Characteristics for a painter for an award. How to write a reference for awarding a certificate of honor

  • 21.09.2019

A character reference from a place of work is a document that can be drawn up at the official request of legal structures (their rights are also protected by the appropriate), upon request, for entry into the civil service or at the request of the person himself. Sometimes, an official paper is drawn up in an organization to consider issues of dismissal, promotion career ladder or an award ceremony (the latter can even take place online if the company has a corresponding client of Sberbank or another similar organization - details can be found at). The document is also drawn up for the mother and submitted to the guardianship authorities for the adoption of the child. In any case, the procedure for its preparation must be accompanied by an order to amend the staffing table 2018 model. This process is described in the article on.

Sample characteristics from the place of work, sample 2018

There is no ready-made form of writing. However, there are some requirements that must be adhered to when drafting the text (and if they are not met, but the employee is hired, this may attract the attention of anti-corruption authorities, working on the basis of a number of laws, including).

For example:
— the text is drawn up on an A4 sheet;
- the presentation is in the third person or in the past tense;
— indicate the title of the document, name and position;
— the employee’s personal data is listed.
You can see from the personnel department of the enterprise how the document and certificate are written (if we talk about students, they can also get acquainted with the documents related to expulsion, including samples, in the dean’s office).

The above requirements are also relevant for another document that is relevant to employees - this is an internal memo, an example of which can be found. It can be issued for a number of cases, ranging from reasons for bonuses to reasons for dismissal.

Requirements for writing a job description

How to draw up a document? The job description contains standard information about career growth and achievements at work. Significant successes and information about additional education, advanced training. Professional and personal qualities, the presence of awards, incentives or penalties (in the latter case may be required to attach all relevant documents, including an application for initiation enforcement proceedings, described).
The document is signed by the head of the organization. The date is indicated and the company seal is affixed.

If you can’t write a correct description, ask for help:

Recognition of bankruptcy - Federal Law 127 in a new reaction

Characteristics from previous place of work

How to write a document? A sample reference from a previous place of work and a form can be downloaded from specialized websites, after which the text is printed from word programs(as well as any similar certificates, such as registration, birth, etc.). An approximate description of the manager is given, general director, for a driver, for an employee, for a seller, for a watchman, for a nurse, for a lawyer, for a doctor, for a clerk, for a storekeeper. There is also a writing sample and a standard template.

Characteristics from the place of work, sample to the police, court, military registration and enlistment office

Download the text for writing about a car mechanic, a janitor, a handyman, a teacher primary classes, for an auxiliary worker there is an opportunity on web resources on the Internet. Based on the examples given, you can make an individual assessment of the performance of an employee, accountant, salesperson, consultant, economist, office manager, hotel administrator, individual entrepreneur, programmer, welder, cashier, medical worker, engineer, cook, manager, loader, security guard, electrician, etc. taking into account the personal characteristics of the position.
The document may also be needed to present it to the court upon request (for example, to withdraw a statement of claim, described), various government agencies and organizations, banks for issuing loans.

If a paper is written to be submitted to the court, the police, or the military registration and enlistment office, then much attention is paid to personal qualities. Since a reference from a place of work, a sample in court in a criminal case, is used to pass a sentence, so as not to cause unnecessary harm to the employee, a negative and bad assessment is not drawn up. In this case, it is better to consult with a lawyer or lawyer. By administrative matter The document is also being considered for a decision by the bailiffs.

How to write for a student at the place of internship

When compiling a text for a student at the place of internship (his first job, so to speak), the name, address and period of internship, and the data of the mentor are indicated. The paper is drawn up by a methodologist or supervisor and signed by the director of the institution.

Feedback on work activity and recommendations for further training are required. Usually, a friendly and positive evaluation is written for many students.

Examples of ready-made characteristics

Sample 1

As an example, provided production evaluation for the trainee:
During the passage industrial practice at _____________ (name of institution), student _________________ (full name) showed himself to be disciplined and ready to acquire the skills necessary in the field of production. The main task practical work There was an acquaintance with aspects of the enterprise's activities. Under the guidance of an experienced master, legislative acts and teaching materials, labor legislation, profile and specialization of the enterprise.
The duration of the internship was___________days. The student showed himself to be active, communicative, and ready to study a large amount of information.
The master's instructions and tasks were carried out responsibly and on time. Practical work deserves ____ grade.
Head of the enterprise ______ (full name)
Date ________ (date, year)

Other examples of document composition will help you correctly write a text in favor of a candidate for a position or for presentation to the necessary authorities.

