Is an afternoon nap harmful? Do I need to get rid of a long sleep. How much does a person actually need to sleep to be healthy

  • 02.10.2018

She went to bed at one in the morning, got up at half past four in the afternoon. I probably would have slept more if you didn't want to eat. I got up in a normal state, but after an hour or two I had a headache. Coincidence or overflow? And why do we sometimes want to sleep for so long, because there was no particular fatigue before going to bed?

Comments: 26 "

    This is usually associated with nervous exhaustion or loss of strength. If such a long sleep does not happen too often, then I think you should not worry.

    In this situation, a warmer bottle is better than socks that keep you warm all night, which heats up more from the start and cools down gradually. Then the question arises about sex and reproductive health. Wearing underwear while sleeping increases the likelihood of your genital area sweating, especially during the summer. For women with conditions such as vulvitis or vulvitis, wearing bed linen in bed can support the growth of infections or yeasts that thrive in dark sweaty crevices.

    However, studies published in the Journal of Urology, on the other hand, found no significant difference between lingerie types and sperm quality. “It is highly unlikely that lingerie has a significant effect on male fertility,” the authors said.

    As a rule, ideally, a person should sleep for 7-8 hours, but this is not always the case, sometimes we sleep for a long time and sometimes not enough, so the body gets its own. etc.

    Firstly it is clear that biorhythms are violated. YOU made up for the long sleep, the fact that you went to bed very late. Man, like all living things, directly depends on the sun. During the day, the body feels cheerful, it is tuned to work, to be awake. You, in this case, overslept this period. Hence the migraine. It so happened that your period of wakefulness turned out to be night, an unusual biorhythm was imposed on your body, and everything turned upside down from this. You can see the result of such activity - feeling unwell... Recently, scientists are generally inclined to believe that more than 8 hours of sleep is harmful.

    There is no evidence that sleeping in his pajamas has any effect on your health - except that most pajamas are dirty and that you shouldn't overheat at night. Napoleon Bonaparte slept in 5-6 hours. It felt like work at midnight and you can sleep anywhere, any time of the day. Inventor Tom Edison also limited himself to a few hours of sleep. He started to work sleepily, drank at midnight, and finished the job by doing so. Although these individuals have left an indelible mark on history, however, they may suspect hypomania of such sleep habits, or at least prescribe rare group people - a short dream.

    Sleep is useful and essential for a person and his health. You just need to sleep at night, that is, not to knock down your biological clock, otherwise there is little benefit from such sleep.

    In fact, most of all it is a coincidence. Yes, it is really not advisable to knock down your biological clock, but the fact that you slept for so long indicates that you did not get enough sleep long time, and the body just took its toll.

    There is a belief that each of us should sleep in 8 hours. What threats are waiting for you to sleep for a shorter or longer time? Since both the need for sleep pattern and sleep pattern varies with age, sleep recommendations apply to the age group as well.

    Newborns - Sleep is between 14 and 17 hours. These indicators are indicative and slight deviations are allowed, while maintaining good health... However, if an adult sleeps for 4 or more than 10 hours each night, this is already a sleep disorder and you need to look for its causes.

    with regular oversleeping, "Hypersomnia" may develop and this disease will not get rid of, moreover, memory problems and constant fatigue.

    Never trust research conducted on selected people, and even the elderly. This is a huge misconception. This is fundamentally wrong. It's like trying to determine the ability of a rusty car.
    People sleep as much as they need, everyone needs different time... There is not and cannot be any framework or limitation.

    Less than 7 hours regularly sleep significantly increases the risk of obesity, diabetes, hypertension and other heart disease, stroke, depression, and death from any cause. In addition, less than 7 hours sleeping people have weaker immunity, experience more severe pain are more likely to make mistakes in their work and suffer from road accidents. The document also states that sleep lasts more than 9 hours. may be useful for adolescents after prolonged sleep deprivation trying to recover, or people with severe illness.

    The normal duration of sleep is 7-8 hours a day. According to doctors, prolonged sleep disrupts blood circulation, which can cause blood clots to form in the heart and brain. There is depression, loss of strength.

    Perhaps you just interrupted the deep sleep phase. Human sleep consists of 4 phases, the last of which is the deep sleep phase. If you interrupt sleep at this phase, the sleeper experiences a feeling of fatigue, headaches, confusion. The number of hours per day separated for sleep is purely individual.

    However, “collecting” the required number of hours of sleep may not be enough to good night... Perhaps you are one of those people who do not feel sick after 7 hours of sleep.

    Less than 7 hours regularly sleep significantly increases the risk of obesity, diabetes, hypertension and other heart disease, stroke, depression, and death from any cause. In addition, people who sleep for less than 7 hours have weaker immunity, experience more pain, make more mistakes in work, and suffer from road accidents. The document also states that sleep lasts more than 9 hours. may be useful for adolescents after prolonged sleep deprivation trying to recover, or people with severe illness.

    This is also connected, I can say from my own experience, before I often slept like you, and you get very tired from such a long sleep, this is not very normal for us and therefore the body reminds of this with fatigue, headaches, apathy, and so on. ...

    It has now been proven by scientists that a long sleep for the body does not bring any benefit, than more people asleep the more he wants to sleep and the stronger his feeling of weakness and fatigue.

    It all depends on the rhythm in which you live. If you work a lot, are on your feet, then naturally you will want to sleep longer. Well, if there are no loads, then you should not sleep for a long time. 8-9 hours is enough.

