Voice story about three trips of Ilya Muromets. About Ilya Muromets: Three trips of Ilya Muromets

  • 03.07.2019

The poetic epic tells about the famous trip of the Russian hero Ilya Muromets.

About how he saw the inscriptions at the crossroads and, unafraid, went along the road that death was predicting.

But glorious hero overcame all the obstacles and changed the inscription, indicating that he was there, remained alive, cleared the road, that is, now you can go there.

The prosaic retelling of the continuation of the epic tells about the young man’s next two trips.

First he took the road that signaled his marriage.

Having driven into the yard, he saw that 12 girls greeted him very joyfully.

Among them was the beautiful princess.

But, being wise, Ilya Muromets did not believe such an affectionate and reverent attitude towards him.

When he was put to bed, he began to wonder what this girl was up to.

Then he grabbed her and threw her on the bed against the wall, the door to the basement opened and the princess fell in.

And then Ilya understood everything. As it turned out, there were a lot of people languishing in the basement who wanted to get married.

The hero released them all and sent them to their homes and native lands.

And he killed the princess so that she would not harm anyone else.

And no one succeeded in this.

As it turned out, Muromets was the most powerful of those who wanted to get rich.

He moved the stone and saw under it a cellar with unprecedented wealth.

With this money he built 3 churches, and distributed the rest to the needy and kept a little for himself.

After this, Ilya Muromets changed the inscription on the stone, indicating that the road to the left no longer promised wealth.

What epic events could actually happen? Write it down.

I believe that a meeting between a hero and robbers could be quite realistic.

After all, Russian soldiers had to fight with them more than once.

Also real is a meeting with an unscrupulous princess.

Meanness has always been inherent in some people.

I also believe that the construction of the church could very well have been a real event.

Also, Ilya could help those in need, because this is what distinguished all the real heroes.

Find in the epic and write down the words that describe the appearance of Ilya Muromets.

In the poetic epic there are the following words, what they say about the appearance of Ilya Muromets: “his helmet shone at forty thousand,” “the stones - yachts shone,” “the hero.”

In the prosaic part of the epic there are the following words that describe the appearance of the hero: “mighty shoulder”, “Russian hero”.

Copy from the textbook (p. 20 No. 6) those character traits that you consider the most important

I looked in the textbook on page 20, in task No. 6, for the proposed character traits of Ilya Muromets.

I think that the main ones are: brave and courageous, because he was not afraid of anything and, first of all, took the road that was intended for death;

wise, intelligent and cunning, because Ilya was able to “see through” the princess’s evil intentions and force her to fall into her own trap;

strong, because he was able to defeat the robbers and lift a stone that was beyond the power of others;

fair, because he killed the evil girl so that she would not harm anyone else;

selfless, because the hero built 3 churches for his people with the wealth he received and distributed a lot of goods to those in need;

capable of compassion, because he released all the princess’s prisoners and ordered them to return to their lands.

And such traits as stupid, cowardly, and greedy do not suit Ilya Muromets at all.

But I believe that Ilya did this so that others would not suffer at their hands.

After all, no one knows how much longer good souls caught in their web.

Find and write down words that seem unusual to you. For example, the night is dark - growing, wealth is untold

When I read the epic, both in the poetic version and in prose I found words for myself that seemed unusual to me.

For example, on the first trip these are the following words: “red of the sun”, “clear of the month”, “night cloud”, “clearly - clearly cut”, “low bushes”,

“flint pebbles”, “crystal crosses”, “damask armor”, “above estimates”, “a red-hot arrow”, “explosive in Kryakovsky oak”, “cuttings and slivers”, “traveled the road”.

In the retelling of the next two trips, the following words are unusual for me: “golden-domed tower”, “crumbly rolls”, “shouldered”, “countless riches”, “not a half-shelf”.

Write a story about the hero Ilya Muromets. Write down the supporting words you use in your story.

Ilya Muromets is a glorious hero of the Russian land.

He is distinguished by his wisdom, courage and strength.

He can handle any obstacles, even those that no one could overcome before.

Ilya Muromets became famous for his three famous trips.

It was in them that he showed all the uniqueness of the heroic spirit.

He never looked for easy ways, so when he was faced with a choice: to go to death, get married or become rich, Ilya first of all took the road that promised death.

But thanks to his unprecedented power and strength, he defeated all the robbers, who were the “carriers of death.”

Then he went on a journey that announced his marriage.

But even here the Russian hero did not relax and did not lose his vigilance.

He was able to predict that the princess was not only beautiful, but also cunning.

Ilya, thanks to his wisdom, figured out the trap and freed all its captives.

