The temperature regime in the working room of shopping mall rf. What temperature should be indoors at work according to the Labor Code? Temperature accounting

  • 29.09.2019

Elevated air temperatures adversely affect the body. The state of health worsens, working capacity decreases. Work at elevated air temperatures in a production facility or work outdoors during the hot season must be carefully planned, the mode of work and rest for such work must comply with the requirements established by regulatory documents.
In accordance with MR (Methodological recommendations "Occupational health. Means of collective and individual protection. Modes of labor, work and rest working in a heating microclimate in a production room and in an open area during the warm season", establishing hygienic requirements for the mode of work in a heating microclimate and in an open area) the permissible duration of a continuous stay in a heating microclimate depends on the energy consumption. On average, for temperatures of 26-28 degrees Celsius at extremely low physical exertion, the total duration is 3-5 hours, and at very high energy costs - from one and a half to two and a half; the "work - rest" mode thus looks like 25-40 minutes of work for light work, and 10-20 minutes for heavy work for one hour.
Then you need to spend time in a room with a comfortable microclimate (15-20 minutes - easy work; for more difficult work, the time increases).
Another document related to the subject of the article is " SanPiN Physical factors of the production environment. Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises. Sanitary rules and regulations". This document establishes the recommended time spent at the workplace when the air temperature exceeds the permissible values.
Quote from the document (not an official publication, provided for reference, there may be differences from the text of the normative document due to the revision or change of the norms of the document):



Air temperature at

workplace, °C

Stay time, no more, at

Categories of work can be determined by Appendix 1 to SanPiN. In general terms, category Ia includes sedentary work with little physical stress (administration, clothing production, etc.). Category Ib includes somewhat heavier work (work sitting, standing, associated with walking, the work of a master, controller). Category IIa includes tot heavier work - in fact, this is the work of the previous category, supplemented by the movement of products and objects weighing up to 1 kilogram. The next category IIb is distinguished by carrying and moving loads weighing up to 10 kg. Category III - heavy work associated with movement, movement (transfer) of weights above 10 kg., Requiring great physical effort.
Some recommendations for those working at elevated temperatures (indoors, outdoors):

  1. Limit your exposure to the air. Organize a rest every 15-20 minutes in a refrigerated room or a room with a normal temperature (at the level of 24-25 ° C).
  2. Provide ventilation, turn on the fans. Avoid abrupt and / or significant cooling of the body due to the temperature difference between the ambient air of the working area and the rest room - especially when air conditioners are installed in the rest rooms.
  3. Work at temperatures above 37 ° C is dangerous. Plan your work so that dangerous work is done in the morning or evening.
  4. Observe the drinking regime. The temperature of water and drinks should be 12 ... 15 ° C (this is the temperature that is optimal). It is recommended to provide for the issuance of juices, fortified drinks, lactic acid drinks, oxygen-protein cocktails - to compensate for the loss of salts and trace elements through sweat. You need to drink often and little by little. The total amount of water, as a rule, is not limited, but it is better to regulate the volume of a single dose - no more than one glass. However, remember it is undesirable to drink more than 1.5 liters of fluid per day in order to avoid excessive stress on the kidneys. It is also not worth increasing the amount of water intake for people with diseases of the kidneys and the cardiovascular system.
  5. If possible, to maintain immunity and reduce intoxication of the body, you need to eat fruits and vegetables.
  6. To prevent injuries - hot surfaces are isolated or fenced off, if necessary, a safe time (duration) of contact with the surface is established.
  7. Outdoors, hats and sunglasses are required.
  8. Give up fatty foods, minimize meat consumption (replace it with fish and seafood).
  9. Take a shower with cool water during the day.

In conclusion, we give one more general rule that applies to all situations: in case of malaise, immediately consult a doctor, do not try to "lie down" or "self-heal". In the hot season, the load on the heart increases, the number of heart attacks increases. Do not treat your health carelessly, take care of yourself.

