breaks and stolts. Comparative characteristics

  • 05.08.2021

Literature - grade 10.

Lesson topic: “Oblomov and Stolz. Comparative characteristics"

(based on the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov")

Lesson objectives: to reveal the peculiarities of the author's position through the comparison of heroes (Oblomov and Stolz); develop skills of characterization of literary characters, research skills, logical thinking; educate a thoughtful reader, enrich the speech of students.

Lesson equipment: portrait of IAGoncharov, text of the novel by IAGoncharov "Oblomov", (presentation); notebooks for works on literature, illustrations.

Students should know:

Contents of the novel by IAGoncharov "Oblomov";

The main idea of ​​the work;

Main images.

Students should be able to:

Correctly answer the questions posed by the teacher;

Summarize and systematize educational material;

Improve the skills of working with text;

Draw conclusions and link them into a monologue statement.

During the classes.

IOrganizational moment.

IIImplementation of d.z. (IA Goncharov "Oblomov", The image of Stolz in the novel: family, upbringing, education, portrait features, lifestyle, values ​​(part 2,

Chapters 1 - 4. Compare the character of Stolz with the character of Oblomov)

IIICommunication of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

IVPreparation for the perception of the work. Work according to the lesson plan.

1. Introductory remarks.

Good afternoon guys! Studying the novel by IA Goncharov makes us talk about the meaning of life, about the purpose of a person ... Pay attention to the topic of the lesson (writing the topic in notebooks).

Work plan:

1.The image of Stolz in the novel: family, upbringing, education, portrait features, lifestyle, values ​​(part 2, chapters 1 - 4)

2. Build and write down a chain of keywords that reveal the character of Stolz, Oblomov (homework check)

3. Compare the character of Stolz with the character of Oblomov:

You need to compare these heroes, find out how they are similar and how they differ from each other.

Today we will consider one of the problematic issues of the work:

- Ilya Oblomov and Andrey Stolts ... who are they - doubles or antipodes?

Let's define the lexical meaning of the words antipode and double

2. Vocabulary work.

Antipode - (Greek antipodes - facing feet to feet). 1.only pl. Inhabitants of two opposite points of the earth, two opposite ends of one of the diameters of the globe (geogr.). 2. to someone or someone to something. A person of opposite properties, tastes or beliefs (book). He is his perfect antipode or he is his perfect antipode.

Double - a person who has complete resemblance to another (both about a man and a woman).

What is your perception of Oblomov and Stolz?

Teacher: Our acquaintance with Oblomov already took place in the previous lessons. We found out that our hero is slow, lazy, not focused. Let's give him a more detailed description. (students' answers)

(We learn about Stolz in the first part of the novel, before he appears before the readers, that is, in absentia:

In connection with Oblomov's guests, which Ilya Ilyich “did not like”, in contrast to his childhood friend, Andrei Ivanovich Stolts, whom he “loved sincerely”;

In connection with the dreams of the protagonist, where Stolz, who knew and appreciated the best qualities of Ilya Ilyich, was an integral part of the pictures of a happy life on the estate, full of love, poetry, friendly feelings and peace;

Stolz also appears in Oblomov's Dream, fits into the idyllic, sweet and at the same time mysterious atmosphere of childhood that shaped the hero.

Teacher: Unexpectedly, the appearance of the hero in the finale of the first part and chapters 1 - 2 of the second part tell about Stolz.

3. Stills from the film "A few days in the life of II Oblomov"

(meeting between Oblomov and Stolz).

We see that these two people are real friends. But these characters are different, dissimilar. Together with the author, we will use the method of characterizing the hero known in the literature - a comparative characteristic. Before you is a worksheet, which contains the criteria for upbringing, the purpose of life, the content of the activity, attitude towards women, their family life and life position. In the output column, we will take notes ourselves when we consider all these criteria, comparing the main characters.

4. Consider all the features of the heroes.

(Students' answers: Oblomov and Stolz).

Comparative characteristics







Pledged program

Outlook on life

The purpose of life


Perception of life

Love test

a) Appearance: ( when they appeared before the reader)

- What does I.A. Goncharov draw our attention to when describing the appearance of the heroes?

"... thirty-two or three years old, of average height, pleasant appearance, with dark gray eyes, but with the absence of any definite idea, ... an even light of carelessness glimmered in his whole face", the same age as Oblomov, "thin, his cheeks are almost completely no, ... the complexion is even, dark and no blush; although a little greenish eyes, but expressive "

b) Origin:

a native of the bourgeois class (his father left Germany, wandered around Switzerland and settled in Russia, becoming the manager of the estate). Sh. Graduated brilliantly from university, served with success, and retired to pursue his own business; makes a house and money. He is a member of a trading company that sends goods overseas; as an agent of the company, Sh. travels to Belgium, England, throughout Russia. The image of Sh. Is built on the basis of the idea of ​​balance, harmonious correspondence between the physical and the spiritual, reason and feeling, suffering and pleasure. The ideal of Sh. Is measure and harmony in work, life, rest, love. (or ... from a poor family: his father (Russified German) was the manager of a rich estate, his mother was an impoverished Russian noblewoman. Half Russian, not a nobleman.

c) Education.

- What kind of education did I. Oblomov and A. Stolz receive? Tell us about it.

Parents wanted to present Ilya with all the benefits “somehow cheaper, with different tricks.” Parents taught him to be idle and calm (they did not allow him to pick up the dropped thing, dress, pour himself water). the stigma of slavery. in the family there was a cult of food, and after eating - a deep sleep.

Oblomov was not even allowed out into the street. "And what are the servants for?" Soon Ilya himself realized that giving orders was calmer and more convenient. A dexterous, agile child is constantly stopped by his parents and a nanny for fear that the boy will "fall, hurt himself" or catch a cold, he was cherished like a greenhouse flower. "Seekers of manifestations of power turned inward and nickle, withering." (Oblomov)

His father gave him the upbringing that he received from his father: he taught all the practical sciences, forced him to work early, and sent his son, who graduated from the university, away from him. his father taught him that the main thing in life is money, strictness and accuracy ... (Stolz)

Name the episodes, scenes that clearly illustrate how Stolz's childhood passed, how the process of his upbringing went.

