Oxisize breathing exercises or down with excess weight. Oxisize gymnastics for weight loss

  • 14.10.2019

Oxisize is a unique complex consisting of special breathing exercises, stretching elements and static strength exercises, which is aimed at reducing subcutaneous fat deposits and general strengthening of the human body. This system originated in the USA, and it became popular in the CIS countries thanks to the professional trainer and instructor Marina Korpan, whose training videos are becoming more and more popular every year.

A bit of history and the principle of operation of the oxysize technique "Breathe and lose weight"

This breathing technique was developed by the American school teacher Jill Johnson, who built her complex on special breathing techniques, step-by-step deep stretching of the muscles and holding static poses. The program includes some elements of bodyflex, yoga, calanetics and Pilates, but in general it is a unique and original technique.

The principle of operation of the oxysize complex is based on the participation of oxygen in the metabolic processes of the body. Since fat cells are made of carbon, with appropriate breathing exercises they can be oxidized, thereby reducing the volume of the body in the right places. This technique does not require special skills or additional equipment and takes very little time - about 20 minutes every day.

The benefits of oxysize exercise

The principle of this system consists in the sequential execution of certain steps of diaphragmatic breathing, which, in addition to the two well-known points (inhalation-exhalation), also includes such concepts as pre-inhalation and pre-exhalation. It is due to the fact that this technique lacks a period that it is considered more useful than other similar techniques.

The advantage of this respiratory program is not only the ability to get rid of excess body fat, but also a qualitative improvement in human health. Thanks to the active saturation of the body with oxygen, the oxysize method "Breathe and Lose Weight" is perfect for those who suffer from hypertension, diabetes, problems with the musculoskeletal system and a number of other diseases. Respiratory gymnastics normalizes blood pressure, improves blood circulation and helps restore damaged body tissues.

Strengthening major muscle groups

Although oxysize exercises are based on proper breathing, a huge number of muscles are involved in the process of doing them. constant tension and active saturation of tissues with oxygen allow you to build up a decent muscle mass, which, in turn, accelerates the metabolic processes of the body.

This entails additional and reduced volumes in problem areas. In addition, strong muscles are the key to the well-functioning of the cardiovascular system, as well as excellent prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Precautions and contraindications

Although the Breathe and Lose Weight Oxysize system seems relatively light and easy to use, it is not suitable for everyone. First, it is more effective for those people who are trying to get rid of fat deposits in the abdomen, arms and back, since it is the upper body that is involved in the exercise. Secondly, there are a number of restrictions - pregnant women and people who have recently undergone any operations should not be engaged in it. This breathing exercise is also contraindicated for those who suffer from diseases such as cysts, epilepsy, various tumors, increased intracranial pressure, diseases of the kidneys and respiratory organs. It is also undesirable to use this technique during the period of infectious and viral diseases.

The real effect of using the technique

The oxysize technique for weight loss is really effective only in combination with proper nutrition and the absence of bad habits. If you abuse fatty and sweet, then you should not expect the result from this breathing technique.

But with the correct organization of your diet, as well as with sufficient fluid intake and the necessary nutrients and vitamins for the body, the oxysize method will be an excellent assistant in the fight against extra pounds and volumes. It is also good to take regular walks, and if health permits, then other adequate physical activity will not interfere.

To achieve the desired result, classes should be regular. The best option is at least 20 minutes every day. Performing the technique from time to time, even for a longer time, will not bring the desired effect.

It is also necessary to adjust the daily diet - to minimize the use of artificial products, as well as food with a lot of flavors, preservatives, stabilizers and other similar additives. The menu should be diversified with vegetables, fruits, cereals and dairy products. It is also important to drink enough water daily - this will significantly speed up the metabolism and help remove excess body fat.

Basic breathing technique of oxysize and technique of its implementation

Before you directly start performing static exercises and stretching elements, you need to master the breathing technique of the oxysize technique. How to breathe correctly is one of the first points of mastering this program, without which the subsequent stages are impossible. This item should be brought to automaticity, which usually takes about two weeks.

Correct breathing training consists of several stages:

  1. You need to stand straight, take your shoulder blades back and bend your knees a little. After that, the stomach should be drawn in, but not very strongly, and the pelvis should be slightly pushed forward.
  2. Now you need to take a deep breath through your nose, tighten your abdominal muscles and grab even more air in three quick breaths.
  3. Next, you should take a deep breath through the mouth, relax the muscles and move the pelvis back.
  4. At the end, there are three quick exhalations to get rid of the air completely.

This sequence is mandatory in the Oxisize method “Breathe and lose weight”. The exercises are performed in a static form and consist of four cycles of the indicated breathing method. For those who are just starting to master this technique, the number of repetitions of this procedure should be at least 10 times.

Basic exercises of the oxysize system

Today there are several different sets of exercises for oxysize, but the most common are the following:

Side stretch

To do this, you need to stand straight, take your shoulders back, slightly bend your knees, raise your right hand up and bend over to the right without falling out forward or backward. While holding this pose, you should do 4 breathing cycles. The exercise should be repeated three times on each side.

Wall squat

You need to stand against the wall, lean your back against it and sit down. When the thighs are parallel to the floor, you need to stretch your arms, squeeze their palm into a palm in front of the chest and perform 4 breathing cycles. The exercise should be repeated three times.

Push ups

You need to turn to face the wall and lean on it with your hands extended directly in front of your chest. Next, you should push up and, at the point of greatest tension, stand on your toes and line your body in one straight line. You need to stay in such a static position for 4 breathing cycles. Repeat three times.


You should stand up straight, sit down slightly and start pressing your feet on the floor as hard as possible. You should stay in this position for 4 respiratory cycles. The exercise must be repeated three times.

