Sofia Rotaru: “If the President of Russia gave me a Russian passport, I would not refuse. The secret of eternal youth of Sofia Rotaru: no fried potatoes, desserts or meat dishes Photo report: Sofia Rotaru ended up in intensive care

  • 25.06.2019

“Rotaru hasn’t been singing for a long time, because she hasn’t been able to do it physically since 1974. Modern technology allows Rotaru to record songs using notes. She has her own secret studio in Kyiv. Then the tapes are played at concerts. There are no problems with television at all - there is always a soundtrack. The most terrible deception…”, famous composer Evgeniy Doga told about Sofia Rotaru.

But many years later, the singer herself commented on it like this:

“There have always been many legends about me. Composer Evgeniy Doga did his best. I was the first to sing his song “My White City" Then he offered me a couple more of his songs, but they didn’t suit me, and I rather delicately refused to take them into my repertoire. The composer was probably offended and, in a fit of anger, gave an interview where he accused me of almost all mortal sins. That, they say, I have an underground studio in Ukraine, where I hum a few notes, and then with the help of powerful equipment they are “pulled out” into a whole song! I remained silent, and everyone thought that I had nothing to answer. And I considered it beneath my dignity to refute nonsense..."

Photo:fortuna- rotaru. com

So who really is Sofia Rotaru - a shameless “plywood worker” or a brilliant singer and idol of several generations of Soviet viewers?

Songs “I loved him” and “I will name the planet”

Video:youtube. com/Sofia Rotaru

For many years, Sofia Rotaru was considered the No. 2 singer in the USSR. The first place was firmly held, and still holds today, by Alla Pugacheva, which, of course, is true. And the Diva had more hits than Rotaru, and Sofia Mikhailovna always avoided shocking scandals, which, alas, did not add to her popularity.

Despite the fact that Rotaru appeared on the stage before Pugacheva and was very popular in the early 70s, she failed to retain the “palm of championship”. Rotaru’s voice failed him. Or rather, his temporary absence.

In the early 70s, Sofia Rotaru and the Chervona Ruta ensemble that accompanied her, led by the singer’s husband Anatoly Evdokimenko, toured the country like crazy. Sometimes they performed several times a day without any days off at all. Crowds came to listen to the already famous Ukrainian singer. But this did not pass without a trace for Rotaru:

"At one time I had vocal cords Nodules appeared from overexertion - like polyps. They are treated surgically. Almost all of our stars went through this, and more than once. After the operation, I was strictly ordered to remain silent for two months and not to sing under any circumstances. But I didn’t listen, and complications began. After the second operation, I didn’t speak at all for a month. I haven't worked for a year. Because of this, probably, there were rumors that Rotaru would no longer be able to sing and would only work to a soundtrack…” recalls the People’s Artist of the USSR.

It was at that time, in 1973, that Sofia Rotaru brilliantly sang the song “My White City” by composer Evgeniy Doga based on the verses of Grigory Voda, which was voted for by television viewers and reached the finals of the “Song-73” competition. But by December of that year, Sofia Rotaru could no longer sing on her own - the doctors forbade it.

At all the first “Songs of the Year”, the artists sang “live”, without any soundtracks, since it was believed that this was the only way to “truly” evaluate the talent of the vocalist. All the singers were accompanied on the set by the orchestra of the All-Union Radio and Central Television under the direction of Yuri Silantiev. And when in Musical edition CT decided that Rotaru would be filmed with a soundtrack, then conductor Silantiev was indignant for a very long time, until he was told that the finale of “Song-73” without Rotaru was impossible, since Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev would be the main viewer of the program.

That’s what they did - all the artists in “Song-73” sang themselves and only Rotaru only opened her mouth to her “plus” phonogram. By the way, as a result it turned out to be even better, since in those years it was possible to record high-quality live performance they couldn’t do it in the Ostankino concert studio - there were disgusting microphones that the singers constantly “spit on”, and Sofia Rotaru appeared on air in new Year's Eve December 31, 1973 with good sound.

