Pregnant Russian stars. Pregnant Russian stars Where does Olga Kokorekina work now?

  • 26.06.2019

Olga Vladimirovna Kokorekina is a famous Russian radio and television presenter who managed to realize her 100% creative potential. A beautiful presenter with a sweet smile was able to win the love of the audience, but in her personal life for a long time everything didn't work out very well. Only after several attempts she was lucky to create a strong happy family, becoming the mother of two charming daughters.

Biography of Olga Kokorekina

The girl was born in one of the capital's maternity hospitals in 1973 on International Women's Day - March 8. The girl's parents were chemist scientists and believed that their daughter would follow in their footsteps, but she decided to devote herself to journalism.

Olga has always been capable and intelligent, and therefore, without any problems, she entered the evening department of the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University. During this period, the student worked part-time as a museum caretaker and interned at the newspaper of the famous confectionery factory “Red October”.

In 1993, Olga Kokorekina got a job at VGTRK as an editor, but soon went to work as a presenter for the Vesti news program, first on the Culture channel, and then on RTR.

In 2000, viewers could already see the attractive presenter on Channel One. At first she led morning editions"Novosti", and then began to appear more and more often in daytime and evening editions, replacing colleagues in the evening editions of the "Time" program. Also while working on Channel One, Olga participated in the entertainment television shows “Cruel Intentions” and “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”

The birth of a child in 2008 forced Kokorekina to leave Channel One, to which she devoted more than seven years. Soon she tried herself in a new role - as a radio presenter at the Mayak station, where she hosted exciting shows.

A couple of years later, Kokorekina got a job as the host of the “Now” program on Channel Five, and then went to work on the TV-Center channel, where, together with Mikhail Plotnikov, she hosted the “The Young Lady and the Cook” program.

Personal life of Olga Kokorekina

If everything went well in Olga’s career, finding happiness in her personal life turned out to be much more difficult.

The first marriage with television journalist Ilya Kopelevich lasted nine years, but completely exhausted itself. In addition, during this time the couple never had the children that Olga so passionately dreamed of.

Perhaps she would have decided to adopt if it had not been for her acquaintance with businessman Vadim Bykov. A persistent admirer managed to win the love of a beautiful journalist and obtain consent to become his wife. In this marriage, Olga finally learned the joy of motherhood, giving birth to her daughter Dasha. However, with the birth of a child, serious disagreements began in the young family: Kokorekina wanted to get a job, but her husband was categorically against it. As a result, not even a year had passed since they broke up.

In 2013, Olga became the mother of a girl for the second time, whom she named Anastasia. The third marriage with Ivan Maximov turned out to be more durable and happy.

Latest news about Olga Kokorekina

Olga tries to devote all her free time from work to her loved ones and close people, raising her growing daughters. She tries not to let anyone into the intimate world of her family, preferring not to advertise the details of her personal life.

With great pleasure he goes in for horseback riding, skiing, and visiting the bathhouse. He tries to avoid social events, where he is frankly bored. Now for her the most great value– her family and children, whom she had to wait for so long.

“I understood that it was impossible to live the way we were living anymore. Several times I started a conversation with Vadim about the fact that we needed to break up. And he urged: “You shouldn’t make hasty decisions, every family has difficulties, difficult periods, temporary problems.” But I felt that our marriage was doomed; unfortunately, we didn’t have a family,” she says Olga Kokorekina, news presenter on Channel Five and Mayak radio.

- Olya, a little more than two years ago, 7 Days correspondents attended your wedding.

Photo: Elena Sukhova

It was an amazing, unforgettable holiday, you and Vadim literally glowed with happiness. Then you had another reason for great joy- you were expecting a child. And now you and Dashenka are hosting us together. Vadim is not around...