    Of course, your head ached due to prolonged sleep. After all, this is an unusual regime for your body. This is how he reacted. But if you don't have such long dreams very often, then you shouldn't worry too much.

    If you are a healthy person, then your poor health after a long sleep is one hundred percent "oversleep." I try to lie down to rest for half an hour no more, it helps a lot.

    According to my personal feelings, long sleep is harmful. If I sleep for more than 8 hours, then for a long time I cannot really wake up. Headache, dizziness and bad mood appear.

    It is very harmful to sleep like this, a person has to sleep at night and a normal sleep for 7-8 hours, so you have a headache, the cause of a long sleep may be stress or various health problems, but this is one-off, so reconsider your lifestyle and set the alarm clock.

    Long sleep is harmful.

    Sleep is a special state of both humans and animals. The structure of sleep is divided into several cycles, the cycle is subdivided into several stages. The 1st stage is slow sleep, which lasts 5-10 minutes. The 2nd stage is REM sleep, 20 minutes. and the 3rd and 4th stages 35-40 minutes and all over again, which will make up the sleep phase.

    It always happens to me, too, I feel terrible after an overdose of sleep. Already knowing the symptoms, I try not to repeat this.

    It seems to me that before the weekend you could sleep a little longer, but you get up as usual on time for work, but when you have to go to work, you don't want to get up. And also, in my opinion, I want to sleep longer in rainy autumn weather.

    so I sleep for a very long time, sometimes I don't get up to school like a straight mortal sleep from what it is

    Sleep is beneficial if you sleep at a specific time. You need to go to bed before 12 at night, otherwise the biological clock is violated and you need to sleep no more than 8 hours!

    I had the same problem. This is most likely due to problems with nervous system or simply overwork. Usually, a person needs 7-8 hours to get a good sleep. I used to sleep for 12 hours, then I started setting the alarm and forcing myself to wake up at normal times.

    Quite often the reason is the weather. And it is also important to observe the regime, because the body cannot rest properly if it is constantly not getting enough sleep, and then trying to catch up. The best thing is to go to bed before 10 pm, and you need to get up before 8 am. Then the head will not hurt, and the rest will be complete.

Who among us would not like to sleep an extra hour or two in order to finish a wonderful dream or just relax after yesterday's exhausting day? I think everyone has had such moments, and more than once. Considering how tense our everyday life is sometimes, sometimes you don't want to wake up at all, plunged into a long, sweet sleep. But is it safe to sleep half a day after sleepless night or difficult working week? Let's figure out whether the harm of prolonged sleep is equivalent to lack of sleep and try to identify the benefits of this process.


First of all, I would like to note that there should be balance in everything, that is, wakefulness should be balanced with a certain amount of sleep and vice versa, so that a person can feel absolutely complete and rested. When this balance is disturbed, problems of a different nature immediately arise, such as chronic fatigue, insomnia, increased irritability or laziness, as well as health problems directly. Based on this, we can say that, both lack of sleep and too long sleep, not caused by any additional factors, are equally harmful to the human body and its mental balance.

The benefits of long sleep

Prolonged sleep can be most beneficial in a number of cases, depending on the physical and mental state of the person. In particular, with severe fatigue and fatigue, everyday heavy physical activity and the inability to sleep normally, a lack of sleep accumulates in the body, all our resources are depleted and at one point, in order to fully recover, a person may need more time to sleep. In some cases, if a person is very emaciated, sleep can last a whole day. Roughly the same situation is with this if a person is sick - a long sleep will be part of a full-fledged therapy leading a person to health, and this concerns, by the way, not only the physical, but also the mental aspect.

Among other things, prolonged sleep can be part of biological features specific person, so for him it will be beneficial in any case. In general, it can be noted that the benefit of long sleep is to maximize the recovery of the physical and moral aspects of a person.

The harm of long sleep

The harm of long sleep is based on overwork, which a person plunges into when there is an overabundance of the sleep hormone. Yes, oddly enough it sounds, with an excessively long sleep, a person begins to get tired, and as a result does not regain strength, but loses it. Prolonged sleep tends to destroy the internal course of the biological clock, which means, to a large extent, to rebuild the work of the body and the sensory perception of the world of a particular person. Because of this, the level of laziness, apathy, unwillingness to do something can increase, and, as a result, decrease in efficiency and the desire to study life. This can also cause severe overvoltage and high risk the formation of depression, which can also lead to discord with oneself, and therefore with others, including relatives and friends.

Often, a long sleep is a conscious escape from problems, that is, "I am asleep - it means that I do not see anything, I do not participate in anything." This is the basis of many psychological diseases, isolation, the formation of new and strengthening of old complexes. Long sleep without apparent reason Is a signal to think about state of mind person.

In terms of physical health, excessively long sleep can lead to an increase in migraines, high blood pressure, stagnation in the blood vessels, edema of varying degrees, and more.


Finally, let's talk about what is a long sleep, how long does it last? Again, note that the normal duration of sleep and wakefulness for each person is different. However, there is an approximate distinction by which you can determine whether a person is sleeping within normal limits or not. So, a long sleep is considered, the duration of which exceeds the indicators of 10-15 hours or more in some cases. Accordingly, for a person who usually has enough sleep for 7-8 hours, 10-11 hours is already a lot. The distinctions are quite arbitrary, but they help to navigate in calculating the time spent on sleep, and determining how normal it is.