Basota - biography, photos of the rapper, songs, personal life, albums, height, weight. Biography of Basotha Conflict between Basotha and Yung Trappa

  • 02.08.2019

Basota is one of the young representatives of the galaxy Russian rap artists, but he already has several albums to his credit, including “From Inside,” “Schoolboy” and “Queentallep.” The rapper is a member of the TsAO studio. Basota also won battles more than once, verbally fighting with already venerable colleagues.

Childhood and youth

Basota's real name is Timur Chelyanov. The performer's childhood was not easy. Timur was born on December 22, 1995 in the city of Bronnitsy, Moscow region. When the boy was still small, at the age of two he received a severe burn from boiling water and subsequently suffered several complex operations. The home atmosphere was not the best, my parents had conflicts, and after a while they divorced. To protect her son from clarifying the relationship between adults, his mother sent Timur to his grandmother in Ryazan for a while.

When family passions subsided, Timur returned to his mother. After a while, the family appeared new person named Vadim, who replaced the boy's father. He was kind and caring towards Timur and new wife. The family lived happily.

At the age of 7, Timur went to school with a physics and mathematics focus. He studied well and upon graduation educational institution remembered school kind words. In an interview, Basota talks about how friendly the class was, and that he studied without much effort and with interest.

Basota in his youth

The boy’s main trials did not come from the school. There were three deaths in a row in the family: first Timur’s beloved uncle passed away, then his grandfather passed away, and the main blow was the tragic death of his beloved stepfather Vadim - he crashed in a car accident.


In order to somehow recover from life's shocks and the loss of loved ones, Timur begins to actively get involved in music. He gets acquainted with the work of performers, and Centr. As Timur himself admits, at that time he was 11 years old, and he did not always understand the meaning of all the lines, but he was greatly attracted by the presentation of the material, as well as the honesty and straightforwardness of the texts. Then he begins to write his own rhymes and create tracks from them.

Timur recorded his first songs at home, and posted the result of his work on social network. When the guy was 13 years old, I already noticed his texts famous rapper. A senior colleague invited Timur to the TsAO studio to record a joint track.

At the same time, at the studio, other venerable rappers gave him the nickname Shket, since Timur was still very young and looked like a child compared to the other performers. But after a while, the guy writes a song called “Basota” - and so a new pseudonym stuck to him, which has now become his middle name.

Since then, Basota began to visit the TsAO studio, and at the same time study at school. After graduating from high school, he had a strong conflict with a rapper. It got to the point that Slim proposed expelling Basota from the Central Administrative District, but the guy left on his own - he decided to continue his education in Austria.

His friend lived and studied there, through whom Timur found out that studying in another country would cost him less than receiving a paid education in Moscow, and besides, less strict requirements for the deadlines for passing the sessions attracted him. The decision was made, and Basota left to study “over the hill.”

But less than two months passed before Timur returned to Russia and continued to engage in creativity. By that time, he had already written many tracks; in 2012, the performer began recording his first solo album, “From the Inside.” It includes 17 compositions, including “Until Spring”, “When I Leave”, “Go to Sleep”, “Kipish”, “Mess” and others.

In 2014, the rapper’s second album entitled “ex. Schoolboy". As part of it, 5 songs were recorded, including “My Rock”, “From a Clean Slate”, “Again” and “Vlad Valov”. And a video was released for the song “Star of David” in 2015, which instantly became mega-popular. A little later, the rapper releases a new hit - “Dust on Sneakers.”

The lyrics of his songs are sad and sometimes gloomy, in them the performer touches on life problems and questions. At the same time, the rapper’s voice is soft, pleasant, and, although Basota’s age has long passed the 20 mark, it resembles a teenager.

In 2015, Basota released another collection called “Queentallep”, combining 4 tracks. Also, between 2013 and 2015, Basota participated in rap battles three times, and won each time. The performer himself says this:

“Writing for a battle is much easier than writing decent songs. When you see a person, you define him weaknesses. All that remains is to hit the target.”

Personal life

Basota carefully protects his relationships from the public eye. Despite the fact that the rapper often gives interviews, in them he talks only about creativity. The musician now lives in Moscow with his mother, but more often he is not at home, but on tour.

In May 2017, the Internet was leaked rare photo Timur is with a girl - a cute blonde, but it is not known whether they are in a relationship or just a photo with a fan or friend.