Yes, difficult changes took place in my family a year ago - last summer, or rather on July 11, Vadim and I decided not to live together anymore. And although we are still not officially divorced, this is just a formality. It’s just that neither I nor he have time to draw up divorce papers... And the wedding, the expectation of Dasha and all the good things that we had - now it seems that this happened a very, very long time ago, in some other life.

In that life, we walked towards each other with leaps and bounds, we were in love, blinded, sure that an ocean of happiness awaited us ahead. A rather naive point of view, considering the modest length of our acquaintance. But it was like that... Having met, we - two adults - behaved like Romeo and Juliet. (Smiles.) Soon after the novel began, the two of us went to Vienna for Christmas, and a month later I found out that I was pregnant. Two weeks after this, Vadim proposed to me. We immediately began to prepare for the wedding, were expecting a child... And yet I remember once experiencing a prick of doubt. We were in Dubai celebrating my birthday. We were lying on the beach, and suddenly the pink veil fell from my eyes for a moment, I looked at Vadim and thought: “This is the person with whom I am going to connect my life, almost without knowing him.”

Later she started a conversation: “Listen, aren’t we in too much of a hurry to formalize our relationship?” Vadim then said: “What will change if we wait a year or two? Do you think we will love each other more?” - “I don’t know, but somehow everything is very fast.” Vadim insisted, assured that everything would be fine. And who wants to think about bad things when a fairy tale is blooming around? And then, he talked so much about his love, constantly made pleasant surprises, showered him with gifts, gave huge bouquets almost every day... Well, and of course, he pushed us to this step most important event- my pregnancy. Although at that time I had no desire to get married at all - and in general at that time I was not yet divorced. (Olga lived with her first husband, television journalist Ilya Kopelevich, for nine and a half years.

Note ed.). I thought that Vadim and I would have an open relationship of mature people - I was 35 years old at the time, and he was 41. But everything turned out differently. Because Dasha said: “Wait a minute, I’m ready to be born!” (Laughs.) You know, I believe that it is children who choose their parents and decide when they will make us happy with their birth. For seven years I wanted a child, but nothing worked out. I know exactly the day and hour when she settled inside me new life. In those moments, I had a feeling of such tremendous emotional fullness - some kind of space opened up inside. The thought even flashed through my mind that, probably, children are conceived at such moments. My intuition did not deceive me. When I was expecting a child, I had only a positive attitude and a reinforced concrete confidence that I would give birth easily, quickly, and the baby would be strong and healthy.

She is familiar to the general public as a TV presenter. The biography of Olga Kokorekina began in Moscow. A native of the metropolis, she was no different in childhood from her peers, but preferred to communicate with mischievous boys, participating in their fun and adventures. Olya’s parents, having a chemical education, could not imagine who their daughter would become in the future. The girl, brave and decisive in character, chose future profession herself, deciding to devote her life to journalism. She studied at Moscow State University. Lomonosov, and in 1993 began working at VGTRK. Olga Kokorekina mastered the complex editorial work immediately, but then went to work in television program“Vesti”, where since 1997 she was a presenter on the “Culture” channel, and then on RTR she informed viewers about the sensational events of the day in news broadcasts. In 2002, viewers saw the pretty TV presenter on Channel One. Since 2009, the girl worked fruitfully at the Mayak radio station. At the same time, her long-awaited daughter was born. Since 2010, Olga has been the host of the “Now” program at the Petersburg shopping and entertainment complex.

The girls are not going as well as their careers. Long marriage broke up with television journalist Ilya Kopelevich after nine years life together. Olga did not despair, and remarried businessman Vadim Bykov, from whom her daughter Dashenka was born. Now Olga Kokorekina is a TV presenter and a wonderful mother, she is raising her daughter alone, leads an active lifestyle, does not get bored or discouraged. She enjoys horse riding, enjoys skiing, and goes to the sauna on weekends. This is where the biography of Olga Kokorekina stops for now.

