Everything is like that as a result. Further

  • 21.10.2018

See, except to see no further than your nose, no further than... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. further further, below, except; after that, then, after some time, very, further,... ... Synonym dictionary

NEXT, adv. Same as next. The village is not two kilometers away. This will be discussed (below). Continue etc. And so on (abbreviated: etc.) used. at the end of the listing to indicate that the listing could be continued. Not further than... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

- (Source: “Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

Nar., used. often 1. If something happens next, it means it happens in continuation of what started or will happen in the future. The market must continue to intensify and develop. | Next, the company plans to expand its product selection. |… … Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

Introductory word and adverb 1. Introductory word. Indicates a connection of thoughts. Separated by commas. Details about punctuation when introductory words see Appendix 2. (Appendix 2) Next, the question presented itself: after Yuri’s death, who should take his place? WITH … Dictionary-reference book on punctuation

adv. = Next. The station is not two kilometers away. Continue like this! Will the person stop there? No, d. will do. What d. will be said about. The d., the worse. ◁ And so on, in zn. adv. Indicates that the enumeration can be continued... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Further, equal. Art. and n arech... Russian orthographic dictionary


  • , Nikolai Klimontovich. The hero of Nikolai Klimontovich’s book is a writer close to the “underground” of the 70s and 80s, but trying to “break into” official literature; an active participant in the bohemian life of Moscow,...
  • , Yakovich, Elena. Documentary“Walking with Brodsky” was filmed in 1993 in Venice by directors Alexei Shishov and Elena Yakovich and received the first ever TEFI award. This film, the first and...

Today we will talk about how to write briefly and simply. This is a question that novice authors often ask my support team. In general, the answer to this is actually quite simple, and learning to write briefly and simply is not at all as difficult as it seems at first glance.

How to write in simple and understandable language, briefly?

First, to ensure your article doesn't look like:

— blurry

- abstruse

- incomprehensible

- so that you don’t lose your mind with every new sentence

- to keep everything short, concise and to the point

There must be a PLAN!

  1. Make it a rule that before you start writing an article, always make a plan for it.

Why? Well, remember, at school, when we were forced to write an essay or presentation, we were always forced to write an outline first. Maybe because of this, many novice authors do not want to write plans; this already causes great rejection in them (ever since their school days). But the plan really helps:

  • organize your thoughts
  • create a sequence of theses about what you will write about

That is, it will not happen that you sit down to write an article and you have no idea how you will end it. If you have an article, roughly speaking, about five tips for growing potatoes, then before you start writing, you will have to display all these five tips in a plan. They will need to be immediately found, invented, and so on. Some people find the material, others can take it out of their heads.

And if you are writing on the topic of how to change summer tires to winter ones, then while you are writing the outline of the article, you will already organize everything in your head. That is, you will have a clear picture of where you need to start and where to finish.

- writing with a plan is much easier

That is, you always need to start with a plan. Then, when you become an experienced author, the plan will no longer be a problem; you can sometimes skip the step of creating a plan. But now, if you have a problem writing short and clear articles, be sure to start with plans.

  1. Read those who write in an easy manner.

There is a little trick - before you start writing your article, you need to literally devote 15 minutes to reading. You need to read those authors who, in your opinion, write successfully - easily, clearly and understandably, like Shardkov. Or it could be the authors of your magazines; for example, women's magazines often have a light and concise style.

By the way, if you take complex magazines - for example Forbes - it will also be clear, but rarely concise. Choose to read simpler publications that are written for ordinary people, and read. That is, it is important when the author sought to give the reader maximum practical benefit. And don’t burden him with some of your thoughts, analysis, so that he doesn’t show him his beautiful style - this can also be present, sometimes it’s necessary and great, but when you need to write purely practical articles that others will be happy to buy and post on their website - the task is different. You need to write clearly and concisely. Therefore, read 15-10 minutes literally before you start your article, too. in simple language, close to the reader.

Why should a copywriter read? By reading before creating texts, the copywriter seems to become infected with the style he read, and we unwittingly copy the style of writing we need. Every copywriter is to a certain extent an empath - when he reads, he involuntarily begins to write in the same style as the author of the material he read, in the same syllable. If you stop reading someone else’s, then in a day or two or three it will fade away, but if you do this immediately before you start writing, then you will unwittingly copy the rhythm and structure of the author you read. And in this case it’s good for us.

