What does heel mean in a dream? High heels according to the dream book.

  • 16.10.2019

Dream interpretation heels

The human brain through night visions projects important information for the sleeping person. The main meaning is not bright adventures, but small details. Shoes are one of the symbols of the road. Its appearance will tell you whether it will be easy to achieve the goal. Separately, dream books consider dreams, where the image of heels appears. Such dreams always have a warning meaning.

If you dreamed about a heel on a boot, then this is an extremely favorable sign that characterizes the dreamer as a confident, independent person who is able to make decisions, deal with troubles, and resolve conflicts.

Finding an answer to the question of what heels dream of will not take much time when there are interpretations of dream books nearby.

Hear the sound of feminine shoes in a dream

A new interesting lesson will completely take up your free time after dreams of clattering heels, according to the Lunar Dream Book, and the interpreter of the Wanderer considers such a plot as luck, a dream come true.

Symbols of dreams

Modern society has changed the ancient way, where high-heeled shoes were allowed to be worn exclusively by noble males. Today, a pair of classic, evening, walking shoes are an indispensable attribute of a woman's wardrobe. How do you choose the appropriate sleep value?

Regardless of gender and social status, high-heeled shoes in a dream symbolize confidence.

For shopping lovers, such signs of the subconscious promise new purchases. For purposeful individuals, a vision with heels predicts a triumphant victory, and a suddenly flying heel predicts defeat.

Concise and clear

The thicker the heel is, the stronger the family ties will be.

It happens that flipping through the pages of dream books in search of a suitable meaning takes a lot of time. The most popular interpretations will help to figure out what the heel is dreaming of.

Roll up a leg in a dream

  • Dreaming visited the image of heels? A business approach, a strong grip will contribute to achieving what you want.
  • Walking in heels - taking an active part in social life, taking responsibility.
  • To turn up a leg due to excessively high shoes in a dream - to face formidable obstacles.
  • I had a chance to see worn-out shoes - it's time to let go of the past.

When a girl, smartly dressed, is afraid of losing her balance, breaking a heel or falling down in front of everyone, then this is a subconscious fear of making a mistake, getting loose, “getting into a puddle”.

Freud's Interpreter for Men and Women

Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, exploring the secrets of human consciousness, draws attention to the peculiarities of thinking, the construction of an associative array. The rational perception of men differs from the sensual female touch, therefore, when interpreting dreams, this fact must be taken into account.

  • The girl is not happy with her own sex life if, according to the plot, she had to walk in high heels.
  • Discomfort next to her lover is felt by a woman whose heel gave way.
  • The man in the plot sees himself walking in heels? A person is confident in his superiority over others.
  • The guy is eager to realize his fantasies when he dreams of obsessive dreams of a lady walking in front in high heels.

Dreamed of broken or spoiled shoes

Sandals, shoes, boots on the legs in dreams - images of this kind signal not only sexual dissatisfaction, but also hint at the worries experienced, indicate the lack of fulfillment of the person as a person.

How famous dream books interpret the sign

As the dream book of the 21st century assures, worn-out shoes in a dream portend change. The modern interpreter says that the long-awaited changes will not bring joy, but only spoil the mood.

To break the heel according to the autumn interpreter is to buy a chic pair of shoes for almost nothing.

The summer interpreter of visions hints that the date was not destined to take place when the day before he dreamed of a broken heel on sandals.

The esoteric interpreter warns of the danger hanging over the man's head, who assures that dreams about heels are negative, foreshadow the appearance of a fatal woman nearby.

According to Tsvetkov's dream book, a shoe with heels is a signal from the subconscious, hinting that the dreamer has deviated from the path, made a mistake, chose the worst of the options.

Detailed analysis of the vision

Some people mistakenly believe that the interpreters will accurately tell about the future. Since each person is a unique personality, dream books of workshops, mediums and astrologers only hint at a possible development of events.

To get closer to a true understanding of the signs, one should take into account the figurative symbolism, actions and even the sensations from the script of dreams.