Reading the episode (Stolz's Farewell to his father) by roles.

What impression does this scene make on you?

How can you comment on this?

What did his father teach him? What did A. Stolz feel?

Goncharov creates Stolz, involuntarily starting from Oblomov, as the opposite of the main character; with Stolz everything is different.

His upbringing is labor, practical, he was brought up by life itself (cf .: “If Oblomov's son had disappeared ...”).

A special conversation is required: the attitude of the mother; mother and father; Oblomovka, a princely castle, as a result of which "the bursh did not work out", which replaced the "narrow German track" with a "wide road".

Stolz - Stolz (“proud”). Does he live up to his last name?

Worksheet (at the bottom of the column: "Education", indicate the antipode).

d) Education:

studied in a small boarding house, located five miles from Oblomovka, in the village of Verkhlev. Both graduated from the Moscow University.

From the age of eight he sat with his father at a geographical map, sorted out biblical verses in the warehouses of Herder, Wieland and summed up the illiterate accounts of peasants, burghers and factory workers, and with his mother he read sacred history, taught Krylov's fables and analyzed Telemak's warehouses. "

On the basis of upbringing and education, a certain program was laid.

What is it like for Oblomov and Stolz?

e) Pledged program.


Dream. Stagnation and sleep - the passive beginning found consolation in his favorite "conciliatory and soothing" words "maybe", "maybe" and "somehow" and protected himself with them from misfortunes. He was ready to shift the matter to anyone, not caring about his outcome and the decency of the chosen person (this is how he trusted the swindlers who robbed his estate).

“Lying down for Ilya Ilyich was not a necessity, like a sick person or a person who wants to sleep, nor an accident, like someone who is tired, nor pleasure, like a lazy person: this was his normal state”.

What was Stolz most afraid of?

Justifying their answers with the text, the students say that dreams, imagination (“optical illusion,” as Stolz said) were his enemies. He controlled his life and had a “real outlook on life” (cf. Oblomov).


Stolz was afraid to dream, his happiness was in constancy, energy and vigorous activity - an active principle

“He is incessantly on the move: if society needs to send an agent to Belgium or England, they send him; you need to write a project or adapt a new idea to the case - they choose it. Meanwhile, he travels to the light and reads: when he has time - God knows. "

- What does life mean and what is the purpose of a person, according to Stolz?

Students: “To live four seasons, that is, four ages, without leaps and carry the vessel of life to the last day, without shedding a single drop in vain ...” (compare with Oblomov, whose ideal is peace and pleasure ; see about Oblomov's dreams in the 8th chapter of the first part).

Teacher: 3-4th chapters of the second part. The role of these chapters in the novel. A conversation is a dispute where the views and positions of the heroes collided.

The essence of the dispute - HOW TO LIVE?!

- How does the dispute arise?(Oblomov's dissatisfaction with the empty life of society.)

This is not life!

- When does the turning point in the dispute come?(Labor path: Stolz's disagreement with the ideal of a friend, after all, this is "Oblomovism"; the ideal of a lost paradise, drawn by Oblomov, and labor as "an image, content, element and purpose of life.")

(Physical education)

An introduction to the meaning of life.

Stills from the film "A few days from the life of I. I. Oblomov" ( second monologue. Oblomov's confession, p. 166. "Do you know, Andrey ...")

In what setting does the conversation take place?

What is I. Oblomov talking about?

How did each of the heroes come to light in the dispute?

f) Views on life


“Life: life is good!” - says Oblomov, - “What is there to look for? interests of the mind, the heart? Look where the center around which all this revolves: there is none, there is nothing deep that touches the living. All these are dead people, sleeping people worse than me, these members of the world and society! ... Do they not sleep sitting all their lives? Why am I more to blame than them, lying at home and not infecting the head with threes and jacks? "


g) Purpose of life

Live your life happily; so that she "does not touch". (Oblomov)

“Labor is the image, content, element and purpose of life, at least mine.” (Stolz)

g) Perception of life

Oblomov wants to do what the soul and heart desires, even if the mind is against; never bother. (Oblomov)

Stolz wants to have “a simple, that is, a direct, real outlook on life - that was his constant task ...”, “Above all, he put perseverance in achieving goals ...”, “... will measure an abyss or a wall, and if there is no sure means to overcome, he will go away. "

- With which of the heroes and at what stage of the argument are you ready to agree?

- Is there one answer to this question?

(In the course of the argument, the guys come to the conclusion that both principles have a right to exist.)

Teacher: In conversations (disputes), the author often gives the last word to Stolz, but it seems that he cannot argue with Oblomov. Why? He cannot even when the last word is his. Internally, we feel, we understand that Stolz cannot break Oblomov's resistance (remember the episode of the night dinner, when Stolz surrenders and sits down with Oblomov and Zakhar there are stills from the film.).

Whose philosophy is positive and constructive?

Compare the character of Stolz with the character of Oblomov:



Peace (apathy)

"... he's incessantly in motion ..."

Sleep (inaction)

"Balance of practical aspects with the subtle needs of the spirit"

Dream - "shell, self-deception"

"He was afraid of every dream ... he wanted to see the ideal of being and aspirations of a person in a strict understanding and direction of life"

Fear of Circumstances

"He attributed the cause of all sufferingyourself "

The aimlessness of existence

“I prioritized persistence in achieving goals” (Stolz)

Labor is a punishment

"Labor is an image, element, content, purpose of life" (Stolz)

Make a conclusion that , at what levels, in what details is revealed

- Isn't Stolz too positive in his views?

Or maybe Oblomov is right: people looking for meaning in secular life are dead, such a life is useless vanity. Why is he lying on the couch worse ?!

