6 45 results archive. Secrets of forecasting in Gosloto: choosing numbers

  • 19.06.2019

For those who regularly play the Gosloto lotteries 6 out of 45, 5 out of 36, 4 out of 20 or 7 out of 49, it is probably very important to learn how to win in Gosloto. You probably have seen the happy faces of the winners and thought: “Some people know how to not only play, but win!” What helps people win, what should be the mood, the coincidence of circumstances? What is needed to win: mathematical calculation or plain luck?

In this article you will learn how to find best combinations, what are the secrets, how to use the winning number generator system.

Gosloto 6 out of 45, 4 out of 20, 5 out of 36, 7 out of 49

How to combine numbers, what techniques and knowledge need to be applied to make a forecast big win. Of course, small amounts do not count; they can be won quite easily. But when the jackpot or a car, a luxury apartment or large sum money, then the desire to take part in the Gosloto lottery and receive a prize increases many times over.

Four options of Gosloto attract the attention of those who have not lost faith in their luck, for those who want to take risks in order to get a lot at once. Also the lottery is an excellent remedy have fun, so why not challenge yourself? The 6 out of 45 lottery is considered the most popular because you can play it twice a day at 11 am and at 11 pm. You can follow the game live on the official Gosloto website. The prize fund here is one of the highest in the country.

On the Internet you will find a lot of information about how to win the Gosloto lottery, how to tune in, how to choose the right winning combination of numbers. But for you to be truly lucky, you need to know a few rules that will help you. We conducted a survey among those who had already won, they shared their emotions and talked about what techniques helped them get large sums money.

Secrets of how to win the Jackpot in Gosloto 6 of 45

Here are the reviews of survey participants who know better than others what really helped them, how to attract luck and not just play, but win.

Find out how to not just play, but win. Here you will find tips from Gosloto winners:

  • You should not share your inner feelings with anyone. Luck doesn't like discussions. You will only dissipate positive energy, which you need, on the contrary, to accumulate within yourself. It's best not to even tell anyone that you bought a ticket. Tell me later if you win. Well, if you are unlucky, you will be less upset and will not see mocking glances that block your subconscious and will not allow you to tune in to win next time;
  • check the frequently appearing numbers that are published on the website stoloto.ru. Here are the numbers that win more often than others. This is very helpful information, which will help you win;

  • Don't focus only on the first numbers. Many people choose the numbers that are contained in their birth dates. And these are usually numbers from 1 to 31. Compare even with the statistics given above: the numbers that appear most often are 44, 43, 38. That is, if you bypass these numbers only because you were born on the 31st, then luck will bypass side with you;
  • It is very important to treat the lottery as a game. This is the advice of almost all survey participants. If you worry, worry, get upset about losing, then nothing will come of it. Luck loves the cheerful and comes to those who take losses lightly;
  • Don't spend your last money on a ticket. You should not depend on winning and risk everything you have. Remember the saying: “Money comes to money.” So, in the case of winning, this principle works 100%. You should have such an amount of money in your pocket or wallet that will allow you to remain joyful and calm in case of failure. Money should attract winnings, because the one who has it will be able to manage it correctly;

  • The energy of money, although not noticeable, definitely exists. Just as we cannot see electric current, but no one denies that it exists. Money does not like those who are afraid of it, who speak negatively about it, who from childhood use phrases such as: “Money is evil”, “Money ruins everything”, “All problems are because of money”, etc. Repeating this , you thereby convince your subconscious of this and push away luck. Work on your thoughts in this direction;

  • play regularly, allocating some of your budget to lottery tickets. Once or twice will not help you win. Don't be upset by losses, because every new loss brings you closer to truly significant gain. Statistically, those who play only a few times in their lives rarely win;
  • plan what you will spend the money on. They come to those who know how to use them. Visualize winning, imagine how money enters your life, fills your pockets, imagine yourself happy among the abundance of money.

Gosloto 5 out of 36 winning number generator system

To win Gosloto 5 out of 36, you can use all the previous tips. But there are several other techniques that are used by people who know how to use their intuition. Have you ever been surprised that you can foresee some things in advance? Have you managed to avoid trouble at least once in your life after receiving a certain sign? The ability to recognize these signs is the key to making friends with your subconscious and using intuitive clues. Continue to develop this gift to win lotteries and receive bonuses from life.

