Diana Ivanitskaya met with Vorobiev. The girl who broke Alexei Vorobyov's heart breaks the silence

  • 24.06.2019

According to "StarHit", Friends Leshy declassified the stranger. “This girl hurt Lesha. He flew to the USA for filming for four months. I decided to surprise my beloved and returned to Moscow for 15 hours. He flew for almost a day and rushed to her, and she behaved in such a way that this post appeared on Leshin’s Instagram...”

According to the artist's friends, the lead singer of the group turned out to be a traitor Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikova(21), with which Alexey An affair began last year.

"U Leshy there were many girls, but with tenderness he spoke only about Diana, added a friend Vorobyova. “The guys liked the atmosphere of mystery; they tried not to appear in public so as not to get caught. Alexei He valued this relationship very much and delighted his beloved with gifts and huge bouquets of roses. But what happened destroyed everything - they broke up without even remaining friends. Diana committed an act that Lech I couldn’t forgive.”

And indeed, on Instagram Leshi Diana never appeared openly, but the girl herself posted one photo with Vorobiev.

This happened six months ago, when she participated in the show. Diana tried on a wedding dress, and Lesha, apparently, came to the show to support her. The girl captioned the photo together: "My Rose"(with a reference to the show). By the way, the same photo is on « avatar » Diana"In contact with".

Interestingly, for the first time Alexei posted on Instagram a stranger hugging his dog Elvis, V . Around this time it became known that Diana allegedly (37). They appeared at events more than once and did not hide their feelings - they kissed on camera. And the girl told amazing story their acquaintances. So something doesn't add up here...

By the way, photo from Khrustalev continued to appear in the profile Diana. For example, she posted the last photo with him before the New Year. And on holidays Diana rested next to the ocean, just like Khrustalev who went to Bali. But whether they were together is unclear. The girl never shared her geolocation with her subscribers.

But if they are together with Dmitry were on Bali, That Vorobiev I definitely didn’t write about her! By the way, it later turned out that her bandmate Masha Goncharuk(26) also on an island popular among stars, and even in the arms of Khrustaleva! What a twist!

In general, it is not known whether there was Diana V Moscow at the moment when Vorobiev shared his story. But three days later the girl went to the premiere of the cartoon "Ballerina" to congratulate (15) (daughter Vera Brezhneva(34)), who voiced one of the characters.

Now Diana is in Thailand with friends, and two days ago she posted a photo of some tattooed stranger holding her hand. Is not it Diana And Vorobyova the relationship was still unknown.

But Lesha is still overwhelmed with feelings. First, Vorobiev posted a photo in which he and a girl who looked like Diana (the whole face was not included in the frame) were having fun and singing songs with a guitar. “You know, that was the last tune anyone played on that guitar. And when I smashed it into pieces, I was happy because I smashed every piece of memory of you,” he wrote.

A photo posted by Alexey Vorobiev-???? ???????. (@mr.alexsparrow) on Jan 26, 2017 at 5:39am PST

And a few minutes later, Alexey posted another photo in which he drinks whiskey, and the caption to the photo became almost a confession: “I hid my personal life from everyone for a very long time. And if someone doesn’t like what I’m writing now on my Instagram, then understand one thing - this is not for you... This is for me and for her, because I have no one else to talk to. Yes, of course, an adult, especially an artist, must keep everything to himself, go on stage and smile. But I'm not on stage right now, so I'm wildly apologetic. I don’t force anyone to read what I write, like what I post, and write encouraging comments, this doesn’t help me one bit, so your opinion on what and how I should do now, believe me, I’m not enough interested. There is no democracy or national assembly here, here everyone is the monarch of his own inner and virtual world, so if you’re not happy with something, unsubscribe without your highly artistic advice on who should live and how.”


The day before, reporters discovered that it was Diana who betrayed Alexei. Ivanitskaya-Shorikova was pointed out by a certain friend of Vorobyov named Max. “They broke up without even remaining friends. Diana committed an act that Lekha could not forgive,” said the informant, hinting at the girl’s betrayal.


In addition, the lead singer of the Dynama group has a photo on Instagram posted on July 6, 2016, where she hugs the performer and boasts: “🌹 my rose! 😅😅😅.” It turns out that Alexey and Diana have been dating for a long time, at least six months. And it turns out that the participants of the “Bachelor” show, who fought for Vorobyov’s heart and a rose from him, simply had no chance.