Is the poetic perception of Oblomov's life the refinement of the hero's soul, "subtle poetic nature" or a way to hide from reality?

The strength and weakness of the characters of Oblomov and Stolz: a hero and circumstances, a false and positive meaning of existence?


- Whose position do you consider acceptable for yourself?

(Argument. What value attitudes (which of the heroes) will you take in your life baggage?)

- What were our heroes in love? Have you passed the test of love or not?

Student responses:

Oblomov and Stolz

Oblomov gave up love. He chose rest. “Life is poetry. People are free to distort it. " He was frightened, he needs not equal love, but maternal love (the kind that Agafya Pshenitsyna gave him).

Stolz he loved not with his heart, but with his mind “I developed the conviction that love, with the power of the Archimedean lever, moves the world; that it contains as much universal, irrefutable truth and good as lies and ugliness in its misunderstanding and abuse. " He needs a woman equal in views and strength (Olga Ilyinskaya). I am glad that I met her abroad, glad that she listens to him and does not even notice that sometimes she does not understand Olga's sadness.

- How do we observe our heroes in friendship and in relations with others?

(Student responses: Oblomov and Stolz)

h) Friendship

- Based on what has been said, we will give a description of Oblomov and Stolz.

Characteristics of heroes:

Oblomov and Stolz

1. Oblomov. The kind, lazy person is most worried about his own peace. For him, happiness is complete peace and good food. He spends his life on the sofa, without taking off his comfortable robe, does nothing, is not interested in anything, loves to withdraw into himself and live in the world of dreams and dreams he created, the amazing childish purity of his soul and introspection, worthy of a philosopher the embodiment of gentleness and meekness.

2. Stolz ... Strong and smart, he is in constant activity and does not shy away from the darkest work, thanks to his hard work, willpower, patience and enterprise, he became a rich and famous person. Formed a real "iron" character, but in some way it resembles a machine, a robot, so clearly programmed, verified and calculated his whole life before us is a dryish rationalist.

The answer to the problematic question: Oblomov and Stolz - doubles or antipodes? (words of the student).

V Summarizing.

Yes, Goncharov wanted to oppose the inactive Oblomov with the practical and businesslike Stolz, who, in his opinion, was supposed to break the “Oblomovism” and revive the hero. But the novel has a different ending. It is at the end of the work that the author's attitude to the hero is manifested.

- Let's remember where the heroes of the novel come to?

Oblomov dies, leaving his son.

Pshenitsyna is ready to do everything for Oblomov's sake and even gives her son to be raised by her brother, considering it a blessing for her son.

Olga is very bad (Oblomov is missing), there is no love, and without her life has no meaning.

Andrei Stolts is also devastated, he feels bad without a friend, Oblomov was for him a "heart of gold".

So, all the heroes as a result came to the same "Oblomovism"!

Teacher: Guys! Prepare yourself now for further independent adult life. Take energy, intelligence, determination, strength of character, prudence, will in your life baggage from Stolz, but do not forget about your soul, taking from Ilya Oblomov kindness, honesty, tenderness, romance. And remember the words of N.V. Gogol "Take away with you on the way, leaving the soft youthful years in the harsh, hardening courage, take away all human movements, do not leave them on the road, do not pick it up later!"

VI ... Homework :

Roman I.A.Goncharov "Oblomov":

Individual tasks:

1 .. The story about O. Ilyinskaya (chapter 5)

2. Development of relations between Oblomov and Olga (Ch. 6-12)

3. Obraz Pshenitsyna (part 3), a new apartment on the Vyborgskaya side near Pshenitsyna.


Oblomov and Stolz).

Comparative characteristics




"... about thirty-two or three years of age, average height, pleasant appearance, with dark gray eyes, but with the absence of any definite idea, ... an even light of carelessness glimmered in my whole face"

the same age as Oblomov, “thin, he has almost no cheeks at all, ... the complexion is even, dark-skinned and no blush; although a little greenish eyes, but expressive "


from a wealthy noble family with patriarchal traditions. his parents, like grandfathers, did nothing: serfs worked for them. A truly Russian man, a nobleman.

from a poor family: father (Russified German) was the manager of a rich estate, mother was an impoverished Russian noblewoman


his parents accustomed him to idleness and peace (they did not allow him to pick up the dropped thing, dress, pour himself water) labor in the wreck was a punishment, it was believed that he bears the stigma of slavery. in the family there was a cult of food, and after eating - a deep sleep.

his father gave him the upbringing that he received from his father: he taught all the practical sciences, forced him to work early, and sent his son, who had graduated from the university, away from him. his father taught him that the main thing in life is money, strictness and accuracy.


studied in a small boarding house, located five miles from Oblomovka, in the village of Verkhlev. Both graduated from Moscow University

Pledged program

vegetation and sleep - a passive beginning

From the age of eight he sat with his father at a geographical map, sorted out biblical verses in the warehouses of Herder, Wieland, and summed up the illiterate accounts of peasants, burghers and factory workers, and with his mother he read sacred history, taught Krylov's fables and dismantled Telemak in warehouses.

energy and vigorous activity - an active principle.

Outlook on life

“Life: life is good!” Says Oblomov, “What is there to look for? interests of the mind, the heart? Look where the center around which all this revolves: there is no him, there is nothing deep that touches the living. All these are dead people, sleeping people worse than me, these members of the world and society! ... Do they not sleep sitting all their lives? Why am I more to blame than them, lying at home and not infecting the head with threes and jacks? "

Stolz learns life, asks her: “What to do? Where to go next? "And it goes! Without Oblomov ...

The purpose of life

Live your life happily; so that she "does not touch".

"Labor is the image, content, element and purpose of life, at least mine."


There are acquaintances, but there is not a single real friend, except for Stolz.

Stolz always and everywhere had many friends - people were drawn to him. But he felt closeness only to people-personalities, sincere and decent.

