Thick pancakes on yeast - how to prepare yeast pancakes (general principles and recommendations). Pancakes thick lush on yeast: recipes on kefir and milk

  • 18.10.2019

Many people believe that the preparation of delicious pancakes is possible only with the use of milk. But if you try the dish on the recipes below, you can make sure that the satiety and delicious dish can be prepared on water from yeast dough.

In addition, some people do not tolerate lactose, which is contained in dairy products. But they do not necessarily refuse baking, because you can use the recipe without the use of milk.

So let's consider several ways to prepare a yeast dough dish.

Thin pancakes can be supplied with meat filling, sour cream or sweet ingredients. For preparation you will need simple and affordable products.

We will prepare them using dry yeast.


  • 400 g of top grade flour.
  • 750 ml of boiled or filtered water.
  • 6 g dry yeast.
  • 150 g of white sugar.
  • 1 chicken egg.
  • 2 tbsp of sunflower oil.
  • 0.25 hl salt.


In order to not be distracted during the cooking process, prepare all the necessary products in advance in the specified quantity.

After that we stick and measure the ingredients. Chicken egg to break into an ordinary glass and thoroughly take it with a fork.

Now you can proceed to the preparation of the test. First, it is necessary to warm water, about 35 degrees, add dry yeast to it, after which it is thoroughly stirred until complete dissolution.

Then add nutritional salt and sugar sand into the liquid. It is necessary to stir for a few minutes so that all crystals are dissolved in the liquid.

At the next stage, in the container with the ingredients send a whipped chicken egg. For baking it is best to use rustic eggs.

Measure 400 g of primordial flour. In the counters of the stores there are flour for baking pancakes at a reduced value. But be careful, as many manufacturers know that it enjoys a special demand before the holiday, therefore offer a low-quality product.

With the help of the sieves, ask wheat flour with the other ingredients directly into the saucepan.

Mix the dough with a kitchen broom. And if you have a mixer, it is better to use it to speed up the process. As a result, you should have a sufficiently liquid mass. And it is correct, it is the dough of such a consistency that is necessary for the preparation of thin products.

Last but add certain vegetable oil. Without it, pancakes can burn, even if the pan is pre-lubricated.

The dough is seen, now you need to put it in a warm place for a couple of hours and approach him a couple of times to thoroughly change.

An hour later, the prepared mass will have to climb a little, it is necessary to prevent it well and leave.

Wait another hour, after that you can start preparing pancakes.

Before proceeding with the direct cooking, the dough is recommended to add quite a bit boiling water, 4 tablespoons are enough.

Bake pancakes is best on a separate frying pan, which is not preparing anything else. The surface must be pre-lubricating a piece of sludge or vegetable oil.

Pour the cooked mass into the pan, fry from two sides until the ruddy color appears.

Thin pancakes are ready. You can immediately serve them to tea with sour cream or jam. You can also start me with meat, cottage cheese, caviar, fish, mushrooms and other products.

Thick lush yeast pancakes on water and milk (step-by-step recipe)

Some people prefer thick and lush pancakes. And as experience shows, it turns out to prepare them much easier than thin openwork pancakes with holes. Therefore, many people give their preference to them. And the example of this is, which are becoming increasingly popular every year.

And our products, and American analogs, you can eat with jam, sour cream, syrup or natural honey. It is important to note that such pancakes will not work out the filling.


  • 500 ml of fresh milk.
  • 200 ml of warm water.
  • 500 gr Wheat flour.
  • 25 grams of alive yeast (or 8 grams dry).
  • 2 tbsp. Spoons of shaken butter.
  • 1 large rustic egg.
  • 1 tsp salt

Cooking process:

Preheat water up to 35-39 degrees. Pour it into the container, add yeast, after which the mixture is thoroughly stirred.

In the container with diluted yeast, send 250 g of sifted flour.

Mass thoroughly mix. Then the basin cover the towel and remove for 30-45 minutes into a warm place.

After the specified time, the opara is suitable.

Now separate the protein from the yolk. In a separate bowl, beat yolk with sugar sand and food salt.

Add the creamy oil to the yolk, to melt in advance in the water bath.

Add a prepared mixture into opar and stir carefully.

Squake the remaining part of the flour and pour it into a tank container. Mixer interfere with the mass.

The mixture should turn out sufficiently thick. Then heat the milk to 80 degrees, no need to bring it to a boil, then pour it into a bowl.

