Big encyclopedia of oil and gas.

  • 24.10.2018

The birth of a new person brings hope into this world that he will become happy and be able to achieve high goal in life, no matter how difficult it may be, no matter how thorny the road to the top may be.

As children, we dream of becoming astronauts or firefighters, doctors or builders. But as a rule, few achieve their goals.

Of course, this happens primarily because at a young age a person does not yet understand what he really wants from life.

Schoolchildren who have to choose a university and further direction in their studies often find it difficult to understand their inclinations and abilities, and it is not easy to decide on their future profession.

How to achieve your goal if you are not completely sure that it will bring you happiness? It turns out that first of all it is important to decide where to go, and only secondly – ​​to act.

Clarifying our goals

Before you can outline a clear plan on how to achieve your goal, you need to formulate it correctly. The desired result should appear before your mind's eye as a concrete picture.

A “smart” goal must meet the following requirements:

  • It must be specific. It is not enough to tell yourself: “I want to lose weight.” If at the same time a person loses, for example, 3 kilograms, will this be an achievement of the planned goal? Will this result bring satisfaction? It is much more practical to write down on a piece of paper a clear and specific task, for example: “you need to weigh 55 kg by your birthday on such and such a date so that the red dress fits like a glove.”
  • Weigh how important the fulfillment of this desire is for your life. If you are passionate about reaching new heights, you will be more likely to get what you want. There is no point in setting tasks whose solution will not bring pleasure.
  • It would be good to break down large and long-term tasks that you set for yourself into subtasks. This is the only way to reach the top, in small steps. It often happens that a person dreams of something, but does not bother to think about where he needs to start. This leads to the fact that the desired remains unattainable.
  • It is better to set difficult but realistic goals. The point is that each person has his own launching pad. Tasks that do not take into account the realities of life can only demotivate the unlucky dreamer. Assess all the pros and cons, the main difficulties on the way to what you want, and only then begin to implement your plan.
  • Finally, everything in our life should happen on time. How to achieve your goal if you are sick and the task requires physical strength, or are you in the process of learning and don’t have the necessary skills to realize your desire? Sometimes it is better to wait for the right moment and only then act.

There is a wonderful technique that helps you concentrate on a task and attract positive energy. This is visualization. Let a photograph, a magazine clipping or a picture flash before your eyes all the time, reminding you of your desire.

Next to the drawing, let the wording be written in words: what, in what time frame, with what result do you want to achieve.

You need to understand that the task that a person sets for himself in life should be quite significant and, perhaps, even seem unattainable. Without leaving your comfort zone, it is impossible to get something truly meaningful.

actions towards the goal

You have thought through in detail what you want. Now the question arises how to achieve your goal. If we're talking about about some important achievement In life, you cannot do without a strategy. It is necessary to draw up an action plan, while clarifying intermediate tasks. As soon as it becomes clear what the next step needs to be taken, it is better to act immediately, without waiting for Monday, the first of the month or the New Year.

The path consists of small steps that need to be taken slowly but surely.

There is a phrase "eat an elephant." If the task is complex and seems overwhelming, it is recommended to break it down into small parts and “eat the elephant piece by piece.” Thus, an initially seemingly impossible task can be mastered over time.

Time management experts recommend doing the most difficult and unpleasant tasks in the morning, when a person is full of strength and energy. In the evening, motivation to do difficult things usually drops.

In order to achieve heights in life, you have to fight every day with the desire to put off important things until tomorrow. But they are the ones that need to be done first in order to achieve the goal as quickly as possible.

Years pass, and if you don’t leave your comfort zone, start working on yourself and take real steps towards your dream, it may remain a beacon in the distance.

Don't be distracted by goals

If you are determined to get the desired result - go to study abroad, learn to drive a car, or perhaps get married - it is important to concentrate on the desired picture.

When an action plan has been developed, it is very important not to be distracted and stick to the chosen line of behavior. Only hard work will help you achieve victory.

Obstacles can appear at the most inopportune moment, taking away the strength, time and resources so necessary for the fight. At this time, it is important to be able to give up unnecessary throwing, concentrate on the goal and, if possible, quickly overcome barriers.

There is a whole direction in business training called time management. Coaches' advice is also great for personal time planning. Using the tips of time management gurus, you can make your dream come true.