The song “My City” at the competition “Song-73”, Ostankino, 1973

Video:youtube. com/yangol1

Then, a few years later, composer Evgeniy Doga again spoke about Sofia Rotaru:

“At one time, I begged her to take care of her voice. But the singer’s husband, Tolik, created “Ruta” and began to greatly exploit his wife. Four concerts a day. The poor woman couldn’t even eat after them. Became a straw. And all the excuses: “We want to buy a car, a house, a dacha...” Tolik’s thirst for money ruined the magnificent singer...”

Well, who really craved money in this story - let it remain on the conscience of the composer Doga, but the fact that nothing ruined Rotaru is a fact. Yes, there was a period when things happened to the ligaments serious problems, but then the singer began to pay more attention to them, take care of them, and this did not happen again.

Video: Channel Five archive

The life of the Soviet artist Rotaru had it all - cold nights in drafty airports, hotels without hot water, but with hordes of cockroaches, long tour journeys in dilapidated cars, unheated rural clubs where steam poured out of your mouth in winter... Only a very persistent and courageous woman could withstand all this. And also - loving woman. There are still legends about how Sofia Rotaru loved her husband Tolya - Anatoly Evdokimenko.

Sofia Rotaru on the cover of Ukraine Magazine, 1965

In 1965, while serving in the army in the Ural Nizhny Tagil, a young guy Tolya Evdokimenko from the city of Chernivtsi saw on the cover of the magazine “Ukraine” beautiful girl, who turned out to be his countrywoman. Having been demobilized, he found Sonya and began to look after her. Another detail became clear - they both could not live without music. For two years, Sonya tested the young man’s strength, and then agreed to marry him.

Wedding photo of Sofia Rotaru and Anatoly Evdokimenko

Photo: from personal archive Sofia Rotaru

By that time, Sofia Rotaru was already not only the pride of Chernivtsi, but also the entire Ukrainian SSR, because the fame of the superbly singing girl from the village of Marshintsy had long spread throughout the country. Back in 1966, a short musical film “The Nightingale from the Village of Marshintsy” was shot about Rotaru for Central Television. Then Sofia Rotaru sang mainly only Moldovan and Ukrainian folk songs.

Video: Channel Five archive

The first Soviet pop song in Rotaru’s repertoire was the song “Mama”. Having met Evdokimenko, who dreamed of music and was ready to do anything for Sonya, Rotaru suggested trying to “modernize” some folk songs, making other arrangements for them in the style of the then popular VIA.

It turned out great, and that’s how the team that Evdokimenko began to assemble gradually took shape into a real ensemble, and in 1971 both Rotaru and the group, called “Chervona Ruta,” received an official invitation to work at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic. So it began professional life Rotaru, her husband and their ensemble on stage.

For 15 years, Sofia Rotaru and “Chervona Ruta” shone on the Soviet stage, until one day in 1986 it all ended. In one of her interviews, Sofia Rotaru, when asked by a journalist if she had ever been truly scared, answered:

“When I was betrayed. This was connected with the Chervona Ruta collective, which Tolik once organized. It was the peak of popularity, when we were carried in our arms, when cars were lifted at concerts. It seemed to the guys that they could count on success without me, that I treated them wrong, that the repertoire was wrong, that they received little money... When Tolik and I left for our homeland, they got together and decided that they didn’t need us. They left with a scandal and with the name “Chervona Ruta”..."

Video: Channel Five archive

And Sofia Rotaru was able to survive this. With the support of her husband, she again appeared on stage, actively worked with popular composers Vladimir Migulya and Vladimir Matetsky, and had absolutely no idea that ahead was not only the collapse of the USSR, not only new market conditions life, but also a different life in general, where her husband will need her help.

