Member of the “Brotherly Circle” Gafur Rakhimov headed the International Boxing Association. Gafur Rakhimov became the new president of AIBA Gafur Akhmedovich Rakhimov returned

  • 13.02.2024

Rakhimov’s candidacy was supported by 86 delegations out of 137. Moreover, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced in advance that it categorically did not want to see him as president of AIBA and threatened to exclude boxing from the Olympic Games.

Sixty-seven-year-old Rakhimov is a colorful personality. According to the official biography, he was born in Tashkent, studied at a sports boarding school (boxing) and the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute named after. Palmiro Tolyatti, worked in the Ministry of Trade of the Uzbek SSR and, at the same time, as a boxing coach at the Dynamo Central Sports Training Center. In the late 1980s, he took an active part in the cooperative movement, was seen on the board of the Association of Cooperatives, Joint-Stock and Small Enterprises (AKAMP), in 1990 he created the export-import company "Agroplus" (supplying alcohol, food, raw materials to Uzbekistan), in 1993 year became vice-president of the National Boxing Federation of Uzbekistan, in 1998 - a member of the Executive Committee and chairman of the AIBA Business Commission, in 1999 - vice-president of the Olympic Council of Asia from the Central Asian region, in 2001 - vice-president of the National Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan , in 2002 - vice-president of AIBA, in 2004 - chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Republican Public Charitable Foundation Mehrjon-Sport, in 2007 - president of the Asian Boxing Federation. Awarded the Honorary Order of the Olympic Council of Asia. He acted as the organizer of the annual tennis tournament "Cup of the President of Uzbekistan".

Now let's turn to the unofficial biography. An article about Rakhimov is available on Wikipedia. In the column "Occupation" it appears " Criminal authority".

"Already at the age of 7 he started boxing. Further, there are a lot of gaps in his biography. In his youth, he was engaged in selling pies near the Kazakhstan cinema. For this he received his first nickname Pie. Beginning in the mid-80s, Rakhimov rallied a criminal group of athletes around himself. At first they were engaged in robbery. But this turned out to be not enough for the character of the authority. The guys acted harshly, extorting money from cooperators, and also putting them under their racket. It was during these years that he became acquainted with many leaders of the criminal world, thieves in law. Rakhimov is no longer the same person he was before. In the criminal world he gets a new nickname - Gafur-Black. Gafur Rakhimov became one of the most influential crime bosses in Uzbekistan. There were cases when Gafur Rakhimov resolved disputes between organized criminal groups on his territory. But this information is also quite well hidden by spaces. It seems like he was even appointed by thieves in law to oversee Uzbekistan. According to other sources, Gafur-Cherny himself became the shadow leader of the country’s criminal world. Gafur Rakhimov becomes one of the major leaders of the international criminal community specializing in drug production in the countries of Central Asia", reports the portal "Crime Authorities, Thieves in Law".

Since the mid-1990s, he was considered the No. 2 man (after President Islam Karimov) in Uzbekistan. We were credited with control over most local cotton processing plants, shares in gas companies, oil and fat factories and major banks, and close cooperation with the National Security Service of Uzbekistan. Enemies spread rumors about large-scale deliveries of Afghan heroin to Moscow and St. Petersburg - supposedly the drug was delivered along with cotton. Uzbek oppositionist Evgeny Dyakonov, who received asylum in Norway, wrote about the supply of young girls to brothels in Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, South Korea, Russia, Kazakhstan, Greece, Thailand (allegedly Gafur-Cherny ran this business together with the “princess” - the eldest daughter of the president Uzbekistan Gulnara Karimova), delivery of illegal labor to numerous construction sites in the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan.

