How to draw a giraffe with a pencil step by step for beginners. GCD for drawing “Giraffe”

  • 15.05.2019

A giraffe has only seven cervical vertebrae, like a small hamster. In a short distance he can easily outrun a racehorse, and sleeps only an hour a day. The very word “giraffe” means “decorated” - and that’s exactly what we’ll draw today! By the way, I have two whole giraffes prepared for you, but more on that later :) Let's go...

Let's start as usual - with the ear:

The horns of a giraffe are like little boletuses: let’s draw the first...

...the top of my head...

...second horn and ear.

Let's finish drawing the head. Move it to the left - our giraffe will stand half-turned:

Draw squiggles in the ears:

Now we draw a smile - almost parallel to the contour of the head. The giraffe stands slightly sideways, remember?

We move the eyes and nostrils to the left edge of the giraffe’s face. We draw the dashed eyes not vertically, but slightly obliquely (but still parallel!):

Soooo, the head is ready. Now the body: draw a squiggle like this full height. If you are confused by the fact that the giraffe looks like a children's slide, let me remind you that the giraffe is not a horse with a long neck, it has exactly the same hilly, humpbacked shape.

We lower the almost vertical line on the left to the same level: make sure that the neck is not too thick and not too thin. “Almost vertical” - that is, you can make it slightly curved, it won’t hurt the matter:

We draw vertically rectangular front legs (like those), they stand side by side:

And then we make an arch like this - much wider, but the same height. Notice that we have a hind leg; make it the same width.

Let's draw a tummy! Not a beer belly, but a cute little belly a la Belle of the East:

And already because of the tummy we have the last leg:

...and spots all over the body (except for the tummy, although it’s up to you):

And finally a ponytail with a tassel:

To say that the giraffe is positive is to say nothing :) I think the World Association of Giraffe Artists can be proud of us. True, it can get a little awkward at first, and there is little secret: you will have to strain your eye and keep the approximate proportions. After that, you can safely hang it on the wall and in ten years sell it for a thousand miles.

As I already said, there will be two giraffes. Today we drew an ordinary giraffe that walks on four legs and breaks branches, and next time we will draw a giraffe that walks on two legs and is quite capable of sitting and drinking tea with and. A fabulous giraffe, in general. I'm not afraid of this word, anthropomorphic :)

In parting, here’s a great cartoon about how giraffes came to be. See you in touch!

Perhaps every child knows the giraffe, because it is the tallest land animal in the whole world. The long neck, large stature, impressive body weight and, of course, spotted color distinguish this particular animal from many others.

At first glance, drawing a giraffe is quite simple, but this is not entirely true. It is quite difficult to create such a drawing for children, but together with their parents it will be much easier to reproduce the original on paper step by step.

This way, you will be able to draw a giraffe as believably as possible. To simplify the perception process for children, it is worth dividing the creation of a drawing into 4 main stages.

First, landmarks will be marked on the paper, then it will be easier to draw each part of the animal’s body. For such a drawing it is best to take soft pencil, the drawing process will be simpler and easier step by step, any inaccuracies can be easily removed with an eraser.

The most entertaining procedure of coloring a drawn animal can be entrusted to children; following the instructions of an adult, they will be able to quickly “revive” the drawing using colored pencils and paints. The process of drawing a giraffe for children will undoubtedly captivate adults. So, let's start drawing.

For work you will need materials that are always at hand

  • Colored pencils and one plain pencil (preferably soft);
  • A sheet of A4 paper;
  • Black ballpoint or gel pen;
  • Eraser.

As soon as all the items necessary for further work have been prepared, you can begin to study the process of how to draw a giraffe step by step, after which we will begin coloring it.

The process of creating a drawing

  • First, we draw a head with a pencil at the top of the sheet, then we proceed to the neck, the outlines of the body, and also the limbs. Such contours will help us in the future to correctly determine the proportions of the animal.
  • Next, you need to draw the head, depicting horns, a large ear, nostrils in the elongated part of the muzzle, a mouth, and also a rather expressive eye.

  • Now let's draw the neck, based on the guideline created earlier, along with the front part of his torso.

  • We draw the back of the giraffe, draw a not very large tail, which is narrowed at the end.

  • It’s time to draw the legs, clearly draw the hooves at the bottom. Do not forget that this animal is artiodactyl.

