Why Galina Volchek is in a wheelchair: health problems and nervous work of the artistic director. Galina Volchek moves in a wheelchair The state of health of Galina Volchek today

  • 21.06.2019

On December 19, Galina Borisovna Volchek, a wonderful actress and artistic director of the Sovremennik Theater, turned 85 years old. Pupils, friends, and colleagues came to congratulate the talented woman on this significant date.

A huge bouquet of flowers was presented to the birthday girl by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. Alla Pugacheva did not miss the birthday of her close friend.

The celebration in honor of the birthday girl was held within the walls of her native Sovremennik Theater, which Volchek has been directing since 1972. Galina Borisovna was handed a telegram signed by the first person of the state.

“Belief in the high mission of art, a responsible attitude to your vocation, love for your native theater and spectators - have fully embodied in your inspired work, in serving Russian culture, people, country, have earned you indisputable authority and great respect,” he quotes the message Russian President Kremlin Press Service.

Christina Orbakaite congratulated her director and teacher, who has recently played a major role in Galina Volchek's play “Two on a Swing”. And Alla Borisovna Pugacheva prepared a heartfelt speech for her dear friend. Legendary women have been in close contact for many years and often appear together at various events. Looking at the photo, many did not fail to note that at 85, Galina Volchek looks no worse than Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, who is preparing for her 70th birthday.

The director moves mainly in a wheelchair, but this does not prevent her from efficiently managing the theater.

Galina Volchek was one of the founders of the Sovremennik Theater. Together with a group of young artists led by Oleg Efremov, she created a troupe that brought a stream of fresh air into the musty theater world. Galina Borisovna staged her first performance when she was only 29 years old. It was her that the theater staff entrusted the leadership when Oleg Efremov was offered to head the Moscow Art Theater.

The first husband of Galina Volchek was the famous artist Evgeny Evstigneev. In this marriage, their common son Denis was born. The family union lasted only nine years. Evstigneev developed a romantic interest on the side, and Volchek herself packed a suitcase for him. Soon Galina Borisovna married Mark Abelev, Doctor of Technical Sciences. He was an intelligent and subtle man, but he was terribly jealous of his star wife. Nine years later, this marriage also fell apart.

Now Volchek relies on the help and support of his son in everything. Denis Evstigneev has made a successful film career as a director, cameraman and producer.

A huge bouquet of flowers was presented to the birthday girl by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. Alla Pugacheva did not miss the birthday of her close friend.

The celebration in honor of the birthday girl was held within the walls of her native Sovremennik Theater, which Volchek has been directing since 1972. Galina Borisovna was handed a telegram signed by the first person of the state.

“Belief in the high mission of art, a responsible attitude to your vocation, love for your native theater and spectators - have fully embodied in your inspired work, in serving Russian culture, people, country, have earned you indisputable authority and great respect,” he quotes the message Russian President Kremlin Press Service.

Christina Orbakaite congratulated her director and teacher, who has recently played a major role in Galina Volchek's play “Two on a Swing”. And Alla Borisovna Pugacheva prepared a heartfelt speech for her dear friend. Legendary women have been in close contact for many years and often appear together at various events. Looking at the photo, many did not fail to note that at 85, Galina Volchek looks no worse than Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, who is preparing for her 70th birthday.

The director moves mainly in a wheelchair, but this does not prevent her from efficiently managing the theater.

Galina Volchek was one of the founders of the Sovremennik Theater. Together with a group of young artists led by Oleg Efremov, she created a troupe that brought a stream of fresh air into the musty theater world. Galina Borisovna staged her first performance when she was only 29 years old. It was her that the theater staff entrusted the leadership when Oleg Efremov was offered to head the Moscow Art Theater.

The first husband of Galina Volchek was the famous artist Evgeny Evstigneev. In this marriage, their common son Denis was born. The family union lasted only nine years. Evstigneev developed a romantic interest on the side, and Volchek herself packed a suitcase for him. Soon Galina Borisovna married Mark Abelev, Doctor of Technical Sciences. He was an intelligent and subtle man, but he was terribly jealous of his star wife. Nine years later, this marriage also fell apart.

Now Volchek relies on the help and support of his son in everything. Denis Evstigneev has made a successful film career as a director, cameraman and producer.