  1. Proofreading.

When you have written it briefly and clearly, you need to proofread it at the very end. And be sure to read your text out loud, and not to yourself. Many people neglect this, but in vain. You cannot forget about proofreading out loud, especially when there are problems and the task is to write clearly and simply. When you read aloud, even to yourself, when there is no one in the room, you immediately hear speech errors. You will immediately feel where there is something unnecessary (you yourself will become bored with yourself if you have written something unnecessary). Besides, reading aloud is generally The best way edit the text, looking at it as if from the outside. No program helps you become your own editor as much as proofreading out loud.

Therefore, be sure to read the article out loud. If you feel that there is something wrong there, then to yourself you might have missed it, but out loud you will definitely hear what is there:

- extra phrases

- too heavy a turn

This is when you literally don’t have enough breath to read your own creation on the fly without hesitation. This means that such phrases need to be changed.

- all speech errors will also come to the surface and you will notice them

  1. Limit signs.

It is necessary not only to limit the signs for the entire article, but also for a separate point of the plan, that is, for its structural parts.

For example, we have already written a plan, now we know that our article should be about 2.5 thousand characters long. It's such the average size article sold in the store. We have 5 points of plan. That is, on average we have 500 characters for each item. Well, let the introduction and conclusion together be 500, and for each point (4 points) there will be 500 characters - 4 paragraphs. Here's the simple math of your article. Therefore, train yourself right away - yeah, my introduction should have 250 characters, let’s check whether we went beyond these limits or not. If we get out, we edit, adjust, reduce. Next, the first paragraph went into content - 500 characters. For example, this is the first tip or the first example. Also, if we go beyond these limits, we shorten it, then the article will turn out clear. And at the end we will also check that the output is 250 characters long.

That is, when we train ourselves in this way, of course it will take us more time to write an article, but literally by doing this 3-4 times, you will train yourself to write more concisely and express your thoughts more easily.

What is given above is an alternative to a well-known exercise, a well-known practice that is in the newspapers. There are 2-3 authors who write for one page of the newspaper, and each is allocated a certain number of lines. If you don’t fit into the lines, the editor will shorten the article for you, and may remove the most interesting things that you would like to draw the reader’s attention to. That is, there you will quickly learn to write concisely. And since a copywriter does not have his own editor, he must be able to limit himself in lines or characters.

Do you know, dear readers, that writing briefly is not as easy as it seems?! Did you realize that articles by newbie copywriters are very easy to distinguish from texts written by “masters of the pen”?

How? That's right, due to the abundance of unnecessary words that carry absolutely no meaning.

But it’s enough to “select all the fleas” from the finished material, and its quality will improve significantly. The question is what exactly to delete?!

I hope that after reading this material you will understand how to write briefly, but at the same time, interestingly. So let's get started.

Obligationpersonal requirements

The main thing is not to be afraid to throw away verbal “garbage” without regret - everything that does not contain useful information. Try to read all the sentences without “candidates for elimination”: if the meaning is preserved, then these words are not needed. The same principle must be followed when removing unnecessary prepositions.

When starting to clean up the material, try not to overdo it, because heavily truncated and short “stump” sentences sound inferior, and the overall style of the article gives the impression of being overly simplified (if not wretched).

If you want to learn how to write briefly, learn to remove unimportant words without unnecessary emotions. Yes, the volume of text will suffer, but the quality is more expensive.

Complex sentences with abundance participial phrases not only complicate the process of perceiving information, but also make the text unreadable (inconvenient to read). Use only simplified speech structures, and you will notice how much more pleasant it will be to read such an article.

Divide sentences that are too long into several simple ones. In most cases, such simplification will have a positive effect on overall composition publications. Writing briefly is beneficial.

Too difficult - too bad

Many beginners really love to use professional words in order to emphasize their competence. But these abstruse expressions most often cause the opposite effect: who needs a text that is without explanatory dictionary and you can’t read it?

It is better to replace special terms with definitions that are understandable to non-specialists - ordinary readers. For example, “project lobbying” - “promotion”, “mail” - “parcel” and so on.

