Hot guys, crazy guys and goons. Foreigners discuss Russians online

  • 15.06.2019

from the comments:
Around 1350 AD A catastrophe called the "Faroese Astroblem" occurred. Namely: Two huge space fireballs hit each other in the eastern part of the Faroe archipelago.
The rising wave, more than a kilometer high and at great speed, carried away all living things from the north to the Caucasus Mountains. On the approach to the modern Black Sea, the inertia of the wave subsided, and the organic matter in the bulk partially formed the same hydrogen sulfide layer, and some settled on the surface, now called the “black earth”. This is part of Ukraine, Voronezh, Rostov regions, as well as Kuban.

For two or three centuries, civilization (of that time) ceased to exist. For the same reason, colossal epidemics swept through the modern Europe, which claimed the lives of millions of flood survivors. Nature had more or less recovered by the 1600s.

It was then that the current state of affairs took shape, namely the socio-political formation, which is presented as the natural development of humanity. It is from there that the very notorious 300 (or 500?) ruling families (global predictor...) originate, which to this day rig historical facts and dictate the rules of the game to all humanity. As we see in the example of the distortion of the truth about the 2nd World War (and only a little more than 70 years have passed), it is not so difficult to turn the truth in a favorable direction for yourself, having a colossal (or rather ALL!) material, administrative, etc. resources.

P.S. There is not much evidence left, but it is there. Like this: huge boulders in the Voronezh and Rostov regions, which in no way fit in with the local “mountains”; soil salinity in Moscow and neighboring regions and many others. In addition to physical evidence, there are historical inconsistencies in many religious and other areas. Accepting this version, the hysteria around the new chronology of Nosovsky and Fomenko becomes understandable. But they carried out their research without knowing about that catastrophe-flood, so their conclusions seem to hang in the air. By combining even these two things, the behavior becomes clear and logical" powerful of the world this", leading to a new, but man-made catastrophe.


The Black Sea is the grave of our ancestors

Usually, scientists, explaining the presence of a huge mass of hydrogen sulfide in the Black Sea (BS), explain this by the uniqueness of this body of water. The following arguments are given:

  1. The Black Sea is a closed basin, it is connected to the world ocean by narrow straits.
  2. Large rivers are discharged into the World Cup a large number of organics.
  3. The World Cup has great depth and a sharp drop from the continental shelf to depth.
  4. The high salinity of the deep layers of the Black Sea does not allow oxygen to penetrate downwards and this contributes to the formation and accumulation of hydrogen sulfide.
  5. Due to the unique hydrology of the Black Sea, there is no mixing of layers in it.
Fig 1. Cross-section of the Black Sea.

Looking at this map, we quickly become convinced that the World Cup is not unique in its characteristics.

Rice. 2 Reliefs of the seas.
The Mediterranean Sea (MS) is also closed and is connected to the ocean by the relatively narrow Gibraltar. At the same time, the maximum depth of the SM is 5121 m, which significantly exceeds the depth of the CM (2210 m). The average depths of both seas are approximately same value- 1240 and 1541 m. At the same time, the map shows that the depth differences in the SM are almost greater than in the WC.
Regarding salinity, the salinity of the SM is significantly higher than the salinity of the BS (36-39.5 ‰ versus 15-18 ‰), which will undoubtedly further prevent the penetration of oxygen to depth. At the same time, the contribution of organic matter by the rivers of the Mediterranean basin is undoubtedly greater, not even because of the fact that it flows into more rivers, but because industrialized EU countries are located on the shores of this basin. They are densely populated, carry out intensive agricultural work, and big cities They dump enormous amounts of waste. At the same time, in the EU countries there was no such decline in all economic indicators as in the countries former USSR and Eastern Europe.
Despite all this, hydrogen sulfide reserves are not formed in the SM.
But let's take the Caspian Sea (CM). It is generally a salt lake.

Fig.3 Caspian Sea.

The depth of the CM is quite decent - 1025 m. At the same time, we observe a significant difference in depth, almost a cliff in the area of ​​​​the confluence of the Kura River. And in the middle part of the pool too. There is no doubt about organics - pollution from oil production is added to the drains of the mighty Volga, Kura and Ural. But there are no deep layers of hydrogen sulfide in the CM either! Although salinity in the southern part of the sea reaches 28 ‰.
There remains one and final argument for the uniqueness of the FM - the absence of mixing of layers. Why do they mix in other seas, but not in the Black Sea? It is worth noting that the methodology itself for determining the parameters of sea water, deep currents and salinities is very complex. The fact is that such work requires significant costs. Oceanographic vessels are incredibly expensive to operate. It would be much better to spend money on building cruise ships, sort of floating paradises, and then sink and burn them in hopes of receiving insurance.

