Why should a baby be baptized? What to do if, due to objective reasons, you do not see your godson for years? Fact established by scientists

  • 20.09.2019

The characteristic religious themes today are critically controversial in the eyes of the people, and accordingly the rites performed by the church are not properly supported.

Baptism is appropriate at an early age

This also applies to the baptism of children. An important step in the life of a baby is often taken by parents with the wrong motives, or they avoid it altogether. Someone justifies this by distrust of the clergy, others speak of the unconsciousness of the child and, accordingly, the inexpediency of making such an important life choice of Christianity at an early age.

Some people, not really believing, perform the sacrament because of the tradition and beauty. Mothers are quite often attached to the ubiquitous idea that by christening the baby, they will save him from the evil eye. What is the reason, what can be the consequences of a bad attitude towards infant baptism?

Let us turn to the opinion of those responsible for the introduction of infants into the world of Christianity in order to understand the answer to the question of whether why baptize a child.

Priest's answer can help you make the right choice.

"Baby's choice" according to the clergyman

The belief that the child unconsciously accepts Christ is false. The fact that we cannot hear the opinion of the newborn is not evidence of unconsciousness. Children know how to love with a much more sincere and disinterested heart.

The language of love is the most important in the rite of baptism and acceptance of God. This testifies to the usefulness of the ceremony.

God loves his people, and it is necessary to give the baby under His protection as soon as possible. He needs not only the physical care of his parents, but also spiritual protection. The removal of original sin, laid down at birth, giving faith, acceptance of God's love should be the first steps of human life.

When making a choice, dear parents, think about the needs of the child, his needs. He will grow not only physically, but also his spiritual world, love for God, people, and this is the first evidence of a good person.

Why baptize a newborn baby?

In the priest's answer, you can find justification for yourself, but the choice is embedded in the depths of the soul of the parents.

"Birth through Baptism": An Important Axiom

The Bible says you need to be baptized to be on the path to goodness.

The biblical law is important and emphasizes that a person must undergo the rite of baptism in order to embark on the path of good deeds in life. The sacrament through immersion in water identifies the believer with the death of Christ, His burial and resurrection.

"Do you know that those who are baptized in Jesus Christ are baptized into His death?" The quotation from the Holy Letter testifies that we are buried with Him through baptism into death, so that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we, like Him, renew our lives. Good deeds that follow the initial adoption of Christianity will help save the soul.

Why baptize a child if it is not fashionable? The priest's answer substantiates the fact of the renewal of life in infancy. The choice in this favor is not compulsory, only the voluntary will of the parents can show the heirs the Christian path.

It must be remembered - God is in everyone's heart, He loves us as sincerely as mom and dad love their child.

Baptism is a fashion trend

Why baptize a child if it's just a fashion trend? The priest's answer to this question is this: "The sacrament of giving to Christ is often turned into an ordinary necessary tradition, simply saying:" Baptized because it is customary. This indicates the insincerity of the parents, and may prevent the baby from finding God.

The choice of the Christian path for your child must be sincere. A pure soul, bright thoughts about the life of a baby in God should encourage the ritual. This is not a fashion trend that has come and gone, but the truth that a child, and then an adult, will carry into earthly life and what, as a result, he will appear at the Judgment of God.

If parents do not feel sincere Christian principles, it is too early to start baptism.

Let the newborn make the choice on his own, being ready».

Life in Christ

The baptism of a child is necessary not only for his physical protection, but also for his spiritual development.

Baptism and raising children in the faith help in everyday life. A child who lives according to Christian principles is more patient, understanding, loving, it is easier for him to overcome the difficulties of everyday life. He is saturated with love and respect for other people because he follows the commandments of God.

The baptism of the little ones is a logical step. A baby, being born, gradually learns to love God, the world around him. This period is fertile ground for the formation of a good, kind person.

Becoming a Christian is not automatic., this needs to be learned all earthly life after baptism. Whether he wants that child when he grows up will be his own choice, but parents are obliged to give him such an opportunity.

Why baptize a child? The priest's answer testifies to the expediency of starting the Christian path precisely at an early age. The reality is that a human being makes his own choice, and, for the time being, the choice of his children. We must immediately remember the importance of connection with God and His love for us. After all, He sacrificed a son for us, so why can't we give the love of our children to Him?