Video: Channel Five archive

In 1997, Sofia Rotaru's husband became seriously ill. At first the doctors said it was brain cancer, but then it turned out it was a stroke. For five years, Rotaru brought various world medical luminaries to her Tolya, but he got worse and worse. After several subsequent strokes, Anatoly Evdokimenko stopped speaking and moving, and in 2002 he died in Kyiv in the arms of his beloved and faithful wife Sofia Rotaru. She later said that her son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren helped her survive this tragedy.

However, Sofia Rotaru’s iron character sometimes spoiled a lot for her. This happened in 1985 on the set of “Song 85”, when, contrary to the requests of the TV director, she decided to be closer to the viewer and left the stage to the stalls. As a result, the entire first verse of the song “Stork on the Roof” turned out to be a waste - the cameramen could only film Rotaru from the back or general plan the entire hall.

Video: Channel Five archive

Even during the USSR, there was a lot of gossip about the difficult relationship between Sofia Rotaru and Alla Pugacheva, but with the collapse of the country, “clashes” between singers happened quite often: in 1999, at a concert in honor of Police Day, Sofia Rotaru was removed from the list of participants at the last second. The reason is Pugacheva’s scandal.

5 years later, Alla Borisovna herself found herself left out of the same holiday. After I found out that holiday program It will not be she who will finish, but Sofia Rotaru, Pugacheva slammed the door.

In 2006, Rotaru demonstrated its scandalous character. Sofia Mikhailovna did not want to participate in the concert dedicated to her, having learned that Alla Pugacheva was offered a fee, but she was not. But in the end, the organizers were able to extinguish the scandal and both singers performed in different parts this concert in the center of Kyiv. Rotaru

But in 2009, at Alla Borisovna’s anniversary concert, the two stars depicted a great reconciliation. Hugging, they performed the group's hit "t.A.T.u." "Not gonna get us". What was it? Shocking? Just a show? I think no. After all, indeed, no one will ever be able to catch up with Sofia Rotaru and Alla Pugacheva.

And the annexation of Crimea to Russia, Sofia Rotaru, unlike some others Ukrainian artists, did not burn any bridges.

Video: Rotaru

Sofia Rotaru often comes to Russia, gives concerts, and when asked by one of the journalists whether, as a long-term resident of Crimea, she received Russian citizenship, she answered:

“When residents of Crimea received Russian passports, by law I was not entitled to this, since I had a residence permit in Kyiv. But, on the other hand, if Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin gives me Russian passport, like Depardieu, I wouldn’t refuse.”

Video: Channel Five archive

Ivan Tsybin

Sofia Rotaru flew on a private plane to the billionaires' resort, where she plans to celebrate her anniversary, reports On August 7, the artist turns 70 years old.

The singer will celebrate her birthday with her family - her son Ruslan, daughter-in-law Svetlana, grandchildren, sister and other family members. To celebrate her 70th birthday, Sofia Rotaru chose an Italian resort. A few days before the celebration, the family went to Sardinia on a private jet, notes Cosmopolitan

The artist and her family stayed in one of the hotels in the elite town of Porto Cervo, where wealthy people from all over the world often vacation. This place in Sardinia is home to the billionaires' yacht club, and nearby there is a mini-dock for repairing the most expensive yachts. It is at this resort that Emin Agalarov, Yana Rudkovskaya, Andrei Malakhov are now vacationing.

All organizational issues the singer's anniversary celebrations took over her The only son Ruslan and his wife Svetlana. It is reported that in Sardinia, Sofia Mikhailovna spends a lot of time with her grandchildren - 16-year-old Sonya and 23-year-old Tolya.

“Sofia Mikhailovna does not like to concentrate on numbers, does not want to be congratulated on her anniversary - just happy birthday. It should be noted that Rotaru looks great - Sofia Mikhailovna denies that plastic surgeons help her maintain her youth, but the fact is clear - the singer there are no wrinkles, the skin is smooth, elastic and taut even around the eyes, the oval of the face is even, clear, without sagging,” notes the author of the publication.


