Lack of water in the body is a symptom in adults. Dehydration - how dangerous is it? Common signs and symptoms of dehydration

  • 15.08.2018

The human body mainly consists of liquid, therefore it is very important for the normal functioning of all vital systems to maintain its amount at the proper level.

What is dehydration?

Dehydration is a decrease in fluid in the human body below the physiological norm. As a result of the loss of water, a person experiences a lack of it, and therefore the water-salt balance is disturbed. It is a balance between the water environment and minerals, which leads to thickening of the blood and an increase in the concentration of cellular elements. How to identify dehydration, what are its symptoms and how to avoid it - the answers to these questions will be discussed below.

What has worked for you against dehydration?

Infusions also take into account the hydration of the body and are in a simple way with which you can easily increase your fluid intake to keep your body hydrated. You do not need to use commercial isotonic drinks, you can prepare your isotonic drink at home. Take tea like tea. ... Human body an adult has approximately 65% ​​water, so this element is its main component. Dehydration is understood as a lack of fluid in the body, which occurs when more water is lost than is supplied, so there is not enough fluid in the body.

Degree of dehydration

There are several degrees of dehydration, these are:

  1. Lightweight form. When about 6% of the total amount of fluid in the body is lost, this is about 1-2 liters.
  2. Medium dehydration. This is a decrease in liquid from 6 to 10%, that is, its loss from 2 to 4 liters.
  3. Severe dehydration. In this case, more than 4 liters of liquid is lost, that is, more than 10%.
  4. Acute dehydration. Loss of more than 10 liters of fluid is life-threatening. This condition can lead to coma or death. Since only a specialist can determine the dehydration of the human body, that is, the degree of dehydration, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor for advice and treatment.

Depending on the salt balance, several types of dehydration are distinguished:

Dehydration can be classified as mild, moderate, or severe based on the percentage of body weight lost with it; severe dehydration can be fatal. Babies, children, the elderly and the sick are exposed increased risk this condition, so they should pay more attention to fluid replacement.

When the body lacks water, it manifests itself through many symptoms. The main cause of mild dehydration is increasingly intense thirst, which can be accompanied by symptoms such as dry and sticky mouth, infrequent urination, dark yellow urine, and headaches.

  1. Isotonic, when the salt composition of the blood is normal.
  2. Hypertensive, when the concentration of salt in the blood is increased.
  3. Hypotonic when the amount of salt is low.

How does fluid loss affect the human body from the inside?

Before you can determine dehydration in a child or an adult, you need to understand how it works inside the body. The liquid is contained not only in all cells of the human body, but also outside them. The environment contains mineral salts: sodium and potassium (electrolytes), which are necessary for important body processes. When water is removed from cells and tissues, then, accordingly, the amount of electrolytes decreases, the cells literally "dry out". All this leads to the failure of all working systems of the body and subsequently to serious diseases.

If dehydration increases, the following problems may occur. In more severe cases, delusion and unconsciousness. It is believed that medical attention should be used during times of extreme thirst accompanied by lack of urine, dizziness, and confusion.

Dehydration treatment

The only way to treat a dehydration condition is to replace the missing body fluids and the corresponding electrolytes, minerals present in body fluids. However, treatment will be applied based on the characteristics of the patient and the degree of dehydration they are in.

When does dehydration occur?

If a lack of water in the body leads to serious human diseases, then, in turn, being saturated with fluids is an excellent way to maintain health. How to determine dehydration, what are the signs of this negative process?

  1. With profuse vomiting and diarrhea.
  2. With intestinal obstruction.
  3. With peritonitis.
  4. For large burns.
  5. With pancreatitis.
  6. With increased urination.
  7. At high temperatures, etc.

Dehydration or loss of fluid in the body can occur with extreme heat, when a person sweats a lot, with physical activity or hard work, with alcohol abuse, with certain diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus, etc.

In a soft situation the best way the treatment is drinking water in small sips or sucking on ice cubes, which will provide progressive and refreshing hydration. There are also oral rehydration solutions for sale in pharmacies that contain both water and salts that will need to be replenished. It is especially recommended for infants and dehydrated children, as well as in the case of suffering from passions such as vomiting or diarrhea, in which a large amount of fluid is lost.