In the spring of 2012, a scandal broke out: it was suspected that Rakhimov was laundering illegal capital through sports federations, and there were rumors about the contract killing of one of his competitors. He was removed from the posts of vice-president and member of the Executive Committee of the National Boxing Federation of Uzbekistan (for " violations of the provisions and norms of the Charter, committing actions causing moral, material and financial damage, as well as the loss of active communication with the Federation"), President of the Asian Boxing Federation and Vice-President of the International Amateur Boxing Association. Gafur-Cherny hastily obtained Russian citizenship. On February 2, 2013, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan put Rakhimov on the wanted list; he was charged with extortion, using false documents and laundering proceeds from crime .

In recent years, Rakhimov has been living in the United Arab Emirates (the prestigious Emirates Hills area in Dubai), regularly visiting the Russian Federation. On July 10, 2018, Uzbekistan removed Gafur-Cherny from its wanted list.

"The intelligence services of the European Union and the United States accuse Gafur Rakhimov of creating and leading a transnational cartel for the production and transportation of drugs from Central Asia.", the Telegram channel "Territory of Common Sense" clarifies.

Rakhimov's own words: " I have never been associated with any organized crime group and have never been charged, let alone convicted, of any crime by authorities in any jurisdiction in the world".

His American lawyers argued that " various insinuations about Gafur Rakhimov's connections with the underworld were part of a targeted campaign of political persecution launched against him several years ago by the eldest daughter of the former president of Uzbekistan(talking about Gulnara Karimova - Note) . The goal of this campaign was the raider takeover of Rakhimov’s business in Uzbekistan and his forcible expulsion from his homeland"They say that Gafur and Gulnara did not divide Ipoteka Bank, and previously the Swiss-registered company Zeromax, which was engaged in supplying crude oil and gasoline from Kazakhstan to the country, had a percentage of the extraction of natural resources and gas exports.

Rakhimov has extensive business interests, including all types of transportation, the automobile industry, and light industry. Among his business partners is a native of Uzbekistan, one of the richest Russian oligarchs, Alisher Usmanov, nicknamed Uzbek. The Rakhimov family owns a chain of jewelry stores in the UAE.

The chanson performer Boka (Baku-Armenian Boris Davidyan, a former Moscow restaurateur who has lived in Los Angeles for many years, known for his album “A Thief’s Share”), in honor of the birth of Gafur Rakhimov’s son Timur, composed the song “Don’t lose your own father, you are the authority.”

Gafur Rakhimov, Joseph Osipov (Marych Pitersky), Aslan Usoyan (Grandfather Hasan):

Aslan Usoyan (Grandfather Hasan), Konstantin Yakovlev (Kostya Mogila), Gafur Rakhimov:

Gafur Rakhimov. Photo: Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS

Times are tough in amateur boxing. Still fresh in memory is last year's scandal, when the president of the international association, Ching-Kuo Wu, was removed from office due to allegations of embezzlement. Then it was Rakhimov who was appointed acting president.

However, even being... O. President, Rakhimov was unable to attend the 2018 Youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires. The ban came specifically from the International Olympic Committee. The head of the organization, Thomas Bach, noted that in this way he protected the interests of the athletes.

The fact is that the Uzbek entrepreneur, although associated with boxing almost all his life, has a difficult reputation in the world. The United States believes that Rakhimov is none other than the leader of the Eastern European international criminal group “Brotherly Circle,” which is why he has been under US sanctions for several years. Of course, the IOC would not like to see such a head of the amateur boxing association (AIBA).

The situation is complicated by the general atmosphere in this sport. Doping, fixed fights, poor refereeing - this casts doubt on the participation of boxing in the program of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, IOC head Thomas Bach previously noted. General Secretary of the Russian Boxing Federation Umar Kremlev believes that such a scenario is impossible.

Umar Kremlev Secretary General of the Russian Boxing Federation“I think Bach will be removed faster than boxing. Boxing is a historical sport, where the Olympics began, who will take it away. These are scarecrows, the personal interests of the IOC. They would have been better off thinking that their member of the executive committee headed AIBA and brought it to this point, dragged AIBA into debt. It’s better to answer for this, how their member of the executive committee did this and they didn’t even present any complaints to him.”