Basota now

Now Basota is writing new songs and doing creative work. It was released in 2017 new track"Mother".

In addition to playing music, Basota opened own business"CAO Loft" is a place where people can do creativity (for a rent).


  • 2014 - “Outcast”
  • 2014 - “My rock”
  • 2015 - “Dust on the sneakers”
  • 2015 - “Throwing away the load”
  • 2015 - “Charge”
  • 2015 - “Light as a feather”
  • 2015 - “Rureepidemic”
  • 2015 - “No seats”
  • 2017 - “No matter”

“I don't want to limit my music to rap. I just haven’t tried anything else yet.”

Real name: Timur Burago
Date of birth: December 22, 1995
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
City: Bronnitsy, Moscow region, Russia
Nationality: Russian
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 54 kg

Timur Burago,better known by his pseudonymBasota(formerly Shket) is a rap artist, the youngest member of the Central Administrative District, as well as one of the youngest rappers in the Russian rap community. Rap battle participant Versus Battle and Slovo. Now on the Internet he is called an incredibly talented, promising and bright Russian rapper.

On Basot's account3 battles, and they all ended with himvictory!

2013 year -Basota vs Meowizzy

in 2015 year -Basota vs Drago:

Basotha vs Otrix:

In addition, he has already released3 albums- “From the Inside”, “Schoolboy” and “Queentallep”.

In unofficial descriptions, Basotha is represented as young guy small in stature,still looking like a high school student.However, they note: his songs deal exclusively withserious topics that are clearly unusual for a schoolchild, which speaks of his development beyond his years.

In Basotha they combine in a strange wayteenage voice and dark lyrics, which would be more suitable for a person who has seen life. But nevertheless, this is what makes Basota a unique phenomenon of Russian rap.

“They nicknamed me Shket in the Central Administrative District, everyone there is healthy, and I was the smallest one there. As for Basota... I wrote a track called “Basota” and recorded it with Ptah. And there is a line after which everyone started calling me Basota”

Basota was born in the city of Bronnitsy, in the Moscow region.In 2014graduated from Vostryakovskaya high school, physical and mathematical profile.

“I have only positive memories of the school. I still communicate with my classmates. At school I was never lost, we had a friendly and fun class. As for grades, if I wanted to be an excellent student, I probably would have succeeded. Compared to everything else school curriculum- it’s elementary”

In 2014, he decided to go to study in Austria. Basota entered the University of Vienna and studied there for about two months. However, after a few months he returned to his homeland. Judging by the information on his page on the social network VKontakte, on at the moment he studies at the Russian State University. Kosygina, at the Faculty of Economics.

“My friend was just flying away to study in Austria. After talking with him, I realized that I had nothing to catch in Russia. I didn’t see myself as an artist and didn’t find anything suitable in terms of studies. Education in Austria turned out to be very cheap and accessible. Compared to Moscow, studying in Europe is 3-4 times cheaper. And I got ready to leave, announced a farewell concert. As it turned out, I was in a hurry with this”

Basota's early childhood was far from rosy.When Basote was two years old, he received a burn from boiling water, which causedhe had to have several serious surgeries y.

Some time later, his parents divorced and Basota moved to his grandmother in Ryazan for several months. Having returned from their grandmother to their mother, they live together for some time, and thenmother remarries and Basota has a stepfather named Vadim, who, in fact, replaced his father.

“He was the kindest and wonderful person, he really replaced his father. Always helped and supported me in any situation”

Soon Basota's family moves to Domodedovo. It would seem that life has completely improved, but fate does not leave Basota’s family alone. Several deaths follow one after another - the uncle dies, then the grandfather.

Then Basota's stepfather Vadim dies in a car accident, which was a serious shock for Basota.

Basotha's musical career

Life's upheavals greatly affected Basotha and his worldview. To somehow cope with everything,Basota begins to look for himself in music.It was during this period that his first tracks appeared. He himself admits that if not for this, it is quite possible thathe would go crazy.

“I started listening to music from rap. There was no genre that interested me before him. There was a period when everyone just got phones with infrared ports and bluetooth. Everyone was exchanging ringtones of 50 Cent, Snoop Dogg, Eminem, B-Real. Then it became fashionable to listen to rap. And purposefully I started listening to rap with the first tracks of Guf and Centr, this was 2006-2007. At that time I didn’t understand even half of what was said, but their honesty and ideological commitment caught my attention. It was truly exciting"

For quite some time, Basota wrote poetry, recorded tracks at home and posted them on social networks. And literally in one day everything changed,when he received a message from famous rap artist Ptah.