The first child is happiness

After becoming pregnant, Olga felt severe dizziness. She was afraid that she might faint at any moment and felt terrible weakness. And at this time she had to be active labor activity. Before each new program the girl promised herself that this time the broadcast would be the last. The doctors strongly recommended undergoing a course of treatment, which the presenter eventually did, going on sick leave.

However, she did not have to rest at home either, since there was a wedding ceremony and serious preparation for it. Repair new apartment Olga also had to take charge, since her husband Vadim is sorely lacking in free time.

When the girl was taken to the maternity ward, she patiently tried to endure the first labor pains. She measured the corridor with her steps and watched the bright sun rise over morning Moscow. It was a special sight, and Olga Kokorekina, for whom children are the joy and meaning of life, will carry these memories throughout her life. She gave birth easily thanks to special anesthesia, and then thought that for some reason the stories about the terrible contractions of women giving birth had passed her by.

The turn of new troubles has come, but now very pleasant ones. Dasha misses her mother, calls her, and she, madly adoring her little princess, gladly devotes her free time to her.

The presenter of “News” should be an example

At the Russian Student Spring festival in 2007, Olga Kokorekina was part of the jury. Guests of the competition did not fail to ask the presenter how she managed to look so great. The image of a woman on screen is special: she should look strict, conservative, but at the same time beautiful. You can’t use bright accessories in an outfit, because viewers will start to look at them carefully, missing important information out of earshot. It is forbidden to dissolve long hair over the shoulders - they should be styled in a neat and not very voluminous hairstyle. The TV presenter is assisted by image makers who accurately guess the color of jackets.

Favorite style of clothing

TV presenter Kokorekina prefers sportswear in all its variations, because she considers it as comfortable and practical as possible. Olga cannot imagine herself in a tight dress and high heels, when in a short period of time she needs to keep up everywhere and everywhere. She only appears in a classic business suit at work, and at the same time does not admire such clothes. "It's the same as in military uniform get dressed,” shares the famous TV presenter.

Armenian blood flows in her veins

Olga Kokorekina admits that she is a quarter Armenian on her father’s side. And this, as you know, is a freedom-loving, hot-tempered and straightforward people. It can be difficult for a woman to restrain herself when the situation requires an immediate solution, but the situation does not allow taking decisive action. She believes that all people must necessarily learn lessons from past mistakes and avoid them in the future. There is a big difference between the Olga who watches from the screens and the one who, in a relaxed atmosphere, laughs cheerfully and boisterously, interspersing the conversation with sparkling jokes.

Beauty secrets from Olga Kokorekina

Olga shared the secret of her beauty and charm. In her opinion, a person should, despite a busy work schedule, spend at least nine to ten hours sleeping every day and not drink alcohol in large quantities.

Olga Kokorekina, whose photos adorn the pages of printed publications, tries not to eat potato products and avoids salty and spicy dishes. Thanks to proper nutrition and doing fitness, she looks stunning at 41 years old. Olga Kokorekina eats according to the principle: breakfast is yours, lunch is shared with a friend, and dinner is for the enemy. Sometimes in the evening he doesn’t have dinner at all, but drinks fermented milk products. The main thing, as the woman believes, is peace of mind a person, because in an excited state he easily gets sick and gets tired. And this makes it hard for the people around you.

Olga Kokorekina thinks that the height of unreasonableness is to limit yourself in food to a tiny amount of a few tens of grams per meal, because sooner or later this will lead to serious diseases of the digestive tract and a deterioration in overall well-being. You can allow yourself too much if you really want it, but then unload the body with light food.

Olga doesn’t like to tinker in the kitchen herself, but she enjoys preparing dishes that don’t take a lot of effort and time. She really loves zucchini pancakes and vegetable caviar. Of the many different foods, he always prefers vegetables.