On the other hand, severe dehydration will require a medical emergency, during which the patient will be given fluids and salts intravenously rather than orally. The best remedy for this condition is, undoubtedly, prevention. We must drink enough fluids every day and also help us with water-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables. Thirst should be our reference when it comes to swallowing liquids, but it is best not to wait for it to be very hot or when we exercise so we can avoid the scary too.

How do you know if your body is getting enough fluid?

Dehydration can present with atypical signs, such as chronic fatigue and constant feeling hunger. These symptoms are associated with a large accumulation in the body for the removal of which fluid is needed, which the body does not receive. Slagging is also an atypical feature. Due to the lack of fluid in the cells, sodium is retained, which contributes to clogging. A large number of toxins causes headaches, offensive sweat, constipation. An unhealthy complexion appears.

Risk of dehydration and sun exposure

Dehydration and heatstroke are two very common heat-related diseases that can be life-threatening if left untreated. Dehydration is a heat-related illness that can be serious as well as dangerous side effect diarrhea, vomiting, and fever. Children and people over the age of 60 are especially susceptible to dehydration.

What Causes Dehydration?

IN normal conditions we all lose water from our bodies on a daily basis through sweat, tears, urine and feces. Have healthy person this water is restored by eating fluids and eating foods that contain water. When a person becomes very ill due to fever, diarrhea or vomiting, or when someone is exposed to excessive sun exposure, dehydration occurs. This occurs when the body loses basic water and salts such as sodium, potassium, calcium bicarbonate, and phosphates.

What symptoms will help to understand whether the body needs fluid, how to determine it? Dehydration suggests the following symptoms:

  1. Dry mouth and constant desire to drink. The amount of water drunk by a person should correspond to his load. Sometimes the thirst is quenched very quickly, and it happens that you have to drink more fluids so that the dryness disappears.
  2. Weakness, constant yawning. This symptom is felt when the human body does not receive the substances necessary for normal functioning. Water is also part of the required components. To feel good, a person must eat well, that is, eat and drink, and eat in moderation.
  3. Loss of appetite. During dehydration, the body does not feel like eating. But some diseases can also affect it - stress, etc.
  4. An increase in body temperature, which must be reduced in various ways.

Emergency room treatment

Sometimes, dehydration can be caused by medications such as diuretics, which deplete body fluids and electrolytes. Regardless of the cause, dehydration should be treated as soon as possible. However, everyone can experience them in a different way. Confusion. Mouth and dry mucous membranes. Increased heart rate and respiration.

  • Less frequent urination.
  • Dry skin.
  • Fatigue.
  • Dizziness.
  • Seasickness.
In children, additional symptoms may include.

In addition to the above symptoms, dizziness, tachycardia, or chills may occur with dehydration. It can also lead to such serious troubles as shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, fever. With a strong loss of water in the body, nausea and vomiting, convulsions may begin. With these symptoms, you should call a doctor. To restore the body, the doctor will most likely use an intravenous drip with a saline solution. This treatment should be carried out within the walls of the hospital, such patients are not left at home.

Apathy. Irritability. Skin that does not return to its place when compressed and released.

  • Dry mouth and tongue.
  • You have no tears when you cry.
  • Do not wash diapers for more than 3 hours.
  • Sharpened eyes, cheeks, or abdomen.
  • Heat.
Symptoms of dehydration may mimic other conditions or medical problems. Always consult your doctor for a diagnosis.

If detected early, dehydration can usually be treated at home as recommended by your doctor. In children, nutritional and fluid instructions may differ depending on the cause of dehydration, so it is important to check with your child's pediatrician. In the case of moderate dehydration, it is recommended to rehydrate simply by drinking fluids. Many sports drinks on the market can effectively replenish fluids, electrolytes, and salt balance.

Dehydration in infants

Children are more prone to dehydration than adults. How to tell if a baby is dehydrated? The main signs and symptoms are:

  1. The baby's diaper stays dry for more than 6 hours.
  2. The urine looks darker and has a specific odor.
  3. Dry lips and mouth of a nursing child.
  4. Lethargy.
  5. No tears when crying.

Not everyone knows how to identify the symptoms of severe water loss? Dehydration in a grade 3 infant manifests itself as follows:

If dehydration is mild, intravenous fluids may be required, although if found earlier, simple rehydration may be effective. Cases of severe dehydration should be treated as a medical emergency for hospital treatment and intravenous fluids as needed.

How can you prevent dehydration?