Region on the islands

Sanitary rules and norms SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises" (approved by the Decree of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Russian Federation of October 1, 1996 N 21)

See also Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the aeroionic composition of the air in industrial public premises", approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on April 18, 2003.

Hygienic requirements for occupational microclimate

Relative humidity;

air speed;

Intensity of thermal irradiation.

5. Optimal microclimate conditions

5.1. Optimal microclimatic conditions are established according to the criteria for the optimal thermal and functional state of a person. They provide a general and local feeling of thermal comfort during an 8-hour work shift with minimal stress on thermoregulatory mechanisms, do not cause deviations in health status, create prerequisites for a high level of performance and are preferred in the workplace.

5.2. The optimal values ​​of the microclimate indicators must be observed at the workplaces of industrial premises where operator-type work associated with neuro-emotional stress is performed (in cabins, on consoles and control posts for technological processes, in computer rooms, etc.). The list of other jobs and types of work in which optimal microclimate values ​​must be ensured are determined by the Sanitary Rules for individual industries and other documents agreed with the bodies of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance in the prescribed manner.

See Rules for labor protection in logging, woodworking industries and during forestry work POT RM 001 - 97, approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of March 21, 1997 N 15

5.3. The optimal parameters of the microclimate at workplaces must correspond to the values ​​given in

5.4. Changes in air temperature along the height and horizontally, as well as changes in air temperature during the shift, while ensuring optimal microclimate values ​​at workplaces, should not exceed 2 ° C and go beyond the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in Table 1 for certain categories of work.

Table 1

6. Permissible microclimate conditions

6.1. Permissible microclimatic conditions are established according to the criteria for the permissible thermal and functional state of a person for the period of an 8-hour working day. They do not cause damage or health problems, but can lead to general and local sensations of thermal discomfort, tension in the mechanisms of thermoregulation, deterioration in well-being and decreased performance.

6.2. Permissible values ​​of microclimate indicators are established in cases where, due to technological requirements, technical and economically justified reasons, optimal values ​​cannot be provided.

6.3. Permissible values ​​​​of microclimate indicators at workplaces must correspond to the values ​​\u200b\u200bgiven in in relation to the performance of work of various categories in the cold and warm periods of the year.

6.4. When ensuring acceptable microclimate values ​​at workplaces:

The difference in air temperature along the height should be no more than 3 ° C;

The horizontal air temperature difference, as well as its changes during the shift, should not exceed: at - 4°C; at - 5°C; at - 6°C.

In this case, the absolute values ​​of the air temperature should not go beyond the values ​​specified in for certain categories of work.

6.5. At an air temperature at workplaces of 25 ° C and above, the maximum allowable values ​​of relative air humidity should not exceed:

70% - at an air temperature of 25°C;

65% - at an air temperature of 26°C;

60% - at an air temperature of 27°C;

55% - at an air temperature of 28°C.

6.6. At an air temperature of 26-28°C, the air velocity indicated in Table 2 for the warm period of the year should correspond to the range:

0.1-0.2 m/s - for work category Ia;

0.1-0.3 m/s - for work category Ib;

0.2-0.4 m / s - for the category of work IIa;

table 2

Permissible values ​​of microclimate indicators at workplaces of industrial premises

6.7. Permissible values ​​of the intensity of thermal exposure of workers at workplaces from industrial sources heated to a dark glow (materials, products, etc.) must correspond to the values ​​\u200b\u200bgiven in Table 3.

Table 3

6.8. Permissible values ​​of the intensity of thermal exposure of workers from radiation sources heated to white and red glow (hot or molten metal, glass, flame, etc.) should not exceed 140 W / sq.m. At the same time, more than 25% of the body surface should not be exposed to radiation, and the use of personal protective equipment, including face and eye protection, is mandatory.

6.9. In the presence of thermal exposure of workers, the air temperature at the workplace should not exceed, depending on the category of work, the following values:

25 ° С - for the category of work Ia;

24 ° C - for the category of work Ib;

22 ° С - for the category of work IIa;

21 ° C - for the category of work IIb;

20°C - for category III works.