Dough Send to warm and dry space for another 40 minutes. After that, add the protein into it and prevent one more time. Set the mass for another 15 minutes so that it finally approached.

Now you can proceed to the preparation process of pancakes. Skin lubricate with oil, especially for the first pancake, and pour the dough portion with a health room.

Allow the opportunity for him to be slightly twisted, and then turn over the other side. Fry the pancakes are needed on slow fire, otherwise they can merge.

Ready dish with melted creamy oil.

Lush pancakes can lubricate sour cream and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Serve while they are hot. Bon Appetit!

How to cook delicious dough on water, yeast and eggs

If you did not have milk, but there are yeast, you can knead the dough on the water. And the finished products, with this method, the kneading will not be imposed on their "dairy" fellows.

But since the recipe is used yeast, the time for the knead and the test approach will need a little more than for the usual option.


  • 600 ml of boiled water.
  • 200 grams of flour.
  • 3 eggs.
  • 1 tbsp. Spoon of vegetable oil.
  • 1 h. Spoon dry yeast.
  • salt to taste.
  • spices at will.

Phased cooking:

Prepare a deep bowl. Break into her eggs and add filtered room temperature water. Add sugar and salt.

Mix the contents of the bowl into a homogeneous mixture. You can use for this as a whisk and a mixer.

The flour of the highest grade to sift through the sieve, it is better to do it 2 - 3 times for its better saturation of oxygen. Gradually introduce it into the egg mixture, while constantly mixing the contents of the wedge. There should be a homogeneous mass without lumps.

The yeast is mixed with warm water, and give them to stand 30 - 40 minutes.

After about half an hour, the dough will need to add dissolved yeast. At the same time, do not forget to constantly stir the mass. A bowl with a dough cover with a towel and remove a warm place for another 30 minutes. After the specified time expires, add some vegetable oil.

For baking pancakes, it is best to use a small cast-iron frying pan with a thick bottom and walls. Skin surface must be lubricated with oil, especially before the first fill. In this case, the product does not foul and it will be easy to flip over to the other side.

Periodically stir the dough, as the flour can settle down. And in this case, the first pancakes will turn out thin, and the last thick.

Delicious pancakes are ready. Serve them in warm form with your favorite products and with hot tea, or milk.

Lean pancakes on water without eggs

If you follow the calorieness of your diet, but you can not deny yourself to pancakes, you can prepare them on water without the use of chicken eggs.

And also such a recipe can be used during the Great Post.


  • 450 ml of water.
  • 250 g of top grade flour.
  • 2 tbscript of semolina cereals.
  • 5 st. Such of sunflower oil.
  • 1 pinch of soda.
  • 2 st. Supplies of white sugar.
  • A small number of 9% of table vinegar.


Such a dough of lean pancakes can prepare any mistress, even without a certain experience. To do this, in the dishes for the knead you need to put the soda, which is pre-extinguishable with cutlery vinegar. Also add salt and sugar. Then pour boiled or filtered water.

The resulting mixture is a bit so much so that crystals of sugar and salt are completely dissolved. After that add refined vegetable oil.

To the resulting mixture, gradually add the flour sifted through the sieve, not forgetting to stir the mass. For the knee better use a whisk or a mixer.

If you wish, you can add to the ingredients semolina or oatmeal.

To prepare very thin pancakes, you need to prepare enough liquid dough. For thick pancakes, flour add more than more. Make sure that the lumps are not formed at the stuff. But if this suddenly happened, then give the test the opportunity to stand 20 - 30 minutes, they will all disperse.

But after standing, mix the mixer again.

Heat the pan and lubricate it with vegetable oil. Pour the dough portion and evenly distribute it over the entire surface. Then fry from two sides before the appearance of a beautiful blush.

Finished lean pancakes can be served with both sweet and unsweequate fillings. They will be equally tasty, with sour cream, with honey, with jam or condensed milk, as well as mushrooms, and fish.

Take this recipe for a note, he can ever come in handy.

Video on how to cook a holey lean pancakes from yeast dough with soda

In the preparation of these delicious little "sunshine" there is nothing complicated. And here is another recipe, where we will use and yeast, and soda. And the products will turn out simply with a huge number of small holes.

Here is such a simple and interesting recipe. And what beautiful products turned out !!!