Take precautions to avoid the harmful effects of dehydration, including. Try to plan physical exercise outdoors during cold hours of the day. Take appropriate sports drinks to maintain electrolyte balance. Do not try to make liquid or salt solutions for children at home.

  • Drink plenty of fluids, especially when working or playing in the sun.
  • Be sure to drink more fluids than you are losing.
Heatstroke is the most severe form of heat illness and is life threatening.

  1. Sunken eyes.
  2. Coldness of the arms and legs.
  3. Marble leather.
  4. Dizziness and delirium.
  5. Excessive fussiness or, conversely, drowsiness.

What if the child is dehydrated?

In babies, dehydration occurs very quickly. Therefore, if any serious signs appear, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor for help, since only a doctor can determine if a child is dehydrated or this is another disease. Fluids may need to be given intravenously until the correct body water balance is achieved.

This occurs as a result of prolonged and extreme exposure to the sun, during which a person does not sweat enough to lower their body temperature. The elderly, children, people who work outdoors, and those taking certain types of medications are more susceptible to heatstroke. It is a rapidly developing condition that requires immediate medical attention.

What is the cause of insolation?

Our bodies produce great amount internal heat, and we usually cool ourselves through sweat and irradiate heat through the skin. However, under certain circumstances, such as intense heat, high humidity or intense activity under the sun, this cooling system can begin to malfunction, allowing heat to build up to dangerous levels.

Dehydration in children with diarrhea

Very often, diarrhea and vomiting can cause dehydration in children. This occurs with poisoning or various pathologies. Reception of some medications sometimes only exacerbates this problem. The loss of fluid and, accordingly, occurs very quickly. Therefore, you need to immediately identify the causes of these symptoms and take measures to eliminate them.

What are the symptoms of sunstroke?

If a person becomes dehydrated and cannot sweat to cool their body, their internal temperatures rise to dangerous levels, causing sunstroke. Dry and hot skin that is red but not sweaty. High body temperature. Loss of consciousness. Rapid heartbeat. Hallucinations.

  • Headache.
  • Confusion, agitation, or confusion.
  • Lethargy or tiredness.
Symptoms sunstroke may resemble other conditions or medical problems.

It is important for the person to take immediate treatment as sunlight can cause permanent damage or death. There are some immediate first aid measures you can take while you wait for help, including. Strain and apply gently cold water on your skin, then shake it to stimulate sweating.

  • Take the person to an area that is not outside.
  • Apply ice packs to groin and armpits.
  • Place the person in a cool area with their legs slightly raised.
Intravenous fluids are often needed to compensate for fluid or electrolyte leakage.

Since only a doctor can determine dehydration in a child with diarrhea, you must immediately contact him for help. Severe dehydration with diarrhea can lead to serious consequences, such as kidney failure.

There are rules that must be followed. A child under the age of 6 months should consume about 1 liter of water per day. These are juices, tea, breast milk as well as liquid found in fruits, berries, or other foods. When a child has diarrhea and vomiting, his small body can quickly be left without it. After all, a lot of liquid comes out together with feces. And if the child still has a fever, then this completely exacerbates the situation. Doctors advise giving the child more to drink, it certainly will not get worse.

How can you avoid sunburn?

Bed linen is generally recommended and body temperature can fluctuate abnormally for several weeks after sun exposure. There are precautions that can help protect you from adverse effects sunlight... These include the following.

Avoid tea, coffee, soda, and alcohol as they can cause dehydration. Protect yourself from the sun by wearing a hat, sunglasses and an umbrella. Gradually increase your time outdoors to get your body used to the heat. During classes on fresh air Rest frequently for a drink and spray your body with a spray to prevent overheating. Try to spend as much time at home as possible on the hottest and wettest days.

  • Drink plenty of fluids during outdoor activities, especially on hot days.
  • Water and sports drinks are the most suitable drinks.
  • Wear lightweight clothing, heavy, loose fabrics and light colors.
  • Schedule outdoor activities during the coolest hours of the day.
If you live in an area with a hot climate and you chronic illness, talk to your doctor about additional precautions you can take to protect yourself from heatstroke.

To prevent dehydration of the child's body too quickly, it is necessary to give the baby 1-2 teaspoons of water every 10 minutes. This will replenish fluid loss without causing repeated vomiting. Breastfeeding women need to apply the baby to the breast more often during this period.

How to prevent dehydration of the child's body?