Dreamed of heavy heavy shoes

As the dream book says, young beauties dream of heels for the appearance of an enviable groom.

For elderly people, a dream portends joyful emotions, a happy old age.

A massive heel, like the sole, speaks of loyal comrades ready to go into battle for you.

External characteristics of the image

High heels in dreams will tell you that you can get out of this situation with dignity.

Possible interpretations of dream books for different types of shoes. If in heels:

  • Boots. New - to profit, worn out - financial difficulties will arise.
  • Sandals are a symbol of romantic mood. A wobbly couple speaks of insecurity.
  • Male shoes. The dreamer is determined.
  • Classic footwear. It will turn out to gain the respect of colleagues, climb the career ladder.

A hairpin, taken away in dreams, will tell about a far from ideal character.

When an unstable couple dreams, then in reality the earth will leave from under your feet. A possible cause may be unpleasant news, a conflict situation, health problems.

What hints at a strong-willed character

Is the shape important? What does a steady heel tell you about?

Dreamed of unrealistically high shoes

  • The one who dreamed of heavy heels will endure all adversity. A person will fight, no matter what, overcome any obstacle, come out the winner.
  • A person is capable of performing tasks efficiently and quickly if he dreams of high shoes.
  • Are the shoes uncomfortable? Are your heels loose? Make sure your loved one's intentions are honest.
  • A person who, according to the plot, wore shoes with inconspicuous round heels, is capable of resolving conflicts, "smoothing corners".

It will not be possible to move away from the shocking news in reality quickly, - this is how the combined dream book interprets the image of worn-out shoes, worn out heels.

If luck has turned away

Why is a broken heel dreaming? According to the female dream book, failures will fall on the sleeping person's head.

The stiletto heel symbolizes gossip that can damage the reputation of an honest worker.

A tense atmosphere will reign at home, the clouds are thickening, foreshadowing scandals if a heel breaks in dreams. To avoid a tense atmosphere, mediums recommend spending the evening with relatives, discussing issues of concern to them, and trying to get imbued with other people's problems.

If you dreamed of a fallen off heel

A little flattery won't hurt to achieve your desired position after dreaming about torn shoes.

Do not forget that a fallen heel in a dream is identified with the loss of something valuable.

Easy jazz gait

Walking in heels in night dreams is a good sign, since the opinion of a sleeping person is of particular value, a person is an irreplaceable employee.

The one who walks in a dream right in reality chose the right path, occupation, goal.

An even gait also symbolizes the support of friends, the help of children, and the care of parents. Constant falls, an uncertain step hint that the dreamer will be the culprit of his troubles. The interpreter recommends considering the choice before making decisions.

Possible values

As the dream book interprets, red shoes are a passion that has taken possession of the soul. Black shoes on a slight rise indicate good faith. The girl dreams of white high shoes for the wedding.

Different heels can be dreamed of by those who doubt before making a fateful decision.

If you dream of walking in stiletto heels or large heels

Thin high stiletto heels are a warning that you are overestimating your value and your capabilities. But walking in a dream in massive large heels is a good omen. It means strong family relationships, strong friendship, prosperity in business. When you buy new high-heeled shoes, you are subconsciously eager to start a new venture. If you walked around in beautiful, graceful heels, it speaks of good luck in the implementation of plans.

Psychologists explain walking in a dream with massive large heels as self-confident and independent.

Sexologists say that if a woman dreams of high heels, then she is unhappy with the already established relationship and is subconsciously ready for changes in her personal life. Such women, if they value family ties, need to be liberated and look for positive qualities in a partner. If a man dreams of a partner in high heels, then he wants a vivid dynamic relationship, but in reality he cannot offer them. You need to take courage and discuss your sexual desires with your partner.

Why dream of walking in low heels

If you walk in low wide heels in a dream, then you subconsciously strive for stability in business and relationships. Such a dream is typical for accomplished women, or for people who do not want change.

Walk in a dream on worn-out heels

Trampled heels promise trouble, but not as big as broken ones. For example, engaging in an unpleasant business, not the best changes in business, repeating past mistakes. Also, shoes with worn out heels warn not to get involved in gambling - they will not bring anything but waste.