Perception of life

The hesitant one - from “a pleasant gift for pleasure” to “sticks like bully: it will pinch stealthily, then suddenly it will come straight from the forehead and sprinkle it with sand ... no urine!”

Oblomov wants to do what the soul and heart desires, even if the mind is against; never bother.

Life is happiness in work; life without work is not life; "..." life touches! " "And thank God!" - said Stolz. "

Stolz wants to have “a simple, that is, a direct, real outlook on life - that was his constant task ...”, “Above all, he put perseverance in achieving goals ...”, “... will measure an abyss or a wall, and if there is no sure means to overcome, he will go away. "

Love test

he needs love not equal but maternal (the kind that Agafya Pshenitsyna gave him)

he needs a woman equal in views and strength (Olga Ilyinskaya)

Comparative characteristics







Pledged program

Outlook on life

The purpose of life


Perception of life

Love test

VG Belinsky said that it is upbringing that decides the fate of every person. This can be fully attributed to Oblomov Ilya Ilyich and Stolts Andrei Ivanovich - the two main characters of the novel "Oblomov" by I. A. Goncharov. These people, it would seem, come from the same environment, class, time. Therefore, they must have the same aspirations, worldviews. Why, then, when reading the work, do we notice in Stolz and Oblomov mainly differences, and not similarities? In order to answer this question, one should turn to the sources that formed the characters of the two characters of interest to us. You will see that the upbringing of Stolz and Oblomov had its own characteristics that influenced their entire future life.

Oblomov's dream

The first chapter of the work is devoted to Ilya's childhood. Goncharov himself called it "the overture of the entire novel." From this chapter, we learn in general terms about what Oblomov's upbringing was. It is no coincidence that the quotes from it are often cited as proof that Ilya's life simply could not have turned out differently. In the first chapter of the work, you can find a clue to the character of the title character, an inactive, lazy, apathetic person who is used to subsisting on the labor of his serfs.

As soon as Ilya Ilyich fell asleep, he began to dream the same dream: the gentle hands of his mother, her gentle voice, the hugs of friends and loved ones ... Each time Oblomov in a dream returned to his childhood, when he was loved by everyone and absolutely happy. He seemed to run into childhood memories from real life. In what conditions was his personality formed, how did Oblomov's upbringing take place?

The atmosphere that prevailed in Oblomovka

Ilya spent his childhood in Oblomovka, in his ancestral village. His parents were nobles, and life in the village followed special laws. The village was dominated by the cult of doing nothing, sleeping, eating, as well as undisturbed peace. True, sometimes the quiet course of life was nevertheless disturbed by quarrels, losses, illness and labor, which were considered a punishment for the inhabitants of the village, from which they sought to get rid of at the first opportunity. We will also tell you about what kind of education Oblomov received. You probably already have some idea of ​​it based on what was said above.

How were Ilyusha's aspirations suppressed?

It was expressed mainly in prohibitions. Ilya, a mobile, dexterous child, was forbidden to do any work around the house (there are servants for this). In addition, his aspirations for independence each time were suppressed by the cries of the nanny and parents, who did not allow the boy to take a step unattended, as they were afraid that he would catch a cold or hurt himself. Interest in the world, activity - all this in Ilyusha's childhood was reprimanded by adults who did not allow frolic, jump, run on the street. But this is necessary for any child for development, knowledge of life. Oblomov's improper upbringing led to the fact that the forces of Ilyusha, seeking manifestations, turned inward and, fading, nickel. Instead of being active, he was instilled with a love for a sound afternoon nap. In the novel, he is described as "a true likeness of death," replacing Oblomov's upbringing. Quotes from the text, no less vivid, can be found on good food, the cult of which has become practically the only occupation in the village.

Influence of nanny tales

In addition, the ideal of inaction was constantly reinforced by the nanny's tales about "Emele the Fool" who received various gifts from the magic pike, while doing nothing. Ilyich will later be sad, lying on his sofa, and ask himself: "Why is life not a fairy tale?"

Everyone calls Ilya Ilyich a dreamer. But the upbringing of Oblomov with endless tales of the nanny about firebirds, sorcerers, heroes, Militrisa Kirbityevna could not but sow in his soul hope for the best, the belief that the problems would somehow be solved by themselves? In addition, these tales gave the hero a fear of life. Oblomov's lazy childhood and upbringing led to the fact that Ilya Ilyich tried in vain to hide from reality in his apartment, located on Gorokhovaya Street, and then on the Vyborg side.

Ilya's parents' attitude to education

Parents tried not to burden Ilya with education, believing that study is not worth it to miss the holidays and lose health. Therefore, they used every opportunity to keep their child out of school. Ilyusha himself soon realized that he liked such a sluggish and measured existence. Oblomov's childhood and upbringing did their job. Habit, as they say, is second nature. And the adult Ilya Ilyich was completely satisfied with the situation in which the servants do everything for him, and he has nothing to worry about and worry about. So the hero's childhood imperceptibly spilled over into adulthood.

The adult life of Ilya Ilyich

Little has changed in her. Oblomov's entire existence in his own eyes was still divided into 2 halves. The first was work and boredom (these concepts were synonymous with him), and the second was peaceful fun and peace. Zakhar changed his nanny, and Vyborgskaya Street in the city of St. Petersburg - Oblomovka. Ilya Ilyich was so afraid of any activity, he was so frightened by any changes in his life that even the dream of love was not able to bring this hero out of apathy.

That is why he was arranged with a life together with a good hostess Pshenitsyna, since she became nothing more than an extension of life in the village of Oblomovka.

Parents of Andrei Stolz

The complete opposite of Ilya Ilyich is Andrei Ivanovich. Stolz's upbringing took place in a poor family. Andrei's mother was a Russian noblewoman, and his father was a Russified German. Each of them contributed to the upbringing of Stolz.

