French male names and their meaning. Etymology of French surnames The most popular female names in France

  • 02.07.2019

The history of our country is closely intertwined with the culture of different world powers. There has always been a special relationship with France.

The cultural heritage of this country has left its significant imprint on Russian art, philosophy and science.

The unusual tradition of naming girls with melodious French names dates back to the 19th century, when the mutual influence of the two countries was at its maximum.

This article will tell you how romantic French names for girls are formed, and why they still do not lose their popularity in other countries.

Features of French names and surnames

The beauty and euphony of French names have won many hearts. Therefore, every year in different parts globe new owners of beautiful female names with an unusual sound melody appear.

When naming your daughter in French, you need to know the meaning of her unusual name and how it will sound in Russian.

It is interesting to note that in France there is a tradition of giving newborns double or even triple names. Most often these are names of the same gender and a hyphen is used when writing them.

But there are cases when a woman’s name consists of one name female, and the other is male.

To correctly name a girl, the female name is placed first and the male name second. For example: Nicole Vincent. If these names are swapped, you get a name for a boy: Vincent-Nicole.

Important: if a girl was given a double French name at birth, then that is what she should be called.

If the daughter is named Nicole-Vincent, then that is her name in ordinary life, not abbreviated Nicole.

Initially, names for girls in France were given according to the following tradition, which was used from generation to generation:

  1. When compiling complex name for the first daughter they used: the name of the maternal grandmother, then the name of the paternal grandmother, and at the end there is the name of the saint, which is honored on the day of the baby’s baptism.
  2. To to name the second daughter, the name of the maternal grandmother was used first, and then the name of the paternal grandfather.

Currently, this tradition is observed extremely rarely. Any beautiful name with a melodic sound is chosen for the child, which is approved either by the parents or all close relatives.

List of popular female names

It is difficult to find a language whose words sound more romantic and melodic than French.

And sometimes it seems that when the baby is named in French, she will have the same beauty and sophistication that is hidden in the language of her unusual name.

Below is a list of the most popular names:

  • Marie.
  • Natalie.
  • Helen.
  • Sophie.
  • Nicole.
  • Michelle.
  • Catherine.
  • Julie.
  • Elizabeth.
  • Nadine.
  • Stephanie.

It should be noted that most of the names listed have Greek roots, and their sound in French acquires a special charm.

In the Russian language you can find many names that also have Greek or Jewish origin, but sounding in the Russian manner.

The French name Marie sounds like Maria in Russian, and the romantic Julie is pronounced like Yulia.

Grace and melody are the qualities that explain the popularity of French surnames and names in other countries.

Beautiful surnames for girls

The French surname adds charm and mystery to any representative of the fair sex. Amazing combinations of letters leave few people indifferent.

On the Internet you can find many sonorous French surnames that attract attention.

Among them it is worth noting:

  • Duran.
  • Tom.
  • Robber.
  • I dunno.
  • Leroy.
  • Duval.
  • Bernard.
  • Morel.
  • Fournier.

It's important to keep in mind choosing a French surname to your taste, so that the stress in them, according to the rules of the language, will fall on the last syllable.


French surnames may have different meanings.

Their main characteristics are summarized in the following table:

Surname Characteristics of value
Legrand That's what the French called a tall man
Lepetit This surname was given to a squat man
Leroux This is what they said about a red-haired man or a woman with bright fiery hair
Dubois This surname was given to people living on the outskirts of the city and village, next to which the forest began
Dupont People living near a bridge across a river received this amazing surname
Fournier If there was a stove maker in a person’s family, then the surname Fournier was inherited.
Mercier Sellers received this surname
Beaudelaires This is the name of a carpenter's tool
Bonnet This word was used to describe a merry cap or a clown's cap.
Hachette The surname was derived from the name of a mason's working tool
Castan If a person loved roasted chestnuts, then in the old days he could get a funny nickname based on the name of this fruit
Lavigne Grape lovers or producers of delicious wine could be given this nickname

It's interesting to note that the surnames of people of noble origin were formed from the sonorous names of their possessions and the prefix de. For example: le duc d'Artois or Duke d'Artois.