  • be able to say “no” if you are asked to do something that contradicts your strategy for achieving success;
  • try to refuse to do unimportant and non-urgent tasks;
  • delegate those tasks that are not important to you, but urgently need to be completed: let the child walk the dog, let the subordinate prepare a report, the husband pick up the child from kindergarten;
  • write down a to-do list for the day on a piece of paper, set priorities, giving priority to important and urgent tasks;
  • leave part of the day unplanned, since no one is immune from force majeure;
  • Gain energy and motivation from biographies famous people: notice their extraordinary actions that set them apart from the crowd and allowed them to reach heights;
  • enlist the support of your loved ones and acquaintances: the more people you tell about your dream, the more likely it is that you will receive unexpected help in the form valuable advice, starting capital or the ability to act in a given direction;
  • do not forget about the importance of short-term intermediate results, do not hope for a lucky break, since not everyone has one in life;
  • don’t be afraid to reconsider your desires; it is quite possible that over time the dream of becoming an astronaut will lose its relevance and will be replaced by something more adequate and suitable in terms of abilities and aspirations;
  • without risk it is sometimes difficult to achieve success; It’s worth making difficult decisions to see significant results;
  • experiments will benefit the cause, because lack of action is much worse than a mistake;
  • try to get rid of distractions while you are busy with important work: turn off your phone, ask your colleagues not to disturb you at certain hours, teach your family not to ask you for help at these moments.

It's so nice to dream. It’s even more pleasant to see the results of your actions and be proud of your achievements! Each of us has the strength to do great things. And although it is not easy for everyone to determine their mission in life, everyone is obliged to search for it. Otherwise, a person’s path becomes a meaningless waste of time.

Achievements define personality. Creating a family, having children and grandchildren, creativity, career, charity - these are the milestones that make our lives meaningful and happy. Therefore, you need to discard laziness and throw all your strength into achieving a meaningful and important goal.

Your helpers will be planning, punctuality and willpower!

How to program people for the desired result

I will briefly outline the technique that gives me 100 percent results. When I read from its author (a scientist, doctor of science, far from esotericism!) about 100%, I laughed for a long time, and continued to doubt until the moment when the first order was fulfilled as promised, exactly 100% and in 2-3 days.
In the evening, before falling asleep, you need to relax, go to the alpha level of consciousness and set yourself the following program: I will wake up when (name) has the last dream before waking up - and he (she) will become most open and most receptive to programming. I will wake up and remember why I woke up." Then fall asleep without leaving the alpha rhythms. You will wake up late at night or in the morning. When you wake up, close your eyes and program the person to your positive program. Having finished programming, continue to sleep until you wake up normally. If you don’t succeed the first time or, when you wake up, you forget why you woke up, don’t despair and continue every evening until you wake up. According to the author, in the most difficult cases it takes about a week. I succeeded the first time. From experience is better Before you fall asleep, write down your program on a piece of paper.
Example programs:
I will wake up when the majority of men/women suitable for my ideal match have had their last dream before waking up or when they are most receptive to programming. I will wake up and remember why I woke up.
When you wake up:
Hello, my name is...... I'm looking for an ideal couple (boyfriend/girlfriend) for marriage (for dating, for living together, for...). I am such and such (list your qualities). I'm looking for a person who (list the qualities you want to find). I work in... or visit... (list the places where you can be met). Since mentally we have already found each other, we will recognize each other when we meet. (You will both have the feeling that it is he/she, that you have known each other for a long time).

After that, continue sleeping. And don’t be surprised that soon, very soon you will definitely meet your loved one, and perhaps in the very unexpected place or in unexpected circumstances. The author recommends using this method when searching for your ideal boss, staff, customer, dentist, etc.).
A few notes. 100% works for positive suggestions. And although the author omits the moral aspect of his techniques, he nevertheless says that in the event of possible damage to the suggested, the technique may fail. Finally, a few forms of mental programs:
I will wake up when my son...
I will wake up when my husband...
I will wake up when my boss... (this is exactly how I ordered my salary, gave a suggestion to the Akitsonere, aka the General Manager, then visualized a picture of him telling me about this. In reality, everything turned out exactly the same!!)
I will wake up when my employee.....
Well, etc.
Programs must run without denial. Well, you all know this very well)) In difficult cases, for example, before an upcoming interview, program the future employer 2-3 days every night before the meeting.
If anyone suddenly has any questions, I will share my experience.
Love and good luck to everyone)
Yes, and more. Sorry for the many rants, but today for the first time I decided to try this method not on a person, but on a situation. Happened. I don't know if it was a coincidence or if it worked, but I got what I wanted. A rather complex problem, in which several people were involved, was resolved after several minutes of my programming from a meditative state (I could not wait for the night, I needed to be saved urgently, I had to plunge into a deep controlled trance).