Rice. 4 Oceanographic vessels.

In addition, the volume of such research is extremely large. With great difficulty, we only had some idea of ​​the surface of the oceans and seas, and if we also take their thickness... this is a colossal amount of information. Often even submarines perish due to lack of similar knowledge. They fall into deeper layers with a lower density, as if breaking through the ice of a denser layer. How these layers are formed, where they are located and why - all of this is still a mystery for oceanology.
Therefore, it is premature to say with confidence that there is no vertical mixing of layers in the Black Sea for such and such a reason. But it is missing, and that is a fact.
However, hydrogen sulfide is successfully formed in other seas and basins. Accelerated formation of hydrogen sulfide has been observed, for example, in the Norwegian fjords. Driving by car to Odessa past the estuaries, we are forced to plug our noses and close the car windows - the stink of hydrogen sulfide is unbearable. This gas is also formed in other seas and even in lakes.
Not far from the resort of Playa del Carmen there is a cave filled with fresh water, Cenote Angelita. Lost in the impenetrable jungle of Mexico, the cave is fraught with many surprises, one of which is an amazing underwater lake! At the bottom of this lake there is also a hydrogen sulfide layer.

Rice. 5 Underwater lake in Mexico.

From this we can conclude that the Black Sea basin is absolutely not unique in this regard and the presence of 3.1 billion tons of hydrogen sulfide in it is due to other reasons.
Here I would like to mention another strange event. Recently, the American Landstat satellite took another picture of the Dead Sea (MS), which shocked scientists. In just one orbital revolution, the color of this body of water changed to completely black. Oceanologists came to the conclusion that the sea instantly “turned over.” The surface layers went down, and those saturated with hydrogen sulfide floated up.

Rice. 6 Dead Sea.

This can happen when a critical density gradient is reached and is quite possible with our FM. Water saturated with hydrogen sulfide is black. Here is your explanation - why the World Cup is called black. But before it was called Russian, the Greeks called it hospitable. Only then did it suddenly turn black. Did a “turning over” of layers happen in ancient times?
It is worth noting, and scientists always point out this, that the bottom of the World Cup does not have a solid granite slab. That is, the Black Sea lies directly on the basalts of the mantle and is a remnant of an ancient ocean. The true depth of the Black Sea reaches 16 km, the depression is filled with sediments.
A simple calculation shows that the volume of sedimentary substances is:
The area of ​​the deep-sea part is 211,000 sq. km. * the thickness of the sedimentary layer is 16 km. = 3 million 376 thousand cubic meters km.
Which exceeds the volume of the entire World Cup by more than 6 times.
At the same time, research by the expedition of J. Murray in 1910, part of the Meteor expedition, research on the cable steamer Lord Kelvin, the expedition of W. Snell and many others showed that the layer of sedimentary substances at the bottom of the world's oceans is 23-35 cm. That is, precipitation accumulate extremely long and slowly.
How could a layer of sediment 16 km thick accumulate in the World Cup?
It should be noted that back in the early 1920s, hydrogen sulfide was located much deeper. In 1891, Professor A. Lebedintsev raised the first water sample from the depths of the Black Sea. The sample showed that the water below 183 meters is saturated with hydrogen sulfide. Nowadays, poisonous and explosive gas is located at depths of 18 m, and sometimes even breaks through to the surface, as happened during the Crimean earthquake of 1927. Then an entire flotilla of fishermen burned in flames on the surface of the sea.

Rice. 7 World Cup.
This means that the process of hydrogen sulfide formation continues and proceeds quite quickly. And this is not due to an increase in discharge in the World Cup organic matter- it even decreased. This is the result of rotting without oxygen of a huge amount of sediment that ended up in the World Cup unknown, as in the recent past.
We know that the breakthrough of the Bosphorus and Dardanelles occurred in historical period, this is noted in the chronicles. It is also known that on ancient maps the World Cup is depicted as a rounded basin, without peninsulas, and Crimea is depicted as a flat coast.