Below are the most common meanings of popular names that we borrowed from French:

  • Monique is the only one.
  • Sadrin is the protector of the weak and offended.
  • Veronique is a winner, a conqueror of heights.
  • Sophie is wise, wisdom that comes from the heart.
  • Nicole is a winner and conqueror of nations.
  • Celine is pure, heavenly.
  • Dominic – belonging to the Almighty.
  • Zoë - life.
  • Chloe is a young seed or shoot.
  • Patricia is a noble nature.
  • Michelle is equal to the Almighty.
  • Laurence is the winner, laurel holder.
  • Aurelie is the golden girl.
  • Julie is a curly-haired beauty.
  • Lea is tired, burdened with thoughts.
  • Bridget – strong personality, ready to face any trouble.

When choosing When choosing an unusual name for a newborn daughter, it is important for parents to remember that it should not only be euphonious and melodious, but also organically combined with the girl’s middle name and her Russian surname.

The meaning of the chosen name also plays a decisive role, because the girl will live with it all her life.

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Beautiful female names and surnames are undoubtedly a woman’s pride and unique adornment.

Below are Russian and foreign lists of various origins. They will be useful for those who are expecting a daughter and choose for her a harmonious combination of first and last names, and for those who plan to change their first or last name, thereby changing their fate.


Ladies' names are very diverse, so it is not surprising that when a girl is born, parents often argue about what to name the baby. Most of the names common in Russia are of non-Slavic origin. There are few original Russian names, but they are distinguished by their beauty and euphony.

Once upon a time, names that over time acquired their modern form were very popular in Rus': Nastasya (from Anastasia), Aksinya (Ksenia). Today, on playgrounds you can increasingly hear these names in their original form.

Separately, we can note such original Russian names as Otrada, Dragomila, Efrosinya, Eupraxia, Evdokia, Bogdana, Anisya, Stanimira, Krasimira, Mlada, Radoslava, Lada, Velislava, Gorimira, Dobromira, Zabava, Dobrava, Krasava, Lyubomira, Jaromira.

The names sound as if from Russian fairy tales: Elena, Marya, Daria, Vasilisa, Yaroslavna.

Names such as Nadezhda, Vera, Elizaveta, Ekaterina, Ksenia, Tatyana, Natalya, Yulia, Anna gained a new round of popularity.


A beautiful Russian surname should be sonorous and well remembered. It is not for nothing that the most beautiful options include the royal surnames: Romanovs, Rurikovichs.

Receiving a beautiful Russian surname from birth is a gift of fate. It helps to make new acquaintances and win over others.

Aristocratic surnames are particularly beautiful: Bestuzheva, Rzhevskaya, Golitsyna, Sheremetyeva, Vorontsova.

Surnames formed from geographical names sound no less beautiful: Smolenskaya, Baltic, Rzhevskaya, Siberian, Yaroslavtseva.

It is worth noting the surnames derived from the names of tree plants: Dubinin, Rozova, Yasenev, Kalinin, Topolev, Tsvetkova, Orekhova.

There are many beautiful Russian surnames that do not necessarily belong to any category: Artemova, Afanasyeva, Bakhmetyeva, Borisoglebskaya, Borovskaya, Vinogradova, Volskaya, Vostokova, Goncharova, Gronskaya, Dal, Dolinina, Donskaya, Zhemchugova, Znamenskaya, Zorina, Ignatieva, Kamenskaya, Lazareva, Lvova, Makarova, Maksimova, Nikitina, Ozerova, Parizhskaya, Rakhmanova, Titova, Umanskaya, Filatova, Tsarevskaya, Shemetova, Yuryeva.

Beautiful English surnames for women

English surnames have a beautiful sound. Most of them are worn not only by residents of Foggy Albion. They are quite popular all over the planet.

Below is a list of the most beautiful English surnames in alphabetical order.

  • Anderson, Adamson, Abramson;
  • Bakker, Black, Brown, Bradberry, Buckingham;
  • Campbell, Carroll, Cook;
  • Davidson, Duncan, Daniels;
  • Edington, Erickson;
  • Fisher, Ford, Fordster;
  • Gardner, Gilbert;
  • Hayley, Hoggart;
  • James, Johnson;
  • Kelly, Kennedy;
  • Lamberts, Little, Lincoln;
  • Mackenzie, MacDonald, Milton, Morrison;
  • Neville, Nelson;
  • Oliver, Otis;
  • Page, Paterson;
  • Richards, Roberts;
  • Stanley, Simpson;
  • Taylor, Turner;
  • Warren, Weasley.