Baptism- really sacred centuries-old tradition, not just a fashion trend. It is the beginning of the life path in Christ. Be deeper in your judgments, do not succumb solely to the fashion of our time, and the children will certainly be grateful.

Why you need to baptize a child and how christening a child can affect his development in the future. Why are babies baptized? A question that many people who consider themselves Orthodox believers cannot answer. So why should a child be baptized?

In many families, where all the baptized carry out the baptism of an infant simply out of the conviction that this is the way it should be. In other seemingly Orthodox families, they wait until the child grows up and decides for himself whether he wants to be baptized, and if he doesn’t want to, he won’t.

You are planning a christening of a child, think about why you need to baptize a child? Why and what it can give the baby. This question is always present in conversations with the priest before baptism. Any parishioner from the church should answer it, because this is the basis of the spiritual growth of every person.

Why baptize a child, why baptize babies

Imagine a children's pyramid of three rings, the bottom ring is the largest - this is the body, the middle ring is the soul, the top ring is the tip - the spirit. The pyramid is finished and stands firmly, does not stagger. What is the body is a physical shell that grows and develops, what is the soul is the mind, achievements, knowledge, etc. received by the child at birth. What is the spirit - it is spiritual communication with God, spiritual forces, the abode of the immaterial, but the existing world. Man is a creation of God, and is created in the image of a god-like being. As the BIBLE says, “God created man in His own image and likeness”, each person reflects the intangible greatness of God and is a part of His essence. In other words, God created a new intelligent life - man.

Let us return to the question, why baptize a child or why are babies baptized? The answer is simple, to grow this tiny spiritual sprout given by God. Why babies are baptized, if you think logically, looking at our pyramid, it becomes clear that all parts of the body and soul and spirit would develop harmoniously. It is not for nothing that we took the children's pyramid as an example, it very clearly shows an example of the development of all parts of a person. In addition, there is an invisible middle part in it, but everything hangs on it and penetrates a person through and through. If we develop harmoniously all the parts, both physical, mental and spiritual, then the spirit will be in the soul and in the body. From here comes health and success in life, and everything is according to spiritual principles. Imagine a pyramid with no top or middle or no bottom. So, if some part is poorly developed, then something will always be lacking in a person's life.

A fact established by scientists.

Children immediately after birth absorb information like sponges, even in their sleep.

It is necessary to baptize a child so that he becomes part of the spiritual world and receives the grace of God through communion. You can only receive communion if you have been baptized.

Therefore, it is necessary from early childhood, while the child is still a baby, he absorbed information, including spiritual. That is why it is necessary to bring the child to the temple from a very young age. Parents take care of the physical and spiritual components, and godparents are just called to develop a spiritual sprout in a child.

Surely every parent at one time wondered: "What is it for and is it necessary at all, at what age is it better to perform this ceremony and how not to make a mistake with the choice of godparents?" Let's try to answer these questions and find out more about how the Sacrament of Baptism takes place and what is needed for it.

So why is a child baptized?

Baptism is a Christian Sacrament, during which, through some visible sacred deeds, the invisible grace of God is communicated to the child. This is the main event in a person's life, this is his spiritual birth. It is believed that the Orthodox washes away original sin from the baby and makes him clean before God again. During baptism, an angel is assigned to the child, who will keep and protect him throughout his life. Subsequently, a baptized person can get married in a church, become a godparent himself, and his relatives can always put a candle in the church for his health.

When is the best time to baptize?

The rite of baptism of an infant according to the rules is carried out on the fortieth day after his birth. By this time, the young mother is completely physiologically cleansed after childbirth and can visit the temple. Yes, and a baby at this age tolerates the rite quite calmly, unlike older children, when they are already beginning to distinguish “their own” from “strangers” and may be frightened of a new environment and a large crowd of people.


Before the rite of baptism, it is very important for parents to choose the name under which the baby will be baptized. It is believed that much in the fate of a person depends on him. It is desirable that the church name of the child be known to as few people as possible. It is chosen, as a rule, in honor of some saint. In the old days, the baby was given the name of the saint whose memory fell on the day of christening, but today parents are given a full heavenly patron for their child.