The popularity of Galina Volchek has long gone beyond the borders of Russia. She is simply unrealistically talented and hardworking, back in the distant 70s she was invited to America and Europe to give lectures, stage performances, and provided any stage of her choice. She practically raised Sovremennik, for many years she has been its permanent leader and ideological inspirer. Volchek not only puts on performances, but is always ready to help any artist, if suddenly his role does not work out.

People's Artist of the USSR Galina Volchek made the theater famous. She is a renowned filmmaker, actress, and educator. She has a great many theatrical performances in her piggy bank. In the cinema, she does not have a single leading role, but her minor heroines have never been forgotten.

Childhood and youth

Galina Volchek was born on December 19, 1933 in Moscow, in a family of cinema workers. Father Ber Volchek (changed his name to Boris) is a renowned master of cinematography, cameraman and director, author of scripts for many films, has numerous awards and prizes of the USSR. His homeland is Vitebsk.

Mom Vera Maimina, screenwriter, graduated from VGIK. Parents were Jews, but Galina herself recognized only Russian culture. She has never seen her Jewish ancestors, she does not know Yiddish, she was brought up by a Russian nanny. However, she was not shy about her origin. For many years she bore the patronymic Berovna, and when her father became Boris, she also straightened her documents.

In the photo Galina Volchek in childhood

Parents divorced when Galya was still attending school. Basically, after the divorce, the children stay with their mothers, and Galina chose a father.

She had a very complex character, the girl learned the taste of cigarettes early, dyed her hair and put on a bunch of makeup on her face. All this terrified her calm dad.

But that was after the parents divorced, and before that she was an ordinary "gray mouse", wore unchanging pigtails on her head and did not let go of the book. The girl played her first role at the age of fourteen, she took a chance for the sake of the boy she liked. His parents were called to school, and the girl pretended to be his aunt. I put on my mother’s high-heeled shoes, an inconceivable hat with a veil on her head, put on more makeup on her lips, and went to the head teacher of the school. The most incredible thing was that the head teacher did not notice the catch.

In those same years, she made friends with a neighbor, a student at VGIK, whose classmates were and. She often disappeared in their company, and despite the fact that she was much younger, she found a common language with them.

When it came time to go to college, dad strongly recommended his daughter to try her hand at the Gorky Literary Institute, but Galina insisted on her own, and became a student at the Moscow Art Theater School. Volchek received her diploma of graduation in 1955.


After graduation from the institute, only a year has passed, and many events have already happened in the biography of Galina Volchek. It was at this time that she and her colleagues decided to create the Studio of Young Actors, which later became the Sovremennik Theater.

Galina Volchek at the Sovremennik Theater

At the end of the 50s, Galina was involved there as an actress, and from 1962 she became the director of this theater. Ten years later, she took the chair of the chief director of this theater, and in the late 80s she became its artistic director.

In 1984 Volchek appeared for the last time in front of the theatrical audience as an actress. It was Martha in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf. After that, she gave all her strength to directing.

Galina did not think at all about the career of a theater director, it was the advice of her friend -. At first, she even took offense at him, because she decided that he considered her a useless actress. But life has shown that she made the right choice and reached unprecedented heights.

Galina Volchek's debut as a director was triumphant. She directed the play "Two on a Swing", and for thirty seasons she was included in the repertoire of the theater. This was followed by the performances "An Ordinary Story" and "Three Comrades". The first work was awarded the State Prize of the USSR, and the whole theater audience in Moscow was delighted with the second.

Galina managed to become the first among Soviet directors who went on tour in the United States. Thus, the cultural blockade between the two countries was broken. Her performances based on Russian classical works were successfully held in theaters in the United States. The troupe even performed on their famous Broadway, and this was the first performance of a Russian troupe after 1924. After these tours, Galina Volchek received the most prestigious American award - the Drama Desk Prize, which had previously been awarded exclusively to American theaters.

There is also a teaching activity in the biography of Galina Volchek, in which she was engaged exclusively abroad. She recently returned from New York University.

In 2015, Galina Volchek presented to the audience her latest production, Two on a Swing. This is exactly the performance from which the eminent director's triumphant career began. The fans decided that Volchek specially chose this performance to make it clear to everyone that the cycle was closed, and this production puts an end to her career.


Galina Volchek's cinematic career began in 1957, when she starred in the film Don Quixote. After that, there were works in the pictures "The Bridge Is Under Construction", "The Sinful Angel", "The King of Lear".