As you can see, the recipes of making pancakes are quite simple, so you should not have difficulties. If you wish, you can always change the recipe anymore. Especially when you have many options for their preparation.

So milk can be calmly replaced by kefir, or water, or sour milk. You can cook on yogurt, and even at an acidic fruit juice.

After all, the main thing in the preparation of any pancakes is the mood! When it is good, then these solar products are obtained by ruddy, beautiful and delicious. And so, I want to wish you that your mood is always at the height. Bake small sun-like products at least thin, though plumpy.

Bon Appetit!

Pancakes on yeast are flutterous and thick, and their cooking does not take away a lot of time and strength. The unique taste of pancakes is obtained thanks to a special test technology of the dough with bubbles of carbon dioxide.

How to cook pancakes on yeast

To begin with, in a slightly heated liquid (this may be milk or water) dissolve yeast and gradually add, approximately half the amount of flour indicated in the recipe. So cooked opara for yeast pancakes.

What liquid to choose for the kneading test? Pancakes on water come out more air, and the dairy base gives the test elasticity and deeper flavoring qualities. Also, you can use not only fresh, but also lactic acid products (serum, ryazhenka, kefir) - this will give the effect of double fermentation. It is believed that the most successful opara is obtained from approximately equal parts of water and milk.

Yeast pancakes are well obtained not only from wheat flour, but also from Greek, rye and other species. You can buy such a flour or do on your own at home, simply alternate on the coffee grinder the desired croup. So that flour does not absorb foreign smells, the coffee grinder needs to be thoroughly wash. However, it should be noted that different dosages of yeast approaches the flour. Accurate dosage is indicated separately in each recipe. On average, 15 g of fresh yeast goes to 2 cups of flour.

Using yeast, which have been lacquered for a long time in the freezer, you can spoil everything. This delicate product over time loses its properties and opara can bring badly or do not climb at all.

The dishes for kneading pancakes should be deep, because the dough in the process will increase to 3 times. For mixing it is better to take a wooden spoon or blade.

In a warm liquid, where the yeast is pre-divorced, flour snatch slowly, while constantly stirring the dough. Flour and water (dairy products) takes about an equal amount. The opara should be homogeneous, in thickness resembling liquid sour cream.

Capacity with a mixed base for pancakes should be covered with a clean dry towel and put it in heat. The dough must necessarily have access to air, so, close the bowl with a lid in this case is categorically not recommended. Float for yeast pancakes is "afraid of" drafts, so, the windows are better to close for a while are preparing a pancake dough.

After the scheduling grew by 2-3 times, you can add other ingredients by the recipe. It may be salt, vanillin, eggs, butter or vegetable oil, the second part of the flour and others. Carefully becoming the dough until uniformity, you need to put it in heat again. And only if it is repeated in volume, you can bake delicious yeast pancakes.

Thick, lush pancakes on yeast

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Prepare thick, lush pancakes on yeast is a pleasure! And even on the preparation of a pancake dough leaves almost an hour and a half, but there will be no problems with baking. Do not stick to the pan, do not rush, do not fall and do not burn - if you are of course inver in time. But the main thing is very tasty and fried quickly! Cook and you, friends, pancakes on yeast thick magnificent, recipe I give a detailed with the calculation of newbies. The test will be much, but the pancakes will work out 10-12, but what! It is rather not even pancakes, but pellets, only porous inside and very tender. One is quite enough to eat tightly, and two no longer asset.

This recipe for thick pancakes on yeast does not require cooking. Yeast wept milk, we leave for ten minutes and knead the thick dough. It will be a little more than an hour.


To prepare acidic pancakes on yeast thick and lush need:

  • warm milk - 500 ml;
  • flour - 300-320 g;
  • egg - 1 large or 2 small;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l. without a slide;
  • salt - 0.5 h. l;
  • fresh yeast (live) - 20 g;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l.

How to prepare thick pancakes on yeast. Recipe

Full table of milk heats up to significantly warm temperatures, warmer room. I pour out into a deep bowl suitable for a large volume of test (consider that the dough for pancakes on yeast will rise greatly). I crumble in the milk fresh yeast.

Rubbing a spoon, stirring until a homogeneous mixture with an acidic smell. Cover. I put it in heat - near the battery or in a bowl with hot water. After 10-15 minutes, the yeast "wake up", bubbles or foam will begin to appear on the surface of the milk - it's time to add everything else.