Basota arrived at the TsAO studio, where their first joint track. From this day, one might say, the career of 13-year-old Basota began.A young, fragile guy who survived huge amount shocksjoins the label TsAO Records” and finally finds himself.

“There was a great hip-hop atmosphere there. Everyone was constantly hanging out, having fun, recording songs. I watched all this with interest. Constantly asking something, seeking advice. It seems to me exactly older generation gave me some advice, without which I would not exist now as an artist”

Many are perplexed why Ptah needed to promote an unknown Moscow schoolboy.Most likely, Basota’s parents pay for the filming of his video clips and the recording of tracks, but it is not clear what exactly Ptah wins.

It is known that when Basota appeared in the Central Administrative District, hedidn't get along with the characters famous rap artist Slim.They for a long time were at knifepoint, Slim even wanted to kick Basota out of the studio. It is not known how this situation would have ended, but it was at this time that Basota went to study in Austria.

“I was very inspired by Western music, which I could not accept in Russia. Discovered the genre with new side. And when I returned to Moscow, I took up creativity with renewed vigor. Now I most of I devote time to music. Austria has a different education system. There are no strict limits: you must pass this in the winter, this in the summer, and otherwise you will be expelled. In Austria, everything is much freer: if you want to study, go ahead; if you want to take a break, please, you can continue in a year.”

In 2012Basota begins recording his first solo album, entitled “From the Inside”.In 2014saw the release of his release entitled “ex. Schoolboy".

In November 2013Basota blew up the Internet with the premiere of the video clip for his song« Star of David « .

In December of the same year, when Basotha turned 18, he presented a video clip for the songFrom scratch .

In January 2014Basota presented a new track calledDistrict ”.

In 2015mini-album Basota vs. appeared. Otrix called"Queentaller". Moreover, this album cannot be called working together, it features two compositions from each artist. And the listener is free to choose which of the tracks he likes best.

In September 2016Basota presents a short clip called “Bodriy / TsAO Records .

It is known that the video appeared on the eve of the label’s festival “CAO Fest”.In October of the same yearBasota releases another video calledOn Sozvon ”.

Today, Basota continues to record tracks and shoot videos, thanks to which he gains fans around the world and becomes incredibly popular. However, he stillworks without a producer, and, again, according to his own admissions, he writes his tracks without anyone’s help.

I have the opportunity to do what I like. I don't want to limit my music to rap. I just haven't tried anything else yet. Tomorrow I may sound completely different. At the same time, I constantly renounce what I did before. I continue to search for myself, this is a very difficult process.”

As for the guys from “CAO”, Basota himself admits that working with his older rap comrades brought him enormous experience. He still uses their advice, which allows him to grow and develop in this direction.

“There are artists whose music and ideology are not close to me. But I saw them in real life, and they're great guys. I generally try not to judge a person by the music he makes. It often happens that you communicate with a person in real life and discover a new side of him.”

Basota now believes thatRussian rap is at a fairly low level.And for the most part, the fault is not only the lack of freedom, but also everyone who represents this very Russian rap.

“Due to the lack of freedom, the sincerity and originality of artists is lost. Our MCs are shy, most of them are afraid to show themselves and be themselves. As soon as this changes, we will immediately have new faces that no one has heard of before.

Personally, he likes to listenthose rap artists whom few people accept.For example, Basota considers creativity strong Tipsy Tipa while he was working on the album “Customs gives the go-ahead” . He also really likes creativity. Otrix , whom Basotha calls “ one of the few original artists”.

“I like Lock Dog, the Tetris group, Kvant, Schokk. I smile sincerely Yanix songs and Yung Trappa. There is also a very interesting guy - Obladaet. By the way, I don’t understand why people don’t like D.Masta so much. He is a very interesting artist"

Speaking about popularity and haters, Basota admits that he really appreciates the latter. According to him, a hater, as a rule, pays much more attention to the artist than the most ardent fan.

“For me, these people are the engines of my progress. Besides the fact that they lift my spirits every day, they force me to realize myself, motivate me to move on and do better. After all, if I had constantly read in the comments that everything would be fine, I would have given up on everything long ago and remained in place.”

