How to draw a portrait of a person with acrylic paints in stages. Oil painting portrait for beginners

  • 26.07.2021

Many dreamed in childhood to learn how to draw well with paints on canvas. But not everyone has this dream come true.

Perhaps you didn't have time for art school, or you didn't have enough talent, and you eventually gave up on this idea, devoting yourself to more needed things. But if you still cherish the desire to learn how to paint with watercolors, the following recommendations may be useful to you.

Watercolors are the paints preferred by most artists. There are many techniques for painting with these paints, with which you can create beautiful drawings even without special skills. Below we will look at how to paint a portrait in watercolor step by step.


In order to make a portrait in watercolor, you need to have several brushes. You may not need some of them in the future, but in the initial stages it is better to purchase them. Some artists use only one brush, but this requires some experience.

Everyone chooses a set for themselves. Some people prefer artificial hair brushes. Natural wool, for example, goats, also has good reviews. These brushes are popular in China.

Whichever brush you choose, it takes time to get used to it.


If you are a beginner or have little experience, it is recommended to sketch the future painting in pencil before starting to work with watercolor.

I must say that some people prefer to work without sketching, as sometimes the pencil lines show through in the final picture. And some are just more comfortable.

But in cases where maximum similarity and detail is required, it is better to draw the base with a pencil.


When the pencil drawing is acceptable to you, you can start applying the first coat of watercolor paint. Use classic colors: blue, red, yellow, blue, brown.

A mixture of blue and gray works well for backgrounds. If you need to portray a person in different positions, start applying paint from the head. And then, while the paint is drying, make a background.

Apply the first coat of paint to the rest of the drawing. When everything is dry, proceed to the second layer. Remember that when the painting is dry, it will look lighter, as some of it will be absorbed into the paper.

Lastly, add shadows and deepen the facial features. It is very important to be careful at this stage so as not to spoil all the work done.

Portrait painting tools

Now, using an example, we will analyze how to draw a portrait in watercolor.

To get started, prepare the following materials:

  • Pencil B or HB.
  • Watercolors in the following colors: cadmium orange, natural sienna, cadmium yellow, cobalt blue, lamp black, lemon yellow, burnt sienna, burnt umber, vermilion, carmine, blue or violet ultramarine, gummigut, natural umber.
  • Brushes: medium, fine.

Drawing a portrait together

So, to paint a portrait in watercolor step by step, follow these guidelines.

Here's a portrait of a girl in watercolor. By this principle, with a little practice, you can paint portraits even from nature or from memory.

How to paint flowers in watercolor

Flowers surround us all the time. They give us beauty and inspiration, delight our eyes, and bouquets of flowers are the perfect gift.

And painted portraits of flowers in watercolor will become a wonderful decoration for your wall. The technique of painting flowers is not very different from the portrait technique. It is advisable to make a sketch with a simple pencil, and then layer by layer apply watercolor of the desired shades.

Remember to do shading to give volume and depth to the image in the painting.

ATTENTION!!! Only on our website you can order a video in which the main stages of creating your portrait will be filmed. A video camera was installed during the artist's work. HD recording quality. You can download the video to your computer or other device. Video recording and portrait are great gifts for any occasion! The price for this service is indicated in the "Prices" section.

Are you tired of thinking about what to give your loved one or loved one? Maybe an original surprise is suitable as a gift? Most likely, it is the portrait that will pleasantly surprise your friend on a holiday, for example, on his birthday? It is good that you have come to our site and are reading this text. On our website you can order portrait from photo with oil paints any size, starting with a size of 20x30 cm (landscape sheet) and ending with sizes over a meter. Oil portrait is not only interior decoration in your apartment.

To order a portrait with paints means to receive a work that has a family, material value. Our artist Dmitry Vladimirovich Revyakin is a famous painter, and the prices for his works are growing from year to year. By placing an order on our website, you will receive not only a well-done work, but also the artist's autograph (Dmitry's signature is placed in the lower right corner of the picture), because many art lovers keep pictures and pass them on from generation to generation.

Watercolor portrait from a photo to order

Color portraits can be made using various graphic and painting materials, for example, watercolor, tempera; oil paints. At first glance, it may seem that it is too easy to purchase a painting with watercolors. In reality, finding a good watercolor artist is quite difficult. Such painting consists in light, glazed and transparent performance. It is important to convey glare, reflexes, color, semi-light, contrasts in a painting. Not just an artist, but rather a master who owns the technique of painting and academic drawing, can qualitatively depict a portrait from a photograph.