6.10. In industrial premises in which the permissible standard values ​​of microclimate indicators cannot be established due to technological requirements for the production process or economically justified inexpediency, microclimate conditions should be considered as harmful and dangerous. In order to prevent the adverse effects of the microclimate, protective measures should be used (for example, local air conditioning systems, air showering, compensation for the adverse effects of one microclimate parameter by changing another, overalls and other personal protective equipment, rooms for rest and heating, regulation of working hours, in particular , breaks in work, reduction of the working day, increase in the duration of vacation, decrease in work experience, etc.).

6.11. To assess the combined impact of microclimate parameters in order to implement measures to protect workers from possible overheating, it is recommended to use the integral indicator of the thermal load of the environment ( ), the values ​​of which are given in applications 2.

6.12. To regulate the time of work within the working shift in a microclimate with an air temperature in the workplace above or below the permissible values, it is recommended to be guided by and applications 3.

7. Requirements for the organization of control and methods for measuring the microclimate

7.1. Measurements of microclimate indicators in order to control their compliance with hygienic requirements should be carried out in the cold season - on days with an outside temperature that differs from the average temperature of the coldest month of winter by no more than 5 ° C, in the warm season - on days with an outside temperature air, which differs from the average maximum temperature of the hottest month by no more than 5 ° C. The frequency of measurements in both periods of the year is determined by the stability of the production process, the functioning of technological and sanitary equipment.

7.2. When choosing sites and measurement time, it is necessary to take into account all factors affecting the microclimate of workplaces (phases of the technological process, the functioning of ventilation and heating systems, etc.). Measurements of microclimate indicators should be carried out at least 3 times per shift (at the beginning, in the middle and at the end). With fluctuations in microclimate indicators associated with technological and other reasons, it is necessary to carry out additional measurements at the highest and lowest values ​​of thermal loads on workers.

7.3. Measurements should be taken at the workplace. If the workplace is several sections of the production premises, then measurements are carried out on each of them.

7.4. If there are sources of local heat release, cooling or moisture release (heated units, windows, doorways, gates, open bathtubs, etc.), measurements should be carried out at each workplace at points that are minimally and maximally remote from thermal impact sources.

7.5. In rooms with a high density of workplaces, in the absence of sources of local heat release, cooling or moisture release, areas for measuring temperature, relative humidity and air velocity should be distributed evenly over the area of ​​​​the room in accordance with Table 4.

Minimum number of measurement sites for temperature, relative humidity and air velocity

7.6. When working while sitting, the temperature and air velocity should be measured at a height of 0.1 and 1.0 m, relative humidity - at a height of 1.0 m from the floor or work platform. For work performed while standing, the temperature and air velocity should be measured at a height of 0.1 and 1.5 m, and the relative humidity of the air at a height of 1.5 m.

7.7. In the presence of sources of radiant heat, thermal exposure at the workplace must be measured from each source, placing the receiver of the device perpendicular to the incident flow. Measurements should be carried out at a height of 0.5; 1.0 and 1.5 m from the floor or platform.

7.8. The temperature of surfaces should be measured in cases where workplaces are removed from them at a distance of no more than two meters. The temperature of each surface is measured in the same way as the air temperature measurement according to item 7.6.

7.9. The temperature and relative humidity of the air in the presence of sources of thermal radiation and air currents in the workplace should be measured with aspiration psychrometers. In the absence of radiant heat and air currents at the measurement sites, the temperature and relative humidity of the air can be measured with psychrometers that are not protected from the effects of thermal radiation and air velocity. Instruments can also be used to measure temperature and humidity separately.

7.10. The speed of air movement should be measured with rotary anemometers (vane, cup, etc.). Small values ​​of air velocity (less than 0.5 m/s), especially in the presence of multidirectional flows, can be measured with thermoelectric anemometers, as well as cylindrical and spherical catathermometers, when they are protected from thermal radiation.

7.11. The surface temperature should be measured with contact devices (such as electrothermometers) or remote ones (pyrometers, etc.).