Rakhimov himself stated that boxing will not be excluded from the program of the Tokyo Olympics, and all the necessary issues to prevent this from happening will be resolved. He noted that, while still a... O. president, he managed to pay off the organization’s multimillion-dollar debts. However, Igor Ryazantsev, editor-in-chief of the Sila TV channel, believes that the issue with boxing is still in limbo:

Igor Ryazantsev editor-in-chief of the TV channel "Sila"“Everyone is in a wary, waiting position: what will happen next, how, for example, the International Olympic Committee will react. Perhaps this will become an additional argument, absolutely speculative, for removing boxing from the program of the Olympic Games and introducing some other combat sport.”

The current situation suggests parallels with the now former President of the International Chess Federation, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov. He was suspended by FIDE itself, mainly because he was included in the US sanctions list - just like Rakhimov. AIBA, despite the pressure, made its decision. The next word is up to the IOC.

He was wanted by the US Treasury, he was put on the wanted list in his native Uzbekistan, and the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs claims that he is the leader of an organized crime group. Who really is Gafur Rakhimov and how did he become a crime boss? Is it true that he used to sell pies and was able to get rich this way?


Gafur Arslanbek Akhmedovich Rakhimov was born on July 22, 1951 in Tashkent. From the age of seven he was actively involved in boxing at a sports boarding school. In 1968 he completed military service in the Soviet army. This was followed by several years of study at the Leningrad Economic Institute. Received an engineering degree. In 1975, he began working at the Ministry of Trade, where he was considered a good specialist. At the same time, he held the position of coach at the Dynamo Center. Interest in the sport has not weakened over the years, and since 1990 our hero has been a member of the Boxing Federation of Uzbekistan. He also advises the national team before participating in world competitions. In 1993 he became vice-president of the Federation. Since 1999 - Vice-President of the Olympic Council of Asia.

The other side of life

Also, the biography of Gafur Rakhimov contains dark pages. He began his entrepreneurial activity by selling samsa in his hometown. For this he was given the nickname Pie. However, he quickly realized that you couldn’t get rich this way, and began to gather people around him. He gave preference to athletes and people who had a criminal past. So, over time, he put together a good group and began to engage in serious “business”. Such a rapid rise of the young Uzbek pleased Ded Khasan, and he introduced Gafur Rakhimov into an authoritative circle of people. The nickname Pirozhok was quickly forgotten, and they began to call him Gafur Cherny. To confirm the close relationship with Hassan, there is a photo where they pose in the house of their newly minted protege.

Under the wing of the president

The mid-90s brought real wealth to Gafur Rakhimov. At this time, he is considered the second most important person in the republic, and all important issues are resolved with his direct participation. The FSB begins to collect a dossier on him and finds a lot of interesting information. It turns out that the businessman not only controls cotton processing plants in Uzbekistan, but also buys large quantities of illegal cotton from Tajikistan. In addition, he has great connections in Europe, where he supplies those same illegal products. He has already acquired a huge mansion, where he regularly holds tennis tournaments. Thieves in law come to stay at his house.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has its own operational archives. Judging by them, Gafur Arslanbek Akhmedovich Rakhimov has been supplying narcotic drugs to Moscow and St. Petersburg for a long time. For safe transportation, an effective scheme was used - the heroin was hidden in cotton, which was supposed to travel to Ivanovo. It is worth highlighting in particular that there is information that with the light hand of Gafur Cherny, the son of a very high-ranking Russian official was put on a needle. This was done with the aim of blackmailing the Deputy Prime Minister and making him his puppet. Yeltsin was told about the circumstances of such a high-profile case, but he ordered everyone who was privy to these details to remain silent.

Uzbek drug lord

Foreign intelligence agencies became interested in Rakhimov when he began a business relationship with Abdurashid Dostum. The Afghan at that time controlled the entire north of the country, where there were endless poppy fields. After the Taliban dealt a decisive blow to his troops, he left his homeland and fled to Tashkent.