Psychologists and sexologists in this dream find a fall in self-esteem, a weakening of volitional qualities, and self-doubt.

Walk in a dream with a broken heel

According to Eastern and Esoteric dream books, if you dreamed that you walked on broken heels, this is not the best omen. Difficulties in important matters, unfortunate coincidence of circumstances are possible. You need to be prepared that your reputation will be hit. Or you will find yourself in a ridiculous situation.

According to modern dream books, a broken heel while walking promises only minor troubles. For example, a small loss of something.

Psychologists believe that if a person walks on broken heels in a dream, it means that in life he is trying to "put pressure" on someone, but at the same time he lacks the will to bring the matter to an end. This is evidence of mistakes in relationships that can lead to loss of reputation, dismissal, family problems, friendships, etc.

Sexologists interpret this dream in their own way. Chances are, you have recently had a failure in sex, and this is very burdensome. There are thoughts that problems in the intimate sphere will continue in the future. To regain confidence, you need to try everything from the beginning, but always with the same partner. If a man in a dream was with a woman who walked on broken heels, this indicates that he wants to dominate the developing relationship. He wants his partner to please him.

Heel stuck in a dream clearly indicates obstacles in business. That the planned enterprise is unlikely to come true.

How curious that sometimes in dreams even the simplest and seemingly insignificant things are of great importance.

In reality, we are surrounded by these objects every day and do not attach any importance to them, but in the world of dreams everything is different. And if you give it due importance, do not forget to refer to dream books, then you can find out a lot of useful information in order to influence your own destiny! For example, such a familiar thing as a heel - why is it dreaming and what does it mean?

The heel is a symbol of true femininity and elegance. Any woman in high heels turns into a lady, it's hard to deny. But this is in reality, but in dreams this simple object has its own special meanings, and there are many of them.

The interpreter lists a number of very different meanings of this difficult symbol, and in order to find out reliably why you dream of heels, you should first remember well the whole dream with its details and nuances. The dream book describes the following options:

  • The heel flew off the shoe in a dream.
  • Broken.
  • Break with your own hands.
  • Wear with a broken heel.
  • Stylish shoes with high, thin heels.
  • Walk on high heels.
  • Buy shoes with stiletto heels.
  • Get stuck in your heel.
  • Seeing heels for a man in a dream.
  • Lose a heel.
  • Old, worn out heels are dreaming.
  • Wide, stable heel.

As you can see, there are a lot of options - and believe me, you should be more careful so as not to confuse them. Because every nuance matters here, so remember everything without mistakes and find out what your dream is for.

Clink-clink ...

It doesn't matter which one you prefer in reality - on a flat and comfortable sole or on model stiletto heels. The dream book will tell you a lot of important information, and you yourself can draw your own conclusions.

1. As the dream book says, a heel that suddenly flew off in your dream portends a quarrel with your loved one. To prevent this from happening, be wiser - do not get irritated without a special reason, take care of your relationship. Do not provoke conflicts with those who are dear to you! After all, it is very difficult to restore them.

2. But a broken heel is a warning. Avoid unpleasant stories, try not to communicate with people who are unpleasant to you or make you suspicious. Do not take risks, watch your actions and words, and then everything will be fine.

3. If in your dreams you yourself decided to break the heel, it means that in reality you will rule and dominate. At work, in a family or in a relationship - the dream book does not explain, but the primacy, no doubt, will be yours.

4. Wearing shoes with a broken heel in a dream - this means that you cannot forget your unsuccessful relationship or unpleasant personal experience associated with the intimate sphere. Let it go! Take experience from the past failure, use the knowledge gained and live on!

Hairpins in a dream

1. Why buy dress shoes in dreams, or, the dream book explains as follows: this is a symbol of decisive changes. You are ready for them, and a new era in your life will soon come!

2. Walking in high heels in dreams is a sign of great sexual potential, but you do not fully believe in it. You should stop underestimating yourself and show your irresistibility to the fullest! Then your personal life will become much brighter and more eventful, and all discontent will go away by themselves.