Father's influence

Stolts Ivan Bogdanovich, Andrey's father, taught his son German and practical sciences. Andrei began to work early - to help Ivan Bogdanovich, who was demanding with him and strict in a burgher style. Stolz's upbringing in the novel "Oblomov" contributed to the fact that at a young age he developed pragmatism, a serious outlook on life. For him, everyday work became a necessity, which Andrei considered an integral part of his life.

Mother's influence

Andrei's mother also contributed to the upbringing of Stolz in the novel Oblomov. She looked at the methods her husband used with concern. This woman wanted to make Andrei a sweet and clean gentleman boy, one of those whom she saw when she worked in wealthy Russian families as a governess. Her soul languished when Andryusha returned from a fight all tattered or dirty after a field or factory, where he went with his father. And she began to cut his nails, sew graceful shirt-fronts and collars, curl curls, order clothes in the city. Stolz's mother taught me to listen to the sounds of Hertz. She sang to him about flowers, whispered about the vocation of a writer, then a warrior, dreamed of a high role that falls to the lot of other people. Andrei's mother in many ways wanted her son to be like Oblomov, and therefore, with pleasure, she often let him go to Sosnovka.

So, you see that, on the one hand, the practicality, efficiency of his father was laid in Andrey's upbringing, and on the other hand, the dreaminess of his mother. On top of that, there was Oblomovka nearby, in which there was an "eternal holiday", where the work was off the shoulders, like a yoke. All this influenced Stolz.

Parting with home

Of course, Andrei's father loved him in his own way, but he did not consider it necessary to show his feelings. The scene of Stolz's farewell to his father is piercing to tears. Even at that moment, Ivan Bogdanovich could not find kind words for his son. Andrey, swallowing tears of resentment, sets off on the road. It seems that at this moment Stolz, despite the efforts of his mother, leaves no room in his soul for "empty dreams". He takes with him into an independent life only what, in his opinion, was necessary: ​​purposefulness, practicality, prudence. In distant childhood, everything else remained, along with the image of the mother.

Life in St. Petersburg

After graduating from university, he goes to St. Petersburg, where he gets down to business (sends goods abroad), travels around the world, leads an active life and succeeds in everything. Despite the fact that he was the same age as Oblomov, this hero managed to achieve much more in life. He made money and a house. Energy and activity contributed to the successful career of this hero. He achieved heights that he could not even dream of. Stolz was able to properly dispose of life and abilities inherent in him by nature.

Everything was in moderation in his life: both joys and sorrows. Andrei prefers a straight path that meets his simple outlook on life. He was not bothered by dreams or imagination - he simply did not allow them into his life. This hero did not like to speculate, he always retained a sense of his own dignity in his behavior, as well as a sober, calm view of people and things. Andrei Ivanovich considered passions a destructive force. His life was like "a slow and steady burning of fire."

Stolz and Oblomov - two different fates

The upbringing of Stolz and Oblomov, as you can see, was significantly different, although he and the other were from a noble environment and belonged to the same stratum of society. Andrei and Ilya are people with different worldviews and characters, which is why their fates were so different. The upbringings of Oblomov and Stolz were very different. The comparison allows us to notice that it was this fact that strongly influenced the adult life of these heroes. The active Andrey tried until the last day "to carry the vessel of life" and not to spill a single drop in vain. And the apathetic and soft Ilya was too lazy to even just get up from the sofa and leave his room so that the servants cleaned it up. Olga Oblomova once asked Ilya in anguish about what had ruined him. To this he replied: "Oblomovism." N. A. Dobrolyubov, a well-known critic, also believed that "Oblomovism" was the fault of Ilya Ilyich's troubles. This is the environment in which the protagonist was forced to grow up.

The role of education in the formation of a person's personality

In the novel "Oblomov" it was not by chance that it was emphasized by the author. As you can see, the way of life, worldview, character of each person are formed in childhood. The environment in which personality development takes place, teachers, parents - all this strongly influences the formation of character. If a child is not taught from childhood to work and independence, by his own example, not to show him that every day you should do something useful and you should not waste time, then you should not be surprised that he will grow up to be a weak-willed and lazy person, like Ilya Ilyich from the work of Goncharov.