Sample 2

Sample 3


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Sample - Submission for awarding a diploma of the Ministry of Information of the Republic of Belarus (since September 11, 2008)



1. Last name, first name, patronymic _______________________________________________________

2. Position, place of work _____________________________________________________

3. Date, month, year of birth ___________________________________________________

4. Education_

5. Total work experience _________________________________________________________________

Work experience in the industry ________________________________________________________________

Work experience in this team ________________________________________________

6. Information on awards and incentives, including awards from the Ministry of Information of the Republic of Belarus (what, when) _____________________________________

7. Characteristics indicating the merits for which one is presented for awarding the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Information of the Republic of Belarus __________________


Sample characteristics of an employee (chief accountant)


for the chief accountant of LLC "Horns and Hooves"

Petrov Petr Petrovich

Petrov P.P. born in 1900, graduated from Moscow State University in 1917 State University with a degree in Reindeer Breeder and a higher education.

From 1918 to the present, he worked at Horns and Hooves LLC in the following positions: secretary to the manager, head of the personnel department. During his work, he proved himself to be a qualified specialist. He is a true professional, skillfully manages the department entrusted to him, and enjoys well-deserved respect among employees.

P.P. Petrov constantly improves his professional level: he studies legislative and regulations on issues of working with documentation, reads special literature on issues of working with official documents, takes responsibly and seriously the fulfillment of official and other duties assigned to him by management.

The management of the organization highlights the constant desire of P.P. Petrova to professional growth: This employee is currently receiving a new professional education majoring in jurisprudence.

He has been repeatedly awarded certificates of encouragement for his conscientious attitude to work.

In communication with colleagues he is attentive and friendly. During my work, I introduced specific proposals that had beneficial influence for the company's work.

The characteristics were issued for presentation at the place of request.

How to write a reference for an employee for an award?

Almost every manager of every enterprise at least once in his life was faced with the need to write a character reference for an employee: to pass certification, to get acquainted with his professional qualities or to be nominated for an award.

A character reference for an employee for an award must be drawn up.

Form and content of employee characteristics for awards

But if we're talking about, for example, about a state award, the characteristic falls under the State Standard R 6.30-2003 (which regulates the writing working documentation), as it becomes an official document transferred to third parties.

The procedure for drawing up characteristics for an employee for awards

Who writes the characteristics

Characteristics form

Such a reference must be drawn up on the official letterhead of the enterprise, certified by the seal and signature of both the employee’s immediate supervisor (and if the reference is made not by him, but by an employee of the HR department, then by the signature of the compiler) and by the head of the enterprise.

Employee profile details

At the beginning of the document, you must indicate its name, reference number and list the employee’s personal data:

  • last name, first name and patronymic
  • job title
  • year of birth
  • Family status
  • information about education
  • information about work activity before joining this enterprise.

Information about employee career growth

The following indicates the employee’s career path at this enterprise with brief description all career stages and listing the professional, business and personal qualities of the employee. You can briefly but succinctly describe the formation of a professional in an enterprise.

Information about awards, titles and achievements

The employee's characteristics for the award should place special emphasis on existing awards, certificates and titles. It is also necessary to indicate the projects in which the employee took part (or, perhaps, was the author), describe the contribution that the person nominated for the award made to the development of the enterprise, list all labor achievements and developments (if they were somehow noted, this is also you must specify).

If the employee has any scientific works, certificates of participation in scientific and professional conferences, this must also be indicated in the characteristics.

Personal qualities of the employee

It would also be good to note the positive personal qualities of the employee: decency, communication skills, the trust he enjoys among the team, and so on.

In the characteristics of the employee for the award, it is also necessary to indicate for what reason the award is planned.