There is no need to make idiots out of our ancestors, as if they, when drawing Crimea, did not see that it was a peninsula jutting out 300 km into the sea. It’s just that the old maps show the World Cup as it was. And this was a lake in the deep-water part of the modern World Cup. I have already written ( that presumably, as a result of a huge tsunami, and even more likely - hyper-precipitation, super-powerful rains, all the biomass from the Central Russian Upland, the southern part of Ukraine, was washed away into Black Sea basin. As a result, we have the absence of thick layers of fertile soils in the Non-Black Earth Region, wide river floodplains that do not correspond to their geological history, accumulations of black soil in places where it was washed, the absence of trees in the steppe zone of Ukraine, a thick layer of sediment in the steppe part of Crimea.
At the bottom of the World Cup lie the remains of our ancient civilization. There is vegetation, soil, dead animals and people, flooded cities and river beds. The once wooded, wildlife-filled, fertile south of Ukraine has turned into a dry steppe. This happened not as long ago as scientists would like us to believe. You can still find references to this fertile land in historical documents. Our ancestors tried to protect themselves from the elements; they built colossal hydraulic structures along large rivers - the Serpentine Shafts, which they are now trying to pass off as defensive structures against the small number of nomads, who were only able to gather as a gang, but not into an army.

Rice. 8 Serpentine shafts.

The Crimean Isthmus was also dug up, and a shaft was made separating the Kerch Peninsula. Everything for protection from powerful mudflows and floods.
The remnants of our civilization continue to “gas” at the bottom of the World Cup. This is precisely the uniqueness that is inherent in the former Russian, and now Black Sea.

They not only talk about Russians in the world, they write about Russians on social networks. Still, we’ve come across videos on the Internet like “Rushance and Crazy” or “This is only possible in Russia! SHOCK, SENSATION!” So what do foreign Internet users think about such videos? About news from Russia? About Russians in general? Let's figure it out:

Extremely hot Russian guys
Russian users of Urban Dictionary were surprised to discover that, according to the online dictionary's compilers, the name Artem means "an extremely hot Russian guy dressed all in black." Moreover, a certain Artem Shtanov from Facebook was confronted with the fact that he is the owner of an “extremely large penis.”

Following Shtanov, others also had a chance to learn new things about themselves. It turned out that all Yuri are actually “big assholes,” and Dmitry occupies the top in the hierarchy of living pimps. Pavel is “intellectually developed and sexy,” and Anatoly is “a sad parody of a Russian,” and also a “chick.”

Russian girls are luckier. Thus, the dictionary defined Irina as “chic and super-duper,” and Elena as “cruel, but beautiful.” Svetlana received a vague description of “a slutty woman, but not a slut.” The dictionary contains names characteristic of other nationalities living in Russia. For example, Aydar. As it turns out, he is “a radar used to identify people with HIV.”

Checkmate you need to know
In mid-February, a BuzzFeed article on Russian obscene expressions that “you definitely need to know” aroused great interest. Readers of the publication noticed that some descriptions were compiled incorrectly.

Russian-speaking visitors pointed out to BuzzFeed employees errors and inaccuracies in the interpretation of curse words. “Thank you for your efforts, but there are inaccuracies here. “... (genital organ) from the mountain” has a pronounced negative connotation. Something like: go away, you’re not from here, and no one needs your opinion,” one of the commentators corrected the journalists.
"So. “Well... (go nuts) now” is not an expression of extreme surprise. “What are you talking about? Actually, I don’t care” is more similar in meaning,” added another.

Many noted that they saw most of the so-called Russian obscene expressions for the first time in their lives. “Thank you guys, you made our day. But "... ( hydrogen sulfide geek)"? This is the first time we’ve heard of it, but they’re writing entire articles about it,” the readers were surprised.

There were also those who did not like the material at all. “An article about Russian swearing, which the whole world definitely needs to know, or more precisely, an article about how Russians proudly present their ***** (female genital organ) to the world,” a dissatisfied reader was indignant.

In Russian style
At the beginning of March, guests of the American show @Midnight, aired on the Comedy Central channel, at the request of the program’s hosts, came up with titles for series that could be aired in Russia. The participants of the TV show did their best and produced such options as “The Kalashnikov Family” (“Keeping Up with the Kardashians”) and “Dancing with Tsars” (“Dancing with the Stars”).

Inspired by what they thought was a successful idea, the creators of @Midnight invited Twitter followers to join the game and even launched a thematic hashtag #RussianTVShows.

Creative users began to send their versions of the names of Russian TV series, taking as a basis popular American soap operas and serial cartoons: “Comrades” (“Friends”), “Powerful Grandmothers” (“Power Rangers”), “The Walking Reds” (“The Walking Dead” ) and “Better call Solzhenitsyn” (“Better call Saul”). One of the funniest adaptations is My Little Trumpy (My Little Pony).