Rakhimov was then spotted on board a yacht with Ricardo Fancini. This man has long been known to the intelligence services, as he had connections with the KGB. The first time, together with Yaponchik, he imported bottled vodka into the country, which, according to the documents, passed as mineral water. A little later there was a huge oil scam. Black gold went to Kaliningrad for sale, but instead it was sent to Estonia. This fraud on an especially large scale allowed all participants to become millionaires and buy themselves fashionable mansions in expensive resorts. Fancini is currently in prison. He was given a long sentence for organizing drug trafficking. These are the people Rakhimov has on his list of friends.

First troubles

European print media finally paid attention to the Uzbek drug lord and began publishing articles listing his “sins.” France was the first to react to the press statements and revoked Rakhimov’s visa. The Uzbek was urgently deported to his native land. The next blow was the refusal of the Sydney authorities to let him into the Olympics. For a lover of sports and all kinds of competitions, this was quite unpleasant news. Then there was a stupid oversight - a photograph appeared in the media showing distinguished guests at Zakhary Kalashov’s birthday party. A group of crime lords could impress anyone. In the photo, Gafur Rakhimov stood next to Grandfather Hasan and he hugged his friend in a fatherly way.

Unkind homeland

Even bigger troubles awaited Gafur at home. Friendship with the president began to crack after the businessman refused to share profits from the bank with his daughter. The man immediately lost all his posts, and the tax authorities began hunting him. All goods were stopped at customs, and tens of millions of dollars hung in the air. Uzbekistan has decided to show the West how it fights drug lords. Rakhimov was perfectly suited to the role of a bandit who was taken by the throat and blocked all access to oxygen. The man had to quickly leave his homeland. All his shares in the enterprises were urgently transferred to the president’s relatives and entourage. A criminal case was opened against Rakhimov himself and he was put on the wanted list.

"Honest" voting

In June 2006, the whole world learned the names of three cities competing to host the 2014 Olympics. Representatives of the Olympic Committees had to vote to determine where the sporting events would take place. What role did Rakhimov play in this? At that time, he was still vice-president of the Olympic Council of Asia and could radically change the balance of power in this difficult struggle. After talking with Russian representatives, he puts forward several conditions for them. First of all, he demands that his old friend receive a grant for the construction of Olympic facilities in Sochi. Secondly, he really likes Yakut diamonds, and he is not averse to taking part in their mining. As a result, the advantage towards Sochi was only 4 votes, and 5 votes from the Asian Committee played an important role in this. In his interview, Leonid Tyagachev did not hide this fact, and this can be considered a confirmation of the agreement with Rakhimov. He warmly thanked his Asian assistant for his help.

By the way, about Yakut diamonds: at the moment Gafur Rakhimov and his wife own a chain of jewelry stores. High-ranking officials and thieves in law still come to his house for private visits. Only now he lives not in Uzbekistan, but in Dubai. A chic resort town, an expensive mansion and a profitable business - it seems that the authority knows how to fit in anywhere. He acquired and actively participates in the sports life of Russia. The “Children of Asia” project is fully sponsored by Rakhimov.

Take away and divide

One of the versions of the “dislike” of the President of Uzbekistan for his criminal friend was Rakhimov’s statement about his intention to obtain Russian citizenship. It was at this moment that he begins to “squeeze out” all enterprises and removes his former friend from all posts. Publications have appeared in authoritative publications about tax evasion and the organization of criminal activities. Rakhimov’s sources of income are cut off, and only by miracle does he manage to leave the country on time. All movable and immovable property was seized, as it was acquired with money acquired illegally. It is unknown to whom all of Rakhimov’s goods went.

Unfinished conflict

It may seem that friction with the ruling family began recently, but in fact, since 2010, Gafur Rakhimov did not even plan to return to Tashkent. He had had enough of the persecution, but his new home in the UAE suited him well. But soon he had to remember his true nature. Barack Obama provided a list with his name on it. Strict sanctions were introduced against Rakhimov and six other crime bosses. Moreover, in this list he was dubbed “one of the leaders of Uzbek crime.” He was charged with the production of narcotic substances and their further distribution. These sanctions prohibited any businessman's activities with American enterprises.

