Drops "Bai-Bai" - a great remedy for children's insomnia!

  • 29.08.2018

Form release

Drops for reception inside


1 g drops for receiving inside Contains: the extract of the fruit of a hawthorn, peony, mother-in-law, peppermint, souls, glutamic acid, citric acid.


in bottles of 25 or 50 ml or in 50 ml bottles with spray-dispenser.

pharmachologic effect

Bai-Bai has a soft soothing effect, contributes to the restoration of all phases of sleep and morning activity, the disappearance of irritability, improved performance, mood, the analytical ability of the CNS, strengthens the nervous system, normalizes hell, heart rate, respiratory rate. Helps the adaptation of children to school loads. Herbs, which are included in the composition, have a lining, antispasmodic, painful, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and choleretic effects, have a beneficial effect on the function of the gastrointestinal and urinary system. With long-term use do not cause addiction, dependence and cancellation syndrome.

Bai-Bai for children, testimony for use

Bai-Bai, as a soft soothing agent facilitating a fall asleep, helping the adaptation of children to school loads, as well as in complex therapy of atopic dermatitis and alopecia, neurotic states, vegetative dystonia.


Individual intolerance to product components.

special instructions

The results of studies of the Anti-Doping Center of the Russian Federation have shown that doping was not detected in the analyzed sample medicinal preparations And their metabolites, and it can be used in sports and medical practice.

Preparations obtained from plants with long-term storage, especially when fluctuations in temperature, prone to clouding and falling out of the precipitate, which, however, does not affect the effect of the drug.

Storage conditions

In a dry, protected from light, at room temperature. After opening the bottle - in the refrigerator.

Instructions for the use of the drug Bay-Bai enters the general directory of medicines, which is published on our information resource. if you have additional information About this medicine, please leave your feedback.

Forms and prices for medicine in pharmacies

  • drops for receiving inside FL 25ml : 164 rub.
  • drops for receiving inside FL 40ml : 139 rub.
  • drops for receiving inside FL 50ml : 156 rub.
  • drops spray-dispenser 50ml : 138 rubles.
  • drops for receiving inside FL 30ml : no price

Analogs, synonyms of the drug, generics and substitutes

  • Bay-Bai.
  • Bai-Bai. Pills

Indications for use

It is recommended: as a soft soothing agent facilitating a fall asleep, helping the adaptation of children to school loads, as well as in complex therapy of atopic dermatitis and alopecia, neurotic states, vegetative dystonia.


Individual intolerance to product components.

Pharmacological group

Bad soothing action

pharmachologic effect

Soothing, soothing, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, painful. It has a soft soothing effect, it helps to restore all phases of sleep and morning activity, disappearing irritability, improving the health, mood, analytical capacity of the central nervous system, strengthens the nervous system, normalizes hell, heart rate, respiratory rate. Helps the adaptation of children to school loads. Herbs, which are included in the composition, have a lining, antispasmodic, painful, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and choleretic effects, have a beneficial effect on the function of the gastrointestinal and urinary system. With long-term use do not cause addiction, dependence and cancellation syndrome.


Hawthorn fruit extract, peony extract, dust extract, peppermint extract, oregano extract, glutamic acid, citric acid.

special instructions

The results of studies of the Anti-Doping Center of the Russian Federation showed that doping drugs and their metabolites were found in the analyzed sample, and it can be used in sports and medical practice. Preparations obtained from plants with long-term storage, especially when fluctuations in temperature, prone to clouding and falling out of the precipitate, which, however, does not affect the effect of the drug.

Storage conditions

In a dry, protected from light, at room temperature. After opening the bottle - in the refrigerator.

Before buying the drug Bay-Bai - for children, carefully read the instructions for use, methods of use and dose, as well as other information on the drug Bay-Bai - for children. In the Drug Directory on Medoscarius, you can find the necessary information: reviews, instructions for use, efficiency

Description of the dosage form


Biologically active additive for food.

