Genre prose. What is a prose work

  • 09.04.2019

Prose(lat. prōsa) - oral or written language without division into commensurate segments - poetry; in contrast to poetry, its rhythm is based on the approximate correlation of syntactic structures (periods, sentences).

So what is this - prose

It would seem that this is such a simple concept that everyone knows. But this is precisely where the difficulty of describing it lies. It’s easier to define what poetry is. Poetic speech is subject to strict laws and rules.

  1. It is a clear rhythm or meter. Like in a march: one - two, one - two, or like in a dance: one - two - three, one - two - three.
  2. Although an optional condition: Rhyme, that is, words that are consonant in their pronunciation. For example, love is a carrot or prose is a rose, etc.
  3. A certain number of stanzas. Two stanzas are a couplet, four are a quatrain, there are eight stanzas, as well as various combinations of them.

All other written or spoken speech that does not obey these laws is prose. In it, words flow like a full-flowing river, smoothly, freely and independently, obeying only the thoughts and imagination of the author. Prose is a description in simple terms accessible language everything that is around.

There is such a thing as the prose of life. These are everyday, mundane events that happen in people's lives. Writers who describe these events in their works. Writers are called prose writers. You don't have to look far for examples.

All world classic literature, and not only classical. F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy. M. Gorky, N.V. Gogol are great prose writers. Open any of their books, and you will immediately understand what prose is, if you didn’t already know it.

But there are still people in the wide, vast expanses of our Motherland who seriously believe that prose writers are the kind of people who write about ZAEK. Some consider them illiterate and uneducated, others, on the contrary, are original and creative. The choice is yours.

So what is prose? Look carefully, here is an example of a simple prose work. This article. And if someone still doesn’t understand what prose is, then read it again.

Prose is all around us. She is in life and in books. Prose is our everyday language.

Literary prose is a non-rhyming narrative that has no meter (a special form of organization of spoken speech).

A prose work is one written without rhyme, which is its main difference from poetry. Prose works can be both fiction and non-fiction, sometimes they are intertwined, as, for example, in biographies or memoirs.

How did prose, or epic, work arise?

Prose came to the world of literature from Ancient Greece. It was there that poetry first appeared, and then prose as a term. The first prose works were myths, traditions, legends, and fairy tales. These genres were defined by the Greeks as non-artistic, mundane. These were religious, everyday or historical narratives, which were defined as “prosaic”.

In the first place was highly artistic poetry, prose was in second place, as a kind of opposition. The situation began to change only in the second half. Prose genres began to develop and expand. Novels, stories and short stories appeared.

In the 19th century, the prose writer pushed the poet into the background. The novel and short story became the main ones artistic forms in literature. Finally, prose work took its rightful place.

Prose is classified by size: small and large. Let's look at the main artistic genres.

Large prose work: types

A novel is a prose work that is distinguished by the length of the narrative and a complex plot, fully developed in the work, and a novel can also have side plot lines in addition to the main one.

Novelists included Honoré de Balzac, Daniel Defoe, Emily and Charlotte Brontë, Erich Maria Remarque and many others.

Examples of prose works by Russian novelists could form a separate book-list. These are works that have become classics. For example, such as “Crime and Punishment” and “The Idiot” by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, “The Gift” and “Lolita” by Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov, “Doctor Zhivago” by Boris Leonidovich Pasternak, “Fathers and Sons” by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, “Hero of Our Time” Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov and so on.

An epic is larger in volume than a novel, and describes major historical events or responds to national issues, more often than not, both.

The most significant and famous epics in Russian literature are “War and Peace” by Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy, “ Quiet Don"Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov and "Peter the First" by Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

Small prose work: types

Novella - short work, comparable to a story, but more eventful. The story of the novel begins in oral folklore, in parables and legends.

The novelists were Edgar Allan Poe, H.G. Wells; Guy de Maupassant and Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin also wrote short stories.

A story is a short prose work characterized by a small number of characters, one storyline and detailed description details.

