Can you build up using your own body weight? My personal experiment of many years. How to pump up in a month

  • 12.10.2019

Let's talk about how to properly swing at home - without special simulators, hardware, a trainer and the inevitable spirit of competition in the gym, forcing you to move on and not stop there.

Of course, you will hardly achieve the indicators of professional bodybuilders-bodybuilders - for this you still need serious and daily many hours of work with special equipment, not to mention a complex system of sports nutrition.

However, practice shows that building muscles at home, getting a beautiful body relief, developing strength and endurance is quite real.

True, this does not work for everyone - and primarily because it is important to correctly develop your own training program and strictly adhere to it.

Determine the goal

In many ways, the training program that you need depends on the goal that you are striving to achieve. So, first of all, try to answer yourself as accurately as possible to the question of what you want to get as a result.

So, if you want, for example, to lose weight, it makes sense to focus on cardio training.

To improve health, increase immunity, improve the state of the body, or simply maintain a figure, a standard restorative exercise program.

To increase endurance, you need aerobic activity (for example, jogging).

If your goal is to get stronger, get a good body relief - accordingly, it is worth focusing on strength exercises in training. Moreover, if you need to build up muscle mass or dry out the body, you need to pay special attention to your nutritional system.

Cons of home workouts

The main disadvantage of home workouts is, of course, the lack of special simulators. They will have to be replaced with improvised means - chairs, a window sill, etc. will be used.

Another important point is that there are always experienced coaches and seasoned athletes in the gym who can tell you whether you are doing the exercise correctly, what your mistakes are, correct it in time. In addition, a large number of mirrors in the hall sometimes helps you see your mistakes yourself.

If you have not been involved in sports before, then in order for the absence of "senior comrades" not to affect the results of your workouts, you should pay the utmost attention to the performance of each exercise. Ideally - read special literature, or even watch videos demonstrating the correct implementation of the exercises.

And finally, the reason many consider home workouts doomed to fail is decreased motivation... In the hall, you constantly see those who have already achieved success, and you strive to do the same.

In addition, there is a constant atmosphere of competition and camaraderie in the gym, which gives you incentives during your workout. We'll talk about how not to lose motivation with home workouts below.

Building strength and muscle mass at home

How to swing properly at home. For pumping and building muscles, regardless of whether you are exercising at home or in the gym, two important conditions must be observed: proper nutrition and a constant increase in load.

As for the increase in loads, it is necessary so that the body does not have time to "get used to". At the same time, by increasing the weight and severity of the workout, we build up the actual muscle mass. If it is necessary to "dry" the body for better drawing of the relief, it is not necessary to increase the weight lifted, but the number of repetitions.

The complexity of fitness exercises at home in this regard lies in the fact that here we work mainly with our own weight, that is, we practically cannot increase the load. It is advisable to alternate exercises, change the complex from time to time so as not to give the muscles a habit.

In addition, it makes sense to still acquire a minimum inventory. First of all, these are, of course, dumbbells. If desired, you can replace them with weighting materials (sold in sports stores). Many exercises require a bar or wall bars. In principle, if it is not possible to install it at home, you can always go out into the yard and train on the horizontal bar on the street platform.

Nutrition during intense training

For building muscles, proteins are needed first of all - these are meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese. If you do not consume enough protein with great physical activity, this will not lead to anything good: in the absence of other material, the body will “waste” your own resources.

There is no need to talk about muscle growth in such a situation.

At the same time, you should not completely exclude fats and carbohydrates from the diet - after all, they provide energy for your activities.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to minimize the consumption of fast carbohydrates - bread (especially white) and any other baked goods, sweets.

The last meal of the day (dinner) should be almost exclusively protein! At breakfast, eat foods containing slow carbohydrates and fiber - primarily cereals.

And, of course, do not forget about the need to increase the amount of vitamins in the diet. Do not skip meals at all - you can even increase their number. But the portions eaten at one time are better to be reduced.

Sports nutritional supplements should not be taken lightly either. This does not mean that you have to completely switch to sports nutrition from specialty stores. But helping your body a little by giving it the building blocks it needs to build your new body doesn't hurt at all.