Galina Volchek in the film "Don Quixote"

Very often, the actress is called for cameo roles, but they did not go unnoticed. In the film "Beware of the Car" Volchek appeared in the role of a customer of a tape recorder, but this insignificant frame did not escape the attention of the audience.

After that, there was a number of pictures in which the actress again played supporting roles or flashed in episodes. In 1996, Volchek disappeared from feature films to participate in documentaries every year.

The new millennium brought to Galina Volchek's piggy bank pictures about the life and work of her colleagues - Oleg Efremov, Evgeny Lebedev, Evgeny Evstigneev,.

Galina Volchek in the movie "King Lear"

The creative path of Galina Volchek herself has not yet been filmed, although many books have already been written about her. Galina Volchek also has directorial work in cinematography. At first, she was engaged in the adaptation of her brightest theatrical productions, and then she began filming a real movie. Volchek shot the films "Steep Route" and "Echelon".

The return of Galina Volchek to the cinema took place in 2015. She starred in the film "Mysterious Passion", where she got the role of herself. The picture tells about the life and work of artists of the last century, performing under invented names, which are very well deciphered.

Personal life

In the personal life of Galina Volchek, there were two official marriages. The first time she married, and their marriage lasted nine years. In 1961, their son Denis was born, who also became the successor of the glorious dynasty of directors. The birth of a child did not seal this marriage; the couple soon divorced.

Galina always said to everyone that it was she who initiated this divorce. After she had a relationship, but she no longer has children. Son Denis is the only child of Galina Volchek.

The second time Galina married the scientist Mark Abelev. He was a doctor of technical sciences, a lecturer at the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute. This marriage was also quite short.

With her third husband, Volchek lived in a civil marriage for ten years, but she is trying to erase these years from her memory. Galina always jokingly said that she was married twice, had several novels, one of which was a misunderstanding. After parting with her common-law husband, Volchek no longer tried to arrange her personal life.

The woman came to the conclusion that she could not be torn in two between the theater and a happy family.

Galina Volchek considers her biggest hobby to discover new stars. And this corresponds to the truth, because a great many young actors have passed through her hands, who, thanks to her care and participation, have achieved something in this life. The director's talent also woke up in the field of clothing modeling. Volchek knows how to create original outfits.

In 1995, Galina Volchek ran for elections to the State Duma. For four years she participated in all meetings of the Duma and was a member of the Committee on Culture. In 1999, the actress left politics.

Health status

Galina Volchek often ends up in the hospital. In March 2016, the director was hospitalized and doctors diagnosed her with pneumonia. After the course of treatment, Volchek was discharged home.

Photo: Galina Volchek in a wheelchair

Now she can only move with the help of a wheelchair, but what caused this has remained a secret. According to some statements, Galina does not walk at all and is forced to move in this way. Others believe that Volchek decided not to give the body a big load, and allows it to rest.

Galina Volchek now

Even in such an unusual form, Galina Volchek did not disappear from theatrical life. She is still the organizer of creative evenings, meets with friends and goes to social events.

In the spring of 2017, Galina Volchek was awarded the title Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation. Thus, the government recognized her invaluable contribution to the development of national culture and art. 2017 was the year of the double anniversary of Galina Volchek. Sixty years of her work at the Sovremennik Theater have already passed, and forty-five years as a chief director.

Galina Volchek celebrated her 85th birthday on December 19, 2018. Naturally, at such a venerable age, she has health problems.

Theatrical performances

  • 1962 - "Two on a swing"
  • 1964 - "On the wedding day
  • 1966 - An Ordinary Story
  • 1968 - "At the Bottom" by M. Gorky
  • 1976 - The Cherry Orchard
  • 1982 - Three Sisters
  • 1988 - Slough
  • 1989 - Steep Route
  • 1990 - "Murlin Murlo"
  • 1994 - Pygmalion
  • 1999 - Three Comrades
  • 2013 - The Gin Game

This is a film about a man who for half a century has firmly held the famous Sovremennik Theater in his hands, but at the same time remains vulnerable and in some ways even naive. This is a film about the incredible attraction, thanks to which today in Sovremennik there is such a bright and stellar troupe, consisting of actors popular and in demand in the cinema, but absolutely devoted to the theater. Which is always in the first place for them.