Direction of work

Total length of service - _____ year(s)

Work experience in the Russian Defense Ministry - _____ years (years)


to be awarded a Certificate of Honor

Ministry of Defense Russian Federation

1. Last name, first name, patronymic __________________________________________

2. Position, place of work in full! .



3. Gender ______________ 4. Date of birth ________

5. Place of birth _________________________________________________


6. What state awards and departmental signs

distinctions awarded and year of award ________________________

7. Home address __________________________________________


8. Characteristics indicating the differences (merits) of the person presented to

award: ______________________________________________















Petition for awarding a certificate of honor

At enterprises in all fields of activity there is a practice of using moral and material incentives for employees. From how this system is structured specific organization and how often it is used depends on the leader and administration. Most often, employees receive compensation in the form of bonus payments. But one of the types of moral encouragement is rewarding certificate of honor. The procedure does not require the consent of the trade union committee of the enterprise and is an initiative of management.

The procedure for applying moral encouragement

The fundamental document that would generally determine the implementation of relevant activities, the criteria and conditions for evaluating employees and the methods of rewarding them is a local regulatory act developed by the enterprise’s personnel specialists - “Regulations on the promotion of employees.”

The document establishes the moment when certain circumstances occur, as a result of which the employer acquires the obligation to apply incentive measures. For example, in the form of awarding a certificate of honor to an employee who conscientiously carries out his labor activity in one organization for 20 years.

The head of the department where the employee deserving of promotion directly works must prepare a petition for reward with a certificate of honor this issue. Based on this document, a presentation is drawn up and submitted to the main management for approval. In most cases, this procedure is formal in nature, since the administration is unlikely to be against such an event. The director/head of the organization signs the submission. The document must contain information about the rewarded employee: seniority, short list merit, participation in the life of the team, etc.

The period for which the application is submitted in personnel service, is determined by the local act “Regulations on employee incentives”. In the absence of conditions, the period is two weeks or more.

Based on the presentation of the enterprise, on behalf of the manager, an order should be issued to award such and such an employee with a certificate of honor. Forms of certificates of honor are produced in a typographical way, so all that remains is to enter the necessary text.

The fact of awarding an employee a certificate of honor is recorded in his personal file: an employee of the HR department makes a corresponding entry in work book, as defined in Article 191 of the Labor Code. Such marks refer to insignia, and are subsequently taken into account when assigning the title “Veteran of Labor”.

The procedure for awarding a certificate of honor is carried out at general meeting team, in a solemn atmosphere. In addition to moral incentives, the use of material rewards is usually practiced, where the amount of the bonus is determined by the “Regulations on employee incentives” or by instructions from the enterprise administration.

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Maria Ivanovna worked in the chemical industry for about 45 years, of which more than 35 years in N*****skom factory XXX And N*****skom factory YYY, where she worked her way up from engineer to workshop manager.

All these years Maria Ivanovna gives a lot of strength and energy stable work of the workshops she manages, she constantly monitors not only the high-quality implementation of assigned production tasks, but also the fulfillment of obligations under the Collective Agreement, compliance with labor legislation, issues of labor protection, and worker health.

Currently she works as the head of the open-air auto-molded parts workshop. joint stock company « N*****sky factory YYY».

Factory YYY produces asbestos and non-asbestos friction products, as well as a wide range of sealing, gasket and heat-resistant materials for the mechanical engineering, automotive, carriage building, oil and gas, petrochemical, metallurgical, energy and mining sectors of the national economy.

Those produced on JSC "YYY» brake pads and linings. Friction products production JSC "YYY» Various drilling, forging and mining equipment produced in the Russian Federation is completed. All these products are manufactured in a workshop run by Smirnova Maria Ivanovna.

Successful competition with industry manufacturers is possible due to the fulfillment of several conditions. One of the most important is expanding the range. Another, no less important, is the development of new materials, as well as technical re-equipment and modernization of production.

The course towards modernization of production taken by our enterprise in **** year, would become impossible without experience Maria Ivanovna, who knows all aspects of the production of rubber and its derivatives, knowledge of equipment, and product range. So, with her arrival, a qualitatively new rubber mixture was developed and the auto-molded parts workshop began manufacturing products from it. Parts made from this mixture have increased strength and are used in braking systems where 100% reliability is needed - in aircraft, in ship engines. Taking care of staff health Maria Ivanovna introduces a computer system for monitoring and controlling hot molding presses in the workshop, which: allows the operator to monitor technological parameters and adjust them from the spot.