In order not to lose the dough, I add a little eggs - one large or two small. You can immediately beat the mixer or then break the whisk.

Salt and sugar are usually put to taste, but in the recipe for yeasting pancakes it is better to be better putting and more than one of them. Sugar sufficiently tablespoon, and salt somewhere with a tea room or even less. A taste of yeast baking must prevail, try not to clog it excessive sweetness. Magnificent pancakes on yeast can be filed with something sweet or vice versa - salty (caviar, herring, pies), so the taste is withstanding neutral.

I whip the egg with sugar, salt and "blind". Preheating the rest of the milk, thumping in the resulting mixture.

Measure 300 grams of flour, sifted to the dough. In the recipe, I pointed out the amount of flour for a thick test, which almost won't spread in a pan. From it, the pancakes are guaranteed to turn out thick, lush.

I stir up, whipping a wedense so that there are no small lumps.

Pour sunflower oil. You can use any vegetable ones to use it. But only refined, without flavors.

Still braid well once again. I check the density of the dough - from the midst the thick jet is poured, it will remind a condensed milk in the thickness. If it is liquid (I was immediately not completely thick), pour a bit of flour.

Cover the dishes with a lid, I put an hour in heat. After about 20-25 minutes, it will be necessary to break the rising dough with a wedense, to delay it until the original volume and give another one or twice.

This is how the dough looks like yeast pancakes in an hour, and this is despite the fact that I traveled it twice. Very magnificent, penetrated by air bubbles, sufficiently thick.

Flagly silly on strong fire. Lubricate a slice of a sala, sticking the flame to the middle or a little stronger than the average. I scratch the full bed of a pancake dough, pouring into the pan. The exact amount will not tell, depends on the diameter of the frying pan. Pick so that the dough fills the entire frying pan evenly. Bake a minute two or three. The surface gradually becomes matte, covered with bubbles that burst and form through holes.

Watch out for fire so that the damn is not burning at the bottom, but it was evenly protected. When the edges are separated from the side, lifting the spatula, checking how much he was twisted and turning over. The second side is also fried two minutes, pancakes are thick, they need more time to break up.

Lubricate with butter ready-made pancakes or not - the case of taste. If you do not lubricate, the top will gradually become soft, but provided that it will take shape with a pile and immediately cover.

Perhaps you will be interested to see one of the versions in video format

Magnificent thick pancakes from air dough, hot and fragrant on your desk will necessarily collect together the whole family, and at the same time and guests. What can be tastier for breakfast than freshly baked pancakes? What can be more beautiful than the oil melting on their hot sides, sweet jam with berries or amber honey, air white sour cream, and there may be even condensed milk or chocolate in the company of lush bilnage. Yes, people who comply with the post or diet will be forgiven, but it is better for breakfast to nothing, despite the high calorie content.

We can cook or, but from thick lush pancakes, I do not advise you to refuse.

When, as not a week, the carnival is worth trying them. In my family, for example, there is a tradition to arrange a pancake marathon for the entire carnival week with a large beaker at the end. For the figure, this is not very useful, but this is a real family holiday. We are always going together and eat fresh pancakes, it can be breakfast or even dinner, but always all together. Tradition.

But on any other day, thick pancakes are a real belly holiday!

Lush pancakes on dry yeast and milk

Thick pancakes have their indisputable advantages, you can enjoy 1-2 pieces. They are very satisfying and tasty, they are not so much as thin pancakes, which means that the time for their cooking will be spent less. But with this family fed and satisfied. If you wish in thick pancakes, you can finish, but it is still more convenient to fine. With lush pancakes, it is better to use those fillings that are put on top or add to the dough immediately. I will tell you how to cook thick pancakes, but at the same time lush and even with holes.

It will take:

  • milk - 1 liter,
  • flour - from 2 glasses,
  • egg - 1 piece,
  • dry yeast - 1 bag,
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons,
  • salt - 0.3 teaspoons,
  • vegetable oil for frying.


1. In order to prepare yeast pancakes, of course, first of all, it is necessary to deal with the dissolution of yeast. In our case, yeast dry packaged, it means that it will take some time to dissolve and start playing. It is better to wait, but to get air pancakes as a result. Pour into a bowl or a mug of about half a cup of milk and a slightly warm it, pour dry yeast there and stir. Now secure in a warm place so that the yeast is dissolved. At least five minutes.

