How to make a large crayon from leftovers. Draw with liquid crayons

  • 26.07.2021

Share your experience, if there is one: how long you could go without face cream, and how many years you decided to apply it. At the same time, do you think the skin is worse / better or on a par with those who have been using creams for a long time and constantly?
Why do I ask? But I don’t have this cream. For hands only. And I just wash my face with water. No soap. And I don't use tonics.
So I want to know the opinion and experience of people like me. Happy New Year everyone!



Hello everyone. I was always amazed at spoiled teenagers who scandal with their parents over an iPhone of that color, but this story happened to me: This year my husband and I had a lot of spending: buying a house, furniture, renovating a kitchen, having a child ... In general, I did not count on a New Year's gift, although I stuttered several times that I wanted a new iPhone 11 pro. Well, yes, yesterday I found the same phone under the Christmas tree, but ... in gold, and I really wanted Midnight Green, which is fashionable this season. In theory, it can be changed to green, but I'm afraid of offending my husband and seem ungrateful. What should I do?



I decided to write here because it is very annoying, but I don’t know what to do and how to react. Thanks a lot in advance for the advice.
I have an 11-year-old daughter, and my colleague has a 13-year-old daughter. For a very long time she could not get pregnant from her husband, divorced and gave birth from a random man who sometimes helps them. I gave birth in marriage, then my husband left for another.
A colleague all the time talks about her daughter in a superlative degree. That she knows English perfectly and speaks with a British accent, even the English teacher is amazed at her innate abilities. She has been dancing since she was five and in the dance circle they always put her on the first part or solo. She swims like a little mermaid, holding her breath for six minutes. Rides like a real rider. All the boys in the class run after her in herds, the girls line up to sit with her at the same desk. And, well, what a beauty is by itself. The photo does not show that we, the envious aunts, do not jinx her.

And so my sister transferred her son to the class where this girl is studying. After a while, we accidentally talked about her, and it turned out that this girl is very timid, stutters with excitement when teachers or classmates speak to her. She is tall and plump, she has very thick legs and a long, slightly horse-like face with a heavy lower jaw, she is terribly awkward, waddles. She does not go to the pool with the class at all, she is allergic to bleach. She studies so-so, because of shyness, she often does not answer, even if she knows the topic, and those teachers who do not regret it, often put three's. In general, she studies between 3 and 4. No one of the boys runs after her, but on the contrary, teases and laughs at her. And the girls don't want to take her into their company, they snort. She sits alone, she never participates in any class activities, the very last one always resorts to physical education.

And now, when at work my colleague starts telling tales about her daughter, I always want to react somehow, but I don’t know how. If she just talked, otherwise she always speaks as if against the rest. Someone says, "I completely got out of my hands, does not do my homework, walks, does not drag home," she immediately: "and my clever girl does all her homework as soon as she comes home from school, then she studies English on Skype for two hours, then cooks for to my the arrival of the soup, vacuums, embroider with satin stitch, then at leisure sews aprons, potholders and hemming curtains. " they put six in her diary with delight. And so always. I would like to somehow let her understand that I know how things really are with her daughter, but I don’t want it to look like I’m out of envy I do it.

What would you do?


tatiana konyukhova

Happy New Year to members of the forum! Interested in the opinion of those who gave birth in the Lyubertsy maternity hospital. What are the pros and cons. Are the pros (or cons) of paid childbirth obvious in this RD? I understand that reviews can be very subjective. Therefore, if it's not difficult, what exactly did I like and what I didn't. All health, kindness and love!


Actually what is the problem. As far as I know, in such cases, some kind of payment is due. Insurance or something similar. How do I get it? What is required for this? It is clear that the leadership can resist, it is his own fault, they say, and all that. Is there a chance to achieve anything?


All children love wax crayons. Do you remember how convenient and interesting it was to paint everything with them? I still love this indescribable feeling of contact between wax pencil and paper ...

