Where is Rudolf Nureyev buried? Rudolf Nureyev - biography, information, personal life

  • 23.05.2019

The cause of death of Rudolf Nureyev is inextricably linked with the history of his entire life, in which the high and the low are intricately intertwined: feelings and instincts, aspirations and whims, the ups and downs of merit and weakness...

One of the most famous “defectors” of the USSR asked for political asylum abroad in 1961 in Paris, where he ballet troupe gave tours. The decision to stay abroad was provoked by Nuriev’s conflict with the KGB: his unconventional sexual orientation and meetings with Parisian gays aroused the indignation of the “inspecting authorities.” After persistent suggestions and threats to remove him from the upcoming theatrical tour in London, Rudolf decided to break with his homeland.

His debut in France immediately attracted the attention of professionals and the public, but he did not receive refugee status in this country despite his talent and was forced to move to Denmark, and then to England. The extraordinary abilities of Rudolf Nureyev became a happy guarantee of concluding a contract with the Royal London Ballet and this cooperation lasted 15 years. He became permanent partner the famous Margot Fonteyn.

Nuriev was a talented continuer of the traditions of Vaslav Nezhinsky, who strived to convey freedom and beauty to the viewer human body. With his creativity, he achieved equality between the female and male parts in ballet, where previously women reigned. Spectators now went to the theater to watch the star Rudolf Nureyev, whose brilliant dance perfectly conveyed the subtlest shades of drama.

Nureyev and Fontaine became the most famous dancing couple of their time and they even had a personal relationship, but not for long: he preferred men and often changed partners, although one constant relationship - with the Dane Erik Brun - lasted for 25 years.

Nureyev devoted himself entirely to ballet and toured extensively around the world. He gave up to 200 performances a year and performed all the most important male roles of the classical repertoire. In addition, Rudolf, like many talents, was multi-talented. He turned out to be an excellent director and independently staged several ballets, excelled in conducting and teaching, and willingly acted in films and on TV. He was granted citizenship in 1982 by the Austrian government.

Rudolf Nureyev was a passionate and enthusiastic person: he loved life in all its manifestations and knew how to take advantage of its benefits: he enthusiastically made acquaintances and novels, recklessly spent money on his whims, luxurious stage costumes and a collection of works of art. He bought an island in the Mediterranean Sea with a luxury villa. His persona is surrounded by many legends and anecdotes about his greedy insatiability and eccentricity.

The whole world knows why Rudolf Nureyev died - everything that concerned the great dancer of our time immediately became known. In 1984, he went to a French clinic, where, after an examination, he was diagnosed with AIDS 4 years ago. The disease was difficult to treat and began to progress in 1991. Death occurred in January 1994. The Russian “genius of dance” found his peace in the Sainte-Genevieve des Bois cemetery near Paris.


A boy who grew up in poverty became the owner of a huge fortune. A dancer who made the world admire Russian ballet, without a drop of Russian blood in his veins. On the anniversary of the “flying Tatar” Nureyev, we collected several facts from the biography of this paradoxical man.

Maya Plisetskaya explained the phenomenon of Rudolf Nureyev’s popularity this way: “He was all ablaze with movement, if movement can be measured with a thermometer. The pathos of the dance burned in him like a fire burning its victims on the scaffold. His gift had the miraculous property of warming hearts, and even burning out evil and foolishness in a person.”

1. Rudolf Nureyev was born on a train.

They say, real name Rudolph - Nureyev. He remade it after he became famous. In his official biography It is also noted that he was born in the city of Irkutsk. In fact, the place of his birth was a compartment of a train, traveling at the intersection of the Asian lowlands and the Mongolian mountains, rushing his family to the Far East, to the place new job Father Rudolf.

By the time his father, who served in Manchuria, was able to summon his wife and children, Farida Nureyeva was in the last weeks of pregnancy. The woman could not withstand 12 long days of travel, so little Rudik was born to the sound of wheels on March 17, 1938.