Rich in stories by Bunin and Paustovsky.

An essay is a prose work that can easily be confused with a story. But there are still significant differences: the description is only real events, lack of fiction, a combination of fiction and non-fiction literature, as a rule, touching social problems and the presence of greater descriptiveness than in the story.

Essays can be portrait and historical, problematic and travel. They can also mix with each other. For example, a historical essay may also contain a portrait or a problem essay.

An essay is some impressions or reasoning of the author in connection with a specific topic. It has a free composition. This type of prose combines the functions of a literary essay and a journalistic article. May also have something in common with a philosophical treatise.

Average prose genre - story

The story is on the border between a short story and a novel. In terms of volume, it cannot be classified as either a small or a large prose work.

In Western literature the story is called " short novel" Unlike a novel, in a story there is always one story line, but it also develops fully and fully, so it cannot be classified as a short story.

There are many examples of stories in Russian literature. Here are just a few: " Poor Lisa" Karamzin, "The Steppe" by Chekhov, "Netochka Nezvanova" by Dostoevsky, "District" by Zamyatin, "The Life of Arsenyev" by Bunin, " Stationmaster» Pushkin.

IN foreign literature One can name, for example, “René” by Chateaubriand, “The Hound of the Baskervilles” by Conan Doyle, “The Tale of Monsieur Sommer” by Suskind.


Despite the apparent obviousness, there is no clear distinction between the concepts of prose and poetry. There are works that have no rhythm, but are broken into lines and relate to poetry, and vice versa, written in rhyme and with rhythm, but relate to prose (see. Rhythmic prose).


In number literary genres, traditionally classified as prose, include:

see also

  • Intellectual prose
  • Poetic prose


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    See what “Prose” is in other dictionaries: Prose writer...

    Russian word stress

    URL: ... Wikipedia See Poetry and Prose.. At 11 vol.; M.: Publishing House of the Communist Academy, Soviet encyclopedia, Fiction. Edited by V. M. Fritsche, A. V. Lunacharsky. 1929 1939 … Literary encyclopedia

    - (lat.). 1) a simple way of expression, simple speech, not measured, as opposed to poetry, verses. 2) boring, ordinary, everyday, everyday in contrast to the ideal, the highest. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language.... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    - (vital, everyday, life); everyday life, fiction, everyday life, everyday life, everyday trifles Dictionary of Russian synonyms. prose see everyday life Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian I... Synonym dictionary

    PROSE, prose, many. no, female (lat. prosa). 1. Non-poetry literature; ant. poetry. Write in prose. “There are inscriptions above them both in prose and verse.” Pushkin. Modern prose. Pushkin's prose. || All practical, non-fiction literature (outdated).... ... Dictionary Ushakova

    Art * Author * Library * Newspaper * Painting * Book * Literature * Fashion * Music * Poetry * Prose * Public * Dance * Theater * Fantasy Prose Some novels are too bad to be worth printing... But it happens that others... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    prose- y, w. prose f. , lat. prosa. 1. Speech that is not rhythmically organized. ALS 1. Drunk men and excrement of various animals are found in nature; but I would not want to read a living description of them, either in poetry or in prose. 1787. A. A. Petrov to Karamzin. //... Historical Dictionary Gallicisms of the Russian language

    - (Latin prosa), spoken or written speech without division into commensurate segments of poetry. Unlike poetry, it relies on the correlation of syntactic units (paragraphs, periods, sentences, columns). Initially, business,... ... Modern encyclopedia


and. Greek ordinary speech, simple, unmeasured, without size, opposite gender. poetry. There is also measured prose, in which, however, there is no syllable size, but a type of tonic stress, almost like in Russian songs, but much more varied. Prose writer, prose writer, prose writer writing in prose.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


prose, plural no, w. (Latin prosa).

    Non-poetry literature; opposite poetry. Write in prose. Above them are inscriptions both in prose and verse. Pushkin. Modern prose. Pushkin's prose.