Many who have already won say that on the eve of buying a lottery ticket they try to meditate, imagine the winning field, and read the numbers that appear in their minds in the form of clues. This can be done before bed or just while immersing yourself.

Look at the archives of Gosloto draws for 2017 and 2018, conduct an analysis, trying to understand how the numbers are located, which combinations of numbers most often win.

Here are the statistics for latest draws Gosloto in 2018:

Please note that in most cases the winning numbers are numbers that are not in a row. There are one or two digits out of every ten. Try to find some pattern that can be traced in the combinations of numbers.

And a few more tips:

  • never choose only even or only odd numbers. Try to combine them with each other.
  • Distribute the numbers evenly across the field of the lottery ticket. Very rarely they are located in only one part.
  • Buy multiple tickets at once to increase your chances of winning.

And remember: only those who believe in luck are lucky! First you need to believe that you can very well become the owner of a big cash prize, and then buy a Gosloto ticket!

When tossing a coin, the probability of getting “heads” or “tails” is 50/50. Of course, it does not follow from this that after “heads” a “tails” will necessarily fall out. However, it is absolutely certain that the more attempts are made, the closer the average value will be to 50%. If, for example, a coin is tossed one hundred thousand times, then the occurrence of “heads” and “tails” will be distributed approximately equally.

The same applies to lotteries. Chances of guessing one or the other prize category are known, it is quite possible to see how much they coincide with the mathematically expected ones.

Let's take lottery 6 out of 45 from Gosloto
The probability of winning by category is as follows:
2 numbers - 1:7
3rd - 1:45
4 numbers - 1:733
5th - 1:34 808
6 numbers - 1:8 145 060

More than 1,800 draws have already taken place in lottery 6 out of 45; the base is quite sufficient for a correct comparison. So, from the 1st to the 1826th draw, players bet 479 million combinations

68.4 million "twos" (479,000,000 / 7)
10.6 million "threes" (479,000,000 / 45)
653 thousand “fours” (479,000,000 / 733)
13,761 “fives” (479,000,000 / 34,808)
And finally - 58 “sixes” (479,000,000 / 8,145,060)

Did this really happen?
Let's compare; during the same period, that is, from the 1st to the 1826th circulation, the following fell:
77.7 million “twos” - 113%
11.5 million “threes” - 108%
701 thousand “fours” - 107%
15,177 “fives” - 110%

But! That's not the fun part!
The most interesting thing is that the prize of the main category in numerical lotteries from Gosloto was not always so unattainable. For example, in the first few years, six was rolled out regularly, within the statistically expected range.

Just a few years ago, six was more common:

During 2008-2011, players placed 6 out of 45 bets on the lottery - 115.5 million bets. “Six” was guessed 12 times during the same period, that is, 9,625,000 combinations were obtained on average for each win. Or 118% of the statistically expected (8,145,060) result

What happened after 2011?
For 2012 - 2016 (1827 editions inclusive), players placed 364 million bets. According to the laws of statistics, 44 “sixes” should have fallen during this time. But during the same period, they turned out only 17 times. Almost three times (!!) less than it should be

Such a serious deviation, and only in one category, means only one thing - the organizers are dishonest and manipulate the winning combination in their favor. Simply put, jackpots are artificially grown and taken to the side

Number of bets (in millions) required to guess a six

(the last jack has not yet been guessed. There are already 40 million bets...)

As you can see in this diagram, for some time now there have been no-jack series, when instead of an average of 8.1 million bets, guessing the “six” requires 30-40 million bets. Which is several times (!!) higher than the calculated value. I'll tell you this - incredibly, damn much.

If we return to the comparison of tossing a coin, then perhaps 80 thousand “heads” when tossing 100 thousand times will, I think, be a phenomenon of the same order. Since this simply cannot be, there are only two explanations here: either, something is wrong with the coin. Or, the thrower can control its flight and land it accordingly, on the desired side...