2. By the end of his life, the dancer was a very wealthy man, he even owned an island in the Mediterranean Sea.

However, the extravagance characteristic of some rich people was completely alien to him. Rudolph counted every penny, because he knew too well what hunger and poverty were.

Four children grew up in the Nureyev family. There was a catastrophic shortage of money: Rudik constantly wore out his sisters’ things, and one day, when the boy had to go to school, he did not have shoes, so the mother had to carry her son to class on her back.

3. The desire to connect his life with ballet arose in Nureyev at the age of 5, when his mother first took him to a performance.

However, my father was not happy about this prospect. He was categorically against it and every time he caught his son dancing, he gave him a spanking. But Rudolf resisted as best he could and, despite his parent’s threats, began going to a folk dance club.

At the age of 11 I noticed a talented boy former member Diaghilev's troupe Anna Udaltsova, who became his teacher. And a little later he studied with Elena Vaitovich. It was these two women who convinced their student to enter the Leningrad Choreographic School. Rudolf earned the money for a ticket to the Northern capital through dance lessons.

4. In 1955, Nureyev was accepted into the school, but due to his impulsive and harsh character, he more than once found himself on the verge of expulsion.

The first time this happened was literally a week after the start of classes. The novice dancer did not find mutual language with teacher and director educational institution Shelkov and asked to replace the teacher! Oddly enough, they made concessions to him, and thanks to this, Rudolf ended up in the class of Alexander Pushkin, with whom he developed a wonderful relationship.

5. In 1958, Nureyev completed his studies and was enrolled in the theater named after S.M. Kirov (currently the Mariinsky Theater).

The management was afraid to take the talented, but too wayward Rudolf on foreign tours. The troupe's trip to Paris in 1961, like many others, had to go without him. However, at the very last moment the host party insisted that Nureyev come to France. At that time, no one knew that the Soviet ballet star would not want to return to his homeland.

6. On June 17, at the French Le Bourget airport, the artist was informed that he was urgently called to Moscow to perform in the Kremlin. After these words, Rudolf made a decision in a second that shocked the whole world: he decided not to return to the Union.

Seeing two policemen, the dancer approached them and said: “I want to stay in your country.” Law enforcement officers took him to a special room and warned him that they would give him about 40 minutes so that he could make a final decision and sign the relevant documents in a calm atmosphere. Naturally, all the papers were on French, they were translated for Nureyev by a Russian translator. She tried to persuade the dancer to immediately board the plane and fly to Moscow. To which he sharply answered her: “Shut up!” - and signed.

Rudolf was left alone in Paris, with 36 francs in his pocket. However, the prospect of facing poverty seemed more attractive to him than returning behind the Iron Curtain.

At first they tried to bring Nureyev back. His family called him and asked him to reconsider. Having failed to achieve what he wanted, the father disowned his own son. The intelligence services threatened the artist and interfered with his career, but it was useless, all of Europe was at the feet of the brilliant dancer.

7. One of the most striking partners who danced with Nureyev was the prima ballerina of the London Royal Ballet Margot Fonteyn.

Their joint creative life began in 1962 with the ballet Giselle and continued for many years. It is believed that Margot and Rudolf had not only working and friendly relations, but also love ones. Although there is no reliable evidence of this, besides, the artist was known for his gay, and Fontaine was married.

8. For 25 years, Nureyev lived with the Danish dancer Erik Brun until his death. This relationship was not a secret to anyone, but the artist was very annoyed when journalists tried to pry into his personal life, so he tried to keep communication with representatives of the press to a minimum.

9. In 1989, Nureyev returned to his homeland for the first time. And, although he performed twice on the stage of the Kirov Theater, few of those spectators understood that in front of them was legendary personality. The fact is that after the dancer escaped abroad, the country chose to quickly forget about him and his inappropriate act.

10. In 1983, Rudolf was diagnosed with HIV. This disease has become main reason it's enough early death. The dancer died at the age of 55 in 1993 and was buried in the Russian cemetery of Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois near Paris. The decoration of the artist’s grave was carried out by the leading artist of the Paris Opera, Enzo Frigerio. Knowing his late friend's passion for collecting antique rugs, he created one on his grave from a mosaic.