Basota on Versus Battle

Since 2013Basota decided to participate in rap battles. To date, he has participated in battles on such platforms as Versus Battle and Slovo. After participation, Basota was recognized as one of the strongest Russian MCs.

“Writing for a battle is much easier than writing decent songs. When you see a person, you identify his weaknesses. All that remains is to hit the target”

In October 2013Basota took part in a verbal competition againstIllumate ,

Also known as Meowizzy.In March 2014Basota took part in the second season of the league against the rapper Drago.

In September 2014Basota went to a one-on-one rap battle SLOVO V: Slovofesy, where he spoke againstOtrix . All three of Basoth's battles ended in his resounding victory.

“I went out three times, I took it out three times. I can go out ten times - I can endure it ten times, it’s not difficult for me. But if you do a battle, you need some kind of serious opponent to whom you can oppose something.”

Conflict between Basotha and SayMeow

In January 2015there was a conflict between Basota and SayMeow. On January 3, Basota on his page on the social network Twitter that he would beat up the rap artist Illumate, also known under the pseudonyms Myaurizzio and SayMeow.

The cause of the conflict was the retweet of a G-Nise message with a photograph depicting Basotanot in the best shape. Moreover, it is worth clarifying that there were no insults towards Basota in the Illumate retweet.

Before this, Basota wrote on his Twitter page thatif this post gets 250 shares, it will beat SayMeow.This post was retweeted by a record number of people in just a few minutes.

It is worth noting that the roots of the conflict go back to long-standing conflicts between Illumate and Ptah. Besides,Versus Battle added fuel to the fire, where a battle took place between Basota and Meowizzy (aka Illumate, Myaurizzio, SayMeow).

Conflict between Basota and Yung Trappa

In January 2015happened serious conflict between Basota and rising star trap of Rus', known under the pseudonym Yung Trappa.

The conflict began when Yung Trappa decided to call himself young performer Central Administrative District for the battle. However, Basotarejected the call because his supposed rivalhas absolutely no weight in the rap community.

Basota's refusal to participate in the battle sparked angerYung Trappa , as a result of which there was an incident between them on the streets of St. Petersburghassle , presumably January 4th.

“Oh, damn. Come with the big guys and even with them you won’t get an apology. For what? It's embarrassing and funny. And then say: “well, maybe you’ll apologize and we’ll be friends and smoke”? It didn't work. It's just that we both know that if I come with the guys, you'll apologize. And so the situation is complete clownery. I’m really ashamed of being a part of this.”

Basota and CAO Loft

In October 2016The opening of a musical loft called TsAO Loft took place in St. Petersburg.Basota became its manager and co-owner, who “we value this project as much as we value the music.”

The main goal of the guys is to provide people with a room in which they cancalmly engage in your creativity. For this purpose, a pleasant and cozy atmosphere was created, which has already won the favor of many artists.

“The loft industry is only gaining momentum. We understood this through market analysis commercial real estate Moscow, which I do last year in parallel with the recording of a solo album. That’s how the idea came up to make a loft in the space we have. There really aren’t many great and interesting venues in Moscow”

Basota thinks loft is for realinteresting and noble business, where you can earn good money. In his opinion, a loft can offer people comfort and entertainment, which, of course, seems like a great idea to him.

“Every element of the loft, right down to the light, is handmade by the designer. We don't have a single extra item. Believe me, if there is something in the room, it has historical or cultural value.”

At the very beginning, the project was investedabout 3 million rubles.The renovation of the premises lasted about 3 months, and the guys hope that in the future the loft will only become more and more popular. It is noted thatcost per hourit starts in this loftfrom 2500 rubles.

“We do exceptional creative space, so we do not fall into the category of budget sites. In any case, we try to be flexible in determining cost ranges for commercial, private and educational events, giving maximum value to everyone.”

Personal life of Basota

Basota does not like to talk about his personal life. Despite his huge number of interviews, therenot a word can be found about his girlfriend. However, in August 2017on his social network accountInstagram a photo was published in which Basota hugs a girl. She is not marked in the photo and it is impossible to understand who she is.

In one of his posts, Basota admitted that he is often asked what kind of girls he likes. According to him, first of alla girl should be well-groomed, with a pleasant natural scent, elegant perfume and a minimal layer of cosmetics.

As for character, it should contain such traits as caring, good manners, education, sophistication, femininity, lightness, nobility and decency.