And so that the princess could no longer harm anyone, Muromets cut off her head.

Then Ilya Muromets went on a road that was intended for enrichment.

It is worth noting that since this road was the last on the journey, it means that wealth is far from the main thing for the hero.

This shows Ilya’s lack of thirst for enrichment.

And here the fellow showed all his heroic strength.

He was able to do something that no one had been able to do before - he moved a stone.

Under the stone he discovered a cellar containing a lot of jewelry.

Thanks to this, Ilya Muromets was able to build 3 churches and help the poor and needy.

And he kept a small part for himself, which speaks of his generosity and regret for others.

Ilya Muromets is kind and selfless, brave and strong, wise and unshakable!

Key words I used in my story:

glorious hero, wisdom, courage, strength, obstacles, power, enrichment, vigilance, generosity.

Write down your plan or use this one.

1. The first feat of the hero.

2. The second feat of the hero.

3. The third feat of the hero.

4. Ilya Muromets - defender of the Russian land

This plan does not reveal the plot of the epic very sparingly, so I used my own:

1) Ilya Muromets is a glorious hero.

2) Mortal path

3) Sinister Bride

4) Wealth under a stone

5) Good deeds

6) Best Features hero

Which version of the epic (prose or poetic) did you like better? Read both versions of the epic out loud to each other. In what case can the melodiousness of a work be conveyed?

Select one of the answer options:

Option 1. I like the poetic version of the epic more than the prose version.

Facilities artistic expression it well conveys the character, mood of the characters and the atmosphere of events.

Option 2. I like the prose version of the epic more than the poetic version.

There are too many means of artistic expression in poetry, which prevents me from perceiving the essence of events.

In prose, everything is more clear, there is nothing superfluous, although there are artistic elements, but in moderation.

Option 3. I liked both versions of the epic equally.

In the poetic version, the means of artistic expression well convey the character, mood of the characters and the atmosphere of events.

And in the prose version there is more emphasis on the essence of events. But I like both versions of the epic equally.

Melodiousness conveys more poetic epic, since prose is intended for a regular story about an event.

Write down how epics were performed in the old days (they were sung or told). What musical instruments were used?

In the old days, epics were usually sung.

And in order for the sound to be more beautiful, this was accompanied by playing musical instrument, which is called the gusli.

Also, I read that they also used spoons, bells and whistles.

How do heroes differ from fairy tale heroes? Write down your thoughts.

Scientists have proven that, unlike the heroes of fairy tales, heroes actually existed.

They were truly distinguished by their strength and kindness, they defended their people and their land, served the prince and went on campaigns.

A fairy-tale heroes didn't exist in reality.

Perhaps they had a real meltdown, but no one can know that. That's why it's a fairy tale.

What epics would you like to read? Mark with a “+” sign.

I once watched a cartoon, but now I want to compare how the events are described in writing.

You can also supplement this answer with your own options.

Find the epic “Ilya’s Three Trips” in the library. Write in which collection it is placed.

I found the epic in the collection “Onega epics”.

The library also has big compilation, which is called “Epics”, there I also found “Ilya’s Three Trains”.

As the librarian said, this work is in many different collections.

Lesson developments (lesson notes)

Initial general education

Line UMK L. A. Efrosinina. Literary reading (1-4)

Attention! The site administration is not responsible for the content methodological developments, as well as for compliance with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Lesson Objectives

  • Form ideas about the Motherland;
  • cultivate a sense of patriotism;
  • introduce folklore works;
  • give the concept of epic as a genre of folklore;
  • teach to compare epics;
  • teach independent reading in class;
  • develop the skill of reading silently (to yourself);
  • practice expressive reading skills.


    Understand and explain the concept of “Motherland”, identify yourself with your people and your country; compare works of folklore and indicate their features (structure, form, purpose); compare works by genre and topic; independently read the text silently; find and independently read the author’s name and title, correctly name the works.