In the preview: Rudolf Nureyev at Sheremetyevo airport before flying to Paris,

It may seem like a grave famous dancer Rudolf Nureyev in France is covered with a real antique carpet. Many tourists even ask whether rain harms the carpet... Rain is not scary for it - after all, the tombstone is made of stone and decorated with the finest mosaics. More details in the material.

Nuriev Rudolf Khametovich (1938-1993) - great Russian dancer, shocking star, reformer classical ballet, world celebrity. Everything related to the life and art of Rudolf Nureyev can be found in detail on various encyclopedic and art history resources. We will view his tomb as an impressive piece of mosaic art.

Nureyev died in 1993 and was buried in the Russian cemetery of Saint-Genevieve des Bois near Paris. And around the same time, one of the leading artists of the Paris Opera, Enzo Frigerio, a friend and colleague of the dancer, expressed the idea of ​​​​decorating the grave using an oriental carpet. Nuriev collected antique carpets and ancient textiles in general different countries, his especially favorite carpets traveled with him on tour, inspiring new amazing dances and performances.

The sketches of the carpet, made by Enzo Frigerio, exactly repeated one of the favorite oriental carpets from the Nureyev collection. It was decided to reproduce the carpet in colors, with the visual effect of a fabric texture, using mosaics. Mosaic solved the problem of reproducing the graceful folds of a flowing carpet, and provided natural look threads of golden fringe. Funds for the creation of the monument were provided by wealthy friends of the most famous ballet dancer.

In 1996, the tombstone was made in the Italian mosaic workshop Akomena Spacio Mosaico. The mosaic of the carpet is made of small, predominantly square-shaped elements with the tightest fit of the parts, with virtually no visible seams. But at the same time, the surface of the mosaic is left rough, with very sharp changes in the level of mosaic elements. This technique from a distance of 2-3 meters creates general impression carpet texture. The sculptural base of the mosaic accurately copies the formation of folds, and the mosaic elements smoothly follow all the curves and waves of the surface.

The gravestone evokes mixed impressions. Some people think that the grave is too bright, too conspicuous. Someone, on the contrary, falls into ecstatic delight. Uninformed tourists, having looked at photographs of the resulting composition in advance, sometimes ask whether the carpet gets wet in the rain and how often it is changed. Visitors to the Sainte-Genevieve des Bois cemetery on excursions are sure to touch the mosaic carpet, only by touch revealing the visual deception. But no matter how one feels about the tombstone-carpet, the grave of Rudolf Nureyev is definitely one of a kind, worthy of the memory of the controversial and great ballet genius.

In Vladivostok, the family that grew during the journey did not live long. Khamet Nuriev, having received a new appointment, transported everyone to Moscow. The relative well-being of the family, very modest even by those unassuming standards, was soon completely destroyed by the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War. Hamet was mobilized into the active army, and Farida was again left alone, with small children in her arms. During the first bombing of Moscow, the house where the Nureyevs lived was destroyed, and Farida, having collected her remaining belongings, hurried to leave the capital. As Rudolf Nureyev said, one of his first memories is leaving the city in a wheelbarrow.

IN different time Nuriev, according to various media reports, had love relationship with such stars as rock musician Freddie Mercury, fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent and singer Elton John. But main love Danish dancer Erik Brun remained in the personal life of Rudolf Nureyev almost all his life. The men were together for 25 years, until Eric's death in 1986. Although it must be admitted that the relationship between them has always been very difficult, because in terms of temperament the Russian and the Dane turned out to be almost opposites.

Rudolf graduated from the choreographic school in 1958 and immediately received an invitation to join the troupe of the Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theater named after S. M. Kirov, which was given to him at the urgent request of prima ballerina Natalia Dudinskaya.

