Drawing on the theme of the house of the future. How to draw a house with a pencil step by step

  • 25.04.2019

Step by step drawing At home, using colored pencils, each element must be smooth and beautiful, so we certainly use a ruler in the image. You can freehand draw bushes around the house and a small window in the attic.

Necessary materials:

  • a set of colored pencils;
  • regular pencil;
  • black marker;
  • eraser;
  • ruler;
  • paper.

Drawing steps:

1. First you need to draw a vertical line on a piece of paper. It will be the middle in the drawing. Then we draw the roof of the house. Outwardly, it will resemble a trapezoid. The horizontal line at the top will be shorter than the bottom. For convenience and simplicity, you can use a ruler.

2. Add a triangle vertex in the middle of the picture. In the future it will be an attic room with a small window.

3. Let’s finish drawing along the sides of the roof along one line. Then connect it to the main outline of the roof by drawing another short line at the bottom.

4. Then, you can draw an attic room with a window. To do this, we will first draw part of the square and then add an additional layer to our small roof.

5. In the middle of the square, draw a small and cute window. It can be of any shape. We chose a round window. It is unusual in shape and probably interesting to sit behind it and look out from the attic room.

6. Add another horizontal line at the bottom of the roof and connect it to the main contour. Let's finish drawing the main part of the house - the walls. The roof will be supported on them. Let's depict this part of the house as a square.

7. A necessary element in every home is the front door. In front of its image, we will draw a small rise in the form of a step to make it easier to enter the house.

8. Draw a large window on the right side. You definitely need to draw a frame. Let's add window partitions.

9. Let's draw another one under the door step. Let's add green bushes around the house.

10. Use an eraser to remove all unnecessary lines and begin to outline our drawing. It is better to do this under the ruler.

11. First of all, let's decorate the roof of the house. Let's take a yellow pencil for this purpose.

12. For realism, you can draw highlights in the windows with blue and blue pencils. blue color.

13. Paint the walls of the house in the lower part and in the attic with a brown pencil. The steps under the door will be the same color.

14. Use a red pencil to add color to the window frame and front door.

15. Use green pencils of two shades to decorate the greenery around the house.

There you go! See you soon!

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“How to draw a house?” - the question is not difficult; even a child who has already learned to hold a pencil and brushes can cope with this task. For adults, drawing a house created with your own hands is exciting creative activity, associated with simple arithmetic calculations. How to draw a house, step by step, you will learn from this article. The drawing is proposed to be simple, but it includes all the advantages of a real house located on a separate plot of land.

And as we see, in the picture, in addition to the house, there are trees, grass on which children and dogs frolic. This is a landscape environment that no residential building can do without. Nature, landscapes, orchards, ponds and fields are integral parts of any structure. Therefore, the drawing should include the landscape adjacent to the house. An exception is made only for schematic and drawing drawings.

How to draw a house with a pencil

A house is an architectural structure that is erected according to certain construction laws, and its construction always begins with sketches and drawings. How to draw a house with a pencil step by step so that the drawing looks like real home? First of all, you need to follow the basic rules that govern the construction of residential buildings. First we build the walls, then we cover the house with a roof, after that we draw doors and windows, and at the very last resort We draw out the porch and posts with a canopy. How to draw a house with a pencil step by step, so that the drawing is also beautiful and colorful? To do this you need to apply watercolor paints or multi-colored gouache. In this case the question is regarding how to draw beautiful house, is solved on its own, and in the future everything depends on your imagination and artistic abilities.

What tools and materials are needed to draw a house

To create a drawing of a house, you need to stock up on a sheet of white paper, pencils, a ruler and an eraser. To decorate your home you will need watercolors, gouache and felt-tip pens.

How to draw a house step by step for a comfortable stay

First you need to decide how many floors there will be in the house. In the one-story version, the drawing can be placed on a standard A4 sheet of paper. At the first stage, you need to use a ruler to determine the width of the house and its height to the roof. Draw with a simple pencil a rectangle that will become the basis of the facade of the house. After this, you should mark the location of doors and window openings. This stage is the most critical. Proper placement of windows and doors is key to the architectural harmony of the entire front of the building. The eraser must be at the ready, since there will certainly be rearrangements.