Usually, an artist, a master of his craft, shows in his work not only the similarity with the photo, but also the character of a person, his features, and the inner world. A portrait with oil paints is an ideal gift for a loved one. You can choose a category of portraits and order any format. On our website, for the convenience of calculating funds, all paintings, in accordance with the volume of the artist's work, are divided into the following categories: vip, deluxe, premium, standard, economy. To order a painting from a photo means not only to save time (after all, it is not necessary to pose at all), but also to save money. In the section "PRICES" you just need to choose the category of the portrait, determine the size and call us on the number: 8 968 858 34 78
or write to email: [email protected] Call for any question and you will definitely be answered within 6 hours.

Portrait with oil paints from a photo to order

Oil painting on canvas costs a little more than watercolor portrait, but the additional cost will meet your expectations. Oil painting on canvas is a job for a master with vast experience. Our artist Dmitry Revyakin paints pictures, landscapes and portraits in any style and is famous for the quality of work. To order a painting cheaply on another website means to put yourself at risk, because the quality of work performance can significantly deteriorate, and the shelf life of finished works is reduced to a minimum. We use expensive materials, and we prepare the canvases by hand. Strong stretchers, high-quality canvas processing, expensive paints, thinners and varnishes are all necessary materials to create an excellent portrait. The advantage of ordering on our website is the fact that you do not need to buy materials for the artist or order a frame for a painting. All costs are already included in the price of your order, and you can choose the frame together with the artist to your taste.

Why is a photo different from painting? Why do we recommend purchasing a painting, and not a photo printing?
Typically, ordinary photography does not recognize tints and complex color combinations. Most often, the tone in photography is the same foreground and background, there is no aerial perspective, which is especially appreciated in painting. An oil portrait conveys the personality of a person, in the picture you can depict objects that will serve as a hint about the profession and hobbies of the person being portrayed.

Taking a good picture of a portrait can be more difficult than painting it with paints. This is due to the fact that the camera changes color and coloring of the portrait depending on the lighting. A photograph cannot convey the same colors and tones that are in a portrait. In addition, the camera distorts the contour of the face and in some places the sharpness. All this leads to the fact that the photo does not at all look like a real portrait. It is very difficult for a customer to explain this effect, because a person has never encountered this problem. Most often, the customer trusts the photograph, and not the words of the artist. That is why it is more expedient to show the portrait "live", and not in the photo. Showing a portrait can be compared to measuring a dress or suit. Until you try it on, you don't know if the suit fits or not. It's the same with a portrait - until you see it live, you don't understand whether a person is similar or not. The portrait and paintings should only be viewed live!
Our site shows examples of portraits, but believe me, in fact, they look much brighter. And, no matter how hard the photographer tries, an oil portrait looks many times better than in a photograph.

You can order a portrait in the technique of Dutch masters or the direction of impressionism on our website. To order a portrait in oil from a photo, you need a little:
- go to the section "Prices" (from the main page),
- choose the size of the future portrait and the category (the more expensive, the better the portrait is),
- call or write to Dmitry Revyakin, our artist (he will tell and explain everything).
An oil portrait from a vip or deluxe photo can be performed on condition that you provide a photo with a close-up photo of a person's face. The image is a face, the person's hairstyle should not be cropped by the edges of the photo. You can send for selection by mail not one, but several photos of the person being portrayed, with a note on the one that you like best.
Below you can see examples of photographs and portraits with oil paints (you can flip through the album).

You can keep the intrigue of the gift, because it is a great surprise. Of course, you don't need to pose to create a picture, for this you send a photo. All you need is a photo with good sharpness, which can be sent by email. mail. If you doubt the expediency of an order due to unclear moments for you, then call us and we will tell you about all the features of the work. Call 8 968 858 34 78.

Watch a video of how portraits are created from photography with oil and watercolors:

Oil painting is a laborious process that requires maximum concentration from the artist. Such work may take more than one day, so make your request in advance, do not postpone it. It can take an artist from several hours to several weeks to paint with oil paints. The more time the master spends on details and glaze layers of paint (this is a very thin layer), the larger and better the portrait will become. We recommend you portraits of the VIP, Deluxe and Premium categories. The works of these categories can be performed in various topics, with detail, in super quality. There are various techniques, for example, "Along the raw A la Prima" in one coat of paint or in several layers. If you need a portrait urgently, we will try to get the job done as quickly as possible. There were times when the customer took the painting in a day in its raw form.

Any painting (portrait or landscape) is sensitive to external conditions that affect its durability. We propose to cover your portrait with varnish, which will protect the painting from negative influences - light, moisture, dust. A portrait with watercolors, at your request, can be framed under glass. For a portrait with oil paints, the frame is selected individually. The selection of the frame depends on the color of the picture, its general tone and many other factors.

You can order any frame - from simple narrow to wide with stucco and beautiful patterns.

