How to draw an eyeball. How to draw eyes a pencil in stages

  • 05.05.2019

Many people misses small but important details of the structure of the eye, representing it schematically. For example, many forget to draw the third eyelid into the corners of the eye in the nose, or that the shadow usually falls on the iris on the iris. If you want to learn how to draw, I recommend starting to draw in memory, and not to draw someone's eyes from the photo, then you consciously remember the basic principles.

First, on a sheet of paper, make a barely noticeable horizontal line (later we will move it), the whole drawing will be built from it, but it serves as a guideline.

Now draw an eye contour, it will be the borders for the eyelids. Please note that the pupil in the human eye is located not exactly in the middle of the eyes, but is shifted a little up. It is very important to create a realistic view.

When the main boundaries are scheduled, you can be taken for hatching. To do this, it is better to change the pencil and take as soft as possible so that the hatching is dense without pressure. In advance, in advance on the iris, the glare, which will be a little "go" on the pupil, do not need this area (emanating the tight hatching of the pasta!).

Sharp the pupil? Go to the iris, stroke it with thin lines, without entering the boundaries of the glare. He must always stay the brightest part of your eye, it will give him a realistic "humidity". You do not need to try to draw everything at once perfect, draw each dash, you need to create a common eye look, outline how light falls on it.

Go to the centuries. Apply the hatching with not sharp moves, but long lines, following the smooth form of the eyelids. This will immediately give them a spectacular volume. Do not press a strongly pencil, but better take advantage of the decisiveness of all shaded parts.

It can be a dense napkin or a piece of pure porous fabric. But do not start a decisive with dark details like a pupil, it will get dirty and then puts the whole drawing! First we undress the brightest parts, the sequence is such: eyelid, the eye protein, then the iris and only in the finals of the pupil.

The eye turned out, but may look a little pale. To "revive" it, you need to add a few details. Make a clearer and pronounced outline at the iris, let off the outer and inner side of the century, slightly dial the iris areas adjacent to the pupil and to its outer circle.

Just do not do all the strokes are the same, they must be of different lengths and thickness, then the glance will play alive sparkles. Do not forget about the third century. In the corner of the eye there are often glare. Just with the help of erasing gum erase a small spot so that the glare turned out, but not as bright as on the iris.

Finally eyelashes. We draw them only last time, otherwise they will interfere with the decisive eyelid! Real eyelashes are never straight, they are always slightly curved. We start drawing eyelashes from the upper eyelid, draw a slightly curved arc (the length of the eyelashes of each person is different, everything depends on your desire, but do not overdo it). Then slightly thickening the base of each to give them density and volume. Do not forget to make the inclination of the growth of cilia in the form of the eyelids!

In this lesson we will look at Basics drawing a natural eye In the profile, in the side and closed. Then teach draw anime eyes Characters in different angles, as well as consider the examples of different style styles.

Eyes - Soul Mirror ...

After all, they make all people unique, showing our inner world. And in order to draw them correctly, we will look at the foundations.

Consider a photo of the eye (front view).

This is a real middle-aged person's eye.

At the eyes of the almond shape, on the edge of which they pass, differently long eyelashes, and folds and wrinkles around the eyes emphasize the contours of the eyeball.

In the figure, I pointed out in which direction, from the edge of the eye, go eyelashes. Please note that the eyelashes of the curved shape and different are long. Also, I designated the Long Eyelashes Coka is located around the eye (B-big eyelashes, m- small). Eyelashes are usually higher in the center of the eye and less to the ends of the eye, but at one end (which is further from the nose) can also draw long eyelashes.

Consider a photo of the eye (side view).

Now the main form of the eye is triangular, and not almond-shaped.

The eyelashes of the curved shape and different lengths. In the side of the side, the location of the length of the eyelashes around the eye (B-large eyelashes, m-small) is clearer.

The eye is clearly visible half of the lower part of the almond-shaped form, on the edge of which they pass, different lengths of the eyelashes. Wrinkles on top of the eye emphasize the contours of the eyeball.

Eyelashes, longer than the center and less to the ends of the eye (B-big eyelashes, m-).

Eyes Anime Characters

Let's get acquainted with the basic shapes of the eyes.

With the help of the eye shape, the personality character is expressed. And also note that large eyes with big pupils are mostly suitable for girls and children, narrow eyes with small pupils for guys, men and women, and eyes drawn by one line for the elderly.