Beautiful American (female) surnames

Interestingly, most American surnames come from common nicknames, mostly Indian.

Many beautiful surnames appeared from the names of professions: Smith, Taylor, Miller, as well as from geographical locations: Bush, Moore, Lancaster.

It is worth noting such beautiful (female) American surnames that come from the names of animals, phenomena and flowers: Kat, Fish, Winter, White, Young, Rose. In America, singers and actors often take such surnames as pseudonyms.

Beautiful French surnames can be classified in the same way as Russian ones. Some of them originate from ancient aristocrats, others are popular because they were worn by famous people.

Below is just a small list of beautiful French surnames:

  • Azoulay, Arnaud, Harcourt, Andre;
  • Boisselier, Benard, Bonnier;
  • Viardot, Vienne;
  • Grosso, Galliano, Gaben;
  • Dubois, Deneuve, Delaunay;
  • Jacquard, Julien, Girard;
  • Camber, Curie;
  • Lambert, Luc, Legrand;
  • Martini, Monty, Monsoon, Murail;
  • Noire;
  • Prejean, Pascal;
  • Roussel, Revial, Richard;
  • Sorel, Simon;
  • Tournier, Trial;
  • Ouvrard;
  • Freel;
  • Chabrol, Cherro.

Doubles sound especially beautiful: Benoit de Saint-Maur, Ducange-Cassan, Catroux-Quelus, Lacour-Delatre, Michel-Seden; Saint-Evremond, Favre de Paul, Cherezy-Chicot.


Almost all German surnames consist of one word. After all, back in 1993 in Germany it was forbidden to have polysyllabic and trisyllabic surnames.

The most beautiful surnames in Germany are also the most common: Schmidt, Wolf, Müller, Schröder, Werner, König, Krause, Neumann, Schwartz, Graef, Mayer.

Japan always knows how to surprise the world.

Therefore, even the surnames of the inhabitants of this country sound more than interesting, but this does not mean at all that there are not beautiful and harmonious among them, however, for the Russian ear they do not always sound familiar: Tanako, Yamaguchi, Yamasaki, Mori, Ikeda, Ogawa, Goto, Ueno, Kubo, Noguchi, Matsuo, Honda, Iwamoto, Hagiwara.

The Italian language is melodious and can be heard very beautifully and melodiously, which is why female surnames The Italians are distinguished by their melodiousness and beauty: Russia, Russo, Bruno, Ricci, Allegro, Rinaldi, Leone, Martini, Valentino, Monti, Bellini, Milano.

Modern Russian surnames

Despite the variety of beautiful native Russian surnames, new surnames continue to be born in Russia every year.

Here are the most beautiful of them: Avdeeva, Avdonina, Vadeeva, Vadimova, Daineko, Dankova, Kagan, Kasatkina, Nadezhdina, Ukraintseva, Rosomakhina, Yagodkina.

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French names

French male names and their meanings

French names, that is, the names common in France mainly combined Roman (Latin), Greek and Anglo-Saxon names.

Currently before use French names and surnames The following titles are given:

Mademoiselle (mademoiselle) - an appeal to an unmarried woman, girl.

Madame (madam) - an appeal to a married, divorced or widowed woman. Plural– Mesdames (“medam”).

Monsieur (monsieur) - an address to a man.