So in numerical lotteries from Gosloto, the organizers violate the laws of statistics, since they simply control the occurrence of a “winning” combination. The discrepancy only and exclusively in the prizes of the main category clearly shows this. It remains to add that all this began in 2011, after the cancellation live broadcast. And it finally took hold in December 2013, after the transition to RNG

Exactly the same fantastic discrepancies with statistics occur in the 6 out of 36 lottery
The odds of winning by category are as follows:
2 numbers - 1:8
3 numbers - 1:81
4 numbers - 1:432
5 numbers - 1:376,992

More than 4,000 draws have already taken place in lottery 5 out of 36, so it’s even more interesting to look at the results
From the 1st to the 4184th draw, players placed 313 million bets

It can be expected that during this time the following was guessed:
39.1 million "twos" (313,000,000 / 8)
3.8 million "threes" (313,000,000 / 81)
128 thousand “fours” (479,000,000 / 2,432)
And finally - 830 “fives” (479,000,000 / 376,992)

What do we really have?
37.2 million “twos” - 95%
3.8 million “threes” - 100%
125.8 thousand “fours” - 98%

And - what do you think, how many “fives” did you get - 100%, 90%, or maybe 95%?
Ah, here comes the fig, dear friends!

A total of 421 fives were guessed throughout the entire period.
That is, again - two times less than calculated...

once upon a time "fives were guessed much more often than now

By the way. If you look at the number of bets on one “five” for another period, for example from the same 2012, you can see that:
- the number of bets for this period amounted to 246 million
- with such a volume of bets there should be 652 “fives”

In reality, during this time there were only 198 fives. Yet again - three times less than it should be.

P.s. The 6 out of 45 lottery is now luring players with another record jackpot - 242 million rubles. I can only say one thing to everyone who wants to try their luck - this money is not prepared for you guys! The organizers are most likely simply pocketing the record super prizes. What is the point of participating in a lottery where it is already clear who will take the main prize?

P.p.s. Anyone who wants can compare the results themselves; I am posting the file with the data in the public domain.

If you make a lot of bets on the Gosloto 6 out of 45 draw, or if you make detailed bets, then it can be difficult to quickly check such tickets by simply watching the draw. Especially for such cases, on the Lotopobeda website we have developed for you an automatic check of the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery ticket by its number.

Checking a ticket for any existing draw using this method is not difficult. On this page you can find a ticket verification form. Just fill out two fields: in the first, enter the number of the circulation you are interested in, and in the second, enter the number of your ticket. Click the "Check" button and get the result within a second. It will appear below the form.

How to fill out the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery ticket verification form?

Enter only numbers for the circulation and ticket numbers. You can find them on your ticket. If you want to check several tickets, you need to do this sequentially, each time entering the number of the next ticket and checking it. It is IMPOSSIBLE to enter several numbers at once (separated by a space, comma or other delimiters). The same applies to the circulation number.

Our ticket verification is 100% accurate, as it works on the same principle as verification at official points of sale. We receive winning data directly from Stoloto. Dear friends, play Gosloto 6 out of 45, check your tickets, win prizes and get only pleasant emotions from playing the lottery!

History of the Gosloto Lottery 6 of 45

The history of the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery began in November 2008. In the first year of its existence, “Gosloto 6 out of 45” set a record that none of them could break later. Russian lotteries for for long years. Albert Begrakyan won more than 100 million rubles!!! In just the first year of its existence, this lottery gave the country more than 12 millionaires.

Despite such a number of prizes, the one hundred million record was broken only in 2014. then Valery from Omsk won 6 out of 45 in Gosloto, more than 184 million rubles. Oddly enough, this record of lottery generosity did not last long and was broken in the same 2014. Mikhail from Nizhny Novgorod won 6 out of 45,202,441,116 rubles in Gosloto and still remains the absolute record holder for the amount of winnings.

The super prize of this lottery increases from draw to draw and reaches tens of millions of rubles. The number of millionaires in Russia increased by 67 people thanks to this lottery.

The procedure for drawing the lottery “Gosloto 6 out of 45”

How much does it cost to place a bet in the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery? For the drawings of the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery, the most modern equipment from the Greek company Intralot. This company supplies equipment all over the world and has long gained a good reputation in countries such as Australia, Spain, the USA, etc.

Thanks to this equipment, the Gosloto 6 out of 45 Lottery is carried out in real time. This means that information about each ticket is instantly entered into the database. Everything is stored there, from the cost and place of sale of the ticket, to the number of bets and combinations made. As a result, after the drawing, you can instantly determine the number of winning tickets and the winning amounts in each category.