Drawing of a small country house or mansion

The drawing of a small one-story house suggests a single door and two or three windows. The image of a tall and wide mansion would require a large double door on the ground floor, as well as at least four windows. The proportions of the house, with the correct placement of doors and windows, will begin to appear on their own during the drawing process. Swing doors must be in harmonious combination with windows, their visual relationship is of great importance.

Drawing of a house with an attic

How to draw a house with an attic? After the facade of the house is drawn, you can begin to depict the roof. The classic gable roof is ideal option for your drawing, it is easy to draw, besides, such a design assumes the presence of an attic in the attic, which means that the structure will become more stylish. The attic facade can be located above front door or above the central window. The attic roof, as a rule, is at the same level with the ridge of the main roof, sometimes lower. If in your drawing the ridge of the attic roof is higher than the level of the main roof, then it will no longer be an attic, but a mezzanine.

The roof of the house in your drawing can be depicted in two versions: simple, without frills, or elegant and beautiful. In the second case, it is necessary to paint it an exclusive coating. For small one-story mansions, scaly ceramic tiles are ideal. This coating gives the roof some fabulousness, and the whole house becomes elegant and festive.

Drawing of a two-story house

How to draw a house with two floors? This is not difficult if you have the outlines of the first floor ready, but there is no roof yet. The second floor is subject to its own architectural laws and, in order to comply with them, it is necessary to take the parameters of the first floor as a basis. The upper windows cannot be wider than the lower ones, but they can be depicted as shorter in the vertical plan. The second floor is subject to the strict laws of architectural symmetry, which means that the top three windows should be drawn at equal distances from each other, with the middle one being exactly in the middle. If you decide to draw a balcony, then it must also be placed strictly in the center.

Upper part of a two-story house

The roof of a two-story house should be lower compared to the roof of a one-story building. As a rule, there is no attic above the second floor, only a smaller pseudo-copy of it, which is called a dormer window. The attic space of a two-story mansion is not spacious enough for an attic and similar premises. If desired, you can draw a small mezzanine in place of the attic, which will become an architectural decoration of the entire house.

Every person has a wonderful place where he was born and raised. This place is home. A house is not only an architectural structure intended for living, but also that corner where you constantly want to return, where they love you and wait for you, they will always listen and help if necessary. It is not for nothing that the house is a symbol of life and communication. And it doesn’t matter whether the house is old or just recently built, the main thing is that without a home a person’s life will not be complete. A home for a child, like his parents, is an integral part of life. That's why children love to draw so much different types Houses. But how to draw a house step by step? In the process of preparing to draw a house, remember with your child what types of houses there are: one-story, multi-story, built of blocks or bricks. If the child grew up in the city, tell me what houses in the village look like and how they differ from city houses. Look at the picture for different types of houses. It is very important to determine what parts a particular type of house consists of; separately practice drawing geometric shapes- elements of the house. Find out if the child plans to depict anything else around the house. And then help pick out everything you need for drawing - and let your child build a house on paper!

What you will need:

  • paper white(you can use a sketchbook or sketchbook);
  • simple pencil;
  • colour pencils;
  • eraser.
  1. To draw a house with a pencil, take a sheet of paper and a simple pencil. Draw the figure shown in Figure “1”.
  2. Draw a rectangle to the right of the resulting figure.

  3. Now you see that we have started building a house and we need to finish drawing the roof. Follow the example in figure "3".
  4. Draw a chimney on top of the roof. Ours is square and strong.

  5. Draw a line at the bottom of the house. This will be a decoration for our building. Place dashes in the places where you want to draw windows. This is done to ensure that the windows are placed evenly.
  6. Now let’s finish drawing the windows. They can be square or as rounded as mine.

  7. It will not be difficult for a child to draw such a house; you need to remind that the house must have a door and it can also be decorated. We are also finishing the details of the windows, follow the example in Figure “7”.
  8. It's time to decorate our house. On the roof you can see several pieces of slate, and below, under the line, there are pebbles as decoration for our building. There are curtains in the windows. You can decorate not only the house, but also the area around it. Here you can use your imagination as much as possible. Personally, I drew the fence as an integral part of the territory, the tree and the lawn.