After such actions by the United States, Rakhimov lost all his remaining positions in the world of sports. This was a logical move on the part of the leaders of Asian states - a person who lived in Dubai cannot lead organizations in Asia. It seems that Karimov contributed to this decision. The President still could not let go of his former comrade and took revenge on him in every possible way.

Contribution to the development of the state

In 1990, a new company called Agroplus appeared in Uzbekistan. It deals with export and import. General Director - Gafur Rakhimov. A year after the collapse of the USSR, this enterprise will become one of the few that will begin supplying products to the republic. For almost three decades, the company occupied a leading position among all importers. After a conflict with the president, the company changed hands.


Rakhimov received a significant portion of his income from the oil and gas industry. Zeromax supplied equipment to Uzbek companies and received payments in natural products for this. Business went well, and it soon became clear that this was a gold mine. But it became clear not only to Rakhimov, but also to the president’s daughter. She offered her patronage in exchange for a share of the profits or a partnership. The businessman politely refused, and soon realized that they were beginning to put pressure on him. As a result, he had to say goodbye to the enterprise.

Zeromax became the first sign, but in those years Gafur still believed in his integrity. They really left him alone for several years. However, when he decided to purchase a bank for his own commercial purposes, it turned out that the same daughter of the president had long had designs on him. The next conflict ended in Rakhimov’s disgrace. I stood in his way twice, and the next meeting brought very big problems. Despite his credentials and positions, the businessman becomes a mouse in the hands of a high-ranking cat. It is not known where Gafur Rakhimov would live today and how his financial affairs would have developed if not for these two refusals. By the way, Gulnara herself has the nickname “Uzbek villain” in Europe, and many criminal cases have been opened against her in many countries, thanks to Interpol.

A thief in law

There are rumors that the Uzbek authority bought himself the status of thief in law. He was never in prison or even convicted of any crime. Opinions are divided, and some believe he never had such a title. He was always considered a crime boss, but nothing more. No one can dispute his connections with real thieves in law. If this society accepted him, then we can assume that he still has some influence.


Recently, information appeared in the press that the international wanted list was lifted from Gafurov. In this regard, it can be assumed that the businessman may soon return to his homeland. But these rumors were not confirmed. In addition, he is still involved in several criminal cases in Uzbekistan. Returning to his homeland, where he has no enterprises left, makes no sense for such a large businessman as Rakhimov. He already has a well-established business in the United Arab Emirates, and the whole family lives happily in one of the most expensive cities in the world.

Boxing is doomed. And this is not because he won the elections Gafur Rakhimov and now the IOC will again start a song about its sudden concern, extreme anxiety and possible sanctions. However, perhaps now they will finally calm down, stop threatening, sending letters to national federations, scaring them with the exclusion of boxing from the Olympic Games - all steps have already been taken, the consequences are irreversible, Gafur will be at the head of world boxing until 2022.

“The IOC reserves the right to reconsider the decision to include boxing in the program of the Olympic Games in Tokyo and Paris, and to suspend all contacts with AIBA,” the official statement reads something like this. In a month, the IOC Executive Committee will meet in Tokyo and decide what to do with all this.

Old songs

But, it seems to me, it was possible to threaten while Franco Falcinelli or Rakhimov were acting, but did not officially hold the presidential position. But here you have an election where there was more than one candidate, here is a settled issue with the restructuring of a debt of 40 million dollars, here are promises to spend about 1 million 200 thousand a year on supporting distressed federations - and, they say, even with WADA everything will be settled.