Key Concepts

    Genre, theme, epic, folklore
Stage nameMethodical comment
1 1. Identifying reading experience: working with a book exhibition Thank you very much, guys, who brought books with epics. Consider them. What epics about heroes are found in them? – Are there epics about Ilya Muromets in them? Name them.
2 2. Identifying the reader’s experience: working with the text of the work – Now let’s remember the epic we met in the previous lesson. Tell us about the family of Ilya Muromets. Tell us about the meeting of Ilya Muromets with the Kaliki.
3 3. Enriching the reading experience: working with a new work – And today we will get acquainted with a new work. This is the epic “Three Trips of Ilya Muromets”. Listen. (The teacher reads, the students follow the text.) - Which work did you read? -What is this epic about? – How do you imagine Ilya Muromets? – Who is the author of this work? – What is the title of the epic? Read it.
4 4. Enriching the reading experience: completing tasks in the textbook - How many parts are there in the epic? (3.) – Let’s draw up a plan. – Read the 1st part of the epic yourself. - Vocabulary work. – What can you call this part of the epic? – Read the 2nd part of the epic. - Vocabulary work. – What can you call the 2nd part of the epic? – Read the 3rd part of the epic. - Vocabulary work. – What can you call the last part of the epic?
5 5. Enriching the reading experience: working with a new work – Listen to the epic in poetic form. (The teacher reads the passage.) - Compare the excerpt from the epic “Three Trips of Ilya Muromets” with a retelling of the same epic. - Which set expressions appear in this passage; in a retelling of the epic? Read it. – What repetitions are found in this passage; in a retelling of the epic? Read it. – Read the “Pay attention” section.
6 6. Generalization of what has been learned – What was Ilya Muromets like? Explain.
7 7. Recommendations for independent work Houses - Prepare a short summary. - Prepare a story about Ilya Muromets “Ilya Muromets - an epic hero.” – Complete the tasks in your notebook.

Chronicles. Epics. Lives.

The epic "Ilya's Three Trips".


You see the drawing “Stone at the Crossroads”.


In what works have you come across signs for the main character? ( In epics).

What does the word epic mean? (Epics are Russians folk tales about the heroes who defended Russian lands). The first epics developed in Kievan Rus.

What epics did you and I read in 3rd grade? (Dobrynya Nikitich, Dobrynya and the Serpent, Healing of Ilya, Ilya and the Nightingale - the Robber).

About which distinctive features do you know the epics? ( The epic beginning, repetitions, figurative language - hyperbole, epithets, melodiousness, rhythm, certain content - a tale about the heroic deeds of heroes; leisurely, thorough, detailed narration).

What qualities must a person have to be called a hero? ( Fearlessly fight enemies, be strong, wise, defend your native land).

Read the text slowly:

As in the glorious city of Kyiv,

Like the affectionate prince Vladimir,

There were also cross-bellied boyars who lived here,

They said it against Ilya against Muromets,

Oh, what words does he boast about:

“I’ll survive Prince Vladimir,

I myself will sit in his place in Kyiv,

I myself will be in Kyiv and the prince of the prince!”

What did you just read? (Begin).

Who performs epics and how?

Who were the heroes of the epics?

Why did people love Ilya Muromets? ( He loved for strength, justice, and the fight against enemies. He accomplished feats for the sake of the people, the Motherland, and protected the work of peaceful people.)

What do you think is the difference between an epic and a fairy tale?

The difference between a fairy tale and an epic.

Fairy tale .

1. They don’t believe in reality.

2. Uniform composition (construction);

3.Heroes: people, princes, animals


1 They believe in reality.

2. Individual composition;

3. Heroes-heroes.

Reading the epic “Ilya’s Three Trips” with commentary

Open your textbook to page 12.

What epic will we meet today? ( We will get acquainted with the epic “Ilya’s Three Trips”)

Before we begin our acquaintance with the epic, let's get acquainted with the main character.


About the courageous hero Ilya Muromets, 15 Russian epics have survived to this day.

Ilya Muromets - hero of the Slavic epic

According to the plots of some epics, Ilya Muromets until the age of 33 could not move his arms and legs, but one monk healed him. After the man drank water specially prepared for him by the monk, he felt superhuman strength in himself and went to serve the prince.

In the image of Ilya Muromets, the Russian people embodied the idea of ​​a brave warrior who would not be afraid to defend his people and fatherland.

The prototype of Ilya Muromets really became existing person- strongman Ilya from the city of Murom, who lived in the 12th century. This man became famous for his courage in battles and devotion to the prince. IN mature age he took monastic vows and was canonized in 1643.

Vocabulary work

SIE- This.

FLINTS- made of flint.

BULAT ARMOR, BULAT - patterned steel.

ESTIMATED - wealth.

SAZHEN-2,134m (3 arshins).

PATCH- contact the Catholic Church.

HOOD- headdress.

RAVENS- black.

GOL, GOLIDBA- ragamuffins.

BARN- barn.

Characteristics of the hero

Why does Ilya Muromets choose the straight road? (The hero did not want wealth, since he already had it. He also did not need a young wife. Ilya Muromets decided to try his luck and go to the right, where he was threatened with death.)

How does he reason at the crossroads at the stone? ( “God is with you, what is fate: I am ready and with fate to fight! Just choose what fate so that I can fight with it? I don’t need a wife on campaigns, I don’t need wealth. Oh, I’ll go, well done, I’ll go where the murdered man was shown to be!”)