So, in sports food stores you can buy protein, as well as essential amino acids that the body does not produce on its own - el-arginine and el-carnitine. Arginine is involved in building protein molecules and will be an excellent aid in building muscle. Carnitine, which promotes oxygen transport, will give you an energy boost for your workouts.

The latter, by the way, can also be purchased at the pharmacy (Karniton, Elkar, etc.), where it is sold as a general tonic and adaptogen. The main difference between "pharmacy" el-carnitine from "sports" is that it does not contain caffeine. However, if you wish, you can make up for this deficiency yourself.

By the way, collagen and collagen supplements sold in sports nutrition stores (to improve the condition of joints and ligaments), if desired, can be replaced with ordinary food gelatin, which is a hydrolyzate of animal collagen.

And, of course, do not forget that after any meal, at least two hours should pass before training.

Rules, training regime

With intense training in the gym, the body receives a powerful and constantly growing load. It is usually recommended to give the muscles 2-3 days to recover. Thus, trainings are carried out 2-3 times a week.

However, as we have already said, at home you have to work mainly with your own weight. Muscles don't need that long to recover. Therefore, training at home is best done daily - unless, of course, you really want to see results.

Set a constant time for training and try to stick to that schedule. For example, practice every day in the morning or every day in the evening after work.

In order to evenly distribute the loads for different muscle groups, make yourself a training program. For example, on Monday you train your shoulders, back and arms, on Tuesday you train your back, buttocks and legs, and so on. Be sure to write down this schedule for yourself and follow it.

Circular training

Circuit training involves working out the muscles of the whole body alternately during one "circle" - a cycle of exercises. How to do it at home? Let's try to compose an example program using the available "equipment".

    Pull-ups on the bar... We place our hands a little further than shoulder-width apart, palms away from ourselves. We pull ourselves up so that the chin is above the crossbar. 10 times.

    Push ups... We will do push-ups in a special way. First, lower yourself completely to the floor, and then forcefully push your body up with your hands so that your palms are off the floor. Ideally, you should also clap your palms in front of you before spreading your palms back and landing on them. 8 times.

    Squat on one leg... You will need a chair for this exercise. Place it behind your back, extend one leg back and place it on a chair. Squat in this position on one leg 8 times. Change your leg, do 8 more squats.

    Reverse Grip Pull-ups... Hands shoulder-width apart, palms facing you. 12 times.

    Push-ups on the arms against the wall... Stand on your hands upside down with your feet against the wall. Bend your arms slowly, lowering your head to the floor, and rise again, extending your arms. 5 times.

    On two chairs... Take two stable chairs of the same height, place them opposite each other. On one, put your feet with your ankles, on the second, rest your arms slightly behind your back (while your body is hanging in the air between the chairs). Go up and down on your arms bent behind your back. 12 times.

    Hanging curl... Hang on a horizontal bar and raise your legs as high as possible. 12 times.

After completing the circle, you can give yourself a couple of minutes of rest. After that, start a new circle. You can start with four circles, in the future, their number should be increased.

Training programs as a set of exercises for all parts of the body

Another way is to train one or another muscle group every day in order to pump everything in a week.

Exercises for arms, shoulders and chest- this is primarily push-ups and pull-ups. By the way, the press also trains during push-ups. You can start with two series of push-ups from the floor 10–20 times, with a break of one minute between them. These are warm-up series. After that, do push-ups as long as you have enough strength. A prerequisite for the result is to use your resources to the fullest.

For legs and buttocks- Squats with weights. It is not at all necessary to squat deeply, it is enough that the thighs are parallel to the floor. At the same time, if you rise on your toes, your calves will be pumped to a greater extent, and if you squat on a full foot, your thighs. Ideal - squats on one leg, as well as squats with weights on the shoulders.

For the press- twisting lying on the floor, lifting the legs in the hang, lifting the body while lying on the floor. A good static abdominal exercise that minimizes stress on the spine (sometimes important): Place your hands on the floor with your feet on the bed or against a wall. In this case, the whole body should be stretched into a string. Stand this way without moving or bending your arms for at least 40 seconds. Repeat in several approaches.

In general, the abdominal muscles very quickly get used to this or that exercise, so it is advisable to change the abdominal exercises periodically.