3. An excellent sign - beautiful, graceful thin hairpins. This is a symbol that soon all your plans will come true, everything that you want to achieve will be yours. Do not deviate from the intended goal, plan, act and achieve everything!

Other meanings

1. If a heel stuck in your dream - in a gap on the road or between stones, for example, this suggests that if you have dishonest intentions, they will not come true. Perhaps you are thinking about doing a not very good deed, but leave this venture - it will still not work. So it is better to act according to your conscience, and then everything will be fine.

2. Why can a man dream about heels? This probably means that you do not dare to realize all your fantasies in reality. Be bolder!

3. Lost heel - a symbol that the time has come to get rid of something old and unnecessary. It is a necessity - sometimes to get rid of what has already played its role, what has fulfilled its purpose in your life and must leave it in order to make room for something new and beautiful. It could be old relationships or contacts, attachments, habits or places - you know better. Let go, and new happiness will enter life!

4. What can old, worn-out heels dream of? This is a symbol that you can learn from old mistakes, draw the right conclusions and gain valuable experience. Remember the mistakes of the past, analyze them, make something out of them for yourself, and this experience will help you in the present and in the future.

5. A wide, stable heel in a dream is a symbol of stability. Even if there are difficulties in your life now, they will soon pass, and a calm, harmonious period will come.

Do not forget that the dream book does not control your life, but only suggests possible options. I wake up everything is in your hands - and everything depends only on you! Author: Vasilina Serova

In a dream, a heel is a symbol of stability in position, a symbol of well-being and happiness. The more stable the heel on your shoes in a dream, the stronger your happiness.

To see a trampled heel in a dream means that your position will shake.

A dream in which you saw that you have a fashionable heel on your shoes means respect for others and a wealthy life full of pleasure, entertainment, pleasant meetings and gifts.

To see a broken heel in a dream is a harbinger of obstacles in business, losses, losses, poverty, collapse of plans. A strangely shaped heel predicts that something incredible will happen in your life. Sometimes such a dream means that you will receive an unusual offer or meet an amazing person.

Pulling an interfering nail out of your heel in a dream is a sign that you can remove obstacles in your path.

To see a new heel in a dream is a sign that soon you will have to do a new business.

If you dream that your heel flew off on new shoes, then your business will not progress.

Losing an old heel is a sign that changes in work and lifestyle await you.

A dream in which you saw that the heel is stuck and you cannot move on means a failure. See interpretation: shoes.

Walking in heels indicates that you are a confident person, independent and able to make difficult decisions. You are able to take full responsibility for yourself.

Thick and chunky heels are a supportive and lasting family relationship. Also, this dream can symbolize a strong and indestructible friendship, which many envy.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family dream book

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Dream interpretation - heel

If a man dreams of a woman in high-heeled shoes, this means that he is subject to sexual fantasies, but cannot realize them.

You should be more decisive - the way you imagine yourself and the way you want to be.

This dream pushes you to change your life.

A woman who dreams that she is wearing high-heeled shoes is unhappy with her personal life.

You need to be free and be yourself.

Broken heel dreams of the experiences you have about failure in sex.

You think that next time everything will be the same, so you have already put an end to your intimate life.

It's not all bad - it can happen to anyone.

You should try again with the same partner - it is likely that the second time will be better than the first.

A man who dreams that he is walking with a woman with a broken heel prefers to dominate sex.

He is used to being obeyed and fulfilling all his desires.

Interpretation of dreams from

Previously, high-heeled shoes could be worn by influential people. It was a symbol of wealth and high status. Now high-heeled shoes are a must-have for a woman's wardrobe. And why are heels dreaming? To answer this question, you need to remember all the details of the dream, collect them into one image, and only then turn to the dream books for help.

Heels in a dream reflect the dreamer's inner character. He is capable of making difficult decisions, is self-confident and has an out-of-the-box mindset. Also, the dreamer is able to take responsibility for other people's misconduct. Enemies and adversaries can take advantage of this in the future.