But you can not only draw with wax crayons - the range of their use is quite wide. For example, an unusual color is prepared on the basis of crayons. It's amazing how much you can think of if you free your imagination from the usual framework! These colored candles- the fruits of a vivid imagination ... Just admire!

Crayon candle

  1. First, take a box of crayons.
  2. Choose your favorite colors that blend harmoniously.
  3. You can use a glass cup as a candlestick. A wick is a must for a candle!
  4. Glue the wick to the glass, preferably in the middle.
  5. Place the remaining wax from old candles in a plastic cup. Heat the wax in the microwave.
  6. Cut the wax crayons into pieces and add them to the melted wax.
  7. Place the candlestick at an angle so that it is convenient to pour the melted wax into it.
  8. Melt the crayons and wax thoroughly in the microwave, pour the liquid mass into the candlestick. Let it freeze for 20 minutes.
  9. Now turn the glass to the other side and pour another colored layer of wax into the candlestick. Also let it freeze.
  10. Gently pour the last layer on top, let the candle dry well.
  11. Brilliant result!

    In this video you can see all the subtleties of making colored candles from wax crayons.

By adding a few drops of essential oil to liquid wax, you can make your candle scented! Make candles from crayons can be together with the child, because it is so easy. Most importantly, you can achieve flawless favorite colors by mixing melted crayons of different shades. Make a unique candle to match yours

Modern artists use the most unusual techniques and strange objects to paint pictures. Today you will not surprise anyone with pictures from, and even. Instead of paints, artists use,.

Wax pencils are no exception. It turns out from them you can make not only, but also create masterpieces. The article will discuss several techniques for creating paintings from ordinary drawing objects.

Method number 1 "Shavings". Prepare different colors of wax crayons to create the painting.

Remove the paper wrapping from them.

There are two options for making pencil shavings. With a sharpener. She peels off a thin layer of colored wax from the pencils.

Or you can grate the pencils. You will end up with a smaller crumb. Both sizes of fine wax are required to create a painting. This will make the patterns more varied.

Prepare the canvas for the painting. In order for the drawing to have rich colors, it is better to use a cloth. Colors will appear faded on paper. Sprinkle pencil crumbs onto the fabric. These can be stripes or other shapes.

Cover with parchment, which the housewives use for baking.

Preheat your iron well and iron the paper. At high temperatures, the wax will begin to melt.

When you have covered the entire surface, slowly peel off the paper. Do not make sudden movements, otherwise the drawing will be smeared.

Let the wax harden. Optionally, you can decorate the sides of the canvas.

Method number 2 "Paintings using a hair dryer". A hairdryer can help melt the wax from the pencils. With this option for creating paintings, you do not need to remove the wrapper from the pencils and grind. Glue them onto the canvas.

Lift it up so the pencils are on top of the base.

Turn on the hair dryer and blow hot air onto the wax. Gradually, it will melt and flow down.

When using this technique, original paintings are obtained.

Wax pencil drawings can be anything you want. If you arrange the colored wax in the shape of a heart, the interior will be clean on the canvas.

Or glue the stencil to the material before melting the wax.

Then take it off after using the hair dryer. In addition, paint or decorate the empty space with sparkles.

With this option for creating pictures, a pattern is obtained in the form of stripes. There is another way to make bright spots on the canvas. Cut the pencils into small pieces. Attach them to the canvas.

Heat the wax with a hair dryer. If you slowly turn the hair dryer around the pencil, you get a round drawing.

Choose colors and their placement depending on the desired composition.

Method number 3 "Glue gun". Often in needlework, a glue gun is used to connect parts of the decor. It can be used to paint pictures with colored wax. This device has a heating device in its design. It is he who can melt the wax crayons.

Prepare pencils instead of glue sticks. If necessary, then trim off excess wax. Insert the pencils into the glue gun and plug the device into a power outlet.

When the wax begins to melt, bring the device up to the canvas and press down on the lever. The wax will drip onto the paper, creating fancy patterns.

Gather the remains of colored wax together and make colored crayons out of them for children's creativity.