Properties of components

It has a soft soothing effect, it helps to restore all phases of sleep and morning activity, disappearing irritability, improving the health, mood, analytical capacity of the central nervous system, strengthens the nervous system, normalizes hell, heart rate, respiratory rate. Helps the adaptation of children to school loads. Herbs, which are included in the composition, have a lining, antispasmodic, painful, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and choleretic effects, have a beneficial effect on the function of the gastrointestinal and urinary system. With long-term use do not cause addiction, dependence and cancellation syndrome.

Additional Information.Clinical study was conducted in the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital. The group included children (from 5 years), suffering from psychosomatic dermatosis, which are characterized by a sharply aggravated psychosomatic component, a decrease in the quality of life, socio-adaptive opportunities, the development of neurotic states, and sometimes more severe psychosomatic states. Research results have shown that the use of the drug helps increase adaptation capabilities, removing the nervous voltage. After 3-5 days, patients noted to improve sleep, after 10-15 days increased performance and activity, the fatigue decreased, gradually disappeared the signs of anxious, asthenoid and asthenic depression, became easier to postpone mental and physical exercise. It was noted that these positive trends lead to a reduction in the timing of the treatment of a number of diseases, because they depend largely on the quality of sleep and the nervous state of the patient.

special instructions

The results of studies of the Anti-Doping Center of the Russian Federation showed that doping drugs and their metabolites were found in the analyzed sample, and it can be used in sports and medical practice.

Preparations obtained from plants with long-term storage, especially when fluctuations in temperature, prone to clouding and falling out of the precipitate, which, however, does not affect the effect of the drug.

Composition and form of release

Composition and form of release

in bottles of 25 ml or in 50 ml bottles with a spray-dispenser.

As a soft soothing agent facilitating a fall asleep, helping the adaptation of children to school loads, as well as in complex therapy of atopic dermatitis and alopecia, neurotic states, vegetative dystonia.



Individual intolerance to product components.

Method of application and dose

Method of application and dose

Inside Under the tongue, hold in your mouth, then swallow. Adults and children from 5 years - 5-10 drops (2-6 pages on the spray spray) 3 times a day or 1-15 drops 30 minutes before sleep. Course - 30 days.

Drops Bay - Bai for children have a soft soothing effect, prevents the development of stress, contributes to the process of adapting children with increased mental and psycho-emotional loads arising from changing the usual situation or regime (for example, after a vacation), climatic zone (acclimatization). Bai-Bai effectively restores the natural rhythm of sleep, normalizes the phase structure of sleep. The drug Bay-Bai has nootropic effect and helps to improve the processes of learning, memory, thinking, which significantly improves the performance and analytical abilities of the CNS of the child. The drug Bay-Bai is an additional source of flavonoids. Drops are recommended as a safe soft sleeping pills, lullaby for children (Bayushki Bay) and a sedative.

The drug Bay-Bai in drops is recommended for children from 3 years and does not contain alcohol and sugar. Children over 14 years old are recommended an analogue of the Bai Bai drop - a morphoreface for adults. The drip form of any drug is the most efficient, since suction and assimilation begins in the oral / sub-public domain, the active substances immediately fall into the blood, not destroying large quantities In the gastrointestinal tract, as in the case of pills. This fact It makes it possible to significantly reduce the content of active substances in the preparation without losing the effectiveness of the action, which directly eliminates the possibility of "addiction" to the drug due to large doses of the active substance, eliminates the "accumulation" of an allergic effect. Sprays and absorbable pills have a similar action and are recommended for children from 8 years.

The composition of the drug Bay - Bai

Extracts of healing herbs (oregano, mint, chamomile, linden, melis), structured water purified, magnesium sulfate, glycerin (thickener), lemon and glutamy acid (antioxidant), sodium benzoate (preservative), "Aspasvit" (sweetener).

A drug Bai-Bai became the nominee of the project "Brand of the Year".