Nureyev's creative energy early childhood Only my mother encouraged me. The father who returned from the war refused to admit only son dancer and contemptuously called him “ballerina.” For his passion for dancing and communication with “enemies of the people,” Rudolph more than once quarreled with his father, who used physical punishment against him. Neither in the USSR nor abroad, Nuriev’s father never saw him dance. The son, in turn, was unable to come to his funeral in Ufa, being in exile in the west.

“I felt the blood ripening in my veins,” the artist recalled. — Dancing in the Kremlin, how... It’s a nice fairy tale. I knew: the title of soloist would be taken away from me and I would be forever deprived of traveling abroad. They will forget about me. I wanted to commit suicide on the spot.

In Leningrad, during the entire exam period, Nuriev lived with his daughter Udaltsova. After enrolling, he became the biggest "boy" in a group of eleven and twelve year old dancers. However, in those days this was not supernatural: in the post-war period, theater, music and choreography schools often accepted older people.

Nureyev was diagnosed in 1984. The dancer hoped to get rid of the disease with the help of money and tried many experimental drugs. Nureyev allocated up to $2 million annually for treatment. On January 6, 1993, he died in France and was buried according to his will in the Russian cemetery of Saint-Genevieve des Bois.

Rudolf Nureyev biography facts from the life of a dancer photographs. Summary for today.

However, this separation from London was by no means a big blow for Nuriev. They fought for the right to invite him to their troupe best theaters peace, despite the fact that Nuriev demanded (and received) fabulous sums for ballet dancer fees.

At the age of 18, Gia moved from Philadelphia to New York. Her career began with a provocation: photographer Chris von Wangenheim took several photographs of Gia naked standing behind a chain-link mesh, after which the model appeared on the covers of Vogue and Cosmopolitan. At the same time, Gia remained lonely... She did not hide her interest in girls, but all her hobbies never developed into something serious.

In the early 1980s, AIDS was a new disease that was rapidly spreading among homosexuals. Nureyev understood that he had picked it up from one of his lovers. The artist was always surrounded by a crowd of supporters. There were legends about his amorous adventures with men. He was credited with romances with singers Elton John and Freddie Mercury, French couturier Yves Saint Laurent and actor Jean Marais.

Rudolf Khametovich Nureyev (also Rudolf Khamitovich Nuriev; Bashk. Rudolf Khmith Nuriyev, Tat. Rudolf Hmit Mimit Svel Nuriev; March 17, 1938, near Irkutsk - January 6, 1993, Paris) - Soviet, British and French artist and choreographer, soloist Opera and Ballet named after. Kirov. In 1961, after the end of the troupe’s tour in Paris, he asked for political asylum, becoming one of the most famous “defectors” in the USSR.

It was impossible for a woman with children to live in a tiny village without any help, and in 1943 Farida moved to Ufa to live with her husband’s relatives. The living conditions of the Nureyevs in a tiny shack on the outskirts of the city differed little from those in the village: a low building with an earthen floor could hardly be called a home. The move didn't improve much financial situation families, and the Nureyevs were still tormented by the same poverty. Little Rudolf wore his sisters' clothes all the way to school - perhaps this, to some extent, later determined his characteristics. He even went to first grade wearing his sister's coat. Or rather, he didn’t go, but his mother brought him in her arms - the boy had no shoes.

The legendary singer died in 1991, at the age of 45. Over the course of two decades, his death gave rise to a mass of rumors and gossip, hardly less than his life itself. The artist did not want to advertise his illness. But after his death, both his life and his death became the subject of the wildest speculation. More details

On June 16, 1961, while on tour in Paris, by decision of the KGB of the USSR, “for violating the regime of being abroad,” he was removed from further tours of the Kirov Theater troupe in London, but refused to return to the USSR, becoming a “defector” - the first among Soviet artists[ approx. 1]. In connection with this, he was convicted in the USSR of treason and sentenced in absentia to 7 years in prison [approx. 2].