It's easy to create pictures with wax crayons. You can make such an original masterpiece with your own hands if you use these techniques.

Paints, felt-tip pens, pencils, pastels, wax crayons - such a variety of materials that our children use for creativity. Each of them has its own properties and features inherent in this particular material.

Today I would like to talk about how you can use wax crayons and what you can do with them unusual.

Surely every mother has come across the fact that the remains of painted crayons are scattered throughout the house. It is already inconvenient to use them, but it is also a pity to throw them out. How to give these crayons new life?

Take a silicone mold, crush the remaining crayons into it. You can scatter it in shades, or you can make a mix of different colors.

Place the dish in the oven 180 degrees.

The crayons will melt in about 10 minutes, then remove them. If you notice that the melted crayon has split into two layers (a transparent layer has formed at the top), or air bubbles have formed in it, just stir the contents, for example, with a toothpick and leave to cool.

When the crayons are frozen, remove them from the mold and you can draw!

Such crayons can even be made especially for small children, it will be more convenient for them to hold small pieces of this shape than long thin ones, and even constantly breaking from falls.

While we were melting the crayons, the thought occurred to me that you can draw with melted crayons too! If you do not wait for them to solidify. Since my little things were in a form with many cells, we got this mixture, but if you take, say, cupcake tins and melt the crayons there, then when pouring the contents, the colors will not mix and you can draw real drawings, and not abstraction. For example, flowers where the petals are made from drops, and the stem will surely take on a bizarre shape. In addition to the fact that the process itself is interesting, the result will also be unusual, because the drawing will turn out to be voluminous.

And it's also interesting to make such pictures, melting crayons with a hair dryer.

Glue crayons on a sheet of paper, let the glue dry.

Then you take a hairdryer and, turning it on to the hottest mode, blow on the crayons, hold the sheet with crayons almost vertically. My advice is to blow in the middle, or even on the top of the crayon, and not at the very tip. The chalk will begin to melt and drip in straight lines. If you blow on the tip of the chalk, then the molten wax will fly in different directions due to the strong air flow. Actually, that's exactly what happened.

After the smudges dried, we peeled off the crayons and began to fantasize. We've got a holiday with gifts and colorful balloons!

Then I accidentally damaged an incompletely dried blot of melted chalk and a notch formed in it, and then the thought occurred to me that wax crayons are easy to use as a background on which you can scratch something interesting.

And a little later I remembered that my friend told me how in childhood she and her brother made engravings. They took a candle, rubbed a sheet of paper with it, poured ink on top, let it dry and scribbled a drawing with a needle.

Instead of a candle, I took wax crayons and covered them with black gouache on top. When the gouache was dry, we enjoyed this technique a lot, using a regular toothpick to paint. A little later it turned out that I had not invented the bicycle and this technique is called scratching.

Crayons are soft, so they blend well. Cut different shapes out of paper and lay them out on a blank piece of paper.

Holding the shape superimposed on top with your finger so that it does not slide out, circle the outline with crayons.

Then use your finger to blend the line away from the center.

Here is such a funny result.

And finally, how to decorate a house with wax crayons. Are you planning a children's party and are you thinking of how to decorate the room? Invite your child to take the most direct part in the decoration.

This will require wax paper, a sharpener, and wax crayons. Cut out flags of any shape from paper, cut them so that they fold in half, like a postcard.

Sharpen the crayons, cover one half of the flag with shavings, cover with the other half and iron the flag with an iron through plain paper. Then attach the flags with thick thread or braid and you have a wonderful homemade garland!

Happy holiday to you!


Your old and broken wax crayons should not be thrown away. Just like candle wax, pencils can be melted down and turned into new pencils, candles, or even lipstick! There are several different ways to melt pencils, and in this article we are going to tell you about them.