If you believe the cries of Alexey’s soul on Instagram, he was madly in love with Diana and he didn’t need anyone else. This means that the selected beauties from the amorous television project tried in vain. Although... There were hints that the artist could not resist Alla Berger and Yana Anosova. The media wrote that. So who then betrayed whom first?

In any case, neither Alexey nor Diana confirms the information that they had an affair. But Vorobyov’s devoted fans, of whom there are thousands on the Internet, without understanding the situation, attacked Ivanitskaya-Shorikova’s microblog with insults. Girls sometimes use such sophisticated curse words that we cannot list them here. Many people use the word “whore,” which Alexey himself used, but then deleted and apologized.

Probably tired of the endless stream of abuse, Diana decided to speak out and remind the crowd of her right to privacy. “My beloved, please be smarter! And kinder☝🏻😘,” the spectacular brunette called to order. “I don’t even want to say anything. I’m very happy man! Believe me))".

The performer admitted that she does not feel guilty. “I have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of! My conscience is clear, first of all before myself!” the lead singer of the Dynama group emphasized. “And my personal life It only concerns me, cats, don’t forget this 😉 ❤ #lovesavestheworld."

Note that Diana may not be Vorobyov’s offender. Attentive fans of Alexei compared photographs from his microblog, where he showed his sweetheart exclusively from behind, and photographs of Diana. Some things don't match. "In the photo with Lesha short hair, and hers are long. In short, 3 times. Moreover, he had other photos. On which the length of the hair is visible,” commentators are conducting their own investigation.

Alexey himself suffers wildly, drinks whiskey and lashes out at fans on social networks. “I hid my personal life from everyone for a very long time. And if someone doesn’t like what I write now on my Instagram, then understand one thing - this is not for you... this is for me and for her, because I have no one else to talk to,” the grieving heartthrob complained. “Yes, of course, an adult, especially an artist, should keep everything to himself, go on stage and smile. But I’m not on stage now, so I apologize wildly.” I don’t force anyone to read what I write, like what I post, and write encouraging comments, this doesn’t help me one bit, so believe me, your opinion on what and how I should do now is of little interest to me “There is no democracy or national assembly here, everyone here is the monarch of their own internal and virtual world, so if you are not happy with something, write without your highly artistic advice about who should live and how.”

IN recent interview the performer admitted that his feelings for his ex are still alive, despite the betrayal. "I still love her. When I think that she might be in bed with someone else, I literally throw up with rage. The only thing I can't understand is one thing simple question: "What did I do wrong?" – the handsome man is perplexed.

Instagram of the alleged lover of Alexei Vorobyov is bursting with new publications. While the singer is suffering, Ivanitskaya-Shorikova is resting.

Recently it became known who broke Alexey Vorobyov. It turned out that it was a young singer from the Dynama group - Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikova. The singer poured out his soul to his subscribers on Instagram, complaining that his heart was now broken, like the guitar he played last time Shorikov. A friend of the famous, apparently bachelor again, admitted that Diana cheated on the musician. He went to America for work and was really looking forward to meeting his beloved, he even carved out a day for her and flew home for more than 15 hours just to see Ivanitskaya. But when he arrived, Vorobyov was very annoyed, even furious. Several posts about how he forgets himself with alcohol, several philosophical ones about sincerity and love. However, the couple always hid their relationship, so the question arises: was there a Roma? Although, on her VKontakte avatar, Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikova hugs Vorobyov.

One way or another, a barrage hit the singer negative emotions. Of course, Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikova desperately declares that she has nothing to be ashamed of and that her personal life is no one’s business. She posts tons of photos on her Instagram and VKontakte with the hashtags #lovesavestheworld.

“My beloved, please be smarter! And kinder. I don’t even want to say anything. I’m a very happy person! Believe me)) I have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of! My conscience is clear, first of all before myself! And my personal life concerns only me, cats , don’t forget this,” the singer writes.

And while Alexey Vorobyov is suffering and writes tearful posts with the hashtags #IJustWantToCome, Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikova is resting. Judging by new publications, the girl left for Thailand.

And three days ago, Shorikova posted a photo with the caption: “Zaya said not to go to the disco! I’m going against the system.” Maybe the heartthrob from "Dynam" has found a new victim?