A sample home fitness program for a week might look like this:

  • Monday- lifting dumbbells (biceps work).

  • Tuesday- bench press dumbbells.

  • Wednesday- wiring with dumbbells.

  • Thursday- squats and deadlifts.

  • Friday- dumbbell row in the slope.

  • Saturday- Breeding dumbbells for deltas, bench press.

  • Sunday- push-ups, crunches on the press.

How to force yourself to exercise at home and not quit exercising

So, you have mastered the necessary exercises, did them for several days.

Then you had a friendly party and you missed one workout, the next day a friend who had not been seen for a long time arrived, then you wanted to go to the long-awaited movie premiere, then you decided that since you still took a break from training, you can just lie in front of the TV in the evening, and tomorrow for sure ...

Alas, in the overwhelming majority of cases, this is where home workouts end.

Indeed, when you firmly know that on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday you have an appointment in the gym, you put off all your work for this and accordingly build your schedule, and skip a workout only if absolutely necessary. Organizing yourself independently, when at any time the workout can be postponed or postponed (or even canceled altogether), is much more difficult.

The most important thing is how to swing properly at home, what is worth doing is to remember your goal all the time and keep it in front of your eyes.

Just for this to work, the question about the goal for oneself should be answered with utmost honesty. The abstract “become healthy and strong” will not work. You might want it, but it won't make you get off the couch. Why do you really need training? Why do you need a pumped-up body?

If, say, you want to please women - well, great! So, imagine how in the summer you go to the sea, come to the beach, and all the girls will follow you with admiring glances. Let this beach, where you can safely choose any beauty, become your "motivational picture" that you keep in your head.

If you want to make your friends jealous, great too! So, we represent fishing and how you carelessly lift in front of everyone a load that friends could not pull three of us. Hey, nothing funny! You don't have to describe this picture to anyone. This is your personal motivation.

Just feel the emotions that you will feel at that moment - and move towards this goal. You can't deceive yourself - so motivate yourself with honest goals.

Do not take breaks from your studies! Especially at first. After any break, it becomes psychologically more difficult to return to training every day.

Let yourself be drawn in, let your body feel the joy, the pleasure of muscle fatigue. When you see the first results, it will become much easier to motivate yourself, but at first you need to literally "take yourself by the scruff" and force to act.

You can try to create an "illusion of a hall" for yourself, watch a motivating video. Other people's achievements can also set the tone and direction.

And, of course, be sure to put your favorite energetic music for the time of class - the one that will make you get up and move.

Workouts at home have a number of disadvantages, such as, for example, the absence of a coach nearby who can help with advice to control the process, lack of space and lack of motivation. However, in recent years, more and more athletes opt for training at home. Why?

This is because exercises at home for men, as well as for women, allow you to work out all muscle groups with no less efficiency than workouts conducted in the gym, but at the same time require less time and money.

The sports goods market now provides a huge selection of equipment for home workouts, and there is more free time due to the disappearance of the need to spend it on the road to the gym.

The main rule of successful home training is to find the right training program.

Exercises for practicing at home:


Everyone is interested in the question - how to pump up at home without iron? The answer is simple - squat. Squats use large muscle groups such as the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, and their work provides a significant calorie consumption, which is important if you want to lose weight. They endow the hip joints with mobility, and the knee joints with stability.

Squats can be of several types. In addition to the usual ones, there are goblet ones - it is necessary to hold a small burden on bent arms; squats on one leg - develop not only strength indicators, but also balance with flexibility; sumo squats - during squats, a wide stance is used.

Squats require a stable back position, so a decent load is put on the core muscles to help strengthen them. Squats not only stimulate the growth of strength indicators, but also prevent varicose veins.

There are so many variations of this type of exercise that only one of them can be used to create a full-fledged workout at home.

An evenly distributed load between the pectoral muscles, deltoids and triceps is achieved using regular push-ups. The load, which is mainly subject to the pectoral muscles or triceps, is achieved by changing the width of the arms.

An analogue of a dumbbell press or a barbell while standing is vertical push-ups. There are also reverse triceps push-ups (you need to be in the back to support position) and push-ups on the uneven bars or horizontal bar, with a wide setting of the arms.