1 Melt the pencils on the stove

  1. Do this with a double boiler or water bath. Pour 2.5 to 5.1 cm of water into a large saucepan. Place a temperature-resistant glass container inside a large saucepan. The top of the glass container must be above the water level.
    • You can use the metal glass you use to make candles for this instead of the glass container.
  2. Remove the wrappers from the pencils. If you have any difficulty, you can run a clerical knife along the entire length of the pencil, carefully cutting off the wrapper from its surface. However, the wrapper should be easy enough to remove. ...
    • You can also place the pencil in a bowl of hot water for a few minutes. The water will soften the paper and make it easier for you to remove it.
    • Soak your pencil in a bowl of hot water for a few minutes. Soften the paper and it will be easier for you to remove it.
    • Rip open the wrapper. Start at one end (top or bottom) along the seam. Hook the shell with your fingernail and start ripping it off.
    • Some pencils have a loose wrap. You can easily remove it.
  3. Sort pencils by color. If you have a large number of different pencils, you should arrange them by color. This will save you time later when you melt them. You don't need to separate pencils by shade, for example, you can put cyan and deep blue together. Just group all shades of blue, yellow, etc. together.
  4. Use a utility or kitchen knife to cut the pencils into small pieces. You should end up with pieces that are about 1.27 cm long. This will melt them faster and reduce the amount of lumps that can form.
  5. Turn on the stove and bring the water to a boil. After boiling, reduce the temperature and keep the water boiling over moderate heat.
  6. Drop the pieces of crayon into the glass container. Do not throw all the colors at the same time, otherwise you will end up with a muddy brown. Instead, send crayons sorted by primary color to the melt. Just drop your pre-selected pencil pieces into the container.
    • When making candles using wax crayons, add candle wax and a few drops of essential oil to create a pleasant scent.
    • If you are making a lipstick based on wax crayons, you should use just one crayon (you can use one or more colors, the size of one pencil) and ½ teaspoon of almond, argan, coconut, jojoba or olive oil.
  7. Wait for the pencils to melt. Stir with a spoon to heat the whole mixture evenly. Do not leave the stove unattended and be sure to ventilate the room well; substances released by the wax can cause headaches.
    • Add more water if the level in the large saucepan decreases.
  8. Remove the container from the water and use wax. The glass container will get very hot, so be sure to use an oven mitt or mitten to protect your hands. For fun pencil shapes, you can pour hot wax into silicone ice cube or candy molds. You can also use this wax to make candles and lipstick.

2 Melt the pencils in the microwave

  1. melt wax crayons 1 Remove the paper from the pencils. You can do this with a utility knife, or you can remove the wrapper by hand, or you can put the pencils in a bowl of hot water to soak the wrapper a little.
    • Peel and tear the wrapper off.
    • Score the paper wrapper with a craft knife and peel the wrapper open.
    • Soak the crayons in a bowl of hot water for a few minutes to loosen the wrapper, then peel the wrapper off.
    • Some crayons have very loose wrappers. You might be able to simply slide these off.
  2. melt wax crayons 2 Divide pencils by color. If you have a large number of different pencils, you should arrange them by color. This means that all pinks and purples should be added together. You don't need to focus on shading, for example, bubble gum pink and rose pink should be stacked together.
  3. melt wax crayons 3 Use a utility or kitchen knife to cut the pencils into small pieces. They should be about 1.27 cm long, which will speed up the melting time.
  4. melt wax crayons 4 Place the pencil pieces in a microwave safe container. You can use a glass jar or even an old cup. If you have different colored pencils, you should use different containers.
    • If you want to make a candle, you should mix pencils and candle wax in a 1 to 1 ratio. Then add a few drops of essential oil or essence.
    • If you are making lipstick, you will need one pencil (you can mix several colors), ½ teaspoon of shea butter, and ½ teaspoon of any other oil (almond, argan, coconut, jojoba or olive).
  5. melt wax crayons 5 Place a plate or rack and container of pencils in the microwave. You can place several containers / flowers in it at once, but do not fill the microwave too much. It is best to heat each color individually or in small batches.
  6. melt wax crayons 6 Warm up the pencils for 2 minutes, stopping the process every 30 seconds to stir. Stay in the microwave and keep an eye on your pencils. Each oven has a different setting, which means your pencils can melt faster.
  7. melt wax crayons 7 Use melted wax. Once completely melted, you can pour the wax into silicone molds or plastic candy molds for fun shapes. You can also use pencils for making lipstick and candles.