Fans of the artist thanked her family for the photos. According to them, they really missed the singer: “Sofia is charming and attractive, the best, incomparable to anyone,” “The most beautiful family, I love them very much,” “Thank you for the photo, pamper us more often with photos with Sofia Mikhailovna, we miss her,” “Thank you for pictures! I wish you a good time and full program enjoy your vacation"(Spelling and punctuation are copyrighted. - Ed.).


Let us remind you that on March 23, Sofia Rotaru fell on stage during a concert that took place in Kyiv. The singer took part in a large anniversary concert of the Ukrainian composer Ruslan Kvinta, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of his work. The most came to congratulate the maestro bright stars Ukrainian stage. Rotaru could not stand on her feet after performing the composition" Autumn flowers"The 69-year-old star tripped and fell right on top of the composer who was accompanying her on the piano.

In February of this year, it was reported that the 15-year-old granddaughter of Sofia Rotaru, Sofia Evdokimenko, became the model of the year. The girl has already been on the cover of Ukrainian Elle, and also became the face of the Anna K and Poustovit brands. She was also awarded the title " Best model"according to the Mercedes-Benz Kiev Fashion Prize.

The Ukrainian pop legend, singer Sofia Rotaru celebrates her anniversary today, August 7th. The artist turns 70 years old.

The future artist was born in the village of Marshyntsi, Chernivtsi region in 1947.

As a child, Rotaru, in addition to the fact that she loved to sing, was actively involved in sports and athletics, and even became the school champion in all-around.

Sofia Mikhailovna studied in Chernivtsi music school at the conducting and choir department.

After graduating from college, Rotaru began teaching and, in the same 1968, married Anatoly Evdokimenko. In August 1970, the couple had a son, Ruslan.

Sofia lived with Anatoly, who was her only husband, for 35 years. In 2002, the artist’s husband died of a stroke.

From the very beginning creative path, Sofia Rotaru predicted a great future for big stage. She won numerous all-Ukrainian and international competitions.

Real glory and nationwide love for Sofia Rotaru came after the songs were performed famous composer Vladimir Ivasyuk. The composition "Chervona Ruta" performed by her still remains a hit.

In total, Sofia Rotaru’s repertoire includes more than 500 songs in Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Moldavian, Polish, Italian, German, Spanish and English languages. For my solo career the singer has released 21 albums.

Legendary singer has many honorary titles and awards. She happens to be People's Artist USSR, People's Artist of Ukraine, Honored Artist of the Moldavian Socialist Republic, and also Hero of Ukraine. In addition, Rotaru’s list includes the titles of Honorary Citizen of Chernivtsi, Yalta and Chisinau.

Let us note that exactly 10 years ago, on the singer’s 60th anniversary, President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko (2005-2010) awarded Sofia Rotaru the Order of Merit, 2nd degree, for “a significant personal contribution to the development of the Ukrainian musical art, high performing skills and many years of fruitful activity."

In addition to the fact that Sofia Rotaru is a great artist, she is also the happy mother of the famous music producer Ruslana Evdokimenko, and grandmother of Anatoly and Sofia.

If geographically and politically Soviet Union has been dead for a long time, then in pop culture it continues to exist as if nothing had happened - in the person of such figures as, who recently celebrated her 80th birthday, or Sofia, who turns 70 on August 7.

In only one biographical information about Rotaru, it seems, the whole history of the country - she was born in the village of Marshantsy in the Chernivtsi region of Ukraine in a Moldavian family; in the early 90s there was a joke that during negotiations in Belovezhskaya Pushcha The leaders of Russia and Ukraine wondered “how we will divide Rotaru.”

Her career began to develop at a time when Soviet ideologists finally allowed the flowers of national cultures to bloom.


Many believe that the real acceleration of the glory of Rotaru began with musical film“Chervona Ruta” 1971, in which Rotaru played the main role and the name of which she then took for her ensemble. In fact, the Festival of Youth and Students, held in Bulgaria three years earlier, can also compete for the title of the launching pad of her career - she won there gold medal, performing songs in Ukrainian and Romanian.