The listed exercises are far from complete, and every year there are more and more of them. Oxisize lessons may also differ depending on the level of difficulty, the state of health of the person and the sequence of movements. The best option is to study the exercises of this technique under the supervision of a professional trainer and then independently perform them at home.

Oxisize with Marina Korpan

The oxisize technique in Russian-speaking territory has become popular thanks to the famous fitness instructor and trainer Marina Korpan. The girl tried this unique technique on herself and amazingly quickly returned to excellent shape after giving birth. In his complexes, the trainer tries to choose the most optimal exercises and step-by-step explanations available to everyone. This is especially important for those who do not work with a personal trainer and for some reason cannot visit the fitness room. The trainer has his own studio, where he has been practicing this technique for several years. Marina Korpan is also the author of numerous sets of exercises for self-study at home. Every year there are more and more people who want to master the oxysize technique with Marina Korpan as a coach.

Oxisize - a complex technique for everyone

The Oxisize technique “Breathe and Lose Weight” is an amazing complex technique that combines elements of breathing exercises, stretching and strength static exercises. The technique allows you to get rid of excess fat deposits, tighten the skin, strengthen muscles and raise the overall tone of the body.

This technique has many advantages: it does not take much time, does not require additional equipment or special skills, and can be used by people, regardless of their age or level of physical fitness. Correctly selected and optimal diet will be an excellent addition to the oxysize method “Breathe and lose weight”. Reviews left on various thematic web resources of the World Wide Web testify to the effectiveness and efficiency of this complex technique.

I will say right away: the goal stated in the title “minus 30 cm in volume in two weeks” is by no means a joke. Firstly, oxysize is a really effective method of losing weight. And secondly, her adherents propose to evaluate the result by measuring the body at six points: the girth of the arm in the biceps, the girth of the chest under the armpits, the girth of the hips and three girths of the abdomen - at the level of the navel, 5 cm above it and 3 cm below it. Measurements are made at the beginning and at the end of the course, and for the first and second time, the data are summed up and the second is subtracted from the first sum.

Oxisize program with Marina Korpan

If you strictly follow our weight loss program and follow all the recommendations, in the end you will have a total volume of just about 30 cm. In pursuit of the cherished thirty, you will be helped by:

1. Exercises on the oxysize system with Marina Korpan. You will learn them gradually and do them every day.

3. Body care program. The advice of cosmetologists will help you to tighten up more quickly and prevent sagging of the skin, which often happens with express weight loss.

You will receive new exercises and advice on training oxysize with Marina Korpan, recommendations from a nutritionist and beauticians three times a week - on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (for the current day, tomorrow, and on Friday - and at the weekend). Do not miss!

We are starting a two-week oxysize marathon.

Oxisize with Marina Korpan: basic principles

Marina Korpan offers oxisize classes not according to the American version, but according to her own method, which she developed herself. How oxysize works is not difficult to explain. During exercise, due to a special breathing technique and exercise, body cells receive an increased amount of oxygen. Its excess turns on the oxidation mode, that is, the burning of fat, and speeds up the metabolism.

Since the tissues are better fed with oxygen and you give the body sparing physical activity, for which doctors so advocate, oxysize helps not only to lose weight. It improves the condition of the body as a whole: it activates blood circulation, improves the functioning of the digestive and reproductive systems, tones the muscles of the whole body, develops flexibility, helps control appetite and resist stress.

The basic principle of oxysize is diaphragmatic breathing: it fully engages the lungs, the abdominal cavity, and the diaphragm. Your task is to breathe through your nose and belly. For breathing technique and exercise to work, the following important rules must be observed:

1. Exercise daily, in the morning on an empty stomach (if you wish, you can repeat the lesson in the evening). No breaks - even a couple of "weekends" can get in the way of your goal.

2. Perform at least 30 oxysize breaths every day (excluding the first two days of the program). Without pauses, one by one.

3. Exercise on an empty stomach or not earlier than three hours after the meal. After training, you can also eat not immediately, but at least an hour later.

Oxisize with Marina Korpan: 1 day

Training program. Mastering the breathing technique

There will be no exercise today. Your task is simply to start mastering the oxysize breathing technique developed by Marina Korpan. It runs like this.

Oxisize breathing technique (repeat 4 times):

1. Tilt the pelvis: lower the tailbone and twist the pelvis forward.

2. Inhale slowly through your nose and fill your belly with air.

3. Pull in your stomach a little.

4. Perform three so-called pre-breaths (inhale a little more), pulling up the stomach.

5. Exhale strongly and long through the thin crack between the lips and tighten your stomach as much as possible.

6. Perform three pre-exhales, pulling in your stomach even more.

Repeat the whole scheme 4 times - and you will get one breathing cycle.

Nuances of the oxysize technique:

Do not raise your chest and shoulders as you inhale and inhale;

During pre-breaths, make sure that the air does not come out of the mouth;

Don't round your back;

Do not be alarmed if you feel dizzy and sweating as you exhale - this is normal at the beginning.

Exercise on the first day for no more than 15 minutes, observing the training rules that we talked about above. Monitor your feelings. If you have any questions about breathing technique, ask them in the comments.

Oxycise nutrition program. We build a diet and menu

Corbis / Fotosa.ru

Very often, when starting to do fitness, we make one mistake. Hoping that "everything will burn out in training", we stop controlling nutrition and, as a result, do not lose weight, and sometimes even begin to get better.

In order to prevent this, for the duration of the oxisize marathon, take into account the recommendations Marina Apletaeva, a dietitian at the Alumed Healthy Food Clinic.

1. Try to eat no more than 1600 calories a day. If you are familiar with the food pyramid and are used to serving as servings, these are: 6 servings of vegetables, 2 servings of fruits, 5 servings each of protein and grains, 2-3 non-fatty dairy products and 2 servings of fat.