Social life leading

The TV presenter avoids noisy get-togethers and parties and tries to ignore invitations to evening social events. He doesn’t understand when people crowd in a huge line for free food and drinks in the form of sandwiches or champagne. In her heart, she does not approve and does not understand such impulses, preferring to gather in a small circle of best friends or spend a certain amount of money on a trip to a decent establishment: a cozy cafe or restaurant. The menu there is good, and the atmosphere is conducive to friendly conversation. Olga Kokorekina, personal life who does not go further than the walls of her house, tries to listen to others before talking about herself.

Star fever is stupidity

For Olga, appearing on television does not mean becoming a famous and popular person throughout the country. After all, behind the outer decent and bright side are hidden hard work, chronic lack of sleep and a huge investment of effort. It depends on a person who he becomes, on the quality of his efforts, because everyone creates and decides their own destiny. Her intuition did not disappoint, pointing the woman to the profession that became her favorite.

Professional secrets of Olga Kokorekina

When the girl was just starting her career, she repeatedly received offers to change her last name to a more sonorous pseudonym. However, she was categorically against it because she values ​​her genealogical line. Olga's grandfather was quite famous whose famous paintings“Let's get to Berlin”, “For the Motherland” and many others. She values ​​and is proud of her name.

When the parents insisted that their daughter enter the chemistry department, the girl immediately snapped: “It’s not mine!” True, for some time she was tormented by doubts about what to choose from the humanities: journalism or philology, and she became a journalist. IN early years young people want travel, risk, romance, and this profession gives the desired sensations in abundance.

Olga Kokorekina, a TV presenter, enjoys commenting on scientific news, discoveries, and global events that are not related to terrorist attacks and loss of life. Although, due to my profession, I also have to voice information that leaves a heavy aftertaste in my soul.

So what is she like?

Olga Kokorekina - bright, beautiful, successful woman, which is not alien to everything human. She is not afraid to tell a person the truth in the eyes, she is capable of decisive actions on which the lives of her loved ones depend. Her optimism and self-confidence infect the people around her. She tries to see the positive aspects in everything. And that’s why it’s easy and simple to be around her. There is no stiffness, mannerism or complacency that can be observed in some stars. Olga Kokorekina is talented in everything because she makes her own destiny.


Olga Kokorekina, the popular presenter of “News” on Channel One, can truly be called an athlete, a Komsomol member and simply a beauty. Any news release with her participation always ends with good news. It's no wonder that this young woman with a charming smile is so popular among TV viewers. In her free time from work, Olga likes to sleep, go to the bathhouse, ride horses and read. However, recently the TV presenter had to change more than one of her habits Olga became a mother and gave birth to a wonderful daughter Dasha.
Olga, what do you remember about the first days after the birth of your daughter? What were they like?
You know, the entire stay in the maternity hospital was some kind of continuous celebration of motherhood and childhood! Don't think that I have any commercial interest, but Perinatal center on Sevastopolsky this is, of course, a unique place. It’s good that we also have clinics where births are no worse than abroad.
From the first time you arrived at the maternity hospital, you went into labor and didn’t come with false contractions?
I didn't have any false contractions. At 4 am my water started to break, but I wasn’t sure about it and didn’t dare call the doctor right away. I called my friend Masha Butyrskaya and began to describe what I was experiencing. She says: “Ol, your water is breaking.” And I asked an idiotic question: “Masha, what should I do?” She says: “Call the doctor!” And I ask: “It’s only the beginning of five, do you think it’s possible?” “Necessary!” I called my doctor, Inna Yuryevna Breslav, who, after my chaotic explanations, ordered me to go to the maternity hospital.
Were you with your husband at that time?
Yes, with my husband. You know, this too Lucky case. Vadim just the day before, at 9 pm, returned from a business trip. If it had all started a day earlier, I would have found myself at home alone. My brother, however, lives nearby. I would call him, but this, of course, would add to my worries. And then my husband arrived, I fed him, we watched some comedy, he fell asleep earlier, I fell asleep a little later, and literally four hours later Daria Vadimovna asked to go outside.
Did it take you a long time to get to the maternity hospital?
Thank God, the maternity hospital was not far from the place where we rented an apartment, because by the time we arrived at the maternity hospital, the contractions were already very noticeable and repeated every 34 minutes.
Were you afraid to give birth in a car?
No, I wasn't afraid. I was just very indignant that my husband, despite the fact that it was about five in the morning, waited at every traffic light for a green signal. I tell him: “Bykov, what the hell? There’s no one, let’s go!” And he replies: “Don’t whine, we’ll follow the rules.” traffic».