And the first success came about ten years earlier and consisted of many stages - regional, then republican amateur art competitions, the conducting and choral department of the Chernivtsi Music College, in the absence of a vocal one.

Photo report: Sofia Rotaru was admitted to intensive care

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The key to Rotaru’s success was a clear and even in the best sense words a calculated mixture of national and cosmopolitan repertoires: so, from the very beginning creative activity continued to collaborate with composer Vladimir Ivasyuk from Lvov, but at the same time sang songs by Arno Babajanyan and Vladimir Matetsky; Other poets who need no introduction also wrote texts for them. And the point is not only that collaboration with the highest caste of Soviet pop composition and poetry workshop served as a pass to the big stage.

Such omnivorousness allowed her to organically weave songs from the Soviet outskirts into different languages into its program and skillfully use - at least the declarative - course of the Soviet authorities to support national cultures.

And thus everyone likes it: both Mosconcert officials and residents Russian capitals, and to his fellow countrymen on both sides of the Ukrainian-Moldovan border.

It’s interesting that the singer, seemingly favored by the authorities, had her share of disgrace in her career. More precisely, it worked out - in 1975, she had a conflict with the local Chernivtsi regional committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, and therefore she and her ensemble moved to Yalta. Nothing definite is known about its causes until now - Rotaru herself said that she moved to Crimea due to the onset of asthma. A possible reason was the increased share of the repertoire in Ukrainian and collaboration with authors from Western Ukraine. It is interesting that the shake-up and stress gave new impetus to her career: the singer’s records (first long-players) began to be released by the Melodiya company, and she herself was invited to Munich to record a disc at the Ariola company. Then she had a large-scale tour of Western and Eastern Europe.


The decade of transition from stagnation to perestroika became the peak of her career - it was at this moment that, with the help of radio and television, she became a constant presence in the life of the country, coming to almost every home and sounding from every window. And the trigger for this popularity, again, as in the case of “Chervona Ruta,” was cinema—more precisely, two films with her songs and participation. In 1980, “Where Are You, Love?” was released, a kind of adaptation of the plot of “Come Tomorrow” to a more modern realities. The picture was quite autobiographical - in it, a young girl came to an amateur song competition with a composition by Raymond Pauls, the same name as the film, and left as its main triumph.

The film turned out to be mega-popular - Melodiya released a record with songs from the film, and songs based on poems by the best Soviet poets the whole country sang.

A year later, another picture was released - “Soul”, an autobiographical melodrama about the singer’s loss of her voice and reassessment of values. The participants of “Time Machine” starred in it as musicians, the songs were written by and, and Rotaru’s partner was who was then at the peak of popularity. The second picture completed the formation of a personal mythology around her, and her triumphant tour in Canada gave her the status of a real export star, in the language of trade, suitable for both domestic consumption and export.

However, it seems that it was this stardom and this status that became the reason for the actual second disgrace - she was prohibited from foreign tours (for which there were more and more requests).

It got to the point of being funny - representatives of a German concert agency once received a paper in response to an invitation: “This kind of person doesn’t work here.”

Nevertheless, Rotaru actively participated in “Songs of the Year” and continued to collaborate with both top Russian-language authors and Moldovan poets - for example, Gheorghe Vieru, who wrote the songs “Romantica” and “Melancolie” for her. However, it ended - it was a failure, it must be admitted - it fell into disgrace only with the beginning of perestroika.

A turning point in this sense can be considered the beginning of collaboration with Vladimir Matetsky, which entailed (or, conversely, was the reason) for a change in image - instead of a chansonnier with folk roots, Rotaru turned into a disco and rock vocalist. More precisely, she was still an ideal opponent for the rock musicians of the Leningrad Rock Club and the Moscow Rock Laboratory, however, starting with the quite romantic “Lavender”, she eventually began to perform fast things - the very ones for which she is still remembered por: “Moon, moon”, “It was, but it’s gone”, “Only this is not enough.” The latter was a completely bold experiment - a poem full of nostalgic sadness was turned by Matetsky into a real rock action movie. They worked together for 15 long years - until the end of those very 90s, when honored artists were decisively scrapped, and new ones were nominated in their place.