2. For the entire duration of the oxisize marathon, exclude sugar and any sweets, white bread and pastries from the menu. “It is they who, first of all, make us get better,” says Marina Apletaeva. - Boiled or baked potatoes, cooked aldente (until half cooked) pasta is better not to eat every day: I allow my clients no more than 2-3 times a week. "

3. Since you will work out on an empty stomach in the morning, and after training, according to the rules, you will not be able to eat for at least an hour, then it is important to eat something that will immediately provide you with a burst of energy and at the same time create a feeling of satiety for a long time. After all, there is a long working day ahead. “A combination of long and short carbohydrates is optimal,” says Marina Apletaeva. - Groats with a low glycemic index (unpolished rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, barley) with fruits, berries, fresh juices. "

4. If you practice in the evening and have time to eat after class (in any case, dinner should be no later than three hours before bedtime), choose something as light as possible - a combination of vegetables and lean protein. "Make a green salad with crumbly cottage cheese, turkey or squid slices."

Body care program. Choosing basic tools

“If you are going to lose weight, and especially lose weight quickly, think in advance how you will take care of your skin at this time,” advises Zhanna Mironova, a cosmetologist at the Lancet clinic. - And begin to carry out these activities in parallel with training and diet. It will be much more difficult to tighten already sagging, flabby skin, if possible in principle. "

Our Oxisize Marathon body care program will focus on maintaining skin tone and, if possible, tightening the silhouette.

As a basic care product, you will need a cream that activates blood circulation. You can buy a new one following our advice. Or you can carry out an audit on the shelf in the bathroom. There you will most likely find what you are looking for - there are similar creams in many anti-cellulite lines. “Look on the label for ingredients such as caffeine, green tea extract, artichoke, seaweed,” says Natalia Grigorieva, Head of the Institute of Cosmetology and Cellular Technologies Real Clinic. "These ingredients provide a fat burning effect."

From today until the end of the oxisize marathon, apply them every evening with a massage to problem areas. Since the effect of such a product is usually temporary, an hour after it, rinse in the shower and apply a moisturizing, toning body cream at night: it will saturate the skin with moisture and make it elastic.

Oxisize with Marina Korpan: 2 day

Training program. Getting started with the exercises

On the first day of our marathon, you tried to breathe according to the oxysize system. Now (day 2 of the program) start doing the first three exercises, repeating each 4 times. In total, you will get 16 breathing cycles, because the lateral tilt must be performed in both directions.

1. "Diamond"

Denis Bykovskikh / LIVE!

How to do it. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Tip your pelvis. Raise your hands in front of you, clench your hands into fists and press them against each other in front of your chest, pointing your elbows to the sides. Do not raise your shoulders or lower your elbows. Perform 4 breaths.

For what: we burn fat in the biceps area, strengthen the muscles of the arms, shoulders, chest and back.

2. Taking the hands back

Denis Bykovskikh / LIVE!

How to do it. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Tip your pelvis. Bring your arms back, palms facing up. Do not raise your shoulders and do not spread your arms to the sides. Perform 4 breaths.

For what: burn fat on the back of the arms, strengthen the triceps muscle of the shoulder.

3. Lateral tilt

How to do it. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Tip your pelvis. Raise your left hand up, wrap your right hand around your left wrist and stretch as far as possible to the right side and up. Perform 4 breaths. Repeat the tilt to the other side.

For what: burn fat at the waist and sides, stretch the lateral muscles of the torso.

Nutrition program. Alternating carbohydrates and proteins


Our body adapts to everything. Including dietary nutrition. That is why, having cut the diet, we often begin to notice over time that we have stopped losing weight: the body has become more economical in spending calories.

“To prevent this from happening, diversify your diet as much as possible,” advises Marina Apletaeva. - Initially, without waiting for the dietary plateau to come. Even small changes in nutrition will give the body the necessary shake-up. Starting today, start alternating carbohydrate breakfasts (the first meal after class) with protein ones. Low-fat protein meals like scrambled eggs or cottage cheese casserole can also give you a good sense of fullness. And they are also easy to combine with fast carbohydrates, which will immediately replenish your strength. Just add some chopped tomatoes to the egg mixture (this is a sugary product) or drink a glass of juice in addition to breakfast. And in a casserole without sugar, add some dried fruit, pieces of fresh apple or pear. "

The next day, cook some cereal for breakfast again, then return to protein foods, etc.

Body care program. Add a contrast shower


Those who regularly go to the pool must have noticed: cool water perfectly tones the skin. Let's take advantage of this. And on the second day of the oxisize marathon with Marina Korpan, we will begin to accustom ourselves to a contrasting soul. While washing off the warming cream you started using on the first day of the program, play with the temperature of the water. At first, add and subtract the degree a little and take a shower for only 2-3 minutes. Subsequently, gradually increase the procedure time and temperature drops. A contrast shower activates blood circulation and perfectly accelerates metabolism.

Natalia Grigorieva also advises adding peels to the evening baths: “Any scrub, for example, with grape, apricot seeds, is perfect for this. Or . You can peel two or three times a week. "

New oxysize exercises from Marina Korpan, advice from nutritionists and cosmetologists can be found on our website on Wednesday. Stay tuned!

Today, every woman in the struggle for a slender and fit body is replaced by various types of active fitness with more and more gentle methods based on a combination of physical exercises with a special breathing technique "Oxysize". Reviews about this practice of losing weight on the Internet and with live communication are ambiguous. Some girls praise her for her effectiveness in reducing weight, improving well-being, along with an excellent opportunity to exercise every day for just 20 minutes and in any conditions.

Other ladies advise not to rely too much on this method of losing weight, preferring many different methods, popular diets, advice from friends and acquaintances telling how to lose weight without making much effort.

Where did this innovative gymnastics come from?