Editing an article is more painstaking work than writing it, and it must be done thoughtfully, comparing different variants and choosing the best one from them. A good text, like an expensive vintage wine, must “stand”: put it aside for a while. With fresh eyes it is much easier to notice flaws and “clumsies” missed during the first proofreading.

Some more useful tips

Understandable to others, and they will be happy to read them. Remember that writing briefly does not mean writing primitively. There is a huge difference between lightness and primitivism of design.

Make your own writing so that it does not interfere with the understanding of what was said. But these tips will only be really useful if you use them thoughtfully. It is also important what role is assigned to your text: will it be a clear and accurate description of the product or a lively dialogue in the style of blog articles.

Good for you!

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Competency in writing various texts is often necessary conditions for quality work. After all, communication with partners and clients often takes place in in writing. Knowing how to properly abbreviate words will help you demonstrate good language proficiency.

Types of abbreviations

In the Russian language, the rules for abbreviating words are prescribed in GOST 7.12-93. It is this document that should be relied upon when controversial issues arise regarding how to abbreviate words.

Truncation of part of a word

Any part of speech can be written in abbreviated form, and the word is always abbreviated the same way, regardless of tense, case, gender or number. There are several ways to shorten a word. The most common is truncation of part of a word. According to the rules, when using this method, after the end of the contraction, you must put a period. For example, the abbreviated form of the word “illustration” is ill., “minimal” is min. In established abbreviations there may be no period. This mainly concerns units of measurement: ampere - A, gram - g.

Contraction of parts of a word

The second method is to contract parts of a word. That is, in abbreviated form they indicate the beginning and end of the word, replacing the missing letters with a hyphen. For example, institute - int, madam - mrs. By the way, in this case the ending should be the same as in full form: message to Mrs. Nezhinskaya. In compound words related to units of measurement, a hyphen is not used: milliampere - mA, kilogram - kg.

Sometimes a combination of two contraction mechanisms is used, which is typical for difficult words: railway - railway, agricultural - agricultural.


Some of the most commonly used abbreviations of phrases are abbreviations. Most often they consist of the first capital letters of the word: VGU - Voronezh State University. But if the abbreviation is already used, then one of the words is truncated: VolSU - Volgograd State University. In addition, instead of a letter, part of a word can be used for ease of pronunciation and euphony.

Rules for abbreviating words

  1. Regardless of the method, at least two letters must remain in the abbreviated form. The only exceptions can be generally accepted abbreviations (year - year, page - s., etc.), as well as some words written in paragraph 5 of the specified GOST. In the same section you can familiarize yourself with non-standard rules for abbreviating words. For example, the abbreviated form of the word “movie” is kf, “abstract journal” is RZh.
  2. Abbreviations also cannot end in a vowel or “th”. In this case, it is necessary to leave the consonant after it: extreme - extreme. The exception is the “island” - o. If the word at the abbreviation ends in soft sign, then the part of the word before it is taken as an abbreviation: Polish - gender. There are nuances when abbreviating words with a double consonant. In such cases, it is necessary to leave only one of them: classic - class.
  3. Participles, adjectives and verbs formed from a noun are abbreviated in the same way as this noun: finalized, finalized, finalized, finalized - finalized.
  4. Adjectives ending in -avsky, -annay, -eysky, -atsky, -ionic, -ky, -niy, -ovsky, and some others are abbreviated by cutting off the indicated parts of words.
  5. When abbreviating adjectives, you must choose the shortest, but at the same time, form that does not allow for discrepancies. For example, for the word “fundamental”, the correct option would be fundamental, not foundation. or fun.
  6. In phrases, both words must be abbreviated. For example, the head of the department is head. department Sometimes the abbreviated form of a certain word is allowed in only one version. For example, title page- tit. l. If abbreviated phrases contain prepositions, then you cannot put a period after them. And so on: right - etc., wrong - etc. etc. There are a number of well-established expressions when a phrase is written as initial letters separated by a slash: used - used, in order - p/p.
  7. Complex abbreviated words include those formed from two or more abbreviated parts of words: Ministry of Energy - Ministry of Energy, wall newspaper - shorthand newspaper.

The rules for abbreviating words, despite their abundance, are very logical and therefore easy to remember.