Good day to all those who follow updates in our series of educational articles. The copywriting team at the agency has created a selection of the most necessary, and most importantly effective techniques writing selling texts. We will talk about one of them today.
With this technique you will learn:

  • quickly search for the information you need;
  • correctly focus attention on important aspects;
  • determine the most optimal way work;
  • spend less time, get more benefits;
  • achieve your goal in a short time.

Find out more about the effectiveness of the technique, how to use it and what it does if you want to write effective selling texts.

S.C.O.R.E model = selling text that hits the target

Selling text, at its core, is designed to control people. Whether the manipulation structure you create will be effective or not depends on what approach and method of influence you choose.
S.C.O.R.E is one of the main models that describes human activity. She is at the same time the most universal method achieving the goal when setting and analyzing ways of implementation. Mastery of such a technique allows you not only to understand a person, but also to influence him through his own values ​​and preferences.

S - Symptoms
C - Causes
O - Outcome (desired result)
R - Resources
E - Effects

This abbreviation was proposed back in 1987. Its authors were Robert Dilts and Todd Epstein. Translated from English, “score” means “score”.

Symptoms = Symptoms

The symptoms are also called the present condition. This is what affects the outcome today. Spending huge amounts of money on advertising, many businessmen do not think about the reasons that make clients ignore it.
Address the problem itself. There are three options:

  • either the idea is not creative;
  • either too dim;
  • Well, the offers themselves may not be of interest to customers.

Your main task is to adapt to today. In the subtitle, put the question you are looking for an answer to. potential buyer. If the situation is familiar to him, he will agree with what he reads and buy what you offer:

Do you suffer from headaches and are disappointed in modern medications? Doctors shrug their shoulders and don’t know how to help? How to get rid of discomfort once and for all?..

Causes = Reasons

Reasons are some experience in the past that brought the potential buyer to his current state. In the S.C.O.R.E method, symptoms and causes are very connected. One thing begets another. Your task is to answer the question posed by indicating the cause of the problem 3 times: at the beginning, middle and end of the paragraph. You must provide arguments supporting the reason that you simply cannot disagree with. The reasons are the client’s subconscious attitudes:

  • my headaches are incurable;
  • I don't have enough experience to overcome this problem alone;
  • Without connections I won’t be able to find a good job;
  • I can’t get a drug of this quality honestly.

You must eliminate causation by proving that:

  • there is an exit;
  • phobias and fears are meaningless;
  • everything is possible.

Outcome = Desired result

Please note that not just any result, but the desired one. It should replace the current state: interesting work - decent pay. This formulation is very effective. Interesting job- an opportunity to have a good time, develop, make new acquaintances, and even get paid for it.

The formulation of such a result should be simple and concise. “Brevity is the sister of talent,” and in this case - effective method impact. The easier it is to remember the formulation of the desired result, the easier it is to keep it in your head, constantly scroll through it and, finally, agree with it.

Resources = Resources

The S.C.O.R.E technique does not pay as much attention to reasons and experience as to the necessary resources to achieve the desired result. Sometimes the reasons are not considered at all:

Symptoms + Resources = Desired Outcome

Effects = Effects

Effects are the consequences of achieving the desired result for the client and those around him. For a selling text, the effect should be positive. This will strengthen the client’s motivation to use the product/service.

Here you need to think about exactly what client values ​​will be satisfied. It is difficult to achieve the desired result if it contradicts internal attitudes. Therefore, you need to remind again about the desired future and reinforce in the person’s subconscious that the goal will be achieved with the help of your product/service.

When working on the technique, you should:

  • provide an expert opinion on this issue;
  • answer questions that trouble the client’s subconscious;
  • show that you are ready to participate in their decision;
  • draw the prospect that awaits the client.

Model S.C.O.R.E=

Focus on the present+

Reliance on cause-and-effect relationships+

Designing for your DESIRED future+

Two-way goal achievement:

a) Yours as an entrepreneur;

b) The client as an interested party.

Using an example, we will show exactly how to use this model. Using this template you can easily write your own selling texts:

SlimBody is:

2 weeks =- 10 kg excess weight +25% confidence

The problem of excess weight is not new at all, but it is so difficult to avoid or change... Do you also suffer from this reason? Would you like to become slim and independent? How many diets and medications have you already become disillusioned with?

Symptoms - addressing an existing problem, the solution of which the potential buyer has long considered impossible.

What is stopping you from becoming slim? What is the problem?