Drawing anime eye, always start with eyelashes. Deciding with the form, spend two straight lines that intersect at one point and relate to the edges of the top shape of the eyelashes. So we will define the contours of the apple eyes. Then complicate the eyelashes and draw the pupil.

If you want to draw a rounded eye shape, consider the following example.

At the heart of such eyes, I always draw a circle first. Then I am determined with the shape of the eyelashes and complicate them. After that necessarily erase the auxiliary circle. Now trying the pupil.

Eye examples (front view) with different forms for familiarization.

Eye examples (side view) with different forms for review.

Mostly there are two types of closed eyes: bending eyelashes up and down.

When the eyelashes of eyes are bending, the emotion of happiness, joy and laughter is passed.

Eyelashes with bend down is drawn when kissing, sleep, think, are in calm state.

Examples of closed eyes (front view) with different forms for review.

Examples of eyes closed (side view) with different forms for review.

You can also see how the eyes change, when the emotion rivers, going to the lesson How to draw emotions.

On this I finish the lesson! I hope he will help you in your work!

Many novice artists are most striving to draw human faces. This is quite explained: the face is the most important aesthetic component of the body, and the portraits of orders come much more often than, say, on the image of the feet.

If you have already more or less studied the overall structure of the human head, the initial construction and framework of lighting can also begin to develop parts. The most expressive part of the face is, without a doubt, the eyes - it is them today and will take care of drawing.

So let's get up!

First sketch your eye contours. Indicate the shape, take a tear and eyelid.

Then draw the circuits of the iris and pupil, after which we mark the contour glare and gently shake the iris, bypassing the marked glare.

In the next step, shadow pupil (immediately make it darker to separate from the iris). Start drawing a streak on the iris, as well as draw a falling shadow from the upper eyelid. Do not put on a pencil too, to be able to gradually gain tone in the right places.

Draw a streak on the iris carefully, take the shadows above the upper century, and also draw the shadow under the bottom. Walk through a thin face of a cropped elastic band around the eye: on this light line we will draw eyelashes.

Draw eyelashes - and the drawing will immediately acquire a completely different look. The upper eyelashes are crossed, forming "triangles". The lower eyelashes are usually much thinner, shorter and less often the upper. Also, it will be useful to work in more detail by the Iris texture: apply dark dots and strokes on it, and also carefully wipe the tiny bright areas.

It remains to work on the details. Still all dark places: pupil, iris contour (the upper border is in the shade, so darker), the lower boundaries of the upper eyelashes. Shadows above the upper and under the lower eyelids also need to do a little darker. Pay attention to the glare: they must be as light as possible. Add the volume with the eyeball, is a little amplified shadow and bright places.

Step 1.
Decide which tools you want to use. In this lesson for drawing, I used B, 3B and 8B pencils. I recommend that you use different-class pencils to get a better color depth for a more realistic view. To draw your eyes, I took Watman, (I strongly recommend buying a special paper for drawing, it should not cost expensive). Also in my arsenal necessarily there is a pencil sharpener, a piece of fabric (for decisive or small blur) and eraser (in the form of a handle).

Step 2.
Start throwing eye contours. If it is still hard for you to achieve the right form, try learning the eye of your eyes or, perhaps, take a look at your own eyes. Sketch Draw very easily, barely touching a pencil leaf. This is necessary in order to erase the drawn lines in the case of an error tolerance. Make sure that the pencils are sharp throughout the drawing process. This will give the best results.
Step 3.
Start drawing a dark pupil. Then it is very easy to start darkeing the iris. I used B pencil to do it. After the first layer on the layer, add more layers in the dark areas. There is no need to put the pencil very much. Many layers will make it darker automatically. The iris always has a dark outer line and in my drawing I also made the top half darker to give him more depth.

Step 4.
Next, as if we blur the layers while the iris will not look smooth. There are many tools for blur, but I personally always use fabrics, because it gives a good smooth result. After you finish with blur (essay), add more layers with a darker pencil (3b in my case) and query them again. Continue to repeat this step until you are satisfied with the result.

Step 5.
To finish drawing a pupil and make it more detailed and clear, add some strokes of sketches to the iris. Overlapping them with wavy lines easily and gently, especially not addressed to the pencil. Some of these waves should be longer, and some are shorter. Continue to repeat this action until you fill the entire iris.