Is this reality or just another populist statement that every boxing functionary from every country in the world makes these days? Or are the IOC’s statements about their desire to shut down boxing also populist? In the 1980s, the IOC threatened to cut off oxygen to boxing for the way it was judged (when Roy Jones was “buried” in the final so that even the Korean champion was shocked), in the 2000s - for falling TV ratings, in the 2010s - for scandals and again for bribes.

Pakistani Anwar Chaudhry headed AIBA from 1986 to 2006. He constantly changed the rules of the game, the regulations of fights, and under him amateur boxing moved as far as possible from professional boxing both externally and in content. Changes in refereeing priorities, corruption among judges... Everyone considered Chaudhry a bad manager until Wu came.

A native of Taiwan, a graduate of his home university, Oxford College of Technology and the University of Liverpool, he has been a member of the IOC since 1988 - a small general who staged a show purge, hired financiers to handle AIBA's accounts, but it ended in large debts and even greater scandals. Azerbaijani, Kazakh and Chinese money disappeared without a trace - it was these debts that Gafur Rakhimov restructured and converted some of them into sponsorship contracts. I can even imagine these “negotiations”. How Gafur, a man with really big money, explains that there is no money - and it’s better to forget about debts

- How can I forget this?

Usually. Consider them no more. And you and I - no one owes anyone anything.

Silence in response.

Way of thinking

These are the kind of people who can manage boxing. In this business, only the strongest or the most cunning have a chance to survive. They become odious leaders, they move money, they solve problems - their own and those of the people they encounter thanks to boxing. I think there is no need to remind once again that IBF President Bobby Lee was imprisoned, and the now deceased head of the WBC, Jose Suleiman, was friends with criminals, swindlers, bankrupted his own organization and miraculously no one shot him. Any offended and offended boxer or promoter could. British promoter Frank Warren was shot for less than Suleiman's deeds. Here, either they shoot at you, or you are the first to point a gun at a person. Like Don King, who killed at least two people with his own hands.

The answer to the question of what to do with boxing and whether it needs Gafur Rakhimov as president is buried in the same place as the answer to a simpler question - how to control the presidents of local federations (everyone is his own general), promoters (uncontrollable people in principle) and even more strange shadowy characters, as well as politicians, billionaires and others who suddenly find their interests in fighting. At different times, these were not only dictators Mobutu and Ferdinand Marcos, Hugo Chavez and Nelson Mandela, Donald Trump and others. And AIBA tournaments, among other things, also mean national prestige, a flag and an anthem, which means that everything is even more expensive, even tougher and even more dangerous. A tool of information warfare - and not only information warfare.

Specialists at the Pennsylvania Medical Center recently analyzed 10 modern superhero films and found that in an hour, superheroes commit about 23 acts of violence, and villains - only 18. So it doesn’t really matter whether we have a superhero or a supervillain. The difference is not that big. If the issues are resolved.

Perhaps Thomas Bach is still able to step up as a disruptor, show Olympic boxing the door and breathe a brief sigh of relief. Wait until Rakhimov is replaced by someone else. But there are no guarantees that in the new one the inner anti-hero will not awaken, who only knows how to launder money, change the rules of the game, conflict with the IOC and generally always ruin everything. The way of thinking and codes of behavior are dictated by the environment itself, which is boxing. Do you want to change it? You won't like the result.



K:Wikipedia:Pages on KUL (type: not specified)

Gafur-Arslanbek Akhmedovich Rakhimov(uzb. G`ofur-Arslonbek Ahmed o`g`li Rahimov, G`ofur-Arslonbek Aҳmed ўғli Rahimov; R. July 22, 1951, Tashkent) - Uzbek entrepreneur, one of the leaders of the Eastern European international criminal group "Brothers" Circle, sports figure and philanthropist.