Despite the fact that push-up exercises force almost all muscle groups to work, the emphasis is still on the upper body. If you combine push-ups with pull-ups, then it is easy to get the necessary set of exercises for the harmonious development of the upper body.

Unlike push-ups, pull-ups are an order of magnitude more difficult, mainly due to the fact that a larger percentage of body weight is a burden.

Pull-ups involve the muscles of the chest, delts, triceps, and biceps. Different widths and types of grip (forward and backward, neutral and parallel, narrow, wide and medium) form different types of load, focusing on a specific muscle group.

The exercise to maintain a stable body position in the lying position, that is, the plank, can be either lateral or straight, and is the main exercise for training the core.

The main function of the core muscles is stabilization; it is their condition that determines the health of the spine and the safety of almost all strength exercises.

Even a short time spent in the plank will allow you to feel the work of the muscle groups of the back, shoulders, abdominals, hips and buttocks. At home, the bar is recommended to be performed without using various weights.

This exercise is an important part of your home workout routine. The bridge allows you to stretch and strengthen the muscles of the back, buttocks and arms, and is also an excellent prevention of various diseases associated with the spine.

Doing this exercise regularly will allow the muscles to be elastic and the spine to be mobile and flexible. It is believed that doing this part of the workout regularly will help expand the chest and increase lung capacity.

The bridge exercise can be performed in several ways: lying on the floor, standing with support on a wall, standing without support, or from an upright handstand.

The main rule, which must always be strictly adhered to, is to make a bridge with pre-heated muscles.

Burpee is considered one of the coolest exercises in CrossFit. It can be performed both with weights and without them.

The whole exercise consists of the sequential execution of the following actions: you need to sit down, resting your hands on the floor so that your legs touch your chest. Then, throwing our legs back, we perform an emphasis lying down and return to the starting position. After that, we try to jump up as much as possible and return to the starting position again.

This exercise engages all muscle groups and joints. The muscles of the upper shoulder girdle are subjected to the maximum load, that is, the deltoid, trapezius and triceps, as well as the muscle groups of the abdomen, thighs, gluteal and gastrocnemius muscles.

Burpee not only increases the body's endurance, but also very effectively burns excess fat reserves. According to research, burpee also increases metabolic rate, which is important in the fight against calories.

Swing kettlebell

Exercises with this apparatus are an extremely effective tool for shaping a toned athletic figure. Kettlebell swings place an intense load on the oblique abdominals, abdominal muscles, back muscles, and hip flexors.

Training with kettlebells helps to synchronize the work of the whole body, because when the center of gravity of the projectile is outside the handle, the athlete needs to coordinate all his actions with biomechanics and thus the athlete, activating various muscle groups, forces the body to work as a whole.

Among other things, kettlebell exercises are very effective in increasing strength and anaerobic endurance, burning calories, and developing core strength.

How to build up at home: a program from StyleFitness.


You can perform pull-ups with a wide grip, both for the head and for the chest, or even combine them. The width of the grip should be such that the forearms at their highest point will be parallel to each other, in other words - perpendicular to the floor.

It is very important to keep the shoulder blades brought together and the head straight so as not to hunch over at the top. We perform 3 sets to the maximum, no weight, the rest time between sets is 3 minutes.

  • Squats

We put our feet shoulder-width apart or narrower. The back slope should be approximately 45 degrees, but not lower. The lowest point of the thigh when squatting should be parallel to the floor or even lower. Squats are recommended with light dumbbells.

We perform 25 repetitions of 8 approaches, each week increasing the repetitions by 2 more times.

When doing push-ups, try to keep your legs and back straight so that they are in a straight line. With your arms wide apart and your elbows wide apart, your chest muscles work best. That is why the maximum load on the shoulder joints also falls. Please be careful.

Push-ups from the floor with a wide grip should be performed 20 times in 5 sets, and every week the number of repetitions should be increased by 2 times.

This exercise should be done for the maximum number of repetitions in 5 minutes.

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet about 20 cm from your hips. The legs should be shoulder-width apart, and the arms should be slightly bent at the elbow. Pushing off with both arms and legs, with a tense press, gently lift your hips up so that your back is arched in an arc.