In order to prevent the actions that are misleading consumers, the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare approved "System of voluntary certification of biologically active additives to food." As part of the voluntary certification system, it is planned to confirm the quality of products and evaluating the effectiveness of the use of dietary supplements.

As a conscientious manufacturer of ResortmadService LLC (a member of the Merzana Group of Companies) confirms the effectiveness and compliance of product properties by conducting voluntary certification.

The drug Bay-Bai is a biologically active additive. Not a drug.


Does not contain alcohol and sugar. Before use to shake.

Method of application and dose

  • From 1 to 5 years from the calculation of 1 drop per year of life. Take three times a day before eating at 0.5 teaspoon of water, the fourth time before bedtime in 30 minutes, by increasing the daily dose by 2-3 drops.
  • From 5 to 13 years, 5 drops on the reception three times a day before the meal (without water), before bedtime 7-10 drops depending on the intensity of the day load on the child.

Attention! If the drug is applied for the first time, be sure to check the reaction to allergies. Just apply the minimum amount of the drug on the inner side of the bottom sponge and the tip of the child's tongue and trace the reaction.

After autopsy, the appearance of precipitate and slightly climbing the solution is allowed, which is not reflected on the properties of the drug Bay-Bai. It is necessary for the presence of the drug Bayu-Bai for 1 minute in the sublawic region, after which the child can swallow the residue.

The Bay-Bai drug in the form of absorbing tablets is recommended for children from 8 years. Open the blister and remove 1-2 tablets depending on the age of the child and the mass of his body. Put the drug the child in the mouth and trace so that the pills of the child did not swallow, but "dissolved." As a rule, it takes no more than 5 minutes. Give 3 times a day during meals for 1 month. Additional reception half an hour before sleep.


Individual intolerance to the components of the drug Bay-Bai. Before use, it is recommended to consult with a specialist.


Store the drug Bay-Bai follows place in a temperature protected from light at a temperature not higher than 25 degrees Celsius.

Shelf life - 3 years.

Clinical researches

The drug Bay-Bai passed clinical studies:

  • in the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital (RDKB);
  • in GOU VPO Moscow Medical Academy them. THEM. Sechenov Roszdrava;
  • in FGU "Russian science Center restorative medicine and resortology ";
  • RGMU, Department of Skin-Venereal Diseases of the Pediatric Faculty;
  • St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Department of Children's Neurology and Neurosurgery;
  • Children's city hospital number 1, somatic department.

Clinical trials were carried out in children aged 3-14 years, suffering from sleep disorders and various diseases with a significant psychosomatic component in the pathogenesis of the disease (psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, alopecia, etc.). The research results have shown that after 3-5 days the dream is significantly improved, after 10-15 days, efficiency and activity increases, fatigue is reduced, mental and physical exertion are transferred, and signs of depression disappear. Since the psychosomatic component plays a large role in pathogenetic diseases, then a reduction in the timing of the treatment of the underlying disease and the elongation of remissions of severe chronic diseases is noted. Studies in the St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, were held in three groups: the children of the younger before school age And schoolchildren. In 80% of children, the improvement has come after 3 days of reception of phytockomposition "Bay-Bai". At 100% of the primary preschool children on the 7th day, there was an improvement in sleep (covertness improved, the dream became calmer and deep). In addition to normalizing sleep, school age, in addition to the normalization of sleep, there has been an improvement in mood, a decrease in anxiety. In all conducted studies, there was no lack of side Effects and the abolition syndrome of the drug. Cases of overdose of the drug Bay-Bai has not been detected.

All patients complained about a problem with a long falling asleep, lack of sleep duration, frequent and systematic night awakening, "heavy" morning awakening, for lethargy and inattention during the day, and in some cases irritability and unjustified excessive aggression.

To normalize sleep, all patients received the Bay-Bai drug for 28 days according to a scheme of 15-20 drops 3 times a day. Sleep score was carried out on the 14th and 28 days.