Step 6.
Now add some shades for the eyeball. White eye is not entirely white. Remember that this is a ball, not a flat surface, which means there must be several strokes for the shade.

Step 7.
Next, we will draw a tear duct. Play with color depth. Strike some areas are twisted as shown in the figure. This technique will help achieve the effect of a slightly wet eye.

Step 8.
Add shading to the rest of the eye. Make sure that you have not forgotten about the line over the upper age. This area, as well as the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower eyelid, shadow is a bit darker. If you want, you can walk along the shaded plot of the usual eraser, so that the skin texture looks more realistic.

Step 9.
Now add eyelashes. The top eyelashes are curved and go up. Start drawing on the top of the eye, curved lines are directed up and slightly touch the white part of the eyeball (but too much) and lead the line just above the century. Lower cilia paint the light slightly curved lines, do not make them too long. And remember that start drawing the lower cilia from the bottom century, as shown in the figure. Give each cilia (from the top and bottom line of eyelash growth) a little different direction. This will help achieve a more realistic effect.

Step 10.
So the last stage of the drawing, my most beloved! Now I will draw a reflection of cilia in pupil. Add a few strokes in the brunch of the pupil, how much will it seem sufficient, and darken some areas until you are satisfied with the result. Now everything is ready! : D.

Eyes is a man's soul mirror. Draw them realistic - very subtle business. That we will talk about this in this article. You will learn about how to draw

It is necessary to pay attention to every detail, otherwise the result will be unnatural. Prepare all the necessary tools: acute pencil, eraser with a thin end and sheet of paper. Now consider how to draw realistic eyes.

In order for the desired result, the artist must understand it is a small sphere that is in the eyeboard and covered in centuries, the gap between them is the eye closple. The inner corner, which is closer to the nose, is always rounded and has a sharp end. The external is the one that closer to the corner must be pointed. The top eyelid should be at the level or slightly above the pupil, it slightly covers if you draw the pupil and in the center of the eye slit, then the eyes will look screamed, the drawing will be unnatural.

How to draw eyes a pencil

So, proceed to work. The visual body as a whole resembles an ellipse. We carry out the following actions:

1. Very light strokes begin to make sketches of the eye as shown in the picture.

If you are interested in the question of how to draw the eyes of the girl, follow the instructions below:

  • the upper eyelid from the inner corner of the eye and the lower eyelid from the outer corner of the visual organ is a straight line equal to about 1/3 of the length of the visual organ;
  • if you hold the horizontal line in the center of the eye, the external angle of the century will be slightly raised, which is not mandatory in drawing, but may give a look easy chitrink;
  • the area of \u200b\u200bthe upper eyelid from the inner corner should be a little concave, which will give the refinement of the drawing.

2. Considering all the above, we create an outline of a rainbow shell, pupil and glare. Sharching as it shows the picture below.

3. Now you need to paint the darkest sections of the eye. First of all it is a pupil. Do not forget to leave a glare on it! Look at the original pattern and dictate the necessary places in your work.

4. Create dark rays, spending thin lines with a sharp pencil.

5. Slightly grow your finger with a rainbow shell, but do it very carefully.

6. Now take the eraser. His sharp end add several natural light races on the rainbow shell.

7. The artist who knows how to draw the eye with a pencil realistically, should understand that the eye protein cannot be all absolutely white! Add a little gray.

8. Now work with the centuries: add them dark and light tones, then we grow.

9. Now draw top eyelashes. They should be slightly arcuate and be sure to have a different length. They grow from the upper eyelid and eclipses slightly above the lower.

10. We create thin bottom eyelashes with light movements. If you are interested in how to draw your eyes with a pencil, so that they come out natural, it is important to know the following: eyelashes cannot be perfectly smooth. They are somewhere stronger, somewhere casually lie. This is a particle of natural beauty.

How to draw an eye with a pencil. Eyebrows

1. Make eyebrow sketches.

2. Strike and grow in the area under them until the upper eyelid. By the same principle, an area under the lower eyelid is processed.

3. Picture the main hairs, then add a bit small.

4. Slightly grow in your eyebrows.

Now you know one of the ways to create realistic eyes. You will definitely work out!