If you decide to make a gift to yourself or to people close to you, then do not postpone until the last day, call now at 8 968 858 34 78. The sooner you contact the famous artist Dmitry Revyakin and send photos for your future drawing, the more time the master will have to create high-quality painting. It also happens that you do not have suitable photographs to work on a portrait. In this case, we can organize absolutely free photography.

You can order:

  • a portrait from a photograph of a person close to you;
  • family portrait from a photo;
  • portrait of an animal;
  • portrait for passing exams at the art and graphic faculty;
  • portrait with a plot.

Artist Dmitry Revyakin will make the most complex portrait with paints, even from black and white photography. To do this, you need to additionally describe the color of the eyes, hair or clothing, the features of the person being portrayed. Such details, additional information can be discussed in advance, for example, what color will be the background or the general color of the picture.

Applications for a portrait from a photograph on canvas are accepted at least one day in advance, and the deadline is 1-5 days. All questions of interest can be asked by phone: 8-968-858-34-78. Information on the cost of work is presented in the corresponding section of the site -

If you dream of learning how to paint a portrait in watercolor, but are afraid that you will not succeed, first drop your fears and start reading this article. Here are simple and straightforward guidelines to help you pick up brushes and paints and get started.

What materials will be needed

Before you start painting a portrait in watercolor, you need to prepare the necessary materials for this:

Preliminary work

2. Now we begin to paint the portrait in watercolor. And the first thing that needs to be done is to apply a light, transparent underpainting to the paper with paints. For the face, we dilute with water cadmium orange or ocher (the paint should be very watery, pale). We paint over the face with wide strokes; in place of the glare, the paper should remain intact. Then we select other colors and brush through the hair and clothes, also leaving the lightest areas untouched.

3. Now you need to deal with the eyes and lips. What is your model's eye color? Pick the desired paint, dilute it with water until it becomes pale and paint over the iris of the eyes in the portrait. Do the same with the lips.

4. Apply shadows to the face. To do this, add a little burnt sienna to our diluted pale cadmium or ocher. Shadows at this stage should also be applied very lightly, not at full strength. In fact, they should only slightly differ in tone from the first paint layer. Please note that, therefore, you need to monitor the shades that are reflected on the skin of the model's face. For example, on one side, warm light from red curtains can fall on the face, glare from clothes of cold tones can be reflected on the chin, etc. This should be taken into account and try to display in a portrait using additional colors.

5. Next, we begin to understand the shadows more thoroughly. We are looking for the darkest places on the cheekbones, on the lips, on the sides and wings of the nose, near the hair, etc. It is with the help of shadows that the face is modeled and volume is given to it. The main principle in watercolor painting is to always move from lighter to darker.

6. We are looking for the lightest intermediate tones between shadow and light. On the face, where the light falls on it, there are also places that are darker and lighter. We follow the play of light and try to repeat it on paper.

7. We work with hair and clothes according to the same principle as with the face.

8. At the final stage of work on the portrait, you need to take the thinnest brush and use it to trim small details and lines: individual strands of hair, eyelashes, lip line. Always remember that when working with watercolors, even in the darkest places, the paint must remain transparent.

9. It is best to work on the background in parallel with the whole portrait, but you can leave it for later. The main thing is that the background should not be worked out more than the face, but negligence is also inappropriate here.


We hope you have learned in general terms how to paint a portrait in watercolor. Well, now it's up to practice, because only direct work with will give you self-confidence, as well as the necessary experience and skill. I wish you creative success!

master class in watercolor

« The only expression allowed in portrait painting is an expression that conveys character and moral qualities and no temporary, fleeting, accidental grimace"(E. Burne-Jones).

The PORTRET-ART workshop offers you a master class on drawing a portrait with watercolors.

To create a portrait, we need:

Paper or cardboard

A watercolor portrait is performed on a special watercolor paper, pre-stretched on a stretcher. There are different types of such paper (you can find out more about this in any art store). Let's just say that Portret-Art recommends working on Torchon watercolor paper.

Brushes - brushes must be made from natural materials (squirrel, marten, badger or ferret)


· Pure water

And, directly, watercolor paint.

construction and technique

Before starting work, carefully study the photo. Always start building with the shape of the head, oval of the face. First, determine the height (distance from the chin to the crown of the head) and the width of the head. Then you need to find the middle line, as a rule, this is the approximate line of the eyes (but not in my case, since a complex angle was chosen and the reduction is taking place). Make the lines light, do not press on the pencil (we recommend using a soft pencil), do not forget that the main work will be done with watercolor paint, obvious "black" lines can affect the accuracy and quality of your work.

After the line of the eyes is determined, we outline the lines of the nose, lips, eyebrows. We outline the shadows and highlights. At this stage, it is already possible to schematically show the shape of the nose, lips, eyebrows and eyes. Never start drawing a portrait with an eye, eyelashes and other small details - in case of a mistake (and everyone is wrong) it will be difficult to fix anything. With thin lines, we are looking for a shape.