Finally you made it to the maternity hospital…
Olga: We were quickly received, taken to the emergency room, and there they said: “Dad, will you support the young mother?” At that moment, the husband said that he would, and they began to dress him in some special green clothes. “Wow,” I think, “what miracles!” That’s what my husband gives!” Because when we were deciding the issue of his presence during childbirth, he kept repeating: “I can’t, I can’t, I can’t stand it psychologically, it’s stress for me.” In general, they changed my clothes, changed my husband’s clothes, and took me to the prenatal ward. Vadim lay down on the next bed and tried to doze there, but I didn’t let him, because the contractions were intensifying. And he himself came up to me to at least somehow support and help. It's incredible, but true: presence loved one, my wife, really makes contractions easier. I grabbed his hands, hugged him, and pressed him somewhere in the solar plexus. I tried to endure a couple of contractions on my own; they were completely different sensations, it was very painful and unpleasant. Therefore, men, I urge you to help your women.
Weren’t you scared of giving birth?
No. I wasn't afraid to give birth at all. My friends tried something for me before giving birth horror stories talk, but I categorically rejected such conversations. I said: “Girls, what happens will happen. I don’t want to set myself up for negative thoughts, I want all this to be a holiday for me.” While we walked along the corridor, my husband helped me endure contractions, and I looked through the huge windows of the PMC at the awakening Moscow. The morning was just crazy beautiful! I understood that this was the most important day of my life, and I wanted to remember every sound, every movement, every person, record them in my memory like a big video and play it back later. When I felt that the contractions were already moving to the stage when my husband could not help me, I asked for an epidural anesthesia. It turned out, by the way, that the injection was given to me by the same anesthesiologist who four years earlier had administered anesthesia to my father during a serious operation. In general, they gave me this anesthesia. My legs, of course, were like cotton wool, but I could move them. I felt the contractions as compressions: as if one hand were squeezing the other; There is no pain at all, but you feel the pressure. After I was given anesthesia, I even sent my husband home. After all, I was under control all the time. This was not a case where you couldn’t get enough doctors and nurses, nothing like that! I didn't have to call anyone. The anesthesiologist came in, the attending physician visited periodically. The midwife was constantly on duty next to me. She told me how open the uterus was, taught how to push and breathe.
How was the birth itself?
The attempts lasted 15-20 minutes. At some point they told me: “Olya, stop pushing.” And I decided that I was doing something wrong, that they would now start explaining to me how to act. And the next second I see that they are lifting my child, a girl, above me and placing her on my stomach. And suddenly I had the feeling that I hadn’t done something, didn’t suffer enough, was freeloading. I just couldn’t believe that I gave birth so easily; Usually women talk about torment! And I didn’t have a single torment ( smiling), none at all discomfort there are none left.