How to play Gosloto 6 out of 45?

One receipt of the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery can take part in several draws at once. At the bottom of the coupon you can mark the required number of circulations (but no more than 9).
You can play in all six game fields of the coupon: A, B, C, D, D, E.
The bet consists of 6 (or more) non-repeating numbers from 1 to 45.

You can play Gosloto 6 of 45 in several ways:

You can place a standard bet by marking only 6 numbers in the coupon field.
Also in this lottery you can make an expanded bet and mark more than 6 (but not more than 19) numbers in one playing field.
If you place a bet on a lottery website, then you can select an automatic bet and the computer itself will select the numbers on which to bet.

When do they stop accepting bets?

Bids are accepted until the end of sales - daily until 10:40 and 22:40 Moscow time. If a bet was placed after this time, it is automatically transferred to next edition.
Half of the funds received from bets made go towards the formation of the game’s prize fund.

How are the draws of the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery going?

You can play Gosloto 6 out of 45 every day! Draws are held twice a day at 11:001 and 23:00 Moscow time. Lucky numbers are determined using a generator random numbers.

The prize fund of the Gosloto 56 out of 45 lottery is distributed depending on the numbers drawn. Bets in which the player managed to guess from 2 to 6 numbers of the drawn combination win. for 2 guessed numbers you get 50 rubles. First of all, winnings for 2 guessed numbers are distributed. then prize fund distributed according to the following formula:

The winning amount for 6 guessed numbers is determined after the winnings for 2, 3, 4 and 5 guessed numbers are distributed.
The super prize for 6 guessed numbers is constantly accumulating and cannot be less than 150,000 rubles. If in this draw no one managed to guess the cherished 6 numbers, then the accumulated winnings go to the next draw. This is exactly how the huge winnings of the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery are formed.

How to find out the draw result and check the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery ticket

You can view the results of the draw on our website or check your ticket by calling +7 499 27-027-27.
How to win the lottery?

To receive your winnings you need to contact a lottery representative along with winning ticket and a passport.
When purchasing a ticket, you can check the amount of winnings paid out at that particular lottery ticket sales point.
After 6 months from the date of the draw, you can only receive your winnings at the central lottery office.
winnings over 1 million rubles are paid only by bank transfer.
The winner of this lottery will be required to pay a 13% tax on their winnings.

Gosloto - state lottery, which is implemented on the territory of the Russian Federation. There are Gosloto lotteries various types and differ from each other in the number of digits in winning combination.
You can purchase a lottery ticket on the official website of the distributor, at lottery kiosks, in places retail or using a special mobile application.

Gosloto ticket sales locations

If you purchased a Gosloto “6 out of 45” lottery ticket, then according to the rules of the game you must fill out all playing fields. Total in lottery ticket six playing fields. The playing field consists of 45 numbers, arranged in order. For filling playing field, You need to choose any 6 numbers if you wish. You can also choose more, but this will already count as the expanded bet. An expanded bet starts with 7 numbers. By making a detailed bet, you increase your chances of winning. However, at the same time, you simultaneously increase the amount of potential winnings and the cost of the bet.
The winner of each drawing is determined using a random number generator. This equipment determines the winning combination of each draw. The drawing of each draw is broadcast in real time, but if you are not able to check your ticket at this time, then check it in other ways.
By going to the official website, home page You will see many icons various lotteries. From these icons, you will need to click on the “6 out of 45” lottery icon. After which you will go to new page site where you can get the following information: where to buy a ticket, how to play the lottery, how to check the results of the drawing.
To obtain information about the winning combination of any draw, you must use the “Draw Archive” tab

Circulation archive

In the archive you can find the game result, that is, the drawn numbers, by date and draw number. Here you will find information about the amount of the super prize.

Finding the required circulation

The site provides the opportunity to search for the desired winning combination. This search can be done by date or by circulation number. If you want to view the archive of 2016 circulations, then indicate the following range in the search period: from January 1, 2016, to December 31. After this, the computer will provide you with full list all draws that were played in 2016.
By using the search, you do not need to review all the draws; you just need to indicate the draw you are interested in and the computer will automatically provide you with the result of the draw.
By using the site to check the results of the draw, you can save free time on the fact that you don't have to sit in front of a TV screen.