How to draw a school and a teacher with a pencil and paints: step-by-step photos for children. How to draw a school and a teacher with a pencil: step-by-step master classes with photos for children

  • 12.04.2019

At school they give a lot of stupid tasks. In particular on fine arts. Here's what I've already drawn for you:

And here we will talk about how to draw a student. To be honest, the student will draw himself. You can take a photo of a classmate you don't really like, or a classmate you like. But in the second case, you have to try hard. With the help of my advice you can do good drawing student.

How to draw a student with a pencil step by step

Step one. Draw below the middle of the sheet straight line. You can do it by hand like I did or take a ruler, it will be a desk. I used circles to indicate the student’s head and fists.
Step two. Now I draw the guy’s face and hairstyle.
Step three. I paint over the eyes and add details to the clothes.
Step four. Hair that is closer to the face always appears darker. Let's shade them and add shadows on the clothes:
If you draw this student, then you are guaranteed an A in art. Just don’t tell anyone where you found the clue, come to this site more often and always get A’s!

    Everything is possible in our time. And this is the same. So let's start - first you need to prepare everything you need for drawing. You will need a sheet of paper, which you place horizontally. Next, decide on which side you will draw the school building. Then, taking a simple pencil, make a sketch, but use a ruler it should not be used, this is a drawing, not a drawing. When drawing the facade of a school, it should be placed below the middle of the sheet. Show the porch, doors, windows. At the same time, pay attention to the correspondence of sizes. Then move on to small details. The drawings show all the steps For step by step drawing schools.

    To draw a school with a pencil step by step, a lot of time and effort is unlikely to be needed. Drawing a school is no more difficult than drawing an ordinary house.

    So, let’s start by drawing general outline schools. Next we draw stairs, windows, doors, roof and so on.

    You can also draw not the school building itself, but school years. Here you will have to use your imagination.

    More detailed instructions in the video below.

    What to do if your child is asked homework- to draw a school, but he doesn’t know how to draw at all and gets a solid D in Fine Arts. How to learn to draw? useful information, including how to draw a school.

    Generally draw a school building not that difficult. But before you start drawing a school with a pencil, you need to consider all the nuances to make the building look more realistic.

    Decide what is best draw a school: from the front or perspective, how to position a piece of paper so that it fits better. So, let's draw a school. Let's make a sketch first. You don't need to use a school ruler for this. You need to draw the school, not make a drawing of it. You will probably choose the way to draw the school from the front side. Then the main rectangle of the facade should be placed below the center line of the sheet. Next you should sketch out the location of trees and other objects. The next step is to start drawing the building itself. First we draw the porch, then the windows.

    Watch how to draw a school in the video:

    Only then we pay attention to the smallest objects - the roof, the school sign with the number, we decorate the windows, the curb. Let's move on to surrounding objects. We draw a path, a path to the school, a school fence and the schoolchildren themselves. Once finished, you can draw completely small parts, for example, roof tiles or window curtains. After this, we erase all unnecessary details with an eraser and apply light shading, indicating shadows and decorating the drawing.

    Often, only those who study there know that a building is a school. This could be a converted residential building, an office building, or something else if the school is old. Building modern schools not much different from the educational buildings of other educational institutions. So let's just draw something like that and say to ourselves: this is a school. I will draw with the mouse.

    At first general outline buildings (don't forget about the laws of perspective).

    Let's cut in the windows and add other details.

    Let's add schoolchildren and improve appearance buildings.

    That's all, perhaps.

    I offer you a step-by-step drawing of a school that even a child can handle.

    As you can see from the picture, first you need to draw a rectangle with a roof, then give the roof a noble look.

    Then complete the 2nd floor with the bell, paint on the windows and doors. Then arrange it all beautifully.

    That's how it turned out beautiful school, all that remains is to color it.

    This question may involve more than just the school building, in my opinion.

    The school can be shown, as they say, from the inside.

    I don’t know how to draw, so I would look for tips on completing the task on the Internet.

    Or this option with the teacher:

    School attributes can also be represented in the School picture

    The educational process in the figure looks like this:

    To draw a school you will need a sheet of paper, a pencil, an eraser and a ruler. First, let's draw a simple geometric figure.