Choice of godparents

The acquisition by a child of spiritual mentors, godparents involved in his Orthodox upbringing is another important reason why a child's baptism is needed. The choice of godparents should be approached very responsibly. In this matter, you should not start from the degree of your friendship or kinship with the candidates under consideration. First of all, think about how godparents will appreciate and cope with the mission entrusted to them. After all, their participation does not end with the adoption of a child from the baptismal font, but, rather, only begins. It is they who are responsible for ensuring that the child regularly visits the temple, fasts, takes communion, and it is they who are called to constantly pray for him.

How is the rite of baptism?

They bring the baby into the temple without clothes, wrapped only in a white diaper, stand in front of the font and repeat the prayers for baptism after the priest, read the "Symbol of Faith", promise to fulfill the commandments of God and renounce the devil. Then the priest takes the baby from their hands and lowers it three times into the font. Simultaneously with baptism, the Sacrament of Confirmation is also performed, after which the already baptized baby is returned to the godparents, and they, in turn, must take the baby in their arms and wrap it in a kryzhma. After that, the priest will put a cross on him and cut his hair, marking this small sacrifice of the person being baptized to the Lord in gratitude for the beginning of a new spiritual life. After the completion of the ceremony, the baby is carried around the font three times as a sign of eternal union with the bosom of the Church. And, finally, the priest brings the boys to the altar, and the girls are helped to venerate the icon of the Mother of God.

Baptism celebration

If now you have understood for yourself why you need and decided to perform this Christian Sacrament, then you should also think over the celebration program in advance. Traditionally, all guests are invited to the house where the child lives and celebrate the holiday with a plentiful feast. Since christening was originally considered a children's holiday, and many children of different ages are invited to them, there must be a lot of sweets, cookies, nuts, pies and gingerbread on the table. And, to symbolically complete the celebration, you can serve a cake in the form of a cross.

Baptism of a child is a solemn event after the birth of a baby in the family. It introduces a person to communion with God, to union with the Lord. Not everyone has an idea about this sacrament. Therefore, we will try to tell you more about it.

When can a baby be baptized

The question that worries any parent is how early can a child be baptized? - This can be done from the first days of the baby's birth, especially if there is a threat to his life.

If everything is fine with the baby, they usually wait forty days. Why? This time is given to the mother of the newborn for purification. For 40 days the church considers her "unclean". After the expiration of the term, the mother may be present during the rite of initiation to the church. And the baby will be strengthened to perform the sacrament of Baptism.

Until what age can you be baptized? You can join the Lord at any age. It is believed that at Baptism a person receives his Guardian Angel, who does not leave him even after death.

Video: What you need to know before baptizing a child

Why is it better to baptize in infancy?

Many prefer to baptize later, in a year or two. But we must remember that the older the child, the more difficult it is for him to withstand the ceremony, because it lasts about an hour. The baby sleeps calmly in the arms of the godfather, while the grown-up, tired, begins to act up. It is also more difficult to dip it into the font.

What days to baptize

Are there days when Baptism is forbidden? There are no restrictions, but different churches have their own schedule of services. Therefore, it is advisable to clarify the date of Baptism in your church.

Choosing a godfather

For the baptized, it is necessary to choose godparents.

  • Church rules say that a child needs a successor of the same sex as him.
  • A godmother is obligatory for a girl; a godfather is necessary for a boy.
  • If the baby has both recipients, as is customary among the people, this is also allowed.
  • The choice of godparents must be taken seriously, they are entrusted with the spiritual education of the godson in the Orthodox faith.
  • The person who has become a foster child must be a person of the Orthodox faith, a relative, close acquaintance or family friend.
  • A husband and wife or a couple about to get married, people with a sick psyche, sectarians, people who are sinful from the point of view of the church (alcoholics, drug addicts, etc.) cannot baptize the same child.

What is needed for the rite of baptism

For baptism you need to buy:

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  1. Baptismal shirt (godmother buys it).
  2. Pectoral cross with a chain (purchased by the godfather).
  3. You will also need to bring a christening towel and diaper.

How much and why to pay

Before performing the ceremony, you need to pay a donation for baptism. This amount is different for every city. The Lord bequeathed not to take money for Baptism. But the donation for the rite is one of the important parts of the profits of the temple, which allows you to pay for the costs of lighting, heating, repair and maintenance of the temple, the work of the priest, who, as usual, has a large family.

If a person does not have money to pay, they cannot refuse to perform the sacrament of Baptism. In case of refusal, you need to contact the dean (this is a clergyman who oversees order in the parish).