Oblomov Stolz
origin from a wealthy noble family with patriarchal traditions. his parents, like grandfathers, did nothing: serfs worked for them from a poor family: father (Russified German) was the manager of a rich estate, mother was an impoverished Russian noblewoman
upbringing his parents accustomed him to idleness and peace (they did not allow him to pick up the dropped thing, dress, pour himself water) labor in the wreck was a punishment, it was believed that he bears the stigma of slavery. the family had a cult of food, and after eating, a deep sleep his father gave him the upbringing that he received from his father: he taught all the practical sciences, forced him to work early, and sent his son, who had graduated from the university, away from him. his father taught him that the main thing in life is money, strictness and accuracy
pledged program vegetation and sleep-passive beginning energy and vigorous activity - active principle
characteristic the kind, lazy one worries most about his own peace. for him, happiness is complete peace and good food. he spends his life on the couch without taking off his comfortable robe. does nothing, has no interest in anything. loves to withdraw into himself and live in the world of dreams and dreams created by him. amazing childish purity of his soul and introspection, worthy of a philosopher the embodiment of gentleness and meekness. strong and intelligent, he is in constant activity and does not shun the most dastardly work. thanks to his hard work, willpower, patience and enterprise, he became a rich and famous person. a real "iron" character was formed. but in some way he resembles a machine, a robot, his whole life is so clearly programmed, verified and calculated in front of us is a dryish rationalist
love test he needs love not equal but maternal (the kind that Agafya Pshenitsyna gave him) he needs a woman equal in views and strength (Olga Ilyinskaya)
    • Olga Sergeevna Ilyinskaya Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna Character traits Captivating, delightful, promising, good-natured, warm-hearted and unfeigned, special, innocent, proud. Good-natured, open, trusting, sweet and restrained, caring, thrifty, neat, independent, constant, stands his ground. Appearance Tall, light face, delicate thin neck, gray-blue eyes, fluffy eyebrows, long braid, small compressed lips. Gray-eyed; nice face; well-fed; […]
    • Despite the significant volume of the work, there are relatively few characters in the novel. This allows Goncharov to give detailed characteristics of each of them, to compose detailed psychological portraits. Female characters in the novel were no exception. In addition to psychologism, the author makes extensive use of the method of oppositions and the system of antipodes. Such pairs can be called “Oblomov and Stolz” and “Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna”. The last two images are complete opposites of each other, their [...]
    • Andrei Stolts is Oblomov's closest friend, they grew up together and carried their friendship through life. It remains a mystery how such dissimilar people with such different outlooks on life could maintain a deep affection. Initially, the image of Stolz was conceived as a complete antipode to Oblomov. The author wanted to combine German prudence and the breadth of the Russian soul, but this idea was not destined to be realized. As the novel developed, Goncharov realized more and more clearly that under these conditions it was so simple [...]
    • In his novel Oblomov, the remarkable Russian prose writer of the second half of the 19th century, Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov, reflected the difficult time of transition from one era of Russian life to another. Feudal relations, the estate type of economy were replaced by the bourgeois way. For centuries, the established views of people on life were crumbling. The fate of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov can be called an "ordinary story" typical of landowners who lived serenely at the expense of the labor of serfs. The environment and upbringing made them weak-willed, apathetic people, not [...]
    • The image of Oblomov in Russian literature closes the row of "superfluous" people. An inactive contemplator, incapable of active action, at first glance really seems incapable of a great and bright feeling, but is this really so? In the life of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, there is no place for global and cardinal changes. Olga Ilyinskaya, an extraordinary and beautiful woman, strong and strong-willed nature, undoubtedly attracts the attention of men. For Ilya Ilyich, an indecisive and timid person, Olga becomes an object [...]
    • IA Goncharov's novel is all permeated with various opposites. The method of antithesis on which the novel is built helps to better understand the character of the heroes, the author's intention. Oblomov and Stolz are two completely different personalities, but, as they say, opposites converge. They are connected by childhood and school, which you can learn about in the chapter “Oblomov's Dream”. From it it becomes clear that everyone loved little Ilya, caressed, did not allow him to do anything himself, although at first he was eager to do everything himself, but then they resorted to him [...]
    • In the novel "Oblomov" the mastery of Goncharov as a prose writer was fully manifested. Gorky, who called Goncharov "one of the giants of Russian literature," noted his special, plastic language. The poetic language of Goncharov, his talent for figurative reproduction of life, the art of creating typical characters, compositional completeness and the enormous artistic power of the picture of Oblomovism and the image of Ilya Ilyich presented in the novel - all this contributed to the fact that the novel "Oblomov" took a worthy place among the masterpieces [...]
    • In the novel by I. A. Goncharov “Oblomov” one of the main methods for disclosing images is the method of antithesis. With the help of opposition, the image of the Russian master Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is compared with the image of the practical German Andrei Stolz. Thus, Goncharov shows what is the similarity and what is the difference between these heroes of the novel. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is a typical representative of the Russian nobility of the 19th century. His social position can be briefly described as follows: “Oblomov, a nobleman by birth, a collegiate secretary by rank, [...]
    • There is a type of book where the reader is carried away by the story not from the first pages, but gradually. I think Oblomov is just such a book. Reading the first part of the novel, I was inexpressibly bored and did not even imagine that Oblomov's laziness would lead him to some kind of sublime feeling. Gradually, the boredom began to go away, and the novel captured me, I read it with interest. I have always liked books about love, but Goncharov gave it an interpretation unknown to me. It seemed to me that boredom, monotony, laziness, [...]
    • Introduction. Some people find Goncharov's novel Oblomov boring. Yes, indeed, the entire first part of Oblomov lies on the couch, receiving guests, but here we get to know the hero. In general, there are few intriguing actions and events in the novel that are so interesting to the reader. But Oblomov is “our people's type”, and it is he who is a bright representative of the Russian people. Therefore, the novel interested me. In the main character, I saw a particle of myself. Do not think that Oblomov is only a representative of the Goncharov era. And now they live [...]
    • Oblomov's personality is far from ordinary, although other characters treat him with slight disrespect. For some reason, they read it almost flawed in comparison with them. This was precisely the task of Olga Ilyinskaya - to wake Oblomov, to make him show himself as an active person. The girl believed that love would move him to great achievements. But she was deeply mistaken. It is impossible to awaken in a person what he does not have. Because of this misunderstanding, people's hearts broke, the heroes suffered and it was hard [...]
    • By the middle of the XIX century. Under the influence of the realistic school of Pushkin and Gogol, a new remarkable generation of Russian writers grew up and formed. The genius critic Belinsky already in the 40s noted the appearance of a whole group of talented young authors: Turgenev, Ostrovsky, Nekrasov, Herzen, Dostoevsky, Grigorovich, Ogarev, etc. Among these promising writers was Goncharov, the future author of Oblomov, the first novel whose "Ordinary History" was highly appreciated by Belinsky. LIFE AND CREATIVITY I. [...]
    • Raskolnikov Luzhin Age 23 About 45 Occupation Former student, dropped out due to inability to pay. Successful lawyer, court counselor. Appearance Very handsome, dark blond hair, dark eyes, slender and thin, above average height. Dressed extremely poorly, the author points out that another person would even be ashamed to go out into the street in such a thing. Middle-aged, dignified and prim. There is a constant expression of grumpiness on his face. Dark sideburns, curled hair. The face is fresh and [...]
    • Nastya Mitrasha Nickname Golden Hen Peasant in a bag Age 12 years 10 years Appearance A beautiful girl with golden hair, her face is all freckled, but only one clean nose. The boy is of short stature, dense build, has a large forehead and a wide back of the head. His face is freckled and his clean nose looks up. Character Kind, reasonable, overcame greed in himself Brave, savvy, kind, courageous and strong-willed, stubborn, hardworking, purposeful, [...]
    • Luzhin Svidrigailov Age 45 About 50 Appearance He is no longer young. A prim and dignified man. Obese, which is reflected on the face. He wears curled hair and sideburns, which, however, doesn't make him funny. The whole appearance is very youthful, it does not look at its age. Partly also because all clothes are exclusively in light colors. Loves good things - a hat, gloves. A nobleman, who used to serve in the cavalry, has connections. Occupation Very successful lawyer, court [...]
    • Olesya Ivan Timofeevich Social status Simple girl. City intellectual. “Barin”, as Manuilikha and Olesya call him, “Panych” calls Yarmila. Lifestyle, occupations Lives in the forest with her grandmother and is happy with her life. Doesn't recognize hunting. He loves animals very much and takes care of them. A city dweller who, by the will of fate, found himself in a remote village. Tries to write stories. In the village he hoped to find many legends, stories, but very quickly got bored. The only entertainment was [...]
    • The name of the hero How did you get “to the bottom” Features of speech, characteristic remarks What Bubnov dreams of In the past, he owned a dye shop. Circumstances forced him to leave in order to survive, while his wife got along with the master. He claims that a person cannot change his fate, therefore he floats with the flow, sinking to the bottom. Often shows cruelty, skepticism, lack of good qualities. "All people on earth are superfluous." It is difficult to say that Bubnov is dreaming of something, given [...]
    • Bazarov E. V. Kirsanov P. P. Appearance Tall young man with long hair. The clothes are poor and unkempt. Doesn't pay attention to his own appearance. Handsome middle-aged man. Aristocratic, "thoroughbred" appearance. She carefully looks after herself, dresses fashionably and expensively. Origin Father - a military doctor, not rich simple family. A nobleman, the son of a general. In his youth, he led a noisy metropolitan life, built a military career. Education A very educated person. […]
    • Troekurov Dubrovsky Quality of characters Negative hero Main positive hero Character Spoiled, selfish, licentious. Noble, generous, determined. Has a hot temper. A person who knows how to love not for money, but for the beauty of the soul. Occupation A wealthy nobleman, spends his time in gluttony, drunkenness, leads a dissolute life. Humiliation of the weak brings him great pleasure. Has a good education, served as a cornet in the guard. After […]
    • Character Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov Napoleon Bonaparte The appearance of the hero, his portrait "... simplicity, kindness, really ...". This is a living, deeply feeling and experiencing person, the image of a "father", an "elder" who understands and has seen life. The satirical image of the portrait: "fat thighs of short legs", "fat short figure", unnecessary movements, which are accompanied by vanity. Hero's speech Simple speech, with unambiguous words and a confidential tone, respectful attitude towards the interlocutor, the group [...]
  • The novel Oblomov is one of the iconic works of the 19th century, covering many social and philosophical themes. An important role in revealing the ideological meaning of the work is played by the analysis of the correlation in the book of the two main male characters. In the novel "Oblomov", the characterization of Oblomov and Stolz reflects their completely different natures, opposed by the author.
    According to the plot of the work, the heroes are best friends from an early age, helping each other as much as possible even in adulthood: Stolz Oblomov - by solving many of his pressing problems, and Ilya Ilyich to Andrei Ivanovich - with pleasant conversations that allow Stolz to return to peace of mind.