Slavic brothers
In addition to the organizers of flash mobs, compilers of online dictionaries and BuzzFeed journalists, European youth became very interested in the Russian theme, who, back in 2011, began en masse to dress in tracksuits, squat “exactly”, husk seeds and dance Hardbass, from time to time carelessly muttering Cheeki Breeki.

Over time, kitsch has grown into a full-fledged subculture. Its representatives not only looked like the most ordinary inhabitants of children's playgrounds near Moscow, but also expressed themselves in the same way and even performed thematic music. Full-length albums with “Slavic” compositions and mercilessly distorted English pronunciation have gone on sale.

A classic example of such creativity is the video for SLAV SQUAT (“Slavic squats”) by the British hip-hop group 4NBoyz. In the video, the rappers talk about how they love to squat and address the migrants from Eastern Europe leaving en masse for the West, promising to “take away their jobs.” The leitmotif of the track was the phrase “your chick will go to me when she sees me sitting on the courts.”

Today, images of Russian gopniks are just as actively pedaled in Eastern Europe, and the Estonian rap star Tommy Cash does not deviate from the Slavic-boyish theme at all. His videos promote sportswear, used Russian cars, Orthodox icons and the “white cattle” lifestyle.

Ours on Reddit
One of the most popular places on the Internet to discuss Russia is the Reddit portal. Surprisingly, its visitors, apparently, treat Russians with great trepidation, devoting them to thematic threads with thousands of comments.

The portal even has a full-fledged section called AnormaldayinRussia, entirely specialized in Russian topics. On the home page - double headed eagle wearing hats with red stars, an Adidas logo on the chest, a bottle of vodka and an action camera in his claws. Although the proud bird is depicted against the background of the flag Russian Federation, above it the creative artist depicted the symbols of the USSR, and below it placed the characteristic inscription “Bitch, ... (slutty woman).”

The section publishes hardcore videos filmed in the vastness of Russia, including incidents on the roads and drunken trash from the outback. There are a lot of heated debates and discussions related to stereotypes about Russian people.

In AnormaldayinRussia you can learn a lot about the habits and preferences of Russians - from sexual relations with horses to addiction to alcoholic beverages.

Laughter and that's it
The international social network 9gang regularly publishes posts on topics like “This is only possible in Russia,” or “Oh, those Russians.” Users upload and share content they make themselves or take from other sites. A news item appears here English language for almost all big news From Russia:


An example of a fairly classic slasher premise from a combination of several classic elements at once. A bloody orgy of horror into which a cruise that had begun harmlessly grew. The picture is also good because the emphasis in the narrative is on suspense and atmosphere, with unraveling the events of the past to understand reality. At the same time, everything is interesting and dynamic, and the visual part is not without such pleasant moments as dismemberment and erotic scenes.

The musical design here is not very beautiful or memorable, but the music constantly maintains the atmosphere of the film even in those moments where it would seem that absolute silence would do well. Ominous melodies, not filled with monotony, sounding to build up suspense, perform their role perfectly, plunging into the depths of terrible and bloody events.

As for fans of dismemberment and gore, the film will seem rather average to them. Despite the presence of several bloody scenes and excellent kills, the cruelty of the film does not pretend to be a meat slasher film, and the film fits into the slasher genre itself rather with its conventions and traditional elements, and not by the presence of slash and carnage, as such. Nevertheless, calling the film boring off-screen running around won’t work either, and the level of violence here is really good.

The plot story turned out to be much more interesting and frightening, which is not presented straight away, but develops in detail as the action progresses. The characters are also good, with revealed characters in behavior and dialogue, played by quite bright actors. This way you worry about the characters, have different feelings for the characters and don’t get bored with all the action that unfolds.

Despite the presence of several rather scary scenes, the film, unfortunately, is not without a certain amount of stupidity; sometimes in the scenes you understand that what is planned on the screen is presented for the entertainment of the public, and in no way for the plot aspects and significance in the narrative itself. The stupidity of the characters in some scenes has already become a common cliché of the genre, so blaming a slasher film for this is not very wise, if everyone had behaved smartly there wouldn’t have been any massacres and murders at all, so think about what you are going to watch and why you decided in the first place this film take a look. Nevertheless, such facts cannot but have a negative impact on the whole picture.

A well-told story of a maniac will not seem too original, but even with its predictability it will look much more meaningful than films about yet another escaped psychos. Well, the makeup itself will remind you of Toub Hooper’s “The Deadly Show,” Stuart Gordon’s “The Freak in the Castle” and the second part of “Friday the 13th.” And the night scenes of chases with an atmosphere of fear and horror, full of worries for the victims, will be in the style of the first and third parts of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. So the film is made in excellent traditions, despite the lack of specific originality and novelty.