Rudolf Nureyev's next work in cinema was not so much dance as acting. This time he played the role famous actor Silent films by Rudolph Valentino. The film received recognition from the audience, but critics did not rate Nureyev’s performance too highly. The not entirely successful performance, according to experts, was explained by the fact that Nuriev, accustomed to seeing an audience in front of him, could not bring himself to play with the same intensity of emotions in the studio, in front of a camera instead of an auditorium. However, in the annual review best films'Valentino' took eighth place.

When and where is Rudolf Nureyev buried details. Fresh material as of 02/11/2018

The artist is confident that thanks to his money and doctors he will be able to recover. But rapid spread mysterious and deadly disease soon prompts a wave of hysteria in Europe and America. When quantity known cases AIDS in the United States reaches 5 thousand, HIV-infected people are prohibited from entering the country. In order not to lose his job in America, Nureyev hides his diagnosis for a long time. He allocates up to $2 million for his treatment. Every day he receives injections of a new experimental serum into his vein. He can still dance, and he can dance vigorously and often. And he thinks he is getting better.

In the 1988s, Nureyev was allowed to come to Ufa for a short time to say goodbye to his mother before her death. And in 1989 he performed on the stage of the Kirov Theater in Leningrad, where he began his career. It was noticeable that the artist was seriously ill, but he was holding on. IN last time he visited his homeland in the summer of 1992. I could no longer get off the plane by myself. Consulted on performances to which he was taken to wheelchair. On September 3, Nureyev returned to Paris, where he planned to undergo treatment in a hospital.

‘Having been born on a train, he drove his life at a speed of one hundred kilometers per hour.’ Really, career rise Nuriev's success in the West was rapid - from a little-known emigrant youth, he quickly turned into a star of unprecedented magnitude. However, in his homeland there was no intention of recognizing his fame for a long time. for long years. All mention of the artist simply disappeared from the press, as if he had never existed. All his photographs were destroyed, even those in which he was taken together with other artists.

Nuriev was a talented successor of the traditions of Vaclav Nezhinsky, who sought to convey to the viewer the freedom and beauty of the human body. With his creativity, he achieved equality between the female and male parts in ballet, where previously women reigned. Spectators now went to the theater to watch the star Rudolf Nureyev, whose brilliant dance perfectly conveyed the subtlest shades of drama.

“He was terribly nervous, so we didn’t take our eyes off him,” the security officer who was supposed to ensure the artist’s delivery to the USSR later told a KGB investigator.

Hurry to the airport arrived Millionaire Clara Sen is a fan of Nureyev’s talent. She hugged him and whispered in his ear.

A boy who grew up in poverty became the owner of a huge fortune. A dancer who made the world admire Russian ballet, without a drop of Russian blood in his veins. On the anniversary of the “flying Tatar” Nureyev, we collected several facts from the biography of this paradoxical man.

Maya Plisetskaya explained the phenomenon of Rudolf Nureyev’s popularity this way: “He was all ablaze with movement, if movement can be measured with a thermometer. The pathos of the dance burned in him like a fire burning its victims on the scaffold. His gift had the miraculous property of warming hearts, and even burning out evil and foolishness in a person.”

1. Rudolf Nureyev was born on a train.

They say that Rudolf's real name is Nureyev. He remade it after he became famous. His official biography also notes that he was born in the city of Irkutsk. In fact, the place of his birth was a train compartment that was traveling at the intersection of the Asian lowlands and the Mongolian mountains, rushing his family to the Far East, to the place of Rudolf’s father’s new job.

By the time his father, who served in Manchuria, was able to summon his wife and children, Farida Nureyeva was in the last weeks of pregnancy. The woman could not withstand 12 long days of travel, so little Rudik was born to the sound of wheels on March 17, 1938.

2. By the end of his life, the dancer was a very wealthy man, he even owned an island in the Mediterranean Sea.

However, the extravagance characteristic of some rich people was completely alien to him. Rudolph counted every penny, because he knew too well what hunger and poverty were.

Four children grew up in the Nureyev family. There was a catastrophic shortage of money: Rudik constantly wore out his sisters’ things, and one day, when the boy had to go to school, he did not have shoes, so the mother had to carry her son to class on her back.