2. Heat the rest of the milk in the saucepan. You can put it on the slab until it becomes 36-38 degrees. Hot and so harder it is not necessary to boil milk. In the heated thus, milk pour the harvested milk with yeast. Pour the same sugar and salt there.

3. Now in the same saucepan, seek flour. It is best to add it gradually, because it is difficult to say the exact amount of flour in advance. From the quality of flour and wheat varieties, it depends on what thickness of the dough from it is obtained. Sit about one glass, mix with a spoon or a mixer at the lowest speed and see the liquid dough or thick. As a result, the dough should be obtained by a consistency resembling a slightly liquid sour cream, which is not the spoon, and the one that flows.

4. Spread one egg in the stirred dough and mix a little more so that it completely disappeared in it. Now the dough must be put in a warm place so that it rises.

5. In order for the dough to rose heat. In the cold season, I put a saucepan with a dough covering the lid, next to the battery or even on it. And when heat and heating does not work, I briefly turn on the oven to the smallest temperature, just a few minutes so that it just starts to warm. Inside the oven must be comfortable warm, if you shove your hand in it, no heat, we are not going to bake our dough into the cake. Literally after 15-30 minutes, depending on the temperature and quality of yeast, our dough will rise, possibly increased twice.

6. Now is the time the oven thick pancakes. It is not necessary to stir the dough, otherwise it will fall and the entire air effect will be lost. It is in this form that it needs to pour into a frying pan and fry. Take a big half for this, because pancakes will be big.

Do not forget to add vegetable oil to the frying pan, because in the dough we did not add it and the pancakes can merge. It is very convenient if you have a conversion frying pan, the main thing that the temperature of the burners was the same. Bake pancakes on medium heat.

7. As soon as the first side of the pancake becomes a bit matte and clearly thick, that is, not raw and not liquid, but a blush appears on the edges, then it's time to turn our magnificent fatty pancake. Take a big comfortable shovel and gently turn it out. If damn rifles, it means it is possible not yet passed. The drone pancake will not break, because it is quite dense and elastic.

In the first pancakes, it is possible to judge the correct temperature from the burner, if too hot, then the pancakes will be black outside, but do not have time to succumb. Dog fire if you see. If the pancake is golden and dense, it means everything is fine.

Finished pancakes fold a pile. On each pancake, you can put a piece of cream oil and it will melt on it and soak up. The taste of this pancakes will be simply amazing!

According to this recipe, pancakes are obtained thick, lush, tasty, like a grandmother in the village. Real Russian pancakes.

Eat on health and pleasure!

Recipe for the preparation of thick porous pancakes on kefir

Kefir is great for bakeing lush thick pancakes. Earlier, I already talked about how with the help of a kefir, let's notify very chubby air pans. Now I will tell you how to make pancakes, big, thick and holes from kefir. Yes, with holes can be not only thin pancakes, but also solid and fat.

By the way, I recommend bakeing thick pancakes smaller in diameter, it is more convenient, because one such damn is very satisfying, and if it is still huge, you don't eat a lot of these. Yes, and the thick pancakes of the medium size are better than large.

For such pancakes, it is good to use a small frying pan or pour to a greater less dough so that the damn lay in the middle and did not get to the edges. A good dense dough will not give it to spread, the main thing to regulate its volume, for example, a suitable chamber.

It will take:

  • kefir - 500 ml,
  • flour - 2 glasses (approximately depends on the dough thickness),
  • egg - 1 piece,
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons,
  • salt - 1/4 teaspoon,
  • boiling water - 250-300 ml,
  • soda - 2/3 teaspoon,
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon.


1. Traditionally, we start with an egg that is mixed with sugar and salt to light foam. You do not need to beat hard, do not biscuit biscuits.

2. Add kefir to the egg, all stirred well, and then put this mixture to warm. For this, do not forget to pour into the appropriate dishes, bucket or saucepan, if initially kneaded in a plate. It is necessary to heat quite a bit, degrees up to 50 no more, it should not roll. Must become slightly hot.

3. Now stir the heated kefir mixture with two cups of flour. The dough should be very thick, thicker than for pancakes. I will explain why, this is not the final option, but only the workpiece. We will still add boiling water, which is significantly dough dilute. Therefore, boldly interfere with thick dough and do not be afraid.