    Let's divide it into parts.

    Let's draw a door.

    Let's add a couple of steps.

    Let's start drawing windows.

    Drawing the roof.

    We remove unnecessary lines. The drawing is ready.

    Draw a school You can use a simple pencil, colored pencils, felt-tip pens or a variety of paints.

    To do this you need to take Blank sheet paper, a pencil, put a picture in front of you or open an example of a school drawing on the Internet and draw it yourself.

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Photo gallery: How to draw a school and a teacher with pencil and paints: step by step photos for children

Children's creativity within educational institutions is closely related to school topics. Especially on the eve of such major school holidays like September 1, Teacher's Day, Last call. As a rule, on the eve of these holidays, themed drawing lessons and various creative competitions for children from 7-8 years old and students in grades 5-6. What can you draw about the school as part of these events? Of course, the school itself, students and teachers. Moreover, these skills, how to draw a school, a teacher with a pencil or paints, will definitely come in handy when creating wall newspapers and posters for subsequent holidays. From our article today you will learn how and what you can draw for your child on the theme of school step by step with accessible photo instructions.

How to draw a teacher at the blackboard with a pencil step by step - a step-by-step master class for children with photos

Probably the first thing that comes to mind when you need to draw something within school theme for children with a pencil - a teacher with a pointer at the blackboard. It is this image that is associated with pedagogical activity and is recognizable and one of the simplest. How to draw a teacher at the blackboard with a pencil step by step step-by-step master class for children with the photo below.

Necessary materials to draw a teacher at the blackboard with a pencil for children

  • simple pencil
  • paper
  • eraser

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a teacher with a pencil at the blackboard in a step-by-step master class for children

How to quickly draw a physical education teacher - master class with photos for beginners and children

But among the teachers at school there are also those whose image does not fit into the standard idea of ​​what a teacher should look like. For example, a labor or physical education teacher. The latter, by the way, even with all his desire, will not be able to go to work in a classic suit and explain the material of his subject in class on the blackboard. So what should you do if you need to quickly draw a physical education teacher on children's competition? Just use our master class for beginner children on how to quickly draw a physical education teacher with the photo below.

Necessary materials to draw a physical education teacher quickly for children and beginners

  • simple pencil
  • paper
  • colored pencils or paints
  • eraser

Step-by-step instructions on how to quickly draw a physical education teacher for beginners and children

How to draw a school with pencil and paints - master class for children 7-8 years old step by step

School is another popular image to draw with a simple pencil or paints on thematic lesson, a competition for children 7-8 years old and older. The following master class shows how you can draw an original and simple school building using a ruler, pencil and paints. All the details on how to draw a school with pencil and paints in a master class for children 7-8 years old, step by step below.

photo 6 school

Necessary materials to draw a school with pencils and paints for children 7-8 years old

  • landscape paper sheet
  • simple pencil
  • ruler
  • eraser
  • paints

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a school with a pencil and paints for children 7-8 years old step by step

How to draw a school of the future with a pencil for children - video tutorial step by step

As part of competitions for children at themed holidays dedicated to how to draw a school, teachers often raise the topic of the future. This is also one of the most popular stories for both 7-8 year olds and 5th-6th grade students. Since children's imagination has no boundaries, at such competitions you will hardly see the traditional image of a teacher with a pointer at the blackboard or a physical education teacher with dumbbells in her hands. What can a child draw as part of an assignment about the school of the future? Yes, almost anything, from flying buildings to robots instead of teachers. By the way, from the following step by step video You will learn how to draw a school of the future for children using a pencil as an example of a robot. If you wish, you can supplement this drawing with a pointer and decorate it bright colors.

Now we will have a lesson on step-by-step drawing of a classroom, or classroom. A classroom is a room in a school where students usually study during lessons. Usually this is a large, bright room. It should have several windows to provide sufficient lighting. There is always a chalk board hanging on the front board. In the classroom there are several desks (student tables) in several rows. Usually there are three such rows. There are aisles between the rows. There are two chairs at each table. Fluorescent lamps are placed on the ceiling. Lamps can also hang above the board. Students usually study in their assigned classroom or office. Sometimes students may move from room to room when changing subjects. Sometimes you need to depict your classroom. This lesson will help you with this. This will not be so easy to do. Follow our tips. Be careful. You can arm yourself with a ruler. It is recommended to draw the class on a large sheet of whatman paper, since there are a lot of details in the drawing and they need a lot of space.