Make sure your child is drinking enough fluids, especially when they are sick. This will be a serious obstacle to loss, since it will not be possible to determine dehydration immediately. Give your baby plenty of water. If he likes various juices, then it is necessary to dilute them with water. In no case do not offer your baby carbonated drinks, they are of no benefit, and on top of that, they still have a detrimental effect on the condition of the teeth.

In summer and on hot days, we are much more likely to suffer from dehydration. Therefore, when exercising, we must monitor our body in order to avoid a decrease in the water level in the body. These are the main symptoms of dehydration and some tips to prevent it. Thirst is the main symptom of mild dehydration. Dehydration occurs when fluid excretion exceeds consumption. If water loss is important, we may have serious problems with health.

Feeling confused and tired is another symptom of dehydration. Keep in mind that a dehydration rate of more than 2% reduces short-term memory capacity. Drowsiness or migraine are other associated symptoms. The first physical signs Moderate dehydration is usually a dry nose and tongue, sometimes accompanied by a lack of tears or discoloration in the urine. Bad and dark urine is another symptom, and dehydration is especially harmful for people with kidney failure.

When your child is sick, soft drinks can help relieve the condition. But you should avoid citrus, orange and grapefruit juices, as these drinks can cause itching and burning of the baby's mouth.

Features of dehydration in animals. Comparison of traits with human disease

Cats are living things, and malfunctions in the body can occur for various reasons. Dehydration of the body in animals can occur for the same reasons as in humans. They can get sick or overheat. How to identify dehydration in a cat, what are the symptoms of this condition? The classic feature dehydration is a loss If you take the cat by the withers and gently pull it, then after lowering it, it will quickly return to its original position. And with dehydration of the feline body, the skin takes on its original appearance enough long time... If the drawn area remains in the same position, then the animal has a severe degree of dehydration, it must be urgently shown to the veterinarian. Other symptoms of dehydration in a cat include:

  1. Dry and sticky gums.
  2. Lethargy, apathy.
  3. Refusal to eat.

Causes of dehydration in cats:

  1. Diarrhea.
  2. Vomit.
  3. Increased body temperature.
  4. Injury.
  5. Overheat.
  6. Various diseases.

Before diagnosing dehydration in a cat or cat, you need to see your veterinarian. He will say for sure whether this is so or not, and will prescribe the necessary treatment. In adult mammals, such as dogs, fluid makes up about 65% of the total body weight. Animals deprived of water die in very short time... A well-fed dog can withstand fasting with water for a long time, but without it it will not last even 10 days. The loss of 10% of fluid in animals causes severe pathological consequences, and the loss of water in the body in excess of this figure leads to death.

Before determining if a dog is dehydrated, it is important to understand how fluid enters its body. Water enters the body of a dog or cat with drinking and food, after which it is absorbed by the intestines unchanged. The need for liquid varies depending on the composition of the feed, the physiological state of the animal, weather conditions and habitat. For example, when feeding a dog or cat with dry food, increased physical activity and hot weather, the need for water increases several times.

In animals, there are several degrees of dehydration; at home, it is quite difficult to determine the stage of dehydration on your own. The condition of the dog should be monitored constantly. Signs of fluid loss:

  1. Lethargy, bad mood.
  2. Decreased or complete lack of appetite.
  3. Vomiting or loose stools.
  4. Fever, etc.

To avoid dehydration, everyone needs to drink plenty of fluids, this applies to both people and animals. But not only this will help to cope with the problem. Ventilate the area frequently, eat healthy foods and clean water, wear clothes from natural materials and etc.

Many people do not even know what dehydration actually is, the symptoms of which are quite easy to identify.

As soon as the first signs of this deviation appeared, it is necessary to immediately begin to correct the situation so that the person's condition does not worsen and the consequences of dehydration do not begin to develop.

Causes of dehydration

The most common factor that leads to this condition is a long period when water does not enter the body. But there are other causes of dehydration as well.

For example, there are many diseases that have symptoms associated with a lack of fluid in the human body. For example, such diseases are acute forms of various pathological processes in the organs of the digestive system. Most often this happens if a person has a liquid stool. Then he loses a significant amount of moisture. The same happens with emetic attacks. When a person vomits, they lose moisture from the esophagus and stomach, and dehydration with diarrhea sets in even faster. Various infectious diseases can also lead to dehydration. This is due to the fact that a person's body temperature rises, he begins to sweat and loses moisture. In addition, water is released through the respiratory tract in the form of phlegm and mucus.