Do the bridge 10 times, trying to keep your arms and legs as straight as possible.

The whole body turns into one straight line. Try to stay in this position for 20 seconds. Perform 8 sets with no more than 10 seconds of rest between them.


  • Tabata "Push-ups".

We take a position with an emphasis on the knees and do push-ups with a large amplitude for 20 seconds. We rest for the next 10 seconds. We carry out 8 approaches.

  • Tabata "Squats".

At a fast pace, with arms extended forward and pulling the pelvis back, we squat for 20 seconds. We do 8 sets, rest time is 10 seconds between sets.

  • Plank.

The position of the body should be like for push-ups and with an emphasis on the socks. We carry out 3 approaches, to the maximum.

  • Tabata "Burpee".

Performed at a fast pace, 8 sets of 20 seconds each, rest time - 10 seconds.

  • Pull-ups.

We perform 5 sets of 10 reps, trying to pull up at least 60% of the maximum reps every minute.


  • Swing weights.

We perform kettlebell swings (1-24kg), trying to achieve at least 60% of the maximum repetitions. We do 4 sets with a 2-minute interval for rest.

  • Tabata "Push-ups"

Focusing on the knees, we do push-ups with a large amplitude. We perform 8 sets of 20 seconds, with a 10-second break.

  • Tabata "Squats".

At a fast pace, squat for 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds of rest. We do 8 approaches.

  • Bridge.

With the arms and legs as straight as possible, we perform this exercise 10 times, trying to linger in the position for a while.

  • Tabata "Plank".

We try to stay in this position for at least 20 seconds. You must do 8 repetitions at 10-second intervals.

Style Summary

Doing it at home is one of the main ingredients of being in good physical shape for life. Once they become a habit, they will become an integral part of your life, a good habit that neither time pressure nor financial situation can take away from you.

And again, I am glad to meet you on the pages of my blog. It's summer outside, the weather is beautiful, and I'm sure that most of you have gone to summer cottages and resorts. In general - away from the hot asphalt and city bustle. And I fully agree with you in such impulses. However, in this way, gyms and all sports equipment remained at home. But I'm sure you want to train! I would like to pump my chest, arms, shoulders ... You know, there is a way out!

I propose to talk about how to pump up push-ups from the floor so that in the future your workouts are not interrupted due to distances, lack of necessary supplies, unwillingness to visit the gym, etc.

Not only are push-ups extremely convenient in that they can be performed literally wherever you find a flat, smooth surface, they are also, believe me, very useful for the body. With push-ups, you keep fit, increase endurance, strengthen joints, the respiratory system and much more, not to mention increase muscle mass and give your torso relief.

But since we, along with health, are primarily interested in muscles, their volume and shape, let's dwell on this. So, I propose to visually consider which muscles are pumped up with such a workout.

In the illustration, numbers 1, 2 and 3 represent different beams. Pushing up, you work through all the segments of the delta. Number 4 - triceps, which, together with number 5 - chest muscles, takes on the main load when performing training. But our conversation will be incomplete without mentioning the biceps of the shoulder and the serratus anterior muscles (ribs).

There are many nuances and options for performing push-ups, focusing on the top of the chest, then on the bottom, or even on the biceps. The back and hips also work, as you have to make an effort to stay level and not bend. By the way, this is one of the important conditions for correct exercise performance, as well as smoothness and correct breathing.

Cool video course " Street Bodybuilding Workout "will only help you, thanks to which you will be able to build a relief muscular body in a short time.

How to do push-ups correctly

Surely many are asking the question: is it possible to pump the chest just like in the gym with push-ups alone. The answer is: push-ups are essentially the same as the chest press. I will show you a number of exercises aimed specifically at the pectoral muscle group. Therefore, if for some reason a gym is not available to you, then, until we have switched to training, connect to our conversation.

Here you will learn how to build up at home, performing, in fact, one single exercise.

1. First, the back must be straight.

2. Secondly, the speed of push-ups should be as slow as possible, movements should be smooth. When someone demonstrates convulsions of this technique, doing 100 or more push-ups incredibly sharply and quickly, turn away. Believe me, he will not do the right thing even 20% of the amount declared by him.