Are you saying that yesterday there was a strong smell of hydrogen sulfide in Moscow and Voronezh?

Demons, demons have multiplied in Russia. And they are ruled by the Russians!

Here's what I read about the cause of the sulfur smell:

The vast majority of people in our society do not see demons (dog heads), partly because demons are able to convince others that they are the same people.

Demons are invisible mainly because they have a different diet from humans; first of all, they do not eat sugars, i.e. there is no sweets in their diet (sugar blocks a person’s extrasensory abilities);

secondly, they eat spores of horsetails and ferns, which have enormous activity, which have long been taken away from Humanity, as priestly food that people are “not worthy” to eat, but these types of ferns and horsetails continue to grow in the Pecheneg catacombs, described by various contactees and seers.

Pesinagi (pechinags) are intelligent reptiles with a dog's head.
Demons also have a dog's head, but are mammals, since they also have a navel, which is absent in dogs, like all reptiles. Pesinags also do not have an anus, but only a cloaca, so it is they who are responsible for introducing homosexuality on our Earth.

Demons. In the myths of various peoples, there are evil spirits, opponents of deities. This word applies to Indian asuras, Iranian devas, and Greek demons.
In the Christian tradition, demons began to be considered as servants of the devil (among the Slavs - devils): they send the evil eye, damage, harm people in every possible way and through them God, for some reason they especially hate marriage.

It is impossible to come to an agreement with demons, since they are ossified in evil and do not want to do anything related to good.
Christianity identified demons with fallen angels. From their “angelic past” they retained supernatural (demonic) abilities to inspire thoughts and deeds in people. In addition, they retained the property of becoming invisible and changing their appearance at will. Characteristic sign the appearance of a demon - the suffocating smell of sulfur. They can appear in the guise of angels, take the form of one or another person, or turn into a monster or animals, reptiles, birds or black dogs and cats.

Popular fantasy assigned to demons an image that most closely resembles the appearance of a Greek satyr: this is a horned and tailed creature whose legs end in goat hooves; he has wings behind his back and small horns on his head. Demons are tempters, so they primarily pester saints, hermits and monks. Among the demons, the most famous are the main servants of Satan - Beelzebub, Azazel, Belial, Mephistopheles.

Demons may actively engage in sexual contact with their victims, usually women. The best remedy protection from demons is real fire. This makes them visible and prevents them from paralyzing you with their passes.

Surround your bed with burning candles or lamps, just do not take them from a Catholic church, since Catholic churches are the abode of demons, and you may attract the attention of even more terrible entities.

In books of the 19th century you can find their names: sucubus and incubus. These are corrupted Russian words: “bitch-besa” and “inka-besa” (inka or kina are the same thing, and mean a male demon). This corruption of words indicates the masking of information about the real situation of Humanity.

The demons themselves are highly suggestible and can be reprogrammed. To do this, you need to announce to them in a loud voice that you are their master, and they must obey you. This works for a while. It is even more effective to curse rudely and send the demon pestering you to hell.

The most powerful means is to learn their code, which will allow you to completely resubordinate them to yourself. To recognize the demon code, you need to acquire a certain skill.

First, try learning to see through objects. To do this, look behind an opaque object, i.e. focus your gaze behind this opaque object, if you succeed, then everything is fine, you will be able to see the code, if not, then you need to practice a little.

Try turning your head to look through an opaque object without focusing on anything. If you don’t succeed right away, you can start training while traveling by train, bus, or car. Close your eyes and look through your eyelids. Usually, pictures of a passing landscape outside the window, despite closed eyes, can be seen by everyone. The main thing to remember is this state – the state of “vision”.

Most people have 20-30% vision through objects, and some have 100%. Now, when you meet a demon in your apartment, mentally ask for its code, imagining a sequence of Roman numerals. Roman, because unlike besurmans in Russia (programmed with Russian numerals in Russian), pesinags are programmed with Roman numerals and Latin.

Programming is no longer done by people, but by GRAY aliens who have captured the Earth and established strict control over Humanity and all its parallel structures.

The main purpose of demons and their structures is to prevent people from becoming gods. And since the easiest way to become a god again is to switch to a divine relationship, which Russian people can intuitively do. Therefore, the main task of demons is to destroy the divine relationships that have developed among people and prevent them from switching to divine ones and keeping them within the framework of monkey relationships. And so that people do not pass on to divinity through the mechanical creation of miracles, demons destroy all witnesses who saw miracles and all information about the miraculous.