3 Melt the crayons in the oven

  1. melt wax crayons 1 Preheat oven to 94 C. This method will help give old pencils fun new shapes.
  2. melt wax crayons 2 Remove the paper wrapper from the chalk. Using a utility knife, carefully cut the wrapper off each crayon. Be careful not to damage the pencil itself. The wrapper should come off easily.
    • For easier removal of the wrapper, place the pencil in a bowl of hot water for a few minutes. The water will soften the paper, making it easier to peel off.
  3. melt wax crayons 3 Distribute the crayons by color. If you have a large number of different pencils, you should arrange them by color. This will save you time later when you melt them. This means that you want to sort yellow to yellow and blue to blue. There is no need to group pencils by shade, for example, by adding together all the "cornflower blue" or "gold" yellow.
  4. melt wax crayons 4 Use a utility or kitchen knife to cut the pencils into small pieces. They should be about 1.27 cm long. This will help you melt the pencils faster and reduce clumps.
  5. melt wax crayons 5 Find a suitable baking dish or silicone mold. You can use old muffin or baking pans, or silicone bakeware and ice cubes. Silicone molds have a very high melting point and are safe to use in the oven.
    • If you are using pewter baking dishes, lightly grease the indentations with baking spray or cooking oil. This will prevent sticking. You can also use paper muffin cups.
    • If you use silicone molds, then you don't need to grease it or use paper molds. The silicone mold is very temperature resistant and flexible, so the melted pencils (once set) will be very easy to remove.
  6. melt wax crayons 6 Place the pencil pieces into the molds. If you plan to use curly shapes, then overlay the cut pieces of pencils with a small margin. During melting, the pencils will fill all the voids of such a mold.
    • Pay attention to matching the color of the pencils to the shape of the desired shape. For example, if your tray has several different shapes in the form of stars and hearts, then you should put red pencils in a shape for hearts, and yellow and blue in a shape for stars.
  7. melt wax crayons 7 Place the tin in the oven and bake for about 10-15 minutes. If you are using silicone molds, place them on a baking sheet first.
  8. melt wax crayons 8 Remove the molds from the oven. After the crayons are completely melted, remove the molds from the oven, then you can use the melted wax for your project, or wait until they solidify and get fun crayons.
    • For fun pencil shapes, you can speed up the cooling process by placing the baking dish in the freezer for 30 minutes after the wax has hardened slightly.
  9. melt wax crayons 9 Remove the hardened pencils from the molds. When making pencils, you should wait until the wax hardens completely. The wax is completely cured if the bottom of the mold is cool to the touch. Turn the mold upside down after the wax has completely set. The pencils should fall out easily if you are using a muffin or muffin pan. You can also lightly tap the shape against the surface. When using silicone molds, gently grasp the edges and press down on the bottom of the mold while ejecting the pencil.
  • Melted pencils can be reused to make new ones. Simply pour the wax into the molds or leave in the one in which you melted them. The new pencils will be the same color you added to the container.
  • Melted pencils can be poured into curly or ornamental shapes to create interesting new pencils or shapes.
  • Silicone ice cube trays are ideal for making new pencils.
  • You don't have to make pencils. You can make a cylinder out of wood and follow steps 1-7 and glue in the lead.


  • Heat pencils in a well-ventilated area. Keep the window open.
  • The melted pencils are very hot. Adult supervision and precautions are required during wax melting and application. Do not leave melted or hot wax unattended.
  • Don't overheat your pencils.
  • Never leave the stove or oven switched on unattended.

What do you need

  • Pencils
  • Stationery knife
  • High temperature resistant containers and microwave containers.
  • Microwave plate or stand
  • Equipment for the project, such as molds, etc. for working with molten wax.