The popular breathing technique was developed by Colorado-based American teacher Jill R. Johnson, who trademarked it under the Oxycize trademark! (the brand is patented with an exclamation mark). The name widely known today was combined from two parts of English words: oxygen (oxygen) and exercise (exercize). The main goal of the author was to give millions of women the most comfortable way to lose weight. "Oxisize", according to the reviews of practitioners of the technique for more than one year, is a very effective method that helps to quickly lose extra pounds and remove volumes. The future slimness guru who has developed a unique technique is a mother of four children, who from childhood was herself puzzled by the fight against excess weight. Over the years, she vainly experimented with a variety of diets, weight loss products, until she tried to burn body fat with the help of breathing exercises.

The author came to such a discovery thanks to an independent study of the foundations of human physiology. Her book, revealing the secrets of an innovative set of exercises and breathing exercises, was released in 1999 and made a splash among American women, and then found fans in Europe and in our country.

The essence of one of the healthiest ways to lose weight

Using a scientific approach, Jill figured out the formula: fat is actively broken down into water and carbon dioxide only in the presence of sufficient oxygen. The gas necessary for everything that exists - a real military "artillery" for adipose tissue - oxidizes lipids, acting not only on the subcutaneous fat layer, but also on the hard-to-reach, hard-to-remove visceral fat. The latter accumulates inside the abdominal cavity, creating a shell around the organs. This is a very dangerous type of adipose tissue that squeezes the vital insides, contributing to the appearance of hormonal disruptions, cardiovascular and other problems in the body. Owing to oxygen molecules that bind to carbon particles and concentrate in lipid tissue, its excess is destroyed and decay products are removed from the body. In the presence of O 2, metabolic reactions are accelerated and fat burning is faster.

Combining the knowledge gained with one of the pranayamas - yoga practices, the author achieved what she wanted, and then supplemented and improved the technique with stretching exercises and static muscle tension. Gymnastics "Oxisize", according to reviews, not only contributes to the formation of a new figure, but also helps maintain a healthy balance in the body due to its oxygen saturation.

Why is Oxysize good?

Respiratory gymnastics, in comparison with traditional types of physical activity, shows an overwhelming effect on calorie expenditure. Thus, the energy consumption during classes in a group from Marina Korpan, from other coaches or independent practice is about one and a half times higher than during the same period of riding a stationary bike.

Based on the reviews, breathing technique helps:

  • Accelerate and then stabilize a high metabolic rate.
  • Lose weight.
  • Reduce body volume.
  • Build muscle mass, reduce body fat percentage.
  • Tighten the muscles and form their correct relief on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and other problem areas.
  • Increase stamina and physical strength.
  • Improve flexibility and strengthen the musculoskeletal system (back, spine, arms and legs).
  • Increase the level of oxygen consumption to the maximum, saturating every cell of the body with it.
  • Stimulate blood circulation, which delivers nutrition and oxygen to all tissues, as a result of which headaches disappear and blood pressure normalizes.
  • Already in the first week, improve digestion, cleanse the body and get rid of several kilograms.
  • Eliminate orange peel in problem areas and improve skin condition.
  • Increase energy levels, as well as concentration and attention.
  • Relieve psychological stress, get rid of apathy and depression, feel cheerfulness, a surge of strength and energy.

With regular exercise and with proper breathing "Oxysize" (reviews and photos confirm this), many of those wishing to lose weight managed to reduce their curvaceous forms by tens of centimeters in a short time: for some fat women with a weight of "100 plus", the record was up to 30-40 cm!

Where to begin? Testing the correctness of breathing

There are two types of respiratory activity, differing in the way the chest expands:

  • Thoracic - when the volume of the lungs is increased by raising the ribs.
  • Abdominal - in which the chest expands due to the flattening of the diaphragm.

In the first lessons, fitness trainers teach beginners exactly the second type of breathing, as it is healthier and necessary for full-fledged exercise. Even if after studying the Oxysize breathing practice, the reviews and results do not convince you to work on yourself for the sake of positive changes in your figure and life in general, the acquired habit of diaphragmatic breathing will benefit your health for many years and ensure good health.

Many of us do not notice that we are breathing incorrectly, taking a shallow breath with our chest, as a result of which only the upper part of our lungs is supplied with air. Thus, reducing the flow of air into the respiratory organ, a person prevents the normal circulation of oxygen throughout the body and a sufficient supply of oxygen to all tissues. As a result, many people develop chronic fatigue syndrome associated with general malaise and frequent headaches. To understand how you usually breathe, do a test. Please note that:

  1. Clothing should be loose and free of movement.
  2. Then the right hand should be placed on the chest, the left on the stomach.
  3. You need to take a deep breath.
  4. Exhale without pause.

Analyzing the results of the check, we draw conclusions:

  • If the left hand moves away from the spine to the maximum distance during inhalation, then your breathing uses the diaphragm. This is the correct type of respiratory activity.

If the left hand approaches the spine while inhaling, and the chest rises and expands, then you are breathing incorrectly, and you need to change the practice of inhaling and exhaling. Sit upright without straining your shoulder muscles and inhale using the diaphragm breathing method. Feel the outermost areas of the body being oxygenated.

Correct breathing technique "Oxysize"

For beginners starting training, the authors of the technique advise paying attention to 4 stages of the respiratory process. Starting position: Standing straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Bring your shoulders back slightly and lower them down a little. The knees need to be bent, and the muscles of the buttocks should be tightened. We move the pelvis forward and lift it up. We hold on freely, without tension and fix this position, as the main one, during the entire period of training. Movements should be smooth, effortless:

  1. Be sure to smile at yourself and those around you! Without clenching your lips, take a powerful but even breath, while inflating your abdominal muscles. Use a strictly diaphragm breathing technique!
  2. Having reached the limit, we stop and take 3 short breaths, called “pre-breaths”. During each, it is necessary to round the belly even more. (For those who first use the Oxisize technique, reviews of fitness trainers are advised to take an incomplete breath (by 70-80%) before three breaths, until the abdominal muscles become stronger, become elastic and obedient).
  3. Round your lips so that it is convenient to drink the liquid through a straw. We make a sharp and long exhalation through the gap formed, while simultaneously drawing in the stomach and straining the torso with maximum intensity.
  4. Feeling the peak moment of exhalation, add 3 "pre-exhalation", tightening the abdominal muscles as much as possible.