French male names

Adrian– from Adria

Alain- Beautiful

Gigolo– noble and ready

Anatole– eastern

Andre– courageous

Henri– courageous

Apollinaire– destroyer

Arman- brave, resilient person

Armel– stone prince

Arno– the power of the eagle

Astor– vulture hawk

Basil- king

Bartem (Barthelamew)- son of the plowed land, son of the fields


Bernard- bear

Bonifacegood fate

Valerie- healthy

Vivien- alive, vital

Gaitan– from Kaita

Guy- forest

Gascon– from Gascony

Gaston– from Gascony

Gautier- head of the army

Gregoire- careful, vigilant

Dion– dedicated to Zeus

Damian- to tame, to subdue

Desiree- desired

Denny– dedicated to Dionysus, Bacchus, god of wine and winemaking

Jeremiah- appointed by God

Joe- pigeon

Joseph– multiplying

Joss– God is salvation

Didier- desired

Dominic- belonging to a lord

Donat- given by God

Jacques– displacer

Jean- God is good

Germaine- dear, half-blooded, brother

Jerome- saint

Gilles- child, kid

Girald- ruler of the spear

Girard- brave spear

Joseph- increase, profit

Georges– farmer

Geoffroy– the world of God

Joel– Yahweh – God

Julian– softly bearded, young

Jules– sheaf

Julien- from the Yuli family

Just- fair

Kamil– duty officer (in the temple)

Cyprian– from Cyprus

Claude- lame

Cola– winner of nations

Christophe- from the word Christ

Lance- Earth

Leon- a lion

Leonard– strong lion

Leopold- brave

Lawrence, Lorenzo- crowned with laurels

Laurent- crowned with laurels

Laurentin- crowned with laurels

Louis- glorious warrior

Luke- light, glowing

Luke- light, glowing

Lucian- light, light

Maximilian- descendant of the greatest

Marin- from the sea

Mark- hammer

Markellin– warlike

Martin– belonging to or dedicated to the god of war Mars

Mathis– a gift from God

Matthew (Matthew)– a gift from God

Michelle- godlike, divine, who is like God

Maurice- dark-skinned, Moor

Morris- dark-skinned, Moor

Napoleon– Lion of Naples

Narsis– insensitive, sleep

Nicolas– winner of nations

Nihel– champion

Noel- God's birthday

Oberon- bear

Augustine- venerable

Auguste- majestic, sacred

Odilon- rich

Audric– ruler

Olivie– elf army

Otes (Otis)- rich

Papillion- butterfly

Pascal– Easter child

Patrice- nobleman

Percival- the valley into which they penetrate

Pons– sailor

Rainer- wise warrior

Raymund– wise protector

Raoul– wise wolf

Raphael- God has healed

Remy– rower

Renard- wise and strong

Robert- bright, shiny

Roger– famous spear

Romain– Roman

Sebastian– from Sebeist (a city in Asia Minor)

Severin- strict

Serafin- flame, combustion

Serge– Roman generic name V-I centuries BC.

Sylvester- from the forest

Silestine– heavenly

Cyril– lord

Stephen- crown

Theo– a gift from God

Theodore– a gift from God

Theophilus– friend of God

Thibault- brave

Timothy- worshiper of God

Tom– twin

Toussaint- saint

Thierry- king of nations

Urban- city dweller

Fabrice– master

Fernand– ready to go

Ferrand– ready to go

Ferrant– ready to go

Philbert– very bright, famous

Florentine– blooming

Forest- living in the forest

Franc- free

Francois- free

Charles- courageous, courageous

Evrard- strong as a hog

Edgard- rich spear

Edmond- defender of prosperity

Edouard (Eduard)- guardian of possessions, property

Eugene- beautiful, noble

Eimerai- household ruler

Amery- household ruler

Aymeric- household ruler

Alison- noble birth

Eloi– chooser

Emelien (Emilian)- affectionate, friendly, cheerful

Emery- power

Emerick- household ruler

Emil– competitor

Hercule- glory to the goddess Hera

Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

Book "The Energy of the Name"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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French names. French male names and their meanings


Sites and blogs have appeared on the Internet that are not our official sites, but use our name. Be careful. Fraudsters are using our name, our email addresses for your newsletters, information from our books and our websites. Using our name, they lure people to various magical forums and deceive (they give advice and recommendations that can harm, or lure money for conducting magical rituals, making amulets and teaching magic).

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Sometimes people write to us that they saw information on some websites that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander and not true. In our entire life, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our website, in the club materials, we always write that you need to be an honest, decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The times have come when slander pays well. Now many are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and engage in slander against decent people even simpler. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience and faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, will never engage in deception, slander, or fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor who are hungry for money. The police and other regulatory authorities have not yet been able to cope with the growing influx of "Deception for profit" madness.

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Western names most often include Western European names - mainly English and French. We invite you to familiarize yourself with their features, interesting facts about them.