Do you remember your feelings when you saw your daughter?
Olga: Yes. At first I thought she was red. Although she is not red at all, it seemed so to me. Then I thought that she was very thin and her head was kind of eggplant-shaped. Well, a pure eggplant with red hair (smiles). To be honest, these were my first thoughts. Then I thought that it’s okay, everything will get better with time. But after my daughter was washed from everything she came into this world in and placed next to me, I was overwhelmed by a wave of tenderness for this little lump that lay there, groaning.
Did you dream about a daughter or a son?
Olga: I'll be honest, about my daughter. Boys are just like aliens to me: I don’t understand how to educate them, how to raise them. So when I found out that I was going to have a daughter, I was simply happy. Vadim, by the way, wanted a boy. But he said: “Nothing, the next one will be a boy!” We have a heroic dad, preparing to be the father of six children.
When did the grandparents see their granddaughter?
Yes, on the very first day of her life. All relatives are allowed into the PMC. Grandmother and grandfather immediately concluded that Dasha was an unusually smart girl; they saw something in her eyes and in her facial expression. In general, she was immediately recognized as a giant of thought ( smiling).
You were discharged from the maternity hospital a day later than usual. Why?
They said that Dasha had “jaundice” and recommended that she be monitored for another day in the maternity hospital. I was terribly upset. To be honest, I behaved indecently, like some child who was taken into a dark room. I cried, spoke some nonsense in a trembling voice, and was ready to fall on my knees in front of the doctor and beg her to discharge us home. The doctor reassured me and said that it was physiological jaundice, which I shouldn’t be afraid of; that almost every third child is born with it. For the night they put Dasha in what I call a solarium, a small incubator, where she was irradiated with ultraviolet light. The girl felt warm and good, but her crazy mother came several times a night and looked at her with the eyes of a beaten dog, which was also constantly moist.
How did you feel after being discharged from the hospital?
Not all so good. First child, hormonal changes In a word, postpartum depression did not pass me by. When we returned home, I was scared to death that something would happen to the child, I didn’t want to let my husband leave the house, I cried when he left for work. I couldn’t explain all this logically. I just needed the constant support of my husband and his presence - then I felt good and harmonious. Thank God, all this did not last very long, about two weeks.

Does Dasha have a nanny?
Olga: Yes, there was a daytime nanny from the first days, I found her in advance. She even met us from the maternity hospital. Without a nanny it would be difficult for me. Because of all the worries, and due to my hyper-responsibility, I didn’t sleep at night, I was always afraid of missing out on something. By doing this, I plunged myself into such a state that even my milk became less. Vadim, looking at me, one fine day said: “You know, Ol, I found you a night nanny. I'm not suggesting that she stay with us every night. But let him stay at least a few nights a week so you can rest. It’s just a guarantee of your mental health.”
Vadim, the father of four adult children, gave you, a young mother, any useful advice?
My husband gave me one very helpful advice. Dasha constantly woke herself up with her hands and often woke up at night because of this. My husband then said to me: “Lord, Olya, why don’t you swaddle her? She will sleep better in diapers.” And indeed, after I started swaddling Dasha, she stopped waking up at night and now sleeps until 8-9 o’clock in the morning. Just like an adult.
Was this your first pregnancy?
Olga: Yes, I didn’t have children in my first marriage; For several years, my husband and I tried to become parents, but nothing worked out for us, although we were both healthy. Just at that moment I turned to the doctor Natalya Alexandrovna - her women became pregnant even with hopeless diagnoses. And without IVF. I saw this doctor for several years, but pregnancy never occurred. The doctor told me that it’s just not time yet. Then I gave up on everything, and we broke up with my first husband. Soon I started dating Vadim, my current husband. Very little time passed and I found out that I was pregnant.
How did you react to the news of your pregnancy?
Vadim and I just returned from Switzerland, where we went skiing. I went to work, remembered that it was time for my next menstruation, but it didn’t happen. I went and bought a test and didn’t believe the positive result. These two stripes shocked me so much that I sat for half an hour and couldn’t say a word. At that time, Vadim and I had only been dating for a month. And he, the father of four children, hardly planned a fifth. And he didn’t plan marriage either. I called the doctor and said that I seemed to be pregnant. She was sincerely happy for me and immediately outlined for three weeks in advance what I should do: see such and such doctors, take such and such tests. Putting telephone handset, I was absolutely sure that I would give birth. After some time, I told this news to my husband.
And what was Vadim’s reaction? After all, the situation was not entirely standard.
Vadim told me that he would support me, that he would not give up on either me or Dasha. And two weeks later he proposed to me. From the moment our relationship began until the proposal, only a month and a half passed! One evening he arrived and said in a completely ordinary, everyday tone: “Kokoresh, I have a proposal for you - be my wife.” I was simply amazed. In the first minutes I couldn’t say a word. Then she mumbled: “What should I answer?” We had a wedding at the end of April. I was already four months pregnant then.
Such beautiful story. Didn’t you feel a little sorry that you were getting married and you were pregnant?
In my case, four months is not the period when it is difficult to carry a belly. Only in the last two months it has been difficult for me to move. The fact of pregnancy, on the contrary, filled the whole wedding with some kind of grace: it was a union of three loving people. Pregnancy only fueled our feelings.
You were simply gorgeous Wedding Dress!
Igor Chapurin sewed my dress. Style a la Natasha Rostova, waist under the bust. In general, I liked this style from the beginning, and besides, it is now in fashion, which is very convenient for a pregnant woman.
Can you talk a little more about pregnancy? How did you generally bear it, how did you feel?
Olga: At the very beginning of my pregnancy, I felt very dizzy. At this time I was still working. The doctor said that my condition could affect the child. When a risk factor appeared, I slowed down the pace of life and retired. And I have never regretted it. Cases, of course, are different. Sometimes circumstances simply do not allow a woman to leave work, especially if she finds herself alone, her husband is not there or he is not helping. But if a woman has the opportunity not to work, there is no need to be afraid! Your career will not run away from you. Home career women mother's career.
What can you wish for pregnant women?
Don't be afraid of anything: neither pregnancy or childbirth, nor difficulties with the first days, months and years of your child's life. It's not scary. It's scary if there are no children in your life at all. This is scary. And everything else is surmountable. Even if there is no support nearby, the most important thing in your life already exists - this is a child. You are forever the closest people to each other, and this connection will support and help you, give life to your heart, and will not allow you to become bitter and callous. This, in fact, is life itself!