3. The desire to connect his life with ballet arose in Nureyev at the age of 5, when his mother first took him to a performance.

However, my father was not happy about this prospect. He was categorically against it and every time he caught his son dancing, he gave him a spanking. But Rudolf resisted as best he could and, despite his parent’s threats, began going to a folk dance club.

At the age of 11, the talented boy was noticed by a former member of Diaghilev’s troupe, Anna Udaltsova, who became his teacher. And a little later he studied with Elena Vaitovich. It was these two women who convinced their student to enter the Leningrad Choreographic School. Rudolf earned the money for a ticket to the Northern capital through dance lessons.

4. In 1955, Nureyev was accepted into the school, but due to his impulsive and harsh character, he more than once found himself on the verge of expulsion.

The first time this happened was literally a week after the start of classes. The aspiring dancer did not find a common language with the teacher and director of the educational institution, Shelkov, and asked to replace the teacher! Oddly enough, they made concessions to him, and thanks to this, Rudolf ended up in the class of Alexander Pushkin, with whom he developed a wonderful relationship.

5. In 1958, Nureyev completed his studies and was enrolled in the theater named after S.M. Kirov (currently the Mariinsky Theater).

The management was afraid to take the talented, but too wayward Rudolf on foreign tours. The troupe's trip to Paris in 1961, like many others, had to go without him. However, at the very last moment, the host party insisted that Nureyev come to France. At that time, no one knew that the Soviet ballet star would not want to return to his homeland.

6. On June 17, at the French Le Bourget airport, the artist was informed that he was urgently called to Moscow to perform in the Kremlin. After these words, Rudolf made a decision in a second that shocked the whole world: he decided not to return to the Union.

Seeing two policemen, the dancer approached them and said: “I want to stay in your country.” Law enforcement officers took him to a special room and warned him that they would give him about 40 minutes so that he could make a final decision in a calm atmosphere and sign the relevant documents. Naturally, all the papers were in French, and a Russian translator translated them for Nureyev. She tried to persuade the dancer to immediately board the plane and fly to Moscow. To which he sharply answered her: “Shut up!” - and signed.

Rudolf was left alone in Paris, with 36 francs in his pocket. However, the prospect of facing poverty seemed more attractive to him than returning behind the Iron Curtain.

At first they tried to bring Nureyev back. His family called him and asked him to reconsider. Having failed to achieve what he wanted, the father disowned his own son. The intelligence services threatened the artist and interfered with his career, but it was useless, all of Europe was at the feet of the brilliant dancer.

7. One of the most striking partners who danced with Nureyev was the prima ballerina of the London Royal Ballet Margot Fonteyn.

Their creative life together began in 1962 in the ballet “Giselle” and continued for many years. It is believed that Margot and Rudolf had not only working and friendly relations, but also love ones. Although there is no reliable evidence of this, moreover, the artist was known for his homosexuality, and Fontaine was married.

8. For 25 years, Nureyev lived with the Danish dancer Erik Brun until his death. This relationship was not a secret to anyone, but the artist was very annoyed when journalists tried to pry into his personal life, so he tried to keep communication with representatives of the press to a minimum.

9. In 1989, Nureyev returned to his homeland for the first time. And, although he performed twice on the stage of the Kirov Theater, few of those spectators understood that in front of them was a legendary personality. The fact is that after the dancer escaped abroad, the country chose to quickly forget about him and his inappropriate act.

10. In 1983, Rudolf was diagnosed with HIV. This disease was the main cause of his rather early death. The dancer died at the age of 55 in 1993 and was buried in the Russian cemetery of Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois near Paris. The decoration of the artist’s grave was carried out by the leading artist of the Paris Opera, Enzo Frigerio. Knowing his late friend's passion for collecting antique rugs, he created one on his grave from a mosaic.

In the preview: Rudolf Nureyev at Sheremetyevo airport before flying to Paris,