    Portrait characteristics of heroes

    Comparative characteristics of Oblomov and Stolz in Goncharov's novel Oblomov are given by the author himself and is most remarkable when comparing their portrait characteristics, as well as characters. Ilya Ilyich is a soft, quiet, kind, dreamy, reflective goof who makes any decision at the behest of his heart, even if his mind leads the hero to the opposite conclusions. The appearance of the introverted Oblomov fully corresponds to his character - his movements are soft, lazy, round, and the image is characterized by excessive effeminacy, not typical for a man.

    Stolz, both internally and externally, is completely different from Oblomov. The main thing in the life of Andrei Ivanovich is the rational grain, in all matters he relies only on reason, while the dictates of the heart, intuition and the sphere of feelings for the hero are not only something secondary, but are also inaccessible, incomprehensible to his rational reflections. Unlike Oblomov, "flabby beyond his years", Stolz seems to consist of "bones, muscles and nerves." His life is a rapid race forward, an important attribute of which is the constant self-development of the individual and continuous work. The images of Oblomov and Stolz seem to be a mirror image of each other: active, extroverted, successful in society and in the career field, Stolz is opposed to the lazy, apathetic, unwilling to communicate with anyone, let alone re-enter the service, Oblomov.

    Differences in the upbringing of heroes

    When comparing Ilya Oblomov and Andrei Stolz, as well as for a better understanding of the characters' images, it is important to briefly describe the atmosphere in which each of the characters grew up. Despite the "addictive", as if covering with a veil of half-sleep and laziness, Oblomovka's environment little Ilya was a cheerful, active and curious child, which at first is very similar to Stolz. He wanted to learn as much as possible about the world around him, but the excessive care of his parents, the "hothouse" upbringing, the inculcation of obsolete, obsolete and aimed at the ideals of the past, made the child a worthy successor of the traditions of "Oblomovism", the bearer of the "Oblomov" worldview - lazy, introverted, living in his own illusory world.

    However, Stolz also did not grow the way he could have grown. At first glance, the combination in his upbringing of the strict approach of a German father and the tenderness of a noble mother of Russian origin would allow Andrei to become a harmonious, comprehensively developed personality. Nevertheless, as the author points out, Stolz grew "a cactus accustomed to drought." The young man lacked love, warmth and gentleness, since he was mainly raised by his father, who did not believe that a man needed to be instilled in sensitivity. However, Stolz's Russian roots until the end of his life were looking for this warmth, finding it in Oblomov, and then in the idea of ​​Oblomovka, which he denied.