  • 58% of parents appreciated the Bay-Bai drug as "highly efficient";
  • 33% noted as "efficient";
  • 9%, as "satisfactory."

No one called the drug Bai-Bai "ineffective."

Withdrawal 67% of parents about the Bay-Bai preparation as "perfectly safe", and 25%, as "safe", and 8%, as "doubtfully safe."

As a result, the use of the drug Bay-Bai by children with various sleep disorders for 4 weeks leads to an improvement, such as quantitative (sleep duration, sleep time, amount of awakening) and high-quality sleep characteristics (decrease in sleep disorders almost to zero, Significant decrease in degree motor activity During sleep, sweating and screaming during sleep. At the same time, there is a significant improvement in the quality of wakefulness: the child becomes more attentive and concentrated, the daily irritability and fatigue is significantly reduced due to the recovery of the phases of night sleep. But it should be noted that children are recommended for day sleep for 1-1.5 hours until 16 years.

The Bay-Bai drug based on the study is recognized as an effective and safe children's agent to restore the natural rhythm of sleep and increasing the overall quality of life. "

Professor Mukhin K.Yu., D.M., Practicing Specialist RDKB:

"Bad Bai-Bai was used in atonic dermatitis, psoriasis 2 months according to the scheme: 10 drops in daytime hours, and 15 drops for half an hour before sleep daily. Under our observation there were 287 children aged 3-14 years. Of these, 113 children with atonic dermatitis, 96 patients with various forms of alopecia and 78 children suffering from psoriasis. In addition to cosmetic defects in atonic dermatitis and psoriasis, the presence of subjective sensations in the form of a very intense itching, feelings of skin tightness, sometimes burning and soreness leads to a breakdown of sleep, increased irritability, cutting fatigue and other functional disorders. For various forms Alopecia in children detect various degrees of severity depressive disorders - from subdepression to moderately pronounced.

Correction of identified psycho-emotional disorders in children suffering from various dermatoses, we conducted after a joint consultation with a psycho-neurologist.

The results of clinical observations have shown that the use of this drug helps increase adaptive capabilities, lifting the tension associated with the course of chronic disease. After 3-5 days, patients noted that they significantly improves sleep. After 10-15 days, efficiency and activity increased, the fatigue decreased, the signs of anxious, astheno-anxiety and asthenic variant of depression were gradually disappeared, it became easier to carry mental and physical exertion. These positive trends lead to a reduction in the terms of treatment, lengthening remissions and mitigating the further flow of chronic recurrent dermatosis.

The drug Bai-BAY is characterized as a very effective sedative tool for children with various forms of disorders of psycho-emotional disorders and as a children's sleeping pills, restoring the natural rhythm of sleep "

Professor Shorty N.G., D.M., RGMU, Pediatric Faculty, Department of Skin-Venereal Diseases:

"By modern ideas Systematic sleep disorders, inevitably reduces the overall quality of life, the emergence of irritability and excessive aggression, which in turn can become a trigger for the development of skin diseases: atopic dermatitis, focal alopecia, psoriasis refer to psychosomatic dermatoses, and the psychogenic factor is considered both trigger and persistent Factor in the process of developing these diseases. One of the conditions for the appearance of trapid, severe forms of these dermatosis is a sharp exacerbation of the psychosomatic component and it is difficult to recharge the quality of life of these patients. Patients with these dermatoses have a reduced self-esteem. They have anxiety, lightweight or moderate depression compared to the appropriate age and the floor of the control group.