  • g. - study at a sports boarding school, specialty - boxing.
  • g. - military service in the ranks of the Soviet Army.
  • g. - studied in, specialty - engineer-economist.
  • - Messrs. - work at the Ministry of Trade of Uzbekistan, at the same time as a boxing coach at the Dynamo Center.
  • - Messrs. - participation in the social movement AKAMP (association of cooperatives, joint-stock and small enterprises).
  • - Messrs. - founding of an export-import company together with European business partners.
  • - Messrs. - Vice-President of the Boxing Federation of Uzbekistan.
  • Since then - Member of the Executive Committee of the International Amateur Boxing Federation (AIBA), Chairman of the AIBA Business Commission.
  • Since then - Vice-President of the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) from the Central Asian region. Chairman of the Central Asian zone of the OCA
  • Since then - Vice-President of the NOC of Uzbekistan, re-elected in 2005.
  • Since then - Vice-President of the International Boxing Federation (AIBA),
  • g. - awarded the Honorary Order of the Olympic Council of Asia.
  • Since then - Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Republican Public Charitable Foundation "Mehrjon-Sport".
  • Since - Executive Vice President of the International Boxing Federation (AIBA)
  • Since then - President of the Asian Boxing Federation
  • In 2010, at the AIBA Congress, he was elected to the post of President of the Asian Boxing Confederation by voting by 95 present AIBA members.
  • In February 2012, the US Department of the Treasury named him as one of the leaders of the united criminal group "Brotherly Circle" and the leader of the Uzbek drug trade.

Entrepreneurial activity

In 2012, the US FBI became interested in the activities of “effectively operating joint ventures”, considering the Uzbek entrepreneur one of the leaders of the Brotherly Circle criminal group, which includes criminals from the countries of the former USSR.

On the official website of the US Department of the Treasury, Rakhimov is directly identified as a criminal and the leader of an Uzbek joint criminal group involved in drug trafficking.

Sydney refusal

The International Olympic Committee, in a letter to Australian Prime Minister John Howard, stated that this is contrary to existing agreements on issuing entry visas to members of international Olympic organizations. But instead of Prime Minister Howard, the Australian government responded to the letter and stated that, according to its information, both “officials” are closely connected with criminal structures. Gafur Rakhimov is suspected of being a well-known figure in the drug business, closely associated not only with the Solntsevo criminal group operating in the Russian Federation, but also with international drug traffickers, corrupt officials and criminal money launderers. In this case, they refer to information received from the American FBI and the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

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Excerpt characterizing Rakhimov, Gafur-Arslanbek Akhmedovich