“A girl should be the kind in which a man is ashamed to swear. The girl's reputation is also incredible important point, so I recommend to all still very little girls not to do things that you will later regret and actions that you will be ashamed of. A girl should respect her man and her family.”

Basotha family

Today, Basota lives with his mother, grandmother and younger brother Victor.

Socially, Basota is quite active: he independently maintains his account inInstagram , gives numerous interviews in which he fully answers questions about himself, shoots videos and constantly releases new tracks.

Judging by his interview, Basota is quiteopen, good-natured and positive.He has nothing to hide, and he expresses his beliefs and views quite freely, without caring that this may not coincide with the opinion of the majority.

“Artists are now too dependent on the opinion of the crowd. We have almost no artists who do what they really like, they adapt to some format. I want to get away from this. Do what I like myself. Wear clothes that make me comfortable. Talk about things that interest me”

From bad habits Basota only smokes.The topic of drugs is not discussed in his interviewsand, apparently, he is in no way connected with this and is not suspected of using it.

List of battles


Basotha vs Otrix

Basota vs Drago


Basotha vs Illumate

Now information on request" biography of Basotha"~5000 people search per month. While " biography of Guf"only ~2000. This does not mean that Basota is more popular than Guf. Moreover, the number of Internet requests for Timur is tens of times less. Nevertheless, Basota is one of those rappers whose biography is now one of the most popular.

Brief dossier

The name of the young performer is Timur. There was a bit of a problem with his surname, either he was really Basota or not... As sources say, his surname until the 4th grade was Burago. Born on December 22, 1995 in the city of Bronnitsy, in the Moscow region. Now he is one of the participants of the Central Administrative District, or rather the youngest participant, because he recently turned 18 years old.

More details

More in early childhood Timur had to go through a lot. When he was 2 years old, he received a burn, after which he had to have a couple of operations. After some time, his parents divorce, and at that moment he moves to live with his grandmother in Ryazan for a couple of months. After this incident, Timur remains to live with his mother, who after some time marries Vadim. It was he who replaced Basote's father. “He was the kindest and most wonderful person, he really replaced his father. He always helped and supported me in any situation.” - Timur reports personally.

His family moves to Domodedovo, but even here fate has prepared a couple of “unsweetened gifts”. First the uncle dies, then the grandfather, and then Vadim dies in a car accident. After such heavy losses, Basota’s first texts appeared. The young performer says that if he didn’t write lyrics, he could go crazy.

Time passed, Timur still continued to write his poems and record tracks at home. His songs could be listened to on the social network page. After he once again wrote the track, he received messages from already famous performer Bird. He gives his phone number and offers to meet. So they meet at the TsAO studio and record their first joint track. Now a well-known rapper (rapper) under the pseudonym Basota, has enough large number their songs, as well as several of their videos. Here, for example, are a couple of them:

Now Basota, in the same spirit, writes lyrics himself, without a producer.

Timur “Basota” was born on December 22, 1996 in the Moscow region, the city of Bronnitsy. At the moment, Timur is known as Basota. The army of Basota haters is growing stronger. Timur Basote turns 18 today. It is on this day that he releases a new video “With Clean Slate». New clip from the youngest of the movements of the Central Administrative District, Timur Basota, it is called the “Star of David”.

The name of the young performer is Timur. There was a bit of a problem with his surname, either he was really Basota or not... As sources say, his surname until the 4th grade was Burago. After some time, his parents divorce, and at that moment he moves to live with his grandmother in Ryazan for a couple of months. First the uncle dies, then the grandfather, and then Vadim dies in a car accident. After such heavy losses, Basota’s first texts appeared.

In early childhood, Timur received a burn, after which he underwent several operations on his skin. After some period of time, Basota's parents divorce and Timur goes to live with his grandmother. Later, Basota moves back to his mother, who marries Vadim, his future stepfather. According to Basota, Vadim was very kind to him and supported him in everything. At that moment, he and his family moved to Domodedovo.

After Ptakhi and Timur met, they recorded their first joint track. Basota is gaining heights, this is one of his debuts in music. Such clips as “Go to sleep”, “Outcast”, “Star of David” made rap music listeners aware of the performer “Basota”. Instagram How many years have passed, but we still move together. We present to you a video of a young rapper nicknamed Basota (eh - Shket), protégé of the Central Administrative District Rec, .... Full name: Timur Chelyanov.