It must be said that Vorobiev is already 7 years older than Shorikova. Perhaps the girl hasn’t had her fill yet, and Alexey has already offered the last rose from “The Bachelor”? By the way, last summer, Diana just posted a photo on wedding dress with the caption: “My rose!” However, before this, the girl uploaded a video with a statement that her husband was not there, and had not yet been.

The young model was born in Zaporozhye and began her career at the age of 8. In 2012, the girl participated in “X-Factor”, and then in the project “I Want V” VIA Gro", where she took second place. Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikova is not averse to laughing at herself, either calling her eyebrows terrible or removing her double chin. And the lady also posts passionate dancing. Ivanitskaya rocks out in dresses with a cutout on the back: from the neck to the appetizing butt.

Video and photos: instsgram, VKontakte Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikova

January 16 Alexey Vorobiev
(29) reported to his subscribers
V Instagram that his heart was broken. Lesha posted
several photographs, in the caption to which he said that his beloved had betrayed him, but the singer did not reveal the identity of the girl.

“I’ll remember us like this, okay? And I’ll just erase the rest as if it didn’t happen. I’ll erase your phone, since I don’t remember it by heart, I’ll erase your photos, and I’ll erase you from my life,” the singer wrote under one of the photos.
Since then, there has been active debate about who this mysterious and cruel stranger is?

Last week a version appeared that Vorobiev all this time I was dating a member of the group "DynamA"
Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikova
(21), whom I met last summer. This was allegedly reported good friend Alexey publication "StarHit":

"This girl caused Leshe pain. He flew off to filming USA for four months. I decided to surprise my beloved and returned to Moscow at 15 o'clock. He flew for almost a day and rushed to her, and she behaved in such a way that Leshin Instagram this post appeared..."

We decided to find out
, is it true. Everything pointed to the fact that Diana at the moment when Vorobiev returned to Moscow, was absent from the capital, but there was no evidence of this.
Herself Diana did not comment on the situation in any way, so we decided to contact the singer’s director Anastasia Drapeko.

"U Diana And Leshy There was a period when they spent a lot of time together, but there was no drama associated with it. Moreover, when news appeared about the girl who broke Alexey heart, Diana Was in India for work and returned to Moscow only a few days later,” shared with PEOPLETALK Anastasia, and also added that the photo in which Diana in a white dress stands in an embrace with Leshey, was done six months ago by her personally. It was on that day that the young people met.

Myself Vorobiev also did not confirm that his ex-loverDiana. Moreover, two days ago Lesha posted in my Instagram teaser for his new video, which he is currently working on. Photographs appear on one of the frames Vorobyova with some girl who doesn't look like a member of the group at all "DynamA".

Whether the girl's real name will become known remains anyone's guess. But at least we found out that fan attacks Alexey on Diana were false.

Alexey Vorobyov and Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikova


Yesterday in the press from the group “DINAMA”, created in 2013 on the project “I Want V VIA Gro”. The girl was accused of being the one who broke the heart of handsome Alexei Vorobyov by cheating on him with someone else. Moreover, Diana was also credited with an affair with Dmitry Khrustalev, which she was having at the same time as with Vorobyov. Well, the brunette also got it on social networks for the fact that this moment she is vacationing in Thailand with a third stranger, whom they immediately began to identify by a noticeable tattoo on his arm.


Followers quickly named young man— Artem Pindyura, soloist MBAND groups, also created on the show “I want to go to Meladze” in 2014. “This is Artyom... Pendyura... Tyoma has a tattoo on his arm that everyone knows... this is Pindyura!!! But there is no need to spread rumors and in general this is their business! I will be glad if you and Tema are together! You suit each other!.. you can see from the tattoo that he... Damn, it’s definitely a pindyura and a tattoo and a chain, here we are Sherlocks” (hereinafter, the authors’ spelling and punctuation are preserved - note..


Diana's Instagram now resembles a battlefield. Fans of Alexei Vorobyov write nasty things to the singer. Girls who are in love with Artem Pindyura have now joined in the curses. As a result, the artist could not stand it and decided to dot all the i's. “My beloved, please be smarter! And kinder! I don't even want to say anything. I am a very happy person! Believe me)) I have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of! My conscience is clear, first of all before myself! And my personal life concerns only me, cats, don’t forget this,” said Ivanitskaya-Shorikova.

True, this statement did not calm the angry fans, and they continue to write nasty things to the girl.