What character traits does this indicate? (Brave, decisive, does not look for loopholes and workarounds.)

Find a description of the robbers. ( "...The popular robbers, the dogs of the night plantains, looked and jumped out. Their voices are loud, And their shields are cross-shaped, They wear helmets, like buckets up Horses in damask armor. And the main dog-robber Presses on, threatening: " Stop! Where, hillbilly? Pray before your death!

Why are words with suffixes used in the description of robbers - onk, ichek, echek.

What meaning do these suffixes give? (Diminutive.)

Why is this done? (To contrast with the strength of Ilya Muromets).

How is Ilya Muromets described in the battle with the robbers? ( ...Ilya swung his club and lightly hit the leader. And the leader softened from the blow, swayed, fell, and did not get up.
From the archer the bow is tight,
From the quiver I cast an arrow
Ilya took it out and let it in
The cracked oak is explosive.
Torn and split by an arrow
an old oak into wood chips, into cuttings.
Cuttings and slivers
Scattered, they got caught
Into robbers and every one of them
They destroyed it in a row overnight!...)

From what real enemies could the heroes defend the Russian land? ( From the invasion of the Tatars - Mongol).

Why is the epic called “Three Trains”? What moment in the epic did you find most exciting? Which historical event was reflected in the epic? (Baptism of Rus', attempts of foreign invaders to convert the Russian people to the Catholic faith).

Generalization of the image of Elijah. Choose those words that relate to Ilya. ( Brave, cowardly, modest, polite, kind, affectionate, courageous, courageous, strong, courageous, greedy, generous, rude, fair).


We got acquainted with the epic "Ilya's Three Trips". We learned to analyze, compare epics and fairy tales, look for similarities and differences; consciously read epics; apply in speech literary concepts“epic”, “beginning”, “repetitions”, “exaggeration”, “epic storytellers”; realize the extent of responsibility for the fate of the people, the Motherland through the actions and actions of epic heroes.



To the question about what events are told in Ilyina’s epic Three Trips asked by the author chevron the best answer is Ilya's three trips
In the middle of a clean field, At sunset the sun is red, At sunrise the moon is clear At the heroic outpost The Glorious Russian heroes gathered for a marching council. They thought and pondered the Duma, and equipped themselves according to their outfits.
Ilya Muromets got to go to the Western side on the great heroic watch.
Ilya Muromets was leaving, He arrived at Rostan, Under a western night cloud. Ilya ran into a white stone. The moon peeked out from behind a cloud: Read over there, on the roadside stone there is an inscription clearly and clearly engraved:
“Go straight and you'll be killed! To go to the left is to be married! To go to the right - to be rich! All this is prescribed by fate! "Ilya is in deep thought. He stands and says to himself: “God is with you, what is fate: I am ready to fight with fate! Just choose what fate so that I can fight with it? I don’t need a wife on hikes, I don’t need wealth. Oh, I’ll go, well done, I’ll go where the murdered man is shown to be! »
A black cloud fell and swallowed up the bright month. And Ilya Muromets went to his death on the prescribed dark night. Suddenly, out of the darkness of the night, from behind low bushes, from behind flint pebbles, running robbers and night plantain dogs appeared and jumped out. Their voices are loud, And their shields are cross-shaped, They wear helmets like buckets upside down,
Horses in damask armor. And the main robber dog presses on and threatens: “Stop! Where to, hillbilly? Pray before you die! »
A good fellow does not pray, He does not bow before the dog.
The bright month was coming out again, All the decoration on Ilya was illuminated: A helmet of forty thousand shone, Yachon stones shone A hundred thousand in the horse’s mane, The horse itself is higher than prices, higher than estimates! This is where the robbers got their sights on riches, inciting each other, inciting, inciting: “We will kill him, rob him, separate him from his horse! “Ilya swung his club and lightly hit the leader, but the leader softened from the blow, swayed, fell, and did not get up. From the archer a tight bow, from the quiver of a red-hot arrow, Ilya took it out and shot it into the cracked oak tree. The arrow tore and split the old oak tree into chips and cuttings.
Cuttings and slivers scattered, they fell into the robbers and every one of them
They destroyed it in a row overnight! Ilya turned to the stone. He crossed out the old inscription and added a new inscription: “The hero Ilya Muromets was there, but was not killed. I drove around the path, cleared the wide one! »
After this visit, Ilya: “I’ll go,” he says, “to where a married man is shown to be!” » Meadows, mountains, rivers and fields Ilya Muromets galloped, Red-stone palaces rode in large numbers. Lines of girls came out to him and met the young man.
Everyone is beautiful, friendly, Everyone is obsequious, affectionate, They have funny conversations about marriage, about weddings. “Wait a minute with this wedding! I measure seven times, and cut once! »
The beautiful maidens hurry: They lay pretty tablecloths on the tables, on the tabletops, They put overseas wines, They give the young man a drink of goodness, They hurry with the betrothal and wedding. Without success! Only Ilya's laughter Whole year, go, don’t make fun of it! “It would be better for you, beauties, to take me to the bedroom: I would like to fall asleep and rest from the road! " - Ilya Muromets says. A beauty approached, took away Ilya Muromets,