A successful beautiful journalist and TV presenter always dreamed of having strong family, but her personal life was quite difficult. First husband of Olga Kokorekina TV editor Ilya Kaplevich could live with her all my life, but they have long years life together did not produce the children she had dreamed of all her life. Perhaps Olga would have even decided to take the child from the orphanage, but meeting the businessman Vadim Bykov changed her whole life.

In the photo - Olga Kokorekina with her first husband

After their first date, Bykov did not leave Olga alone - he constantly called her and made new dates. Between them arose romantic relationship, and soon Olga realized that she was pregnant. She was in seventh heaven; she didn’t even care whether Bykov, who already had four children from previous marriages, recognized her child. She broke up with Kaplevich, firmly deciding to give birth. Vadim Bykov Having learned about his beloved’s pregnancy, he was delighted by this news and immediately invited Olga to become his wife.

In the photo - Olga marries Vadim Bykov

Their wedding was fun and unusual - the newlyweds rode out to their guests on an excavator - Olga sat in a bucket on a specially installed sofa, and Vadim stood on the step. He himself ordered the equipment to amuse the guests and make the wedding unforgettable for everyone. Future husband Olga Kokorekina after the wedding provided her with fairy tale life. She lived almost the entire pregnancy in Monaco, enjoying relaxation and luxurious life. After the birth of her daughter Dasha, Kokorekina did not stay at home with her for long. She went to work, which took up a lot of her time. Olga Kokorekina’s husband had difficulty withstanding his wife’s constant employment. Quarrels and misunderstandings began between them. Olga started a conversation with her husband several times about how she could no longer live in such an environment, but Vadim calmed her down and said that everything would work out - all families go through difficult periods. But Kokorekina understood that they never had a family. Their marriage lasted a little over a year; Olga Kokorekina’s husband did not even come to their daughter’s first birthday, which Olga celebrated among her friends.

In the photo – Olga Kokorekina and Vadim Bykov