3. Thirdly, depending on which muscle group you focus on, a certain type of push-ups follows. Visually, the differences are insignificant, but functionally, rest assured, the difference is palpable. Precisely perceptible, because in the process of performing the training you will feel exactly those muscles on which the main load goes. This means that it is them that we are pumping.

An important point is your training schedule. Since push-ups are a strength exercise, then, naturally, the body needs to be allowed to rest. Therefore, three lessons per week will be sufficient.

I hope we figured out the technique, so let's look at different types of push-ups aimed at one or another muscle group of the upper body of your body. In fact, there are many of them, and we will not dwell on all of them. I suggest limiting ourselves to training for the muscles of the chest, triceps and biceps. Do you agree? Well then, let's get started.

Let's start with. Do you know how different sections of the bar are pumped with the help of a barbell? That's right, on an incline bench. Push-ups are the same story: if you are working on the upper part of the muscles, then we do push-ups, throwing our legs on a chair or whatever else comes along. If your goal is the bottom, then you need to do push-ups on the contrary, from the chair.

To properly stretch your chest muscles, try push-ups, such as dumbbells. If they are not at hand, you can even use books. The main thing is that while performing the exercise, you feel how to stretch the muscles. Such training is, in fact, basic for the chest muscle group.

Despite the fact that absolutely all types of this training are actively involved and, it is still necessary to perform exercises that are focused on it. The most effective here are push-ups with a narrow grip. Place your palms on top of each other and try to do this. How is it? Did you manage to get up? Work!

So that we also need dumbbells. Of course, you can do without them, however, to complicate the process, I would recommend doing this training with them. So, hands are shoulder-width apart, as in a regular push-up, with the only difference that the back of your wrists is directed to the same direction as your gaze.

As you can see, push-ups are essentially a versatile workout for your torso. If you are already a strong enough and experienced athlete, then you can safely add load using additional weight. There are many options, but it seems to me that it will be most convenient for you to use pancakes from a barbell - just put them on your back and forward. But first, come back home quickly, as we still have many interesting things to do.

Training program

To achieve the desired result as quickly as possible, try to notice a certain system in your workouts. I offer you my own version, lasting 20 weeks. However, a physical activity program is an individual matter, and you can approach its preparation yourself. The main thing is that you do not get hung up on any one exercise, but periodically alternate them. Otherwise, the increase in mass will not shine for you.

So, the push-up program for 20 weeks (clickable):

Do any exercises correctly, otherwise you risk not only not getting the expected effect, but also injuring yourself. Take a break of 90 - 120 seconds between sets, no more. If you approach the training thoroughly, without being lazy, then the result will pleasantly amaze even you.

Go in for sports, take care of your health, have patience and perseverance, and this world will bend under you. See you.


Pump up muscle per week not difficult as it seems at first glance. It is enough to follow a certain plan, which we will draw up further. Revise your schedule, that is, set aside 2 hours of free time for yourself every day, this is the most optimal time for training and developing basic muscles.

Next, decide on the nutrition. You will have to eat often and abundantly. This process has its own tricks. Eat, for example, "carbohydrates" get energy, proteins - mass, fats - a reserve of strength. All this will make up a complex of your diet for the whole week and subsequent time.

Eat "carbohydrates" for breakfast - bread, potatoes, pasta, cereals, sweets. Sugar is a natural carbohydrate. Honey, depending on the type, contains 70-80% glucose and fructose. Lunch consists of "proteins" - cheese, low-fat cottage cheese, meat of animals and chickens, fish, peas, beans, nuts. Dinner from a complex of fats and proteins - cream, sour cream, special curd mass, Dutch cheese, pork meat, duck and geese meat, as well as boiled and semi-smoked sausages, milk sausages, sprats, chocolate, cakes, halva.

All presented products contain the maximum of the substance you need.
Basic exercises for fast muscle growth are very simple.
The result will be already on the second day of training, since in combination with intensive nutrition and stress, muscle mass grows rapidly.