Nineties - today

Moreover, it is worth noting that Rotaru never became an archival star - like the generation of pop stars a generation older, who quietly and with dignity retired into teaching and “Old songs about the main thing.”

She, who began her career with the help of her mother, a trader at the collective farm market, had some amazing, as they say these days, marketing sense: in some amazing way, at the right moments in time, she guessed the situation and the time when she needed to change her image or do something new.

So, for example, it was she who at one time - back in the early 90s - noticed a trend among new pop stars to perform with backup dancers and invited the then not very famous troupe "Todes" to perform with her.

The head of the dance theater, Alla Dukhova, said that these concerts were the first step towards the future fame of the dance troupe.

At the same time, she is not at all characterized by a passion for continuous updating and oblivion of the old repertoire - she did not shy away from anniversaries, nostalgic reissues, etc. In 2012-2013, she launched a big anniversary tour dedicated to the 40th anniversary of her creative activity. Rather, on the contrary - carefully and tightly mixing old hits with new ones, she presented her songs as part of one, never interrupted (and, by and large, not influenced by time) process. Moreover, it seems that in her case this is not a concept, but a philosophy - because both her biography and her statements indicate that for her this is a way of life.

Another feature of her philosophy remains her political position. Although it would be more correct to say humanitarian - a Kiev resident by registration and a Yalta resident by actual place of residence, in 2004 she distributed food on the Maidan to representatives of both opposing camps.

And later, in the wake of the great advent of Ukrainian musicians into politics, she even tried to run for the Rada from the Lytvyn bloc. At the same time, at the present time, it refrains in every possible way from any involvement in the foul-smelling Russian-Ukrainian propaganda wars, causing suffering to both peoples: after the annexation of Crimea, it did not accept Russian citizenship(according to her, due to registration in Kyiv) and especially noted that she is a citizen of Ukraine.

At the same time, in fact, she and her songs remain part of the life of divided citizens of a once united country.

Informals of the 80s considered her songs an example of Soviet pop officialdom - now they sound like last memory about that utopia of the unity of the country and the friendship of peoples, to which the Soviet Union at least tried to get closer and the final collapse of which we are witnessing now. And that is why there is a risk that many leaders of the countries sharing this singer will remain small politicians era of Sofia Rotaru.

Looking at truly folk singer Sofia Rotaru, it’s impossible to believe that today, August 7, she celebrates her 70th birthday.

Of course. Cosmetic surgeons can work wonders. And many observers claim that partly due to their fabulous beauty and the artist owes her youthful appearance to them. But even spiteful critics admit: her activity, youthful enthusiasm, and mobility can be envied.

True, embarrassments do happen. In March of this year, the star Soviet stage included in the “shooting stars” rating. At one of the concerts she could not resist too much high heels and collapsed, fortunately, not on or off the stage, but into the reliable hands of composer Ruslan Kvinta.

Fortunately, he was also on stage at that time and provided support for the “comet” of Russian and Ukrainian show business in time. Rotaru was not at a loss then. We must give her credit, she recovered from the fall quickly. She asked the musician for forgiveness, and then joked: “Hold me tight!” And then she calmly continued her speech.

And Sofia Mikhailovna decided to celebrate her 70th birthday in a close circle of close people, away from the bustle, from annoying reporters and not always adequate fans. She and family members flew to Sardinia on a private jet.

The celebration takes place in a rented villa with a gorgeous, fantastic view of the Mediterranean Sea. Members of the star family have already started posting photos and videos about this little summer adventure on the Internet.

The “rehearsal” for the anniversary was creative evening Sofia Rotaru, held as part of the “HEAT” festival, which recently ended in the Azerbaijani capital Baku. Together with the hero of the day, her granddaughter Sofia shone on stage. The singer's namesake is making a career as a model, and is already quite successfully mastering the European catwalks.