The old Cossack Ilya Muromets is riding across an open field, thinking deeply:

“Ancient old age comes, old age approaches like a black cloud, flies in like a black raven, and wild, free youth flies far away like a clear falcon. And that is to say, I have lived quite a long time in this world, I have lived for almost three hundred years.”

Here an old hero drives up to a white stone, they disperse from the stone into different sides three roads; The following words are written on the stone:

“Whoever goes along the middle path will be killed; whoever goes to the right will be married; to go left means to be rich.”

Ilya thinks:

“What do I, an old man, need wealth for? And I have no desire to marry in my old age; I will go along the path where I will be killed.”

I was driving good fellow three hours, traveled three hundred miles and catches up with a crowd of robber villagers.

The robbers saw him and said to each other:

Let's kill the old hero; his horse is good; will be useful to us.

They began to beat the old Cossack; Ilya stands there and doesn’t move.

“You have nothing to take from me,” says Ilya to the robbers, “my clothes are not rich; True, my caftan costs five hundred rubles, and I have a cross on my chest worth three thousand, but there’s no price for a brown horse!

The robbers laugh:

The old man himself chatters about his wealth so that we know what to profit from.

As soon as Ilya grabbed the hat from his head, he began to wave his hat left and right; The robbers fall dead, in whole crowds. Ilya interrupted the robbers, returned back to the stone and wrote on it:

“The inscription doesn’t tell the truth: I drove along the middle path - I wasn’t killed.”

“Let me,” thinks Ilya, “let me go along the path where I should be married.”

Ilya turned right; again he travels for three hours, he has traveled three hundred miles; I saw before me an unspeakable miracle: there was a rich city, all built up with boyar and princely chambers; In the royal palace, the beautiful princess looks out of the window onto the road.

She saw Ilya, went out to meet the old Cossack, sweet Nothing She said to him, took him by the white hands, led him into the royal grid, asked him to eat bread and salt from her, and ordered the servants to fill Ilyev's berushka with Beloyar wheat.

Ilya feasted, tasted green wine, sugar dishes, bowed to the beautiful princess, thanked her for the bread and salt.

The princess tells him:

You are probably tired from the road, glorious hero, don’t you want to go lie down and rest from the long journey?

The princess brought Ilya into rich peace and showed him a feather bed to rest in.

Ilya looked incredulously at the high bed and did not want to lie down to rest, but took the princess by the hands and lowered her as best he could onto the downy bed; The beauty turned over under the princess's bed and fell into a deep cellar.

Ilya says to the princess’s maids:

Give me the golden key; I want to open deep cellars.

They don't give him the key. Ilya went to the door of the prison; he scattered with his hands the boards with which the doors were blocked; He pushed the iron doors with his foot - both halves fell off their hinges.

Ilya brought into the light of day from the cellar forty king-princes, forty kings-princes.

Go back to your kingdoms,” Ilya tells them, “pray to God for the old hero Ilya Muromets.” If I had not freed you, you would have laid down your violent heads here.

And Ilya cut the darling red maiden into pieces for her villainous deeds; scattered pieces of her white body across the field; Gray wolves they were torn to pieces, black crows pecked them.

Ilya returned to the stone and wrote on it:

“I took a different path - I’ve never been married!”

Ilya went to the third path, where he should be rich; Ilya travels for three hours, he has traveled three hundred miles; he sees a wonderful cross standing in front of him, cast in all colors.

The old man shook his head:

“It’s not for nothing that this cross was placed here; it stands over a deep cellar; there is a lot of gold, silver, and expensive stingray pearls stored in the cellar.”

Ilya took down the wonderful cross from the deep cellar, took out the buried treasures, countless, and built on them beautiful churches of God with the pure ringing of bells throughout the capital Kyiv. The heavenly power flew here for Ilya; The holy angels took him off the faithful burushka and carried him away to the Kyiv caves. The incorruptible heroic relics still rest in them, and the Orthodox people in all parts of Mother Rus' remember the great deeds of Ilya, sing glory to the old Cossack, and give honor.