Features of Western names

The full name formula is approximately the same for all countries: first name + last name. Patronymic names are used mainly only in the countries of the former USSR.

In some cases, it uses a polynomial form of writing a name - double, triple or more, when one of the components is the names of the father, mother, and other close relatives. But in modern families, the shortest possible form of recording is becoming increasingly popular.

English names and surnames

In England, a child is given two names at once: personal name and middle name. The order of recording a name is strictly fixed: first the personal name, then the middle name (if any) and only then the surname. Reverse order found exclusively in paper encyclopedias and telephone directories.

Types of English surnames:

  • one-piece: Forest, Fox, Bush,
  • double: with prefixes -son, -ing, anthropometrically indicating a descendant - Willing, Johnson, Robertson, Dickson.

Appeared in the 14th to 15th centuries among representatives of all classes.

Table 1. Common English male names

English writing

Russian writing


Common English female names:


Common English surnames with the translation:

  • Brown - brown;
  • Davies - son of David;
  • Edwards - son of Edward;
  • Evans - son of Evan;
  • Green - green;
  • Hall - worker big house;
  • Hughes - son of Hugh;
  • Johnson - son of John;
  • Jones - son of John;
  • Roberts - son of Robert;
  • Robinson - son of Robin;
  • Smith - blacksmith;
  • Taylor - tailor;
  • Thomas - twin;
  • Thompson - Tom's son;
  • Walker - fuller;
  • White - white;
  • Williams - son of William;
  • Wilson - Will's son;
  • Wright - builder;
  • Smith - blacksmith.

French names and surnames

France has a similar naming system. For the most part, they are formed on the basis of the Roman Catholic church calendar. Polite address in French is usually preceded by a title.

Interesting forms of polite address in France

French men are addressed as Monsieur - singular, or Messieurs - plural. In writing they are written as M. and MM., sometimes as a variant of Mr and Mrs, respectively.

Unmarried girls in France are addressed as mademoiselle. To married, divorced, widows - madam. If you don't know for sure marital status interlocutors, you can address mademoiselle to young women and madam to older ladies. Mademoiselle is also the name given to all actresses and singers, regardless of age and status. Such a clear gradation appeared after the Great French Revolution. Although recently, for correction reasons, a single appeal from madam to all women has been adopted, regardless of age, marital status and social status.

In official documents to married ladies, the structure of the address is as follows:

  • madam;
  • husband's name;
  • surname.

Thus, the wife of Monsieur Andre Limoges will be called Madame Andre Limoges. Widows were previously addressed using the following formula:

  • widow;
  • husband's name;
  • husband's last name.

Today this form is outdated and practically not used.

Special treatment is also accepted among the military:

  • when communicating with each other - address by rank with the possessive pronoun “mon commandant”, “mon colonel”;
  • address of a civilian to a military man - lord (monsieur) + rank: "monsieur le commandant", "monsieur le colonel";
  • in the third person rank + surname.

Every Frenchman can have any number of personal names, but in practice they are all used only in official documents: birth certificates, passports, marriage certificates, diplomas. This rule does not apply to compound names (Anna-Marie, Jean-Claude, Jean-Jacques). The custom of giving a large number of names go back to ancient times, when parents tried in this way to ensure the patronage of as many saints as possible for their newborn. In practice, it looks like this: the boy’s birth certificate says Andre Michel Pierre Paul, and at school or at home he is simply called Andre. By the way, this is also very convenient, because at any time a person can change his main name, calling himself any other name from the long “list” received at birth.

Exists exact date appearance of surnames in France. On April 14, 1539, King Francis I of France, by his decree, ordered that any nickname, nickname, etc., be assigned to each subject without fail, which was to be recorded in church books and passed on by inheritance without the right to change.

Naming schemes for polysyllabic names in France

  1. name - the name of the paternal grandfather. For the second son - the name of his paternal great-grandfather.
  2. name - the name of the maternal grandfather. For the second son - the name of his maternal great-grandfather.
  3. name - the name of the Catholic saint on whose day the child was born or was baptized.
  1. name - the name of the maternal grandmother. The second daughter is the name of the maternal great-grandmother.
  2. name - the name of the paternal grandmother. The second daughter is the name of the paternal great-grandmother.
  3. name - the name of the saint.