Once the actress Chulpan Khamatova came to a rehearsal with her two-month-old daughter. So that no one woke her daughter up, she left her in a stroller in Volchek's office, put a baby monitor next to her and went to rehearse. Very soon Volchek entered the office.

Chulpan Khamatova: “We are rehearsing and suddenly we hear this:“ Well, did your mother leave you? ” Then she begins to talk to her like an adult. “Don't be offended by her,” she says.

Amazing intuition for talent. Khamatova Volchek accidentally saw in the popular television program "Vzglyad". And she said: "She must play in our theater!" Exactly the same way, she once called Christina Orbakaite and said: “I see you starring in the play Two on a Swing. Come and try! "

Actress Olga Drozdova generally considers Galina Volchek to be her second mother: “I spent only 17 years with my mother, and 30 with Galina Borisovna”... And this is again a story about Volchek's intuition. " Give me back this little big-eyed! ", - said Volchek, when Olga came along with other graduates of theatrical universities to appear in Sovremennik. And she will leave the "big-eyed" one in Sovremennik. And he will take care of her, and put, as they say, on her feet.

Lia Akhedzhakova played roles in the children's theater, and Volchek took her in, believed her and gave her “adult” roles. Konstantin Raikin immediately after the theatrical university was invited to the "Sovremennik". Mikhail Efremov and Anton Tabakov just call her mother. Because she and Sovremennik are their childhood.

Musician Garik Sukachev became the director of Anarchy on the stage of Sovremennik, a performance with an “explosive” content. Elena Yakovleva left the theater twice and returned twice. And twice Volchek took her again.

And, of course, his son Denis, who does not hide the fact that he was always jealous of his mother for the theater. But growing up, I understood that Sovremennik is more than a theater.

« I do not have,- says Volchek, - n and free minutes, everything is taken by the theater. " Still! There is no one who created Sovremennik anymore, but it is. And she is a theater. Mark Abelev, her second husband, in an interview for our film said that Volchek is "A special state of madness."

On the day of Galina Volchek's jubilee, December 19, after a major overhaul that lasted several years, the Sovremennik building on Chistye Prudy opens. Repair, reconstruction - testing. And even more so for a person who does not know life without a theater. The happy ending of this stage is also the happy beginning of another. In the life of the theater, and therefore in the life of Galina Volchek.

The state of health of eighty-three-year-old Galina Borisovna Volchek began to be discussed after she appeared in a wheelchair at the ceremony of awarding the Hero of Labor stars in the Kremlin on April 28, 2017. Among those who were awarded the award on the eve of the International Day of Workers' Solidarity was the artistic director of the Moscow Sovremennik Theater.

During the award ceremony, Galina Volchek did not get up from the wheelchair, which suggests that the condition of the musculoskeletal system of the actress and director requires a sparing regime. The reason lies in the displacement of the spinal discs.

It all started a few years ago with back pain. For consultation Galina Volchek turned to the Israeli clinic Ilya Pekarsky's Center for Spinal Surgery. At one time, many stars were treated there, including those with the consequences of sports injuries. There she was diagnosed and announced a possible surgical solution to the problem.

In the case of older patients, the accompanying problems are:

  1. degeneration of bone and connective tissue;
  2. weakening of muscle tissue;
  3. fragility of bones.

To avoid possible risks, the artistic director of "Sovremennik" moves with the help of a wheelchair. However, this does not prevent her from continuing her productive creative activity.

Rumors about Galina Volchek's illness

Galina Borisovna herself prefers not to talk about problems. It does not have the image of a strong person who has no time to be ill. In part, this gives rise to a lot of speculation regarding her state of health.

In 2016, Galina Volchek was hospitalized due to complications from the flu. The doctors' diagnosis sounded like pneumonia. Nevertheless, before it was made public by Galina's relatives, the media spread a rumor about an oncological disease.

Age makes itself felt and this courageous woman. So she left the political field in 1999, as it became more and more difficult to cope with public and theatrical affairs.

Disease prognosis: Apparently, Galina Volchek is receiving therapy on an outpatient basis. At her age, surgery is very difficult to tolerate, therefore this method can only be used as a last resort. If experts give her a chance to solve the problem in a more gentle way, you need to use it. As for work and possible overload, it is difficult to define them as a disastrous factor. Very often a person gives up exactly when he is torn away from what he loves.