In addition to diseases, dehydration can be caused by a variety of drinks. For example, many soda, tea, beer, coffee, and spirits contain more than just water. They contain small doses chemical substances, which accelerate the process of removing fluid from the body. As a result, if you drink them, the body receives less water. By the way, almost all people with colds and other diseases respiratory system try to drink as much hot tea as possible. In fact, it leads to increased sweating of a person, and then the body loses fluid again.

Dehydration can be caused by the use of various medications. In order for the body to assimilate any substance, it is required to spend water. So do not be surprised that during the treatment of any disease, the patient loses even more moisture. Dehydration after such procedures must be treated immediately, otherwise the treatment process will be delayed for a long time.

Types and degrees of dehydration

There are several types of dehydration. The first type is hypertensive. It characterizes severe dehydration in humans. It is known as intracellular. It arises from direct fluid loss, for example, after diarrhea, vomiting, hyperhidrosis and other pathological diseases. There is a hypotonic type of dehydration. It is also called extracellular or hypoosmic. This condition occurs when a person loses a significant amount of electrolytes compared to a lack of water. This is most often due to vomiting. In this case, the osmotic type of blood fluid concentration begins to drop sharply. There is also an isotonic type of dehydration. It occurs when the body loses a commensurate amount of both moisture and electrolytes.

Degrees of dehydration are also distinguished. They are calculated to establish the ratio of a person's weight before diarrhea or vomiting and after these symptoms. There are 3 degrees of severity of the disease. The first degree is considered easier. In this case, the weight of a person is reduced to 5%. In the second stage, which is known as the average, a person loses no more than 9% of their own weight. At the most severe degree of dehydration, he can lose more than 9% of his weight. If about 20% of water in relation to body weight has left the human body, then various metabolic disorders develop. If this ratio is more than 20%, then a lethal outcome is possible.

If there is no clear data on the weight of a person before the onset of dehydration, then the degree of development of the pathology can be determined by clinical signs and indicators. For example, mild dehydration is considered the most common form of dehydration in children after diarrhea. It occurs in 90 percent of all cases with such a pathology. The main feature in this case, it is intense thirst. At the same time, a person can lose weight only by 2% of own weight... Despite the lack of moisture, the eyes and mouth will be moisturized so that their mucous membranes will not be damaged. Vomiting attacks are rare, and diarrhea attacks occur every 6-7 hours.

With the second degree of dehydration, which is considered medium shape, the stool becomes mushy. Weight loss will be up to 9% of the starting figure. Moreover, this form develops in 1-2 days. In the stool, you can find food leftovers that have not been digested. There may be an urge to defecate up to 10 times per day. Vomiting at this stage is already becoming a fairly common occurrence. If a person has lost 7% of body weight as a whole, he will experience slight dryness and thirst. Dryness will also apply to the mucous membranes of various organs. In addition, the patient is mildly anxious. The pulse becomes unstable and the heart rate increases. When the weight loss rate reaches 9%, all signs of dehydration become more pronounced. Saliva will be very viscous, the skin ceases to be elastic, its tone is lost. Starts to get worse muscle tone... The fontanelle of the foreground begins to sink. The eyes become soft. The skin takes on a bluish tint. Urination becomes insufficient. Symptoms appear that the process of circulation of the tissue plan is disrupted.

The most severe form of the disease develops even when the liquid form of the stool leaves a person more than 10-12 times a day. Vomiting at this stage becomes permanent. Many people know what dehydration is, the symptoms of which are not so striking. However, later stages are very dangerous for humans, so it is better not to delay the treatment of pathology. Weight loss will be more than 10% of the total weight. Dryness of the membranes is felt in the mouth, the code ceases to be smooth and elastic. If you pull it back or pinch it a little, then it takes a very long time to recover to its previous state. Facial expressions cease to exist on a person's face. The eye pits are strongly sunken. By the way, excessive dryness is also felt in the eyes. The skin is called marbled. Blood pressure ratios begin to drop slowly. Signs appear white spot if the patient has dehydration, the symptoms of which are severe enough. There will be small amounts of urine when urinating. Acidosis develops. The heartbeat speeds up greatly. As a result, the patient develops into a state of shock. This is due to the fact that the volume of blood that must circulate through the body decreases.