7.12. The intensity of thermal irradiation should be measured with devices that provide a viewing angle of the sensor close to a hemisphere (at least 160°) and are sensitive in the infrared and visible regions of the spectrum (actinometers, radiometers, etc.).

7.13. The measuring range and the permissible error of measuring instruments must comply with the requirements

7.14. Based on the results of the study, it is necessary to draw up a protocol, which should reflect general information about the production facility, the placement of technological and sanitary equipment, sources of heat release, cooling and moisture release, a diagram of the location of areas for measuring microclimate parameters and other data.

7.15. At the conclusion of the protocol, an assessment of the results of the performed measurements for compliance with regulatory requirements should be given.

Table 5

Attachment 1


Characteristics of individual categories of work

2. K category Ia include work with an intensity of energy consumption up to 120 kcal / h (up to 139 W), performed while sitting and accompanied by slight physical stress (a number of professions in precision instrumentation and engineering enterprises, in watchmaking, clothing production, in management, etc.).

3. K category Ib include work with an intensity of energy consumption of 121-150 kcal / h (140-174 W), performed while sitting, standing or walking and accompanied by some physical stress (a number of professions in the printing industry, at communications enterprises, controllers, craftsmen in various types of production and etc.).

4. K category II include work with an energy intensity of 151-200 kcal / h (175-232 W), associated with constant walking, moving small (up to 1 kg) products or objects in a standing or sitting position and requiring a certain physical stress (a number of professions in mechanical assembly shops of machine-building enterprises, in spinning and weaving, etc.).

5. K category IIb include work with an energy consumption intensity of 201-250 kcal / h (233-290 W), associated with walking, moving and carrying loads up to 10 kg and accompanied by moderate physical stress (a number of professions in mechanized foundry, rolling, forging, thermal, welding machine-building shops and metallurgical enterprises, etc.).

6. K category III include work with an energy intensity of more than 250 kcal / h (more than 290 W), associated with constant movement, moving and carrying significant (over 10 kg) weights and requiring great physical effort (a number of professions in blacksmith shops with manual forging, foundries with manual stuffing and casting molding boxes of machine-building and metallurgical enterprises, etc.).

Annex 2

Determination of the thermal load index of the environment (THS-index)

1. Index (THS-index) is an empirical indicator that characterizes the combined effect of microclimate parameters (temperature, humidity, air velocity and thermal radiation) on the human body.

2. THC-index is determined on the basis of the temperature of the wet-bulb temperature of the aspiration psychrometer (tw.) and the temperature inside the black ball (tsh).

3. The temperature inside the blackened ball is measured with a thermometer, the tank of which is placed in the center of the blackened hollow ball; tsh reflects the effect of air temperature, surface temperature and air velocity. The blackened sphere shall have a diameter of 90 mm, the smallest possible thickness and an absorption coefficient of 0.95. The temperature measurement accuracy inside the ball is +-0.5°C.

4. TNS-index is calculated according to the equation:

HPS = 0.7 x tw. + 0.3 x tsh.

thermal load of the environment at workplaces where the speed of movement

air do not exceed 0.6 m / s, and the intensity of thermal radiation -

1. In order to protect workers from possible overheating or cooling, when the air temperature at the workplace is above or below the permissible values, the time spent at the workplace (continuously or in total per shift) should be limited to the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in and of this application. At the same time, the average shift temperature of the air at which the workers are during the working shift at their workplaces and places of rest should not go beyond the permissible values ​​of the air temperature for the corresponding categories of work specified in Table 2 of these Sanitary Rules.

Table 1

Other indicators of the microclimate (relative air humidity, air velocity, surface temperature, intensity of thermal radiation) at workplaces must be within the allowable values ​​of these Sanitary Rules.

Bibliographic data

1. Guideline R 2.2.4/2.1.8. Hygienic assessment and control of physical factors of production and environment (under approval).