  • poor nutrition;
  • inactivity;
  • problems of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • genetics;
  • addiction to bad habits;
  • there is no faith in yourself and your strength.

Causes - the reasons that served as the basis of the problem. According to statistics, 90% of those who read the text will agree with 4 points out of 6, which will serve as an impetus for the desire to know what and how exactly can be achieved.

  • Do you want to achieve your desired shape?
  • Make men turn around after you?
  • Feel beautiful and desired?
  • Become independent and confident?

Outcome - desired result

SlimBody is a sure way to achieve the desired result. Only natural substances. None side effects. (Resources).

Amazing results will be achieved in just 2 weeks. Feeling great. And, most importantly, beautiful body! SlimBody is the source of your beauty, energy and confidence. ( Effects).

Buy today and get the healthy food encyclopedia for free! Become a cover girl!

Good content is

Step 2. Gathering information on the problem

Step 1. Establishing contact with the client

The task of this stage is to establish strong contact with the supervisee, create a comfortable environment for him, so that cooperation and interaction between the supervisee and the supervisor becomes real.

The establishment of relationships is facilitated by techniques that are traditionally used in psychological counseling:

· visual contact (eye contact);

· language of gestures and body movements;

· intonation, volume and speed of speech;

· physical distance;

· breathing.

All of the above adds up to a general model of attentive behavior, in fact, being its physical basis.

The tasks of this stage are universal:

· listening to the supervisee’s problem as he presents it;

· identifying the main contradictions in the position, behavior, and attitude of the supervisee in current situations;

· identification of the most typical, habitual and characteristic ways of thinking and behavior (patterns) for the supervisee;

· search for all positive aspects of the problem, situation, position of the supervisee and strengths his personality;

· Carrying out professional diagnostics.

At this stage, it becomes clear how and what exactly the supervisee sees as his problem.

In addition to presenting the problem, the supervisor must, together with the supervisee, collect and analyze information regarding all the positive aspects of the problem being solved as fully as possible. This technique is called “searching for the positive.”

The purpose of searching for the positive is to weaken the impact of the negative aspects of the problem on the supervisee, to help him more fully use his abilities to cope with the situation.

Some methodological techniques for searching for the positive are:

· assessment of the supervisee’s personality strengths;

· reframing is a technique that allows you to evaluate something or someone differently.

As a problem becomes clearly defined, the temptation to immediately begin to solve it increases. However, according to a number of authors on psychological counseling, your thoughts regarding the ideal way out of the situation may not coincide completely with the thoughts of the supervisee.

Therefore, the supervisor needs to work together with the supervisee to define the goal in such a way that the supervisee would accept it as his own and it would be clear enough for him.

In this case, the supervisor can negotiate the result with the supervisee before the start of the counseling process or develop the result as it progresses. For the result to be effective, it must, on the one hand, represent something holistic, and on the other, be integrated into a person’s life.

To ensure that the supervisor's desired outcome is described by the supervisee, the supervisor can ask the supervisee the following questions:

1. What do you want to achieve?

2. What should happen when the problem is solved?

The basic requirements that the desired result must meet are generally as follows:

· specificity;

· contextualization;

· environmental friendliness;

· self-responsibility;

· positivity;

· side benefits.

The main reason for failure lies in your insecurity and too much effort and effort. Many people cannot fully comprehend the mechanism of the subconscious, thereby blocking the answer to their prayer. Learning how your mind works will increase your confidence. Remember - as soon as the subconscious mind accepts an idea, it immediately begins to implement it, using all its powerful reserves and mobilizing all the mental and spiritual laws of your deep consciousness. This law applies equally to good and bad ideas. Therefore, using it in a negative way will bring you disaster, failure and confusion. When used constructively, it will bring freedom, peace and a clear understanding of perspective.

You will inevitably get the right answer if your thoughts are positive, constructive and loving. From this it clearly follows that for success it is necessary to convince the subconscious mind to accept your idea or request. To do this, you must be imbued with the reality of this idea, and the law of your mind will do the rest. Convey your request to the subconscious with faith and conviction - it will accept it and answer you.

Trying to use mental compulsion will always fail and you will not get any results: the subconscious mind does not respond to compulsion. It responds only to your belief, that is, to the full perception of the idea or request by the conscious mind.

Lack of response to your prayer may be the result of statements such as: “Everything is in my life goes on awry”, “I will never wait for an answer to my prayer”, “I don’t see any way out of this situation”, “Everything is hopeless”, “I don’t know what to do”, “I’m completely confused.” By using such statements, you will never get any response or help from your subconscious mind. Like a soldier walking in place, you will not get forward movement; in other words, you will remain with your problems.