According to the modernization program, to **** year The company's sales volume should double. And the main load lies on the auto-formed parts workshop, which is headed by Maria Ivanovna. For APD products, the sales volume should be 500 million rubles.

Maria Ivanovna is deputy chairman of the plant commission for technical re-equipment and modernization of production.

For several months in the workshop Maria Ivanovna development and testing of disc brake linings for the car were carried out " ABCD» with improved braking performance and increased heat resistance. In November **** of the year the development and mass production of asbestos-free linings for cars has been completed " Efgj", which made it possible to supply products to « Ewww».

During the time of managing the workshop Maria Ivanovna the range of products produced by the workshop increased by N%. The results achieved made it possible to develop a plan for the long-term development of the enterprise for the next *** years - up to **** of the year, and the increase in labor productivity of the workshop ABC compared with **** year increased by n, n times.

But he is actively involved not only in production issues Maria Ivanovna. The main thing for her is people. On the initiative and with the direct participation of the workshop manager, work is constantly being carried out to improve the quality of products and improve the working conditions of workers, the aspiration system (gas removal pipelines) at the composition production site has been modernized, the encapsulation of presses has been restored (emissions of harmful impurities have been reduced by 4 times), work has been carried out for insulation and glazing of the workshop, the fleet of “hot” and “cold” molding molds is constantly updated. To the workshop ABC An expensive new generation dust collector was purchased and installed « D********» (Un***K****m), allowing up to 95% of the waste generated during drilling of overlays to be returned to production. The measures taken made it possible not only to minimize the loss of raw materials, but also to reduce dust and gas pollution in the workplace by 2 times.

Workshop workers Maria Ivanovna constantly take first prizes when summing up the results of the “Quality Day”, as well as the title of “Best Production Worker” in ****, ****, ****,**** years.

For success in the competition, she was included in the regional Board of Honor. For the socio-economic development of the region ******** awarded a Certificate of Honor from the administration of ******** city N*******, for merits in work ***** of the year awarded anniversary medal ****** .

honorary title"Honored Miner of the Russian Federation"

Your career path Ivanov I.I. started at the age of 18 after graduating from a vocational school. After working a little as an electrician, he went to work in a mine. Responsible, hardworking and inquisitive, in 27 years he has mastered all the intricacies of mining: how to determine where the ore body is directed among the surrounding and very similar rock; how best to drill the face so that there is no loss of ore; how to get ore out faster; how best to secure the excavation so that the roof does not collapse; how to properly inspect the workings so that a collapse does not occur. Ivan Ivanovich knows the principles of conducting mining operations using specialized equipment: loading and hauling machines, scraper winches, self-propelled machines, drilling rigs.

IN **** year Ivanov I.I. was one of the first miners to descend into the mine under construction H*****sky mine. An experienced, highly qualified miner with a leadership character, he was the first to organize a mining team and was elected as a foreman. For n yo brigade Ivanova I.I. is the forefront among the mine's tunneling crews, monthly fulfills the production target by 115%-120%. For the last nyears The brigade produced 48 thousand tons of polymetallic ore, which means 500 tons of copper and 800 tons of zinc, so necessary for the country.

Ivan Ivanovich interested in mining methods at other enterprises. Having learned something useful, he tries to apply new methods of work in his team. Ore mining method H*****sky The deposit, which has a rather narrow ore body and a large extent, provided for mining operations using hand-held hammer drills. Ivanov I.I. was the first to master tunneling operations using spacer columns that fix the hammer drill at a certain level and allow reducing physical stress and eliminating hand vibration. This innovation has made it possible to improve occupational health and safety indicators at the enterprise.

For workers who came to the mine to learn the profession of a miner, Ivanov I.I. is a good, kind mentor, accepts the student into his team, takes responsibility for training a true professional and preserving his health. For the last nyears he taught his skills to 12 students.