2. Building codes and regulations. SNiP 2.01.01. "Construction climatology and geophysics".

3. Guidelines "Assessment of the thermal state of a person in order to justify hygienic requirements for the microclimate of workplaces and measures to prevent cooling and overheating" N 5168-90 dated 05.03.90. In: Hygienic bases for the prevention of the adverse effects of the industrial microclimate on the human body. V.43, M. 1991, pp. 192-211.

4. Guide R 2.2.013-94. Labor hygiene. Hygienic criteria for assessing working conditions in terms of harmfulness and danger of factors in the working environment, the severity and intensity of the labor process. Goskomsanepidnadzor of Russia, M, 1994, 42 p.

5. GOST 12.1.005-88 "General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air of the working area".

6. Building codes and regulations. SNiP 2.04.95-91 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning".


*(1) The temperature of the surfaces of enclosing structures (walls, ceiling, floor), devices (screens, etc.), as well as technological equipment or its enclosing devices, is taken into account.

*(2) At air temperatures of 25 ° C and above, the maximum values ​​​​of relative air humidity should be taken in accordance with the requirements

*(3) At air temperatures of 26-28 ° C, the air velocity in the warm period of the year should be taken in accordance with the requirements

At work, a person spends the majority of the day for a long period of his life, therefore, the requirements governing the hygienic indicators of the microclimate of the premises where people work are natural. It is especially important to observe them in the office, where employees are mainly engaged in mental work, which is characterized by relative physical inactivity, which means that the negative consequences of an incorrect regimen are even more aggravated.

We will study the requirements of the law for the temperature regime in office premises, as well as the responsibility of the employer for their violation.

The importance of the office environment

The temperature regime greatly affects the well-being and performance of people. High or low air temperature, which affects the employee for a long time, not only has a negative impact on health, but also sharply reduces labor productivity. Office workers perform a variety of activities, most of which involve being in the same position for a long time, usually sitting and inactive:

  • work at a computer;
  • draw up papers;
  • communicate with clients;
  • make decisions, etc.

Mental labor and bodily inactivity do not coexist badly with uncomfortable room temperature. Researchers have empirically found that deviations even within one degree affect the efficiency of office work so much that it makes sense to even shorten the working day if it is impossible to provide the proper microclimate.

IMPORTANT! Ensuring proper temperature conditions in the office is the legislative obligation of the employer, regardless of the form of ownership and the level of subordination of the organization.

Comfort or Optimum

Any employee working in the office wants his work to be carried out in comfortable conditions. But the concept of comfort is too subjective, because it is tied to the individual feelings of each particular person, and they are different for everyone. What is acceptable for one may be unpleasant for another. It is for this reason that the concept of "comfortable conditions" is not used in official documentation and regulations.

Instead of the subjective term "comfort" in the professional vocabulary, a more precise and specific parameter "optimal conditions" is used. As for the optimal air temperature, this is a value determined by complex physiological studies and calculations, taking into account the average human needs.

NOTE! Requirements for optimal temperature conditions are in the field of legislation, which is recorded in the relevant regulatory documents.

SanPiN guarding the health of employees

The sanitary standards of the Russian Federation are collected in a special code that defines the optimal hygiene and health standards for various areas of human life, including employment. This is documentation related to the medical and technical fields, and at the same time legislative, therefore mandatory.

The abbreviation “SanPiN” stands for Sanitary Rules and Norms”, it is somewhat consonant with SNIPs - building codes and regulations, but they should not be confused, these are documents from different working areas.

REFERENCE! The document regulating optimal conditions at the workplace is called SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises." It provides labor protection regulations for office employees (in the text of the law they are categorized as labor costs to category A) and workers in production. These rules and norms were adopted within the framework of Federal Law No. 52 “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population” dated March 30, 1999.

The obligation for employers to comply with the requirements of SanPiN is reinforced by Art. 209 and Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which refers to responsibility for strict observance by employers of the rules of labor protection and timely measures of sanitary, household, hygienic, treatment and preventive, rehabilitation and other nature. Art. 163 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation prescribes a set of measures for employers to ensure an optimal working microclimate.