If you get into a taxi and in five minutes tell the driver a bunch of instructions about where and how to go, he will become hopelessly confused and, quite possibly, will refuse to take you anywhere at all. The same is true when working with the subconscious. You must clearly formulate the idea in your mind. You must come to a definite decision that there is a way out, that there is a solution to the problem or illness that is bothering you. Only the infinite intelligence of your subconscious has the answer to everything. Having come to a clear and precise conclusion in your consciousness, you will be confirmed in your decision and faith, and according to your faith you will be rewarded.

The quieter you go, the further you'll get

One homeowner complained to a plumber when he billed him two hundred dollars for boiler repair. The mechanic said, “I’ll charge you five cents to install the missing bolt and one hundred and ninety-five dollars and ninety-five cents to determine the problem.”

In the same way, your subconscious mind is a master mechanic, an all-knowing master who knows the methods and techniques of healing any organ of the body, as well as solving any problem. Command good health and your subconscious mind will establish it, but peace of mind is the key to success. “You drive quietly, you will continue.” Don't bother yourself with details, think only about the end result. Experience the feeling of a happy solution to your problem, be it health, finances or work. Think about your feelings after healing from a serious illness. Know that your feelings are touchstone all subconscious manifestations. Yours new idea must be subjectively felt in its completed form, and not in the future, but now.

Don't involve any opponents, use imagination and don't use willpower

When using your subconscious, do not involve opponents and willpower in this process. Imagine final result and a state of freedom. You will encounter certain difficulties when the intellect tries to intervene. Persistently maintain a simple, child-like, miraculous faith. You should see yourself without traces of illness or problem. Conjure up in your imagination emotional condition, which usually accompanies the feeling of that freedom that you now crave. Throw out of the process everything that hinders and delays the solution of the problem. The simple way is the best.

Disciplined imagination works wonders

A wonderful way to get answers from your subconscious is through disciplined or scientific imagination. As already noted, your subconscious is the builder of the body, which controls all its vital functions.

The Bible states: “Whatever you ask in prayer in faith, you will receive*. To believe means to accept something as true or to be in a state of truth. By maintaining this mood, you will experience the joy of answered prayer!

Three steps to success in prayer

Here's the usual procedure:

  1. Study the problem carefully.
  2. Refer to her solution or way out of a difficult situation, known only to the subconscious.
  3. Stay with a feeling of deep conviction that it will be done.

Don't diminish the impact of your prayer with words like, "I wish I could be healed" or "I hope so." The “boss” in this case is your feeling. You should feel like the work will get done. You are in a state of harmony and know that your health is in perfect order. You realize that you have become the engine of the endless healing power of the subconscious. Transmit the idea of ​​health into your subconscious with a feeling of absolute confidence, then relax completely. About your conditions and circumstances, say that “this will also happen.” Through your relaxed and peaceful state, you penetrate into your subconscious, provide kinetic energy the opportunity to intercept an idea and translate it into real-world reality.

The law of effort reversal, or why you get the opposite result to what you expected

The famous French psychologist Couyer, who visited America about half a century ago, gave the following definition of the law of reversal of effort: “When your desires conflict with your imagination, the latter invariably wins.”

Let's consider this situation. If you are asked to walk across a plank on the floor, you will do so without hesitation. Now suppose this board is placed between the supports at a height of twenty feet - will you go? Your desire to walk along the board will be counteracted by imagination or fear of falling. The dominant idea will be the picture of the fall, and it will win. Your desire, will or effort to walk the board will be reversed and the dominant idea of ​​falling will be strengthened.

Mental effort is inevitably doomed to self-defeat, always ending in the opposite of what is desired. Consciousness gives in to the instillation of doubt and a feeling of powerlessness in the ability to fulfill the condition, to overcome the difficulty. Your subconscious is always controlled by a dominant idea. The subconscious mind will accept the stronger of two contradictory proposals, because in the best possible way is the easiest.

You make the mistake of constantly repeating: “I want to be healed, but I can’t,” “I try my best,” “I force myself to pray,” “I exert all my willpower.” Understand that praying is not worth the effort. Never try to force the subconscious mind to accept your idea through willpower and coercion. Such attempts are doomed to failure, and the result will be exactly the opposite of what you pray for.