A team Ivan Ivanovich enjoys well-deserved authority, he is the first assistant to the mining foreman, who often turns to him for practical advice. He willingly shares his experience with other workers and teams. Thanks to the hard work of the team H*****sky The mine fulfills the monthly ore production plan by 102-105%.

For high professional achievements and great personal contribution to the development of the mining industry Ivanov I.I. was awarded a letter of gratitude from the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, an anniversary medal N********* the edges, Certificate of Merit from the Office N********* region on industry and energy.

Ivan Ivanovich worthy of being awarded the honorary title “Honored Miner of the Russian Federation.”

honorary title “Honored Mechanical Engineer of the Russian Federation”

Petrov Petr Petrovich works at the company since **** year; He came as a young specialist and immediately began working in a difficult area of ​​the thermal department as a process engineer.

An engineer with a peculiar creative thinking, good organizational skills has proven himself to be a competent leader, capable of quickly solving complex production problems, technical issues. WITH **** of the year, working as a senior foreman, he delved into all issues of production, his department systematically carried out state plan. Wherein Petr Petrovich developed technology *************** For ***************** which brought savings **** thousand rubles per year.

Petr Petrovich was directly involved in the implementation ********** to improve quality ************** , and also participated in the development of technology for the implementation of ******************* for *************************************** .

To complement the rich practical experience with special theoretical knowledge, Petrov P.P. without interruption from production, he received the specialty of a production organizer engineer. And as before, when the need arose, he readily went to the most problematic areas.

WITH **** of the year Petr Petrovich works as chief engineer ************ plant, is engaged in development and implementation technological processes for the production of parts ******** .

Constantly engaged in rationalization work, has introduced more N rationalization proposals aimed at improving tool manufacturing technology, creating normal conditions labor of workers. The total economic effect was ** *** rubles.

Skill Peter Petrovich seeing the future, personal authority in the team, among workers and employees, helped not only to preserve the unique tool production, but also to maintain the personnel potential of the enterprise.

Petr Petrovich active mentor of youth, willingly shares his rich professional experience with young workers, trained and educated n young specialist engineers and technologists. His young universal turners and milling operators became winners of the regional review of professional skills in **** And **** years.

Petr Petrovich made a great contribution to the preservation and enhancement cultural heritage cities N******* And N********* the edges together with the Union of Artists. Many of the architectural monuments and bas-reliefs were made with tools, fixtures, equipment made by a team of toolmakers under the direction of Peter Petrovich.

Petr Petrovich’s special pride is the production of a unique working model ********** , where he was the immediate supervisor. This layout was central exhibit Exhibitions N********* edges on International exhibition ********************** in the city N********.

For great personal contribution to the socio-economic development of the region Petrov P.P. awarded the honorary title “Veteran of Labor” N********* the edges. IN **** year Petr Petrovich was encouraged by a letter of gratitude from the head of the city N******* . On behalf of the Central Committee of the All-Russian Trade Union of Defense Industry Workers Petrov Petr Petrovich awarded the badge “For Cooperation” in **** year. IN **** awarded the Badge of Honor «*****************».

Sidorov Semyon Semenovich after graduation D*****Wow flight technical school of civil aviation in May **** year was hired as a co-pilot of the An-2 aircraft in N******skiy joint air squad.

After the successful development of the An-2 aircraft in **** year was commissioned as commander of the An-2 aircraft.

IN **** completed retraining in S*******com flight school at the rate of the commander of the Mi-8 aircraft.

IN **** year commissioned by the commander of the Mi-8 helicopter, with **** of the year - flight commander of the Mi-8 flight service N******sky state unitary enterprise « N****** skies airlines."

Over a long period of time working in the flight division Semyon Semenovich has proven himself to be a comprehensively competent specialist. The Mi-8 helicopter knows the equipment very well and operates it competently. He knows the documents regulating flight work and applies them competently in practice. Pilot 1st class. The piloting technique is excellent. The total flight hours are 13,200. There are no aviation events during the work period. Semyon Semenovich has extensive experience in performing flights in various climatic zones, in many types of work. In difficult situations he does not get lost, skillfully manages the actions of the crew, and confidently makes clear, competent decisions.