One breathing cycle includes 4 consecutive repetitions of all four stages. Jill Johnson and Marina Korpan argue that doing 30 of these cycles a day non-stop (no additional pauses) can help you lose 2 to 5 kg in 28 days, without hunger and exhausting training. At the same time, it is necessary to practice a complete healthy diet. During the first sessions, slight dizziness may appear. This reaction of the body to the incoming excess of oxygen is considered normal. It is not necessary to terminate the OxySize practice. In the future, gradual addiction will occur and the state of health will stabilize.

Advantages of the newly made breathing technique "Oxysize" over the usual "Bodyflex"

Why do many OxySize users like it: reviews and results indicate that, firstly, this gymnastics can be done without any problems in any convenient place: at home and at work, in a hotel, in a park and even in a subway car. This technique, in contrast to the noisy "Bodyflex" and breathing of the Strelnikovs, is soundless and invisible to others.

Secondly, the growing popularity of breathing practice does not require fans to practice on an empty stomach while they are in a sleepy state in the morning. If "Bodyflex" prohibits any meal on the eve of training, then "Oxysize" allows a light snack, but without fanaticism. It is necessary that the stomach is not full, otherwise it will be difficult to breathe properly.

Thirdly, the Oxisize exercises (reviews with results, photos and videos with a visual demonstration of the figure before and after losing weight, which can be viewed on the official websites of trainers) do not require the use of any sports devices, which significantly reduces the cost of paying for group classes ... Also, there is no need to use many hours of exhausting loads to reduce weight - it is worthwhile to exercise for 15-20 minutes, but be sure to every day, so that in 3-4 weeks you will become the owner of more graceful figure outlines. In addition, significant time savings will be a pleasant bonus for overworked people in this technique of losing weight, and for people with low incomes - the opportunity to study at home on their own.


Oxisize weight loss exercises are absolutely not difficult. Rather, it is not easy to do them regularly, without skipping days, and without reducing the intensity of your workouts. Yes, this daily work will allow you to lose weight, improve your health, rejuvenate and overcome neuroses.

About, how to do oxisize exercises - read below.

Correct breathing technique oxysize - exercise video, diagram

Oxisize basis- correct breathing, so you need to pay attention to it first. The founder of the system, J. Johnson, believes that until you have brought your breath to automatism, you should not move on to exercises. So, it is better to devote a couple of weeks to working out the oxysize breathing technique for 10-15 cycles daily.

Breathing technique oxysize, video:

  • How to stand: straight, bending your knees slightly. The body should be relaxed down to the hips. The belly is tucked up a third of your maximum retraction. With a straight lower back, the pelvis should be slightly pushed forward. Do not forget about correct posture, i.e. about your close shoulder blades.
  • How to inhale: nose, at the same time, throwing the pelvis forward, "springing" the press and contracting the buttocks. Then smile and tighten your abs and buttocks harder, making 3 gusty "breaths".
  • How to exhale: feel the fullness of the lungs with air and begin to exhale. Gradually exhaling through the lips with a "tube", loosening the buttocks and expanding the pelvis. Then, as with inhalation, take 3 sharp “pre-exhales”.

Oxisize gymnastics - correct exercise technique - video

  • Lateral stretching. The waist and abs are involved. How: From a standard position, pull your right arm up and lean to the right. In this case, the body should be practically parallel to the floor, i.e. in the same plane with the pelvis. Hold the stretch and take a few breaths. Then change the pose to the left hand. And so, 3 times for each hand.

  • Squat against the wall. Legs, buttocks and chest muscles work. How: while standing in the main position against the wall, lean your back on it and gently squat down to such an extent that your thighs are parallel to the floor. Where to put your hands? Bring them palm to palm in front of your chest. Take several breaths in this position. And so, 3 times.
  • The squat is normal. The inner side of the thighs and buttocks is being worked out. How: Squat in the same position as above, only without a wall and not deep. At the same time, try, as if to spread your legs, separating the floor under your feet. For each squat - 4 cycles, 3 times per workout.

  • Spinning from the chair. All muscles are tense. How: Sit on the edge of a sturdy chair and use your hands to hedge your bets. Then still move your buttocks forward so that the emphasis is held only on the toes and palms. Freeze and breathe 3-4 cycles. Repeat this oxysize breathing exercise several times.
  • Push-up from the wall. With an emphasis on developing strength in the arms, abs, gluteal muscles, back and legs.How: hands under the chest with parallel palms. Push up and when you feel the maximum tension, straighten your body and stand on your toes. Then take a few breaths. Fix the exercise about 3 times.
  • Rocket launch. Intense loading and stretching of important muscles in the body.How to do it: Lying on the floor, pull back your socks, and move your hands behind your head. As if you are being pulled in different directions at the same time. Then breathe for a few cycles. This oxysize breathing exercise is great for completing your workout.

  • Stretching the cobra. The area of ​​the back and abdomen is tense.How: lying on your stomach, lean on the palms of your hands, which must be placed under the chest. Then straighten your bent elbows, feeling the tension of the press well. The pose is a bit like a push-up, but the hips do not rise from the floor. So, several cycles, 3 times.

Oxisize exercises, video:

Oxysize is natural remedy to prolong youth and normalize weight ... Many women say that after a month of training, they not only lost their excess weight, but also improved their skin condition, and cellulite disappeared. Some have noted a persistent increase in mood and performance.

Thus, oxysize is really effective, especially in the cumulative sense - the longer you practice, the deeper and more lasting the result.