  9. Drawing a house step by step will be especially interesting for children while coloring.

    It is also worth considering an example of drawing not a country house, but a multi-story one. As an example, I decided to give a typical view of a residential building. For drawing we will need a sheet of paper, a simple pencil and a ruler.

Everyone wants to have their own shelter in order to hide there from this world. I'll tell you how to draw a house with a pencil. Perhaps in the future you will be able to build your own cozy shelter. The house is the permanent abode of people and all the goods they have acquired in the form of a TV, unlimited internet and a cat. It is carefully taken care of by the owner, insulated for the winter and serves as a venue for cultural events. In the territory of Rashka, it is most often a communal apartment in a Khrushchev-era building, less often an apartment in the center of Moscow or Bobruisk. In places remote from civilization, this could be a two-story barn with a leaking roof. Brings a loss in the form of constant European-quality repairs and communal tribute, needs expensive armored doors to protect property and add beauty appearance. Grants protection from acid rain and hurricanes of minor brawls, as well as from gypsies, Avon agents, and Jehovah's Witnesses. Specific type of houses:

  • Madhouse (synonyms: psychiatric hospital, psychiatric hospital, Kashchenko) - The habitat of creative and talented people. Equipped with equipment for conducting experiments on people healing and healing of the soul. Accommodation by special invitation.
  • The White house . A pumped-up version of the usual madhouse for the elite of this world. Led by the Black Lord, it spreads democracy throughout the world, absolutely free, preference is given to countries with oil and dangerous terrorists.
  • House-2 is almost the same as a madhouse, only there patients are also paid money.

Now let's create a project for your home.

How to draw a house with a pencil step by step

Step one. We draw a small standard house, as it looks in the village, with a triangular roof.
Step two. Let's straighten out the structure a bit, add some formal bushes around it and adjust the edges of the roof.
Step three. Let's add design to this hut, a beautiful porch and facade ornament.
Step four. Now let’s draw several windows in the front on both floors, as well as a few from the side. You also need some trees in the background and a path to the entrance.
This is what my house will look like, what kind of house would you like to build? Draw and attach your work below this article. It will be useful for you to find out more.

Many children dream of learning how to draw a house, for example, a fairytale hut. There is nothing difficult in drawing such a structure, so even a preschooler can cope with such a task, especially if his parents help him with this. Thanks to this master class, everyone will be able to understand how to draw a house with a pencil step by step, and then color it using a set of colored pencils.
Before you start drawing the hut, you need to prepare everything you need:

1). Colour pencils;
2). Mechanical pencil (or a simple sharpened one);
3). Eraser;
4). Paper.

When everything is prepared, you can start working:
1). Draw a horizon line and indicate the shape of the house;

2). Draw a triangular roof;

3). Draw windows;

4). Draw the roof and chimney;

5). Draw the logs;

6). Draw details such as window frames, their decor and patterns;

7). Draw the smoke that comes from the chimney, as well as the cat that is climbing on the roof. Draw a fence on both sides of the house. At this stage you can finish the work if you wanted to learn how to draw a house with a pencil. But the colored drawing looks complete and more interesting;

8). Trace the sketch with a pen. Use a pen to draw clouds and grass;

9). Remove the preliminary sketch with an eraser;

10). Use a light brown pencil to color the frames, and a yellow pencil to color the windows;

eleven). Use brown and dark brown pencils to color the logs;

12). Paint the top of the pipe and the round elements of the logs light brown. Paint the chimney and patterns on the house with red, and the window decor and roof with red-brown;

13). Use an emerald colored pencil to color the fence, and an orange pencil to color the cat;

14). Green Shade the grass and blue for the sky and clouds.

Now you know how to draw a house step by step and then color it with colored pencils. Of course, you can make a drawing of a house bright not only with a set of colored pencils, but also with watercolors or gouache. This is one of the simple options.