True, we must give them their due, they first warn people and if they do not calm down and continue to talk about their abilities and observations, then the demons take drastic measures.

For some reason, the demonic structure is no longer needed by the GRAY aliens, so the demons allow people to learn a little about the real state of things.

Along with the individual control of each individual, which became possible thanks to the introduction of general drunkenness in the twentieth century, there was and is a mass control of human consciousness. For this purpose, words with a negative meaning are created in the language, which are then associated with a phenomenon unnecessary for demons and vile creatures (this applies primarily to ancient knowledge, Russian magical culture, educational movements. This is how alchemy and metaphysics were destroyed in the 19th century), which is then eliminated from society with the help of public opinion. And if this does not help, then with the help of revolutions, pogroms, and riots.

There were no words with a negative meaning in the Russian language, since this is the language of the gods - the Lords of the Universes.

Without exception, all peoples of the world, regardless of their religion or ethnogenesis, have myths about dragons. Not about snakes, not about lizards, not even about relict dinosaurs, but about dragons: powerful flying creatures capable of spewing fire. Living in deep caves. These myths exist both among the Mansi-Khanty of the northernmost regions, and on the tropical coast of Indochina. According to Scandinavian legends, the “world serpent” Jörmungand entwines itself around the world tree Ygdrassil. There are stories of dragons flying out of caves and kidnapping young maidens Slavic fairy tales. Similar stories The blacks of Africa and the inhabitants of the Polynesian islands have it.

That is, let’s say, the “dragon race” of representatives of the hydrogen sulfide civilization communicated with humanity for quite a long time, tried to continue to play in relation to it the role of masters over the herds of robotic slaves created for their own needs, but under the oxygen onslaught this the race was forced to retreat and disappear, or be greatly degraded.

This version can explain the existence on earth of colossal megalithic structures - pyramids, huge labyrinths, Stonehenge, etc.

If we look closely at the plan ancient labyrinth, then we can easily come to the conclusion that its walls repeat the contour of a coiled snake, or, more often, two snakes curled up side by side and pressing their heads against each other. It is quite possible that the hydrogen sulfide “gentlemen” forced people to build shelters of this kind for themselves: line the walls with stones, cover them with leather or wooden shields. The gaps between the stones and shields were sealed with some kind of film or even mucus, after which the “snakes” in the resulting space forced themselves into a hydrogen sulfide atmosphere. And settled down to rest.

Subsequently, such primitive shelters became insufficient. Or they no longer seemed comfortable enough. As temporary shelters on the surface of the earth, the hydrogen sulfide civilization had to create cyclopean pyramids with sealed chambers at their base or even at some depth under the base.

It is interesting to note that pyramids, or ziggurats, are not only found on the territory of Egypt, Mesopotamia or ancient American civilizations. They are also found in China. Moreover, in China, unlike all other countries, the dragon is rather a friendly, benevolent, powerful, protective creature. It is possible that in ancient times the Chinese managed to establish more friendly relations with the hydrogen sulfide race than other earthly civilizations; They protected and worshiped endangered dragons; chinese pyramids still haven't become an object tourism business; for a long time their existence was a secret, and even now they are in a specially protected zone, where research is carried out only under government mandate. It is possible that through their pyramids the Chinese still maintain occasional connections with the hydrogen sulfide civilization.

Plus, the peoples of the North have countless tales about various kinds of dwarfs living underground - gnomes, leprechauns and similar “masters of the copper mountain”, who, as a rule, are aggressive and malicious towards people. Perhaps this is evidence of the existence of a second race of hydrogen sulfide creatures. The southern peoples do not have similar legends, since the closer to the equator, the fewer vast caves under the surface of the earth are suitable for creating large-scale shelters in them. But they all unanimously place the hell of all their most diverse religions somewhere underground, in underground spaces, the entrance to which is located somewhere in the terribly cold polar regions.

Now let’s remember the vertical mines discovered by Soviet researchers in Antarctica, from which there was an eerie smell of hydrogen sulfide. Or the fact that the author of “Plutonia,” the Russian writer Obruchev, placed the “gateway” in a mysterious underground country inhabited by dinosaurs, somewhere among the Arctic islands of the Arctic Ocean.

So, perhaps, Christian ideas about hell as a gigantic underground space where devils boil the souls of sinners in sulfur cauldrons have some real basis. Perhaps even evidence of some real-life Orpheus, who happened to escape from this hell and tell his fellow tribesmen about it. Under the guise of cooking in sulfur cauldrons, describe in ordinary phrases technological process utilization of biological organic mass for the needs of hydrogen sulfide civilization.