Seasonal office temperature requirements

In cold and warm seasons, optimal temperature is achieved in different ways. Accordingly, the requirements for the microclimate will differ, as well as the measures provided for by SanPiN in case of impossibility to ensure the temperature regime or its serious violations.

To not be too hot

Prolonged exposure to elevated temperatures is particularly detrimental to the performance and health of workers. In a closed workplace, it can be exacerbated by a large crowd of people, the presence of working office equipment, as well as compliance with a special dress code.

In this regard, the optimal temperature values ​​\u200b\u200band the permissible maximum in the hot season are legally established. For office workers, they are 23-25°C with a relative humidity of 40-60%. Temperature rise up to 28°С is allowed.

Exceeding the summer temperature in the office

If the temperature inside the office deviates from the optimum by more than 2°C, work becomes much more difficult. The employer will have to supply air conditioning for employees and ensure its normal operation and timely maintenance.

If for some reason this is not done, the employee should not meekly endure the exhausting heat, while also trying to meet professional requirements. Sanitary regulations allow workers with good reason to reduce the standard eight-hour working day for which the temperature requirements are calculated:

  • 29°C allows you to work 6 hours instead of 8;
  • 30°C allow a two-hour contraction;
  • each subsequent degree exceeding the norm reduces the requirements for working time by another 1 hour;
  • if the thermometer value has reached 32.5 ° C, you can not stay at work longer than 1 hour.

NOTE! Many employees note the negative impact of air conditioning, comparable in harm to heat and stuffiness. The same requirements of SanPiN, along with temperature and humidity, limit the speed of air movement in the room, which should not go beyond the range of 0.1-0.3 m / s. It follows that the worker should not be under the jet of a blowing air conditioner.

Cold is the enemy of work

In a room that is too cold, no work is arguable, especially office work, when the body cannot warm itself with movement. If for some categories of production workers it is permissible to lower the ambient temperature to 15 ° C, and even then for a short time, this is unacceptable for white-collar workers.

In the cold period of the year indoors, a comfortable temperature value of 22-24 ° C should be observed. Fluctuations of the norm up to 1-2 ° С are permissible, and for a short time during the working day the thermometer column can “jump” by 3-4 ° С.

What to do if it's cold in the office

Personnel must be at work for the full 8 hours only if the temperature does not fall below 20°C. Each next step towards the cold rightfully reduces the length of stay in an insufficiently heated room:

  • 19°C enable a seven-hour working day;
  • 18°C - 6 hours of operation, and then in descending order;
  • 13 ° C allow you to stay in the office for no more than an hour.

Features of temperature measurements

Since the duration of operation depends on the temperature component, fluctuations of which only 1 ° C affect the efficiency of operation so much, it is necessary to observe the accuracy of measurements.

With an unscrupulous attitude of employers or employees, it may be tempting to overestimate or underestimate the true values ​​​​of temperature indicators. Errors are also possible with inaccurate instruments and their incorrect placement.

To avoid complications with the determination of air temperature, legislative regulations oblige to place a thermometer at a distance of exactly 1 meter from the floor.

Responsibility of the employer for non-compliance with the requirements of the office microclimate

If the boss does not want to fulfill its responsibility to provide the staff with optimal working conditions, for example, does not install the air conditioner or heater necessary in the hot season or the heater in the cold season, employees should not tolerate his arbitrariness for fear of dismissal. After contacting the sanitary and epidemiological service, the organization will be checked, and if the claims are confirmed, administrative responsibility cannot be avoided.

In addition to the inevitable requirements to eliminate violations, a negligent employer will be issued a serious fine in the amount of 10-12 thousand rubles. And if he does not correct himself in time, then his activities can be stopped for 3 months (Article 6.3. Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

For efficient production and comfortable conditions in the workplace, the temperature in the room remains an important aspect, but what is its norm? What losses will it incur if this condition is not met?