Thick heels

Thick heels in a dream are an auspicious symbol. It symbolizes the fact that only the most faithful friends will surround you. It is necessary to appreciate this, since many can only envy such friendship. You also have a very strong family. If you have not yet found your soul mate, then in the near future you will meet a person with whom you will have a long and strong relationship with good prospects. Perhaps you will be able to spend the rest of your life with this person.


  • Studs in a dream symbolize the dreamer's determination;
  • Seeing another girl in those heels. This dream warns the sleeper that a serious quarrel with loved ones due to strangers may occur. Dream Interpretations advise not to believe rumors and gossip;
  • If a man saw in his night dreams his beloved on high heels, then he is hiding something from his chosen one.

Unusually shaped heels

Unusually shaped heels in a dream signify the dreamer's unthinkable career success. Perhaps you will receive a promising job offer that will help you climb the career ladder. The heel, decorated with some kind of pebbles, has the same meaning.

Ugly heel

This image suggests that the dreamer has some difficulties that are difficult to cope with alone. But at the same time, you prefer to keep silent about it. Interpreters recommend asking for help from relatives and friends, because it will be much easier to cope with troubles together.

Guy in heels

  • If you wore high-heeled shoes in your dreams, then in real life you will have to experience the bitterness of making your own decisions. You may feel embarrassed by some wrongdoing that has become known to the public;
  • Seeing a man in heels is in trouble. To cope with all the difficulties that will fall on your head in the near future, you need to trust your intuition, as well as be smart. This is the only way you can get out of a difficult situation without loss.

What color are the shoes?

Many dream interpreters draw on the color of the shoes that you saw in your night dreams:

  • Black Shoes - You will soon have an opportunity to demonstrate your professionalism and leadership qualities. If everything goes smoothly, then at the end of this test you will receive a pleasant reward and recognition;
  • Red shoes with heels. Married couples can strengthen their relationship. They will have a great opportunity to spend time alone. People who are free from relationships will soon find their second doormat, with which they will be very indebted and have a strong romantic relationship.

New shoes

If you saw new high-heeled shoes, for example, in a store, then in reality you will have the opportunity to show your best qualities in front of your superiors. Dream Interpretations say that now the most favorable period will begin to try yourself in something new.

Boots with heels

  • Interpreters interpret this image as the best time to purchase expensive things and conclude important deals;
  • For a woman, high-heeled boots mark the appearance of a lover with a thick wallet;
  • Men who saw this image in their nightly dreams will begin a new romantic relationship.

Broken heel

Some dream books interpret this image literally. That is, in the future you will have to fork out for the purchase of new shoes, because the old one has come into disrepair. But some interpreters give very disappointing forecasts for the future.

  • Young ladies who saw a broken heel in their dreams will soon face a serious conflict with their lover. Also, you pay little attention to really important things;
  • Businessmen may not expect big profits;
  • If a woman breaks someone else's heel, then this person should be remembered. You can prevent a misfortune that can happen to this young lady;
  • A shoe with a broken heel on another person. This image suggests that in the future you may witness trouble.

Interpretation of the image according to famous dream books

Freud's dream book

  • If a man saw heels in his night dreams, then he should be more decisive in real life. Being too careful is good in certain situations. But in order to achieve your goals, you need to be bolder. This also applies to matters of the heart. Due to self-doubt, it is difficult for you to find a common language with the fair sex;
  • For women, the image of heels in a dream means that she has ceased to receive sexual satisfaction with her current partner. This union will not exist for a long time, as conflicts on sexual grounds will soon begin.

Miller's dream book

  • If a woman broke her heel in a dream, then in reality she will have to face an unpleasant situation where her reputation and future will be at stake;
  • Buying high-heeled shoes. This image speaks of your determination. You are difficult to keep in place, and you can easily start life from scratch;
  • Wear low-heeled shoes. Such a dream speaks of your inner fatigue. You need a short vacation with a pleasant company to restore inner balance and continue to bring your plans to life.