Nobody claims that the ancient “Arctic-Antarctic” launched the process of reproduction of organic biomass a billion years ago precisely for the purpose of obtaining slaves to work on the surface of the planet. Perhaps we, humanity, animal world- simply the most ordinary plantation on which some elements, substances, compounds are grown in our bodies that are necessary for the existence of a hydrogen sulfide civilization that has gone deep into the planet.

The ancient Mayans did not know the wheel, did not use metals (for production), and possessed only rudimentary craft skills (again, those of them that have more or less practical significance), but at the same time they lived in majestic stone cities and had the most accurate calendar before the beginning of the computer era. And they made innumerable human sacrifices, drowning their fellow tribesmen in a deep stone well, located 300 steps from the sacred pyramid of their main city, Chechen Itza. Over the centuries of the existence of the Mayan civilization, piles of human remains should have accumulated at its bottom.

However, 20th-century researchers, using diving equipment, found nothing but a few skulls and a handful of jewelry at the bottom of the well.

It was not possible to pump water out of this well, as well as from the adits of the plant-hospital in Devkina Zavod near Liinakhamari.

It can be assumed that both the stone cities and the unique calendar were inherited by the Mayans from their rulers - the race of underground gods, in other words, all from the same Arctic-Antarctic people we are talking about.

The Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012. But if the actual compilers of this calendar are the Arctic-Antarctic, then what could this date mean? Day of universal catastrophe? Or the estimated date of death from oxygen asphyxiation of the last Arctic-Antarctic? Or, conversely, the beginning of a battle with humanity for the earth’s atmosphere? The emergence of hordes of Arctic-Antarctic people from underground cavities?

However, there are researchers of Nazism who claim that just by the end of 2012. It was necessary, in accordance with the pact concluded by Hitler with the Arctic-Antarctic people, to complete Germany’s conquest of the globe and its reorganization for the needs of the Arctic-Antarctic race.

What do we mean by this?

We cannot answer any of these questions.

Science such as geophysics claims that the thickness of the world's oceans contains millions of tons of hydrogen sulfide; Particularly large accumulations (of those known) exist in the Black Sea. Maybe a gas attack on humanity is planned for December 21, 2012? Clouds of hydrogen sulfide, like mustard gas once, but in immeasurably large quantities, will rise from the depths of the sea and move to land? And the Mayan calendar was given to the red tribes only so that they could count down the dates of their lives?

On the other hand, scientists claim that the amount of hydrogen sulfide in the ocean is continuously decreasing. Maybe it is spent on maintaining the fading existence of the Arctic-Antarctic civilization?

What military potential might this civilization have?

On the one hand, “flying saucers” are invulnerable and can move at speeds of up to 60 thousand km/h; on the other hand, there is no reliable information that at least one of them caused any harm to at least one person.

If Hitler really collaborated with the Arctic-Antarctic, then the results of such cooperation can be considered rather mediocre. The Germans failed to create atomic weapons, and they could not create them, since they chose a fundamentally unrealizable uranium enrichment scheme. In the field of electronic warfare, the Anglo-Americans were constantly head and shoulders ahead of them. The only significant breakthrough is the creation of jet aircraft, guided jet weapons, and ballistic missiles.

That is, the main achievements of the Arctic-Antarctic civilization lie in the field of propulsion energy?

It is unlikely that the “Arcto-Antarctians” have developed metallurgy - judging by the remains of “flying saucers” (or what we consider “flying saucers”), they most likely use some kind of heavy-duty ceramics as structural materials. Judging by the nature of the movement of “flying saucers,” they either have virtually no mass or have the ability to eliminate their own inertia. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain how an object moving at a speed of several thousand kilometers per hour suddenly begins to move exactly at right angles to its previous trajectory. Even if there are structural materials that can withstand the overloads that arise during such movements, then it is unlikely that any living creature can withstand these overloads.

So how can you imagine such material objects(without mass, without inertia) is quite difficult, then we can assume that the Arctic-Antarctic people have learned to transform objects of the material world (for example, their aircraft) or even themselves into some kind of energy substances that, like sunbeams, have any conceivable speed, acceleration, ability to change trajectory at lightning speed, etc. For example, a primitive example of such an “energy clot” can be ball lightning.