I will give you an example from everyday experience. Once at the exam, students who have diligently prepared, having read all the necessary textbooks, suddenly discover with horror that all their knowledge is disappearing from their memory. The memory is suddenly empty, and they are unable to remember a single relevant thought. And the more they clench their teeth from tension and mobilize all their willpower, the farther the correct answer flies. But now they have left the examination room, their mental stress subsides, and all the answers that they were so intensely looking for come back to their memory in a gentle stream, causing tantalum torments. The reason for the students' failure was their attempt to forcefully recall the information in their memory. Here is an example of the law of reversal of effort, when you receive the opposite of what you asked and prayed for.

Conflict of desire and imagination

The use of mental effort presupposes the presence of resistance. When your consciousness is focused on the means to overcome a problem, it no longer thinks about obstacles. The Gospel of Matthew (18:19) says: Truly, I also say to you, that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask, it will be done for them by My Father who is in heaven. Who are these two? What is meant here is harmonious union or agreement between the subconscious mind and the conscious mind regarding any idea, desire or mental image. If both parts of your consciousness no longer quarrel, then your prayer will be heard. Two harmonious sides can be represented in another way: you and your desire, feeling and thought, idea and emotion, desire and imagination.

By plunging into a drowsy, half-asleep state, which minimizes all tension and completely relaxes you, you prevent conflict between your desires and imagination. The conscious mind is almost completely immersed in a dream state. The most best moment The best time to penetrate the subconscious is before bed. This is explained by the fact that the subconscious is most activated precisely in the period immediately preceding falling asleep or immediately after waking up. In this state, negative thoughts and images cannot appear that seek to neutralize your desire and prevent its perception by the subconscious. Having seen your desire fulfilled in your imagination, feeling the delight of what has happened, you will ensure that the subconscious will definitely realize your desire.

Many people solve all their problems and dilemmas by playing controlled, controlled and disciplined imagination. These people know: everything that they see in their imagination and accept as true must come true and will come true.

Here is another incident from the life of one girl, shining example overcoming the conflict between desire and imagination. The girl was drawn into a long, hopeless lawsuit. She wanted to achieve a harmonious resolution to her legal problem, but her mental images were constantly set to failure, loss, loss, bankruptcy and poverty. It was a very complicated procedure with constant postponements of court hearings, without any hope of a quick resolution of the case.

On my recommendation, every evening before going to bed, she plunged into a half-asleep, drowsy state and began to conjure up a picture of the happy outcome of her business, feeling it with every fiber of her soul. She knew that the image in her mind must be in harmony with the desire of her heart. Before falling asleep, she began to stage in her imagination animated conversations with her lawyer regarding the outcome of the litigation. The girl asked him questions, and he answered her expertly. She heard his words again and again: “An excellent solution has been found that suits all parties. The case will no longer be heard in court." Sometimes during the day the girl was overcome by doubts, and waves of fear flooded her mind. In such cases, she replayed her mental movie in her imagination with all the movements, gestures and sound accompaniment. She easily imagined the lawyer's appearance, heard his voice, saw his encouraging smile. She watched this imaginary film so often that it became a subjective factor for her, a kind of well-worn habitual rut. A few weeks later, a lawyer came to her and objectively confirmed everything that she had previously seen in her imagination and felt as a subjective truth.

This incident serves as a vivid illustration of the words of the biblical psalm: Let the words of my mouth (your thoughts, mental images, everything good) and the thoughts of my heart (your feelings, character, emotions) be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, (the law of your subconscious mind) my stronghold and my deliverer! (the power and wisdom of your subconscious mind can deliver you from illness, addiction and unhappiness) (Psalm 18:15).

Brief things to remember

  1. Mental compulsion or too much effort during prayer indicates anxiety and fear and blocks the path to response. The main thing is to do everything calmly: the quieter you drive, the further you will go.
  2. With a calm state of consciousness and your faith in the idea, the subconscious gets to work and implements it.
  3. Think and make plans without looking back at traditional methods. Remember that there is always an answer and a solution to any problem.
  4. Don't give of great importance unusual beating of your heart, the functioning of your lungs or any other organs of your body. Entrust big hopes to your subconscious mind and tirelessly repeat in your thoughts that Providence will take care of everything.
  5. The feeling of health generates good health, the feeling of well-being generates wealth. How are you feeling now?
  6. Imagination is your greatest and most powerful gift. Build only good and kind things in your imagination. You are what you think you are.
  7. In a half-asleep state, get rid of conflicts between the conscious mind and the subconscious, bring them into agreement and harmony. Repeatedly imagine the fulfillment of your desire before going to bed. Sleep peacefully and wake up in joy.