Krip-A-Krip and Basota present a joint track “Rurepidemiya”, in which they went through all the famous Russian MCs and groups in Russian hip-hop. Basota’s new video “Outcast”, in principle, like the rest of his works, does not exude positivity at all, but it looks good... Another video from the youngest rapper on our, so to speak, stage, from Basota. On July 30, information appeared that Timur Basota left the artists of the TsAO label in order to create his own label and help talented youth.

According to this information, Timur Basota left the ranks of the TsAO label in order to open his own label and, apparently, he has already opened it. Many people focus on the rapper’s age, and his very small life experience. Indeed, Basote is 17 years old, which is very young for the main artist of the label. All this is your portal... On April 20, Basota expressed his respect for Moonstar’s victory in the battle against YoungP at Versus battle.

When he was 2 years old, he received a burn, after which he had to have a couple of operations. After this incident, Timur remains to live with his mother, who after some time marries Vadim. Timur was fascinated by the activities he was engaged in, he simply wrote lyrics and continued to do so, began recording his tracks..

Basota vs Drago on Versus

In 2012 he recorded his first album entitled “From the Inside”, and in 2014 he recorded the release “ex. Schoolboy". I remember I was 15 years old and all the portals refused to post my material. In this clip (produced by Artem Tatishchevsky) he talks about his participation in battle Versus, where he defeated rapper Meowizzy.

In 2011, his debut solo album “From the Inside” was released, and he already has enough videos, the number of views of which any adult rapper would envy.

Basota - news and facts (2014)

All that is required of you is to pay for the creation of the project, choose a design from the list of proposed ones and enjoy your new website) Read more in the full news! On May 9, an autograph session for SD was held at the 21shop store on Taganka. The rapper met with his fans on the eve of his first solo concert in Moscow.

Timur Basota recorded new tracks, although not very often, released new videos of the “Classics of the Streets” program, in general, everything was as always. Well, Timur will now have to work hard to make the premises as comfortable as possible for the artists.

Basota released a video together with Gipsy King for the track “Light as a Feather,” dedicated to sweet plants. The youngest member of the Central Administrative District association, Basota, presents his new video work “Mama”. At the beginning of May, Basota said this about the situation in Ukraine. Nevertheless, Basota is one of those rappers whose biography is now one of the most popular.

Many people know rapper Basota as a small boy, like a schoolboy, but with quite serious themes in his lyrics. In fact, Basota, whose biography is presented below, was born on December 22, 1995. For more than twenty years, fate gave him many topics for poetry.

Rapper Basota: biography

As mentioned above, Timur, that is the name of Basotu, was born on December 22, 1995 in small town Bronnitsy, near Moscow. Life was not easy: parents’ divorce, moving from place to place, first to stay with my grandmother in Ryazan, then to permanent place residence in a larger city - Domodedovo. Timur’s mother at that time was already living with a man named Vadim, who had developed a friendly relationship with the boy.

At this time the worst thing begins. In a series of tragic events, Timur's relatives pass away. Uncle, grandfather, and then Vadim. This leaves an imprint and greatly influences Timur, he begins to write poetry. This is how a rapper named Basota is born, whose biography made for a very short time sharp turn: from recording tracks at home and posting them on your VKontakte page to joining the ranks of TsAO Records.

Call of the Bird. The beginning of a rap artist's career

About six months after recording his first tracks, Ptah called Basota. He likes what this guy is doing and sees potential in him. There follows a proposal to record Basota at the TsAO Records studio. As the rapper himself says, the experience of working with older comrades gave him a lot, and he still applies their advice in practice.

At the same time, Basota does not agree in character with Slim, the latter even threatens to expel him from the “CAO”. Basota, whose biography is complete unexpected turns, leaves at this time to study in Austria. Having entered the University of Vienna, he studies there for about two months, after which he returns to Russia again.

Present tense

Today Basota is a popular rap artist with hundreds of thousands of fans throughout Russia and the CIS countries. He actively gives concerts, participates in battles, records new album. As he himself says, the main thing is to be real, then success will come.

Basota, biography and creative path who is so changeable, believes that this is normal. A person must change and keep up with the times. His tastes may change musical preferences. The main thing is not to lie to your listeners and to yourself. Freely express yourself, do not adapt to any framework. This is what real creativity should be.