And in the event of an emergency materialization, these energy substances “precipitate” on the surface of the earth in the form of the aforementioned “flying saucers” with “little green men inside”, which very quickly die and decompose in an oxygen atmosphere, leaving scientists no chance to study their nature.

By the way, the pungent hydrogen sulfide smell near flying saucers was noted by many researchers who had (according to them) encountered this phenomenon.

But perhaps the Arctic-Antarctic people are fluent in psychotropic weapons? And, fascinated by the signals coming from the ocean depths, the Australians, led by Captain Barnett, themselves guided the ill-fated Sydney under the Cormoran’s guns and turned it around so that it would be more convenient for the Germans to shoot? Let's remember ancient legends about sailors enchanted by the singing of mysterious sirens who guided their ships towards the rocks.

Finally, it has not been established what mysterious cargo was delivered by German submarines to the eastern sector of the Soviet Arctic. Although installing this is, in principle, not difficult. It is enough to raise one of the German submarines, sunk on this route. Or take a good look at abandoned German caches in the Soviet Arctic. Or using excavators to open the entrance to a cave near the Cyclopean pier at the mouth of the Lena River - it is possible that this is not even an ordinary warehouse, but a portal itself, a gateway to the world of the mysterious Arctic-Antarctic.

After all, having obviously realized that they had lost the war, the Germans blew it up so that the “thread” would not fall into anyone else’s hands?

It is very important to find out what the Arctic-Antarctic civilization lacks, what resource, why is it or can it make contact with humanity?

Alas, all those points where such information could be found are under the special control of the authorities and are inaccessible to mere mortals.

There is a nuclear test site on Novaya Zemlya, and, perhaps, all traces of contacts with the Arctic-Antarctic people there have long been destroyed. Alexandra Land in the Franz Josef Archipelago is located in the border zone. Access to other caches is also difficult. True, tourist liners regularly ply along the Northern Sea Route, and, for some reason, mainly with tourists from Germany and Austria. But in order to deliver equipment to the mouth of the Lena to clear the blocked entrance to the cave near the German pier (excavators, bulldozers), a special expedition with the appropriate equipment is needed...

Are there places that are more accessible to the average (statistically average, run-of-the-mill) researcher?

I have heard more than once about the Kuznetsk district of the Penza region. This place is interesting because the southernmost border of the great European glaciation passes through it. Simply put, the glacier, sliding from the poles beyond Eurasia, covered about 40% of the territory of this region like a wedge. The nature here is amazing: there are springs with incredible clean water, plants, as if mutated from known species, have been preserved in dense forests rare species animals and insects. Here, which is quite strange for these places, are the only oil fields in the entire district. And, most interestingly, in the area there is one of the oldest known labyrinths. One can easily imagine that if the labyrinths, as we wrote above, are parking lots, a kind of campsites of the serpentine race of the Arctic-Antarctic people, the main centers of which are located under the ice caps in artificial or natural adits and caves, then it is logical to assume that this for several millennia, until the glacier retreated to the north, the labyrinth was an outpost, or, if you like, a “portal” to our world.

Later, the glaciers began to move north, and similar “parking portals” began to appear along the entire route of their retreat. The most famous object of this kind is Stonehenge in Southern England, but labyrinths still remain, and very massive ones, perhaps even on not two, but three or four snakes, in Karelia and on most of the western coast of the Arctic Ocean.

However, the Kuznetsk labyrinth is the most accessible. From Moscow to the regional center of Penza it is about 14 hours by train, from Penza to Kuznetsk - 2.5 hours by car. As far as is known, the labyrinth has not been subjected to any serious research - at least from the point of view of establishing contacts with the Arctic-Antarctic civilization. Locals They say that paranormal phenomena are observed in these parts, but they cannot provide any details, since for some reason they rarely visit these places. Although, it seems, no one was in any danger there. Perhaps this reluctance to go to the labyrinth and other similar points associated with the “hydrogen sulfide world” lies the initial manifestations of that same mysterious psychotropic weapon that put “Sydney” under the guns of Krupp’s six-inch guns?

The local branch of the Russian Geographical Society is now active in Penza. Perhaps it will take on the labor of exploring this labyrinth. Of course, this article can hardly be called a methodological guide to searching for artifacts of cryptocivilization, but I think it quite sets the tone that any observations - down to the nature of the processing of stone blocks of the labyrinth, the composition of the surrounding vegetation, the typology of diseases most common in the surrounding villages, the presence or the absence of caves in the nearby hills - can serve as a hint on the path of further searches...

Prepared by: Head of the Penza Media Council regional branch Russian Geographical Society, journalist Alexey Borisov.