Every woman who wants to lose weight and tighten her body explores the vastness of the Internet in search of the most gentle diet and "smart" set of physical exercises. It is no secret that today there are many of them, there are so many words of praise about Bodyflex alone. Callanetics, Yoga and Pilates are not far behind in popularity. But not everyone has heard of such a complex as Oxysize... Today we will talk about it in more detail, we will pay special attention to the exercises themselves, thanks to which you can get rid of extra centimeters and kilograms.

Oxisize is an innovative complex of exercises for fighting excess weight, which is based on proper breathing. The main destructive force for fatty deposits is oxygen, which, entering the body, combines with the carbon found in fats and they are hastily removed. The body, in turn, is tightened and takes on a beautiful shape. Those who are familiar with the Bodyflex technique may see a fine line of similarity with Oxysize, but still the complexes differ from each other.

To whom is it indicated and to whom is Oksysize contraindicated?

To everyone's surprise at Oxisize no contraindications... Experts say that even pregnant women who want to keep themselves in shape while carrying a baby can do it, while feeling great.

Anyone who is not indifferent to their health can safely take Oksysize into service. Your body will take on new forms, you will regain your prenatal parameters, allow you to fulfill your dream of becoming slim and athletic with a minimum of effort.

Advantages of Oxisize over the famous Bodyflex?

Bodyflex has long gained popularity among millions of people around the world, but Oxysize has been practiced in Russia for only a couple of years. But, despite its youth, this complex already has ardent fans, and this is not strange, because Oxisize has clear advantages over Bodyflex. For example, you you do not need to wake up and immediately, on an empty stomach, engage in sleepy.

In Bodyflex, some exercises are sounded with loud sounds, which can interfere with the activities of household members or a sleeping baby. Oxysize does not require sound, you can do it at any time convenient for you, even after eating, the main thing is that you are not accompanied by a feeling of maximum satiety and heaviness in the stomach.

Oxysize does not require any additional simulators or special equipment, they should be dealt with only 15-20 minutes but every day the results will come with lightning speed. In a couple of weeks, you will be in high spirits going shopping in search of clothes for a figure, for a NEW figure, with NEW outlines.

What should be the food?

Jill Johnson (the creator of the Oxysize system) in her book on Oxysize advises four meals a day, and the main emphasis should be on natural food, vegetables, fruits, and fiber. It is worth giving up everything from the same sweet, fried, fatty and fried. The calorie content of the diet is approximately 1500-1700 calories. Yes, the numbers are absolutely not dietary, but due to breathing exercises, fats are burned, metabolism improves, so the numbers are completely justified and you don't need to starve at all.

Why does fat burning take place in problem areas?

Is it really that clever technique that identifies problem areas by itself? No, the places worth working on, you yourself know and mentally direct oxygen there through tension.

Need to pump up your buttocks and remove centimeters from there? Just tense your gluteal muscles during breathing exercises, and oxygen will flow to the desired area of ​​the body.

What will you get after you start actively practicing Oxysize?

  • weight loss by 2-3 kilograms... By itself, Oxysize mainly fights with extra centimeters on your body, but if you switch to proper nutrition overnight, monitor the amount and quality of food you eat, then the result will not be long in coming.
  • disappearance of the orange peel on problem areas. Cellulite is an eternal problem for women and Oxysize will help you solve it with ease.
  • improvement of the state of mind, depression and apathy will go away, and you will be full of strength and energy
  • thanks to the generous amount of oxygen, you will forget about headaches, blood flow will improve, and the pressure will return to normal
  • increased libido, which is so important for every person who dreams of living a full sex life

What do you need to get started or where does Oxysize start?

Every woman asks this question, because I want to extract the maximum result from any complex, with the minimum amount of time spent. Oxysize is a salvation for those who do not have a lot of time for themselves, but have a great desire to change themselves and their figure for the better. Oxisize will take 15-20 minutes of your free time, but in 3-4 days you will see the first results. A few centimeters will go away from the waist and abdomen, in other parts of the body you will also lose centimeters.

To engage in Oxisize, you should not adopt any special and bulky simulators, we limit ourselves to only one chair, which will serve as a support. But the most important thing is correct breathing, without which there will be no results, no matter how fast you do it. It's sad, yes, so it's worth persevering and working on it first.

Breathing test

There are two types of breathing: diaphragmatic and chest breathing. Many people breathe incorrectly, that is, breast type, thereby dooming themselves to a lot of diseases. When we breathe through our chest, we do not allow air to circulate normally throughout the body, as a result of which the blood does not carry enough oxygen. Hence the feeling of constant fatigue, headaches and general resentment.

To find out how you breathe, you should:

  • put on comfortable, non-hindering clothing
  • put your right hand on your chest and your left hand on your stomach
  • take a deep breath
  • exhale

How did you feel? While inhaling, did the left hand move closer to the vertebra? If so, then you are breathing correctly, because this is a diaphragmatic type of breathing, which you should definitely switch to, even if Oxysize as such does not interest you.

Now sit down and breathe correctly for 2-3 minutes. At the same time, do not strain the shoulder muscles, the body is in a free position, light as a feather. Feel how oxygen is actively circulating throughout the body, flowing to the most distant corners.

Foundation or Guide to Basic Breathing


  1. Inhale sharply and very quickly with your nostrils, not your mouth. Inhaling in this way the air is heated and purified. Breathing is strictly diaphragmatic.
  2. Smile! To the whole world, your beloved, feel the surge of energy. Smiling, you involuntarily expand your nostrils, the air passes faster and easier, when you smile, the muscles of your face are also tightened, you do not forget to control your body.
  3. Relax, let your abdominal muscles be calm, prepare yourself for the deepest breath.