Dehydration symptoms

Dehydration in adults and children can manifest itself in different ways. In addition, the manifestation of this disease is influenced by the degree, types and forms of the disease. For example, if a patient has a hypertensive form of dehydration, then it will develop rapidly. By the way, dehydration in a child will be less active at the very beginning. With the hypertensive form of the disease, the onset of its manifestation will be very sharp and acute for the patient, and the course of this form of the disease will also remain very stormy. First, the person will be thirsty. He feels dry mouth and nose. Then there is lethargy, fatigue, fatigue, lack of desire to do anything, complete apathy, which can be replaced by irritability or other type of excitement. But then the patient will again experience a breakdown. In some cases, muscle spasms are noticeable. Consciousness becomes confused. Fainting is possible. The state of coma progresses. The skin becomes sluggish, tight and dry. The patient has hyperthermia. When you urinate, not enough moisture is released, making your urine more concentrated. The amount of moisture in the blood also decreases. In some cases, tachycardia develops. The patient's breathing becomes faster.

With a hypotonic type of dehydration, the disease itself will develop rather slowly. This is due to the fact that the person is constantly vomiting, and this is the main reason... The main signs of the disease are considered to be a decrease in the indicators of elasticity, elasticity, and density of the skin. In addition, the moisture indicator of the epithelium also begins to gradually decrease. All these trends apply to the state eyeballs... Signs of circulatory disorders are noticeable. In the blood fluid, when diagnosing the state of the human body, it will be possible to see that the content of nitrogenous type metabolites has increased. Kidney functionality is gradually impaired. The same processes occur with the patient's brain. When analyzing the blood fluid, you will notice that the amount of moisture that should be contained in it has decreased. By the way, with a hypotonic type of dehydration, a person does not feel thirsty, and water or other drinks cause him not only nausea, but also vomiting. The contractile abilities of the heart gradually fade away, but at the same time the heartbeat accelerates. Shortness of breath develops a little later, and in more severe forms, suffocation.

With the isotonic type of dehydration, the patient will experience manifestations of the disease, but they will be more moderate. Signs begin to show that the person has metabolic problems. The heart rate increases. By the way, when listening, it will be possible to determine that the tones of the heart become more muffled than they should be in a person without loss of moisture in the human body.

Diagnosis and treatment of human dehydration

To determine the level of dehydration, its form and degree, it is necessary to pay attention to the symptoms. In addition, several laboratory tests should be performed to confirm the diagnosis. For example, the most important data will not be obtained when examining the patient himself, but when conducting tests that will help determine what degree of density of the blood fluid. So it will be possible to determine what kind of water loss from the patient's blood. Then it is imperative to pay attention to the quantitative indicator of erythrocytes and their frequency for a certain volume of fluid. In addition, it is very important to study the amount of electrolytes that are contained in the plasma, and then establish their concentration index.

There are many developed medications that the doctor prescribes when diagnosing dehydration. If a person has a more severe form of the disease, he has signs of a crisis of a hypovolemic nature, then he is prescribed albumin and others similar funds... So the introduction of sols is required in turn. This is necessary in order to restore blood circulation and its volumes, as well as improve the circulation of fluid in the intercellular space. In addition, various solutions are administered to the patient, which contain salts and glucose. The physician must constantly monitor the volume and concentration of all fluids that enter the body through the veins. Whether dextrose or saline solutions need to be injected, the doctor determines based on the type of dehydration of the patient. It is necessary to pay attention to whether a lack of moisture or electrolytes in the patient is observed.

The patient can be treated with both oral and parenteral methods. It depends on the degree of dehydration, the age of the patient, and metabolic problems. For example, if the patient has the first degree of the disease, then oral medication is prescribed. It may also be acceptable in some cases of the second degree of severity of the disease. In this case, solutions are used that contain salts and glucose. Also, for oral treatment, solutions are prescribed that do not contain salts. For example, a light tea is suitable for the patient. You can add lemon wedges to it. In addition, you can brew various decoctions and make tinctures of various herbs that treat the state of lack of moisture in the body. You can drink decoctions based on some vegetables and cereals. These are the means of traditional medicine, which have long been tested by time. In addition, various fruit and vegetable juices are suitable for the patient. They must be fresh. In this case, the juice must be mixed with clean water in equal proportions, otherwise it will not be able to be absorbed in the body. Ordinary compotes will do as well. It is allowed to drink mineral water.