Employer's obligation to ensure temperature standards

Labor legislation regulates the requirements for measures for. When complying with these standards, the employer is responsible. These activities include the observance of the temperature regime in the room. The air temperature affects the productivity of the labor process, and if it is below or above the norm, then this is considered a deviation.

The manager is obliged to put this indicator in order and, as a result, ensure that the temperature indicator reaches the set point.

For violation of sanitary standards and non-compliance with the rules for creating comfortable working conditions, the head is subject to administrative liability. He can be fined 20,000 rubles, and for some time a ban on the right to engage in this type of activity will be established. During the period of downtime, the manager is obliged to pay the employee the average earnings, which will entail losses for the organization.

Fixing the fact of violation of sanitary conditions is entrusted to the Hygiene Service. Therefore, the best solution would be the employer's control over the state of workplaces during temperature changes, as well as timely response to employee requests.

What is SanPiN

Based on the requirements of the legislation, it is the responsibility of employers to ensure safe work in the workplace, this includes maintaining the temperature standard. The Sanitary Norms just indicate all the indicators of the microclimate in which an employee can work.

On the basis of these standards or according to production control programs at the enterprise, measurements are taken by the regulatory authorities. They can be:

  1. Planned, laid down in a pre-developed or agreed schedule.
  2. Unscheduled, which are carried out directly in order to check the condition of the workplace.
  3. When conducting a special assessment of working conditions.

The data is reflected in, the latter are drawn up in two copies, one of which is stored by the employer, and the second by the organization that carried out the measurements. Also, the air temperature in the room can be monitored daily using a thermometer, the main thing is that the device is checked in a timely manner and the verification period is not overdue.

Regulatory temperature indicators are indicated in SanPiN.

About temperature conditions

Temperature conditions and duration of work

The temperature regime when it is summer outside, according to the law, must be ensured by the following rules:

  • if the working time is 8 hours, then not higher than 28 0 С;
  • for 5-hour operation, the maximum value is 30 C;
  • if the work is 3 hours in time, then - 31 0 C;
  • if it is supposed to be at the workplace for 2 hours, then - 32 C;
  • for hourly work - 32.5 0 C.

If the temperature regime exceeds 32.5 C, then it is considered dangerous for the human body. The best solution for the manager would be the installation of air conditioners or fans, and there is also the possibility of an administrative document to reduce the number of jobs.

The temperature regime in winter should not be lower than 20 0 C, otherwise the employee will not be comfortable. In this case, it is necessary to install separate heating systems or reduce the duration of operation.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation also establishes standards for operation at low temperatures:

  • with a 7-hour work shift, work is allowed at 19 0 С;
  • if the employee is at the workplace for 6 hours, then - 18 0 С;
  • at 5 hours of stay - 17 0 С;
  • if 4 hours, then - 16 0 С;
  • with a 3-hour work shift - 15 0 C;
  • if 2 hours, then - 14 0 С;
  • 13 0 С at 1 hour of operation.

According to the regulations, if the room is less than 13 0 C, then this is considered a critical mark and working in this mode is harmful to health.

It turns out that during the summer period the temperature in the room or production area should not exceed 28

C, and in winter it should reach 20 0 C.

How the classification of professions is carried out

The temperature regime standards are different and are classified differently for each category.

  1. First a. When energy costs are about 139 watts. This is a fairly low load, so sitting work is fixed, with minimal amounts of movement.
  2. First b. If energy costs range from 140 to 170 watts. These are also insignificant loads, but at the same time, work is supposed to be done both sitting and standing.
  3. Second a. From 175 to 232 watts. This refers to moderate physical exertion. At the same time, it is necessary to regularly walk and move loads of light weight.
  4. Second b. From 233 to 290 watts. The load is quite active, but moderate. Loads weighing up to a kilogram are moved in a sitting position.
  5. Third. Energy consumption at the workplace up to 290 watts. That is, the employee walks intensively, and production activities require significant physical exertion.

Some managers believe that the higher the category of worker, the more compliance is needed in the workplace. But this is wrong, since every employee has the right to work in comfortable conditions. Therefore, the rules apply to everyone and must be fully implemented.