  1. As you inhale, pull your stomach in as much as possible.
  2. Inhale, shake your pelvis, movements are performed inward and upward, remember Elvis, but do not dangle like a duck.
  3. Now tighten your buttocks, pull them in.
  4. The pelvic floor muscles should also be strained, women should remember the famous Kegel exercises.

3 sniffs

You need to take three extra breaths! These 3 breaths will work your muscles in your face, abdomen and neck. The lungs, in turn, will be filled with air as much as possible. Take action!


  1. As you exhale, make a tube out of your lips, or imagine that you are drinking through a straw and exhaling with maximum effort. Due to such simple manipulations, you should have a lot of tension under the breasts.
  2. While exhaling, do not lower your head down, control yourself, because lowering is obtained involuntarily. Imagine that your head is being held by an invisible string.
  3. Do not forget about the buttocks, they, as well as during inhalation, should remain in tension, pulled in.
  4. Maximum effort when exhaling, lips with a tube.

Now do 3 more sharp exhalations. When doing this, DO NOT relax your buttocks or lower your head. Thus, you release the air after inhalation, thereby increasing the volume of the lungs for the subsequent inhalation and exhalation. The muscles of the abdomen on exhalation are very tense, and therefore they come in tone and tighten, which undoubtedly has a positive effect on the results of training.

After completing this breathing exercise four times, you will do one repetition of the incredible Basic Breathing!

Five week acquaintance

Before starting classes it is worth thoroughly work out the breathing technique, in the future you should not get stuck on it, everything goes automatically.

Total you need to do 30 repetitions per day, then there may be completely different exercises, choose them yourself as you familiarize yourself. If Oxisize is repeated more than 30 times, you will get stunning results. Underfulfillment is impermissible, try!

The first day

Exercise number 1

We accept a standing position, feet apart shoulder-width apart, chin raised. In this case, it is worth pulling in the buttocks and bending the knees. With the help of your hands, lift and draw in your stomach as much as possible (its lower part).

Exercise number 2

We accept a standing position, feet apart shoulder-width apart, right hand raised up. With your hand, you should stretch up as much as possible, while the knees are still bent, they create opposition.

Exercise number 3

It is performed similarly to the second, but with the left hand raised up.

Exercise number 4

We work with the muscles of the shoulder girdle:

We accept a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart. Hands are wound behind the back, fingers clasped in a "lock" and pulled back. In this case, the shoulders are also pulled back, you stretch.

Exercise number 5

Splitting the floor:

Starting position - standing, legs slightly bent at the knees. Imagine that you need to “split” the floor: your legs rest on the floor as much as possible, without taking off you need to direct them in opposite directions so that the floor “cracked”. The external muscles of the calves work. Pull in your buttocks and swing your pelvic area (up and in).

Exercise number 6

We work with the pectoral muscles:

We clench our fists and connect the knuckles together as if drawing the letter "O". In this case, the shoulders are in a relaxed state, and the head is kept straight, not down. Now push hard with your fists against each other. The dorsal, chest, shoulder muscles and chest are involved.

Second day

Well, here we come to the second day, on which I sincerely congratulate you. Today your breathing technique is more or less worked out, and you can go further. Remember, we work with muscle tissues, so only you can be aware of when to give the muscles a rest, and when to strain them.

Breathing is your base, it helps to improve your health and, of course, melt subcutaneous fat. Metabolic processes are activated, and blood flows through the veins with renewed vigor. To evaluate Oxysize and all its benefits, you should familiarize yourself with the list below.

So, what Oxysize gives:

  • Increases muscle mass
  • Oxygen is delivered to the desired area of ​​the body
  • Body flexibility grows
  • You are "drawing" a new silhouette, the silhouette of your dreams
  • Blood pressure and cholesterol levels go down to normal
  • The likelihood of diabetes and cardiovascular disease is minimized
  • The musculoskeletal system is strengthened
  • Weight is normalized, calories are burned much more actively
  • Mood and well-being improve exponentially

Is it worth doing Oxisize exercises in an organized manner? No, you can first do the exercises while standing, then sitting and lying down. As you wish, the main thing is taxonomy and hard work on yourself.

Exercise number 1

Sit down like a duck and stick the back of your body back. Feet are shoulder-width apart and "look" inward. The tension should be felt in the large muscles of the buttocks, as well as on the outside of the thighs. Grab your knees with your hands and round your arms, elbows directed outward.

Exercise number 2

Let's move on to wall exercises:

Stand against the wall, move your legs 5 centimeters away from it and press your lower back firmly with your lumbar spine. In this position, do an exercise for the chest muscles.

Exercise number 3

Starting position - standing facing the wall. In this position, stretch your palms up and gradually go down, squatting. Each time you inhale, stretch your fingers up, but as slowly as possible. The back is straight, the chin is directed upwards.

Exercise number 4

Turn your face to the wall and move half a meter away from it. Lean your palms against the wall and bend them slightly, your elbows "look" outward. Move the body forward, but do not bend your knees and keep your back straight. Pull in your glutes and swing your pelvis (tops and in) with your heels chained to the floor.

Days 3-7

Now you know 10 Oxysize exercises that you can do during the week. Repeat each exercise 3 times and get the daily rate. One rep is half a minute of your time, the whole complex is 15 minutes. You may have to spend more time at first until the habit is developed. Do not overexert yourself, it is better to do everything in moderation, and not in any way to the detriment of yourself.

Each week, 5 new exercises will be added, which should be added to the complex. Compose them or change them depending on the characteristics of your body. It is difficult to perform exercises on your knees, do something more gentle and accessible to you, because everything is individual.

Exercise number 1

Chair back exercises

Raise your leg diagonally

The support is on the back of the chair, while the right leg, being absolutely flat, is retracted slightly to the side, and then back. Rotate your feet slightly and bend your left leg slightly. Pull in your buttocks and swing your pelvic area (tops and inwards). The head is directed upwards, the back is straight.