    All practical, non-fiction literature (outdated). Until now, our proud language is not accustomed to postal prose. Pushkin.

    trans. Everyday life, everyday life, something that is devoid of color, brightness, liveliness. Among our hypocritical deeds and all sorts of vulgarity and prose. Nekrasov. Prose of life or everyday prose.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


    Non-poetry literature, as opposed to poetry. Fiction. Write in prose.

    trans. Everyday, everyday life. Everyday item of life.

    adj. prosaic, -aya, -oe (to 1 meaning).

New explanatory and word-formative dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    Rhythmically unorganized speech.

    Non-poetry literature.

    trans. decomposition Boring monotony; everyday life, everyday life.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


PROSE (from Latin prosa) oral or written speech without division into commensurate segments - poetry; in contrast to poetry, its rhythm is based on the approximate correlation of syntactic structures (periods, sentences, columns). Initially, business, journalistic, religious-preaching, scientific, memoir-confessional forms developed. Literary prose (short story, novella, novel) is predominantly epic, intellectual, in contrast to lyrical and emotional poetry (but lyrical prose and philosophical lyrics); originated in ancient literature; from the 18th century came to the fore as part of verbal art.


(lat. prosa),

    artistic and non-fictional (scientific, philosophical, journalistic, informational) verbal works that lack the most common feature poetic speech (divided into verses).

    In a narrower and more common sense, it is a type of word art, literature, correlated with poetry, but differing from it in special principles of creation. art world and organization of artistic speech. See Poetry and Prose.



Prose- oral or written speech without division into commensurate segments - poetry; in contrast to poetry, its rhythm is based on the approximate correlation of syntactic structures (periods, sentences, columns). Sometimes the term is used as a contrast fiction in general, scientific or journalistic literature, that is, not related to art.

Examples of the use of the word prose in literature.

She continued the conversation about small things, about mundane things: “However, I got distracted, but the conversation was not about prose, but about poetry.

Generally autobiographical prose, critical articles and poetry constitute for Grigoriev the three cornerstones of his work, being in a peculiar relationship with each other.

If I belonged to the elite, I would spend more money than effort, If I lived in the Paleolithic, I would crush my neighbor’s skull with a club, When I would measure the racetrack in circles, I would show remarkable agility, But if I could suddenly write poetry, I would instantly stop prose speak.

The model reproduces the style and partly the vocabulary of early Anglo-Saxon prose using rhythmic and alliterative techniques.

Rhythmization prose, the alliterations, assonances, and rhymes abundantly found in him, due to the special pathos of his inherent manner, create the impression of floridity, designed for a special effect.

To do this, he used the baggage of metaphors, comparisons, antitheses and other embellishments of classical rhetoric, and borrowed the tool of alliteration from his native poetry to give his prose bright sound color.

That is why cante jondo, and especially sigiriya, gives us the impression of being sung prose: any sense of rhythmic meter is destroyed, although in fact the lyrics are composed of tercets and quatrains with assonant rhyme.

Both then and now the absurdity of such a statement is obvious to me, although Tsirlin was not alone - this was evidenced by the speeches of some historians at the discussion about historical prose.

The poem addressed to Wigel ends with the words: I will be glad to serve you - In verses, prose, with all my soul, But, Vigel - have mercy on my ass!

I love the Gnessin school for the song, for the excess prose, behind yellow, which is presented to November like a bunch of mimosa.

New Age Gothic style became established in the mid-seventies of the eighteenth century, which found expression in prose, poetry and art.

Phillips began to write for tabloid magazines, and, in addition, processed entire mountains of almost hopelessly graphomaniacal prose and the lyrics sent to him by amateur writers who hoped that Phillips's magic pen would help them see their works in print - all this allowed him to lead a fairly independent lifestyle.

The latter will become a characteristic feature of all subsequent autobiographical works Grigoriev in verse and prose.

Only in the early prose Grigoriev, one can detect direct traces of Heine’s influence.

If Guiraldez had not absorbed French metaphorism and American-British structuralism, we would not have had classical Argentine prose!