  • Undoubtedly, it is worth paying special attention to the color; we draw clearly defined spots throughout the body. You can mark the ground as well as the growing grass at the bottom of the leaf.

  • Blank with a simple pencil done, to complete the drawing, let's start coloring it. We outline the image of the animal using gel pen, erase the extra lines using an eraser.

  • We paint the eye, mouth, as well as the nostrils and ear with black. We also highlight the horns on the animal’s head along with the tail with a pencil. Draw the space between the spots on the body with light brown color.

  • Let's take Brown color, let's start coloring the spots. Gray and black colors will be needed to sketch the animal's hoof.

  • We paint the grass with green, and the sand with yellow and light brown.

The giraffe drawing for children is completely ready. Drawing it step by step is not that difficult, it just takes a little time and attention.

At the final stage of coloring, not only colored pencils, but also other materials can be used. For example, watercolors or any other type of paint are perfect for coloring.

The giraffe, drawn with a simple pencil without adding paint, looks quite interesting and realistic.

Giraffe is considered tallest animals in the world. An adult male weighs about 2 tons. Giraffe can eat 30-40 kilogram of food per day. At the same time, they, like camels, are able to go without water for a long time.

Stains on the body of giraffes unique, just like human fingerprints. But they have another one interesting feature- giraffes sleep only standing up and no more 10 min. at one o'clock.

And now that you have learned a little about the life of these animals, you can start drawing.

Ready? Begin!

First, we draw two ovals - this is the future head and body of the giraffe. Let's connect them together.

Now let’s designate the head: select the ears and nose.

Now let’s outline the facial features: add eyes, eyelashes, etc.

Then we finish drawing our giraffe’s neck and torso.

And now - limbs. Did you know that the length of one giraffe's step is 4 meters? That's about 6 of your steps! Therefore, you and I will have to run to keep up with him.

Now it's time for the mane and tail. Let's finish drawing them.

This is what should happen.

If you suddenly decide to draw a giraffe on paper, it is not difficult to do this, carrying out all the work step by step. It is enough to follow the drawing rules and do everything step by step. We will tell you how to draw a giraffe yourself in this article.

Where to begin?

It is much easier to draw any animal, including a giraffe, if you have a photo or rough image of it in front of you. Therefore, before you start drawing, prepare:

  • blank album sheet;
  • a well-sharpened pencil;
  • soft eraser;
  • photo or any other image of a giraffe;
  • colour pencils.

Drawing contours

Before drawing a giraffe step by step, lay your landscape sheet vertically and identify the middle in it. Draw a light line that will differentiate the top and bottom of the picture, and also divide the sheet into two equal parts. We will draw an animal that is walking. It has a neck, four legs and characteristic spots on its skin.

Next, on the left side of the demarcation line, draw two circles with a membrane between them. You will get something similar to glasses. From one of the resulting circles, draw an oblique line upward and draw a small oval at its end. This will be a simple sketch of the animal's torso, neck and head.

How to draw a giraffe with a pencil: draw legs

In the second stage, we return to the circles that we drew first, and under each of them we draw two small circles. We take two segments from them and connect them with smaller circles. From the last circles we draw two long lines and fix them with four small diamonds. We have the legs of an animal.

How to make a figure more voluminous?

Are you looking for information on how to draw a giraffe with a pencil step by step for beginners? We will decide this problem. To do this, we need to return to our initial sketches, which at the first stage resemble a picture-sketch in the “stick, stick, cucumber” style. Our task is to give these segments and circles volume. For this purpose, we return to the very first circle, from it we draw a line towards the future head. A similar line must be drawn on the other side. In this case, our original segment, which led to the head, will be in the middle. We repeat similar actions with the legs. As a result, our flat picture will take on three-dimensional shapes.

Removing extra lines from the drawing

Before you finally draw a giraffe with a pencil step by step, you need to remove extra lines, circles and segments from the sketch. To do this, take an eraser and erase all such lines inside the future giraffe, leaving only a border around the perimeter.

Draw the head and tail

The next step is to draw the animal's head and tail. To do this, we return to our oval at the top and from it we form the elongated muzzle of a giraffe. Erase the extra lines, draw a line in the mouth area, draw round eye, ear and horns on top. We'll talk about how to draw a giraffe step by step below.