How is the rite of baptism

Is it possible to take pictures in the church

In many temples, it is now allowed to take photos or videos of the rite. But you need to find out in advance, as some priests are categorically against filming. After all, Baptism is first and foremost a sacrament.

Video: The sacrament of baptism. Rules

What to do with baptismal things

The baptismal shirt, diaper and towel are kept in the family of the baptized. These things are not washed, because they contain particles of the holy world. If the baby is sick, they put on a baptismal shirt and pray for his recovery. A diaper (or kryzhma) has a wonderful property to heal a baby from illnesses. If a child’s teeth are painfully climbing, you can, after praying, cover him with a diaper or towel.

Christening celebration

After the rite of baptism is completed, it is customary to celebrate a joyful event. I would like to remind you that the rite of baptism itself pays and the godfather sets the festive table. At christenings, godparents and guests bring gifts.

What can be given to the baptized

By tradition, they give:

Set: silver spoon and mug
  • silver spoon
  • silver mug,
  • toys,
  • smart clothes,
  • photo album,
  • gold or silver jewelry,
  • money.

Through the sacrament of Baptism, a person joins God, is born spiritually, and acquires an inseparable bond with the Heavenly Father. Therefore, it is so necessary to baptize your baby as early as possible. If parents have additional problems, do not seek information from strangers. Turn to the priest, and he will carefully listen to you and answer your questions.

Like a mandatory ritual. Since the baby lives in an Orthodox country, he must be baptized immediately after birth. At the same time, they do not think about why the baptism of a child is really needed.

A bit of history

Baptism, that is, immersion in water, is a very ancient ritual. It has been known since pre-Christian times. John the Baptist preached and baptized on the banks of the Jordan, and the people of Israel were not surprised at all. They came and confessed their sins, repented, wanted to become better, and as a sign of this they washed in the waters of the Jordan. At the same time, immersion in water was only a symbol. After the Resurrection of Christ and the founding of the Christian Church on the feast of Pentecost, everything changed. Now this is not just a formality, but a sacrament during which a new Christian enters the Church. In ancient times, it was completely clear to everyone why the baptism of a child was needed. After all, the whole society was religious, everyone went to the temple, prayed, participated in the sacraments. It can be said that church life, the rhythm of religious holidays were the core of the entire life of society. After the revolution, any church sacraments began to be treated completely differently.

Now, performing the sacrament and rite of baptism of an infant, parents greatly risked their social position and even freedom. Churches were closed, and children at school were actively taught godlessness. Now going to the temple is not dangerous, but not everyone understands why this is necessary. Most do not understand why a child needs to be baptized, why come to the service on Sunday, why pray, whether you need to get married.

Are there children who should not be baptized?

(opinion of Deacon Andrei Kuraev, Archpriest Dmitry Smirnov and some other priests)

It turns out that such children exist. A baby is a sinless being, but as it grows, sin will get closer to the child. Faithful father and mother will teach their child what sin is and how to overcome it. And unbelieving parents will not be able to do this and will not want to. They will not take him to the temple, to Sunday school (they would rather prefer the pool), they will not explain who God is and how He should pray. After baptism, the baby is given great opportunities for spiritual growth, but he cannot use them on his own, without the help of adults. If the parents do not understand why the baptism of the child is needed, they are not at all familiar with the basics of faith, if the crumbs do not have Orthodox godparents who are ready to take on his upbringing, these opportunities will remain unused. Therefore, it is better not to baptize the children of atheists. Not all priests hold this opinion, but it is quite common.

Is everything so serious?

During baptism, a person directly interacts with angels and demons. He renounces demons, joins the angels in his desire to serve God. Prayers for baptism, in which the denial of the devil takes place, the priest reads on behalf of the baptized, in this case the child. Any Orthodox understands that a baby who has renounced demons should receive communion regularly, parents and godparents should pray for him. The child must have a cross, and in the room where he lives, it is necessary to have icons. All this will protect the baby. But people who do not understand why a child is baptized and what happens during it, leave the baby without protection. He is baptized, but he may never become a convinced Christian, and for all the sins that he commits, he will give an account. Therefore, parents may need to be more careful when it comes to baptizing their children. Perhaps the decision not to baptize will be reasonable and honest?