Stage 1. First, let's build the lines of the walls. To do this, select a point and draw straight lines from it in three directions. The lower ones are the lines of intersection of the walls and floor. Vertical is the corner of the room. Then, at the top of the vertical line, we will also select a point and from it we will draw two straight lines and, at a short distance, two more parallel to the first. These are the lines of intersection of walls and ceiling.

Stage 2. Draw windows on the wall. Using a ruler, draw two rectangles. We will show the slopes on the front one and also make window sills on both windows below.

Stage 3. Now we will draw frames on the windows and glass between them.

Stage 4. Draw a board on the front wall. It consists of a main part and two side parts. At the bottom of the main part of the board is a chalk stand. There is a light switch on the side of the board. Draw a straight line on the ceiling to the wall with the board. Above the board there are two fluorescent lamps. They are thin and long.

Stage 5. Now, at this stage you have to depict many desks with tables. Draw them using a ruler. This will make it more convenient for you. Start in the first row by the window. There are three desks and six chairs. Then the middle row: four desks and eight chairs, and at the end the third row is the same as the first. The base of each table is a rectangle. The seat of the chair is square. The back of the chair is a rectangle.

Stage 6. Here you need to finish drawing thin lines legs of every table and chair.

Stage 7. On the ceiling we draw rectangular shades covering the light lamps.

Stage 8. As a result, we get this picture. This was a black and white drawing. It can be painted in the colors that are present in your classroom.

Let the student sit full-face. Then, from behind the desk, only his upper part will be visible - above the waist, as well as his legs below the knees. It is better to start creativity with an image of the student’s desk. It is located at the bottom of the sheet.

Draw a rectangle placed horizontally. This is the desk cover. One leg extends down from it in both directions, and there is a desk on them. Draw another rectangle between the legs of the student table and the lid of the desk. Its larger side is equal to the length of the table top. It covers the lower part of the student's body.

Head and face

The time has come to portray him himself. Decide how old the child is. If he visits primary classes, then the part of the body that peeks out from behind the desk is 1.5 times the diameter of his head. That is, the body in relation to the head has a proportion of 1.5:1. IN high school the proportions become 2:1, in the older ones - 2.5-3:1.

In the place where the student will sit at the desk, make a line according to this pattern. The easiest way is to draw a straight line that runs upward from the table top. Measure on it the number of centimeters that you will leave for drawing the head and body.

Start with a picture of the head. If the student is still very young, let it be round. A high school student may have an oval-shaped head. A ruler will again help make your face symmetrical. Using it and a pencil, draw a vertical line that divides the student’s face in half.

Start drawing out the details of the face. Take a ruler. Place it vertically, divide the circle or oval into 3 parts. Place a dot in these places. Draw 3 barely noticeable horizontal lines across the entire circle along these points.

On the first one draw the eyes. They are located symmetrically, relative to a vertical line. Above them are eyebrows. On the second ruler, put 2 dots - these are the nostrils. You can draw a small horizontal line in this place. This is the lower part of the nose.

Also depict your lips as symmetrical. They are located between the second and third horizontal segments. Draw hair at the top, ears on the same line with the eyes behind a circle or oval.

Body, legs of a schoolboy

Draw the neck, then the shoulders. The child is wearing a suit, T-shirt or shirt. Hands are pressed to the body up to the elbows. Draw them slightly bent. The lower part of the hands lies on the desk. Draw a notebook on it. The student holds the left half of the open notebook. To convey this on canvas, just draw thumb hands. The rest are under the notebook. Right hand holding a pencil. studious boy makes notes in it.

The back of a chair is visible behind him. Draw it in the form of a square. It reaches the child's shoulders. His lower legs from the knees peek out from under the desk. On his feet are trousers. Draw shoes on the feet. Only their front part is visible.

Erase the auxiliary lines. The drawing of a schoolboy at his desk is ready.