The work is carried out by the general masses, we must not get ahead of ourselves. We work with the proportions of the entire spot.

detailing the drawing with watercolors

We draw the details. This stage is the most difficult, because it is now necessary to achieve maximum similarity. It is important to convey the character of a person. The main thing is not to forget to make measurements that allow you to determine the relationship of certain parts to each other (see).

Now, it's time to draw all the small elements. In order not to overdo it with detail, you can squint while looking at the original image (photo, nature). Thus, you will see those important points that must be taken into account - the main large spots, facial features and lines. This will make your job easier. Do not forget to compare details all the time - we achieve accuracy.

We outline the shadows and highlights.

Before proceeding to this stage, you need to get at least basic knowledge, pencil drawing and human face anatomy.

for beginners

When all the constructions are completed, you can start preparing the watercolor paint for work. Use a brush and clean water to wet each color (this will help you blend the colors faster in the future). However, this is done only for convenience.

We remove the auxiliary lines with nags or a grater.

We take a palette (paper, plastic or glass). Sometimes you need to use several types of palettes (for example, both plastic and paper) - such details come directly during work.

We advise you to start your paint job by laying in shadows and dark areas of the portrait. Thus, the figure will immediately acquire volume. Take a thick brush (how much depends on the format of your sheet), make large strokes, use more water (something like a fill). Keep in mind that when the watercolor dries, it brightens. As for the color and its receipt - there are no specific rules. In general, watercolor painting loves personality.

We pay attention to the darkest parts of the face, trying to get a volumetric image already at this stage.

finding the color. work with planes

Now it's important to find the right color. Remember, watercolor is watery paint. This is what makes watercolor paintings light and airy, but at the same time rich and bright. Therefore, when applying the first layers, add more water - this will help to avoid the "dirty work" effect.

It should be borne in mind that white paint, the so-called whitewash, is not used in watercolor painting, although it exists in some palettes. The lightest spots and highlights are white paper, which you leave untouched. In art stores, you can purchase a certain composition with which you can cover the places of glare in the portrait and the paint will simply not fall on these places.

Over time, try to limit the number of colors in your palette - this will make your work more natural and easier.

It is important to identify light spots on paper, they help us perceive planning and volume.

work with color

Of course, it is impossible to achieve realism by covering the skin of the face with one color. The more different shades, the better.

Do not proceed to the next coat without completely drying the previous one - this can lead to mixing of paints right at your work (although there is a similar technique "on wet", but this is not about it now). The artists in our workshop use a hairdryer. In this case, do not turn on the hair dryer at full power and bring it too close.

Remember - watercolor is friendly with water. And if you made a mistake, went over the tone, over-darkened - a sponge and running water will always come to your aid. Wash off boldly (but, of course, do not overdo it).

As for the technique - everyone has it different, their own. Even if you try to copy, you will end up with individual notes. This is a matter of experience.

You can correct your mistakes, but it is even more important to follow the sequence, do not dwell on the details of the face. Now we need to find the color.

preparation for detailing

At this stage, you need to be especially careful to maintain similarities with the original. Do not forget to distract from the portrait from time to time (move away, turn away), because, sitting for a long time at work, after a lot of time, you simply stop noticing your mistakes.

We begin to tone the eyes, lips, hair - preparing the portrait for detail. At this stage, as a rule, errors that were previously invisible become noticeable. If possible, we eliminate it.

We determine the lightest and darkest places - we work them out. Not only the copied facial features, but also the shape of the shadows will make your portrait look like.

Remove unnecessary pencil lines with the nags.

We take a closer look at the darkest and lightest parts of the portrait, correct, draw the details.

DETAILED drawing. shutdown

And finally, the most enjoyable part of the job is the detailed drawing. Now we can see: where the shadow should be darker, where the reflex is more pronounced, where there is a lack of color, and so on. We refine these moments and take a thin (as far as you like) brush in our hands and begin to draw small elements of the portrait, paying special attention to the eyes, eyelashes, hair. We control the glare - without them the drawing will not be three-dimensional.

Do not forget that what is good in a photo is not always good in a watercolor painting. The same applies to nasolabial folds, expression and age wrinkles, and so on. Such nuances need to be looked at according to the situation. We focus on the eyes.

Add a background. You can also darken the lower part of the portrait, and then all the focus will go to the face (but in our case, this is how the background works).

Now is the time to draw the smallest details of the portrait and achieve the final resemblance. The background of the picture is underestimated, it often plays a decisive role in its perception.

The portrait will be the most original gift for your loved one.
Leave a request and the artist will contact you within an hour to discuss the details of the order.

With love and awe, Workshop