Do the following exercises every day. Plan 3-4 sets of 12-14 reps. Lifting dumbbells. Take two dumbbells of 4-5 kg. Next, sit on a horizontal bench, keep your back straight. And exhaling abundantly and drawing in oxygen, raise the dumbbells to chest level. Lower gently to the starting position. This look will help swing your biceps, triceps, shoulders, and upper chest.

Pull-ups: Jump onto the horizontal bar. Hold firmly with both hands, grip slightly above average, that is, about 100 centimeters in length. Then pull yourself up so that your chin touches the horizontal bar slightly or is higher. Fix your position, then slowly lower yourself down. This will swing your back, biceps, neck, and shoulders.

Press the bar. The weight of the bar should be in the "area" of 20-3 kg to begin with, after 2-3 days increase it by another 10-15 kg.
Lie on a bench, grab the bar, lower it so that it just touches your chest, fix it and, with an exhalation, lift it up. This will quickly help your chest, shoulders, neck, and triceps.
Thanks to this plan, the muscles for week guaranteed to you. Good luck!

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Useful advice

Start training at about 17 00. Since in the evening the body is more adapted to stress.


  • how to pump up in a week

A muscular, pumped-up body is the dream of many. Someone abandons this desire due to the fact that he does not have time. Someone due to the fact that he does not have enough genetic data in order to develop his body. And someone is just lazy. These are all just excuses, because in fact, time can be easily found by wisely planning your workouts. Age is all the more not a hindrance - at almost any age you can build muscles and build the body of your dreams.

You will need

  • - gym membership


Plan yours carefully. On one day, train only those muscle groups that are evenly tense when doing one. In other words, if you are doing a bench press, it will be quite logical to work your triceps on the same day, because when you bench press the triceps tense together with the chest muscles.
The optimal schedule is training day after day. And to begin with, use this scheme: the first day - and, the second day - biceps and shoulders, the third day - legs and

Is it possible to pump up with push-ups? Let's omit philosophy, the reasoning of couch fighters and just theorists. Instead, here are some practical tips on how to build muscle with push-ups in a short amount of time. And then there will be a real story from the life of a person I knew.

What is effective and what is not in push-ups

By doing push-ups, you can develop your pecs, shoulders, and triceps. The core muscles also receive some training.

Let's take a look at the effective and ineffective ways to pump up with push-ups.

Burdening: necessary or not

The pattern of push-ups for muscle growth should include resistance training. Without it, growth will be minimal and only at the initial stage (muscles quickly adapt to work with their own weight).

In general, it is optimal to carry out push-ups on the uneven bars, using weights of 20-30% of your weight. But the bars are not available to everyone and not always.

If we are talking about classic push-ups from the floor to the mass, then they can also be done with weights. You can use a special vest, a backpack (the main thing is to firmly fix it on the upper back) or train with a partner, a child, a girl. You should not only put them on the lower back - this is an extra load on the spine.

If you are alone, and there is no way to even put a cat on your back, the mass will not grow. It remains to be engaged in pumping triceps and chest for endurance - this will also increase the relief.

If you are aiming precisely at this result, you should do push-ups without weights for the maximum number of times.

Movement speed

Performing push-ups quickly, even to failure, even without it, will not give much effect. It's just pumping. Do the exercise slowly. It is the slow push-up that will make your muscles work at full strength. You will get tired faster, you can end up doing fewer reps. But the final result will be better.

Training protocol

Each time, write down the results, how many push-ups you did and how. If you train, for example, every other day - after 2 weeks you will forget how much you did push-ups on the first day. And so you will have a convenient sign in which the push-up program is indicated.

You might consider this a waste of time. But, believe me, it is always useful. Even if it's just paper or a table in your gadget, even if you never look at it, you need it. This is, first of all, discipline and order in your studies.

Different types of push-ups and their effect

The distribution of the load on the muscles depends on the position of the palms on the floor (or on the surface of the support).

Our muscular system rarely provides for the tension of any one muscle. All complex movements are performed due to the cooperation (expressed in the form of synergy and antagonism) of several muscles. For example, to turn the key in the lock, it is not the only muscle of the forearm that strains.