- Is it spring? He collapsed there in the entryway. He sleeps with fear. I was really glad.
For a long time after this, Petya was silent, listening to the sounds. Footsteps were heard in the darkness and a black figure appeared.
- What are you sharpening? – the man asked, approaching the truck.
- But sharpen the master’s saber.
“Good job,” said the man who seemed to Petya to be a hussar. - Do you still have a cup?
- And over there by the wheel.
The hussar took the cup.
“It’ll probably be light soon,” he said, yawning, and walked off somewhere.
Petya should have known that he was in the forest, in Denisov’s party, a mile from the road, that he was sitting on a wagon captured from the French, around which the horses were tied, that the Cossack Likhachev was sitting under him and sharpening his saber, that there was a big black spot to the right is a guardhouse, and a bright red spot below to the left is a dying fire, that the man who came for a cup is a hussar who was thirsty; but he knew nothing and did not want to know it. He was in a magical kingdom in which there was nothing like reality. A large black spot, perhaps there was definitely a guardhouse, or perhaps there was a cave that led into the very depths of the earth. The red spot might have been fire, or maybe the eye of a huge monster. Maybe he’s definitely sitting on a wagon now, but it’s very possible that he’s not sitting on a wagon, but on a terribly high tower, from which if he fell, he’d fly to the ground for a whole day, a whole month - keep flying and never reach it . It may be that just a Cossack Likhachev is sitting under the truck, but it may very well be that this is the kindest, bravest, most wonderful, most excellent person in the world, whom no one knows. Maybe it was just a hussar passing for water and going into the ravine, or maybe he just disappeared from sight and completely disappeared, and he was not there.
Whatever Petya saw now, nothing would surprise him. He was in a magical kingdom where everything was possible.
He looked at the sky. And the sky was as magical as the earth. The sky was clearing, and clouds were moving quickly over the tops of the trees, as if revealing the stars. Sometimes it seemed that the sky cleared and a black, clear sky appeared. Sometimes it seemed that these black spots were clouds. Sometimes it seemed as if the sky was rising high, high above your head; sometimes the sky dropped completely, so that you could reach it with your hand.
Petya began to close his eyes and sway.
Drops were dripping. There was a quiet conversation. The horses neighed and fought. Someone was snoring.
“Ozhig, zhig, zhig, zhig...” the saber being sharpened whistled. And suddenly Petya heard a harmonious choir of music playing some unknown, solemnly sweet hymn. Petya was musical, just like Natasha, and more than Nikolai, but he had never studied music, did not think about music, and therefore the motives that unexpectedly came to his mind were especially new and attractive to him. The music played louder and louder. The melody grew, moving from one instrument to another. What was called a fugue was happening, although Petya did not have the slightest idea what a fugue was. Each instrument, sometimes similar to a violin, sometimes like trumpets - but better and cleaner than violins and trumpets - each instrument played its own and, not yet finishing the tune, merged with another, which started almost the same, and with the third, and with the fourth , and they all merged into one and scattered again, and again merged, now into the solemn church, now into the brightly brilliant and victorious.
“Oh, yes, it’s me in a dream,” Petya said to himself, swaying forward. - It's in my ears. Or maybe it's my music. Well, again. Go ahead my music! Well!.."
He closed his eyes. And from different sides, as if from afar, sounds began to tremble, began to harmonize, scatter, merge, and again everything united into the same sweet and solemn hymn. “Oh, what a delight this is! As much as I want and how I want,” Petya said to himself. He tried to lead this huge choir of instruments.
“Well, hush, hush, freeze now. – And the sounds obeyed him. - Well, now it’s fuller, more fun. More, even more joyful. – And from an unknown depth arose intensifying, solemn sounds. “Well, voices, pester!” - Petya ordered. And first, male voices were heard from afar, then female voices. The voices grew, grew in uniform, solemn effort. Petya was scared and joyful to listen to their extraordinary beauty.
The song merged with the solemn victory march, and drops fell, and burn, burn, burn... the saber whistled, and again the horses fought and neighed, not breaking the choir, but entering into it.
Petya didn’t know how long this lasted: he enjoyed himself, was constantly surprised by his pleasure and regretted that there was no one to tell it to. He was awakened by Likhachev's gentle voice.
- Ready, your honor, you will split the guard in two.
Petya woke up.
- It’s already dawn, really, it’s dawning! - he screamed.
The previously invisible horses became visible up to their tails, and a watery light was visible through the bare branches. Petya shook himself, jumped up, took a ruble from his pocket and gave it to Likhachev, waved, tried the saber and put it in the sheath. The Cossacks untied the horses and tightened the girths.
“Here is the commander,” said Likhachev. Denisov came out of the guardhouse and, calling out to Petya, ordered them to get ready.

Quickly in the semi-darkness they dismantled the horses, tightened the girths and sorted out the teams. Denisov stood at the guardhouse, giving the last orders. The party's infantry, slapping a hundred feet, marched forward along the road and quickly disappeared between the trees in the predawn fog. Esaul ordered something to the Cossacks. Petya held his horse on the reins, impatiently awaiting the order to mount. Washed with cold water, his face, especially his eyes, burned with fire, a chill ran down his back, and something in his whole body trembled quickly and evenly.
- Well, is everything ready for you? - Denisov said. - Give us the horses.
The horses were brought in. Denisov became angry with the Cossack because the girths were weak, and, scolding him, sat down. Petya took hold of the stirrup. The horse, out of habit, wanted to bite his leg, but Petya, not feeling his weight, quickly jumped into the saddle and, looking back at the hussars who were moving behind in the darkness, rode up to Denisov.