Actions of the employee in case of non-compliance with the temperature regime by the manager

The temperature regime is not respected: what to do?

Often, enterprises violate the normative temperature indicators, but what to do? Should I continue to work or should I try to resolve this issue with the employer?

In total, there are several options for contacting the head or other authorities:

  1. Approach the head and talk over that it is impossible to be at the site, and even more so to work. Of course, you can take a few employees with you so that they verbally confirm the fact of this circumstance.
  2. But unfortunately, this does not work in all cases, although any leader is obliged to respond to such requests.
  3. Write a paper asking you to install heaters. In this case, it is desirable to collect the signatures of several employees at the same time. With such a paper, you should approach your boss, but if in this case there is no reaction, then it is worth passing the document through the secretary, or even better put the incoming number. It is better to keep a copy of the document on hand until the issue is resolved.
  4. When there is no action from the employer, it is recommended to write complaints to Rospotrebnadzor. Of course, checks will immediately begin, which will end with the imposition of penalties, which will entail a conflict. But many employers only in this way begin to do what they are supposed to do.
  5. It is also possible to file a complaint with the labor inspectorate, but this will also end with inspections and penalties.

Any employee has legitimate grounds to require the employer to respect their rights.

How to fix violations

Those noted for non-compliance with the temperature regime at the workplace can be eliminated and this will not require special efforts on the part of the employer.

For the summer period, you can install air conditioners or fans, turn on exhaust ventilation, if this helps to normalize the regime. In the cold season, you can’t do without additional heaters, and it also makes sense to check the performance of heating systems.

On the part of the employer, all possible measures must be taken to achieve normal microclimate indicators, and these values ​​must be noted in the protocols.

Watch the video that since 2018 the new norms of SanPiN came into force in Russia, see here:

Question form, write your

Warmer days are coming and the hotter it gets outside, the harder it is to be in the workplace. Of course, if the employer takes care of his subordinates and the air conditioner is installed in the office, and the ventilation is working properly, then no heat will interfere with the work process. In this case, employees, on the contrary, rush to the workplace to hide from a hot summer day. But what if there is no air conditioning, and the ventilation works out of the ordinary? Opening the windows does not help, as the warm air from the street only warms the room. Only a draft can be a salvation from the heat, but if it saves from the heat, then it certainly will not save from a cold ...

Being in a stuffy office, the question immediately arises, and what temperature standards should be in the workplace where are these rules written? Regulates the temperature standards in the workplace SanPiN (Sanitary Rules and Norms), and the sanitary rules and norms specified in the document apply to microclimate indicators at workplaces of all types of industrial premises and are mandatory for all enterprises and organizations. Thus, for violation of existing sanitary rules, including violation of the temperature regime at the workplace, a fine from 10 to 20 thousand rubles can be imposed on a legal entity. or activity was suspended for up to 90 days (Article 6.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Temperature standards in the workplace

For office workers who mainly work while sitting and are characterized by slight physical exertion (category Ia), the air temperature in the room should be in the range of 22.2-26.4 ° C.

With an increase or decrease in temperature in the workplace, the working day should be shortened, as presented in the tables.

Time spent at workplaces at air temperatures above the permissible values

Stay time, not more than for work categories, h
32,5 1
32,0 2
31,5 2,5
31,0 3
30,5 4
30,0 5
29,5 5,5
29,0 6
28,5 7
28,0 8

Time spent at workplaces at air temperatures below permissible values

Air temperature at the workplace, °С Time of stay, no more, for categories of work, h
13 1
14 2
15 3
16 4
17 5
18 6
19 7
20 8

Where to complain if the workplace is hot or cold

There is no special state body that controls the temperature regime in industrial premises (including offices). Nevertheless, you can find justice for an irresponsible employer. It is best to contact the Moscow State Labor Inspectorate with complaints about non-compliance with the temperature regime, they will either deal with this issue themselves or advise where to go next.