Of particular importance is the problem of therapeutic impact on the identified disorders in children and adolescents suffering from atopic dermatitis, focal alopecia and psoriasis with a minimum side effects, complications and maximum efficiency. Under our observation in the separation of dermatallergology, 126 children aged from 5 to 16 years have been located. In all patients with the scales of the reactive and personal anxiety of Spielberg, the questionnaire Kovach, the scale of depression of Hamilton and projective technique Lucher, established the presence of accentuated character traits, identified a varying degree depressive state with a predominance of anxiety, astheno-alarm and asthenic components. In comprehensive therapy, we included the biologically active additive "Bay-Bai" for children under the age of 13 and the "morphor" for patients from 13 to 16 years for 3-3.5 months. Our observations have shown that the use of these drugs contributes to increasing adaptive capabilities, improving the amount and quality of sleep, leads to the removal of irritability and voltage associated with the course of chronic disease. 14-18 days after the start of the use of these drugs, children decreased a sense of fear, anxiety, activity and efficiency increased, fatigue was significantly reduced, stressfulness increased. These positive trends led to a reduction in the timing of treatment and lengthening remissions in patients with psoriasis, atopic dermatitis and focal alopecia.

Based on the studies of the BAYU-BAY study and are characterized as effective and safe means to restore the amount and quality of sleep, an increase in overall well-being at the moment of wakefulness and a significant decrease in irritability "

Drops Bai-Bai. Instruction readthat these drops for children have a soothing effect, improve the child's sleep, and also restore its morning activity. In some cases, the nervous system of kids is unstable, the smallest irritating factors can provoke severe disorders of the emotional background. Soothing, fully natural droplets Bai-Bai contribute to the removal of irritability, they have a strengthening effect on the children's CNS. Among other things, safe sedative will help increase the children's performance and concentration of attention.

In what cases does the child appoint Bai-Bai drops? Reviews of caring mothers.

This dietary supplement is used in violating the flooding process or sleep itself as a soothing central nervous system With the overexcitation of different etiology. In addition, the Bai-Bai drop can be taken in the complex with allergies and irritations of the skin, which cause burning, itching, rubber and others easy sensations. Plus, the BAA contributes to the normalization of blood pressure, pulse and respiratory frequency.

The composition of the Bai-Bai drop for children. Active components of Buda.

Bay-bai drops include extracts of natural plants in their compositionlike the fruits of the mother-in-law, hawthorn, pharmacy mint, peony, souls. In addition, the BAA contains lemon and glutamic acid. It must be said that the soothing effect is characterized by peony, the infusion of this plant uses adults with strong depressions and nervous shocks. Mint, souls, mother-in-law and the fruits of the hawthorn have a smaller reassuring effect, but they have a good effect in the complex.

Since this secure childish sedative contains exceptionally natural ingredients, it has a healing effect:

    Dashtroke extract multiplies the effect of analgesic and sleeping pills.

    Hawthorn extract helps to reduce blood pressure, acts as an effective soothing natural agent. Pion extract has an anti-inflammatory effect, effectively feeds fabric. The extract of the oregano carefully soothes the Children's CNS. Peppermint extract has anti-inflammatory and analgesic action.

How effective to children's soothing drops Bai-Bai?

Of all possible prescriptions, these drops can be truly effective during the overexcitation of crumbs that are not associated with any disease of the nervous system, or with the complex treatment of alopecia, vegetative dystonia, allergic dermatitis, or neurotic states. These drops are not sleeping pills, they only have a soothing effect. In addition, this BD is not a medicine, it does not cure the main disease, but provides symptomatic assistance. That is, if the kid is serviced during the game, for example, in children's garden, then the Bai-Bai drops will not help him calm down. However, if there is any disorder of the nervous system, the BAA will only provide symptomatic temporary assistance, but will not lead to complete recovery. In the event of a sleep disturbance, the Bay-Bai drop is ineffective if this state is provoked by serious diseases.

Instructions for the use of drops Bai-Bai.

Need to say, how many drops of Bayu-Bai cost. The price of a 50mm botton is 180 rubles. For children over 5 years old, Bad prescribe 5-10 drops to three times a day. Children younger age The drug is not shown to use. Before swallowing the means, it should be held a little in the mouth. The reception rate lasts no more than a month no more than every 90 days.

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