Draw the mane and hooves

The next step is to draw the mane and detail the small details such as the eyes, ears, horns, tail and hooves. Also add a small hump at the curve of the neck, which will give your sketch more realism. To draw the mane we use fine shading. Next we draw the hooves and tail.

Draw spots and color the animal

That’s probably all about how to draw a giraffe with a pencil step by step. All that remains is to add spots to his skin. They should be applied evenly over all parts of the body, including the muzzle. Now all that remains is to decorate the animal with colored pencils. To do this, use several colors at once: yellow, beige, orange, black and brown.

How to draw a giraffe in a cartoon style?

If you don't want to draw a giraffe having common features with the real thing, you can always depict the animal in a simpler - cartoon style. The advantage of such a sketch is that even a child can draw it. To do this, take a blank landscape sheet again, turn it vertically and draw a large circle in the middle.

From the circle, draw three stripes down and one up. At the end of the top strip, draw a small circle, inside which mark the level of the animal’s eyes with two lines. We will tell you how to draw a giraffe in a simple form below.

How to draw a head and neck?

The next step is to draw the head of our giraffe. To do this, return to the upper circle and, starting from it, draw a slightly elongated muzzle, ears, mouth and horns. Next, we return to the neck line and thicken it with two lines on both sides.

How to draw legs and other small details on paper?

Still don't know how to draw a giraffe? Read carefully step by step instructions, everything will work out for you. So, the next step is to draw the eyes, shape the ears, draw the nose and legs. In this case, the lower part of the limbs must be expanded on both sides in the same way as the neck (this must be done for each leg separately).

Don't forget to draw small cloven hooves at the end of the legs. After that, draw a thin ponytail with a small fluffy brush and a mane. Then you should erase unnecessary lines with an eraser and, finally, apply characteristic spots to the animal’s body. The end result will be a cute cartoon giraffe, which all you have to do is color it with colored pencils.

How to depict a giraffe using geometric shapes?

If you are interested in the question of how to draw a giraffe, we will help you with this. And the main thing is that this can be done using well-known geometric shapes. To begin, draw a triangle on a piece of paper. Extend a long rectangle from it slightly at an angle (this will be the neck), and then draw a small circle from below (this will be the hip joint).

Then we will draw a head, visually similar to a trapezoid; Let’s designate another circle under the triangle, and from it two more ovals on each side. These will be the legs. At the next stage we will draw small hooves and horns. Then, eyes, nose and ears. Draw a contour, bypassing the triangle, make the giraffe’s slightly stooped body. After that, draw a tail with a brush at the end and spots. Erase unnecessary lines. Give the animal's body a realistic head start. Add light and shadow. Color the drawing using

These are very beautiful and the tallest animals on earth. Invite your child to draw it on paper. This will be quite easy to do; you will also need to look at the photo. Then you can draw them according to the instructions given below.

Before you draw, you should consider that he has a very long neck. Therefore, the drawing will need to be depicted not in the center, but slightly lower. It will need to be shown schematically in the form of an oval.

The oval will need to be drawn slightly downward in the part where the tail will be located. This will make the drawing more realistic. Of course, we are depicting it in stages, so remember that you will also need to draw the tail, spots on the body, as well as other parts of the body.


The head should be positioned higher than the body. It is also better to depict it as an oval. It will be very easy to make such an oval for children. This part will need to be tilted forward a little so it will look very realistic. The giraffe has horns with small thickenings at the ends.

The ears should look like flower petals. Facial features should be soft and sweet; it will be better if adults simply help the children here. You can ask children to draw facial features as they please.


Now you will need to do something very important - draw the neck and connect it to the body. The connection lines should be very soft and do not forget that you will definitely need to erase those lines that you no longer need. The neck will also need to be stained, just like the body. They should be medium in size and can be given absolutely any shape.


Look carefully at the photo; it will be useful and educational for children. After this, it will be easy for children to make his limbs. The legs should not be too big and not too small. The forelimbs have thickened knee-joint, and it would be better to depict it in a picture.

The hind legs should have the correct shape, take a good look at them before you start drawing. Also on the limbs you can depict spots that are characteristic of the color. Just sketch the spots onto the skin.

How to draw a giraffe step by step