4. Board the kettle of water. In the circle, pour the food soda, and then pour boiling water there, the soda is rolled and worsted. Stir it with a spoon so that it dissolves completely.

5. Boldly pour boiling water in our dough and immediately stirred it. Do not worry, the dough is not welded, it will be wound and becomes even better than before. And the soda in the water and kefir in the test will begin their chemical game and will allocate bubbles.

6. So that our pancakes are really thick, the dough should get thick, roughly as condensed milk. If not confident as a result, then pour water gradually, stirre and add even if necessary. A little bit of liquid add in the face of vegetable oil, just one tablespoon. It is necessary for the pancakes better behind with frying. Pretty stir the oil.

7. Preheat a frying pan, the best cast iron, because it has a thick bottom and evenly distributed heat. When she fascinates, reduce fire to medium. You can start the bake pancakes. Large half, jump out the dough and pour it into the middle of the pan. Help a little bit to the desired size and bake. You will immediately see how holes manifest.

8. As you grab, turn over the other side and beat a little more. The second side must also be twisted. After that, you can shoot a finished fat pancake.

9. Each finished pancake put on its hot fellow and smear the creamy oil on top. It turns out just a sodium. As soon as the dough end, you can call everyone to the table.

These tight golden sun will delight you and your loved ones, believe me. Enjoy your tea drinking!

Tsarist Pancakes - Magnificent and Tolstaya by ancient recipe

On this, perhaps, I'll finish with pancakes. Wait for new recipes and stay connected. We still will definitely prepare something delicious.

Pancakes on yeast are fluttered and soft. Their thickness can be adjusted by the amount of liquid than the fat dough, the thinner will turn out the pancakes.

Lush pancakes on yeast served with thick syrup


Flour 200 grams Milk 2 stack. Chicken eggs 2 pieces) High-speed yeast 10 grams Sugar 2 tbsp. Salt 1 tsp.

  • Number of portions:8
  • Time for preparing:1 minute

Recipe for lush pancakes on yeast

For frying pancakes, use a cast iron frying pan or a special pancake, with small sideboards and non-stick coating.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat a third of the milk, dry dry dry yeast.
  2. Add salt, tablespoon of sugar and flour spoon, mix. Leave warm before the appearance of foam.
  3. Wear eggs with a pinch of salt and the rest of sugar.
  4. Pour opar, add the rest of the milk and sifted through the sieve flour. Mix so that no lumps are left.
  5. Cover the bowl with a cloth and put in heat for 2 hours. During this time, we mix it 3 times as it is lifted.

Heat the pan, lubricate the oil and roast thick pancakes on the yeast until golden color on both sides.

Openwork pancakes with citrus aroma

To get thin openwork pancakes from yeast dough, you need to make the dough more liquid.

What products will need:

  • Milk - 4 stack.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Flour - 2 stack.
  • Dry yeast - 1 tsp.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 pack.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.

Heat the milk to the temperature, pleasant fingers. In a small number, you will distribute yeast, add 1 tsp. Sugar, salt, mix and let stand in heat for 5 minutes.

Wake up for a fork or egg mixer with a pinch of salt and sugar. Add opar, gradually pour the rest of the milk. Squake the flour and pumped it gradually into the liquid, without stopping stirring so that there are no lumps.

Put the dough for an approach for 2 hours in heat, covering the napkin to not dried on top. Periodically mix when it will rise too high.

Remove the zest from the lemon with a shallow grain and add it to the dough. Fry on a hot pan, lubricating it with oil.

Pancakes yeast with filling

Pancakes on this recipe are soft, but not very thick. They are convenient to wrap different fillings.

Grocery list:

  • Flour - 2 stack.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Creamy oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Milk - 0.5 liters.
  • Fresh yeast - 20 g.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.

In half a glass of warm milk, divert fresh yeast, add a pinch of sugar, a spoonful of flour and leave warm for 10 minutes.

Satch the flour, take the egg to her, mix. Add milk, butter, pre-melted, and approached the pole. Wrap a wedge or mixer. There should be a consistency of a very liquid sour cream, without lumps. Leave in warm place for 3 hours, covered with a towel. 2 times mix during this time.

Heat the pan, smear the oil and roast pancakes until golden color on both sides. They will turn out in the hole and very soft. When slightly cooled, you can wrap in them any stuffing and serve to tea.