symmetry and asymmetry, allocation of the composite center. The dynamics and static in the composition are universal means of expressing aesthetic idea. They are closely related to the existence of the composition in space and time. The unique ratio of various means allow artists to create individual and original works. It is in the arrangement of this expressive arsenal and manifests the author's style of the Creator.

Types of composition

Despite the entire individuality of artwork, there is a fairly limited list of composite forms. There are several classifications that, on different bases, highlight types of compositions. According to the features of the object presentation, frontal, volumetric and depth-spatial types are distinguished. They differ in the distribution of objects in space. Thus, the front represents only one plane of the object, the bulk - several, deep-spatial - shows several promising plans and placement of items in three dimensions.

There is also a tradition to allocate closed and open compositions in which the author distributes objects either relative to the center or with respect to the external contour. Researchers share composite forms on symmetric and asymmetric, on the dominant location of objects in space with a specific rhythm. In addition, the dynamics and static in compositions are also the basis for allocating the types of the work form. They differ in the presence or absence of movement in the work.

Static composition

Stability and static have special associations in humans. The whole world around seeks to move and therefore something constant, unchanged, still perceived as some value. Considering the laws of the composition, the researchers found that the static is present in almost all kinds of art. Artists with antiquity have seen special art and the complex task in catching the beauty of some kind of object or object. Static compositions are perceived as the emotions of peace, harmony, equilibrium. Search for such a balance is a real challenge to the artist. To solve this problem, the artist uses a variety of funds.

Static means of composition

Both static, and dynamics in the composition, simple figures in which are the main expressive tool, use a different set of forms. The statics excellently transmit such geometric shapes as a rectangle and square. For static compositions, the absence of bright contrasts, colors and textures are applied close to each other. Objects in compositions are not much different in size. Such compositions are built on the nuances, the game of shades.

Dynamic composition

The dynamics and static in the composition, the definition of which we imagine are solved with the help of traditional expressive means: lines, colors, dimension. Dynamics in art is the desire to reflect the frequency of life. Like the static, the transfer of movement is a serious artistic task. Since it has diverse characteristics, this task, in contrast to the static, there is much more solutions. The dynamics causes a variety of emotion gamut, it is associated with the movement of thought and empathy.

Tools create a speaker

To transfer the sensation of movement, a large range of expressive means is used. These are vertical and distribution of objects in space, contrast. But the main means is a rhythm, that is, alternation of objects with a certain interval. Movement, static, always interrelated. In each work, you can detect the elements of each of these principles. But for the dynamics of rhythm is the fundamental principle.

Examples of statics and speakers in the composition

Any kind of art can provide samples of static and dynamic compositions. But in the visual arts, they are much easier to detect, since these principles are basic for visual form. Static and dynamics in the composition, examples of which we want to submit, always used by artists. Samples of static compositions are still lifes, which were initially built precisely as a caught moment of stopping traffic. Many classic portraits, such as Tropinin, Borovikovsky, are also static. The embodiment of the statics is the picture K. Malevich "Black Square". Dynamic compositions are many genre, landscape and battle works. For example, Troika V. Pereova, "Fear Morozova" V. Surikova, "Dance" A. Matisse.