    Education and career of heroes

    The inconsistency of the characters of Stolz and Oblomov manifests itself already in his youth, when Andrei Ivanovich, trying to learn as much as possible about the world around him, tried to instill in Ilya Ilyich a love of books, ignite a flame in him that would make him strive forward. And Stolz succeeded, but for a very short time - as soon as Oblomov remained himself, the book for him became less important than, for example, a dream. Somehow, rather for his parents, Ilya Ilyich graduates from school, and then from university, where he was absolutely not interested, since the hero did not understand how mathematics and other sciences could be useful to him in life. Even a single failure in the service was the end of his career for him - it was too hard for the sensitive, soft Oblomov to rebuild under the strict rules of the capital world, far from the norms of life in Oblomovka.

    Stolz, on the other hand, with his rational, active outlook on the world, is much easier to move up the career ladder, because any failure was more likely another incentive for him than a defeat. Andrei Ivanovich's continuous activity, high efficiency, ability to please others made him a useful person at any workplace and a pleasant guest in any society, and all thanks to the purposefulness laid down by his father and the continuous thirst for knowledge, which his parents developed in Stolz as early as childhood.

    Characteristics of Oblomov and Stolz as carriers of two opposite principles

    In the critical literature, when comparing Oblomov and Stolz, it is widely believed that the characters are two opposites, two types of “superfluous” heroes who, in their “pure” form, cannot be found in real life, even though Oblomov is a realistic novel , and, consequently, the described images must be typical images. However, when analyzing the upbringing and formation of each of the characters, the reasons for Oblomov's apathy, laziness and dreaminess become clear, as well as excessive dryness, rationality, even a similarity with a certain Stolz mechanism.

    Comparison of Stolz and Oblomov makes it possible to understand that both heroes are personalities not only typical for their time, but also tendentious images for any time. Oblomov is a typical son of wealthy parents, brought up in an atmosphere of love and heightened care, protected by his family from the need to work, decide something and actively act, because there will always be "Zakhar" who will do everything for him. Stolz, on the other hand, is a person who, from an early age, is accustomed to the need to work and work, while being deprived of love and care, which leads to a certain inner callousness of such a person, to a misunderstanding of the nature of feelings and emotional deprivation.

    Product test

    The ingenious novel by Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov introduces us to two diametrically opposite images: their characterization can take pages and pages. After all, they are completely different: in their temperament, in their attitude to life and outlook. Goncharov wrote it for ten years! What do you think, dear readers, would an academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Literature “steam” for a whole decade, writing a novel in the form of a “one-layer” pie? What is easier for a Corresponding Member to compose a story about two friends! One is lazy beyond measure. The other is amazingly efficient. But no. A novel has been written about all of us! And we will try to prove it. Oblomov and Stolz will help us in this study.

    The image of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov

    The landowner Oblomov outwardly is a plump, loose man with dark gray eyes, who prefers a passive lifestyle, lying on the couch, doing nothing. In all his appearance, carelessness is visible, but his face is spiritualized. And the thought is constantly present in him, it glows in the eyes, hides in the wrinkles of the forehead, bends along with the lips. However, this idea is "toothless", it has no practical application. Comparative and Stolz are clearly not in favor of Ilya Ilyich. He is a hereditary landowner. He has 350 serfs. Nice, solid mansion in St. Petersburg, dacha, country house. Oblomov has no idea how to take care of all this property in his possession. He is like a child, at first he is robbed by the clerk, and then the swindlers Mikhei Andreevich Tarantiev and Ivan Matveyevich Mukhoyarov bring him to ruin.

    He is educated but has no practical work experience. Under the influence of his first failures in the service, a psychological "sloth complex" was formed, which Ilya Ilyich was unable to overcome.

    The image of Andrey Stolz

    According to the plot of the novel, they are familiar and friendly from school: Oblomov and Stolz. Comparative characteristics indicate the closeness of their caste origin. Andrei Stolts was born into the family of a German clerk Ivan Bogdanovich and a simple but educated Russian woman. The relationship between his status and that of a friend-landowner is similar to the relationship between a business owner and a top manager. From childhood, his father, with regular studies in science, as well as bookkeeping, brought up diligence in him. Andrey is a lean man with sunken cheeks, dark skin and greenish expressive eyes. He is hyperactive: he is constantly on the move, like a shark. The writer speaks of his hero as if he consists of only muscles and tendons. He knows languages, is quick-witted, therefore it is he who is sent by the trading company-employer as an agent to Belgium. In addition, Stolz is able to use his knowledge creatively. Therefore, colleagues prefer to invite him to develop projects. Oblomov and Stolz have different attitudes towards money. Comparative characteristics indicate the prudence of the latter.

    Secret subtext of Goncharov's images?

    The fact that, by and large, the images of Stolz and Oblomov are not independent, but allegorical, the author of the novel shows in their relationship with Olga Ilyinskaya. On the one hand, she can neither win nor keep, but the spineless Ilya Ilyich invariably attracts with his romanticism, a pure childish soul. On the other hand, Stolz, who became her husband, pathologically does not feel the difference between business cooperation and sincerity. On a romantic wedding trip to Paris, he is, to put it mildly, unconvincing.

    Why did Goncharov create these two images: Oblomov and Stolz? Is the comparative characterization of these images just an instructive conclusion? Contrasting characters? Or maybe we need to look at it more broadly? After all, each of us, of course, knows how much "Stolz" is in it and how much "Oblomov" is in it. What is a dream that does not touch the ground. A global dream, devoid of any desire for realization. And what is Stolz? It is down-to-earthness, business acumen, a sense of partnership. So let's ask ourselves the question: "If you create something global, is it possible to discard a dream in principle?" (As you know, Stolz avoided dreaming.) Hardly.

    And you, dear readers, do you agree with the conclusion below? To create a truly successful personality promoting fantastic projects, you need to mix in one glass 30% of the dreamer-Oblomov and 70% of the fanatic of Stolz's work. Isn't that what Goncharov wanted to tell us? After all, an adopted son appeared in the Stolts family. Of course, a proper education will develop a business acumen in him. But what about the ability to dream? Genes after all, you know ...