Semyon Semenovich transfers his rich professional experience to novice pilots. Constantly improves his flying skills.

He repeatedly took part in organizing flights to pass flood waters on the river ABOUT*** V **** year, V **** year in the city area B***** Y****** edge, as well as in ****-**** years on the river S***** (M****sky area Y****** edges), in **** year - searching for tourist groups in the mountains D****.

************* mobilized the crew of the Mi-8 helicopter to search and rescue victims of the accident with the company’s helicopter «**************» , demonstrating high professionalism, calmness and restraint under conditions of great time pressure.

For many years of conscientious work in civil aviation, the successes achieved, the dedication shown in rescuing and delivering victims, he was repeatedly encouraged by the command of the flight squad, as well as by the management Z****- F****** civil aviation department.

Semyon Semenovich awarded: badge “For accident-free flying hours” (****, *****, **** gg.), "Excellence in air transport" ( **** g.), he is an award winner P******** (**** G.). IN **** year he was awarded the Veteran of Labor medal.

Sidorov Semyon Semenovich continues to work in his team and enjoys well-deserved authority.

Candidacy Semyon Semenovich

honorary title “Honored Transport Worker of the Russian Federation”

During the period of work in locomotive depots A****** And B******** Vasiliev Vasily Vasilievich has proven himself to be a conscientious, principled, technically competent, highly qualified driver, for whom ensuring the safety of train traffic is a primary production task.

Possessing great determination, perseverance in achieving goals, dedication to the profession of a driver, Vasily Vasilievich ensures the safety of train traffic and saves fuel and energy resources. With unconditional compliance with the train schedule and strict adherence to traffic safety laws for the last nyears they saved more diesel fuel **** thousand kg: in **** year - **** kg., in. **** year - **** kg, in **** year - **** kg, in **** year - **** kg.

Constant work to improve your professional skills, strict adherence to technology, extensive experience as a diesel locomotive driver, impeccable knowledge and implementation of the Rules technical operation, instructions, a creative approach to organizing train traffic made it possible Vasily Vasilievich Achieve excellent performance in driving freight trains according to schedule. During his time as a diesel locomotive driver, he did not commit a single incident of traffic safety violation. When unusual situations arise, he acts competently and promptly. He is fluent in diesel locomotive control techniques. He knows its design well. Attends technical classes and production meetings regularly, and demonstrates high technical knowledge in practical classes. Vasily Vasilievich Constantly improves his skills: in **** year he was awarded the qualification of a 3rd class diesel locomotive driver, in **** year- qualification of a 2nd class diesel locomotive driver.

Experienced, skillful mentor of young workers, Vasily Vasilievich constantly transfers his knowledge, experience and skills to the younger generation. Over the past three years, he has trained 4 drivers and 7 assistant drivers for independent work who work successfully in the depot. He takes an active part in conducting commission inspections of locomotives. He is one of the active participants in working with the book of comments, in **** year They identified more than 35 violations of train traffic safety in the work of related services.

For conscientious and responsible work Vasily Vasilievich gained well-deserved authority and respect among the depot team.

During his work in railway transport, he was repeatedly encouraged by the management of the depot, department and road management, in **** year awarded the “Honorary Railwayman” badge. In **** year awarded an anniversary medal ******* .

Candidacy Vasily Vasilievich worthy of being awarded the honorary title “Honored Transport Worker of the Russian Federation.”

The text description for awarding a certificate of honor is a sample document drawn up in formal business style. It is presented as briefly and accurately as possible.

The text contains the following information:

  • Title of the document;
  • information about the employee;
  • assessment of professional or personal qualities;
  • the purpose of writing the document;
  • Date of preparation;
  • Full name and position of the persons who endorsed the reference.

The characteristics are drawn up on an A4 sheet with the company's corporate designations. The text of the document is drawn up by the immediate supervisor of the person appearing in the characteristics, or by an employee of the human resources department.

Besides internal characteristics There is also an external form for the award. For example, this document may be required for submission to an award at the Ministry or other government agency.

In this case, the standard R 6.30 – 2003 established at the federal level is used as a basis. It spells out all the fundamental rules for the preparation of documents of this type.