Exercise number 2

Do exercise number 1, but this time raising your left leg.

Exercise number 3

Working on the muscles of the buttocks

The support is on the back of the chair, while the right leg, being absolutely level, is retracted and lifted up. The toes should be extended. Pull in your buttocks and swing your pelvic area (tops and inwards). The head is directed upwards, the back is straight.

Exercise number 4

Do exercise number 3, but this time raising your left leg.

Exercise number 5

Royal posture

The legs are set wide apart, while the socks "look" out. Bend your knees slightly so that they are level with your feet (do not bend your knees forward!). Pull in your buttocks and swing your pelvic area (tops and inwards). Next comes the support on the back of the chair, the head is directed upward, the back is straight. Lower the body down, the internal muscles of the thighs work.

Knowing now already 15 exercises, you can perform each two repetitions, thereby fulfilling the norm.

Today you will learn 5 more exercises, in total there will be 20. Choose the ones you like the most, for the muscle group that you need and continue to work fruitfully. All exercises of the third week are performed while sitting on a high chair.

Exercise number 1

Sit on the edge of a chair with your elbows resting on the back of the chair. The muscles of the perineum must be tightened, as if pulling in, the buttocks also pull in. Then squeeze your knees, the knees remain in the same position.

Exercise number 2

Sit on the edge of a chair with your legs bent at the knees and apart to the sides, your inner thigh muscles working. The palms are resting on the seat, and the shoulders are stubbornly pulled back. Back straight, lean back slightly.

Exercise number 3

Sit in the center of your chair. Grab the seat with your right hand, and pull the body up, turn the body to the right. Now raise your left hand up and stretch again.

Exercise number 4

Repeat exercise number 3, but this time raising your right hand.

Exercise number 5

Sit on a high chair and press firmly against the back, wrap your arms around the seat and lift your legs up parallel to the floor. In this position, perform rotational movements with your feet.

You will need a rug or some other type of mat this week as the exercises will be done on the floor while sitting or lying down.

Exercise number 1

Knees that are slightly apart on the floor. In this position, do chest exercises. The head is directed upwards, the back is straight. Pull in your buttocks and swing your pelvic area (tops and inwards). The case should be folded back slightly.

Exercise number 2

Performed while sitting on the floor. At the same time, the feet should be moved towards each other, and the body should be tilted forward. Try to direct your knees to the floor as much as possible, but do not overdo it. The head is directed upwards, the back is straight. Place your hands on your feet, legs, or ankles. Push the body forward, as if giving resistance to the hands.

Exercise number 3

Lie on your back with your legs bent at the knees. Pull in your buttocks and swing your pelvic area (tops and inwards). Do you feel how your abdominal area makes "scooping" movements?

Exercise number 4

Lie on your back with your legs bent at the knees. Knees should be brought together, and the feet should be left at shoulder width. Pull in your buttocks and swing your pelvic area (tops and inwards). Connect your fingers in a "lock" and extend your arms over your head, stretch.

Exercise number 5

Take a supine position on your back, stretch your legs along the body. Put your fingers together and extend your arms over your head. Pull in your buttocks and swing your pelvic area (tops and inwards). The muscles of the legs should be strained so that the calves come off the floor, then stretch the socks.

So, in your stock of 25 exercises, this is already a lot, there is plenty to choose from. But in addition to 25 exercises, you have drawn new, stunning forms and kilograms are gone. Old jeans no longer hold on to the hips at all and look like a hoodie. What to do? It's so nice to go shopping, because you LOST!

Do not rush to perform the entire Oksisize complex, take enough time to catch your breath and get in the mood for the next exercise. Dynamic work is good, but listen to your body and it will surely repay you generously.

The last approach is Oxysize, and it is done back on the floor.

Exercise number 1

Starting position - lying on the right side. The left knee is pulled up to the chest. Overcome arm resistance and try to straighten your leg overnight. Straighten your right leg and tense your muscles moderately. In this position, perform rotational movements with your feet.

Exercise number 2

Perform exercise number 1, but grabbing the right knee.

Exercise number 3

Starting position - lying on the floor, there should be an angle between you and the floor. The left leg is lifted and rolled back. Place your palms on the floor. At this moment, raise your head and pull the toes of your feet.

Exercise number 4

Do exercise number 3, but this time raising your right leg.

Exercise number 5

Repeat exercise # 5 of the fourth week, but with the rotation of the feet.

You have reached the climax, all 30 Oxisize exercises are behind and you can safely take all of them into circulation. As you know, there is no limit to perfection, so improve every day without sparing your efforts and time, because your health and beauty are in your hands. Oxisize 15 minutes a day is negligible, but the result of training will be a healthy and beautiful body, your body!

You can train at home, preparing a family dinner, on the transport on the way to work, sitting at the computer, watching TV or in the queue of the store, in general, you can find time for classes almost everywhere!


Many people are interested in the result. To do this, it is worth reading the reviews of people who are familiar with the Oxysize complex firsthand.


the decision to try Oxysize came after the birth of their second child. I am 100 percent convinced of its effectiveness. After 7 days, I got rid of 6 centimeters in the waist area, and after 2.5 months I said goodbye to 4 kilograms. The food has remained the same since I was feeding the baby. The results of other people impressed me, some managed to lose 5 kg in a month, everything apparently depends on the characteristics of the body. But overall I'm very happy.


I tried Oxysize, although I did not think that such simple exercises would help me to overcome extra pounds, and most importantly, volumes. But the result was gorgeous: after 3 weeks I had already changed size 48 to 44. I advise!

Olga: but Oxysize did not help me. Why is that? Maybe I did something wrong?


As you can see, Oxisize is an effective technique, it's worth a try. After all, if you do not lose kilograms and centimeters, then you will certainly improve your health, since Oksisize has no contraindications.