  • Place your palms with your fingers in front of you - you will swing your triceps, provided that your elbows are pressed against your torso.
  • Move your elbows to the sides while maintaining the orientation of the palms - now you are training the triceps and chest (the lats in this situation also tense, but slightly, acting as antagonists for the pectoral muscles).
  • If you can turn your fingers back and press your elbows against your body, the load will be distributed between your shoulders and triceps.
  • If you spread your arms wide, turn your palms inward and do push-ups, then you load the chest as much as possible (its inner part is especially loaded). The chest works in all cases, but you can use it less or more due to different positions of the hands. You will not be able to completely turn off any muscles that work during push-ups.
  • If you want to load your shoulders and make the exercise more difficult - put your feet on a support and push upside down.

If you stand on your fists and perform push-ups from this position, you create additional load. The magic is simple - the path from the chest to the floor increases. That is, you can go deeper: the muscles stretch more, the range of motion becomes larger. And to get up from the bottom point, you need to apply more force than with push-ups on the palms.

For the same purpose, push-up stops are used. They, in addition, also spin. Thus, you will also strain the stabilizers of the forearm.

What else will help you pump up

If you think that with push-ups alone you will build yourself a beautiful body - unfortunately, you are mistaken.

Push-ups from the floor can develop, first of all, the chest, triceps. The shoulders work partially, the forearms, wrists, and core muscles are involved.

But you can only feel the growth in relation to those muscles that bear the main load. Build triceps - yes. The chest is also yes. Shoulders - and even they can be pumped in this way, however, only the front beams.

But what about the legs, biceps, back? They won't change. To pump up, you need to train the whole body. Especially the legs. Without leg workout, you won't be actively gaining mass.

The principle here is simple - the heaviest load is usually given to the legs, due to which more anabolic hormones are produced. As a result, total muscle mass grows faster.

Eating and sleeping

You can build muscle if you get the right amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. If there is not enough nutrition, there is no increase in mass.

In addition, it is necessary that everything eaten is well absorbed. For this, food should be fractional and frequent. If you eat twice a day, and arrange the main meal before bedtime, hoping for a set of muscle mass is ridiculous.

When it comes to sleep, it’s no secret that the body needs to rest a certain number of hours a day. In a dream, all recovery processes take place, including in mice. Without this, their growth is impossible. Not getting enough sleep can get you overtrained very quickly.

Bottom line - to gain muscle mass, you need a complex consisting of nutrition, sleep and exercise. Then you can develop your body with push-ups from the floor. How to pump up if at least one of these components is insufficient? Alas - in no way.

Pectoral muscle progress: a real-life example

The person I cite as an example, simply exercising out of boredom, was able to pump up the pectoral muscles to some extent. I must say that before the training they were not visible at all. The asthenic chest was as flat as an ironing board.

Hospital workouts

The man was admitted to the hospital due to inflammation of the digestive tract.

The first couple of days he came to himself after lingering pain in the abdomen. As soon as the condition improved, it became boring for him to just lie there and do nothing. Oh yeah, we're talking about a 17-year-old guy.

The patient lay alone in the ward. The beds in hospitals you know what they are. No, not in modern private wards, where everything has long been done according to different plans. A regular bed with a removable headband.

Out of boredom and already good, at that time, well-being, the person decided to train - in a hospital setting, it was possible to pump the press and do push-ups. He began to do push-ups from the floor.

First results

When the usual push-ups began to tire (by the way, from 8 push-ups at a time, in a month spent in the hospital, he reached 50), a new element was included in the workout - push-ups from the arch of the bed.

And the last stage of training - he moved the beds together and used their arms as bars. After a month of such training, his pectoral muscles began to stand out noticeably. They were small but noticeable. This was enough for friends and family to notice the change. The triceps have also become more shaped and embossed.

The exercise had side effects - periodic exercise caused the pain to flare up again. Therefore, the doctors extended the inpatient treatment. But each time the pain subsided faster and faster. When the body adapted to the load, the pain disappeared altogether.

To doctors, no one told about this practice. Otherwise, the "athlete" would be quickly discharged from the free "gym".

Here is such a story, how you can change yourself with the help of your own body and even hospital food. Of course, I do not recommend such experiments to anyone. This is just an example of what happens in life.

Watch your diet, give your muscles a good load, be healthy and strong!