However, these options are not required. Children are given names in honor of their parents, godparents, and any close and distant relatives.

For several decades in a row, non-traditional, often foreign names: Dylan, Kevin, Axel, Ocean, Ines, Zhadi. On a par with full forms are used short forms: Theo - abbr. from Theodore, Enzo - from Lorenzo, Louis - from Louis, Margot, Marion - from Margarita and Maria. The French ending of female names - the unpronounceable "e" - is increasingly changing to a: Dian - Diana, Pauline - Polina, Anne - Anna, Angelique - Angelique. Short derivative forms from Russian names are also popular here: Sasha, Nadya, Sonya, Natasha.

IN modern France By law, a child must receive a surname from the father if the couple is married, and from the mother if not. Recently, couples have been given the right to choose whose surname the heir will be registered in or even give a double surname - with a hyphen.

Common French male names:

  • Adrian is a man originally from Adria (a province in Italy);
  • Alain is handsome;
  • Alphonse is a noble knight;
  • Anatol - oriental man;
  • Andre is a courageous protector;
  • Arman is a daredevil;
  • Arno - king of the eagles;
  • Basil - royal;
  • Barthelameo - child of the earth;
  • Bernard is a bear;
  • Boniface is a lucky man;
  • Valerie - strong, healthy, hardy;
  • Vivien - energetic, vital, lively, active;
  • Guy - forest;
  • Gascon, Gaston - Gascon;
  • Gautier - leader;
  • Gregoire - prudent, attentive;
  • Damian - screwed;
  • Desiree - desired
  • Jeremy - appointed by God;
  • Jacques - expelling;
  • Jean - God is merciful;
  • Germain - native;
  • Jerome is a saint;
  • Gilles is a child;
  • Girald - wielder of a spear;
  • Joseph - increasing wealth;
  • Georges is a farmer;
  • Geoffroy - the peace of God, the light of God;
  • Joel - divine;
  • Julian - young;
  • Cyprian - a guest from Cyprus;
  • Claude is lame;
  • Christophe - derived from Christ;
  • Lance - land plot;
  • Leon - like a lion;
  • Leopold - brave as a lion;
  • Lawrence, Lorenzo, Laurentin - crowned with laurels;
  • Louis is a brave warrior;
  • Luke, Luke - clean, bright;
  • Maximilian is the greatest;
  • Marin - sea;
  • Martin - dedicated to Mars;
  • Mathis, Matthew - gift of God;
  • Matthew (Matthew) - a gift from God;
  • Michel - like God;
  • Maurice - dark, dark;
  • Napoleon - Neapolitan lion;
  • Narsis - insensitive, sleep;
  • Nicolas is the winner;
  • Oberon is a bear;
  • Auguste - majestic;
  • Odilon - luxurious;
  • Pascal is a child born on the eve of Easter;
  • Patrice, Patrick is a noble nobleman.
  • Raymond is a wise, reasonable protector;
  • Raphael - God revived;
  • Renard is a wise brave man;
  • Robert - bright, catchy;
  • Romain - Roman:
  • Serge is an ancient Roman family name;
  • Sylvester is a forest dweller;
  • Silestin - the firmament;
  • Cyril is a noble man;
  • Stefan - crowned;
  • Theo, Theodore - a divine gift;
  • Thierry is the king of the people;
  • Philbert - famous;
  • Florentin - blooming garden;
  • Frank, Francois - free;
  • Eugene - noble;
  • Charles - brave;
  • Edward - protective;
  • Etienne - crowned;
  • Emil is a rival.

Popular French female names:

  • Abelia (Abel) - shepherdess;
  • Aurora - dawn, morning dawn;
  • Adelaide - of noble birth;
  • Adele (Adele) - noble;
  • Isadora - a gift from Osiris;
  • Axel is my father, the world;
  • Albertina - bright nobility;
  • Alaina - beautiful;
  • Amelie - work;
  • Anastasi - resurrection, original meaning: resettlement;
  • Angela - angelic, messenger;
  • Angelica - angelic, messenger;
  • Annetta - mercy, grace;
  • Antoinette is invaluable;
  • Arabel (Arabella) - a request that is answered;
  • Arian (Irene) - completely pure;
  • Arlette is a small eagle;
  • Armel - stone princess;
  • Aurelia - golden;
  • Babette - God's oath, vow to God;
  • Barbie is foreign, savage;
  • Barbara - foreign, savage;
  • Beatrice is a traveler (in life);
  • Bernadette is as brave as a bear;
  • Blanche - white;
  • Brigitte - exalted;
  • Valentine - healthy, strong;
  • Valerie - strong, healthy;
  • Veronique - brings victory;
  • Vivien - alive, animated;
  • Violetta - violet;
  • Virginia - maiden, virginal;
  • Gabriella - strong by God;
  • Desiree - desired;
  • Denis is a follower of the god Dionysus;
  • Denise is a follower of the god Dionysus;
  • Jannet - God is good;
  • Ginevra is white and smooth;
  • Josiana - multiplying;
  • Georgette is a peasant woman;
  • Julie is a woman from the Yuli family;
  • Jacqueline - repressive;
  • Joan - God's mercy;
  • Genevieve - white wave;
  • Giselle is a pledge;
  • Gilberte - pledge;
  • Josephine - multiplying;
  • Georgette is a peasant woman;
  • Julie is a woman from the Yuli family;
  • Juliette is a woman from the Julian family;
  • Zoe - life;
  • Yvette - yew tree;
  • Yvonne - yew tree;
  • Isabel is my oath to God;
  • Inessa - chaste, holy;
  • Irene - peace;
  • Camilla - daisy or guardian of the temple;
  • Karol - of high origin;
  • Clarissa - clear, bright;
  • Clemens - gentle, merciful;
  • Claudine - lame;
  • Claudette is a little lame;
  • Claire - lame;
  • Coletta - conqueror of nations;
  • Constance - constant;
  • Christina is a follower of Christ;
  • Katherine - pure;
  • Lea - tired;
  • Leonie is a lion;
  • Liana - liana;
  • Lisette - God's oath, vow to God;
  • Lilian - lily;
  • Loretta - small laurel;
  • Louise - glory in battle, glorious warrior;
  • Lulu - glory in battle, glorious warrior;
  • Lucy - light;
  • Madeleine - from Magdala;
  • Manon - beloved;
  • Margot - pearls;
  • Marita - little sweetheart;
  • Marceline - warlike;
  • Matilda - powerful in battle;
  • Melissa - honey bee;
  • Melina - diligent, hardworking;
  • Monique (Monica) - adviser, advising;
  • Mary - bitter, loved by God;
  • Marian - bitter, loved by God;
  • Marion - bitter, loved by God;
  • Nadia - hope;
  • Natalie - nee;
  • Nicolet - conqueror of nations;
  • Ninon - from Nin (god of fertility) and from the name of the Assyrian capital Nineveh;
  • Olivia is the olive tree, symbolizing peace;
  • Penelope - seamstress, needle and bobbin;
  • Paulette - destroyer of war;
  • Polina - destroyer of war;
  • Rosalie - from the name of the flower rose;
  • Rosamund - from the name of the flower rose;
  • Rosina - from the name of the flower rose;
  • Celeste - heavenly;
  • Celestina - heavenly;
  • Serafina - flame, combustion;
  • Cecile is blind;
  • Sybil is a fortune teller;
  • Simone - hearing God;
  • Sophie - wisdom;
  • Stephanie - crown;
  • Suzanne - White Lily;
  • Teresa is a hunter;
  • Fifi - multiplying;
  • Flora - flower;
  • Floretta - small flower;
  • Chloe - green hunt;
  • Chantal - stone place;
  • Charlotte - courageous, brave;
  • Evet - yew tree;
  • Avon - yew tree;
  • Edith - welfare and struggle;
  • Eliza - worshiper of God;
  • Helen - light;
  • Elinor - foreign, different;
  • Alison is of noble birth;
  • Elodie - foreign wealth;
  • Eloise (Elsa) - worshiper of God;
  • Emily is affectionate, friendly, cheerful;
  • Emmanuel - God is with us;
  • Ann - grace, comeliness;
  • Estelle (Esther) - star;
  • Yulali is a woman from the Yuli family.

Popular French surnames:

Martin, Bernard, Toms, Robert, Richard, Laurent, Bertrand, Michel, Vincent, Girard, Francois - derivatives of French names.