Characteristics of an employee for rewarding - example

Within the framework of the article, the characteristics of the chief accountant for awarding a certificate of honor and a cash bonus within the company will be considered:


Petrova Polina Pavlovna has a higher economic education. Work experience in the field of accounting - 25 years. Petrova P.P. has been working at the Elbrus company since February 2000. In the position of chief accountant since 2005. During this time, she established herself as an initiative, responsible and conscientious leader and employee. Petrova P.P. constantly strive to improve qualifications. In the team of Petrov P.P. is respected. Friendly with colleagues.

For her long work experience and successful work, I ask you to encourage P.P. Petrova. certificate and monetary reward.

The reference must be certified by the head of the organization and an employee of the human resources department. You will also need to affix the organization's seal.

Many enterprises encourage their employees not only sums of money, but also intangible awards: certificates of honor and letters of gratitude. Such encouragement is provided not only by immediate management, but also by a higher organization. In order to nominate a person for this award, a reference from the place of work for the award is drawn up. The sample of this document has not been approved, so it can be published in free form.

Sample characteristics for awarding

A person’s character reference is a written official document that lists his successes and achievements, as well as the reasons why the manager decided to reward him.

As noted above, a sample performance characteristic for an employee for awarding is not approved at the legislative level, so each enterprise can draw it up at its own discretion. A certain exception may be the situation when a sample characteristic is required for awarding a ministry diploma; in this case, there may be an indication of the use of a unified form that will be considered for receiving the award.

Characteristics of the employee for rewarding

Each employer that practices rewarding workers has a Regulation on Rewards, which describes this process and provides an example of characteristics for rewarding. All further documents for submission for promotion will be issued using this form, for example, the characteristics of the chief accountant for awarding a certificate of honor.

The characterization accompanies the promotion application, which usually indicates the following employee data:

  • Full name, date and place of birth;
  • availability of education;
  • duration of work in a given company or in a given industry as a whole;
  • special services to the company;
  • brief description of work activity;
  • type of award (medal, certificate, letter of gratitude, etc.);
  • data on previously received awards and commendations;
  • signature of the manager and company seal.

An example of characteristics for awarding a certificate of honor from the ministry can be seen below.

Characteristics of an employee for awards: sample drafting

When compiling this document, the emphasis is on the activities for which the employee will be rewarded. For example, if he is a member public organization and participates in its main activities on a voluntary basis, or the enterprise nominates for a reward a person who provides charitable services to it.

Sample of writing a reference letter for an employee for an award

Typically, the specification is drawn up on a computer, but it can also be written by hand, the main thing is that it has no corrections and is easy to read. It is written on the company letterhead. As an example, below is a performance characteristic for a chief accountant for an award.

Sample characteristics for awarding the Governor's Certificate of Honor

In the case when an employee is nominated for an award by the authorities, the reference can be drawn up both on the organization’s letterhead and on a specially approved letterhead of the ministry.

Below you can see the following views:

  • characteristics for awarding a certificate of honor: sample for a manager;
  • characteristics for the award letter of thanks: sample for a member of a public organization.

Characteristics of an employee for rewarding: example

Below you can find some examples of writing award submissions. All of them are approximate, and the organization can supplement and change them at its discretion.

Characteristics for a chief accountant for an award: example

The characteristics of the chief accountant for the award usually contain data about his work, how well he manages the finances of the enterprise. You can see what the characteristics of a chief accountant for an award look like here.

Characteristics for an accountant for an award: example

Documents for accounting employees are drawn up by the immediate supervisor, that is Chief Accountant. He can also sign it if the award is made by the same organization where the employee nominated for the award works. As an example, a reference for a deputy chief accountant for an award can be considered.

Sample characteristics for a manager for awards

Usually, the awarding of the head of the enterprise is carried out by a higher organization. Below you can see what the characteristics for awarding a certificate of honor look like, an example for a manager.

In order to nominate an employee for a certificate of honor, it is necessary to draw up a document such as the characteristics of the employee for the award. An example of its writing can be found above, where the characteristics for the chief accountant are given for awarding a diploma; on its basis, characteristics can be drawn up for other employees.